

    Explore "menta" with insightful episodes like "Notepad Philosophy - The Fish Tank", "3' grezzi Ep. 620 Cubetti di ghiaccio", "From Zero to Marathon: Embracing the Running Challenge | Mere Mortals in Motion #2", "47. Motivation for Success: From "I Have To" to "I Want To"" and "Getting Curious: Surviving the Holidays after a Pregnancy Loss, Part 4" from podcasts like ""The Notepad Philosophy Podcast", "3' Grezzi di Cristina Marras", "Mere Mortals", "Profitable Nomad Couple" and "The Miscarriage Therapist"" and more!

    Episodes (27)

    3' grezzi Ep. 620 Cubetti di ghiaccio

    3' grezzi Ep. 620 Cubetti di ghiaccio
    Ricette per fare cubetti di ghiaccio che sono delle mini installazioni.

    TRASCRIZIONE [ENG translation below]

    Non sono una grande bevitrice di alcolici, soprattutto non di superalcolici, però mi piace l'idea del cocktail e dell'aperitivo. Ecco, da un po' di tempo mi sono messa a fare dei fantastici cubetti di ghiaccio pieni di ogni cosa. Prima di tutto bisogna avere la vaschetta da utilizzare per fare i cubetti di ghiaccio. Quelle che vengono vendute solitamente come vaschette per il ghiaccio non vanno bene perché sono di solito quadrate, hanno dei quadrati abbastanza piccoli. Allora, ho cominciato a usare le vaschette del mochi, che è questo dolce giapponese che mi piace molto, un po' molliccio, spesso, è una specie di gelatina molto molto molto morbida, ma non è neanche una gelatina perché non è trasparente, è riempita con pasta di fagiolo rosso oppure con altre paste. Comunque, il contenitore nel quale viene venduta ricorda un po' quelle cose di plastica dove si mettono i cioccolatini, però è molto più grande, quindi io l'ho usata, l'ho lavata e adesso ci metto dentro il ghiaccio [l'acqua] e poi cosa ci metto? In questi qua che sono quadrati ci metto dentro bacche di mirtillo fresco, fragoline piccole, foglioline di menta e buccette di limoni o d'arancia. Poi lo metto nel freezer e viene fuori questa scultura fantastica.
    Poi ho trovato anche dei contenitori, sempre di questi qua di plastica che non mi ricordo nemmeno cosa ci fosse, forse una volta che ho comprato il merluzzo in vaschette, una cosa orribile, però ho lavato la vaschetta e c'è questo contenitore che è un parallelepipedo molto grande, quindi là vengono veramente bene queste mini-installazioni. Allora, ci metto dentro la punta del rametto della menta che prendo dal balcone, lo taglio con le forbici, quindi un mini rametto con tre, quattro foglie, poi di volta in volta ci aggiungo le cose che ho: un pezzo di pesca fresca, che poi viene congelata diventa gelato, cranch, cranch, buona, buona, una fettina sottile di limone, oppure una fettina sottile di arancia, rigorosamente lavata, poi con la buccia, poi cos'altro ci metto? A volte anche delle foglie di basilico, delle foglie di salvia, ora che ho trovato poi il posto dove comprare il coriandolo fresco, rarissimo, ci metto anche qualche fogliolina di coriandolo che in alcuni cocktail secondo me male non ci sta.
    E comunque, a prescindere dai cocktail è una cosa fantastica anche da mettere dentro un bel bicchierone d'acqua, te lo metti dentro, poi il ghiaccio tiene l'acqua fresca e poi man mano che si scioglie c'è l'attesa per addentare la bacca, per mangiare la fetta d'arancia e per gustare la buccetta di limone.
    Insomma, un modo per dare una mano all'economia circolare, dove le cose non si buttano ma si riutilizzano e si fanno cose artistiche.


