
    scott miller

    Explore " scott miller" with insightful episodes like ""What the hell does Scott do?" First time caller, long time listener, Scott Miller finally gets to explain what he does for a living.", "Queensland raises Covid-19 alert level 10/11/22", "S.4 E# 26 Positioned For Transition, An Interview with Scott Miller", "Ryan Blaney wins All-Star Race; Marcus Ericsson; Tom Meents" and "Scott Miller: How To Be A Better Leader" from podcasts like ""This Commerce Life", "From The Newsroom", "The MentalEdge Podcast", "NASCAR America" and "Everybody Pulls The Tarp"" and more!

    Episodes (45)

    "What the hell does Scott do?" First time caller, long time listener, Scott Miller finally gets to explain what he does for a living.

    "What the hell does Scott do?" First time caller, long time listener, Scott Miller finally gets to explain what he does for a living.

    "What the hell does Scott do?" A few firsts. First time caller, long time listener, and Kenny was his first retail buyer to call on in Canada. Scott has had an advantage of being in our living rooms for almost 5 years. Scott Miller finally gets to explain what he does for a living. 


    Connect with Scott here; https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottcameronmiller/


    Sign up for FoodPro here: https://www.bcfb.ca/events/foodpro23-thrive-conference?utm_source=podcast&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=sponsor&utm_id=BCFB_FoodPro

    Buy OGB here: https://oldgrowthbeverages.com/?utm_source=podcast&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=sponsor&utm_id=OGB

    Queensland raises Covid-19 alert level 10/11/22

    Queensland raises Covid-19 alert level 10/11/22

    Queensland bracing for another COVID wave, Medibank hackers initially demanded $15 and a half million not to release the stolen data, Amazon Prime offering someone $40,000 to watch TV for three months, former Australian swimmer Scott Miller sentenced to five years in prison, Osher Gunsberg, Abbie Chatfield, Michael Buble

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    S.4 E# 26 Positioned For Transition, An Interview with Scott Miller

    S.4 E# 26 Positioned For Transition, An Interview with Scott Miller

    Have you ever felt like it was time to make a move? Have you ever felt like you were no longer in love with what you do for a living? 

    No longer loving your living is a tough place to be.....What did you do about it?

    Career transitions can be scary to say the least. Sometimes it's the fear of  financial in-stability that keeps you on lock down. Sometimes its the lack of personal confidence. 

    But once in a while, a courageous career transition story comes along to inspire us. This is a story you deserve to hear and its only a click away.

    Pay close attention to the foundational elements that gave Scott Miller the desire and the strength to make a world class transition to a completely different career. 

    Your gonna love this story and when you do...remember to like and share.

    Ryan Blaney wins All-Star Race; Marcus Ericsson; Tom Meents

    Ryan Blaney wins All-Star Race; Marcus Ericsson; Tom Meents

    Jeff Burton, Dale Jarrett, and Steve Letarte react to Ryan Blaney's window net snafu, comments from Senior VP of Competition Scott Miller and Denny Hamlin, and provide their opinions on how it should have been handled. The crew also welcomes Chip Ganassi Racing IndyCar driver Marcus Ericsson ahead of the 106th Indy 500 as well as Tom Meents, who recently made Monster Jam history.

    Scott Miller: How To Be A Better Leader

    Scott Miller: How To Be A Better Leader

    This week Andrew talks with bestselling author and leadership expert Scott Miller.  Scott has spent the last 26 years working at world renowned leadership development firm FranklinCovey. Scott was demoted from his first leadership role after just 3 weeks on the job.  You'll hear what happened and everything Scott has learned since to become one of the world's most sought after minds on leadership and career development. Andrew and Scott also explore the power of thinking long-term in a short-term world, how to delegate responsibility, ways to effectively communicate feedback, and so much more. This episode is filled with actionable lessons to help you lead your organization, team, family, or community to new heights. 

