

    Explore "sketchnote" with insightful episodes like "Season 11 Teaser - SE11/EP00", "Libérez votre créativité !", "Zwischen VHS und dem Mobilen Digitalen Knoten", "Season 10 Preview - SE10 / EP00" and "58 - Bandar Suleiman - Whiteboards" from podcasts like ""Sketchnote Army Podcast", "Mon idée QVT", "Hinterm Tresen", "Sketchnote Army Podcast" and "Visual Thinking"" and more!

    Episodes (22)

    Season 11 Teaser - SE11/EP00

    Season 11 Teaser - SE11/EP00

    Sketchnote Army Podcast Season 11 starts next week!
    Hey, It’s Mike Rohde, and I’m here to announce season 11 of the Sketchnote Army Podcast is launching on Tuesday, February 15th, 2022. This season we’re adding YouTube videos for every episode so you can hear the podcast episodes — or watch them!

    Special thanks to this season’s sponsor, Concepts, the infinite canvas sketching app.

    Watch this space on Tuesday, February 15th for episode 1!

    Libérez votre créativité !

    Libérez votre créativité !

    Plus de la moitié des salariés français aimeraient être plus créatifs dans leur travail (1). Rassurez-vous : nul besoin d'être le nouveau Picasso pour y parvenir ! Voici les conseils de Carole Cesareo et Valérie Bogaert, fondatrices de Art for Me, et auteures du livre Libérer sa créativité, 10 séances d’autocoaching pour trouver des idées et révéler son potentiel (Vuibert). 

    "Etre créatif est accessible à tous, précise d'emblée de jeu Carole Cesareo, cela permet de faire des liens entre des idées et de trouver des solutions innovantes, c'est avant tout une question de confiance et d'entrainement." Une soft skill essentielle pour s'adapter à un monde complexe, en perpétuels changements. Et ce quelque soit son secteur d'activité.

    La créativité est un jeu

    Lors de cette épisode, Carole Cesareo et Valérie Bogaert partagent de nombreux outils qu'elles vous invitent à tester en solo ou en équipe : le portrait chinois pour se présenter ou pour élargir le champ des possibles lors d'un projet, la carte mentale pour faciliter les apprentissages et mieux vous organiser, le sketchnote et le mind mapping pour prendre des notes de manière plus visuelle.

    Que penserait Steve Jobs de notre projet ?

    Elles vous proposent enfin des alternatives aux brainstormings classiques, souvent peu efficaces avouons-le : "La clé est d'adopter la bonne posture pour donner envie aux personnes d'échanger et de les stimuler". Des exemples ? Le world café, le photolangage ou encore le jeu du consultant virtuel pour favoriser la pollinisation des idées.

    Les fondatrices de Art for Me vous lancent enfin un défi : tester une chose nouvelle par jour pendant 21 jours. Alors cap ou pas cap ?

    (1) Etude de Steelcase, 2018. 

    Zwischen VHS und dem Mobilen Digitalen Knoten

    Zwischen VHS und dem Mobilen Digitalen Knoten
    Mein heutiger Gast ist Karl Damke. Karl ist unter anderem Sketchnoter und arbeitet beim Landesverband der VHS. Momentan ist er an vielen neuen Projekten beteiligt und eines davon heißt "Mobil Digital". Was es genau das mit einem Digitalen Knoten auf sich hat und wie VHSund die Büchereizentrale Schleswig-Holstein kooperieren, erfahrt ihr in der heutigen Folge. Und Karl macht überigens auch einen Podcast, hört mal hier: https://vhscast.de/ Viel Spaß! +++ https://www.vhs-sh.de/ https://www.bz-sh.de/ Mitarbeit: Am Mikro: Patricia Fasheh Redaktion: Patricia Fasheh, Tabea Laue Musik: Iconic Turn über www.audiohub.de Kontakt: Mail: hintermtresen@schwarzenbek.de Instagram: @stabue_schwarzenbek

    Season 10 Preview - SE10 / EP00

    Season 10 Preview - SE10 / EP00

    I have great guest interviews for your listening pleasure, including:

    1. Alejo Porras
    2. Eleanor Beer
    3. Dario Paniagua
    4. Ari Alvarez
    5. Rasagy Sharma
    6. Josie Dee
    7. Matt Ragland
    8. Sheena Mays
    9. Ben Norris
    10. Mister Maikel
    11. Mina Legend
    12. Marc Gutman
    13. Ahn Bui

    I think you are going to LOVE season 10!

