

    Explore "onlineidentity" with insightful episodes like "SHOULD YOU POST YOUR MAN?", "the obsession with having an "aesthetic” [video]", "post it or it didn't happen?", "Introducing: Stuck with Damon Young" and "MTGM EXTRA! "How Do You Respond To A Fella Like This?"" from podcasts like ""The Slumflower Hour", "anything goes with emma chamberlain", "anything goes with emma chamberlain", "Reply All" and "My Therapist Ghosted Me"" and more!

    Episodes (9)



    In an age where we feel compelled to prove we are loved, is sharing pictures of your boyfriend on social media a risky move? Do we jinx it by claiming men in public too soon? Do men benefit from us posting them online as our partners?

    In this episode, Chidera discusses why she is averse to the idea of sharing pictures of your new boyfriend on social media - and why the relief of not posting him might be worth it if/when he pisses you off!

    Join my patreon at patreon.com/theslumflower for access to more revealing episodes, a 65-page guide on whether to keep or leave that guy, as well as answering your dilemma questions!

    Get my new book POCKET POWER FROM THE SLUMFLOWER here: https://geni.us/pocketpower

    the obsession with having an "aesthetic” [video]

    the obsession with having an "aesthetic” [video]
    [video available on Spotify] today i’m going to be talking about something that i'm obsessed with. in 2023, our identities as human beings are not just confined to our physical being. our identities are now a combination of our online presence and our physical presence. prior to the internet, if you weren't a celebrity, your entire identity was judged based on your physical presence. at this point in time, your online identity and your physical presence equally, in my opinion, shape the way that people perceive you. i've noticed that with the rapid development of social media, there has also been a rapid development of different aesthetics that people align themselves with in a way that goes beyond just lighthearted interests. to me, it feels like people's online aesthetics become almost a lifestyle, almost an obsession, almost a religion in some cases, and this is so fascinating to me. so today we're talking about our collective obsession with having an aesthetic, especially online. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    post it or it didn't happen?

    post it or it didn't happen?
    recently i went to the harry styles concert in los angeles and it was amazing. the concert was incredible...but something did happen at this concert that was interesting. i was sitting kind of far up, so i could see the whole arena and when harry first came on, everybody took their phone out and started filming him...but then the phones never went down. this wave of phones just up in the air never stopped...and i started getting a weird feeling in my tummy...like, 'wait, maybe this is weird/a bad sign?' so i tried not to think about it, but then two weeks ago, i went to an event and, the same thing happened...everyone was taking photos and videos of everything. and i was like, 'this is actually weird.' it's become so routine and so normal, but i don't think that it actually is. so that's what i want to talk about today: why we are so obsessed with taking photos of everything? and why i think maybe we should stop.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    MTGM EXTRA! "How Do You Respond To A Fella Like This?"

    MTGM EXTRA! "How Do You Respond To A Fella Like This?"
    You'll know by now that the MTGM inbox gets some weird and wonderful emails - but this week, Vogue & Joanne received one of the particularly peculiar ones. Plus the latest on the back and forth with Leo Varadkar!

    If you'd like to get in touch, you can send an email to hello@MTGMpod.com

    For more information about Joanne's gigs, just visit www.joannemcnally.com

    Thank you!

    MEMES, Pt. 2: Scumbag Steve

    MEMES, Pt. 2: Scumbag Steve

    If there is an OG meme in which a human is the star, Scumbag Steve is it. He spread across the internet like wildfire in 2011 as a universal representation of dudes who are the worst. And, like any person grappling with immediate internet fame, Blake Boston — the man behind Scumbag Steve — tried to capitalize: merch, rap songs, public appearances.

    But the full story of what happened to Blake — and his family — has never been told. The Scumbag Steve meme became a bargaining chip in a custody battle, a complicating factor in meeting his birth mother, the cause of fights with extended family members, a source of anxiety attacks, and an echo of trauma. In this episode, we go past the origin story of Scumbag Steve and learn about Blake’s real struggles with PTSD and abuse — and how trauma has brought him and his mother, Susan Boston, even closer. 

    the instagram illusion

    the instagram illusion
    This week Emma is talking all things Instagram. Social media can have a lot of pros, but it can also have a lot of cons. From the benefits and why we’re so drawn to it, to the negative effect it can have on our self-esteem and our perceptions of others. How we can manage our use of Instagram, get the most of it, and when is it time to take a break? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Because podcast

    Because podcast
    Gretchen McCulloch is a self-described “internet linguist,” host of the podcast Lingthusiasm, and author of the recent book Because Internet: Understanding the New Rules of Language. In it, she demonstrates that the way we've come to speak on the internet -- from emojis to exclamation points -- is not random or arbitrary, but part of a broader attempt to make our written communication more vibrant, meaningful, and, genuinely human. Far from ‘ruining’ the written English language, internet-speak, McCulloch argues, is revolutionizing language in unprecedented, and ultimately positive, ways. We discuss why I feel bad if I don't use enough exclamation points (or use too many), why postcards are the pre-internet predecessors to Instagram, how emojis act as written equivalents of our body language, why sarcasm is like a “linguistic trust fall,” the meaning of “Ok boomer” and much more. Book recommendations: It’s Complicated:The Social Lives of Networked Teens by danah boyd  You Look Like a Thing and I Love You by Janelle Shane This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone If you enjoyed this episode, you may also like: danah boyd on why fake news is so easy to believe You will love this conversation with Jaron Lanier, but I can’t describe it My book is available for pre-order! You can find it at www.EzraKlein.com. Want to contact the show? Reach out at ezrakleinshow@vox.com You can subscribe to Ezra's new podcast Impeachment, explained on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Overcast, Pocket Casts, or your favorite podcast app. Credits: Producer and Editor - Jeff Geld Researcher - Roge Karma Engineers - Cynthia Gil Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Radio Replay: Prisons of Our Own Making

    Radio Replay: Prisons of Our Own Making

    Discussions about healthy living usually revolve around diet and exercise. Social interaction is often left out of the conversation, even though research shows that it's critical to our well-being. On this week's radio replay, we'll explore research on the extremes of social interaction: from the consequences of constant connection, to the high cost of solitary confinement.