    I am not a big alcohol drinker, especially not hard liquor, however, I like the idea of cocktails and aperitifs. Here, for some time now I've been making fantastic ice cubes filled with everything. First you must have the tray to use for making ice cubes. The ones that are usually sold as ice cube trays are not good because they are usually square, they have quite small squares. So , I started to use the tubs of mochi, which is this Japanese dessert that I like very much, a little mushy, thick, it's a kind of very very very soft jelly, but it's not even a jelly because it's not transparent, it's filled with red bean paste or with other pastes. Anyway, the container in which it is sold is a little bit reminiscent of those plastic things where you put chocolates, however it is much bigger, so I used it, washed it and now I put ice [water] in it and then what do I put in it ? In these ones here that are square I put in fresh blueberry berries, small strawberries, mint leaves and lemon or orange peels. Then I put it in the freezer and out comes this amazing sculpture.
    Then I also found containers , again of these plastic ones here that I don't even remember what was in them, maybe once I bought cod in trays, a horrible thing, but I washed the tray and there is this container that is a very big parallelepiped, so there they come really well these mini-installations. So , I put in it the tip of the sprig of mint that I take from the balcony, I cut it with scissors, so a mini sprig with three , four leaves, then from time to time I add the things I have: a piece of fresh peach, which is then frozen becomes ice cream, cranch, cranch, good, good , a thin slice of lemon, or a thin slice of orange , strictly washed, then with the peel, then what else I put in it ? Sometimes even some basil leaves, some sage leaves, now that I found then the place to buy fresh cilantro, very rare, I also put some cilantro leaves that in some cocktails in my opinion does not look bad.
    And by the way, regardless of cocktails it's also a great thing to put inside a nice big glass of water , you put it in, then the ice keeps the water cool and then as it melts there's the anticipation to bite into the berry, to eat the orange slice and to enjoy the lemon peel.
    In short, a way to lend a hand to the circular economy, where things are not thrown away but reused and artistic things are made.

    From Zero to Marathon: Embracing the Running Challenge | Mere Mortals in Motion #2

    From Zero to Marathon: Embracing the Running Challenge | Mere Mortals in Motion #2

    In this episode of "Mere Mortals in Motion", we delve deep into the first phase of our training journey: running. While it might be a challenging domain for many, including myself, running offers not only physical endurance but also a mental test. 

    Learn about why I've chosen running, how I plan to progress towards a potential marathon over a 12-week period, and the scientific rationale behind this periodized training approach. Whether you're an aspiring marathoner or just looking to understand the intricacies of running training, this episode has something for everyone.

    0:00 - Intro
    1:12 - Why a Phase?
    4:20 - First Phase: Running
    7:32 - The Goal
    12:52 - Equipment
    14:25 - Science

    Follow the details over on the website as well!

    Connect with Mere Mortals:
    Website: https://www.meremortalspodcast.com/
    Discord: https://discord.gg/jjfq9eGReU
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/meremortalspodcast/
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@meremortalspodcast

    Support the show

    47. Motivation for Success: From "I Have To" to "I Want To"

    47. Motivation for Success: From "I Have To"  to  "I Want To"

    What transformative impact would you experience in your life if you could approach each of your goals and tasks with genuine enthusiasm rather than out of necessity?

    In this episode, Monica and I discuss the power of shifting your mindset from "I have to" to "I want to" or "I get to." We explore how this simple shift can drastically change your entire experience, from personal development to business endeavors. We also provide practical tools for overcoming a victim mentality and becoming the author of your own life.

    You'll discover inspiration and tips on moving yourself from thinking “I have to do this" to "I get to do this” and how to create a more positive and empowered mindset.

    You'll learn how to:

    • Turn your negative mindset into a positive one
    • Motivate and empower yourself
    • Identify and overcome a victim mentality


    Join our Facebook Group Digital Nomad Start-Up Circle if you're interested in living nomadically, growing your online business, and forming a community of like-minded people.

    Get our FREE 85+ Ways to Make Money While Traveling guide!

    Connect with us on Instagram by following @austinandmonica

    Visit our website: AustinandMonica.com

    Enjoyed this podcast? Subscribe to our show and leave a rating and review on Apple Podcast. Your feedback means a lot to us, thank you!

    Getting Curious: Surviving the Holidays after a Pregnancy Loss, Part 4

    Getting Curious: Surviving the Holidays after a Pregnancy Loss, Part 4
    Getting Curious is a mindfulness practice that helps us create some distance from our thoughts and feelings when they take over, and allows us to identify ways we can support ourselves through that difficult feeling. Getting curious allows us to move into a space of integrity, and upholding our values, which will guide important decisions we make during the holidays. 
    ANNOUNCEMENT: Join me for a FREE even in the New Year! Starting January 9th, I will be offering a pregnancy loss healing and support group. Each day, for five days, you will have activities to help you process your loss. At the end of each day, we will meet on Instagram Live to process what we've been feeling and exploring. I hope you all can join! To register, please email me at erin@taproottherapynyc.com, or DM me @themiscarriagetherapist on Instagram
    Visit our new website: www.themiscarriagetherapist.com

    Episodio 149: Fabio Menta

    Episodio 149: Fabio Menta
    I Mondiali del 2022 hanno certificato, semmai ce ne fosse stato il bisogno, come la scuola di allenatori italiani sia, senza ombra di dubbio, la migliore al mondo. Non è un caso se i nostri allenatori siedono sulle panchine delle nazionali e dei club più prestigiosi.