    New episodes start next week Monday, September 6th, 2021 with Alejo Porras, so keep your eye on your podcast app every Monday morning!



    You can subscribe to the podcast through iTunes.


    To support the creation, production and hosting of the Sketchnote Army Podcast, buy one of Mike Rohde’s bestselling books. Use code ROHDE40 at Peachpit.com for 40% off!

    58 - Bandar Suleiman - Whiteboards

    58 - Bandar Suleiman - Whiteboards

    Themed Episode  - Whiteboards


    In this episode, we talk with Bandar Suleiman about his visual thinking journey, why he is so fascinated by whiteboards, what awaits on whiteboards in the future and what are Bandar's most favorite tips and tricks working with this medium. We also talk about Bandar's upcoming online course on working with whiteboards and his approach to building up one's visual thinking prowess.



    Bandar Suleiman


    Bandar Suleiman is the first who introduced sketchnotes in the Arab regions. A graduate of the Arab Open University (Business Administration), he holds several accredited certificates in training and human resource development. Bandar gives live & online courses and speaks in creative gatherings.

    Currently, Bandar is working on an online course on visual thinking with whiteboards that will be released in Arabic and then afterward in English too.


    Find more about Bandar on his website https://www.bandarsuleiman.com/

    and follow him on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_sketchnotes/ 

    and Twitter: https://twitter.com/_SketchNotes 





    This show is brought to you by the Visual Thinking and Sketchnoting Boot Camp Udemyonline course developed for you by Yuri Malishenko. This unique and highly practical signature course will teach you all the necessary elements that you need to employ visual thinking for your profession. You will learn how to draw simply and use sketching techniques to take visual notes, facilitate group discussions, and communicate your ideas with clarity! By the end of the course, you will have completed a unique do-it-yourself workbook that you will carry around as a reference and inspiration for your future ideas!


    With the help of the course, you will boost your thinking and communication skills as well as improve your productivity and effectiveness. By purchasing the course you get lifetime access to almost 7 hours of high-quality video instructions with numerous assignments close to real life.


    You can sign up for the course here:



    Die mit dem Stift denkt - Interview mit Franziska Panter

    Die mit dem Stift denkt - Interview mit Franziska Panter
    Franziska Panter ist Sketchnote Expertin. Franziska Panter ist auch bekannt als „Die mit dem Stift denkt“. Sie unterstützt Unternehmer:innen, mit ihrem einzigartigen Angebot sichtbar zu werden. Insbesondere ihre handgezeichneten Sketchnotes helfen Unternehmern:innen, ihre Dienstleistungen oder Produkte individuell und mit einer Prise Humor auf den Punkt zu bringen. Erfahre, wie sie Spaß und Leichtigkeit in ihr Leben und das ihrer Kunden bringt. Warum wir offen durchs Leben gehen sollten und uns auch Umwege machmal genau ans richtige Ziel bringen. Die Videofolge findest Du hier: https://youtu.be/Gw6gOG5CVvY Zum Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/habits-for-you-der-podcast/id1539013905 Hier findest Du Franziskas Webseite: https://www.franziskapanter.com/ Franziska bei Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/franziskapantercom Franziska bei Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/franziskapanter/ Zu meiner Webseite: https://missdigipen.de Dein achtsamer Wochen-Planer: https://missdigipen.de/mein-wochen-planer-hardcover/ Du hörst den Podcast gerne❓ Du möchtest gerne etwas zurück geben❓ Schenke dem "Habits for you" Podcast Deine Bewertung! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ACHTUNG: Wenn Du mir einen Screenshot davon sendest, schicke ich Dir einen 25% Rabatt-Code für Deinen achtsamen Wochen-Planer! Zum Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/habits-for-you-der-podcast/id1539013905 Zu meiner Webseite: https://missdigipen.de

    51 - Ingrid Lill

    51 - Ingrid Lill

    Ingrid Lill


    Brand Consultant with a


    Ingrid has a background in Visual Communication and has
    designed countless logos, websites, and brochures before she
    went into the field of graphic facilitation.

