

    Explore "personalchef" with insightful episodes like "Puntata 4 - La Compagnia dei Cuochi Segreti", "Week 2 - Un mese ad impatto sotto zero: scelte alimentari e cambiamento climatico", "Folge 13 - Die Führungsrolle authentisch ausfüllen!", "Sarah Russo on Food Curiosity, Food Flexibility, and Eating for Health" and "4. Touring With Top Musicians as a Chef" from podcasts like ""A tavola con Giulio Cesare", "Cibo Supersonico", "Was Souveränität bewirkt", "Live Better Podcast" and "Beyond the confines podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (21)

    Sarah Russo on Food Curiosity, Food Flexibility, and Eating for Health

    Sarah Russo on Food Curiosity, Food Flexibility, and Eating for Health

    Live from the Live Better recording studio! Bret and Jason are here this week with Sarah Russo, holistic certified chef and owner of Love Your Fat Personal Chefs here in Chicago. Sarah, a former vegan, now specializes in therapeutic foods and healing foods that are functional and delicious. Her favorite cuisine is the farm-to-table approach, seasonal-plentiful-relatable. Sarah added animal protein back into her diet in 2015, as she discovered mindful ways to source the "good stuff" in the Chicago area. For the past 5 years, Sarah has been working as a personal chef, recipe developer, speaker, educator, blog contributor.

    Sarah is also the founder of organic ice pop company, ITSAPOP and her newest venture, an organic weekly subscription service in Chicago called Salad Club. When Sarah is not cooking or scheming a new concept to launch… you can find probably find her at the nearest farmer’s market, working out (her favs: strength training, spinning, and yoga) or spending time with her family. If this was senior year of high school, Sarah’s yearbook quotes would probably be: “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” -Winston Churchill and “When you have the best sourced ingredients you can cook very simply and the food will be extraordinary because it tastes like what it is.” -Sarah Russo

    In this episode we breakdown the secrets to:

    1. Getting curious with food and learning its benefits 
    2. Testing to determine your diet and what works best for you 
    3. Creating an entrepreneurial lifestyle as a private chef

    Listen in as Bret and Jason discuss with Sarah about her mission to help others follow their food journey and discover their ‘perfect menu’. 

    Connect With Sarah Russo Online:

    Rate our podcast: www.livebetterco/rateourpodcast

    P.S. - Use coupon code BESTDAYEVER for $10 off your first order from Salad Club! 

    4. Touring With Top Musicians as a Chef

    4. Touring With Top Musicians as a Chef
    Reino Cruz is a personal chef that tours with musicians all over America. We were old friends back in middle school. He has worked with several international stars and has a true passion for his trade. We talk about our childhood and about life on the road as well as some culinary adventures he has had. He opens up about some struggles he has had with drugs and alcohol and talks about how he managed to overcome it. He also gives advice about how to marinade meats for barbecuing. His web page is if you want to contact him is: http://reinocruz.com

    What is the Message You Are Sending Your Clients?

    What is the Message You Are Sending Your Clients?

    Thank you to all of our listeners for your continued support as we build the program. We are excited about launching this business and can’t wait to help you on your journey to become a personal chef!

    One of the questions asked by a Facebook Group member recently is what are some of the ways you add value through servitude? We are in the business of servitude and need to anticipate client’s needs based on the event they are having and help elevate it. Find those hidden needs and go above and beyond for your clients. Listen to this week’s podcast to learn more, but please send any questions you have to info@chefpreneurprogram.com or join the Chefpreneur Private Facebook Group and post questions there as well.

    In any business, messaging is one of the most important elements. When you want to convey your message through marketing, the message you send is vitally important. Most businesses take the wrong approach. Most make it about the business owner, not the client. Most clients don’t really care about your background. They want to know how you can solve their problems. If the message is about you, the messaging is off and does not speak to the client or their needs. You want to attract new clients so your messaging has to be very clear. You have to describe what you do.

    Any business that is started is based on some level of problem that needs to be solved. Your message should be telling the client how you will solve their problem through your business. You need to portray how you will make their lives better. State what you do very clearly in very elementary terms. Remember that consumers encounter thousands of advertisements each day and you need to make sure your message is clear so that you grab their attention. Tell them what you are offering and how you are going to benefit their lives. Make your messaging less about you and more about your clients. In the Chefpreneur program, we offer messaging templates (emails and phone calls) so that you can send the right messaging to your clients. Your message will be so powerful and you will be able to book the clients you desire.

