

    Explore " teething" with insightful episodes like "E79 Patreon Special Release Old Timey Medical Treatments", "The Breathing Expert: Mouth Breathing Linked To Learning Difficulties, Stress & Sickness! - Dean Gladstone | 161", "304 - Teething", "202 - 18 Months Old" and "108 - Feeding and Teeth" from podcasts like ""Lore of the South", "The Betar Project", "The Baby Manual", "The Baby Manual" and "The Baby Manual"" and more!

    Episodes (19)

    E79 Patreon Special Release Old Timey Medical Treatments

    E79 Patreon Special Release Old Timey Medical Treatments

    We did not want to stand y'all up two weeks in a row, so here is a special release from the Patreon.  It starts a little slow then Producer Mike and I find our stride.  But if you've been on the fence about becoming a supporter maybe this will push you over the edge (in a good way).   There's a link below or you can simply search The Lore of the South on the Patreon site or app.

    Hey Tare, if you're out there I still have your little goody bad ready to ship. Email us your info and it will be on its way.

    7 unusual ancient medical techniques - history. (n.d.). https://www.history.com/news/7-unusual-ancient-medical-techniques 

    Beheler, T. (2022, April 27). 10 strange medical practices from history: Headlines and heroes. The Library of Congress. https://blogs.loc.gov/headlinesandheroes/2022/04/10-strange-medical-practices-from-history/ 

    Karen Berger, P. (2021, March 5). Pharmacy’s past: The soothing syrup known for causing death in thousands of babies. Pharmacy Times. https://www.pharmacytimes.com/view/pharmacys-past-the-soothing-syrup-known-for-causing-death-in-thousands-of-babies- 

    Lagay, F. (2002, July 1). The legacy of Humoral Medicine. Journal of Ethics | American Medical Association. https://journalofethics.ama-assn.org/article/legacy-humoral-medicine/2002-07 

    List of reasons for admission to an insane asylum from the late 1800s. DangerousMinds. (2015, May 11). https://dangerousminds.net/comments/list_of_reasons_for_admission_to_an_insane_asylum 

    MediLexicon International. (n.d.). Medieval coffin birth: A modern medical mystery. Medical News Today. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321433#Ongoing-risks-in-pregnancy 

    Wikimedia Foundation. (2023, March 21). Teething. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teething 

    Support the show

    The Breathing Expert: Mouth Breathing Linked To Learning Difficulties, Stress & Sickness! - Dean Gladstone | 161

    The Breathing Expert: Mouth Breathing Linked To Learning Difficulties, Stress & Sickness! - Dean Gladstone | 161

    In this week's episode of The Betar Project Nick is joined by special guest Dean Gladstone.

    Dean Gladstone shares his journey from being an asthmatic child to becoming a breathing coach and Wim Hof instructor. He discusses the importance of nasal breathing, the benefits of breathwork and cold therapy, and the impact of stress on our health. Dean emphasizes the need to question traditional medical advice and take a holistic approach to health and wellness. He also touches on the power of nature, relationships, and the magic of being present in the moment.

    In this conversation, Dean and Nick discuss topics, such as:
    0:00 Intro
    0:03:40 Who Is Dean
    0:09:38 The Impact Of Being Dyslexic 
    0:12:01 Being Introvert
    0:15:41 The Impact Of Mouth Breathing
    0:21:02 What Is Health 
    0:25:15 Don't Trust Everything A Doctor Says
    0:26:46 The Benefits Of Mouth Taping
    0:31:34 Unblocking Nasal Cavity Exercise
    0:39:25 Breathwork Allowing You To Drop Into A Meditative State
    0:44:54 Letting Go And Forgiveness
    0:50:24 Gut Health
    0:53:11 Do We All Need To Heal
    0:59:22 Do Your Own Research
    1:10:28 Fatherhood
    1:16:33 Different Things Work For Different People
    1:19:55 Benefits Of Cold Therapy
    1:26:26 Closing Tradition
    1:31:37 2-Minute Breathwork Exercise

    Follow Dean: 
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deanogladstone/

    FOLLOW ► 
    Instagram:   https://www.instagram.com/thebetarproject/

    Betar Media:  https://www.instagram.com/betarmedia/
    Savvy Beverages: Discount Code “BETARTWENTY”

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    304 - Teething

    304 - Teething

    Dr. Carole Keim talks about teething, a subject that comes up a lot and that parents have many questions about. She explains all about what to expect in terms of your baby’s teething discomfort and what modalities can help alleviate some of the pain.    

    Teething happens to babies and then again to older children and is uncomfortable both times, though the experiences are slightly different. Dr. Keim discusses how teething can take place at varied intervals for each child, what sort of symptoms might show up in babies and younger children, and how Western medicine treats teething pain. She also explores what acupuncture, chiropractic treatment, and nutrition and supplements have to offer your baby.  

