

    Explore "rc3-oio" with insightful episodes like "The Challenges of Decarbonizing Everything (rc3)", "The Challenges of Decarbonizing Everything (rc3)", "Careables - Video Stories of Open Source Hardware for Care (rc3)", "Careables - Video Stories of Open Source Hardware for Care (rc3)" and "Net neutrality 2.0. Router Freedom and device neutrality and in Europe (rc3)" from podcasts like ""Chaos Computer Club - archive feed (high quality)", "Chaos Computer Club - archive feed", "Chaos Computer Club - archive feed", "Chaos Computer Club - archive feed (high quality)" and "Chaos Computer Club - archive feed (high quality)"" and more!

    Episodes (38)

    The Challenges of Decarbonizing Everything (rc3)

    The Challenges of Decarbonizing Everything (rc3)
    To stop the climate crisis the world needs to become climate neutral. But while renewables have made great progress, the hard challenges still lie ahead. In some sectors decarbonized technologies aren't even available - and a future zero-emission economy will require staggering amounts of electricity. Solar panels and wind turbines can replace coal power plants, and electric cars allow driving without oil. But if we want to evade the climate crisis we need to get rid of emissions everywhere. Sectors like steel, cement, petrochemicals, and aviation are much more challenging to decarbonize. The solution usually proposed is to either directly or indirectly move everything to electricity. However, the amount of electricity required to do this is many times the amount of electricity produced worldwide today. Some sectors cannot be electrified and will probably require carbon capture technology. And in the future we may need to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, which will require even more electricity. The talk will give an overview of the challenges ahead on the way to climate neutrality - and why we will need much more electricity than most people realize. about this event: https://talks.rc3.oio.social/r3c-oio/talk/KVJUQM/

    The Challenges of Decarbonizing Everything (rc3)

    The Challenges of Decarbonizing Everything (rc3)
    To stop the climate crisis the world needs to become climate neutral. But while renewables have made great progress, the hard challenges still lie ahead. In some sectors decarbonized technologies aren't even available - and a future zero-emission economy will require staggering amounts of electricity. Solar panels and wind turbines can replace coal power plants, and electric cars allow driving without oil. But if we want to evade the climate crisis we need to get rid of emissions everywhere. Sectors like steel, cement, petrochemicals, and aviation are much more challenging to decarbonize. The solution usually proposed is to either directly or indirectly move everything to electricity. However, the amount of electricity required to do this is many times the amount of electricity produced worldwide today. Some sectors cannot be electrified and will probably require carbon capture technology. And in the future we may need to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, which will require even more electricity. The talk will give an overview of the challenges ahead on the way to climate neutrality - and why we will need much more electricity than most people realize. about this event: https://talks.rc3.oio.social/r3c-oio/talk/KVJUQM/

    Careables - Video Stories of Open Source Hardware for Care (rc3)

    Careables  - Video Stories of Open Source Hardware for Care (rc3)
    All over the Globe Care-receivers, healthcare professionals and makers join forces to co-create careables: tailor-made open solutions that tackle permanent or temporary disability. Careables is an open and inclusive approach to healthcare based on digital fabrication and collaborative making. We are looking at 3 years of co-creation and building a community that makes and shares open source hardware for health. The activities and designs are diverse. By showing a selection of Video Footage from the different sites of action in the Netherlands, Brazil, Ghana, Italy, Nepal, Germany and the online world we invite you to experience some of our key moments moments, be inspired and become part of the movement. about this event: https://talks.rc3.oio.social/r3c-oio/talk/WSU7ZL/

    Careables - Video Stories of Open Source Hardware for Care (rc3)

    Careables  - Video Stories of Open Source Hardware for Care (rc3)
    All over the Globe Care-receivers, healthcare professionals and makers join forces to co-create careables: tailor-made open solutions that tackle permanent or temporary disability. Careables is an open and inclusive approach to healthcare based on digital fabrication and collaborative making. We are looking at 3 years of co-creation and building a community that makes and shares open source hardware for health. The activities and designs are diverse. By showing a selection of Video Footage from the different sites of action in the Netherlands, Brazil, Ghana, Italy, Nepal, Germany and the online world we invite you to experience some of our key moments moments, be inspired and become part of the movement. about this event: https://talks.rc3.oio.social/r3c-oio/talk/WSU7ZL/

    Net neutrality 2.0. Router Freedom and device neutrality and in Europe (rc3)