    Show Highlights:
    2:04 - Getting demoted 3 weeks into first leadership role
    2:36 - Understanding leadership responsibilities
    3:08 - Why leadership is about empathy and listening
    3:51 - Benefits and role of mentoring
    10:05 - Thinking long-term in a short-term world
    11:51 - How to "hype your failures"
    13:06 - Using failure as a teaching tool
    14:48 - Becoming comfortable sharing your failures
    16:30 - The importance of vulnerability
    18:02 - Why it's important to avoid gossip
    20:21 - How to effectively delegate responsibility
    23:08 - Communicating feedback directly and clearly
    25:02 - Receiving feedback effectively
    26:10 - Building trusted relationships
    26:30 - Reinforcing great behavior
    28:10 - Individualized leadership
    28:50 - Leading in a post-pandemic world
    29:25 - Bridging the gap with remote/hybrid workforce
    29:50 - Uncovering the "hidden story"
    30:30 - Importance of being self-aware


    Twitter: @andrewhmoses
    Instagram: @AndrewMoses123


    Sign up for e-mails to keep up with the podcast at everybodypullsthetarp.com/newsletter!

    The Meridian Watch - S1E1: The Raid

    The Meridian Watch - S1E1: The Raid

    Midstadt used to be a monarchy. Until it wasn’t

    Now, 100 years after the blood of the last king flowed from the steps of Parliament Square, another rotting Empire has the jewel of The Ragged Sea in its sights.
    It means to bring them into its fold, to swallow up the fledgling Republic before the fires of its industries can sweep across the world.

    But in Midstadt, they’ve found something… something they shouldn’t have…

    While anarchists wage battle with monarchists beneath the streets, and war brews in the South, Sergeant James Delwar and the officers of the Meridian Watch begin an investigation that will take them to the distant heights of the old aristocracy, and to its very depths...

    It’s not just the city that’s at stake, but their souls too.

    Black powder squares off against black magic in this epic dark fantasy police procedural.
    Starring Scott Miller, Anna Capraro, Paul Casselle, and Tim Redman.

    Support the show

    NFL Week 15 Recap

    NFL Week 15 Recap

    Episode Notes


    Jen, Chris, and Brandon go over the action from Week 15 (so far) of the NFL season from a fantasy perspective. Jen airs her weekly must-listen Fantasy Festivus grievance, Chris tells us who surprised him from Week 15's games, and Brandon goes through some buy-or-sell options as Week 16 approaches. The trio also gets you set for Week 16 with look-ahead advice. 

    Topics Discussed

    Sunday Surprises (3:46)

    Buy Or Sell (21:46)

    Week 16 Looking Ahead (34:20)


    4for4 aFPA (adjusted fantasy points allowed) tool

    Underdog Fantasy Promo

    Subscribe to 4for4

    Hosts: Jen Eakins, Chris Allen, Brandon Niles

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    Email: hello@4for4.com

    Mailbag: brandon@4for4.com

    GEÐVARPIÐ // Dr. Helga Sif ræðir við Vilborgu G., geðhjúkrunarfræðing og handleiðara

    GEÐVARPIÐ // Dr. Helga Sif ræðir við Vilborgu G., geðhjúkrunarfræðing og handleiðara

    "Geðvarpið" er ný sjálfstæð þáttasyrpa innan Hlaðvarps Landspítala. Stjórnandi syrpunnar er hjúkrunarfræðingurinn dr. Helga Sif Friðjónsdóttir. Í þessum fjórða þætti fær Helga Sif til sín Vilborgu G., en hún er geðhjúkrunarfræðingur, fjölskyldufræðingur og handleiðari. Helga Sif og Vilborg ræða bakgrunn hennar og víðtæka reynslu og velta vöngum yfir því hvað gerir okkur að góðum meðferðaraðila, innihaldi og áhrifum meðferðarsambandsins sem og nauðsyn ígrundunar á eigin sjálfi til að geta veitt öðrum meðferð að réttum gæðum. 

    Vilborg útskrifaðist sem hjúkrunarfræðingur 1972 og vann á bæklunarskurðdeild Landspítala til 1984. Síðan lá leiðin í skólahjúkrun á vegum heilsugæslunnar og þar kviknaði óbilandi áhugi hennar á að vinna með börnum og ungmennum og fjölskyldum þeirra. Vilborg fór því í uppeldis og kennslufærði við KHÍ og útskrifaðist þaðan 1991. Samhliða vinnu við skólaheilsugæslu tók Vilborg meðal annars þátt í þróun stuðningsúrræðis á vegum Íþrótta- og tómstundaráðs Reykjavíkur fyrir unglinga sem stóðu höllum fæti.

