
    self care podcast

    Explore "self care podcast" with insightful episodes like "Men Need A Check In | On Your Mental Podcast ft. Sebastian Romo & Jesse Dawson", "The Land of the Free | On Your Mental Podcast", "The Impact A Dad Has | On Your Mental Podcast ft. Brandon Beavis & Jesse Valenciano", "186: What is Draining or Dimming Your Radiance? (#2 of 3 in Stay Light Series)" and "Long Distance Relationships | On Your Mental Podcast ft. Shandy Dabu & Jesse Dawson" from podcasts like ""On Your Mental", "On Your Mental", "On Your Mental", "Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo" and "On Your Mental"" and more!

    Episodes (63)

    Men Need A Check In | On Your Mental Podcast ft. Sebastian Romo & Jesse Dawson

    Men Need A Check In | On Your Mental Podcast ft. Sebastian Romo & Jesse Dawson


    10% OFF THE ART FROM NASHID CHROMA: http://nashidchroma.refr.cc/onyourmental

    Welcome back to On Your Mental, the podcast that encourages men to be more open and sometimes vulnerable, especially with each other. Subscribe and stick around for some great conversations!

    We’ve got a banger of a Check In episode for y’all! We hope this is the perfect start to your week, come n hang out, get some laughs in, some good vibes, and get at it. These episodes are always fun to shoot, and this one’s not different. If you’re new to us, we’re scoring our work lives, personal lives, and mental health from 1 to 10, and having an open discussion about it all!

    If there's topics you want to see discussed, go to www.onyourmental.com and hit Contact, or leave a comment on YouTube! 💙

    #MentalHealth​​ #Podcast​​ #MensMentalHealth​​ #VideoPodcast​​ #MentalHealthStigma #OnYourMental #MensHealth

    Thank you for listening! You can follow us on Instagram (@onyourmentalpod) and DM us if you've got anything to share or say!

    The Land of the Free | On Your Mental Podcast

    The Land of the Free | On Your Mental Podcast

    Hey everyone! Different sort of mood around this discussion today. The topic’s fairly heavy and we don’t want to downplay that in any way. Because of that, this description today will be pretty short!

    We’re talking about the recent gun violence in the United States. We’d recorded this on May 25th, so almost a month ago now, and wanted to give the topic some time to breathe before putting this one out. As Canadians, one might ask why we’re even talking about this? It’s because we care, and we don’t think that this should be something ignored just because of a border. Thank you to our guests for being willing to come and openly talk about this as well.

    If there's topics you want to see discussed, leave a comment (On YouTube), DM on Instagram or TikTok, or email at onyourmentalpod@gmail.com 💙

    #MentalHealth​​ #Podcast​​ #MensMentalHealth​​ #VideoPodcast​​ #MentalHealthStigma #OnYourMental #MensHealth

    Thank you for listening! You can follow us on Instagram (@onyourmentalpod) and DM us if you've got anything to share or say!

    The Impact A Dad Has | On Your Mental Podcast ft. Brandon Beavis & Jesse Valenciano

    The Impact A Dad Has | On Your Mental Podcast ft. Brandon Beavis & Jesse Valenciano

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/onyourmentalpod/
    TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMd3SD8E1/

    10% OFF THE ART FROM NASHID CHROMA: http://nashidchroma.refr.cc/onyourmental

    Welcome back to On Your Mental, the podcast that encourages men to be more open and sometimes vulnerable, especially with each other. Subscribe and stick around for some great conversations!

    Happy (belated) Father’s Day! This episode was supposed to be out Monday the 20th, following Father’s Day, but Air Canada had other plans for us :). But it’s here now! This is a great conversation about the role of a dad in a young man’s life, and what we might want fatherhood to look like us later on (or now for Brandon).

    If there's topics you want to see discussed, leave a comment (On YouTube), DM on Instagram or TikTok, or email at onyourmentalpod@gmail.com 💙

    #MentalHealth​​ #Podcast​​ #MensMentalHealth​​ #VideoPodcast​​ #MentalHealthStigma #OnYourMental #MensHealth

    Thank you for listening! You can follow us on Instagram (@onyourmentalpod) and DM us if you've got anything to share or say!

