

    Explore " quant" with insightful episodes like "Er Indien det nye Kina?", "Er Indien det nye Kina?", "Episode 36: Gina Martin Adams, CMT, CFA", "Luftfartsselskaberne kan mærke opdriften" and "Luftfartsselskaberne kan mærke opdriften" from podcasts like ""Finans", "AktieUgenyt iTunes", "Fill The Gap: The Official Podcast of the CMT Association", "AktieUgenyt iTunes" and "Finans"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Er Indien det nye Kina?

    Er Indien det nye Kina?

    Er Indien det nye Kina? – Det er et spørgsmål, der igen er blevet ganske aktuelt i de seneste måneder. Det skyldes primært, at Kina på nuværende tidspunkt oplever en række økonomiske og geopolitiske modvinde, og derfor er nabolandet Indien begyndt at dukke op på investorernes radar.

    De første to årtier af dette årtusinde var i høj grad historien om Kinas fremgang, spørgsmålet er om de næste to årtier står i Indiens navn? Det indiske aktiemarked er i hvert fald stukket af fra de kinesiske, men om Indien så rent faktisk er det nye Kina, det kan du høre mere om i denne udsendelse.  

    Vigtig investorinformation.

    Er Indien det nye Kina?

    Er Indien det nye Kina?

    Er Indien det nye Kina? – Det er et spørgsmål, der igen er blevet ganske aktuelt i de seneste måneder. Det skyldes primært, at Kina på nuværende tidspunkt oplever en række økonomiske og geopolitiske modvinde, og derfor er nabolandet Indien begyndt at dukke op på investorernes radar.

    De første to årtier af dette årtusinde var i høj grad historien om Kinas fremgang, spørgsmålet er om de næste to årtier står i Indiens navn? Det indiske aktiemarked er i hvert fald stukket af fra de kinesiske, men om Indien så rent faktisk er det nye Kina, det kan du høre mere om i denne udsendelse.  

    Vigtig investorinformation.

    Episode 36: Gina Martin Adams, CMT, CFA

    Episode 36: Gina Martin Adams, CMT, CFA

    Kick off the new year with a big picture look at the global macro backdrop for investors. In Episode 36 we are fortunate to glean insights from Gina Martin Adams, CMT, CFA who shared with us how distortions in the economy driven by the global pandemic are still playing out with bizarre consequences. 

    Gina Martin Adams, CMT, CFA, is the Global Head of Portfolio Strategy and Chief Equity Strategist for Bloomberg Intelligence, a unique research platform that provides context on markets, industries, companies, and government policy, available on the Bloomberg Professional Service at BI.

    Gina provides top-down perspective on the equity market, sectors and industries with a multi-disciplined approach that utilizes fundamental, quantitative and technical analysis. She is a familiar face to many on Bloomberg News, and has been recognized for portfolio strategy, technical strategy and economics in Institutional Investors’ All-America Research survey. 

    Enjoy this interview with one of the top minds in global equity strategy and understand how technical analysis adds clarity to in a most unpredictable investment landscape.

    Fill the Gap, hosted by David Lundgren, CMT, CFA and Tyler Wood, CMT brings veteran market analysts and money managers onto a monthly podcast.

    For complete show notes of every episode, visit: https://cmtassociation.org/development/podcasts/

    Give us a shout:
    @dlundgren3333 or
    @_TBone_Pickens or
    @CMTAssociation or

    CMT Association is the global credentialing authority committed to advancing the discipline of technical analysis in the financial services industry. We serve members in over 137 countries. Our mission is to elevate investors mastery and skill in mitigating market risk and maximizing return in capital markets through a rigorous credentialing process, professional ethics, and continuous education. CMT Association formed in the late 1960s with headquarters in lower Manhattan, NY and Mumbai, India.

    Learn more at: www.cmtassociation.org

    Luftfartsselskaberne kan mærke opdriften

    Luftfartsselskaberne kan mærke opdriften
    Luftfartsselskaberne har af mange investorer været anset som uinvesterbare i kølvandet på coronavirussen. Flyene måtte forblive parkeret på landingsbanen, mens regningerne fortsatte med at tikke ind, og gælden blot blev større og større.

    Siden starten af coronavirussen har vi været vidner til ikke mindre end 64 konkurser blandt flyselskaberne. Investorerne har heller ikke været begejstrede for flyselskaber, der er faldet med 43% siden starten af 2020, mens verdensindekset er steget med 37%.

    Hos danske investorer har investeringer i SAS eller Norwegian ligeledes sat deres spor, hvorfor der hos nogle investorer stadig løber kuldegysninger ned ad ryggen, når man nævner "investering" og "luftfartsselskaber" i samme sætning.

    Luftfartsbranchen har de seneste år oplevet medvind fra rejselystne forbrugere, samtidig med at branchen har været udfordret på kapaciteten, hvilket har gjort det muligt at hæve priserne på rejser ganske kraftigt. Dermed begynder flere og flere af luftfartsselskaberne nu igen at se investerbare ud.