    Alcuni di loro vivono sotto i riflettori, altri invece sono (ingiustamente) trascurati in patria, sebbene vantino esperienze straordinarie, non solo dal punto di vista sportivo, ma anche personale.

    Ecco perché oggi abbiamo deciso di intervistare Fabio Menta, allenatore siciliano che vanta nel suo curriculum una serie interminabile di esperienze internazionali: Cuba, Bahamas, Isole Cook, Svizzera, Filippine, Vietnam e attualmente Head Coach della Hobby Ace Volleyball Club in Mongolia.

    Fabio ci racconta il suo modo di intendere la pallavolo, i principi che lo guidano, cosa considera prioritario, ma soprattutto come la sua filosofia si è adattata alle diverse situazioni che ha dovuto affrontare. Non solo: Fabio gestisce anche un blog di pallavolo che conta oltre 57.000 follower nel mondo e l’Academy online The Science of Modern Volleyball, con la quale forma allenatori e giocatori di tutto il pianeta, tutto da remoto.

    Insomma, un’altra puntata imperdibile!

    Ecco i riferimenti di Fabio Menta
    - blog: https://www.facebook.com/coachfabiomenta
    - Academy online: www.facebook.com/groups/454008011811597

    Una fede che sia feconda (Lc 11,42-46)

    Una fede che sia feconda (Lc 11,42-46)
    il Signore disse: «Guai a voi, farisei, che pagate la decima sulla menta, sulla ruta e su tutte le erbe, e lasciate da parte la giustizia e l’amore di Dio. Queste invece erano le cose da fare, senza trascurare quelle. Guai a voi, farisei, che amate i primi posti nelle sinagoghe e i saluti sulle piazze. Guai a voi, perché siete come quei sepolcri che non si vedono e la gente vi passa sopra senza saperlo».
    Intervenne uno dei dottori della Legge e gli disse: «Maestro, dicendo questo, tu offendi anche noi». Egli rispose: «Guai anche a voi, dottori della Legge, che caricate gli uomini di pesi insopportabili, e quei pesi voi non li toccate nemmeno con un dito!».

    TEXTS | The Pending Movement: What Can Mental Health Workers Do?

    TEXTS | The Pending Movement: What Can Mental Health Workers Do?

    PAULIUS GARMUS draws our attention to the epidemic of mental illness, discusses the struggles of mental health workers to address not only this epidemic, but even their own predicament. 

    The article was published in GPB.LT, on the 10th of May, 2022.

    Music: Blue Dot Sessions - Greylock

    You can support GPB.LT on Contribee (https://contribee.com/gpb), Paypal (https://paypal.me/perbrangus) and Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/gyvenimasperbrangus).

    Episode 11: Season 2, Episode 11: Restoration in Bb, Brow Chakra.

    Episode 11: Season 2, Episode 11: Restoration in Bb, Brow Chakra.

    The episode is about 30 minutes of 432Hz tuned guitar ambient music and sounds for you to enjoy and heal from.

    Episode 11 is for the restoration of the Brow Chakra. This week’s episode is in the key of B flat or Bb. It is said that the note Bb is linked to the area between the Brow Chakra and the Crown Chakras. It is the space that links the energy from the physical to the spiritual realm physically located above the head.

    The note Bb is strongly needed to start bringing your manifestations into reality. It is also used for the progression from the physical to the spiritual. This transition is not achievable without the alignment of the other Chakras.

    All and all, the Brow Chakra and the vibrations of Bb are important in the transition from the physical to the spiritual realms.

    Allow this to be a safe place for you to clear your mind, take a deep breath, meditate, do yoga, or do anything else that allows you to relax and heal. Allow your mind to wander. Use this time to disconnect from the workweek as you approach the weekend and free yourself from the chaos. Allow yourself to be free.

