

    Explore "pius" with insightful episodes like "Episode 14 – Dr. Felix Kaup & Dr. Carsten Ott: CO2-Helden denken weiter", "Tego dnia: 16 grudnia (zabójstwo Narutowicza)", ""Porwany", reż Marco Bellocchio | Klara Cykorz | AWK #62", "S6 E17: Modernity, Part 2" and "S6 E16: Modernity, Part 1" from podcasts like ""20 Minuten Hessen", "Tego dnia", "Accademia Włoskiego Kina | Podcast", "Unlimited Opinions - Philosophy, Mythology, Theology, & More" and "Unlimited Opinions - Philosophy, Mythology, Theology, & More"" and more!

    Episodes (48)

    Tego dnia: 16 grudnia (zabójstwo Narutowicza)

    Tego dnia: 16 grudnia (zabójstwo Narutowicza)
    16 grudnia 1653 – Oliver Cromwell objął urząd Lorda protektora.
    16 grudnia 1773 – Protest polityczny zwany herbatką bostońską.
    16 grudnia 1795 – Papież Pius VI wydał brewe potępiające insurekcję kościuszkowską.
    16 grudnia 1864 – Pod Nashville zakończyła się ostatnia bitwa wojny secesyjnej.
    16 grudnia 1922 – Śmierć pierwszego prezydenta Gabriela Narutowicza.

    "Porwany", reż Marco Bellocchio | Klara Cykorz | AWK #62

    "Porwany", reż Marco Bellocchio | Klara Cykorz | AWK #62
    Serdecznie zapraszamy na spotkanie wokół najnowszego filmu Marco Bellocchio pt. „Porwany” (Rapito, 2023), o którym porozmawiamy z krytyczką filmową - Klarą Cykorz.

    Tym razem, Bellocchio przygląda się dramatycznej historii Edgarda Mortarty.

    W 1858 roku w żydowskiej dzielnicy Bolonii żołnierze papieża Piusa IX (Paolo Pierobon) wdzierają się do domu rodziny Mortara. Z rozkazu kardynała mają zabrać 7-letniego Edgardo (Enea Sala). Chłopiec został potajemnie ochrzczony przez jego opiekunkę, gdy był mały, przez co zgodnie z papieskim prawem musi zostać wychowany w wierze katolickiej. Rodzice Edgardo nie zgadzają się z takim postępowaniem i robią wszystko, by odzyskać syna. Mortarowie są popierani przez opinię publiczną i międzynarodową społeczność żydowską, jednak Kościół katolicki i papież Pius IX nie zgadzają się na zmianę doktryny i zwrot dziecka. Staje się to przyczynkiem do bitwy politycznej, w której stawką jest demokracja i zjednoczenie Włoch.


    S6 E17: Modernity, Part 2

    S6 E17: Modernity, Part 2

    From World War I to the Spanish Civil War to World War II, we cover some of the worst periods for the Catholic Church (and for humanity) in this episode. We start by discussing St. John Henry Newman and the fight against modernism, then look at the First Vatican Council, and then how the Church dealt with both liberal democracies and communist and fascist totalitarianisms with the principle of corporatism. Throughout this episode, we realize that the problems facing the Church then are the same problems we are facing today!

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    S6 E16: Modernity, Part 1

    S6 E16: Modernity, Part 1

    Maybe John Bosco just carried around really smelly bread, and that's where Bosco sticks came from! You can hear this groundbreaking idea and many more in this episode, as we look at the first half of James Hitchcock's chapter on how the Catholic Church dealt with the issues of modernity. We look at the rise of conservatism, liberalism, nationalism, and socialism; the end of the papal states, the social principles of subsidiarity and corporatism; Pope Pius IX's intriguing Syllabus of Errors, and much more! Mixed in are plenty of rants about our own thoughts on modernity, as might be expected.

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    Tego dnia: 10 lipca (początek bitwy o Anglię)

    Tego dnia: 10 lipca (początek bitwy o Anglię)
    10 lipca 48 p.n.e. – W bitwie pod Dyrrachium Pompejusz prawie pokonał Cezara.

    10 lipca 138 – Antoninus Pius został cesarzem rzymskim.

    10 lipca 1553 – Jane Grey została na 9 dni królową Anglii.

    10 lipca 1649 – Rozpoczęła się obrona Zbaraża.

    10 lipca 1651 – Ucieczką Bohuna zakończyła się bitwa pod Beresteczkiem.

    10 lipca 1660 – Arianin Andrzej Wiszowaty na zawsze wyjechał z Polski.

    10 lipca 1940 – Rozpoczęła się bitwa o Anglię.

    10 lipca 1941 – Doszło do pogromu w Jedwabnem.

    10 lipca 1969 – Rozpoczęto kręcenie komedii filmowej Rejs.

    10 lipca 1992 – Hanna Suchocka została pierwszą kobietą-premierem RP.

    Tego dnia: 3 czerwca (Sarmacki Katyń)

    Tego dnia: 3 czerwca (Sarmacki Katyń)
    3 czerwca 1460 – Papież Pius II ekskomunikował króla Polski Kazimierza IV Jagiellończyka.

    3 czerwca 1524 – Mikołaj Kopernik napisał we Fromborku List przeciwko Wernerowi

    3 czerwca 1621 – Powstała Holenderska Kompania Zachodnioindyjska.

    3 czerwca 1652 – Rozpoczęto mordowanie polskich jeńców po bitwie pod Batohem.

    3 czerwca 1839 – Zaczęto niszczyć opium co doprowadziło do I wojny opiumowej.

    3 czerwca 1880 – Przeprowadzono pierwszą bezprzewodową transmisję telefoniczną.