    186: What is Draining or Dimming Your Radiance? (#2 of 3 in Stay Light Series)

    186: What is Draining or Dimming Your Radiance? (#2 of 3 in Stay Light Series)

    Today we dive into this inquiry: "What is draining, dimming or distorting your radiance? " Remember, Radiance is your light.

    The brightness and strength of your radiance effect everything from your wellbeing, your physical health, your ability to get your gifts and genius into the world, your access to your intuition and power, and how you feel about  yourself, your life and the world. 

    Our theme for this series is STAY LIGHT - not as a spiritual platitude but as a directive from the Universe and a real practice we put into place in our daily lives. Last session we explored what Radiance is, and what restores and retains yours.

    In this Feminine Power Time #186, our intention is to illuminate what's draining or dimming your radiance, so you can see it, name it and be at choice with how to work with the forces that pull you down and dim, so you can can stay light and bright even in this challenging time in the world.

    We'll start where we always start which is where you have the power within you to make shifts, no matter what the outside world does.

    We'll dive into 5 different ways I've noticed our Radiance gets drained,  dimmed or distorted because of what's happpening within us. to help you remember, we use alleteration, giving them all F's ... for "What's f-ing with my Light! :) LOL> we need to stay light as we dive into this heavy stuff.

    Here are 6 ways we drain, dim or distort our Radiance

    1. Forcing

    2. Forgetting 

    3. Feeling Like...

    4. Frustation at Feeling Stuck

    5. Fragmenting Your Focus 

    6. Frequency 

    I'll share the signs these are present within you, give real life examples and share some of my practices for how I transform the radiance dimmers, and elevate my mood, perspective and energy. 

    At the end I'll guide you through a embodied meditation that tunes you into where your Radiance is getting drained, and a 3-step process to rise out of the muck into the light. 

    Lots of good stuff in here. Exhale. This is all in service of supporting you to name and see the patterns in what messes with your Radiance, so you can catch it sooner, shift the energy, and find your way to back to the Flow and the light beam of the "Force" :) Like in Star Wars :))

    See you there.

    May the light always glow and flow within you, 

    p.s. THANK YOU for those who have left reviews and ratings for the Feminine Power Time Podcast and Overwhelmed and Over It book. Appreciate you leaving a review for one of these. Helps others find the light!

    Resources & Links

    Upcoming Programs

    1. FLOW Mid Year Power Pause - www.FlowPowerPause.com 

    Practices for Staying Light

    1. 4 Rs Morning Meditation - Root Down. Rise Up. Relax Back. Receive. Access video here.  

    2. Daily Flow Practice Kit - Practices for Staying Clear and Centered. Video + Book. Access here.

    3. The Radiance Wheel - See samples here on the Feminine Wisdom Cafe.


    1. Join us and Get connected to other conscious women. www.FeminineWisdomCafe.com 

    2. Overwhelmed and Over It Book - www.OverwhelmedandOverit.com 

    Stay Light Elevation Practice Shared 

    1. Step One: Get real. How does this manifest in my Body? Being? Balance?

    2. Step Two: What do I need that I am not receiving?

    3. Step Three: What do i need to get back into the flow? back into the


    Long Distance Relationships | On Your Mental Podcast ft. Shandy Dabu & Jesse Dawson

    Long Distance Relationships | On Your Mental Podcast ft. Shandy Dabu & Jesse Dawson

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/onyourmentalpod/
    TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMd3SD8E1/

    10% OFF THE ART FROM NASHID CHROMA: http://nashidchroma.refr.cc/onyourmental

    Welcome back to On Your Mental, the podcast that encourages men to be more open and sometimes vulnerable, especially with each other. Subscribe and stick around for some great conversations!

    This week’s episode takes on the topic of Long Distance Relationships. What do you think about the idea of being in one? Would you do it? Why or why not? Shandy shares her experience being in one for 3 years, while Reuben talks about just starting one (for a much shorter time). We hope you all enjoy the episode!