    * FULL DISCLAIMER: https://www.albertizquierdomusic.com/disclaimer *


    Every contribution helps us to create new video content and sustain and grow this channel!
    Fan Funding & Tip Jar link below...


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    #432hz #soundhealing #albertizquierdomusic

    Episode 11: Season 2, Episode 11: Restoration in Bb, Brow Chakra.

    Episode 11: Season 2, Episode 11: Restoration in Bb, Brow Chakra.

    The episode is about 30 minutes of 432Hz tuned guitar ambient music and sounds for you to enjoy and heal from.

    Episode 11 is for the restoration of the Brow Chakra. This week’s episode is in the key of B flat or Bb. It is said that the note Bb is linked to the area between the Brow Chakra and the Crown Chakras. It is the space that links the energy from the physical to the spiritual realm physically located above the head.

    The note Bb is strongly needed to start bringing your manifestations into reality. It is also used for the progression from the physical to the spiritual. This transition is not achievable without the alignment of the other Chakras.

    All and all, the Brow Chakra and the vibrations of Bb are important in the transition from the physical to the spiritual realms.

    Allow this to be a safe place for you to clear your mind, take a deep breath, meditate, do yoga, or do anything else that allows you to relax and heal. Allow your mind to wander. Use this time to disconnect from the workweek as you approach the weekend and free yourself from the chaos. Allow yourself to be free.

    * FULL DISCLAIMER: https://www.albertizquierdomusic.com/disclaimer *


    Every contribution helps us to create new video content and sustain and grow this channel!
    Fan Funding & Tip Jar link below...


    For a one-time contribution!

    Buy me a coffee

    #432hz #soundhealing #albertizquierdomusic

    I will be calm

    I will be calm
    Hello and welcome to Martin Hewlett's Calming Anxiety.

    I will be calm - Sometimes easier said than done but with a desire and regular mindfulness you can achieve so much than you realise.

    Gift the app to a loved one, friend or colleague - https://www.martinhewlett.co.uk/shop/calming-anxiety-gift-subscription/

    Try out the new , beautiful and simple breathing challenge to help you relax.

    3 Hour sleep session - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qt9980lDLug

    Don't forget to download app....

    Calming Anxiety for IOS - https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/calming-anxiety/id1576159331

    Calming Anxiety for Android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=digital.waterfront.calming.anxiety&hl=en-GB

    Please download and enjoy.

    Our 3 minute meditation playlist on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIEHBjIeSUViM_0g-Lq_jQBcTc8kl1123

    After listening to today's show why not watch this short clip from my YouTube channel all about this wonderful blend of mindfulness that is Calming Anxiety.

    Wim Hof - The Ice Man links - https://youtu.be/tybOi4hjZFQ

    Try our "3 minute meditation" on our YouTube channel, a coffee break for the soul - https://youtu.be/Hwu6Iw5aEjA

    This is our lovely new visual meditation guide, please do subscribe and like. (it would really help)

    My chosen charity , just $1 will buy 1 treated anti malaria net.
    For helping to fight against malaria - https://www.againstmalaria.com/

    If you have found benefit from my podcast I do have a "buy me a coffee" page which helps to fund the hosting costs and all the time. :)

    If you have an Alexa device at home its now as simple as "Alexa, play the Calming Anxiety Podcast" All your favourite shows (over 600) now even easier to access.

    Listen to the show and then leave me a voice message here with your tips... - https://www.speakpipe.com/calminganxiety

    I am always open to requests and tips as I try to help as many people as possible .
    My email is calminganxiety@martinhewlett.co.uk

    If you feel like you need more help but don't want to see a therapist in person then why not check out our online course - https://courses.martinhewlett.co.uk/courses/banishanxiety

    If you have found benefit in any of our podcasts then it would really help if you could subscribe as well to our YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/c/martinhewlett?sub_confirmation=1

    Finally, if you are ready to learn more about meditation and self hypnosis we have an eBook - Calming Anxiety - A New Way of Thinking. It comes with 5 guided sessions to listen to and shows you how to learn to relax deeply. https://www.martinhewlett.co.uk/resources/ Its free !!!

    For one on one Zoom hypnotherapy sessions to help with anxiety and insomnia to confidence and coping with bad habits email hypnotherapy@martinhewlett.co.uk

    and , for our range of T-shirts and hoodies. www.martinhewlett.co.uk/shop

    and finally, in everything you do, just be kind .

