

    Explore "soundwalk" with insightful episodes like "3' grezzi Ep. 475 Passeggiata sonora", "Fiona Soe Paing at the Invisible Folk Club", "Jüdischsein in Deutschland: Erinnerungskultur und Gegenwarts-Check", "Hildegard Westerkamp" and "Festivalcast - Series 1" from podcasts like ""3' Grezzi di Cristina Marras", "Invisible Folk Club Podcasts", "PODIUM Podcast", "Bitácora de Guilivalda" and "Best of Morley Radio"" and more!

    Episodes (24)

    3' grezzi Ep. 475 Passeggiata sonora

    3' grezzi Ep. 475 Passeggiata sonora
    In un paesino a 40 Km da Cagliari, un gruppo di liceali in un giardinetto inondato dal sole, in attento ascolto della vita che succede attorno, carta e penna alla mano, annotano i rumori.

    TRASCRIZIONE [ENG translation below]
    Proseguono i miei esperimenti dalla cucina mentre faccio colazione e oggi registro usando delle cuffie binaurali, penso che siano della Sony, no Sennheiser. Sto usando il cellulare e sto registrando contemporaneamente con queste cuffie che dovrebbero far sentire il rumore davanti e dietro, vediamo un po', battiamo le mani alla mia destra [CLAP], se avete le cuffie avreste dovuto sentire il rumore viene da destra.

    Comunque, non è di questo che volevo parlare, ma volevo parlarvi del corso di podcast che sto insegnando a un gruppo di liceali in questo liceo che è in un paesino della Sardegna, a una quarantina di chilometri dal posto dove sto io, questo significa che devo spostarmi, è per me un po' un dramma, insomma, mi occupa molta energia mentale fare questi circa 40 chilometri per andare e 40 chilometri per tornare, arrivo a casa poi che sono abbastanza, abbastanza distrutta.

    L'ultima lezione che ho fatto, abbiamo fatto una cosa molto carina, cioè ho fatto fare alle ragazze - sono quasi tutte ragazze - alcuni esercizi di ascolto concentrato: ho fatto sentire prima di tutto in classe dei rumori e ho dato poi delle chiavi, dei piccoli disegni ho fatto vedere degli esempi su come possono annotare sulla carta i rumori, quindi, che ne so un cane che abbaia, una linea spezzata, il rumore delle onde, una linea ondulata, un'esplosione, una cosa che sembra appunto una cosa che esplode, un asterisco.

    Comunque, ho dato alle ragazze alcuni suggerimenti, una decina di questi simboli che così potessero cominciare a prendere dimestichezza con la notazione dei suoni, e poi le ho portate in un minuscolo, in una mini camminata sonora, una decina di minuti, un quarto d'ora, che è cominciata quando siamo uscite dalla classe. Infatti io ho raccomandato non parlate tra di voi e segnate tutti i rumori così come li sentite, man mano che abbandoniamo l'ambiente interno e andiamo in quello esterno.

    E una volta fuori poi ci siamo seduti nel giardinetto della scuola e insieme abbiamo ascoltato i rumori. Ed è stato molto bello, a parte che era una bellissima, una splendida giornata di sole, a parte quello, uccellini eccetera, ma è stato poi molto bello quello che ci siamo raccontate, quello che mi hanno raccontato una volta rientrate dentro. Lì, in quel paese loro ci sono nate, in quella scuola ci vanno da anni ormai e però mi hanno detto che è stata una bellissima esperienza e che effettivamente hanno sentito lo spazio in modo diverso. Eh, niente. Sono soddisfazioni.

    I continue my experiments from the kitchen while having breakfast, and today I record using binaural headphones, I think they are from Sony, no Sennheiser. I'm using my cell phone and I'm recording at the same time with these headphones that are supposed to make the noise in the front and the back, let's see, let's clap my hands to my right [CLAP], if you have headphones you should have heard the noise is coming from the right.

