

    Explore " mumps" with insightful episodes like "How to prevent measles, who should take Paxlovid, plus the latest research on COVID and pregnancy", "#13 - Impfungen sind wichtig! Vertraut eurem Arzt und lasst euch impfen!", "MMR: Measles, Mumps & Rubella", "113 - Vaccines" and "INTERVIEW with a FORMER Anti Vaxer" from podcasts like ""AMA Update", "DOC on AIR - Erste Hilfe im Alltag", "Vax Matters", "The Baby Manual" and "Satan Is My Superhero"" and more!

    Episodes (19)

    How to prevent measles, who should take Paxlovid, plus the latest research on COVID and pregnancy

    How to prevent measles, who should take Paxlovid, plus the latest research on COVID and pregnancy
    How is measles spread? In this episode: MMR vaccine age, signs of measles, new studies on maternal COVID vaccination, who should get Paxlovid, and chronic COVID-19. AMA's Vice President of Science, Medicine and Public Health, Andrea Garcia, JD, MPH, shares what doctors need to know about why measles cases are on the rise both here and abroad. Also a look at COVID vaccination during pregnancy and its positive impact on newborns, as well as new research data on the long-term effects of COVID known as "chronic COVID". American Medical Association CXO Todd Unger hosts. 🦠 CDC measles cases and outbreaks: https://www.cdc.gov/measles/cases-outbreaks.html 📋CDC measles fact sheet PDF: https://www.cdc.gov/measles/downloads/Measles-fact-sheet-508.pdf 🚼 New COVID 19 pregnancy study - Respiratory distress in SARS-CoV-2 exposed uninfected neonates followed in the COVID Outcomes in Mother-Infant Pairs (COMP) Study in Nature Communications: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-44549-5 💊 NIH website for Paxlovid drug interactions: https://www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/therapies/antivirals-including-antibody-products/ritonavir-boosted-nirmatrelvir--paxlovid-/paxlovid-drug-drug-interactions/ 🔬 New study in Science Translational Medicine on SARS-CoV-2 viral clearance and evolution varies by type and severity of immunodeficiency: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/scitranslmed.adk1599 🩺 The AMA is your powerful ally in patient care. Join now: https://bit.ly/AMAJoinRenew

    #13 - Impfungen sind wichtig! Vertraut eurem Arzt und lasst euch impfen!

    #13 - Impfungen sind wichtig! Vertraut eurem Arzt und lasst euch impfen!
    In dieser Folge geht es um das Thema Impfungen. Als erfahrener Notarzt betone ich nochmals die Bedeutung von Impfungen und appelliere an die Zuhörer, die Grundimpfungen für die Kinder nicht zu vernachlässigen. Impfungen  sind im Vergleich zu den möglichen Nebenwirkungen von Krankheiten wie Mumps, Masern und Tetanus harmlos. Bestimmte Impfungen sind unverzichtbar, während andere je nach individuellen Umständen und Risikofaktoren diskutiert werden können. 

    Ich ermutige auch alle Zuhörer, ihren Arzt zu konsultieren und ihm zu vertrauen, da Ärzte kein Interesse daran haben, den Patienten das Geld aus der Tasche zu ziehen, sondern nur sicherstellen möchten, dass ihnen nichts passiert. 


    DOC-ON-AIR - Der Podcast für den Umgang mit medizinischen Notfällen im Alltag von Dr. Joachim Huber.

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    MMR: Measles, Mumps & Rubella

    MMR: Measles, Mumps & Rubella

    Vax Matters exists to provide clarity when it comes to vaccines. Today’s episode brings in Dr. Sandra Guerguis, who will focus on measles, mumps and rubella, and the vaccine developed to defend against those diseases in children. Dr. Guerguis specializes in pediatric infectious diseases at Our Lady of the Lake Children’s Health Infectious Disease center in Baton Rouge.

    113 - Vaccines

    113 - Vaccines

    Dr. Carole Keim MD takes listeners through vaccines in today’s episode. She explains everything from how vaccines are created to common myths and misconceptions about them. She then details each baby and childhood vaccine, and what disease each prevents.

    Dr. Keim breaks down how vaccines work and what criteria they must meet in disease to be effective. She explains the four main types of vaccines and lays each vaccination out in a clear manner, covering what age your baby or child will be when they receive the vaccine and how the immune response works. These vaccines are proven to protect your baby against everything from tetanus to mumps to pertussis and more.