    Net neutrality 2.0.  Router Freedom and device neutrality and in Europe (rc3)
    Since 2013 the Free Software Foundation Europe has been fighting for the right users have to choose and use their own routers and modems. After the successful for net neutrality in Europe in 2015, users in Europe have the right to freely choose routers and modems to access the Internet. Router Freedom is the standard, empowering users to control their devices with clear advantages for security, privacy and ecological footprint. Now, challenges on national implementation of the European rules will put this right under risk. In parallel new demands are being posed against commercial practices involving software that is sold with hardware by default, for instance operating system in laptops, browsers and app stores. The talk will provide an overview on the recent successes for router freedom and the legal challenges against net neutrality in Europe. about this event: https://talks.rc3.oio.social/r3c-oio/talk/TRSU9G/

    Net neutrality 2.0. Router Freedom and device neutrality and in Europe (rc3)

    Net neutrality 2.0.  Router Freedom and device neutrality and in Europe (rc3)
    Since 2013 the Free Software Foundation Europe has been fighting for the right users have to choose and use their own routers and modems. After the successful for net neutrality in Europe in 2015, users in Europe have the right to freely choose routers and modems to access the Internet. Router Freedom is the standard, empowering users to control their devices with clear advantages for security, privacy and ecological footprint. Now, challenges on national implementation of the European rules will put this right under risk. In parallel new demands are being posed against commercial practices involving software that is sold with hardware by default, for instance operating system in laptops, browsers and app stores. The talk will provide an overview on the recent successes for router freedom and the legal challenges against net neutrality in Europe. about this event: https://talks.rc3.oio.social/r3c-oio/talk/TRSU9G/

    Emulating Huge Mesh Routing Networks (rc3)

    Emulating Huge Mesh Routing Networks (rc3)
    A year ago I set out to test various existing mesh routing protocols on different topologies. Especially emulating huge networks are tempting, since real hardware for this is too expensive (for me). I present the story, the projects [1] and my findings while testing emulated mesh networks of up to 2000 nodes. Protocol implementations tested: * Babel * batman-adv * BMX6 * BMX7 * CJDNS * OLSRd * OLSR2 * OSPF [1] https://github.com/mwarning/meshnet-lab about this event: https://talks.rc3.oio.social/r3c-oio/talk/H9H9JX/

    Emulating Huge Mesh Routing Networks (rc3)

    Emulating Huge Mesh Routing Networks (rc3)
    A year ago I set out to test various existing mesh routing protocols on different topologies. Especially emulating huge networks are tempting, since real hardware for this is too expensive (for me). I present the story, the projects [1] and my findings while testing emulated mesh networks of up to 2000 nodes. Protocol implementations tested: * Babel * batman-adv * BMX6 * BMX7 * CJDNS * OLSRd * OLSR2 * OSPF [1] https://github.com/mwarning/meshnet-lab about this event: https://talks.rc3.oio.social/r3c-oio/talk/H9H9JX/

    How To Hygienekonzept (rc3)

    How To Hygienekonzept (rc3)
    Das Jahr 2020 wurde in fast allen Bereichen von der Coronakrise dominiert. Die Clubszene Deutschlands wurde de facto lahmgelegt, und eine reguläre Öffnung ist auch im Jahr 2021 keinesfalls gesichert. Im Sommer diesen Jahres wurde es Veranstaltenden in Berlin erlaubt, Partys draußen zu verwirklichen. Eine von der Politik geforderte Maßnahme zur legalen Durchführung von Veranstaltungen aller Art ist das Vorweisen eines Hygienekonzeptes. Aber was ist ein Hygienekonzept, und worauf muss geachtet werden? Der Vortrag beschränkt sich auf die gesetzliche Lage im Land Berlin (die Berliner Infektionsschutzverordnung), ist vom Informationsgehalt für die anderen Bundesländer nicht weniger interessant. Durch die Schließung der Clubs, Bars und Konzerthäuser im März 2020 durch die Politik wurde eine ganze Industrie lahmgelegt. Durch das Erlauben von Veranstaltungen im Freien ist es trotzdem möglich, Partys unter gewissen Rahmenbedingungen zu feiern. Hierfür ist ein Hygienekonzept notwendig. Es ist nicht genau definiert wie dieses Hygienekonzept aussehen muss, und für Veranstaltende, welche hauptsächlich im Free Open Air Bereich operieren, kann es zu einem wahren Spießrutenlauf werden, ein solches Konzept aufzustellen und damit eine Veranstaltung erfolgreich durchzuführen. Um diesen Prozess zu erleichtern und eine Stütze für das erstellen von einem Hygienekonzept zu sein beschäftigt sich der Vortrag mit: * einem rechtlichen Teil, in welchem die Infektionsschutzverordnung und die daraus ergebenden Regeln behandelt werden, * einem Teil, welcher sich mit der Behördenkommunikation, durchgeführten Veranstaltungen und Erfahrungen beschäftigt und * einem Teil, in welchem es darum geht, ein Hygienekonzept aufzustellen. Hier wird kein komplettes Hygienekonzept durchgearbeitet, sondern ein Rahmen mit Beispielen gesteckt, um ein solches selber zu erstellen. about this event: https://talks.rc3.oio.social/r3c-oio/talk/KTUFP8/