    If there's topics you want to see discussed, leave a comment (On YouTube), DM on Instagram or TikTok, or email at onyourmentalpod@gmail.com 💙

    #MentalHealth​​ #Podcast​​ #MensMentalHealth​​ #VideoPodcast​​ #MentalHealthStigma #OnYourMental #MensHealth

    Thank you for listening! You can follow us on Instagram (@onyourmentalpod) and DM us if you've got anything to share or say!

    Some Life Lessons | On Your Mental Podcast

    Some Life Lessons | On Your Mental Podcast

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/onyourmentalpod/
    TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMd3SD8E1/

    10% OFF THE ART FROM NASHID CHROMA: http://nashidchroma.refr.cc/onyourmental

    Welcome back to On Your Mental, the podcast that encourages men to be more open and sometimes vulnerable, especially with each other. Subscribe and stick around for some great conversations!

    It’s Kabir’s birthday this week, and Reuben’s lined up a load of questions for him (as you can see in the time stamps). Kabir put some real thought into these and honestly there’s a lot of takeaways. We hope you all enjoy the conversation this week!

    If there's topics you want to see discussed, leave a comment (On YouTube), DM on Instagram or TikTok, or email at onyourmentalpod@gmail.com 💙

    #MentalHealth​​ #Podcast​​ #MensMentalHealth​​ #VideoPodcast​​ #MentalHealthStigma #OnYourMental #MensHealth

    Thank you for listening! You can follow us on Instagram (@onyourmentalpod) and DM us if you've got anything to share or say!

    185 Stay Light: Restore Your Radiance (#1 of 3 in Series)

    185 Stay Light: Restore Your Radiance (#1 of 3 in Series)

    STAY LIGHT. These are the two words that will frame and focus this series, with the intention of supporting you to restore your "radiance" levels to be bright and vibrant, and then keep that brightness and lightness strong, growing and glowing the rest of this year. 

    RADIANCE is one of those words we hear but why does it really matter? Wouldn't it be better just to focus on self-care, wellness and stress-management? Well if you want more "to dos" sure, you can go that way.

    Or you can go deeper to get what is at the roots of what keeps your wellbeing strong - mind, body AND spirit and heart. Like instead of focusing on the leaves of the tree, you get into what's happening inside the trunk and within the roots and soil that allows that tree to stand tall, strong and briliant even in stormy weather. 

    Radiance is defined in the dictionary as brightness and lightness. And there is SO much more!

    In episode #1 of 3 in our STAY LIGHT series we will dive into:

    • What is Radiance and why it matters
    • How Radiance dictates your health, relationships, ability to attract and receive opportunities, intution and overall mental and emotional wellbeing.
    • The difference between life force and radiance, and where Radiance lives in your body.

    We'll pose this central question for you to contemplate and give you creative processes to reveal practical wisdom you can apply to how you structure and make choices these next few months. 

    "What sustains and supports my radiance?" 

    I will share some of the common things that support and restore our radiance such as these wisdom bites from two beings whose work I respect very much:

    "Radiance is a function of stillness." - Ariel Spilsbury

    "Radiance acts as a hidden instrument of your intuition."  - Richard Rudd

    Lastly, I'll lead you through a meditation and visualiization that starts the creative juices flowing of what lifts you up and lightens you up in 7 areas of the foundation of our radiance.

    And share how you can take this and create what I call the "Radiance Wheel" - which will support you not to do more, but to put structures in place and make choices to keep your light shining and wellbeing glowing, for many months and years to come.

    As leaders, change makers, beings daring to do things different to create a better more beautiful world, we need to Stay Light, even in, especially in the face of challenge and chaos.

    It's HOW we lead and live through this time.

    Tune in
    See you there


    p.s. Remember: SHARE this podcast with a friend and explore Radiance together.



    1. Flow Power Pause - starts June 22 - Register at www.FlowPowerPause.com 



    Balancing Two Cultures | On Your Mental Podcast ft. Banana Boys Podcast

    Balancing Two Cultures | On Your Mental Podcast ft. Banana Boys Podcast

    Welcome back to On Your Mental, the podcast that encourages men to be more open and sometimes vulnerable, especially with each other. Subscribe and stick around for some great conversations!