    She has developed „Brand Storyboarding“ – a unique visual
    method to help business owners figure out their message, and
    their positioning - the foundation of a successful brand.

    She works with clients and organizations all over the world, from her studio in the countryside in Denmark.

    Ingrid offers 1:1 Brand Storyboard sessions and Brand Storyboard group courses on www.lillbranding.com 

    She also teaches drawing to people who say they can’t draw –
    www.illustrationmadeeasy.com, and does magical light projections in the city – check out at www.lilluminations.dk 


    Find more of Ingrid's work on her Instagram account:






    This show is brought to you by the Visual Thinking and Sketchnoting Boot Camp Udemyonline course developed for you by Yuri Malishenko. This unique and highly practical signature course will teach you all the necessary elements that you need to employ visual thinking for your profession. You will learn how to draw simply and use sketching techniques to take visual notes, facilitate group discussions, and communicate your ideas with clarity! By the end of the course, you will have completed a unique do-it-yourself workbook that you will carry around as a reference and inspiration for your future ideas!


    With the help of the course, you will boost your thinking and communication skills as well as improve your productivity and effectiveness. By purchasing the course you get lifetime access to almost 7 hours of high-quality video instructions with numerous assignments close to real life.


    You can sign up for the course here:




    Subscribe to Yuri's newsletter: http://eepurl.com/gWi_if

    49 - Fasola

    49 - Fasola



    An engineering student that uses sketchnoting to help in the university study.

    Now is a Chinese podcaster, sketchnoter that wants to deliver the beautiful essence of sketchnoting and visual notes to help in our daily life besides a full-time job. 

    Sharing positive energy and values through the beauty of sketchnote.

    Love to make the information beautiful, resonate with our heart and mind, heal, and feel therapy.

    Focusing on delivering sketchnoting methods with daily life practice such as gratitude journals and even daily habits.


    My website: https://fasolaarts.com/ 

    My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fasolaarts/

    My podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/22iApzDL9qwfymSQ7w4IDX





    This show is brought to you by the Visual Thinking and Sketchnoting Boot Camp Udemyonline course developed for you by Yuri Malishenko. This unique and highly practical signature course will teach you all the necessary elements that you need to employ visual thinking for your profession. You will learn how to draw simply and use sketching techniques to take visual notes, facilitate group discussions, and communicate your ideas with clarity! By the end of the course, you will have completed a unique do-it-yourself workbook that you will carry around as a reference and inspiration for your future ideas!


    With the help of the course, you will boost your thinking and communication skills as well as improve your productivity and effectiveness. By purchasing the course you get lifetime access to almost 7 hours of high-quality video instructions with numerous assignments close to real life.


    You can sign up for the course here:




    Subscribe to Yuri's newsletter: http://eepurl.com/gWi_if

    47 - Benjamin Felis

    47 - Benjamin Felis

    Benjamin Felis


    Benjamin „Ben“ Felis is a former Graffiti-Artist from Berlin/Germany who now works as a full-time Graphic Recorder and Teacher for Visual Thinking.


    He is also an official Neuland Toolmaster and an IFVP Member (International Forum of Visual Practitioners). Ben has taught in over 15 countries in the last 10 years - and conducted over 250 professional Graphic Recordings - analog and digital.


    If you want to learn Graphic Recording: Ben has several online classes and an own YouTube channel with free tutorials.