    Árið 1994 var Vilborg ráðin framkvæmdastjóri Kvennaathvarfsins og starfaði þar í 4 ár. Á þeim tíma lauk hún einnig diplómanámi í geðhjúkrun og var leiðandi í því að innleiða í Kvennaathvarfið heildræna nálgun geðhjúkrunar í vinnu með konum og börnum sem voru þolendur heimilisofbeldis. Árið 1999 tók Vilborg við sem deildarstjóri unglingageðdeildarinnnar á Barna- og unglingageðdeild Landspítala (BUGL) . Samhliða þeirri vinnu lauk hún námi í handleiðslu við Endurmenntun Háskóla Íslands. 

    Vilborg var deildarstjóri á BUGL til 2017 og tók virkan þátt í miklum breytingum bæði á starfseminni og þjónustunni. Samhliða deildarstjórastarfinu starfaði hún sem handleiðari í Stuðnings- og ráðgjafateymi Landspítala og kynntist þá nokkuð vel bæði starfsemi annarra deilda sem og spítalans í heild. Vilborg hefur einnig tekið að sér handleiðslu bæði á stofu og í hinum ýmsu fyrirtækjum bæði innan og utan heilbrigðiskerfisins. Árið 2017 hóf hún störf á göngudeild BUGL samhliða því að hafa nýlokið námi í fjölskyldumeðferð. Á göngudeildinni starfaði Vilborg við áfalla- og tengslamiðaða fjölskyldumeðferð bæði samkvæmt hugmyndafræði ABFT (Attachment-Based-Family-Therapy) en þjálfun í því líkani stóð til boða á BUGL á tímabili. Auk þess hefur Vilborg markvisst hlotið þjálfun í öðru nokkuð sambærilegu líkani ARC (Attachment-Recilience and Compitence) sem er ætlað fjölskyldum þegar um er að ræða flókinn áfalla- og tengslavanda. 

    Vilborg lauk störfum á Landspítala vegna aldurs í júní 2020. Hún starfar áfram sem handleiðari á stofu og einnig við að handleiða ýmsa fagaðila innan barnaverndarkerfa í tengslamiðuðum stuðningi við fjölskyldur fósturbarna. Hún kemur einnig að handleiðslu fagteyma í einkarekinni þjónustu við börn/unglinga í flóknum og samsettum vanda. Þá hefur Vilborg í vaxandi mæli verið að handleiða lykilstjórnendur í ýmsum stofnunum/fyrirtækjum sem ekki tengjast heilbrigðis- eða félagsþjónustu. 

    Síðastliðinn áratug hefur Vilborg samhliða öðrum störfum handleitt ýmsa fjölfaglega hópa og einstaklinga sem vilja markvisst styrkja og efla faglega og persónulega þróun sína sem meðferðaraðilar með sérstakri áherslu á gæði meðferðarsambandsins. Sá áhugi vaknaði hjá Vilborgu fyrir 15 árum eftir kynni við hugmyndafræði Dr. Scott D. Miller þar sem áherslan er á breytur sem stýra gæðum samtalsmeðferða óháð meðferðarlíkönum. Áhuginn varð að “brennandi áhuga” sem hefur fylgt henni síðan.

    Hlaðvarp Landspítala er aðgengilegt á vef spítalans og helstu samfélagsmiðlum, en einnig í streymisveitunum Spotify og Apple iTunes, ásamt hlaðvarpsveitum á borð við Simplecast, Pocket Casts og Podcast Addict. Það er samskiptadeild Landspítala sem heldur úti Hlaðvarpi Landspítala og þeim sjálfstæðu þáttasyrpum sem tilheyra hlaðvarpsfjölskyldu spítalans.


    Coffee Break with Scott Miller RE: Listening to Understand

    Coffee Break with Scott Miller RE: Listening to Understand

    It's time for a coffee break!

    Take a break with a short clip of previous Lead Into It episodes--short enough for your coffee break and energizes you for the rest of the day.

    During this coffee break, listen to part of Episode 12: Own your Mess with Scott Miller, where he talks about the importance of listening as a leader. Specifically, he goes into the difference between listening to respond and listening to understand.

    Listen to the entire episode here.

