
    son of perdition

    Explore "son of perdition" with insightful episodes like "ep142 約翰福音十七1~26 死前最後的禱告不在客西馬尼園 galigongbible", "RTD - The Antichrist Is Hidden In Plain Sight", "💥Fake Jesus Is The Son Of Perdition, Man Of Sin, The Lawless One! E.B. 11", "❓ Is It Jesus: E.B. Part 5 - Escape From Babylon - Son Of Perdition Part 1" and "RTD - The Man Of Sin Of 2 Thessalonians 2" from podcasts like ""嘎哩貢聖經 galigongbible", "Bible Prophecy Decoded Podcast", "Christian Soul Prepper Podcast", "Christian Soul Prepper Podcast" and "Bible Prophecy Decoded Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (7)

    ep142 約翰福音十七1~26 死前最後的禱告不在客西馬尼園 galigongbible

    ep142 約翰福音十七1~26  死前最後的禱告不在客西馬尼園  galigongbible
    🔳galigongbible最新單輯於台灣時間每週四下午6點整發佈 🔳奉獻連結 Donate by SoundOn || https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/b5160802-3786-4511-821f-01a05221c602 🔳社群平台 Line社群---https://reurl.cc/3Ng69O FaceBook---https://reurl.cc/8yd6VR Telegram--- https://t.me/galigongbible 🔳播送平台 MixerBox || https://www.mixerbox.com/podcast/1384900 Apple || https://reurl.cc/0OnVeo Google || https://reurl.cc/Xk9kM0 Spotify || https://reurl.cc/Xk3713 SoundOn || https://reurl.cc/OqLg1D Youtube || https://reurl.cc/oQMGlj 🔳前情提要 父的園子種著耶穌這棵葡萄樹,耶穌以葡萄樹與枝子互利共生關係,解釋耶穌和新約的你 之間是朋友關係;樹供水份(=聖霝帶上父的話)給枝子,枝子支持葉子供養份給樹並開出花,結出果子(=行出愛人如己),讓動物,昆蟲來吃,使果子不關在教會,不關在小組裡,而是能 出去x3,傳到更遠的地方。 而樹大就有枯枝,人多就有○○,不結果子的枝子聖霝的水分就不供給枝子,就會被 園丁/父/聖霝 咔嚓!丟到火裡燒;而結果的枝子"也會"被修剪,為要結出更多果子,因為今年的折枝,就是明年的結果枝。也許有人會說,我什麼都不會,怎麼開始呢?相信我,每個人都是由開始變成很利害,而不是很利害才開始的。 若以愛上帝 愛人的價值觀為基礎,果子能留存,透過耶穌求什麼,父都會成就。包含愛魚,也可以… 因為利他與利己的價值觀不同,世人聽從不聽從門徒,與門徒為敵,而上帝/耶穌/父 已在選民面前行出神跡,舊約的牧羊人-法利賽人還是不信,只好把舊約結束。 耶穌被抓,被殺,復活,回到父家之後,要由父裡面派出聖霝到世上,住在門徒裡面,告訴門徒所有關於父的事,以及要完成的事。 耶穌死了會再復活,門徒會經歷絕望後又充滿希望,耶穌都先事前預告了。 這輯是耶穌上十架前,對門徒說完最後的交待後,最後的最後,又對父的禱告。 