    Backing Music by Chris Collins

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/calming-anxiety--4110266/support.

    Self Healing Meditation

    Self Healing Meditation
    Hello and welcome to Martin Hewlett's Calming Anxiety.

    Simply imagine being healthy! The power of your thoughts is more real than you can possibly imagine right now - Let your subconscious help heal your pain and past.

    Gift the app to a loved one, friend or colleague - https://www.martinhewlett.co.uk/shop/calming-anxiety-gift-subscription/

    Try out the new , beautiful and simple breathing challenge to help you relax.

    3 Hour sleep session - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qt9980lDLug

    Don't forget to download app....

    Calming Anxiety for IOS - https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/calming-anxiety/id1576159331

    Calming Anxiety for Android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=digital.waterfront.calming.anxiety&hl=en-GB

    Please download and enjoy.

    Our 3 minute meditation playlist on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIEHBjIeSUViM_0g-Lq_jQBcTc8kl1123

    After listening to today's show why not watch this short clip from my YouTube channel all about this wonderful blend of mindfulness that is Calming Anxiety.

    Wim Hof - The Ice Man links - https://youtu.be/tybOi4hjZFQ

    Try our "3 minute meditation" on our YouTube channel, a coffee break for the soul - https://youtu.be/Hwu6Iw5aEjA

    This is our lovely new visual meditation guide, please do subscribe and like. (it would really help)

    My chosen charity , just $1 will buy 1 treated anti malaria net.
    For helping to fight against malaria - https://www.againstmalaria.com/

    If you have found benefit from my podcast I do have a "buy me a coffee" page which helps to fund the hosting costs and all the time. :)

    If you have an Alexa device at home its now as simple as "Alexa, play the Calming Anxiety Podcast" All your favourite shows (over 600) now even easier to access.

    Please do think about our members page, a place where we have all your regular shows but advert free and bonus content that I am adding to weekly.
    For only $5.00 !! (Crazy cheap) you also get bonus content, longer shows for insomnia, deeper relaxation shows and monthly "ask me anything".
    It would also really help as I can then write more for more people around the world.
    There is also huge discounts on our future courses.

    Please click here to join our fan page - https://calminganxietypodcast.supercast.tech/

    Listen to the show and then leave me a voice message here with your tips... - https://www.speakpipe.com/calminganxiety

    I am always open to requests and tips as I try to help as many people as possible .
    My email is calminganxiety@martinhewlett.co.uk

    If you feel like you need more help but don't want to see a therapist in person then why not check out our online course - https://courses.martinhewlett.co.uk/courses/banishanxiety

    If you have found benefit in any of our podcasts then it would really help if you could subscribe as well to our YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/c/martinhewlett?sub_confirmation=1

    Finally, if you are ready to learn more about meditation and self hypnosis we have an eBook - Calming Anxiety - A New Way of Thinking. It comes with 5 guided sessions to listen to and shows you how to learn to relax deeply. https://www.martinhewlett.co.uk/resources/ Its free !!!

    For one on one Zoom hypnotherapy sessions to help with anxiety and insomnia to confidence and coping with bad habits email hypnotherapy@martinhewlett.co.uk

    and , for our range of T-shirts and hoodies. www.martinhewlett.co.uk/shop

    and finally, in everything you do, just be kind .

    Backing Music by Chris Collins

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/calming-anxiety--4110266/support.

    Junge Startups - Onesome, FiveTeams & Menta

    Junge Startups - Onesome, FiveTeams & Menta

    Wir starten heute mit unserer neuen Rubrik “Junge Startups”! 🎉

    In dieser Rubrik stellen wir einmal pro Woche drei junge Startups vor, die nicht älter als drei Jahre alt sind und bislang Finanzierungen in Höhe von maximal einer Millionen Euro erhalten haben. In den Kurzportraits erläutern die Gründerinnen und Gründer die Visionen der Startups sowie deren Produkte, die bisherigen Erfolge und vieles mehr!

    Unser erster Gast ist Nadine Priessnitz, Co-Founder & CMO von Onesome: Das Startup wurde im Jahr 2020 von Swantje Benussi, Anouk Harde und Nadine gegründet und bietet eine webbasierte und zu 100% digitale Anwendung für die eigene Persönlichkeitsentwicklung. Selbstreflexion und Selbstwahrnehmung werden durch den Entwicklungsprozess gefördert und persönlichen Ziele erreicht. Der Entwicklungsprozess ist dabei selbst bestimmbar.

