

    Explore " outerbody" with insightful episodes like "A Key to Releasing Stress & Deepening Connection: working with the cranial bones", "Exploring the Youniverse: a guided journey into the frequencies of your soul", "Aligning Your Heart, Outerbody & Home - be a conscious participant in your own evolution", "Light Body Activation: an introduction & guided process" and "Home for the Holidays: working with the bloodline, heart chakra & soul star to empower your family matrix" from podcasts like ""Light Body Activation - meditative exercises to support your health & development", "Light Body Activation - meditative exercises to support your health & development", "Light Body Activation - meditative exercises to support your health & development", "Light Body Activation - meditative exercises to support your health & development" and "Light Body Activation - meditative exercises to support your health & development"" and more!

    Episodes (12)

    A Key to Releasing Stress & Deepening Connection: working with the cranial bones

    A Key to Releasing Stress & Deepening Connection: working with the cranial bones

    In this podcast we do meditative processes that open doorways of perception. Like focusing the aperture of a camera and watching a whole scene suddenly come into clear focus, you can adjust your nervous system to directly experience dimensions of in-form-ation that were previously unavailable. Your world literally widens in scope and creativity, just like when you learned to read or ride a bike or drive a car. 

    Today we’ll enter into a part of the body you may never have considered much: your cranial bones. Feeling into and encouraging small degrees of subtle motion in the cranial bones can release physical and psychological restrictions, as well as having a unique affect on the energy field that emanates from your physical self.  We’ll focus on using these skills to release stress and come into closer relationship with the people, creatures and environment around us. 

    If this is your first time listening, I recommend first doing some of the earlier episodes from this season to make sure you are prepared for this material.

    Here are some related resources to support your understanding:

    With this podcast you can access and regulate your developing light body. Within it are the keys to vast dimensions of information and adventure. It’s free, it’s healthy, it’s fun, and you can enter into it whenever you want from wherever you are.

    Please leave a review wherever you listen to your podcasts in order to help support the show. This gives us valuable feedback & helps others find us. Also, you are welcome to share this with friends, family and colleagues who are interested in self-development and health. 

    Exploring the Youniverse: a guided journey into the frequencies of your soul

    Exploring the Youniverse: a guided journey into the frequencies of your soul

    In the mood to explore the you-niverse? No need for a fancy telescope to traverse the vast dimensions of your own body. It's full of wonder and riches that you may not believe until you actually feel them for yourself. 

    In order to begin our journey, we’ll be exploring a type of slow motion exercise called proprioceptive exercise. Slow motion movement activates nerve receptors in your muscles and tendons. These receptors relay information to your brain about movement and muscle tension so that your nervous system can monitor where you are in space and time. 

    More proprioception leads to expanded perception, an enhanced proprioceptive awareness. This can be used to detect new ranges of sensation, vibration and energy. But why would you want to do this?

    Your proprioceptive system is operating physiology of your inner inner guidance system. It works to monitor your body’s position and alignment, kind of like your own personal GPS. Expanded proprioception means expanded, accurate guidance. Like updating the maps app on your phone for up to date directions and traffic information, activating your proprioceptors gives you up to date information on how to navigate your life: everything from physical movements, emotions, thought patterns, career decisions or what color to paint your bedroom. 

    In the following guided journey we’ll do some proprioceptive exercise, and then travel into the field of energy that surrounds and permeates your physical body, the bioplasmic outerbody. You’ll have the opportunity to experience contact with an expanded frequency range of yourself, otherwise known as your soul, and initiate deeper connection and alignment. The benefits of this type of work are enormous and can’t really be described in words, so let’s head into ourselves to find out directly what they are. 

    Here are some related resources to support your understanding:

    With this podcast you can access and regulate your developing light body. Within it are the keys to vast dimensions of information and adventure. It’s free, it’s healthy, it’s fun, and you can enter into it whenever you want from wherever you are.

    Please leave a review wherever you listen to your podcasts in order to help support out show. This gives us valuable feedback & helps others find us. Also, you are welcome to share this with friends, family and colleagues who are interested in self-development and health. 