    Selskaber relateret til dette tema er:

    Ryanair Holdings Plc

    Deutsche Lufthansa AG

    Quantas Airways Limited

    Singapore Airlines Limited

    Jet2 Plc

    Sådan udvælger og behandler vi aktier relateret til temaet:

    Nedenstående aktier er udvalgt ud fra 1) deres strategiske tilknytning til det belyste tema samt 2) deres rent kvantitative attraktivitet med baggrund i Jyske Quant modellen på udgivelsesdatoen for videoen. Sidstnævnte fokuserer på prisfastsættelse, kvalitet og stemningen omkring den givne aktie. Vær opmærksom på, at der ikke følges op på temaet og/eller de anbefalede aktier efter udgivelsesdatoen. Du kan se de nuværende kvantitative anbefalinger på aktierne relateret til temaet (Køb, Neutral, Salg) via de links, som følger med denne video.

    Vigtig investorinformation

    Luftfartsselskaberne kan mærke opdriften

    Luftfartsselskaberne kan mærke opdriften
    Luftfartsselskaberne har af mange investorer været anset som uinvesterbare i kølvandet på coronavirussen. Flyene måtte forblive parkeret på landingsbanen, mens regningerne fortsatte med at tikke ind, og gælden blot blev større og større.

    Siden starten af coronavirussen har vi været vidner til ikke mindre end 64 konkurser blandt flyselskaberne. Investorerne har heller ikke været begejstrede for flyselskaber, der er faldet med 43% siden starten af 2020, mens verdensindekset er steget med 37%.

    Hos danske investorer har investeringer i SAS eller Norwegian ligeledes sat deres spor, hvorfor der hos nogle investorer stadig løber kuldegysninger ned ad ryggen, når man nævner "investering" og "luftfartsselskaber" i samme sætning.

    Luftfartsbranchen har de seneste år oplevet medvind fra rejselystne forbrugere, samtidig med at branchen har været udfordret på kapaciteten, hvilket har gjort det muligt at hæve priserne på rejser ganske kraftigt. Dermed begynder flere og flere af luftfartsselskaberne nu igen at se investerbare ud.

    Selskaber relateret til dette tema er:

    Ryanair Holdings Plc

    Deutsche Lufthansa AG

    Quantas Airways Limited

    Singapore Airlines Limited

    Jet2 Plc

    Sådan udvælger og behandler vi aktier relateret til temaet:

    Nedenstående aktier er udvalgt ud fra 1) deres strategiske tilknytning til det belyste tema samt 2) deres rent kvantitative attraktivitet med baggrund i Jyske Quant modellen på udgivelsesdatoen for videoen. Sidstnævnte fokuserer på prisfastsættelse, kvalitet og stemningen omkring den givne aktie. Vær opmærksom på, at der ikke følges op på temaet og/eller de anbefalede aktier efter udgivelsesdatoen. Du kan se de nuværende kvantitative anbefalinger på aktierne relateret til temaet (Køb, Neutral, Salg) via de links, som følger med denne video.

    Vigtig investorinformation

    What the transformation of the labour market means to investors

    What the transformation of the labour market means to investors

    Ageing populations in the west causing shrinking of the workforce, mismatches in jobs and qualifications, and the rise of new technology is all contributing to the transformation of the labour markets, according to PGIM’s latest megatrends report.

    • Jakob Wilhelmus, director at PGIM’s Thematic Research group

    • Julia Newbould, managing editor at Conexus Financial

    Stigende oliepriser skaber investerings-muligheder

    Stigende oliepriser skaber investerings-muligheder

    De seneste ugers markante udsving i oliepriserne ændrer ikke ved, at oliepriserne overordnet set har været stigende siden sommerferien. Med forventningen om, at oliepriserne skal højere op fra nuværende niveauer kan man med fordel tage et kig på eksempler på aktier, der kan være med til at øge ens eksponering mod de stigende oliepriser.

    Selskaber relateret til temaet:

    Equinor ASA
    Chevron Corporation
    Exxon Mobil Corporation 
    Repsol SA
    Shell PLC

    Sådan udvælger og behandler vi aktier relateret til temaet

    Nedenstående aktier er udvalgt ud fra 1) deres strategiske tilknytning til det belyste tema samt 2) deres rent kvantitative attraktivitet med baggrund i Jyske Quant modellen på udgivelsesdatoen for videoen. Sidstnævnte fokuserer på prisfastsættelse, kvalitet og stemningen omkring den givne aktie. Vær opmærksom på, at der ikke følges op på temaet og/eller de anbefalede aktier efter udgivelsesdatoen. Du kan se de nuværende kvantitative anbefalinger på aktierne relateret til temaet (Køb, Neutral, Salg) via de links, som følger med denne video.