    Scott Miller is the Executive Vice President of Thought Leadership at FranklinCovey and #1 best-selling author of the book “Management Mess to Leadership Success.” He also hosts Franklin Covey’s On Leadership interview which features renowned experts and authors including Susan Cain, Seth Godin, Dan Pink, Doris Kearns Goodwin, Carly Fiorina, Liz Wiseman, Rachel Hollis, Geoffrey Moore, General Stanley McChrystal, and numerous others. Subscribe to On Leadership: http://www.franklincovey.com/on


    Reach out to Sara: hello@leadintoit.co 

    Instagram: @leadintoit
    Facebook: @leadintoit

    Logo Design: Kamry Rose Creative, kamryrosecreative@gmail.com   

    DISCLAIMER: Any opinions or comments made by the host, Sara Greco, and/or her guests are their own and not endorsed by any external entity. 

    Lead Into It now offers coaching!  Visit leadintoit.co to learn more. 

    #95: Scott Miller - WSJ Bestselling Author & Senior Advisor of Thought Leadership at FranklinCovey

    #95: Scott Miller - WSJ Bestselling Author & Senior Advisor of Thought Leadership at FranklinCovey

    Scott Miller is the author of Management Mess to Leadership Success: 30 Challenges to Become the Leader You Would Follow and other bestselling books.

    As assistants, we're great at learning from each other, attending assistant training events, listening to assistant podcasts, etc. But Leader Assistants will read books and listen to podcasts their executive's listen to, and attend training events that their executive's attend.

    This is why I'm excited to share my conversation with Scott, who is not an assistant – or an administrative professional coach or speaker. He trains executives all over – helping them be leaders worth following. In fact, your executives have more than likely consumed a resource from Scott or others at Franklin Covey over the years, so listen up for some perspective from the other side of the table.

    Scott and I talk about what he looks for in an assistant, what it means to be a leader you would want to follow, how to build confidence, tips for personal branding, what you can do to earn the trust of your executive, and much more.

    Show Notes -> leaderassistant.com/95
    Book -> leaderassistantbook.com
    Paid Membership -> leaderassistant.com/membership
    Free Community -> leaderassistant.com/community

    Are you looking for a way to elevate your skills or earn that promotion you’ve been eyeing? Nova Chief of Staff’s course provides you with the knowledge and confidence you need to stand out on the job. Whether you want to land your dream position or level up in your current role, Nova’s self-paced course gives you hands-on practice doing what Chiefs of Staff do every day.

    Visit leaderassistant.com/nova to secure your spot!

    More from The Leader Assistant...

    Episode 17: It's a For Songs Christmas!

    Episode 17: It's a For Songs Christmas!
    It’s not Christmas without Christmas music, right? So for the last episode of For Songs for the year, I wanted to highlight some of the best non-traditional holiday music of the last few years. We’ve got two classic covers—anti-folk/indie-rock legend Paleface’s tender, stripped-down version of the Pogues’ Fairytale of New York and DC-based world-music trio Veronneau’s romantic, evocative take on Joni Mitchell’s River. Then we wrap up with two originals—the stunning This Christmas I’m Not Coming Home from Havana-by-Nashville-based Sweet Lizzy Project and the Americana Christmas hymn The Kingdom Has Come by Appalachian rock-n-roller Scott Miller. All these songs are available on Spotify, Amazon, iTunes or however you listen to music these days. Or just get the CDs so you can really actually hear the music! The Spotify playlist is available here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6DlT3QfkbSdyALBkZdbZ9V?si=XFSfwzjfQN632budqGNj0w

    Coaching in COVID I Scott Miller on football in a pandemic

    Coaching in COVID I Scott Miller on football in a pandemic
    Former A League and now NPL coach in Melbourne Scott Miller joins Adam Peacock to discuss how greatly COVID has affected football in Australia, and in particular, the footballers!
    From young players, to those playing at NPL level, to coaches trying to get the most out of a strange situation - especially in Victoria - Miller talks about what players can do to keep themselves up to speed not only in a physical sense, but mental as well.
    Miller - who has spent time at some big clubs across Europe - also talks about the trends in football, and what it has become in the last decade, and there's a ripping yarn about Cristiano Ronaldo that typifies his mindset, and a quick one about why Scott Parker was always destined for management.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Wide Receiver Strategy Smörgåsbord with Rich Hribar