    Aligning Your Heart, Outerbody & Home - be a conscious participant in your own evolution

    Aligning Your Heart, Outerbody & Home - be a conscious participant in your own evolution

    Even with many wonderful teachers on this planet helping us to become more cognizant of our thoughts and emotions and how to focus them differently, it isn’t necessarily an easy thing to do. We may want to cultivate a peaceful inner state and reverberate that outward, yet find ourselves failing to do so again and again. It turns out that without making certain shifts in the body, it can be quite difficult to alter conditioned patterns of thoughts and emotions. 

    I’m here to present a practical, comprehensive and effective system that will bring you into a new relationship with your body. You can learn how to make adjustments to your energy system so that emotions and thoughts naturally shift to promote ease and love rather than struggle, anger and depression.

    Today we’ll do some basic proprioceptive exercise to expand our sensitivity and then focus on aligning your heart, outerbody and home. No previous experience is necessary - whether you are a beginner or have done lots of light body activities, this episode is designed for everyone.  Working with your body this way is a key to becoming a conscious participant in this evolutionary process we call life. It’s free and fun and a wonderful gift to give to yourselves and those around you.  I invite you to join me as we journey into our selves in order to experience new dimensions of freedom and creativity. 

    Here are some related resources to support your understanding:

    With this podcast you can access and regulate your developing light body. Within it are the keys to vast dimensions of information and adventure. It’s free, it’s healthy, it’s fun, and you can enter into it whenever you want from wherever you are.

    Please leave a review wherever you listen to your podcasts in order to help support out show. This gives us valuable feedback & helps others find us. Also, you are welcome to share this with friends, family and colleagues who are interested in self-development and health. 

    Light Body Activation: an introduction & guided process

    Light Body Activation: an introduction & guided process

    This episode is from a livestream presentation hosted by Kumiko Kanayama of the Five Lights Center in New York City, along with the help of Ewa Solonia. We dive into the outerbody layers along with a focus on the heart center and heart governor meridian, and how to activate and use these to generate health and peace. Join in for a consciousness journey to amplify harmony in your body and beyond.

    Light body activation refers to the accelerating development of the human energy system. This material from Saul Goodman presents a framework for learning how to feel and work with your evolving body for greater health, fulfillment and adventure.

    Here are some related resources to support your understanding:

    With this podcast you can access and regulate your developing light body. Within it are the keys to vast dimensions of information and adventure. It’s free, it’s healthy, it’s fun, and you can enter into it whenever you want from wherever you are.

    Please leave a review wherever you listen to your podcasts in order to help support out show. This gives us valuable feedback & helps others find us. Also, you are welcome to share this with friends, family and colleagues who are interested in self-development and health. 

    Home for the Holidays: working with the bloodline, heart chakra & soul star to empower your family matrix

    Home for the Holidays: working with the bloodline, heart chakra & soul star to empower your family matrix
    The vibration of the heart is the home base of our human vibration. It is where we come from and where we crave to go when feeling lost or alone. And during holidays or time of special celebrations, we are usually hoping to share heart centered feelings with those we love. However, you may have mixed feelings moving towards the holidays. Even though the point of it all is to celebrate, share and amplify love, these yearly celebrations don’t always unfold in the way we might hope. 

    Being plunged into the matrix of energy in which we grew up (or even just remembering it) can reactivate patterns that may not feel like who we are or who we want to be. The good news is, there are some unique and effective ways you can use your own body to create a more positive experience. To begin this episode, I talk with Saul Goodman, the developer of this work, to get some of his insight on all of this. 

    He discusses that you have a unique opportunity during the holidays to use your body to help create an experience of fulfillment and peace not only for yourself, but for everyone around you. One of the keys lies in your chakras, particularly the heart chakra and its relationship with the lower 3 centers. The blood and soul frequencies are also core to empowering your family matrix. 

    Go on a guided journey to release compression, expand frequencies and work with aspects of your developing energy system in order to bring ease, laughter and light into your holiday experiences. We begin with some freeform proprioceptive movement and then focus in the chakras. You can also take the opportunity to not only promote alignment with your own soul frequency, but also invite contact with the soul vibration of a whole family or gathering of people. 