🔳耶穌上十架前最後的禱告 01 耶穌(+對門徒)說了這些事,(=✅約十三~十六章,由餐廳內講到餐廳外) (+耶穌)就抬起他的眼睛向天(+看著滿天的星斗)說: ❌天上星星數不盡,各各都是我的夢,總然有幾片雲漂過,天父我想要對你說 ❌在無數的黑夜裡,我用星星畫出祢,祢的恩典如晨星,讓我真實的見到祢 (=對父/聖霝說)「父啊,(+我要被抓走的)時候到了, ❌ 願(父=)你尊榮你的兒子,使兒子能尊榮你; (=願你裡面的一位被榮耀,也使你裡面的那位能榮耀你) 👉兒子:是當中的一位, 02 正如(+在舊約), 你(=父)"曾"賜給他(=兒子/耶穌)(+統管)所有人的權柄, 👉舊約上帝=福音書耶穌,由亞伯拉罕 開始統管以色列這一族 (+接著,在新約)(+父)要使所有你(=父)給他(=耶穌)的(+人), (+透過耶穌=)他把永生賜給他們。 03 認識你(=父)" 獨一的真神",這就是(+新約的)永生。 👉新約透過相信耶穌介紹的父,使聖霝內住,裡面的人=霝魂不被定罪,進入永生 ⭐️✅約十七2-3:耶穌說明十架是舊約到新約的轉換點 然而,那(父=)你所差遣的耶穌基督-(+就是)我, 04 藉著完成了那(父=)你所託付(耶穌=)我需要完成的工作; (+這個工作)已在地上榮耀你(=父), 👉耶穌到世上的工作 = 舊約選民不願相信耶穌就是基督,就是舊約的上帝,耶穌要以十架結束舊約之後,開始新約,進入第六次上帝對人類計劃的變更,你可能有疑問?為何是第六次,由舊約到新約只改了一次,這裡怎麼說有6次呢?找時間再告訴你 05(耶穌:) 父啊!藉著那在(+創造)世界以先,(耶穌=)我和(父=)你自己一起擁有的榮耀 且現在求你(+如同創世時)尊榮我, 👉✅創一,✅箴八:裡面的上帝=耶穌說,另一位父實行創造能力,創世時就是2位 ❌大樂透廣告:想要什麼,爸爸買給你;要有海,有地,有植物,有動物… 👉創世說話者+能力者共兩位,在一體裡,霝是能力者分出來的能力,舊約講話的上帝就是福音書的耶穌 06 那(父=)你從世界上賜給(耶穌=)我的(+人), (耶穌=)我(+已)顯明(父=)你的名, 給那些(+父賜給耶穌的)人。 (屬於父的人=)他們本是屬於(父=)你, (父=)你將他們賜給(耶穌=)我, 且(屬於父的人的共通點,就是=)他們遵守了(父=)你的道。(=父的話) 07 現在(屬於父的人=)他們知道, 所有(父=)你所賜給(耶穌=)我的(+話),(=給耶穌的話) 都是從(父=)你那裡來的; 08 因為那些(父=)你所賜給(耶穌=)我的道,(=耶穌的話) (耶穌=)我已經賜給(屬父的人=)他們,而且他們領受了, (他們)又確實知道,(耶穌=)我是從(父=)你出來的,❌不是生出來的喔,是直接出來的 並且相信(父=)你差遣了(耶穌=)我。 09 (耶穌=)我不為世人祈求, 卻為那(父=)你所賜給(耶穌=)我的他們祈求 因他們是你的。(=屬於父的人是父的) 10 所有我的(+人) 都是你的(+人), 你的(+人)(+也是)我的(+人), 並且藉著他們,(耶穌=)我被尊榮。 ❌你的就是我的,我的還是我的?我的就是你的 11 而(耶穌=)我往(父=)你那裡去。(=耶穌回到天的上面/天上) (耶穌=)我不再在世上,但(屬你的人=)他們卻在世上, 聖父啊! 求你因那你所賜給我的你的名使他們合而為一, 像我們一樣,保守他們, ❓為什麼像"我們"一樣保守他們? 👉ex 創世時說話的上帝 和 能力的上帝是一體 👉ex 葡萄樹的一體 12 當(耶穌=)我與他們同在的時候, 我因那你所賜給我的你的名保守了他們, 我也護衛(+了他們), 👉cbol 信望愛聖經工具 舊約 耶和華,應更正為 雅威 他們其中,除了那滅亡之子,沒有一個滅亡的, 好叫聖經應驗。 ❓滅亡之子是誰? 👉沒有聖霝又引人往滅亡的地方去 ex ✅太廿三29:「虛偽的經學家和法利賽人哪,你們有禍了!你們建造先知的墓,修飾義人的碑,並且說:『我們若活在我們祖先的時代,決不會與他們一同流先知的血。』這樣,你們就指證自己是殺害先知的人的子孫了。那麼,去完成你們祖先的罪孽吧!你們這些蛇,這些毒蛇所生的啊,你們怎能逃脫地獄的刑罰呢? 13 而現在,(耶穌=)我往(父=)你那裡去, 且在世上我說這些話, 為要叫我的喜樂充滿在(屬父的人=)他們裡面。 14 (耶穌=)我已將(父=)你的道 賜給(屬父之人=)他們, 且世界恨他們, 因為他們不屬世界,正如(耶穌=)我不屬世界一樣。 15 我不求(父=)你把(屬父之人=)他們帶離開世界, 而是你(=父)保守他們脫離那惡者。 👉世上的惡者不會消失,世界即然是撒旦所管,自然有屬撒旦的人 16 (屬父之人=)他們不屬世界, 正如(耶穌=)我不屬世界一樣。 17 求(父=)你使(屬父之人=)他們藉著"真理"成"聖"; (父=)你的道(=話)就是真理。 