    How To Hygienekonzept (rc3)

    How To Hygienekonzept (rc3)
    Das Jahr 2020 wurde in fast allen Bereichen von der Coronakrise dominiert. Die Clubszene Deutschlands wurde de facto lahmgelegt, und eine reguläre Öffnung ist auch im Jahr 2021 keinesfalls gesichert. Im Sommer diesen Jahres wurde es Veranstaltenden in Berlin erlaubt, Partys draußen zu verwirklichen. Eine von der Politik geforderte Maßnahme zur legalen Durchführung von Veranstaltungen aller Art ist das Vorweisen eines Hygienekonzeptes. Aber was ist ein Hygienekonzept, und worauf muss geachtet werden? Der Vortrag beschränkt sich auf die gesetzliche Lage im Land Berlin (die Berliner Infektionsschutzverordnung), ist vom Informationsgehalt für die anderen Bundesländer nicht weniger interessant. Durch die Schließung der Clubs, Bars und Konzerthäuser im März 2020 durch die Politik wurde eine ganze Industrie lahmgelegt. Durch das Erlauben von Veranstaltungen im Freien ist es trotzdem möglich, Partys unter gewissen Rahmenbedingungen zu feiern. Hierfür ist ein Hygienekonzept notwendig. Es ist nicht genau definiert wie dieses Hygienekonzept aussehen muss, und für Veranstaltende, welche hauptsächlich im Free Open Air Bereich operieren, kann es zu einem wahren Spießrutenlauf werden, ein solches Konzept aufzustellen und damit eine Veranstaltung erfolgreich durchzuführen. Um diesen Prozess zu erleichtern und eine Stütze für das erstellen von einem Hygienekonzept zu sein beschäftigt sich der Vortrag mit: * einem rechtlichen Teil, in welchem die Infektionsschutzverordnung und die daraus ergebenden Regeln behandelt werden, * einem Teil, welcher sich mit der Behördenkommunikation, durchgeführten Veranstaltungen und Erfahrungen beschäftigt und * einem Teil, in welchem es darum geht, ein Hygienekonzept aufzustellen. Hier wird kein komplettes Hygienekonzept durchgearbeitet, sondern ein Rahmen mit Beispielen gesteckt, um ein solches selber zu erstellen. about this event: https://talks.rc3.oio.social/r3c-oio/talk/KTUFP8/

    In der Sehnsucht nach "Normalität" steckt eine Lösungsstrategie gegen den krisenbedingten Dauerblues (rc3)

    In der Sehnsucht nach "Normalität" steckt eine Lösungsstrategie gegen den krisenbedingten Dauerblues (rc3)
    Wann ist die „Normalität“ genau abhanden gekommen? Wann begann der Strudel aus permanenten Bedrohungen und Weltuntergangsmitteilungen, der das Leben, wie man es von „früher” kannte, so unmöglich macht? Und wann kehrt das Normale wieder, lässt die Anspannung nach, kann man endlich wieder durchatmen? Momentan ist das Ende der unsicheren Zeiten schwer abzusehen. Aber das heißt nicht, dass man daran verzweifeln sollte. Zumindest nicht dauerhaft. Ein möglicher Teil der Lösung steckt in der missverständlichen Bedeutung des Normalen. Interessanterweise beinhaltet der Begriff "normal" zwei Aspekte: die Norm - also das Erstrebenswerte, kurz gesagt: was sein soll. Und die Normalität als Durchschnitt - als das was üblich ist, weit verbreitete Gewohnheiten etwa. Von dieser Beobachtung ausgehend möchte ich vermitteln, wie sich mit einigen einfachen Methoden Antworten auf zwei Fragen finden lassen, die helfen können, das Leben trotz des Chaos der Welt etwas zufriedener zu machen: (1) was ist mein übergeordnetes Ziel und nach welchen Normen will ich mich entsprechend in meinem Leben richten? Und (2) welche Gewohnheiten brauche ich oder muss ich mir neu zulegen, um mich in meinem Alltag möglichst wohl zu fühlen? about this event: https://talks.rc3.oio.social/r3c-oio/talk/PWLXHJ/