    This week we welcome Andrew Lee & Jayden Lee of the Banana Boys Podcast! We get to talking about why they started their podcast, what they think of the term “Banana Boy”, and a bit about what it can be like balancing 2 cultures growing up, and now as young adults.

    If there's topics you want to see discussed, leave a comment (On YouTube), DM on Instagram or TikTok, or email at onyourmentalpod@gmail.com 💙

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/onyourmentalpod/
    TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMd3SD8E1/

    10% OFF THE ART FROM NASHID CHROMA: http://nashidchroma.refr.cc/onyourmental

    #MentalHealth​​ #Podcast​​ #MensMentalHealth​​ #VideoPodcast​​ #MentalHealthStigma #OnYourMental #MensHealth

    Thank you for listening! You can follow us on Instagram (@onyourmentalpod) and DM us if you've got anything to share or say!

    Ignoring Your Mental Health In Your 20’s | On Your Mental Podcast ft. Stephen Gordon

    Ignoring Your Mental Health In Your 20’s | On Your Mental Podcast ft. Stephen Gordon

    Welcome back to On Your Mental, the podcast that encourages men to be more open and sometimes vulnerable, especially with each other. Subscribe and stick around for some great conversations!

    Back like we never left, Stephen Gordon drops into the podcast to share a very personal story about ignoring mental health in his 20’s due to another responsibility taking priority. This responsibility was being the primary caretaker for his father with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease, and his mother with liver and colon cancer. Thank you, Stephen, for sharing your story with all of us.

    If there's topics you want to see discussed, leave a comment (On YouTube), DM on Instagram or TikTok, or email at onyourmentalpod@gmail.com 💙

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/onyourmentalpod/
    TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMd3SD8E1/

    10% OFF THE ART FROM NASHID CHROMA: http://nashidchroma.refr.cc/onyourmental

    #MentalHealth​​ #Podcast​​ #MensMentalHealth​​ #VideoPodcast​​ #MentalHealthStigma #OnYourMental #MensHealth

    Thank you for listening! You can follow us on Instagram (@onyourmentalpod) and DM us if you've got anything to share or say!

    Life Needs Balance | On Your Mental Podcast

    Life Needs Balance | On Your Mental Podcast

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/onyourmentalpod/
    TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMd3SD8E1/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYZNw4kprBNpxBrTcnNl_Kw

    10% OFF THE ART FROM NASHID CHROMA: http://nashidchroma.refr.cc/onyourmental

    Welcome back to On Your Mental, the podcast that encourages men to be more open and sometimes vulnerable, especially with each other. Subscribe and stick around for some great conversations!

    This week it’s just Reuben again, talking about finding balance in life and knowing when it’s time to try to rebalance. Also, we might not have an episode next week because of this need to rebalance. We’ll see!

    If there's topics you want to see discussed, leave a comment (On YouTube), DM on Instagram or TikTok,  or email at onyourmentalpod@gmail.com 💙

    #MentalHealth​​ #Podcast​​ #MensMentalHealth​​ #VideoPodcast​​ #MentalHealthStigma #OnYourMental #MensHealth

    Thank you for listening! You can follow us on Instagram (@onyourmentalpod) and DM us if you've got anything to share or say!

    Understanding Stress | On Your Mental w/ Reuben Hardern, Kabir Sandhu, Joseph Lavallee

    Understanding Stress | On Your Mental w/ Reuben Hardern, Kabir Sandhu, Joseph Lavallee

    Welcome back to On Your Mental, the podcast that encourages men to be more open and sometimes vulnerable, especially with each other. Subscribe and stick around for some great conversations!

    This week, Joseph Lavallee is back to take us on a deep dive into stress. 3 weeks ago we had an episode about burnout. After that episode, Joe reached out wanting to share his knowledge and expertise on stress from a physiological standpoint and what it does to your body, and how to manage it. Joe shared a lot of incredible information this week that we’re sure you’re all going to appreciate!