    Here are some related resources to support your understanding:

    With this podcast you can access and regulate your developing light body. Within it are the keys to vast dimensions of information and adventure. It’s free, it’s healthy, it’s fun, and you can enter into it whenever you want from wherever you are.

    Please leave a review wherever you listen to your podcasts in order to help support out show. This gives us valuable feedback & helps others find us. Also, you are welcome to share this with friends, family and colleagues who are interested in self-development and health. 

    Harmonizing Humanity: using your body as a tool for peace

    Harmonizing Humanity: using your body as a tool for peace

    Your body is a physicalized convergence of forces; a walking, talking construction of life; a precipitation of light into form. It holds, interprets and broadcasts a vast array of in-formation 24/7. It’s your vehicle to launch ongoing unique expressions into this plane. Let’s explore how to consciously calibrate your dear body so that you can use it as an agent of harmonization, not only for yourself, but for the greater earth community and beyond.

    All day long, emotions, thoughts and reactive behaviors stream from our bodies into the current of life force permeating our world. Most of us don’t have much awareness about  the impact of this activity even though it has a potent effect on what materializes around us. It’s possible to bring  some of our attention into our bodies, especially the rapidly developing energy field that’s an integral part of our physiology, so that we can better understand how our inner terrain shapes our experience. This empowers us to become conscious participants in the dynamic of creation.

    We’ll enter into this process with movement and proprioceptive exercise to expand our body frequencies and release some physical compression. This increases our sensitivity so that we can feel our energy system. We’ll focus in on the outerbody, the chakras, especially the heart, and the soul star. Then we’ll initiate contact with earth and our solar system in order to promote harmonic resonance with these wider expressions of life.

    Here are some related resources to support your understanding:

    With this podcast you can access and regulate your developing light body. Within it are the keys to vast dimensions of information and adventure. It’s free, it’s healthy, it’s fun, and you can enter into it whenever you want from wherever you are.

    Please leave a review wherever you listen to your podcasts in order to help support out show. This gives us valuable feedback & helps others find us. Also, you are welcome to share this with friends, family and colleagues who are interested in self-development and health. 

    Reservoir of Light: aligning the heart & soul frequencies to activate your core essence

    Reservoir of Light: aligning the heart & soul frequencies to activate your core essence

    Light body activation is a practical and effective tool to release restrictions and promote alignment, enhancing the dynamic synthesis of your system. This elevates the frequencies of your body, bringing you into contact with parts of yourself you may have been craving to connect to for what feels like forever. Today we focus on the heart chakra and soul frequencies to promote gentle transformation of ourselves and the world we share. This provides you with a unique type of leverage. You can offer the world the gift of your core essence, unadulterated.

    Let’s go on a journey to facilitate the release of compression from our bodies, enable alignment of various components of our maturing light body, and extend an invitation to our soul frequencies. We’ll enter into this process with some proprioceptive exercise, and then move into some work with our outerbody, cranial system and chakras. We’ll empower ourselves to precipitate love into manifested form on this plane. You can also take the opportunity to contribute to a reservoir of light and energy, a reservoir that will be a source of support and nourishment for you as well as anyone else who wants to partake.

    Here are some related resources to support your understanding:

    With this podcast you can access and regulate your developing light body. Within it are the keys to vast dimensions of information and adventure. It’s free, it’s healthy, it’s fun, and you can enter into it whenever you want from wherever you are.

    Please leave a review wherever you listen to your podcasts in order to help support out show. This gives us valuable feedback & helps others find us. Also, you are welcome to share this with friends, family and colleagues who are interested in self-development and health. 

    Proprioceptive Exercise & the Outerbody

    Proprioceptive Exercise & the Outerbody

    The bad news is there’s no regular episode today. BUT the good news is that I’d like to welcome you into a new online class called ‘Proprioceptive Exercise & the Outerbody’ that’s opening today. It’s an opportunity for you to learn the foundation of the light body materials with the person who developed them: Saul Goodman.

    For info & enrollment, go to https://shin-tai-international.teachable.com/p/proprioceptive-exercise-outerbody/
    egister by Monday Sept 6 to be part of a livestream guided journey plus Q&A session with Saul.