    In der Sehnsucht nach "Normalität" steckt eine Lösungsstrategie gegen den krisenbedingten Dauerblues (rc3)

    In der Sehnsucht nach "Normalität" steckt eine Lösungsstrategie gegen den krisenbedingten Dauerblues (rc3)
    Wann ist die „Normalität“ genau abhanden gekommen? Wann begann der Strudel aus permanenten Bedrohungen und Weltuntergangsmitteilungen, der das Leben, wie man es von „früher” kannte, so unmöglich macht? Und wann kehrt das Normale wieder, lässt die Anspannung nach, kann man endlich wieder durchatmen? Momentan ist das Ende der unsicheren Zeiten schwer abzusehen. Aber das heißt nicht, dass man daran verzweifeln sollte. Zumindest nicht dauerhaft. Ein möglicher Teil der Lösung steckt in der missverständlichen Bedeutung des Normalen. Interessanterweise beinhaltet der Begriff "normal" zwei Aspekte: die Norm - also das Erstrebenswerte, kurz gesagt: was sein soll. Und die Normalität als Durchschnitt - als das was üblich ist, weit verbreitete Gewohnheiten etwa. Von dieser Beobachtung ausgehend möchte ich vermitteln, wie sich mit einigen einfachen Methoden Antworten auf zwei Fragen finden lassen, die helfen können, das Leben trotz des Chaos der Welt etwas zufriedener zu machen: (1) was ist mein übergeordnetes Ziel und nach welchen Normen will ich mich entsprechend in meinem Leben richten? Und (2) welche Gewohnheiten brauche ich oder muss ich mir neu zulegen, um mich in meinem Alltag möglichst wohl zu fühlen? about this event: https://talks.rc3.oio.social/r3c-oio/talk/PWLXHJ/

    Human Rights in the Age of AI - Dystopia or shining future? (rc3)

    Human Rights in the Age of AI - Dystopia or shining future? (rc3)
    With the dawn of ever smarter algorithms, the question arises how this technology affects our human rights. Why and how can AI harm human rights? Can it be used to protect human rights? What are the important players in the field doing to ensure "ethic" AI? Join our talk to find out! How does AI threaten human rights today? How is it used in countries around the world to exacerbate the local human rights situation? The presentation will provide examples of how AI systems can fail - from fundamental flaws in how AI applications are trained to misperceived ideas about how to define an AI's objective function. But are the use of AI systems and a strong regard for human rights irreconcilable? Of course not! We'll also talk about the ingenious ways in which human rights advocates have leveraged the prowess of modern AI systems to protect our rights and to uncover human rights violations. Finally, we'll also cover cutting-edge ideas private and public agents, like Google, the EU or academic scholars, offer to ensure regulatory and human oversight in designing and deploying AI applications in the future. Amnesty International is a non-governmental organization that has been advocating human rights for almost 60 years. Today, Amnesty is working on how to defend our rights in the digital sphere and to increase public awareness for the dangers and the potentials of new technology. about this event: https://talks.rc3.oio.social/r3c-oio/talk/V78Y9U/

    Human Rights in the Age of AI - Dystopia or shining future? (rc3)

    Human Rights in the Age of AI - Dystopia or shining future? (rc3)
    With the dawn of ever smarter algorithms, the question arises how this technology affects our human rights. Why and how can AI harm human rights? Can it be used to protect human rights? What are the important players in the field doing to ensure "ethic" AI? Join our talk to find out! How does AI threaten human rights today? How is it used in countries around the world to exacerbate the local human rights situation? The presentation will provide examples of how AI systems can fail - from fundamental flaws in how AI applications are trained to misperceived ideas about how to define an AI's objective function. But are the use of AI systems and a strong regard for human rights irreconcilable? Of course not! We'll also talk about the ingenious ways in which human rights advocates have leveraged the prowess of modern AI systems to protect our rights and to uncover human rights violations. Finally, we'll also cover cutting-edge ideas private and public agents, like Google, the EU or academic scholars, offer to ensure regulatory and human oversight in designing and deploying AI applications in the future. Amnesty International is a non-governmental organization that has been advocating human rights for almost 60 years. Today, Amnesty is working on how to defend our rights in the digital sphere and to increase public awareness for the dangers and the potentials of new technology. about this event: https://talks.rc3.oio.social/r3c-oio/talk/V78Y9U/