    If there's topics you want to see discussed, leave a comment (On YouTube), DM on Instagram or TikTok (links below) or email at onyourmentalpod@gmail.com 💙


    IG: https://www.instagram.com/onyourmentalpod/

    Tik Tok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMd3SD8E1/

    10% OFF THE ART FROM NASHID CHROMA: http://nashidchroma.refr.cc/onyourmental

    #MentalHealth​​ #Podcast​​ #MensMentalHealth​​ #VideoPodcast​​ #MentalHealthStigma #OnYourMental #MensHealth #stress

    Thank you for listening! You can follow us on Instagram (@onyourmentalpod) and DM us if you've got anything to share or say!

    Magic Mushrooms | On Your Mental w/ Reuben Hardern, Kabir Sandhu, Meghan Gee & Aivan de Chavez

    Magic Mushrooms | On Your Mental w/ Reuben Hardern, Kabir Sandhu, Meghan Gee & Aivan de Chavez

    Welcome back to On Your Mental, the podcast that encourages men to be more open and sometimes vulnerable, especially with each other. Subscribe and stick around for some great conversations!

    This week’s a special one for y’all. In this episode we dive into the world of psychedelics and how they’re currently being used in mental health settings. Not only that, but we share our own experiences and changes in mindset after having used psychs in the past. It’s pretty incredible what’s going on in the world of mental health with respect to psychedelics, there’s countless new options for treatment for people with anxiety, depression, PTSD, and more. This is NOT to promote the use of psychedelics, rather if you’re curious, research it!

    Finding out more information about these things can be a bit overwhelming, and it might be hard to know where to start learning more. That’s why this week we’ve partnered with a sponsor, Fungal Friend! Head over to their site if you’re interested in learning more about the world of psilocybin/magic mushrooms. If you’ve wondered about this sort of thing, it’s a great place to start exploring.

    LINK TO FUNGAL FRIEND: www.fungalfriend.com

    If there's topics you want to see discussed, leave a comment (On YouTube), DM on Instagram or TikTok (links below) or email at onyourmentalpod@gmail.com 💙
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/onyourmentalpod/
    Tik Tok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMd3SD8E1/

    10% OFF THE ART FROM NASHID CHROMA: http://nashidchroma.refr.cc/onyourmental

    #MentalHealth​​ #Podcast​​ #MensMentalHealth​​ #VideoPodcast​​ #MentalHealthStigma #OnYourMental #MensHealth #shrooms #psychedelics 

    Thank you for listening! You can follow us on Instagram (@onyourmentalpod) and DM us if you've got anything to share or say!

    Emotional Vulnerability | On Your Mental w/ Reuben Hardern, Kabir Sandhu, Derek Gerard & Jesse Beavis

    Emotional Vulnerability | On Your Mental w/ Reuben Hardern, Kabir Sandhu, Derek Gerard & Jesse Beavis

    Welcome back to On Your Mental, the podcast that encourages men to be more open and sometimes vulnerable, especially with each other. Subscribe and stick around for some great conversations!

    What does it mean to you to be emotionally vulnerable? Turns out, there’s a lot of different answers to that question. This week we dive into out own perceptions of emotional vulnerability and share some of our own experiences that have shaped that perception in our lives. We welcome back Derek Gerard and Jesse Beavis this week for a great conversation, that we hope you all enjoy!

    If there's topics you want to see discussed, leave a comment (On YouTube), DM on Instagram or TikTok (links below) or email at onyourmentalpod@gmail.com 💙


    IG: https://www.instagram.com/onyourmentalpod/

    Tik Tok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMd3SD8E1/

    10% OFF THE ART FROM NASHID CHROMA: http://nashidchroma.refr.cc/onyourmental

    #MentalHealth​​ #Podcast​​ #MensMentalHealth​​ #VideoPodcast​​ #MentalHealthStigma #OnYourMental #MensHealth #emotions

    Thank you for listening! You can follow us on Instagram (@onyourmentalpod) and DM us if you've got anything to share or say!