    His latest release is an online course on „Digital Graphic Recording/Sketchnoting on ALL Tablets“:

    https://elopage.com/s/OnlineSchoolforGraphicRecordingGermany/digital-graphic- recording-sketchnoting-on-all-tablets


    Other online courses you find here:



    SPECIAL: With the code „YURI“ you get a 30% discount on all online classes :)


    BRAND NEW ONLINE CLASS: Digital Graphic Recording/Sketchnoting on ALL Tablets (English)


    ONLINE CLASSES: Learn Visualization and Graphic Recording online (English)


    NEWSLETTER: Subscribe to my weekly Newsletter - and get a FREE video tutorial and a practice sheet (pdf)!


    YOUTUBE CHANNEL: Free Graphic Recording/Sketchnote Tutorials



    Follow him on Social media: @benjaminfelis or Benjamin Felis

    Graphic Recording Website: www.benjaminfelis.de

    Email: post@benjaminfelis.de 





    This show is brought to you by the Visual Thinking and Sketchnoting Boot Camp Udemyonline course developed for you by Yuri Malishenko. This unique and highly practical signature course will teach you all the necessary elements that you need to employ visual thinking for your profession. You will learn how to draw simply and use sketching techniques to take visual notes, facilitate group discussions, and communicate your ideas with clarity! By the end of the course, you will have completed a unique do-it-yourself workbook that you will carry around as a reference and inspiration for your future ideas!


    With the help of the course, you will boost your thinking and communication skills as well as improve your productivity and effectiveness. By purchasing the course you get lifetime access to almost 7 hours of hi-quality video instructions with numerous assignments close to real life.


    You can sign up for the course here:




    Subscribe to Yuri's newsletter: http://eepurl.com/gWi_if

    45 - Chris Spalton

    45 - Chris  Spalton



    Chris is a UX Research Coach working at Redgate Software.


    He's a big visual thinking enthusiast and member of the sketching and UX communities, trying to encourage people to embrace doodling in order to help solve complex problems and communicate ideas and concepts to colleagues, clients, and customers in an engaging visual format.


    He's also a huge fan of underground rock music, creator of the Eelman Chronicles graphic novel, and dabbles in several other forms of visual creative endeavours.


    Connect with Chris on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chrisspalton/

    Follow Chris on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChrisSpalton

    and on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/spalton/





    This show is brought to you by the Visual Thinking and Sketchnoting Boot Camp Udemyonline course developed for you by Yuri Malishenko. This unique and highly practical signature course will teach you all the necessary elements that you need to employ visual thinking for your profession. You will learn how to draw simply and use sketching techniques to take visual notes, facilitate group discussions, and communicate your ideas with clarity! By the end of the course, you will have completed a unique do-it-yourself workbook that you will carry around as a reference and inspiration for your future ideas!


    With the help of the course, you will boost your thinking and communication skills as well as improve your productivity and effectiveness. By purchasing the course you get lifetime access to almost 7 hours of hi-quality video instructions with numerous assignments close to real life.


    You can sign up for the course here:




    Subscribe to Yuri's newsletter: http://eepurl.com/gWi_if

    39 - Ania Staśkiewicz

    39 - Ania Staśkiewicz

    Ania Staśkiewicz


    Ania Staśkiewicz is a Graphic Recorder, Sketchnoter and Graphic Facilitator. She creates visual notes and captures essential ideas with images and words. She makes them memorable.


    During conferences, workshops, and meetings she worked on a wide range of topics. She loves unique challenges and is especially passionate about coaching, psychology, management, and regional policy.


    As a Graphic Facilitator, during the workshops and meetings, she helps to organize and visualize the ideas of the group. She is also a visual thinking trainer and the author of the workshop „Sketchnoting Step By Step”.


    Reach out to Ania via Instagram:



    Or her website:






    This show is brought to you by the Visual Thinking and Sketchnoting Boot Camp Udemyonline course developed for you by Yuri Malishenko. This unique and highly practical signature course will teach you all the necessary elements that you need to employ visual thinking for your profession. You will learn how to draw simply and use sketching techniques to take visual notes, facilitate group discussions, and communicate your ideas with clarity! By the end of the course you will have completed a unique do-it-yourself workbook that you will carry around as a reference and inspiration for your future ideas!