    Anyway , that's not what I wanted to talk about, but I wanted to talk about the podcast course that I'm teaching to a group of high schoolers in this high school which is in a small town in Sardinia, about forty kilometers from where I'm staying, that means I have to drive, it's a bit of a drama for me, I mean, it takes up a lot of mental energy to drive these about 40Km to go and 40Km to come back, I get home then that I'm pretty, pretty exausted.

    In our last lesson, we did a very nice thing, that is, I had the girls -- they are almost all girls -- do some concentrated listening exercises: I had the class first hear some noises and then I gave them keys, small drawings I showed them examples on how they can note down on paper the sounds, so, eg a dog barking, a broken line, the sound of waves, a wavy line, an explosion, something that looks just like an exploding thing, an asterisk.

    Anyway, I gave the girls some hints, about ten of these symbols that so they could start to become familiar with the notation of sounds, and then I took them on a mini, on a mini sound walk, about ten minutes, a quarter of an hour, which started when we left the classroom. In fact I recommended don't talk to each other and mark all the noises as you hear them, as we leave the indoor environment and go to the outdoor environment.

    And once outside then we sat in the little school garden and together we listened to the noises. And it was very nice, apart from the fact that it was a beautiful, a beautiful sunny day, apart from that, birds and so on, but it was then very nice what we told each other, what they told me once we got back inside. There, in that village they were born there, they have been going to that school for years now and yet they told me that it was a beautiful experience and that they actually felt the space in a different way. Eh, nothing. These are satisfactions.

    Fiona Soe Paing at the Invisible Folk Club

    Fiona Soe Paing at the Invisible Folk Club

    Avant-folk producer Fiona Soe Paing is a Scottish vocalist and sound artist. Combining multi-layered vocals with dark electronica, field recordings, archive material and traditional instruments, her music creates atmospheric and often unsettling songscapes.

    Sand, Silt, Flint (released November 2022) is Fiona's second solo album, a re-imagining of folk tales and traditional ballads from North East Scotland. Sense of place is an important factor. Fiona has made the innovative step of linking each song to a specific location creating a virtual ‘Ballad Map' where the album is presented as a series of sound-walks via the Echoes phone app. The audio is triggered by GPS, enabling audiences to experience the music in the environments which provided it's inspiration.

    The following songs from Sand, Silt, Flint are featured in this podcast:
    1 Bessie Bell
    2 Bonny Udny
    3 Forvie
    4 Ballad of John Hosie

    For more information about Invisible Folk go to https://invisiblefolk.com/

    Hildegard Westerkamp

    Hildegard Westerkamp
    Westerkamp trabajó como investigadora asociada junto con R. Murray Schafer en el World Soundscape Project de la Universidad Simon Fraser. Este trabajo sirvió de fuente para el libro de Schafer The Tuning of the World. En 1974 comenzó a trabajar como productora y presentadora en CFRO (Radio Cooperativa de Vancouver). A través de su trabajo con Shafer y con la radio, desarrolló un profundo interés y preocupación por el ruido y el entorno acústico, lo que influyó mucho en su estilo de composición. Después de este tiempo, comenzó a experimentar con la grabación, el procesamiento y la mezcla de sonidos ambientales en el estudio de grabación.

    Festivalcast - Series 1

    Festivalcast - Series 1

    Festivalcast – The Waterloo Festival Podcast

    Episode 1: The Lost Hospitals of SE1


    Join Elaine Andrews, Morley College’s Librarian, and Sarah Dallas, from St John’s Waterloo, as they take us around SE1 discovering our local heritage. Find the route below.


    The following map covers the route around SE1 as discussed in the episode. The information below is compiled by Elaine Andrews.