    This course is a compilation of video clips from his Light Body Activation I class, as well as articles and some of curated audio journeys from this podcast. Our goal in creating this course was to make the information accessible through video, audio and written materials, so that anyone can enjoy the myriad benefits and also really have fun with it.

    Even if you've studied proprioceptive exercise in this podcast, or in a shin tai course with Saul or another shin tai instructor, you may be interested in having access to this upcoming online course for several reasons:

    • It's a great chance to review the basics of the light body materials with the developer himself.
    • It can be helpful to know more of the in-depth theory behind the work. This will enrich your understanding and provide a deeper framework when you go on the proprioceptive journeys.
    • Seeing someone do the exercises rather than just hearing a description can make things more clear. 
    • Even if you're familiar with the techniques, every proprioceptive journey invites you into your next level of possibility.
    • It’s really nice to have  all the foundational material in one place that you can access anytime.

    It takes me months to compile, edit and organize a course like the one that is coming out at the end of this week. Condensing the light body work into a linear format that makes sense and is easy to use and transmits the expansive power of the material has been a particular challenge for me. I'm pretty excited that it's ready to be birthed! I know from my own experience, plus thousands of others who have used this material over the years, that proprioceptive exercise is a potent way to reduce stress, generate health and align with your soul frequencies. Whenever I use it, things just go easier, and I wish that for you. 

    So if you are interested in finding out more or enrolling for the class, please see the link in the show notes. And if you register by Monday Sept 6, you can be part of a livestream guided journey  plus Q&A session with Saul on October 1st. 

    I’ll sign off for now. Next week I’ll be here with another episode of the podcast and look forward to exploring with you then!

    The Evolution of Recycling: Transforming Emotional Debris into Creative Fuel

    The Evolution of Recycling: Transforming Emotional Debris into Creative Fuel

    As your energy system accelerates, so does the need to be able to regulate it. Last week's podcast episode The Evolution of Boundaries focused on using the outerbody as a protective membrane. This episode takes that further, detailing how to metabolize toxic vibrations that have infiltrated your field. This gives you the ability to generate creative energy from unwanted emotional and psychic debris. It’s an awakened type of recycling that you can use to create a more vibrant inner environment for yourself and those you love.

    If negative emotional or psychic vibrations were projected towards you from another person, you can use the purified 'digested' energy  to open channels of communication and empathy in the very direction from where it originated. This relaxes polarized views and helps to ease the force of destructive subconscious thought forms.

    In order to know whether this concept of recycling negative vibrations is valid, you’ll have to try it out. Unless you experience it directly it may just sound like an idea or a fantasy rather than a truly effective process. 

    Here are some related resources to support your understanding:

    With this podcast you can access and regulate your developing light body. Within it are the keys to vast dimensions of information and adventure. It’s free, it’s healthy, it’s fun, and you can enter into it whenever you want from wherever you are.

    Please leave a review wherever you listen to your podcasts in order to help support out show. This gives us valuable feedback & helps others find us. Also, you are welcome to share this with friends, family and colleagues who are interested in self-development and health. 

    The Evolution of Boundaries: Preserving Your Sovereignty at an Energetic Level

    The Evolution of Boundaries: Preserving Your Sovereignty at an Energetic Level

    Your outerbody functions as a selective, semi-permeable membrane, much like a cell wall. This vibrational field around your physical body is likely expanding and becoming more permeable. This means that not only are you more receptive to beneficial energies, you are more vulnerable to vibrations which may deplete your life force and/or create emotional and physical stress. Today, we explore how to use this membrane as a protective boundary and how to clear your system if you’ve been negatively affected by outside influences. Preserving your sovereignty in this way is a wonderful way to care and respect for your dear self. 

    These light body journeys are frequency expeditions. They will present new challenges to your body and mind, so it’s a good idea to find out how to both prepare ahead of time and also how to care for ourselves if we have some mishaps along the way. Since your body is evolving, it will serve you to evolve your understanding of boundaries and how you can set yourself up for an enjoyable and fulfilling evolution.