    Stay tuned each week as Chef Andres guides listeners through the process of becoming personal chefs. The Chefpreneur FaceBook Group was created to give you the support you need to follow your dreams. It won’t be easy (It can be overwhelming at times), but it will be well worth it. Chef Andres is hard at work perfecting the Chefpreneur program so that you will have all the tools you need to get started at your fingertips. The program is coming soon, but in the meantime, work on naming your business, getting licensed, and all the other items discussed in the Chefpreneur e-book.

    We are motivating, educating, and inspiring chefs to take a leap of faith, start their own business, and create experiences they want to create with nothing holding them back!

    We talk all things Chefpreneur. Guests include clients, chefs, attorneys, farmers … whoever can inspire you to think about the industry differently.

    The future is yours … put it into your own hands!

    Get a Copy of the Chefpreneur E-Book for FREE!

    The Chefpreneur E-Book

    Also...make sure you join The Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group to be part of the discussion!

    3 Mistakes I Made when Starting my Personal Chef Business that you can Avoid!

    3 Mistakes I Made when Starting my Personal Chef Business that you can Avoid!

    Chef Andres begins this week by answering a question from Michael, a member of the Chefpreneur Facebook Group. Michael asked “What do you do if you do not have a kitchen of your own to work in?” As a personal chef you would cook out of your client’s homes. As a caterer, you might need to have your own commercial kitchen, but as a personal chef you can do weekly meal preparations and other events in your client’s homes. Another member asked how do you determine the number of portions to prepare for an event. You’ll have to listen to this week’s podcast to learn how to utilize portion control in your business, but please send any questions you have to info@chefpreneurprogram.com or join the Chefpreneur Private Facebook Group and post questions there as well.

    On this episode, Chef Andres discusses the 3 mistakes he made when he started his personal chef business. Mistake #1, he undervalued himself. He started out by charging by the hour. He would work a 10-hour day and make $350, but also write menus, shop, sit in traffic, etc., but the time adds up and he discovered he really wasn’t making the money he actually deserved. He wasn’t charging for the menu-development, shopping, and traffic.  In your own business, you are the product and you have to value yourself. Mistake #2, confusing your customers. The more complicated it is to figure out what you do, the lower the chances they will hire you. Give your customers your services in very elementary language. Mistake #3, not getting mentorship and guided help regarding how to run your business. Chef Andres read a few articles, but it really wasn’t enough. That’s why he created the Chefpreneur program. His advice to you … get some training and invest in a program so that you can avoid this mistake. He’s experienced these 3 things and is sharing them with you so that you can have a successful business like him.

    Stay tuned each week as Chef Andres guides listeners through the process of becoming personal chefs. The Chefpreneur FaceBook Group was created to give you the support you need to follow your dreams. It won’t be easy (It can be overwhelming at times), but it will be well worth it. Chef Andres is hard at work perfecting the Chefpreneur program so that you will have all the tools you need to get started at your fingertips. The program is coming soon, but in the meantime, work on naming your business, getting licensed, and all the other items discussed in the Chefpreneur e-book.

    We are motivating, educating, and inspiring chefs to take a leap of faith, start their own business, and create experiences they want to create with nothing holding them back!

    We talk all things Chefpreneur. Guests include clients, chefs, attorneys, farmers … whoever can inspire you to think about the industry differently.

    The future is yours … put it into your own hands!

    Get a Copy of the Chefpreneur E-Book for FREE!

    The Chefpreneur E-Book
    Also...make sure you join The Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group to be part of the discussion!

    The 3 Things you Must Have to be a Successful Personal Chef

    The 3 Things you Must Have to be a Successful Personal Chef

    It has been a busy few weeks. We took some time off to celebrate the holidays with family and to give you all a break, but this week Chef Andres begins his podcast with his Q&A segment with a question asked by Ryan, a Facebook Group member, who wanted to know how should I charge clients … by the hour or some other way? Chef Andres warns about charging by the hour because clients could perceive that you might not be using your time wisely (It’s all about perception) … even if you are. Charge a flat rate for your services and charge for the cost of the food (groceries) to make it easier for you and your clients. Listen to the podcast to hear more about charging for your services. Keep the questions coming! They are helpful to everyone.