    Integrating biodiversity into investment decisions

    Integrating biodiversity into investment decisions

    Greater access to information from companies and associations on geospatial analysis combined with the acceleration and exponential destruction of the ecosystem has prompted biodiversity to becoming a hot topic in making investment decisions. Conexus Financial managing editor Julia Newbould talks to Newton Investment Management global head of sustainable investment Therese Niklasson 

    Food for thought

    Food for thought

    Our food system needs to be more productive and sustainable with increased demand, changing diets and an outdated production system. According to PGIM thematic research group director Jakob Wilhelmus, there are two main challenges in the food chain right now – our current food system is outdated and secondly the devastating impact on the environment and climate change.

    Food for thought

    Food for thought

    Our food system needs to be more productive and sustainable with increased demand, changing diets and an outdated production system. According to PGIM thematic research group director Jakob Wilhelmus, there are two main challenges in the food chain right now – our current food system is outdated and secondly the devastating impact on the environment and climate change.

    #154 ~ Frequency Writer: February March 2023 Marinades: Calling All Avatars, Ascension Storms, Inner Weather, & God's Quantum Is Here!

    #154 ~ Frequency Writer: February March 2023 Marinades: Calling All Avatars, Ascension Storms, Inner Weather, & God's Quantum Is Here!

    To donate to Marie Mohler, click here: https://give.cornerstone.cc/wholesoulmasterydonate Part 2 of this 2-Part Video Series takes a deeper dive into these powerful February and March 2023+ Energies and Messages.  Themes and topics covered include The Call to Avatars, Ascension Weather, Inner Weather, The Power of Choice, The Flipping of Worlds, Quantum Everything, Our Inner Thermostats, Right Brain Vs Left Brain Living, the Gifts of the Divine Feminine, and more!  Thank you for joining me and please share with others who would benefit from these insights and positive energies.

    Part 1 of this 2-Part Video Series presents this Arcturian Collective's February March 2023 Energy Update via channel Marie Mohler. In this transmission, the Guides spotlight the Ascension Weather, Fire, Floods, Storms, Quantum Vortexes & Creation, Light Filled Scrutiny, Freedom, Sentience, and more!  To hear the original transmission, click here: https://youtu.be/g5Xzz8veRac

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    Tune into Frequency Writer Transmissions & Marinades, Whole Soul Mastery Podcasts with Amazing Guests, and Whole Soul School and Foundation's variety of inspiring podcasts via:

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    Search:  Whole Soul Mastery or Whole Soul School and Foundation

    If would like to support me and my work directly, please send donations to: https://give.cornerstone.cc/wholesoulmasterydonate

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    Marie Mohler/Whole Soul Mastery
    1289 Fordham Blvd., Suite 259
    Chapel Hill, NC 27514

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    How to Cycle Sync and Quantum Leap with Sam Doyle

    How to Cycle Sync and Quantum Leap with Sam Doyle

    INTERVIEW: What is cycle syncing anyways? Should I be doing this? How do I even get started?! This week I'm in conversation with Sam Doyle, the cycle syncing goddess herself, to tell me everything we need to know about living our most authentic lives in sync with our periods. And yes, while I know this topic is for menstruators, I actually think we all can learn a thing or two from this intuitive way of being. On this episode Sam shares with Bedside what the 4 phases of every menstrual cycle entails and gets granular around the foods, movement, creativity, and energy each phase calls for. Sam tells us about her Catholic school days, what inspired her to overhaul her health journey, and spills SO many tips for intuitive living. And for my manifestation babes, this conversation is filled with all the universal gems for stepping into that next level you. This was such a nourishing conversation and I can't wait for all of us to tap into this super power. LFG!!

    Bedside Partners: 

    Mentioned Resources:

    Connect with Bedside:

    Connect with Sam Doyle:

    Be sure to rate, review, and share this episode with a friend! It makes the world of a difference one listener at a time <3 

    Be sure to rate, review, and share this episode with a friend! LOVE YOU!

    Not the time to shy away from emerging markets

    Not the time to shy away from emerging markets

    With volatility a strong theme of markets and economies over 2022, some investors have de-risked their portfolios and lost their stomach for riskier emerging markets investments but Alex Khosla, emerging markets and Asia equities portfolio manager at sustainable investment manager Newton Investment Management, argues emerging markets still offer value if you know how to find it. 

    Navigating the disruption in energy markets

    Navigating the disruption in energy markets
    The world is experiencing the results of an underinvestment in traditional oil/gas energy infrastructure which was compounded by Covid- 19, when some companies believed that peak oil demand had arrived pulling back even more on investment, then came the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and the disruption is overlaid with the longer-term focus on energy transition. David Winans, principal and credit analyst for PGIM Fixed Income’s US investment grade credit research team and Julia Newbould, managing editor, Conexus Financial look at both sides of the demand and supply puzzle.

    Navigating the disruption in energy markets

    Navigating the disruption in energy markets
    The world is experiencing the results of an underinvestment in traditional oil/gas energy infrastructure which was compounded by Covid- 19, when some companies believed that peak oil demand had arrived pulling back even more on investment, then came the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and the disruption is overlaid with the longer-term focus on energy transition. David Winans, principal and credit analyst for PGIM Fixed Income’s US investment grade credit research team and Julia Newbould, managing editor, Conexus Financial look at both sides of the demand and supply puzzle.

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