    Unser zweiter Gast ist Alessandro Kling, CTO & CMO von FiveTeams: Das Startup bietet einen anonymen Jobmarktplatz und unterstützt dich als digitaler Headhunter auf der Suche nach dem passenden Job und Wunschgehalt. FiveTeams setzt sich dafür ein, dass gemäß des Könnens und der Erfahrung bezahlt wird - unabhängig der Herkunft, des Geschlechts oder Sympathien des Recruiters. Das Startup wurde dieses Jahr von Lukas Koch und Alessandro gegründet.

    Zuletzt begrüßen wir Viktoria Lindner, CEO von Menta:Menta möchte das Wissen von qualifizierte Psychologinnen und Psychologen der Masse verfügbar machen. Über Whatsapp können Nutzerinnen und Nutzer Nachrichten vertrauchlich an Menta schicken. Basierend auf den gestellten Fragen schlägt Menta passende Angebote für Psychologinnen und Psychologen aus dem Partnernetzwerk vor, um die Themen zu vertiefen. Gegründet wurde das Startup von Leonie Ellerbrock, Vitor Gebara und Viktoria Lindner.

    Euer Startup passt in unsere neue Rubrik? Dann bewerbt euch gerne bei podcast@startupinsider.de. Wir schicken euch dann ein Formular zu und wenn alles passt, seid ihr in den nächsten Podcast-Folgen von Junge Startups!

    3' grezzi Ep. 101 Gomblotto (del dentifricio)

    3' grezzi Ep. 101 Gomblotto (del dentifricio)
    Il paradiso? Un posto dove puoi mangiare quello che vuoi senza paura di ingrassare o di rovinarti i denti.

    Io il paradiso me lo immagino come un posto dove posso mangiare tutto quello che voglio senza paura di ingrassare e paura di rovinarmi i denti. Questo per dare un'idea del rapporto che ho io con la pulizia dei denti che so che è importante che bisogna farla, però che rottura dovresti sempre lavare i denti. Nel lavarmi i denti non mi aiuta il fatto che non mi piacciono i dentifrici alla menta, complice anche una cosa che mi dissero da bambina. Io ricordo da bambina, andai da un dentista, all'epoca il dentista della mutua, quando ancora il trapano faceva malissimo e andare dal dentista faceva paura, terrore, e questo signore 'illuminato' (che io mi ricordo come un signore vecchissimo, probabilmente avrà avuto 30 o 40 anni) mi disse guarda, è importante lavarsi i denti, ma è importante usare poco dentifricio perché - mi spiegò - i dentifrici - che sono tutti alla menta - ti danno un falso senso di freschezza e di pulizia, quindi tu smetti di lavare i denti prima, smetti di spazzolare prima di quanto dovresti, invece dovresti
    usare pochissimo dentifricio. Anzi è più importante spazzolare che usare il dentifricio, quindi anche se tu usi lo spazzolino senza dentifricio ma te li spazzoli per bene, fai un buon lavoro. Ecco questa cosa che lui mi disse quando ero bambina, mi è rimasta impressa e con gli anni ho sviluppato una fortissima antipatia per tutti i dentifrici alla menta è ahimé! complotto! Provate a comprare un dentifricio che non abbia menta, mentuccia, menta piperita e cose varie. È difficilissimo. Io riesco a farlo raramente, alcune volte nei negozi specializzati oppure su internet li compro, dentifrici al limone. Ce l'ho qua davanti il tubo completamente finito schiacciato fino alla morte 'Home Bright dentifricio al limone protezione naturale' vengono spacciati come cose omeopatiche. Io non credo all'omeopatia, con me non funziona, costano un sacco di soldi. Ieri da Acqua & Sapone, quella catena che vende profumi eccetera, ho trovato invece un nuovo dentifricio che ho subito comprato 'Blanx' (grande x) 'cogo-white con olio di cocco' un dentifricio alla noce di cocco! E anche se l'altro al limone non era completamente finito, naturalmente l'ho dovuto aprire, l'ho dovuto provare, e devo dire che c'è un ancora si sente un tantino di menta, ma pochissimo è che il gusto è molto piacevole e anche l'aspetto, perché sembra una gelatina quasi semitrasparente, quindi non ha l'aspetto del tuo solito dentifricio e sono abbastanza soddisfatta. Però ancora non riesco a capire perché la gente non chieda più a alta voce dentifrici senza la menta. Insomma un gomblotto