👉父的話=耶穌的話=真理,透過相信真理成為"聖",因信+稱義=無罪=聖,成聖的前一步是因信稱義,"聖"級別是基督徒最低等級。 18 正如(父=)你怎樣差遣(耶穌=)我到世上, (耶穌=)我也差遣(屬父之人=)他們到世上; 19 且為了(屬父之人=)他們,我聖化我自己,(=分別為聖了自己="主動"獻上了自己) 為要使(相信父的人=)他們也因真理被聖化。(="被動"分別為聖) 👉在福音書時期,耶穌是唯一的牧羊人,獻上自己;如今,你是聖霝內住"被分別為聖"的牧羊人,成聖的能力在於誰?在聖霝,不在人的身上。 👉追求上帝的喜悅是好事,只是有人利用尚方寶劍做了壞事,不可不慎。 20 而(耶穌=)我不只為(屬父之人=)這些人求, (=目前只有11個人=門徒,看到前幾章的對話,其實你該知道,門徒們沒有全信耶穌) 也為那些藉著他們的話(=門徒/新約牧羊人話) 相信(耶穌=)我的人(求), 21 使"所有人"成為一,(=舊約選民及新約外族人) 👉✅弗二14: 基督就是我們的和平:他使雙方合而為一,拆毀了隔在中間的牆,就是以自己的身體除掉雙方的仇恨(=對立) ❓雙方合一,是哪雙方?人和上帝嗎?不對,是選民和外族人,耶穌自己成為雙方的和平 父啊,正如(父=)你在(耶穌=)我裡面,且(耶穌=)我在(父=)你裡面, 使(相信父的=)他們也在(父和耶穌=)我們裡面, 使世界相信(父=)你派遣了(耶穌=)我。 👉✅約十五1:耶穌:我是真葡萄樹,要讓信的人,會開花結果,成為別人支持的人,常在樹的裡面 22 且(父=)你已賜給(耶穌=)我的榮耀(=光芒),(耶穌=)我已賜給他們(=相信的人), 使他們是一(=,正如我們(是)一; 23 (耶穌=)我在他們裡面,且(父=)你在(耶穌=)我裡面, 使他們是被完美地成為一, 使世界(+的人)知道(父=)你派遣了(耶穌=)我, 且(父=)你愛他們如同(父=)你愛(耶穌=)我一樣。 ❌合一:從心合一,同心合意,讓我們先求神國和義,不分彼此同心向前行 ❓(22)榮耀/光芒是什麼?聖霝,樹提供水份給枝子,聖霝是水,就是光芒 24(耶穌:) 父啊,你已賜給我的(+人) 因為世界的創造以前你愛我。(=父啊!看在我的面子上 的祈求) (耶穌=)我願意使得我在哪裡,他們也與我一起在那裡, 就是(父=)你已賜給我的(+人),使他們看見我的榮耀, ❌我要看見,我要看見,如同摩西看見你的榮耀。我要看見,我要看見,這世代要看見你榮耀。 ❌只要你研讀約翰福音,因為讚美之泉已經有人註冊,你也有機會成為讚美二泉,不是北斗神拳,也不是給你兩拳,而是讚美二泉,不要搞錯了。 👉耶穌在(24):他們與我在一起並看到榮耀,是在講啟示錄的事,回天家的人,就會看到耶穌的榮耀/光芒,想知道細節的聽友可以收聽ep113-127,之前已有完整的說明。 25(耶穌:) 公義的父啊, 雖然世人不認識你,但(耶穌=)我卻認識你, 而這些人(=屬父的人)知道你派遣了(耶穌=)我; 26 (耶穌=)我將使他們(=原本不認識但屬父的人)認識了(父=)你的名, 使你愛我的愛在他們裡面,且我在他們裡面。」 👉bc2000,亞伯拉罕,由一人,一家,到一族,一國;過了2000年後,耶穌,由一人,到一排,到一群,到世界;而如今,又過了2000年,你覺得我在暗示什麼呢?可以想想 🔳重點整理 約十七,是耶穌被抓前最後一段與父之間的對白 耶穌就是裡面的上帝,父=源頭,也表示耶穌來自於父 舊約是上帝/耶穌統管選民/以色列一族;新約是有聖霝內住的人,擁有永生的人,要把屬父/耶穌的福音傳出去,使每個人裡面都有聖霝,與父/耶穌成為一體,成為✅約十五 一棵大大棵的真葡萄樹。 福音書裡耶穌的工作,以神跡和道 證明自己就是舊約的上帝,但選民的牧羊人不信,只好以十架讓第5次計劃-舊約結束,讓第6次計劃-新約開始。 屬耶穌的人,就是屬父的人,耶穌離開的同時,並請父差聖霝保守每一個屬父的人,不會滅亡,得到永生;而耶穌這位牧羊人離開後,留在世上屬父/有聖霝內住的人,就是世界的牧羊人。 成聖,是因信稱義之後,基督徒的基本款,成仙需要修練,但成聖不需要,成仙的路如同走樓梯,而基督徒成聖的路如同把你的腳踏上電扶梯,❌請緊握扶手,站穩踏階,請手扞好勢,跤徛好在。 最後插播一下,後來整缸魚只死了三隻比較小的,果然,魚也要自己方言禱告 跳霝舞 哈利路亞才有用,哈哈哈哈 🔳如果對上帝第5次計劃轉到第6次計劃,聖霝內住者就是今天的牧羊人,成聖的方式,我在你裡面你在我裡面 有想法和看法的,歡迎留言給我喔! 🔳galigongbible最新單輯於台灣時間每週四下午6點整發佈