    This episode will cover: 

    • How vaccines work
    • Criteria to create a vaccine
    • The 4 different types of vaccines
    • Common myths or misconceptions about vaccines
    • Specific vaccines (all routine childhood vaccines)
    • Total number of vaccines
    • Common side effects and red flags, how to treat 

    How vaccines work: 00:44

    • The purpose of vaccines is to trigger an immune response faster and with less harm than the original disease.
    • The immune system is a lot like a microscopic team of superheroes, made up of white blood cells, antibodies, the complement system, and a few others.  These superheroes fight villains such as bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens.  If they cannot fight them fast enough, the villains will multiply and cause symptoms of disease.  
    • Vaccines give your superhero team information about what the villains look like, so they can recognize them as soon as they enter the body, and fight them off quicker and easier.

    Vaccine criteria: 01:26

    • In order to make a vaccine, certain conditions must be met
    • It has to be effective.  We must be able to become immune to the pathogen; diseases like RSV and HFM are ones we can catch multiple times.  Chickenpox is one that you become immune to after catching it once.
    • The pathogen must not be able to mutate faster than the vaccine can be given - we do flu boosters annually because the flu virus mutates about that often.  HIV and common cold mutate too fast for a vaccine to be developed.
    • The vaccine must be cost-effective; it has to be cheaper to prevent the disease than to treat it

    There are 4 main types of vaccines: 02:31

    • Inactivated (killed pathogens)
    • Live attenuated (weakened pathogens)
    • Toxoid (a piece of what’s inside the pathogen)
    • mRNA vaccines 

    Inactivated vaccines 03:44

    • Most common type
    • The bacteria or viruses in the vaccine are killed, so your immune system can safely learn to recognize the pathogen that it is trying to fight off.  These vaccines do not have the potential to cause actual disease.  What they do is cause the immune system superheroes to practice fighting the villains, kind of like practicing on dummies, which may cause mild signs of illness - fever, sore muscles, crankiness, or other symptoms.  
    • Examples: IPV (polio), HPV (human papillomavirus), HiB (Haemophilus influenzae B), pneumococcus (Streptococcus pneumoniae), meningococcus (Neisseria meningitidis), and Hepatitis A and B vaccines.

    Live attenuated vaccines 04:02

    • Made from bacteria or viruses that have been exposed to chemicals that make them weaker than the natural or “wild type” bacteria or virus.  
    • Since these pathogens are not killed completely, your superheroes aren’t just practicing on dummies, they are actually fighting the weakened villains.  So it is possible to have symptoms of the disease, but milder.  
    • Some people with weakened immune systems may not be able to fight them off, and can get the actual disease.  People taking steroid medications or immune suppressants, or who have HIV or other immune deficiencies should consult a doctor about whether it is safe to receive these vaccines.  
    • Examples: oral polio vaccine, MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella), Varicella zoster (chickenpox), and rotavirus vaccines.

    Toxoid vaccines 04:55

    • Made from just part of the pathogen, and protect against the kinds of bacteria that cause symptoms after the toxins inside them are released.  
    • These toxin-carrying bacteria are like villains carrying around a bottle of poison, and the toxoid vaccine gives the superheroes the poison to sample and build up resistance to it.  
    • Example: DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis).

    MRNA vaccines 05:23

    • Newest type
    • mRNA is like a copy of instructions. These give your immune system something like a sewing pattern to print out and make the dummies for your body to fight
    • Example: some COVID vaccines

    Myths and misconceptions about vaccines: 05:45

    • Many parents have concerns about vaccinating their children.  It only takes one serious reaction to call into question the safety of vaccines.  And it has been so long since the vaccine-preventable diseases have run rampant that we in the United States don’t fully understand the scope of what is being prevented.  Here are some of the top concerns that I have heard from parents, and the truth behind them.
    • Aluminum.  There is aluminum in vaccines, but the amount is far less than babies get from other sources.  The total amount of aluminum that babies get from vaccines in the first 6 months is 4.4mg.  Breastfed babies consume 7mg, formula-fed babies consume 38mg, and babies on soy formula consume 114mg of aluminum in the first 6 months of life.  Consuming aluminum vs. having it injected in a vaccine looks the same to the body, so the tiny amount of aluminum in vaccines will not harm your baby
    • Antigens.  An antigen is any microscopic substance that has the possibility to elicit an immune response.  Babies are exposed to over a trillion antigens in the first year that naturally occur in the environment.  The entire vaccine series that children receive today contains just over 150 antigens.  A young baby’s immune system can easily recognize these few antigens and make antibodies to the diseases without getting sick.
    • Autism.  It has been proven that vaccines do NOT cause autism.  The age that children first start showing signs and can be tested for autism is 15-24 months.  This is the same age that children receive booster vaccines, so it is understandable that some parents think they are related. 
    • Long-term protection.  Vaccines will protect a person for just as long as if they got the original disease.  So a person who had chickenpox as a child is just as protected from getting it again as a person who has received the chickenpox vaccine.  Some people do not seroconvert (develop antibodies to that disease) - that depends on their immune system and is not a failure of the vaccine itself.
    • Mercury.  There used to be a preservative called thimerosal in vaccines.  That preservative (which contains mercury) has been removed from all vaccines in the US that children receive.  The only vaccine that still contains thimerosal is the adult flu vaccine.
    • Unnatural exposure.  Some people worry that getting exposed to a disease through an injection is not the same as getting it “naturally” by being exposed to a sick person.  This is not true; any disease will get into your bloodstream, which is where it is recognized by the body, and once in there the body has no idea how it got in.  So getting an injection looks exactly the same to your immune system as getting the disease from a sick person.
    • Doctors DO NOT get paid to vaccinate children
    • Vaccines are NOT a punishment for children who are behaving badly