    Encore Stealing Fire: harness rare states of consciousness to solve critical challenges and outperform the competition

    Encore Stealing Fire: harness rare states of consciousness to solve critical challenges and outperform the competition
    Steven Kotler's 20yrs of work training individuals and organizations in the use of flow—a non-ordinary state of consciousness with a long track record of improving performance- he discovered that these same people had been regularly utilizing a far wider range of altered states to help them heal trauma, boost creativity, augment collaboration, and tap into a level of insight and inspiration unachievable any other way. They couldn’t resist the opportunity to fully explore it for the first time and to open-source our findings so all can share in the benefits. Developments in four fields—psychology, neurobiology, pharmacology, technology—have helped us decode this phenomenon with science. As a result, people are gaining access to an unheard-of level of mental and physical performance. Studies show that altered states boost motivation and creativity nearly 400 percent, while cutting learning times in half. This proven revolution in human possibility will impact and improve all lives.

    Masque chiclete | Ep. #15

    Masque chiclete | Ep. #15

    No episódio #15, nós falamos como, curiosamente, o chiclete pode nos ajudar com a produtividade.


    • [00:24] Recursos úteis compartilhados
    • [3:01] Início do tópico da semana
    • [4:15] Pesquisas por trás do assunto
    • [4:54] Mascar chiclete para reduzir a sonolência e ganhar atenção
    • [7:05] O sabor do chicelte
    • [7:40] Estudo com gêmeos e popularidade
    • [8:39] Os recursos do podcast de hoje

    Links mencionados no episódio de hoje:

    Pizza de massa de Couve-flor

    Porta celular para braço - Etronik

    Os Recursos

    Chá de menta

    Chiclete de Gengibre - Simply Gum

    • Você gostou dessa episódio? Se sim, deixe um rápido review para nós :)


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    O post Masque chiclete | Ep. #15 apareceu primeiro em Podcast do Produtivamente.

    Auf der Suche nach der besten Pizza Düsseldorfs (und der Welt) | rheingeredet von Mr. Düsseldorf

    Auf der Suche nach der besten Pizza Düsseldorfs (und der Welt) |  rheingeredet von Mr. Düsseldorf
    In der 24. Folge von rheingeredet sprechen wir mit Alessio Mazzola. Alessio, der italienische Wurzeln hat, ist Gastronom aus Leidenschaft und bekannt wie ein bunter Hund in der Düsseldorfer Szene. Er betreibt das Restaurant Menta auf der Hohe Straße in der Carlstadt und ist von Berufs wegen Pizza-Liebhaber. Zusammen mit Alessio fachsimpeln wir über den ewigen Kampf zwischen den Neapolitanern und Römern um die beste Pizza der Welt und wie sich der Unterschied auch in der Düsseldorfer Gastronomie niederschlägt. Wir stellen außerdem unsere ganz persönliche Auswahl der besten Pizzerien in Düsseldorf vor: von traditionell-neapolitanisch bis kreativ-üppig belegt, vom hippen Pizza-Hotspot bis zum Altstadt-Klassiker ist für jeden Düsseldorfer die perfekte Pizza dabei. Garantiert nicht geeignet für low-carb Anhänger und kontraproduktiv für die Strandfigur, aber leider geil! Also: Auf die Teiglinge, fertig, los - reinhören! Wir bedanken uns bei Mister Postman, dem Sponsor dieser Folge. Ihr hattet Probleme bei der Zustellung eures Paketes oder habt mal wieder keine Lust eure Retour zum Paketshop zu bringen? Mister Postman liefert euch Pakete aus Paketshops und Packstationen oder holt eure Retouren und frankierten Pakete an der Haustüre ab. Unnötige Wege zum Paketshop, die lästige Parkplatzsuche und das Anstellen in der Warteschlange gehören der Vergangenheit an. Jetzt kostenlos testen unter www.mister-postman.net! rheingeredet ist die Podcast-Reihe von Mr. Düsseldorf, dem online Magazin der schönsten Stadt am Rhein. Wer wissen will, was in Düsseldorf los ist, hört regelmäßig rhein. Wir freuen uns wie immer über euer Feedback und Anregungen für weitere Folgen per E-Mail oder Social Media. Euer rheingeredet Team, Paula, Robert und Timo