    Now to the meat of the podcast … What are the 3 things you need to do to be a successful personal chef? Budgeting, accounting, be a great cook? We’ve talked about it … it’s not just about your food and how well you cook. Food is not the key ingredient to success in this business. The first thing you need to have is some humility. Chefs have egos … we do. We take pride in our work and we are very confident, but we have got to put the client first and show them that their best interests are a priority. They aren’t always right, but as we put them first, they will appreciate our services so much more. You will win if you are humble. Next, you have to have a servant’s heart, also known as servitude. Don’t serve people just to get something. Do it because it’s your heart and it’s just the right thing to do. Don’t do it for tips and recognition, or the reviews on Yelp or Google. People will see right through you and spot insincerity a mile away. Servitude will drive your business. Finally, you have got to have passion. Sometimes we are so passionate that we become arrogant and forget why we chose the service industry in the first place. Your passion will come through in the work you do for people and they will see it. If you have these 3 ingredients, you are on your way to becoming a successful personal chef. You will win and you will be successful!

    Stay tuned each week as Chef Andres guides listeners through the process of becoming personal chefs. The Chefpreneur FaceBook Group was created to give you the support you need to follow your dreams. It won’t be easy (It can be overwhelming at times), but it will be well worth it. Chef Andres is hard at work perfecting the Chefpreneur program so that you will have all the tools you need to get started at your fingertips. The program is coming soon, but in the meantime, work on naming your business, getting licensed, and all the other items discussed in the Chefpreneur e-book.

    We are motivating, educating, and inspiring chefs to take a leap of faith, start their own business, and create experiences they want to create with nothing holding them back!

    We talk all things Chefpreneur. Guests include clients, chefs, attorneys, farmers … whoever can inspire you to think about the industry differently.

    The future is yours … put it into your own hands!

    Get a Copy of the Chefpreneur E-Book for FREE!

    The Chefpreneur E-Book
    Also...make sure you join The Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group to be part of the discussion!

    #005: Die Güte der Entscheidung. Was ist eine gute Entscheidung?

    #005: Die Güte der Entscheidung. Was ist eine gute Entscheidung?
    Heute möchte ich mich mit Ihnen über eine einfache Frage unterhalten. Die Frage ist einfach – die Antwort – entscheiden Sie selbst – am Ende vom Podcast. Die Frage mit der wir uns beschäftigen ist, was ist eine gute Entscheidung. Wie treffe ich denn eine gute Entscheidung. Was mache ich denn das fest? Was ist die Güte der Entscheidung? Wie kann man das messen? Wie kann man sich daran orientieren als Führungskraft – auch ethisch? Wie begründe ich selbst für mich, wenn ich vor dem Spiegel stehe – ist es eine gute Entscheidung, die auf mich zukommt – die ich treffen muss oder die treffen musste. Ein paar Impulse dazu, wie man die Belastbarkeit einer guten Entscheidung verifiziert kann – ganz für sich persönlich. Meine Bitte: Wenn Ihnen diese Folge gefallen hat, hinterlassen Sie bitte eine 5-Sterne-Bewertung, ein Feedback auf iTunes und abonnieren Sie diesen Podcast „FührungsKRAFT für Führungskräfte“. Zeitinvestition: Maximal 2 Minuten. Dadurch helfen Sie mir, den Podcast stetig zu verbessern und Ihnen die Inhalte zu liefern, die Sie sich wünschen. Herzlichen Dank an dieser Stelle. Website: https://schulik-management.de Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Schulik.Management/ Meine Seminare: https://schulik-management.de/leistungen/seminar-personalentwicklung/ Kontakt Schulik Management Beratung Bertha-von-Suttner-Straße 1 78054 Villingen-Schwenningen Telefon: 07720 / 99 49 219 Fax: 07720 / 99 49 217 E-Mail: hallo@schulik-management.de

    My Story

    My Story

    This week we begin with a Q&A forum question from Tina, a listener: What do you think of using Facebook for marketing? Chef Andres says that Facebook is great for marketing because you can target your specific market on Facebook. Marketing is expensive but Facebook marketing can be affordable if you manage your marketing strategy well. Listen to the podcast to hear the full response and email us at info@Chefpreneurprogram.com or join the private Chefpreneur Facebook group to ask any questions you would like answered on our podcast.