    3 czerwca 1918 – Deklaracja wersalska dotyczącą utworzenia niepodległej Polski.

    3 czerwca 1989 – Wysłano wojsko w celu usunięcia protestujących z placu Tian’anmen w Pekinie.

    3 czerwca 2018 – Pierwszy raz obchodzono Światowy Dzień Roweru.

    2 - The Mass in the First Three Centuries

    2 - The Mass in the First Three Centuries

    Mr. Michael Davies discusses the Mass in the first three centuries. There are intervening periods of "light" and "darkness" regarding our knowledge of the development of the liturgy of the Mass in the first three hundred years of Church History. Mr. Michael Davies speaks here of what we know, do not know, and merely speculate about at the dawn of liturgical growth. Taken from: The Church in the Early Middle Ages - 1994 Von Hildebrand Institute

    3 - The Parent Rites - The Antiochian Rite

    3 - The Parent Rites - The Antiochian Rite

    Mr. Michael Davies discusses the history of the Parent Rites, specifically the Antiochian Rite of the Mass. Syria, with the great metropolis of Antioch, from which emerged men like St. John Chrysostom, was one of the great early centers of Christianity. Mr. Michael Davies treats here of the liturgy coming from its midst. Taken from: The Church in the Early Middle Ages - 1994 Von Hildebrand Institute

    4 - The Parent Rites - The Alexandrian and Gallican Rites

    4 - The Parent Rites - The Alexandrian and Gallican Rites

    Mr. Michael Davies discusses the Alexandrian and Gallican rites. Two distinct centers of liturgical importance are examined in this lecture by Mr. Michael Davies: those of Alexandria in Egypt, with its "multicultural" Greek and Coptic Church, and of Merovingian/Carolingian Gaul, the "cauldron" of western medieval culture. Taken from: The Church in the Early Middle Ages - 1994 Von Hildebrand Institute

    5 - The Parent Rites - The Roman Rite

    5 - The Parent Rites - The Roman Rite

    Mr. Michael Davies discusses the history of the Parent Rites, specifically the Roman Rite of the Mass. Sources for the history of the Roman Rite of Mass are both complex and numerous. Mr. Michael Davies, a great expert on that Rite and modern distortions regarding its development, treats here of the reality of its birth and maturation. Taken from: The Church in the Early Middle Ages - 1994 Von Hildebrand Institute

    7 - Carolingian Divisions and their Effects on the Church in the West: I

    7 - Carolingian Divisions and their Effects on the Church in the West: I

    Germanic customs also badly affected politics. The Empire was looked upon as a family territory to be divided among the heirs of Louis the Pious, already causing problems when the former was still alive. This horrified Churchmen concerned for Christian and Roman unity. But the problem had just begun for Lothair, Louis the German, and Charles the Bald when their father finally died.

    8 - Carolingian Divisions and their Effects on the Church in the West: II

    8 - Carolingian Divisions and their Effects on the Church in the West: II

    The "Carolingian Renaissance," illustrating the consequences of earlier work done to Romanize and Christianize the Germanic West, reached its peak underneath Louis the Pious' sons. Nevertheless, their divisions, made worse through deaths, rebellions, and the invasions of Northmen and Saracens, made the latter 800's a disastrous time for the Christian Roman West. Popes tried vainly to halt the decay by choosing an Emperor who could defend both Church and State.

    Pius XII and the Jews

    Pius XII and the Jews

    Sister M. Marchione discusses Pope Pius XII and his role in helping the Jews during the Third Reich's reign. Pius XII has been blacklisted for his "silence" during the Third Reich's reign. His detractors, however, never mention how many Jews were sheltered in the Vatican. Sister M. Marchione defends the name of Pius XII.

    8 - Montini's Italy and the Democratization of the Papacy

    8 - Montini's Italy and the Democratization of the Papacy

    Chris Ferrara talks about – The Connection of the Interwar Period with the Reign of Paul VI. G.B. Montini, the future Pope Paul VI, was influenced by a number of the pro-democratic and personalist themes discussed by other lecturers, and most especially by Jacques Maritain. He was also interested in liturgical reforms, and his work with FUCI (the Italian Catholic university organization) indicated his dislike of much of contemporary Catholic devotional life as well. All these factors, which gradually made Pius XII suspicious of his activities, then played a central role in his guidance of Second Vatican Council down the path of a democratization which on the one hand weakened the Papacy's power, and on the other guaranteed that its use would be more willful.

    8. Imagining a New Heathendom

    8. Imagining a New Heathendom

    Dr. Clemens Cavallin is a professor of religious studies at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, in this second talk, he provides examples of the ways modernized versions of yoga are promoted as a means to glorify the body and exalt man above God. He quotes Pope Pius X’s prescient observations on the dangers of modernity and on Mary as the source of our only hope to all things in Christ.

    1 - Strong Leadership at the Top: From Pius IX toPius XII

    1 - Strong Leadership at the Top: From Pius IX toPius XII

    ather Kenneth Baker, S.J.
    There is a lack of strong leadership in the Church at the present time. The crisis of leadership in the Catholic Church means the Church can't fulfill her two main purposes of existence as the True and Only Church of Jesus Christ: To promote the Glory and Worship of God and to provide for the eternal salvation of souls who have been created for heaven and the face-to-face vision of God for all eternity. This was not the case during the reigns of the six outstanding popes from Pius IX to Pius XII. Father Baker details the many ways that these heroic Pontiffs led the Church and left it strong, growing, rich in vocations, universally respected, and even feared. Father Kenneth Baker, S.J., is Editor Emeritus of the Homiletic and Pastoral Review. He is also a regular contributor to The Latin Mass magazine.