    Dealing With Burnout | On Your Mental w/ Reuben Hardern

    Dealing With Burnout | On Your Mental w/ Reuben Hardern

    Welcome back to On Your Mental, the podcast that encourages men to be more open and sometimes vulnerable, especially with each other. Subscribe and stick around for some great conversations!

    It’s just me this week! Kabir’s out sick, but he’ll be back next week. Right now I’m feeling a little bit of burnout in my life so I felt like it’d be fitting to have a quick talk about it. It’s something that a number of people I know are going through right now too. There’s a few things we can do to manage burnout though! Exercise, sleep, and a balanced diet can go a very long way, much like most mental health issues. So here’s a short episode about how I feel at this moment!

    If there's topics you want to see discussed, leave a comment (On YouTube), DM on Instagram or TikTok (links below) or email at onyourmentalpod@gmail.com 💙


    IG: https://www.instagram.com/onyourmentalpod/

    Tik Tok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMd3SD8E1/

    10% OFF THE ART FROM NASHID CHROMA: http://nashidchroma.refr.cc/onyourmental

    #MentalHealth​​ #Podcast​​ #MensMentalHealth​​ #VideoPodcast​​ #MentalHealthStigma #OnYourMental #MensHealth

    Thank you for listening! You can follow us on Instagram (@onyourmentalpod) and DM us if you've got anything to share or say!

    We Love A Party, Just Not A Pity Party

    We Love A Party, Just Not A Pity Party

    It's a new month - welcome to April, welcome to Aries Season, welcome to the Spring Solstice. How are you gearing up for a month that brings a lot of "self" energy, leading energy, angst, boredom, passion, and fire? Donna talks some themes and ways to move through this month in one piece. Call into ‪(917) 765-0895‬ and let us know what you're up to

    Relationship Privacy | On Your Mental w/ Reuben Hardern, Kabir Sandhu, Fanny Chui & Evan Shaw

    Relationship Privacy | On Your Mental w/ Reuben Hardern, Kabir Sandhu, Fanny Chui & Evan Shaw

    Welcome back to On Your Mental, the podcast that encourages men to be more open and sometimes vulnerable, especially with each other. Subscribe and stick around for some great conversations!

    We’ve got a great episode for y’all this week! Reuben and Kabir are joined by Evan and Fanny who have been in a relationship for almost 8 years. Together we’re talking about privacy in relationships as well as choosing how private we want to keep our relationships to the public. These kinds of things can effect the success of relationships in some cases and in all cases effect your own security and comfort in the relationship.

    If there's topics you want to see discussed, leave a comment (On YouTube), DM on Instagram or Tik Tok (links below) or email at onyourmentalpod@gmail.com 💙


    IG: https://www.instagram.com/onyourmentalpod/

    Tik Tok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMd3SD8E1/

    10% OFF THE ART FROM NASHID CHROMA: http://nashidchroma.refr.cc/onyourmental

    Thank you for listening! You can follow us on Instagram (@onyourmentalpod) and DM us if you've got anything to share or say!

    Confidence & Insecurities | On Your Mental w/ Reuben Hardern, Kabir Sandhu & More

    Confidence & Insecurities | On Your Mental w/ Reuben Hardern, Kabir Sandhu & More

    Welcome back to On Your Mental, the podcast that encourages men to be more open and sometimes vulnerable, especially with each other. Subscribe and stick around for some great conversations!

    This week we had an amazing talk about confidence in our lives as young men, and got personal with some of the insecurities we’ve had throughout our lives, including the ones we feel today. We all could relate to each other on this one and we’re sure you all will connect with what we’re saying here too.

    If there's topics you want to see discussed, leave a comment (On YouTube), DM on Instagram or Tik Tok (links below) or email at onyourmentalpod@gmail.com 💙
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/onyourmentalpod/
    Tik Tok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMd3SD8E1/

    10% OFF THE ART FROM NASHID CHROMA: http://nashidchroma.refr.cc/onyourmental

    #MentalHealth​​ #Podcast​​ #MensMentalHealth​​ #VideoPodcast​​ #MentalHealthStigma #OnYourMental #MensHealth

    Thank you for listening! You can follow us on Instagram (@onyourmentalpod) and DM us if you've got anything to share or say!