    Specific vaccines: 10:47

    • Hep B - 0, 2, 6 mos.  Hepatitis B is a viral infection that can be passed from mom to baby through the placenta or during delivery.  90% of babies born with HepB will develop chronic infection and are at risk of liver cancer later in life.
    • DTaP - 2, 4, 6, 15 mos, 4 years.  Tdap - age 11, every 10 years.  DTaP has more diphtheria, Tdap has more tetanus. Bacterial infections.  Diphtheria causes severe sore throat and enlarged tonsils, and can block the airway from swelling/tonsils being so enlarged.  Tetanus makes spores that live in soil; any penetrating wound could have tetanus in it (nail/thumbtack, dog or cat bite) and tetanus is not killed by antibiotics so it must be prevented.  Pertussis is whooping cough and causes babies less than a year old to stop breathing.  Everyone who takes care of the baby should be current on their TDaP (within 10 years).  
    • Polio - 2, 4, 6 mos, 4 years.  Polio is a virus that attacks nerves and causes paralysis.  Sometimes it’s minor, and sometimes it’s the diaphragm that’s affected and they stop  breathing.  There is no specific treatment for polio.
    • HiB - 2, 4, 6, 12-18 mos.  HiB (haemophilus influenzae B) bacterial infection that affects children less than 5 years, and especially those under 1 year of age.  It used to cause severe infections like epiglottitis, sepsis, pneumonia, and meningitis.  
    • PCV - 2, 4, 6, 12-18 mos.  PCV = pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, pneumococcus is another name for streptococcus pneumonia, which is a kind of strep that gets into the bloodstream and causes sepsis, pneumonia, and meningitis.  PCV has 13 strains of strep in it right now.
    • Rotavirus - 2, 4, 6 mos. Viral infection that causes severe diarrhea and dehydration in babies. 
    • Hep A - 12 and 18 mos. Hep A is a type of food poisoning, there’s no specific treatment.  
    • MMR - 1 and 4 years.  Measles causes high fever, rash, and can cause brain damage, hearing loss, and death.  Mumps causes parotitis (infection of salivary glands), but in boys also causes orchitis (inflammation of testicles) and can lead to sterility.  Rubella is a fever and rash; more dangerous to unborn babies, causes miscarriages and birth defects.
    • VZV - 1 and 4 years.  Varicella Zoster virus (chickenpox) causes cold symptoms, fever, and an itchy and painful rash in children, and shingles in adults.  VZV in pregnancy causes miscarriages and birth defects.
    • MCV - 11 and 16 years.  Meningitis A, C, W, Y are viruses that cause inflammation around the brain that develops quickly and can be fatal.  
    • HPV - 11 years.  Human papilloma virus causes warts and dysplasia and can lead to cancer of the mouth, throat, anus, cervix, and penis.  Currently 9 strains of HPV in the vaccine.  
    • Flu: recommended annually 
    • COVID: recommendations are still evolving
    • Vaccines that are available but not given routinely: MenB, PPSV23, Dengue, Typhoid, japanese encephalitis, yellow fever, rabies