    Although you can do this process anytime, it’s particularly helpful if you feel fatigued, drained or vulnerable. Perhaps you’ve had a recent event that you feel has negatively affected you, draining your physical, emotional or mental resources. This process is a wonderful way to help you recover some of your life force and also learn how to better prepare in the future when going into an activity or event where you’re going to be around some people that you feel may be challenging for you in some way. 

    Here are some related materials about light body activation:

    With this podcast you can access and regulate your developing light body. Within it are the keys to vast dimensions of information and adventure. It’s free, it’s healthy, it’s fun, and you can enter into it whenever you want from wherever you are.

    Please leave a review wherever you listen to your podcasts in order to help support out show. This gives us valuable feedback & helps others find us. Also, you are welcome to share this with friends, family and colleagues who are interested in self-development and health. 

    Deepen Your Relationship with the Sun: Light, the Solar Plexus & Photosynthesis

    Deepen Your Relationship with the Sun: Light, the Solar Plexus & Photosynthesis

    You can deepen your connection to the sun by initiating a conscious process of photosynthesis within your own body. You can use sunlight to create not only energy, but also new forms of consciousness. It can be a potent catalyst for your physiological and spiritual evolution. 

    There are a series of simple steps to this process, some that you’ve learned in previous episodes and some new additions. First, we expand the outerbody membranes and learn how to absorb and draw in sunlight. Then we go through some possibilities for how to store and distribute the energy.

    One of the main areas of the body we work with is the solar plexus - there’s no mistake that it is called this! There is also a chakra related to the solar plexus chakra that you may not have worked with before called the spleen chakra; this lies near the lower left corner of your ribcage. These energy centers help us to gather and densify the energy of the sun into our bodies. And as your relationship with the sun deepens, you will each expand into new expressions of life. Perhaps the sun itself benefits from this new contact with you in ways you can’t even begin to imagine.

    Here are some related materials about light body activation:

    With this podcast you can access and regulate your developing light body. Within it are the keys to vast dimensions of information and adventure. It’s free, it’s healthy, it’s fun, and you can enter into it whenever you want from wherever you are.

    Please leave a review wherever you listen to your podcasts in order to help support out show. This gives us valuable feedback & helps others find us. Also, you are welcome to share this with friends, family and colleagues who are interested in self-development and health. 

    (Body + Soul) x Consciousness = A Thriving Planetary Ecosystem

    (Body + Soul) x Consciousness = A Thriving Planetary Ecosystem

    Let’s explore how to reorganize our inner terrain to better serve our own dear selves as well as those around us. You can do this by bringing your attention inside your body in order to sensitize, adjust and activate your energy system. It’s fun and healthy, and also promotes a thriving ecosystem on both the personal and planetary levels.

    Most of us have been deeply trained from a young age that in order to make changes in ourselves and the world, we need to direct our efforts beyond the border of our body. In fact, it’s often considered an ethical responsibility to put our attention on the needs of other people and situations rather than our own self.  We literally practice not listening to our true nature and directing our life force away from the soul’s guidance. 

    Our often external focus depletes us further due to the fact that it is based on inner assumptions that things have gone very wrong and that there are many problems that need fixing. This creates a pervasive layer of stress that underlies many people’s daily experience. If you think the world is in disarray and heading into further deterioration at every moment, that’s not a very relaxing perspective. It creates ongoing friction at the psychological, emotional and physical levels. 

    What if some of these root assumptions are just plain wrong? What if it’s up to each of us to cultivate different beliefs and expectations within ourselves in order to shift our experience of the so-called world? Our bodies, our lives, our neighbors, our governments and even our climate are a reflection of our mind projected outward so we can see, listen to, and support it. We have barely begun to understand the power we have right within our very bodies to shift this story; they hold the key that can open a door into a whole new experience with very little effort or upheaval. 

    Here are some related materials about light body activation and this episode’s topics:

    With this podcast you can access and regulate your developing light body. Within it are the keys to vast dimensions of information and adventure. It’s free, it’s healthy, it’s fun, and you can enter into it whenever you want from wherever you are.

    Please leave a review wherever you listen to your podcasts in order to help support out show. This gives us valuable feedback & helps others find us. Also, share with friends, family and colleagues who are interested in self-development and health. 


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