    Life At 26 | On Your Mental w/ Kabir Sandhu & Reuben Hardern

    Life At 26 | On Your Mental w/ Kabir Sandhu & Reuben Hardern

    Welcome back to On Your Mental, the podcast that encourages men to be more open and sometimes vulnerable, especially with each other. Subscribe and stick around for some great conversations!

    We’re switching things up this week. It’s Reuben’s birthday! Kabir’s taking over, he’s running the show, and he’s asking Reuben questions about life at 26, and a whole lot more. Some reallll hard hitting stuff towards the end too!

    We hope you all enjoy the episode! If there's topics you want to see discussed, leave a comment (On YouTube), DM on Instagram or Tik Tok (links below) or email at onyourmentalpod@gmail.com 💙
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/onyourmentalpod/
    Tik Tok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMd3SD8E1/

    10% OFF THE ART FROM NASHID CHROMA: http://nashidchroma.refr.cc/onyourmental

    First Group Episode: https://youtu.be/1GyePtW6s3Y
    #MentalHealth​​ #Podcast​​ #MensMentalHealth​​ #VideoPodcast​​ #MentalHealthStigma #OnYourMental #MensHealth

    Thank you for listening! You can follow us on Instagram (@onyourmentalpod) and DM us if you've got anything to share or say!

    Check-In On Your Mental Health | On Your Mental w/ Reuben Hardern, Kabir Sandhu & More

    Check-In On Your Mental Health | On Your Mental w/ Reuben Hardern, Kabir Sandhu & More

    Welcome back to On Your Mental, the podcast that encourages men to be more open and sometimes vulnerable, especially with each other. Subscribe and stick around for some great conversations!

    This week is a check-in episode! For those new to the podcast, these episodes offer us all a chance to check in with ourselves and each other on 3 parts of our lives; our work lives, our personal lives, and our mental health (and score each 1-10). Men don’t spend enough time sharing what’s going on in our lives, and these conversations help address that!

    I hope you all enjoy the episode! If there's topics you want to see discussed, leave a comment (On YouTube), DM on Instagram or Tik Tok (links below) or email at onyourmentalpod@gmail.com 💙


    IG: https://www.instagram.com/onyourmentalpod/

    Tik Tok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMd3SD8E1/

    10% OFF THE ART FROM NASHID CHROMA: http://nashidchroma.refr.cc/onyourmental

    #MentalHealth​​ #Podcast​​ #MensMentalHealth​​ #VideoPodcast​​ #MentalHealthStigma #OnYourMental #MensHealth

    Thank you for listening! You can follow us on Instagram (@onyourmentalpod) and DM us if you've got anything to share or say!

    Friendships & Betrayal | On Your Mental w/ Reuben Hardern, Kabir Sandhu, Gloria Shu & Jeff Yu

    Friendships & Betrayal | On Your Mental w/ Reuben Hardern, Kabir Sandhu, Gloria Shu & Jeff Yu

    Welcome back to On Your Mental, the podcast that encourages men to be more open and sometimes vulnerable, especially with each other. Subscribe and stick around for some great conversations!

    This week’s episode it all about friendship and how it is bound to evolve and change with time, the 3 types of friendships there can be, and what to do if you’ve felt betrayal in a friendship.

    I hope you all enjoy the episode! If there's topics you want to see discussed, leave a comment (On YouTube), DM on Instagram or Tik Tok (links below) or email at onyourmentalpod@gmail.com 💙


    IG: https://www.instagram.com/onyourmentalpod/

    Tik Tok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMd3SD8E1/

    10% OFF THE ART FROM NASHID CHROMA: http://nashidchroma.refr.cc/onyourmental

    #MentalHealth​​ #Podcast​​ #MensMentalHealth​​ #VideoPodcast​​ #MentalHealthStigma #OnYourMental #MensHealth

    Thank you for listening! You can follow us on Instagram (@onyourmentalpod) and DM us if you've got anything to share or say!