    Total numbers of vaccines: 22:35

    • 1 at birth (Hep B)
    • 2 mos: DTaP, polio, HiB, Hep B, PCV, rotavirus - 1 or 2 combo vaccines, PCV and rota = 2 or 3 shots plus an oral vaccine
    • 4 mos: DTaP, polio, HiB, PCV, rotavirus - 1 combo plus PCV and rota = 2 shots and one oral
    • 6 mos: DTaP, polio, HiB, Hep B, PCV, rotavirus - 1 or 2 combo vaccines, PCV and rota = 2 or 3 shots plus an oral vaccine
    • 6+ mos: flu vaccine annually
    • 12-18 mos: 2 doses Hep A, 1 of DTaP, HiB, PCV, MMR, VZV.  5-7 shots depending on combos.
    • 4-6 years: DTaP, polio, MMR, VZV, typically given as 2 combo vaccines
    • 11 years: Tdap, MCV, 2 doses HPV
    • 16 years: MCV
    • 21+ years: Tdap every 10 years; booster if you have a wound and it’s been less than 5 years, booster while pregnant
    • 9 shots and 3 oral before 1 year of age, 5-7 shots from age 1-2, 2 shots age 4-6, 4 at age 11, 1 at age 16 = 21-23 total shots before adulthood.  18 flu shots.  

    Common vaccine reactions: 23:53

    • Birth: nothing; sometimes redness/swelling
    • 2-6 mos: redness and swelling (local reaction), can be as much as the entire thigh and still be considered normal.  Low grade fevers.
    • 12-18 mos and 4-6 years: muscle soreness, MMR and VZV cause fevers, VZV sometimes causes rash, other vaccines can cause local reactions
    • 11yrs: muscle soreness, local reaction with Tdap and MCV, fainting with HPV
    • 16 yrs: local reaction from MCV
    • Tdap boosters: muscle soreness
    • Flu, COVID: flu-like symptoms
    • It is NOT normal to have a body rash or vomiting after vaccines; those are signs of allergy
    • Large local reactions and muscle soreness can be treated with cool compresses (wet washcloth) and/or acetaminophen or ibuprofen.  
    • Fever or flu-like symptoms: acetaminophen or ibuprofen
    • I DON’T recommend pre-medicating your child before vaccines

    If your child has an adverse reaction to a vaccine, you should report it to VAERS (vaccine adverse event reporting system).  Remember that VAERS is like Yelp for vaccines, so take that about as seriously as you would a Yelp review.

    All of this information is also in The Baby Manual book, which is available for purchase. Remember it is always okay to call your doctor or emergency services if you have concerns about your baby’s health.  

    Resources discussed in this episode:


    Dr. Carole Keim MD: linktree | tiktok | instagram

    INTERVIEW with a FORMER Anti Vaxer

    INTERVIEW with a FORMER Anti Vaxer

    In this episode we are interviewing a FORMER anti-vaxer and hope to shed some light on the other side of the story. For many of us it is hard to comprehend in this statistics driven world that some of our fellow citizens can remain so willfully ignorant in the face of overwhelming data.

    Essential Oils, Crystals, Detoxing, Genetically Modified Organisms, Organic Food, Acupuncture, Aromatherapy, Chiropractic, Feng Shui, Iridology, Homeopathy, Magnets, Naturopaths, Reiki, Reflexology, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tarot Cards, Palm Reading and drinking your own urine are just some of the Science Denial we discuss in this episode.

    What are the consequences in adulthood of having been vulnerable and exposed to Vaccine Preventable Diseases as a child?

    What role does politics play in the decision to not immunize?

    How can the rest of us reach these free riding pariahs, coasting along on the privilege of herd immunity?

    And WTF is a Homeopathic Prophylactic?

    Find out in this inspiring journey out of the ego driven Dunning-Kruger bubble and into the enlightenment? 

    This episode is a follow up the last episode ‘A Pox to You’ where we compared and contrasted the anti-vax movement of today with the hysterical response to Small Pox inoculations in a world filled with witches and demons 300 hundred years ago.

    If you haven’t listened to the ‘A Pox to You’ episode yet, I highly recommend you go back after this one and have a listen. It has a lot of information relevant to this discussion and is an honest representation of the format this podcast usually follows. Which while being fact based is predominantly viewed through the lens of irreverent comedy. 



    You’re eating your lunch and notice that the left side of your face has pain near your ear. When you gently touch the area, you notice that it’s swollen. Later, in the bathroom, you look in the mirror and that side of your face looks puffy. What’s causing this to happen? How can you make it go away?

    Looking up Vaccines

    Looking up Vaccines

    In this Episode, host Adam Emery dives into the science behind vaccines and how they work and why we use them.  He looks at many of the myths that people have put out there anti-vaccine and why they make sense, but also why they don't.  It's a deeper look into if vaccines really are good for people or if we're better off without them.  Most importantly are vaccines safe?