    This week, Chef Andres takes listeners on his career journey. He was interested in cooking at a young age. His grandmother lived with his family. She was from Chile and used to make the most wonderful foods. He remembers smelling fresh baked bread daily and she always made everything from scratch. All she had was a small, white tea cup for measuring. At 10 years old, Chef Andres became more and more interested in becoming a professional chef. He used to watch Great Chefs of the World on PBS and was truly inspired by the great chefs the show featured. During this time, his parents split and he moved to Iowa with his mother. Between the 7th and 8th grades his mother got into a devastating car accident that left her in a coma for quite some time. He went to live with his grandparents and remembers the amazing work ethic of his grandfather. He wanted to be like his grandfather. Eventually Chef Andres was able to move back with his mother while she recovered but he had the responsibilities of taking care of her. He wrote checks to pay the bills, grocery shopped, and spent time encouraging her. He went to culinary school in San Francisco and graduated at 17 years old.

    He had met his wife, Danielle, in High school while living in Iowa and when he returned after graduating from culinary school they married at a courthouse and then moved to Chicago. He worked in fine dining restaurants and hotels and was eventually hired to work at the Ritz Carlton. He worked his way up to one of the leading chefs in that hotel, the assistant garde manger chef. He and his small family visited San Diego one year  and since Chicago was cold and the winters were pretty miserable, Chef Andres transferred to San Diego where he and his family could enjoy warm winters like the one they experienced when they visited. He eventually applied for a sous chef position at another high end hotel in San Diego county. He got that position, then he went on to open a Hilton resort property, and then became the executive sous chef of another high end hotel in the area. He always wanted to start his own business so he started a catering and farmer’s market business but found out very quickly that farmer’s markets are difficult businesses to earn a profit. Throughout that time, he worked in many jobs as he ebbed and flowed and navigated the waters of running his own business. Eventually his current business was born and now Chef Andres looks forward to teaching others how to own a successful personal chef business just like him. He is concerned with the actual success of those who want to become personal chefs and looks forward to the launch of the Chefpreneur program.

    Stay tuned each week as Chef Andres guides listeners through the process of becoming personal chefs. The Chefpreneur Facebook Group was created to give you the support you need to follow your dreams. It won’t be easy (It can be overwhelming at times), but it will be well worth it. Chef Andres is hard at work perfecting the Chefpreneur program so that you will have all the tools you need to get started at your fingertips. The program is coming soon, but in the meantime, work on naming your business, getting licensed, and all the other items discussed in the Chefpreneur e-book.

    We are motivating, educating, and inspiring chefs to take a leap of faith, start their own business, and create experiences they want with nothing holding them back!

    We talk all things Chefpreneur. Guests include clients, chefs, attorneys, farmers … whoever can inspire you to think about the industry differently.

    The future is yours … put it into your own hands!

    Get a Copy of the Chefpreneur E-Book for FREE!

    The Chefpreneur E-Book

    Also...make sure you join The Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group to be part of the discussion!

    Is Money Evil?

    Is Money Evil?

    Welcome back! We took the week off for the Thanksgiving Holiday, but we are back with another great episode.

    Chef Andres began his podcast this week with his Q&A segment. Angela asks: “How much should I spend on a logo?” Chef Andres recommends keeping your logo cost under $100 and keeping it simple. Think about Nike and McDonald’s and what those logos have in common … simplicity. Don’t get too caught up in it and don’t spend a whole lot of money on this part of building your business.

    On this week’s podcast, Chef Andres talks about MONEY. Many people have a misconception that money is evil and many people feel guilty for wanting more money or wanting to get more things. Chef Andres uses money as a tool. For example, he uses it to help others. He used an analogy today about putting a fire out with water. You can use water to put out the fire on a burning building, but water can also be used to drown someone. Is water evil? … No.

    Chef Andres recommends a book called The 10 Commandments of Making Money by Rabbi Lapin. Rabbi Lapin says that Money is nothing but a measure of how well you can serve another human being. Think about the heart and the intent of how you plan on using the money. Move forward with no guilt and be generous! If you were the last person on earth would you be the richest person on earth or the poorest person on earth? Listen to the podcast to find out how Chef Andres answers this question concerning value, contentment, and service.