    Wide Receiver Strategy Smörgåsbord with Rich Hribar


    It's Greg's last episode of The Most Accurate Podcast, and he's going out in style with Rich Hribar joining the program. They kick things off with some NFL news from early in the week, including Jalen Hurd's injury, the Jaguars' nebulous backfield, the battle for Tampa Bay's No. 3 receiver role, and Nick Chubb's concussion. The balance of the show is an all-encompassing breakdown of wide receiver strategy (19:10). How should RBs eligible at WR like Antonio Gibson and Lynn Bowden be valued? What should our overarching approach to wideouts be in fantasy? Which receiver will dethrone Michael Thomas for the WR1 crown? Which early-round guys are traps? Who are the best mid-round guys to target? Who are 2020's most overvalued and undervalued wide receivers? Who's are the toughest pass-catchers to evaluate in fantasy? Which players will end up being the best values from the NFL's more ambiguous WR groups? Which wideouts are Rich and Greg drafting most often? Who do they wish they could draft more often? Who are some of the best sleepers in the very late rounds? Tune in and find out.


    Consensus WR ADP at 4for4.com
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    TMAP B-Sides Playlist on Spotify
    Guest: Rich Hribar - @LordReebs
    Host: Greg Smith - @gregsauce

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    Episode 1: A Conversation with Scott Miller

    Episode 1: A Conversation with Scott Miller
    For Songs is a podcast about songs and songwriters. We pick four songs from some of our favorite artists and try to get into mindset when they were writing these tunes. How hard is it? Very hard. In our first episode, we talk with renowned Shenandoah Valley, Va.-based singer/songwriter Scott Miller. Scott’s a mainstay on the Mid-Atlantic roots rock/folk rock scene, splitting his time between making music and running his family farm. Between his first band the V-Roys in the mid-90s to his solo career, Scott’s music has taken him all over the world. With his rock n’ roll hard-living days behind him, Miller remains an exquisite songwriter. His humor, dry wit, and stark, cunning observations are second to none, and landed him a few years back into the East Tennessee Writers Hall of Fame. Take a listen as we run through four of Miller’s songs throughout his solo career—Highland County Boy, On a Roll, Claire Marie, and Lo Siento, Spanishburg West Virginia. Get a sense as to his thinking and inspiration behind each one, along with some tricks of the trade. And you won’t want to miss Scott’s plan to save the country! Info about Scott, these songs, and the albums upon which they appear can be found on his website: http://www.thescottmiller.com

    How to Move From Mess to Success with Scott MIller

    How to Move From Mess to Success with Scott MIller

    Learn about the challenges you will face as you learn to be a more effective leader. Scott Miller, Executive Vice-president of Thought Leadership for the FranklinCovey Co. talks with Paul Simkins about the challenges outlined in his book, From Management Mess to Leadership Success: 30 Challenges to Become the Leader You Would Follow.
    Plus Paul and Scott discuss the best ways to cook corn on the cob outdoors!

    Big Thanks to Drew Young of FranklinCovey for coordinating and making this possible.

    Scott's Podcast - On Leadership with Scott Miller

    You can join our Podcast Facebook group here.
    You can learn more about
    Paul Simkins on his website.

    We happily work with Buzzsprout for our podcast. See how
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    From Management Mess to Leadership Success with Scott Miller

    From Management Mess to Leadership Success with Scott Miller

    #012 - Leadership is a Learned Skill

    Scott Miller is the Executive Vice President of Thought Leadership at FranklinCovey where he has been for 24 years.  In today's interview you will learn how to balance authenticity with oversharing, you'll know how to solicit feedback, uncover your blindspots, create self awareness, know when to speak up or not speak up and you'll walk away with an arsenal of motivation to get you to the next level of leadership.

    Sign up for the free discovery call mentioned in this episode at stacymayer.com/apply.

    Week 15 Recap & Week 16 Waivers with Jennifer Eakins

    Week 15 Recap & Week 16 Waivers with Jennifer Eakins


    On this episode of The Most Accurate Podcast, Jennifer Eakins joins Greg to recap Week 15 and work the Week 16 waiver wire in the hopes of taking down some 2019 fantasy football championships. As usual, the previous week's review hits on booms and busts of the week, featuring Miles Sanders, Breshad Perriman, Julian Edelman, Amari Cooper, and LeSean McCoy among others. The waiver recommendations for Week 16 hit on the Minnesota backfield in the wake of Dalvin Cook's injury, the Tampa Bay pass-catchers in the wake of Chris Godwin's injury, and plenty of other candidates for pick-up across all positions, including quarterback and defensive streamers. The show wraps up with discussion around the mantra of "Always Start Your Studs" (with some picks from Jen and Greg of "studs" to bench and "scrubs" to start in Week 16), plus some back-and-forth between your hosts about the biggest decision points they face in fantasy's final week. It's all geared to help you take home the title in your league. Tune in and enjoy the show.