    RTD - The Antichrist Is Hidden In Plain Sight

    RTD - The Antichrist Is Hidden In Plain Sight

    This Revelation Timeline Decoded Bible study guide audio helps you see how the antichrist beast of Revelation is hidden in plain sight.

    The Revelation Timeline Decoded video series and book prove out that the office of the papacy, the popes of Rome, fulfill Bible prophecy as the 'little horn' of Daniel 7, the 'son of perdition' of 2 Thessalonians 2, and ‘the beast' of Revelation 13, who leads the 'harlot' church of Rome.

    On the Bible Prophecy Decoded website are summary PDF's for the 70th week of Daniel 9, the Olivet Discourse and Revelation; which you can save and print to share.

    Here's a link to the Revelation 13 Antichrist Beast Popes Of Rome audio:

    Here's a link to The Antichrist And False Prophet Beasts Of Revelation 13 audio:

    #Revelationantichrist #Revelationfulfillment #Revelationtimeline #antichrist

    On the www.BibleProphecyDecoded.com website you will find one-page PDF summaries that you can save and print, links to videos, links to request free copies of the prophecy fulfillment books, and links to order printed copies.

    💥Fake Jesus Is The Son Of Perdition, Man Of Sin, The Lawless One! E.B. 11

    💥Fake Jesus Is The Son Of Perdition, Man Of Sin, The Lawless One! E.B. 11

    Fake Jesus Is The Son Of Perdition, Man Of Sin, The Lawless One! Satan’s final masterstroke has been to pretend to be Jesus- our Messiah, the Christ of God. Using this masquerade persona, he has infiltrated the churches and spread heretical doctrine against God and the real Jesus. Many churches have lost a love for the truth, and have received a deceiving spirit of error. They say they worship God, but in the spirit of the world [which is the spirit of rebellion] they have made another god and are actually worshipping Satan. Many have been misled in honesty and do not know this yet, as the truth has been hidden from them. They are not responsible for what they don’t know, but what they could have known. This is what this study seeks to unlock for the Body of Christ; to reveal that Satan is the “Fake Jesus” being taught in the churches, the false “messiah” that’s being preached in the church is actually Satan. Fake Jesus is the Son Of Perdition, Man Of Sin, Anti-Christ, The Lawless one:  Fake Jesus is Satan. The church of God has been deceived and led astray by antichrist teachers.  So, let’s dig in and continue to explore the startling facts given to us in the Bible.  #SonOfPerdition #ManOfSin #LawlessOne #Jesus #Prophecy #Endtimes

    Watch The Video: https://youtu.be/sLunqBzsQ84

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    ❓ Is It Jesus: E.B. Part 5 - Escape From Babylon - Son Of Perdition Part 1