    Stay tuned each week as Chef Andres guides listeners through the process of becoming personal chefs. The Chefpreneur FaceBook Group was created to give you the support you need to follow your dreams. It won’t be easy (It can be overwhelming at times), but it will be well worth it. Chef Andres is hard at work perfecting the Chefpreneur program so that you will have all the tools you need to get started at your fingertips. The program is coming soon, but in the meantime, work on naming your business, getting licensed, and all the other items discussed in the Chefpreneur e-book.

    We are motivating, educating, and inspiring chefs to take a leap of faith, start their own business, and create experiences they want to create with nothing holding them back!

    We talk all things Chefpreneur. Guests include clients, chefs, attorneys, farmers … whoever can inspire you to think about the industry differently.

    The future is yours … put it into your own hands!

    Get a Copy of the Chefpreneur E-Book for FREE!

    The Chefpreneur E-Book

    Also...make sure you join The Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group to be part of the discussion!

    A Quick Update

    A Quick Update

    Just a quick update that I took a week off for the Thanksgiving holiday and that we will resume our regular Podcast schedule on Wednesday, December 5th.

    The title of the next week's episode is titled "Is Money Evil?"

    Tune in... you won't want to miss it!

    Thank you for all your support and for being part of The Chefpreneur Movement!

    To your success!

    Andres Hinojosa



    Chef Andres starts out his podcast this week by discussing the poll he posted in the FaceBook group last week. His poll asked what group members thought his largest tip was. The amount is $2,500!!! In addition to what Chef Andres charged for a 3-day event, he was given a personal $2,500 tip! He found this client through a referral and this has been one of the best clients he has ever had and he continues to cook for them on a regular basis. In this business, tips are very common. They won’t always be $2,500, but a tip of $150 or more is pretty typical per event.

    This week’s topic is Servitude. Simply put, servitude is doing things for other people, going out of your way, and putting someone else’s needs ahead of your own and doing it for the right reasons. It’s not for the praise or gratuity but it is because you want to serve someone with a servant’s heart. It can also be putting yourself into some else’s shoes. This is something that many people fall short of … they have a difficult time putting themselves into someone else’s shoes. There are 3 core values in the Chefpreneur program and servitude is one of them. In the program, Chef Andres spends a considerable amount of time teaching that it is not just about the food. Clients look at the full experience and servitude is one of those things that your clients will be forever grateful for!

    Chef Andres shares a customer service situation he endured at a local grocery store. It is one of the craziest stories, but you will need to listen to the podcast to hear it … It’s a great real-life customer service story.

    Stay tuned each week as Chef Andres guides listeners through the process of becoming personal chefs. The Chefpreneur FaceBook Group was created to give you the support you need to follow your dreams. It won’t be easy (It can be overwhelming at times), but it will be well worth it. Chef Andres is hard at work perfecting the Chefpreneur program so that you will have all the tools you need to get started at your fingertips. The program is coming soon, but in the meantime, work on naming your business, getting licensed, and all the other items discussed in the Chefpreneur e-book.

    We are motivating, educating, and inspiring chefs to take a leap of faith, start their own business, and create experiences they want to create with nothing holding them back!

    We talk all things Chefpreneur. Guests include clients, chefs, attorneys, farmers … whoever can inspire you to think about the industry differently.

    The future is yours … put it into your own hands!

    Get a Copy of the Chefpreneur E-Book for FREE!

    The Chefpreneur E-Book
    Also...make sure you join The Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group to be part of the discussion!

    Hungry for the industry, but not the low pay and stress that comes with it?

    Hungry for the industry, but not the low pay and stress that comes with it?

    Today, Chef Andres invited a special guest onto his show: Mirella Hinojosa, a chef born and raised in San Diego. She went through a culinary arts program at Grossmont College in San Diego. Her parents did not understand her passion for the industry. She worked at the race track as a chef, in a fine dining restaurant as a chef, and helped opened very high-end establishments. She watched owners fail at the restaurant business and experienced lots of highs and lows in the industry. Mirella describes her experiences in the industry as being “somewhat in between a call-girl and a whore.”

    She talks about how she worked in restaurants, sometimes 6 nights a week as a single mom. She went on maternity leave 3 times in five years and found it hard to re-enter the industry every time she left. She finally decided that she just couldn’t do it. The hours were too crazy. She ended up taking a few years off from work so she could raise her kids but became increasingly depressed because she missed her work. Eventually she went back to work, but the pay was not high enough. She was unhappy because she was working for someone else … the industry was getting younger and she was getting older, and the costs were not outweighing the work.Chef Andres experienced these same feelings of frustration as he worked to care for his growing family.