    With the help of the course, you will boost your thinking and communication skills as well as improve your productivity and effectiveness. By purchasing the course you get a lifetime access to almost 7 hours of hi-quality video instructions with numerous assignments close to real life.


    You can sign up for the course here:




    Subscribe to Yuri's newsletter: http://eepurl.com/gWi_if

    Sketchnoting and Working Analog with Mike Rohde

    Sketchnoting and Working Analog with Mike Rohde

    Nineteen80 is a management consultancy and creative agency focused on transitions. As a Xennial, I was born in an analog world, and came of age in a digital world. As the world transitions from command and control to distributed teams, analog to digital, concentrated power and wealth to distributed knowledge of the crowd, Nineteen80 seeks to bring the best of both worlds together to create something better.

    In this episode, I finally talked to Mike Rohde, also a generational cusper and the original sketchnoter.

    Bio About The Guest

    Mike Rohde is a Principal User Experience Designer and Visualizer at Johnson Controls helping innovate business with visual and design thinking. He's the author of the best selling book The Sketchnote Handbook, The Sketchnote Workbook, and creator of the Sketchnote Ideabook.

    Episode Summary

    In this episode, Mike and I spoke about...

    • Prototyping
    • Sketchnoting
    • Transitioning to analog to digital
    • Creating The Sketchnote Ideabook

    Connect With Mike Rohde
    Website - https://rohdesign.com
    Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikerohde/
    Twitter - https://twitter.com/rohdesign
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/rohdesign
    Youtube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe1elri6WQzEOc7tD18EZOg

    Connect With Daniel Hoang
    My website - http://www.danielhoang.com
    My company - http://www.nineteen80.co
    Follow me on Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/danielhoang
    Follow me on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/danielhoang
    Join The Nineteen80 Membership - https://www.nineteen80.io/signup

    Date recorded August 13th, 2020
    Music from https://artlist.io/
    This podcast was edited by Naya Moss and Namos Studio

    Support the show

    37 - Chris Glynn

    37 - Chris Glynn



    Illustrator and animator. Strategic illustration and facilitation. Open to commissions and collaboration.


    Instagram: chris.glynn.illustration


    Twitter: mainchrisglynn

    0.6 Senior Lecturer in Illustration, Cardiff School of Art Design, Cardiff Met University

    Co-founder Illustration Research network


    BA Hons Music and Drama, University of Wales, Aberystwyth.






    This show is brought to you by the Visual Thinking and Sketchnoting Boot Camp Udemyonline course developed for you by Yuri Malishenko. This unique and highly practical signature course will teach you all the necessary elements that you need to employ visual thinking for your profession. You will learn how to draw simply and use sketching techniques to take visual notes, facilitate group discussions, and communicate your ideas with clarity! By the end of the course you will have completed a unique do-it-yourself workbook that you will carry around as a reference and inspiration for your future ideas!


    With the help of the course, you will boost your thinking and communication skills as well as improve your productivity and effectiveness. By purchasing the course you get a lifetime access to almost 7 hours of hi-quality video instructions with numerous assignments close to real life.


    You can sign up for the course here:




    Subscribe to Yuri's newsletter: http://eepurl.com/gWi_if

    32 - Mike Rohde

    32 - Mike Rohde



    Hello, I’m Mike Rohde.


    I have a passion for visualizing, designing, and communicating ideas.


    Designer. I design software, experiences, and services, using a human-centered approach. I seek to understand what users need, so I can design things that are useful and delightful for them.

    Author. I’ve written two bestselling books on sketchnoting: The Sketchnote Handbook and The Sketchnote Workbook.

    Teacher. I lead online and in-person workshops that teach people sketchnoting techniques and build their confidence.

    Speaker. I give talks on the power and value of visualization.