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    Advanced Medicine Radio Show: Episode 330

    Advanced Medicine Radio Show: Episode 330

    SHOW TOPICS: Mercury is a potent neurotoxin, Neurontin and Lyrica, Mumps, Gut bacteria, Heartburn Medications (Air Date 11.6.2017) <p> </p>
    Dr. Rashid A. Buttar hosts "Advanced Medicine" once a week with Robert Scott Bell on the Robert Scott Bell Show.  Dealing with everyday health issues from the Advanced Medicine healthcare perspective, Dr. Buttar and Robert tackle the tough issues and empower you to achieve autonomy and maintain your health freedom.  

    Thursday NEWSBREAK: Jussie Smollett, Cardi B, Brink of War, NY Vaccination Experiment

    Thursday NEWSBREAK: Jussie Smollett, Cardi B, Brink of War, NY Vaccination Experiment

    On today's quick shorty, after hearing a recent soundbite from brother RizzaIslam on IG, the PMA crew sits down to discuss some of the week's craziness in the news. Topics include; Jussie Smollet having charges dropped (did he do it or not), Cardi B may be going to jail, Missing activist found murdered, Russia on the brink of war with Venezuala, and the "vaccination experiement happening in Rockford NY for the next 30 days.

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    Advanced Medicine Radio Show: Episode 256

    Advanced Medicine Radio Show: Episode 256

    SHOW TOPICS: Autism, environmental pollutants, side-effects of cancer treatment, mumps, Zika (Air Date 5.2.2016) <p> </p>
    Dr. Rashid A. Buttar hosts "Advanced Medicine" once a week with Robert Scott Bell on the Robert Scott Bell Show.  Dealing with everyday health issues from the Advanced Medicine healthcare perspective, Dr. Buttar and Robert tackle the tough issues and empower you to achieve autonomy and maintain your health freedom.  

    What's behind a resurgence of mumps in the United States?

    What's behind a resurgence of mumps in the United States?

    In the early 21st century there was hope that the success of the mumps vaccine in the United States would pave the way for the eventual elimination of the highly contagious disease. But since 2006 there's actually been a resurgence of mumps. In this week's podcast Yonatan Grad, assistant professor of immunology and infectious diseases, explains how the waning effectiveness of the vaccine may be contributing to outbreaks of the virus.

    You can subscribe to this podcast by visiting iTunes or Google Play and you can listen to it by following us on Soundcloud, and stream it on the Stitcher app or on Spotify.

    Learn more

    Mumps resurgence likely due to waning vaccine-derived immunity (Harvard Chan School news)

    Past encounters with the flu shape vaccine response (Harvard Chan School news)

    Vaccine expert Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

    Vaccine expert Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
    While you can find loads of information as propaganda promoting the safety of vaccines, finding the trials and studies that also show the rest of the story can be very time consuming I can personally assure you from my own experience how hard it is to find these buried documents. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is an expert in vaccines and has compiled perhaps the best library of these contrarian vaccine papers, articles, abstracts, and trials in the world. We have the privilege of having her as a guest on today's show as she shares with our audience her findings and treatments to vaccine injured children and adults and perhaps we'll even unveil protocols to keep children safe in the ever growing numbers of states that have stripped away parents rights to decline vaccinations for personal or religious reasons. Tell your friends, EVERYONE needs to listen to this episode if they have ANY concerns about vaccinations!

    The Truth about Anti-Vaxing

    The Truth about Anti-Vaxing
    If you just listen to the mainstream media and the conventional medical community, you'd think that the Anti-vaxers were gonna kill us all off. In this episode, I cover the truth about the numbers of anti-vaxers, what herd immunity is and how herd mentality is leading people astray and getting our personal freedoms and liberty slowly taken away. Our healthcare system has been hijacked, and the vaccination issue is a driving force. You'll learn proven alternatives to protect you and your children if you live in a state that mandates vaccination so that you don't experience adverse reactions and what to do if you do. If you are just told you shouldn't get a vaccination, whether for the childhood vaccinations or the seasonal flu, that would almost be nothing short of criminal if that recommendation wasn't accompanied with a way to supercharge your Immune System so that if you did get infected you wouldn't suffer any consequences of not getting the vaccination. The Future is NOW!

    The Lancet: March 14, 2008

    The Lancet: March 14, 2008

    Many patients diagnosed with acute rhinosinusitis are prescribed antibiotics, even though there is no proven efficacy for this treatment strategy. In this week's podcast, two authors of an Article conclude that, in most cases, antibiotics are over-prescribed and their use is not justified, even among patients who have rhinosinusitis symptoms for more than 7-10 days.

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