    Now, Mirella has taken a year off from work now to regroup. The industry has taken too much from her. She is hungry for the industry but not the stress and the low pay that comes with it. Mirella is looking to become a solopreneur and go into business for herself.

    Does Mirella sound like you? Are you the main breadwinner in your household and all you do is work, but the money is never enough? Are you fearful of failure? Do you lack self-confidence? Well, you are not alone. Chef Andres experienced these same emotions before stepping out and taking that risk to become a Chefpreneur. Just know that we are in your corner and can’t wait to share the tools Chef Andres has created so that you can continue to work in your passion. Never feel like you have to leave the industry over pay. As a Chefpreneur, you determine how much and when you will get paid.

    Stay tuned each week as Chef Andres guides listeners through the process of becoming personal chefs. The Chefpreneur FaceBook Group was created to give you the support you need to follow your dreams. It won’t be easy (It can be overwhelming at times), but it will be well worth it. Chef Andres is hard at work perfecting the Chefpreneur program so that you will have all the tools you need to get started at your fingertips. The program is coming soon, but in the meantime, work on naming your business, getting licensed, and all the other items discussed in the Chefpreneur e-book.

    We are motivating, educating, and inspiring chefs to take a leap of faith, start their own business, and create experiences they want to create with nothing holding them back!

    We talk all things Chefpreneur. Guests include clients, chefs, attorneys, farmers … whoever can inspire you to think about the industry differently.

    The future is yours … put it into your own hands!

    Get a Copy of the Chefpreneur E-Book for FREE!

    The Chefpreneur E-Book

    Also...make sure you join The Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group to be part of the discussion!

    If you're not First, you will be Last

    If you're not First, you will be Last

    Chef Andres starts this week’s podcast by answering a question posted to the FaceBook Group about dealing with customers who are unhappy or not satisfied with a personal chef’s services. Listen to the podcast to hear his response. It’s a great response … just saying.

    If you’re not first, you will be last … what does that mean? It means that timeliness and punctuality are vital. Chef Andres shares stories about how he gets jobs because he is the first to respond to inquiries and send menus to clients. Other chefs waited and did not respond right away, and the clients hired Andres based on the fact that he was responsive. Commit to something and KEEP YOUR WORD! Character and trust go far in this industry. Your customers need to be able to see that you will follow through and do the things that you say you are going to do like call them, respond to their emails, and send them a menu. This adds on to the total customer service experience. Keep your promises and keep your commitments. Find out more about this exciting topic as you listen to the podcast. Let us know what you think by posting to the FaceBook Group. We want to hear from you!

    Stay tuned each week as Chef Andres guides listeners through the process of becoming personal chefs. The Chefpreneur FaceBook Group was created to give you the support you need to follow your dreams. It won’t be easy (It can be overwhelming at times), but it will be well worth it. Chef Andres is hard at work perfecting the Chefpreneur program so that you will have all the tools you need to get started at your fingertips. The program is coming soon, but in the meantime, work on naming your business, getting licensed, and all the other items discussed in the Chefpreneur e-book.

    We are motivating, educating, and inspiring chefs to take a leap of faith, start their own business, and create experiences they want to create with nothing holding them back!

    We talk all things Chefpreneur. Guests include clients, chefs, attorneys, farmers … whoever can inspire you to think about the industry differently.

    The future is yours … put it into your own hands!

    Get a Copy of the Chefpreneur E-Book for FREE!

    The Chefpreneur E-Book

    Also...make sure you join The Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group to be part of the discussion!

    How I got an opportunity to cook in a 17,000 square foot house!

    How I got an opportunity to cook in a 17,000 square foot house!

    The 11th episode of the Chefpreneur podcast begins with Chef Andres’ Q&A segment. He answers a question from Michael Dorsey who DM’d him a couple of questions. Michael wanted to know how Chef Andres found his first client. Andres has a profile on Thumbtack.com and he was able to get his first client through that marketing vehicle. Andres’ response was full of helpful hints so listen to the podcast to hear more.