    The #ReclaimYourFace campaign: EU, BAN biometric mass surveillance! (rc3)

    The #ReclaimYourFace campaign: EU, BAN biometric mass surveillance! (rc3)
    The EU is making new laws on AI. People are mobilising against biometric surveillance in public spaces. Hear about what's going on in different European countries, what tools activists are using to attack face recognition and similar mass surveillance technologies and - most importantly - what you can do to join the civil society #ReclaimYourFace movement. The European Union is setting new rules on Artificial Intelligence and people want to have a say. This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to shape how the EU is dealing with intrusive biometric technologies in public spaces. Yes, people are mobilising! # ReclaimYourFace is a civil society campaign that brings together organisations from across the continent with one goal: BAN BIOMETRIC SURVEILLANCE IN PUBLIC SPACES. Led by 12 digital rights member organisations of the EDRi network, the #ReclaimYourFace movement is fast expanding outside the digital rights bubble. The first part of this session will offer a quick summary of the new laws EU Is preparing -we'll explain why biometric mass surveillance is dangerous, undignifying and must be banned. More, you'll get an overview of resistance initiatives to biometric mass surveillance from different European countries. In the second part, you'll hear from people on the ground. Resistance organisers from Italy (Hermes Center), Greece(Homo Digitalis) and Serbia (SHARE Foundation) will talk about community mappings of cameras, freedom of information requests, investigative journalism and requests to the Data Protection Authorities. Finally, you'll hear about what you can do to #BanThisBS.(biometric surveillance). In January 2021, we're preparing a week of action and if you're ready & willing - you have a role in it. More, in 2021 we aim to gather over 1 million signatures part of a special petition - European Citizen Initiative (ECI). The ECI forces the European Commission to formally respond to us and address our call for a BAN. You'll hear a bit also about how you can help reach those 1 million signatures. about this event: https://talks.rc3.oio.social/r3c-oio/talk/PKN9CG/

    The #ReclaimYourFace campaign: EU, BAN biometric mass surveillance! (rc3)

    The #ReclaimYourFace campaign: EU, BAN biometric mass surveillance! (rc3)
    The EU is making new laws on AI. People are mobilising against biometric surveillance in public spaces. Hear about what's going on in different European countries, what tools activists are using to attack face recognition and similar mass surveillance technologies and - most importantly - what you can do to join the civil society #ReclaimYourFace movement. The European Union is setting new rules on Artificial Intelligence and people want to have a say. This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to shape how the EU is dealing with intrusive biometric technologies in public spaces. Yes, people are mobilising! # ReclaimYourFace is a civil society campaign that brings together organisations from across the continent with one goal: BAN BIOMETRIC SURVEILLANCE IN PUBLIC SPACES. Led by 12 digital rights member organisations of the EDRi network, the #ReclaimYourFace movement is fast expanding outside the digital rights bubble. The first part of this session will offer a quick summary of the new laws EU Is preparing -we'll explain why biometric mass surveillance is dangerous, undignifying and must be banned. More, you'll get an overview of resistance initiatives to biometric mass surveillance from different European countries. In the second part, you'll hear from people on the ground. Resistance organisers from Italy (Hermes Center), Greece(Homo Digitalis) and Serbia (SHARE Foundation) will talk about community mappings of cameras, freedom of information requests, investigative journalism and requests to the Data Protection Authorities. Finally, you'll hear about what you can do to #BanThisBS.(biometric surveillance). In January 2021, we're preparing a week of action and if you're ready & willing - you have a role in it. More, in 2021 we aim to gather over 1 million signatures part of a special petition - European Citizen Initiative (ECI). The ECI forces the European Commission to formally respond to us and address our call for a BAN. You'll hear a bit also about how you can help reach those 1 million signatures. about this event: https://talks.rc3.oio.social/r3c-oio/talk/PKN9CG/

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