    Illustrator. I help authors communicate ideas visually in their books. My work appears in the New York Times bestseller, REWORK and REMOTE, The $100 Startup and The Little Book of Talent. I like to communicate ideas through custom illustrations.

    Publisher. I’m founder of The Sketchnote Army, a showcase of sketchnoters and their work from around the world.

    Podcaster. I interview interesting visual thinkers to understand what makes them tick on the Sketchnote Army Podcast.

    Family man. I’m a husband and father, happily living and working in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

    Follow me on InstagramTwitter and LinkedIn.





    This show is brought to you by the Visual Thinking and Sketchnoting Boot Camp online course. This unique and highly practical signature course will teach you all the necessary elements that you need to employ visual thinking for your profession.


    With the help of the course, you will boost your thinking and communication skills as well as improve your productivity and effectiveness.


    Find more information at https://www.udemy.com/course/visual-thinking-and-sketchnoting-boot-camp/?referralCode=D0574A03FF3E6CADC63F


    Subscribe to Yuri's newsletter: http://eepurl.com/gWi_if

    #44 - Melanie Gürtler: Kinderbuch-Illustratorin und Gründerin

    #44 - Melanie Gürtler: Kinderbuch-Illustratorin und Gründerin
    In dieser Folge erfahren wir ganz viel neues von Melanie Gürtler. Sie ist Illustratorin von Kinderbüchern und erklärt uns einiges über diesen hart umkämpften Markt. Außerdem gehören Graphical Recording und Sketchnoting zu ihren Dienstleitungen. Keine Angst: Was es damit auf sich hat, erklären wir im Podcast natürlich. Melanie lässt uns auch in ihre Zahlen blicken und wie Illustratoren und Kreative ihre Leistungen Abrechnen. Ein sehr spannendes Thema, was sowohl für Edina, als auch für David eine völlig neue Welt ist. Eine ziemlich lange, dafür sehr kurzweilige Folge, die nicht nur kreativen Köpfen gefallen sollte. Ach ja, das Cover dieser Folge kommt übrigens auch von ihr. Cool, oder? P.S.: Die Mitgliedschaft bei der Illustratoren Organisation kostet 240€ im Jahr, nicht wie von Melanie gesagt 120€. Viel Spaß beim Hören: Schatzibusiness auf Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2ZuK7bO Schatzibusiness auf Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2lMnFZa Schatzibusiness auf Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/schatzibusiness

    22 - Adrien Liard

    22 - Adrien Liard


    Adrien is a product manager and a scrum master in Toulouse, France where he works in the market research industry helping brands, companies, governments, and organizations to better understand their customers, users, and citizens. His team's main focus is building digital tools to help companies deliver great customer experience. He is using visual thinking to help teams solve complex problems and to facilitate meetings and workshops.


    He also loves to sketchnote and to visually summarize books he enjoyed reading. Adrien has a background in software and data engineering and has a degree in Sociology. Passionate about drawing and art in general since he can remember, he spent many years doing graffiti and street-art in Paris where he grew up.


    At the moment he is illustrating Etienne Bressoud’s (https://twitter.com/bressoud) next book, |Nudge For Learning" about how to apply Behavioral Science to better teach and learn. The book will be published by Pearson France this fall. You can follow @nudgeforlearn on Twitter to learn more about the book.


    Every three weeks he draws a sketchnote of the latest episode of B.E.GOOD!, a podcast where leaders in the behavioral sciences discuss the latest insights and evolutions in this emerging field: https://bvanudgeunit.com/podcast-b-e-good-podcast/


    You can learn more about Adrien and get in touch with him by following him on Twitter (@Adrien_Liard), https://twitter.com/Adrien_Liard or by connecting on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/adrienliard/




    This show is brought to you by the Visual Thinking and Sketchnoting Boot Camp online course. This unique and highly practical signature course will teach you all the necessary elements that you need to employ visual thinking for your profession.


    With the help of the course, you will boost your thinking and communication skills as well as improve your productivity and effectiveness.