    On this week’s podcast, Chef Andres shared some of the awesome experiences he has had while working as a personal chef. A particular client Chef Andres talks about contacted him to do a bachelorette party. The client Googled “Chefs in San Diego” and found Chef Andres. Andres sent her a menu after they spoke over the phone. The client ended up going with another chef, but he sent her a follow-up thank you note telling the client that he greatly appreciated the fact that she contacted him and wished them the best during their event. Several weeks later, Chef Andres received another inquiry from a different lady. This client requested a dinner party for 8 of her friends. Chef Andres sent her the menu, but he also asked how the client heard about his business. She told him that her daughter (from the bachelorette party) gave her the referral. Even though Chef Andres was not hired for the bachelorette party, he was still hired for the current event based on the referral from her daughter. On the day of the event, Chef Andres shows up to the house and was overwhelmed by its vastness … the house took his breath away! You’ve got to listen to the podcast to hear about more of his experience.

    Stay tuned each week as Chef Andres guides listeners through the process of becoming personal chefs. The Chefpreneur FaceBook Group was created to give you the support you need to follow your dreams. It won’t be easy (It can be overwhelming at times), but it will be well worth it. Chef Andres is hard at work perfecting the Chefpreneur program so that you will have all the tools you need to get started at your fingertips. The program is coming soon, but in the meantime, work on naming your business, getting licensed, and all the other items discussed in the Chefpreneur e-book.

    We are motivating, educating, and inspiring chefs to take a leap of faith, start their own business, and create experiences they want to create with nothing holding them back!

    We talk all things Chefpreneur. Guests include clients, chefs, attorneys, farmers … whoever can inspire you to think about the industry differently.

    The future is yours … put it into your own hands!

    Get a Copy of the Chefpreneur E-Book for FREE!

    The Chefpreneur E-Book

    Also...make sure you join The Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group to be part of the discussion!

    How are your People Skills?

    How are your People Skills?

    Chef Andres began his podcast this week with his Q&A segment by answering a question for Chris Chavez of Virginia. Chris wanted to know about preparing contracts for clients. Chef Andres provided a pretty detailed response concerning contracts, pricing strategies, timing, and booking/cancellation strategies but you’ve got to listen to the podcast to hear it. If you have a question for Chef Andres, join the Chefpreneur Movement FaceBook Group, and post your question to the thread.

    This week’s podcast is regarding the experience personal chefs create for their clients. Clients hire personal chefs to provide food, yes, but clients are more concerned with the experience the chef provides throughout the food “encounter.” From your website, to initial booking, and your first conversation with the client, create an unforgettable experience that will leave your clients wanting more … more food? No, more of you! This leads to repeat business and growth of your personal chef business.

    Stay tuned each week as Chef Andres guides listeners through the process of becoming personal chefs. The Chefpreneur FaceBook Group was created to give you the support you need to follow your dreams. It won’t be easy (It can be overwhelming at times), but it will be well worth it. Chef Andres is hard at work perfecting the Chefpreneur program so that you will have all the tools you need to get started fast! The program is coming soon, but in the meantime, work on naming your business, getting licensed, and all the other items discussed in the Chefpreneur e-book.

    We are motivating, educating, and inspiring chefs to take a leap of faith, start their own business, and create experiences they want to create with nothing holding them back!

    We talk all things Chefpreneur. Guests include clients, chefs, attorneys, farmers … whoever can inspire you to think about the industry differently.

    The future is yours … put it into your own hands!

    Get a Copy of the Chefpreneur E-Book for FREE!

    The Chefpreneur E-Book
    Also...make sure you join The Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group to be part of the discussion!

    Not Ready to Go Full Throttle? … Start a Part-time Personal Chef Business Instead

    Not Ready to Go Full Throttle? … Start a Part-time Personal Chef Business Instead

    Chef Andres starts out this week’s podcast with his Q&A segment. If you asked a question in the Chefreneur Movement FaceBook group, then this might be your opportunity to get the answers you are seeking.

    On today’s podcast Chef Andres talks about how to start your personal chef business part-time. One of the fears that you all have about starting a business is whether or not you have enough money to get started. We have talked about the fact that it really costs less than $500 to get started. In addition, many of you have indicated that time might be an issue. You work long, hard hours and let’s face it, when you get home you want to rest … not work more. There will be a level of sacrifice you will need to make so that you can do the things you really want to do. Take small steps. Don’t take on everything all at once, but do something so that you gain momentum.