    ❓ Is It Jesus: E.B. Part 5 - Escape From Babylon - Son Of Perdition Part 1

    What’s In A Name? What about the name: “Jesus”? It’s like the saying goes: “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Or, must you call it a “Rose” for it to retain the flowers beauty and aroma? So if someone says they believe in Jesus, are they automatically to be considered a brother or sister in Christ? As we have learned, there are false brethren and false teachers, etc. Is the name “Jesus” enough to accurately identify whom they are talking about? The “Sacred Name Movement” declares that you must focus on perfect pronunciation of the correct name to receive salvation. Moreover, if you can correctly pronounce the supposed correct name, can you still be lost? If it’s just saying: “I believe in Jesus” that matters, because they say a name, then what about all those people in different countries? They don’t call Him “Jesus” in their native tongue, so would they be lost because they didn’t get the word right? Conversely, if all you have to do is get the name right, then you are saved- just because you say the “name”, and not because of your relationship with the person you claim to believe in? Then how does that make you any better than Satan? As the Bible says, even the devil believes and trembles at His name. Christians must understand that Biblically speaking, names are titles with authority and honor bestowed upon them based upon the one who gives the name. They have deeper meaning beyond the mere combinations of letters. Without this second layer of meaning, the name is void of any and all power. So, when we say the name “Jesus”, it is more important to focus on Who it represents and the second layer of meaning. For you can not accurately refer to anyone without the context of the relationship between the two parties. For example: if I say “Bob is my friend”, well, what “Bob” are you talking about? There are hundreds of thousands of “Bobs” in the world. Even if I randomly point at a Bob and say, “I know that one.” Would that Bob claim to know me? Very unlikely! Therefore, there must be a relationship at the core of the claim of the Name Jesus. Do you know Him? Does He know you? If it’s a “Yes” and it the Jesus of the Bible, this activates the deep meaning of His name: the second layer of power and honor given to Him by God!  Then, extending to the believer all the benefits of the relationship- forgiveness, salvation, and a way to our Heavenly Father.   #Son Of Perdition #Satan #Prophecy #Bible Study #Jesus

    Watch The Video

    (BrotherLance.com) Free Music, Bible Studies, Videos & More!

    (Weshallbelikehim.com) Download Our Free 45 Day Devotional Book Today!

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    RTD - The Man Of Sin Of 2 Thessalonians 2

    RTD - The Man Of Sin Of 2 Thessalonians 2

    This Revelation Timeline Decoded Bible study guide audio shows how the Popes of Rome fulfill the role of the 'man of sin' of 2 Thessalonians 2.

    On the Revelation Timeline Decoded website are summary PDF's and the Revelation Timeline Layers Chart graphic. You can request a Revelation Timeline Decoded Summary PDF or order a copy of the printed book which explains the fulfillment in detail.

    #2thessalonians2 #manofsin #sonofperdition

    On the www.BibleProphecyDecoded.com website you will find one-page PDF summaries that you can save and print, links to videos, links to request free copies of the prophecy fulfillment books, and links to order printed copies.

    RTD - The Son Of Perdition Of 2 Thessalonians 2

    RTD - The Son Of Perdition Of 2 Thessalonians 2

    This Revelation Timeline Decoded Bible study guide audio shows how the Popes of Rome fulfill the role of the 'son of perdition' of 2 Thessalonians 2.

    On the Revelation Timeline Decoded website are summary PDF's and the Revelation Timeline Layers Chart graphic. You can request a Revelation Timeline Decoded Summary PDF or order a copy of the printed book which explains the fulfillment in detail.

    #2thessalonians2 #sonofperdition #manofsin

    On the www.BibleProphecyDecoded.com website you will find one-page PDF summaries that you can save and print, links to videos, links to request free copies of the prophecy fulfillment books, and links to order printed copies.

    RTD - Bible Prophecy Points To The Popes

    RTD - Bible Prophecy Points To The Popes

    This Revelation Timeline Decoded Bible study guide video gives an overview of how the Popes fulfill the role of the 'little horn' of Daniel 7, the 'son of perdition' of 2 Thessalonians 2 and the 'antichrist beast' of Revelation who leads the 'harlot' church of Rome.

    On the Revelation Timeline Decoded website are summary PDF's and the Revelation Timeline Layers Chart graphic. You can request a Revelation Timeline Decoded Summary PDF or order a copy of the printed book which explains the fulfillment in detail.

    #revelation #antichrist #littlehornofdaniel #son of perdition #manofsin #2 thessalonians2

    On the www.BibleProphecyDecoded.com website you will find one-page PDF summaries that you can save and print, links to videos, links to request free copies of the prophecy fulfillment books, and links to order printed copies.


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