    The show is brought to you by FantasyDraft. Sign up using the promo code 4for4 and you’ll get a free 7-day trial membership.


    Articles by Jen Eakins at 4for4.com
    Waiver Wire Articles at 4for4.com
    Streaming Articles at 4for4.com
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    TMAP B-Sides Playlist on Spotify
    Guest: Jennifer Eakins - @themondaymommy
    Host: Greg Smith - @gregsauce

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    Twitter: @4for4football
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    Email: hello@4for4.com

    Manufacturing at Scale: From Concept to Retail, Lessons Learned From Scott Miller

    Manufacturing at Scale: From Concept to Retail, Lessons Learned From Scott Miller

    Today, Scott Miller reflects back on design engineering lessons learned from his career with Disney, Hasbro and iRobot, and looks ahead to the future of the industry. We discuss Miller's work bringing robots to life and the challenges associated with successfully scaling manufacturing from concept to retail. Finally, we turn our attention to future innovations in robotics and the impact of those developments to the industry's approach to design and manufacturing.

    Scott Miller, the CEO and Co-Founder of Dragon Innovation, worked on a robotic tuna fish, life-size robotic dinosaurs for Disney Imagineering, and robotic baby dolls with Hasbro, before joining iRobot where he was responsible for leading the Roomba team to scale the functional prototype to high-volume production of the first three million units.

    622: Eric Allan Kramer & Andras Jones (July 24, 2019)

    622: Eric Allan Kramer & Andras Jones (July 24, 2019)


    R8B Theme Song performed by Andras Jones with Lili Haydn

    Andras Jones – Producer/Editor 
    Jeff Sudakin – Recording Engineer 
    Tony Householder – Mixing Engineer/Graphic Design
    Carlo Velasquez – Digital Media 

    Brought to you by Erica Russel

    RADIO8BLOG - http://www.radio8ball.com/eric-allan-kramer-andras-jones/
    ANDRAS JONES "All You Get" - http://www.radio8ball.com/all-you-get/
    LODGE 49 - https://www.amc.com/shows/lodge-49
    ERIC ALLAN KRAMER - https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0469503/
    RADIO8BALL APP - http://www.radio8ball.com/the-r8b-app/ 
    RADIO8BALL PATREON - https://www.patreon.com/radio8ball 
    RADIO8BALL FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/radio8ball/ 
    RADIO8BALL TWITTER - @radio8ball 
    RADIO8BALL INSTAGRAM - @theradio8ballshow

    Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/radio8ball

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Fantasy Football Rankings vs. ADP with Pat Fitzmaurice

    Fantasy Football Rankings vs. ADP with Pat Fitzmaurice

    Pat Fitzmaurice joins Greg Smith on this episode and they dig into the process that made Pat's fantasy football rankings so successful last season (5:23). From there, Greg grills Pat on players he has ranked significantly higher or lower than ADP, going from running backs (17:17) to wide receivers (26:49), then quarterbacks (46:07) and tight ends (54:46). The back-half of the show is one last deep dive into this year's Scott Fish Bowl (1:00:22), and it's interesting to add Pat's perspective because both he and Greg drafted from the sixth pick, but to very different results. After a quick discussion on the politics and etiquette of slow drafts like the SFB and some general strategy talk from Pat, your hosts finish out the show with a boxing-style accounting of who won each round drafting from the 1.06 spot.

    This podcast is brought to you by DRAFT, where you can use the promo code 4for4 with your first deposit to get a free $3 best ball draft.

    Rankings at TheFootballGirl.com by Pat Fitzmaurice
    NFL Team Buying Guides at TheFootballGirl.com by Pat Fitzmaurice
    The Fitz on Fantasy Podcast
    Scott Fish Bowl
    4for4 Subscriber Giveaway
    Subscribe to 4for4
    TMAP B-Sides Playlist on Spotify
    Guest: Pat Fitzmaurice
    Host: Greg Smith

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    Twitter: @4for4football
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    Email: hello@4for4.com


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