    Find out more about how you can start your personal chef business part-time, while still working your regular job. You can do this and the Chefpreneur FaceBook Group was created to give you the support you need to follow your dreams. It won’t be easy (It can be overwhelming at times), but it will be well worth it. Chef Andres is hard at work perfecting the Chefpreneur program so that you will have all the tools you need to get started at your fingertips. The program is coming soon, but in the meantime, work on naming your business, getting licensed, and all the other items discussed in the Chefpreneur e-book.

    We are motivating, educating, and inspiring chefs to take a leap of faith, start their own business, and create experiences they want to create with nothing holding them back!

    We talk all things Chefpreneur. Guests include clients, chefs, attorneys, farmers … whoever can inspire you to think about the industry differently.

    The future is yours … put it into your own hands!

    Get a Copy of the Chefpreneur E-Book for FREE!

    The Chefpreneur E-Book
    Also...make sure you join The Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group to be part of the discussion!

    So, You Know How to Cook, but do You Have What it Takes to be a Personal Chef?

    So, You Know How to Cook, but do You Have What it Takes to be a Personal Chef?

    On this episode of the Chefpreneur Program Podcast, Chef Andres addresses your most pressing questions regarding starting a personal chef business … like “What’s the process you go through leading up to the cook day?” or “How can I do this if I have become stale? Can I still add value?” He also talks just a little about the Chefpreneur Program that he is launching very soon. Chef Andres will provide templates and processes that you can use in your personal chef business. He is also going to provide you with a sales script so that you can close the deal. He’s created everything so that you can be successful right out of the gate. The program will be robust so stay tuned to find out about the official launch of the program.

    Now onto today’s topic … So, you know how to cook, but do you have what it takes to be a personal chef?

    A lot of chefs think that there’s so much you need to have in order to be a personal chef. You don’t necessarily need to be the best cook (although it’s nice ...), but you really just need to have confidence. Many of the members of the Chefpreneur FaceBook group indicated that they feel like they need to have lots of experience in business, but the truth is that you just need basic business skills. Others believe that they haven’t earned their stripes as a “chef.” But you can promote yourself in your own right as a chef. Those are just some of the fears that you have got to overcome in order to build a successful personal chef business.

    Find out more about what it takes to move past the idea that you are forever bound to be a cook in someone else’s restaurant or hotel by listening to today's podcast. Chefpreneurs, you have options! Build that confidence and take a leap into owning your own personal chef business.

    We are motivating, educating, and inspiring chefs to take a leap of faith, start their own business, and create experiences they want to create with nothing holding them back!

    We talk all things Chefpreneur. Guests include clients, chefs, attorneys, farmers … whoever can inspire you to think about the industry differently.

    The future is yours … put it into your own hands!

    Get a Copy of the Chefpreneur E-Book for FREE!

    The Chefpreneur E-Book

    Also...make sure you join The Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group to be part of the discussion!

    A Day in the Life of a Personal Chef

    A Day in the Life of a Personal Chef

    You may wonder what a day in the life of a personal chef looks like? In today’s podcast, Chef Andres gives a glimpse into his life. He talks about the things he has experienced over the past several years. He talks about all the fun he has had, his travels, and insight he has gleaned since becoming a personal chef.

    One story he shares is about a family he cooked for. This family had some very particular tastes. They had had a bad experience with a previous personal chef, but Chef Andres was able to ‘WOW’ them with his food. This family was so happy that they hired him to cook for them again. He ended up flying in a private jet to a location you will need to listen to the podcast to find out more about … He also flew in a helicopter to get to another location to cook for this same family!

    Find out more about becoming a personal chef and all the great experiences you will have when you decide to work for yourself. If traveling is one of the things you look forward to doing as a personal chef, you can do it! Ever wanted to cook in a mansion? Well, this is the move for you. How about cooking on the beach? Become a Chefpreneur, work for yourself, and make your dreams come true!

    We are motivating, educating, and inspiring chefs to take a leap of faith, start their own business, and create experiences they want to create with nothing holding them back!

    We talk all things Chefpreneur. Guests include clients, chefs, attorneys, farmers … whoever can inspire you to think about the industry differently.

    The future is yours … put it into your own hands!

    Get a Copy of the Chefpreneur E-Book for FREE!

    The Chefpreneur E-Book

    Also...make sure you join The Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group to be part of the discussion!


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