    Find more information at https://www.udemy.com/course/visual-thinking-and-sketchnoting-boot-camp/?referralCode=D0574A03FF3E6CADC63F


    Subscribe to Yuri's newsletter: http://eepurl.com/gWi_if

    Sylvia Duckworth, Sketchnoting, ProCreate, Tayasui Sketches, JamBoard, AutoDesk SketchBook, Chrome Canvas, KeyNote iOS, iPad Apps, Touchscreen Chromebook Apps, Sketchnotes on Digital Portfolios - #EduDuctTape S01-E020

    Sylvia Duckworth, Sketchnoting, ProCreate, Tayasui Sketches, JamBoard, AutoDesk SketchBook, Chrome Canvas, KeyNote iOS, iPad Apps, Touchscreen Chromebook Apps, Sketchnotes on Digital Portfolios - #EduDuctTape S01-E020

    #EduDuctTape S01-E020

    #EduDuctTape -- EduDuctTape.com -- @JakeMillerTech -- JakeMiller.net -- JakeMillerTech@gmail.com



    • Jake’s Upcoming Events



    • Jake’s SoapBox Moment
    • “If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse.” - Jim Rohn



    • 2 Truths & 1 Lie



    • Question #1: How can a teacher keep students on task during direct instruction?
    • Sketchnoting, Doodling



    • Sylvia’s Question: How can we encourage doodling and sketchnoting in class?
    • Embrace a “Doodling Culture”



    • Content from the Duct Taper Community
    • This Week’s Apple Podcast Reviews:
    • T.W.--Baton Rouge



    • Favorite #EduDuctTape Tweets: (each handle is linked to the mentioned tweet)



    • Where Duct Tapers are listening tweets from: (each handle is linked to the referenced tweet)



    • New #EduDuctTape Tweeps: @amyjhuckaby, @bmiller_FSTS, @BryonCar


    #EduDuctTape FlipGrid Response from @AlexisSnider15

    #03 - Jan Günther : L'univers de la facilitation graphique

    #03 - Jan Günther : L'univers de la facilitation graphique

    Dans cet épisode, Uxprimez-vous ! reçoit Jan Günther, en charge du Design chez Ubigreen et Designer / Scriber en Freelance. 

    Jan Günther nous fait découvrir l'univers de la facilitation graphique lors de ce 2e épisode d'Uxprimez-vous ! “La facilitation graphique c'est le terme le plus générique ; ça englobe tout le vocabulaire qu'on entend sur le dessin en entreprise.” ✏️


    Si vous aimez le projet, n'hésitez pas à le partager, à vous abonner et à le suivre sur les réseaux. 

    2EDU #27. Co to jest sketchnoting i jak zostać graphic recorderem? - Rozmowa z Agnieszką Halama

    2EDU #27. Co to jest sketchnoting i jak zostać graphic recorderem?  - Rozmowa z Agnieszką Halama
    Linki, notatki i bonusy: http://blog.2edu.pl/27
    Kiedy po raz kolejny słucham rozmowy z Agnieszką, to myślę sobie, że myślenie wizualne było z nami - ludźmi dużo zanim nauczyliśmy się pisać. Nie mam na to dowodów, ale myślę, że kiedyś nasz wspólny przodek patykiem obrysował swoje palce u stóp i tak powstał jakiś rysunek, a potem kolejne i kolejne.

    Istnieje również pewne prawdopodobieństwo, niestety duuuużo mniejsze, że ten człekokształtny jeden z patyków nazwał: outliner, i na piachu rysował dla reszty plemienia to, co akurat mówił wódz. No dobra, tak się nie mogło stać, ale jakoś mnie ten obraz ciągle bawi. Mamy dzisiaj renesans technik rysowania, które swoje korzenie mają w tym, że jeśli jesteś w stanie trzymać narzędzie zostawiające za sobą ślad, np. flamaster, kredę, pisak, ołówek, patyk, to jesteś się w stanie komunikować lepiej, niż korzystając na przykład z prezentacji w PowerPoincie.

    Myślenie wizualne to przede wszystkim tworzenie skutecznego przekazu.

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