    1. Royal Waterloo Hospital for Children and Women

    2. King George Military Hospital

    3. The Royal South London Dispensary

    4. The Churchill Clinic

    5. Bethlem Royal Hospital (knowns as Bedlam, now the Imperial War Museum)

    6. All Saints Hospital

    Other lost hospitals in the area include:

    a. General Lying-in Hospital (maternity) – York Road

    b. Hospital for Diseases of the Skin – 71 Blackfriars Road

    c. Lambeth Hospital (former workhouse) – Brook Drive

    d. Institute of Optometry – 52-56 Newington Causeway

    e. Psychiatric Day Hospital (for children and their families) – 35 Black Prince Road

    f. The Royal Eye Hospital – St. George’s Circus

    Episode 14. I know not what tomorrow will bring

    Episode 14. I know not what tomorrow will bring

    Cemitério dos Prazeres / Campo de Ourique

    Fernando Pessoa's Death

    Voices: Luís Miguel Nogueira Rosa Dias, Manuela Nogueira, Pablo Javier Pérez López, Jerónimo Pizarro, Steffen Dix and Sofia Saldanha.

    Music: Tout se transforme (réinterprété par johnny_ripper) by julsy Free Music Archive / License – Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)

    Episode 11. The hour has come!

    Episode 11. The hour has come!

    Location: Terreiro do Paço / Baixa

    Message and Presença Magazine

    Voices: José Barreto, António de Oliveira Salazar, Teresa Rita Lopes, Pedro Teixeira da Mota, Steffen Dix, Jorge Louraço, Rita Patrício, Pedro Sepúlveda, António Mega Ferreira and Sofia Saldanha.

    Music: excerpt of Fado do Embuçado (letra de Gabriel de Oliveira Música de José Marques "Piscalarete". 

    Episode 4. Ibis, the Egyptian bird

    Episode 4. Ibis, the Egyptian bird

    Location: Route between Rua do Carmo and Rossio / Chiado – Baixa

    Ibis typography and Pessoa’s daily life in Lisbon

    Voices: Teresa Rita Lopes, Richard Zenith, Jorge Louraço, António Mega Ferreira, José Barreto, Fernando Cabral Martins, Luís Miguel Nogueira Rosa Dias, Manuela Nogueira, Pablo Javier Pérez López and Sofia Saldanha.


    O Íbis, ave do Egipto, Pessoa Inédito. Fernando Pessoa. (Orientação, coordenação e prefácio de Teresa Rita Lopes). Lisboa: Livros Horizonte, 1993. - 24. * Free translation by Eugenia Brito

    Episode 03. Once more I see you – Lisbon, the Tagus and the rest

    Episode 03. Once more I see you – Lisbon, the Tagus and the rest

    Location: Café A Brasileira / Chiado

    Fernando Pessoa’s return to Lisbon

    Voices: Rita Patrício, António Mega Ferreira, Teresa Rita Lopes, Manuela Parreira da Silva, Richard Zenith, José Barreto, Jorge Louraço, Manuela Nogueira, Pablo Javier Pérez López, Fernando Cabral Martins and Sofia Saldanha.

    Music: excerpt of Fado do Embuçado (lyrics: Gabriel de Oliveira; music: José Marques "Piscalarete".


    Episode 2. In capacious Africa where the moon Outside shines vast and indifferent

    Episode 2. In capacious Africa where the moon Outside shines vast and indifferent

    Location: Largo de Camões / Chiado

    Fernando Pessoa’s life in South Africa

    Voices: Richard Zenith, Mahatma Gandhi, Teresa Rita Lopes, Fernando Cabral Martins, Pedro Teixeira da Mota, Jorge Louraço and Sofia Saldanha.

    Original music inspired by Un soir à Lima, Op.99 de Félix Godefroid: Carolina Machado e Lia Magalhães.


    A Little Larger Than the Entire Universe: Selected Poems, Edited and Translated by Richard Zenith. London: Penguin Books, 2006; The Selected Prose of Fernando Pessoa, Edited and translated by Richard Zenith. New York: Grove Press, 2001.


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