    In this episode:

    Teething  (00:34)

    • Symptoms: pain/fussiness/clinging/crying, drooling, diarrhea, low-grade fever, tooth buds (eruption cysts)
    • Western - tylenol, ibuprofen (over 6 mos), orajel, frozen washcloths, frozen fruit in mesh teethers, teething toys (list in email series!) 
    • Acu - acupuncture / acupressure points on hands and feet, herbs for teething
    • Chiro - adjustments can help - upper neck (very gently with pinkies only) and/or skull bones (craniosacral therapy).  Soft tissue techniques - move swelling out of the jaw /neck 
    • Nutrition/supplements - soft cold foods (yogurt, applesauce, jello, mashed fruit, pureed baby food), teething foods (teething crackers), calcium (dairy, soy, dark green veggies), vitamin D (sunlight, supplements), magnesium (green veggies, nuts, legumes), phosphorus (meat), Vit A (eggs, dairy, yellow/orange veggies), Vit C (citrus fruits, strawberries), fiber (fruit, veg) 
    • Homeopathy - Hylands tablets - cautious
    • Aromatherapy - lavender and chamomile oil on jawline (under 6 mos), 6-24 mos can use ginger oil on gums and marjoram on jawline, over 24 mos can use clove bud oil on gums 

    Next week: colic/reflux!

    Dr. Keim has extensively researched the information presented in this episode. Her insight and knowledge on alternative and holistic treatments come together in her new book, Holistic Mamas Handbook, launching on November 15, 2023. Pre-orders are available here. Her book, The Baby Manual, covers the first year of baby life and is the subject of the first two seasons of this podcast. For additional tips and advice on babies and toddlers, follow Dr. Carole Keim on her TikTok and YouTube channels. And remember, it’s always okay to call your doctor or emergency services if you have concerns about your child’s health.   

    Resources discussed in this episode:


    Dr. Carole Keim MD: linktree | tiktok | instagram

    202 - 18 Months Old

    202 - 18 Months Old

    In this second episode of Season 2, Dr. Carole Keim discusses what to expect at the 18 month stage. Your baby is a toddler now, and showing ever more personality, and Dr. Keim has advice on everything from tantrums to sleep.

    Dr. Keim addresses what social and motor development looks like at this age. Your baby will want to play with you and they understand a lot more language than their few words would have you believe. She talks about the “terrible twos” and shares ways to avoid tantrums. She addresses sleep and what bed your baby should sleep in at 18 months. How should teeth brushing go? How do you navigate potty training? What are major safety concerns to address? Dr. Keim has insight on all these questions and more in this episode.

    In this episode….

    • Social development and language
    • Motor development
    • Behavior
    • Digital media
    • Sleep
    • Nutrition
    • Teeth
    • Elimination
    • Safety
    • Skin care, bathing, sun protection
    • 18mo Checkup

    Social development: 00:40

    • Engaging with others for play
    • Help with dressing and undressing
    • Points at pictures in books
    • Shows things to parents by pointing or bringing objects
    • Looks at parent if something new happens
    • Can scoop with spoon
    • Starts using words to ask for help
    • Can identify 2 body parts
    • Can name 5 objects 
    • Stranger anxiety starts getting better, but separation anxiety starts getting worse
    • Follow simple instructions and love to help out
    • Parents: encourage use of language by naming what you see, talk and sing to child, use words to describe feelings and emotions

    Motor development: 04:30

    • Can run, kick a ball
    • Walks up stairs by doing step-together and while holding a hand
    • Can sit in a small chair
    • Walks around with toys
    • Scribble
    • Throw a ball 

    Behavior: 06:10

    • Terrible two’s start now - they know how to use “no”
    • Offer 2 suitable choices as often as possible throughout the day.  Let them choose how things get done.
    • They have a hard time expressing preferences; pretty good with needs 
    • Modify their environment to avoid conflict; plan ahead for new and difficult situations
    • Hitting and biting are attempts to communicate - teach them how to communicate effectively 
    • Anticipate anxiety/clinging in new situations
    • Spend at least 10-15 minutes in child-led play
    • Prepare child for new sibling by reading books, getting them a doll

    Digital media: 14:14

    • Promote reading, physical activity, and play with non-electronic toys
    • Make time for play every day
    • No screens for at least 2 hours before bedtime; instead plan on tech-free play, bath, reading
    • Use methods other than screens to calm them down: distraction, removing trigger, going outside, addressing needs like hunger/sleep
    • If you do use digital media, choose high quality programs/apps and use them together: PBS kids, Daniel Tiger
    • Limit viewing to less than 1 hour per day
    • Be mindful of your own screen use; make a plan for family media use
    • Avoid having TV on in the background, especially during meals 

    Sleep: 17:55

    • 10-14h at night, 0-1 nap per day.  
    • In crib in their own room; consider moving to toddler bed when it’s ok for them to get out of bed (walking independently, able to safely get to your room and wake you up)
    • Night waking is normal; reassure briefly, offer stuffed animal or blanket so they can self-console
    • Lifehack while potty training: layer sheets and chucks 
    • Blankets ok; no pillows til age 2
    • No food or drinks in bed
    • No electronic devices in the bedroom (TV, tablet)

    Nutrition: 20:57

    • 3 meals and 2-3 snacks per day at the same time as the family
    • Offer a variety of foods and textures 
    • Encourage self feeding and use of utensils 
    • Use a cup for water; offer water with all meals and snacks
    • Should be eating greens daily; ok to have meat; supplement with iron if not eating greens daily or red meat 3x per week
    • You determine when child eats and what is offered, but allow child to decide how much to eat (many toddlers graze).  They are typically not picky and want to try new foods at this age.
    • Less than 24oz of milk per day, less than 4oz juice (ideally NO juice)

    Teeth: 25:10

    • Brush teeth BID with small smear of fluoride toothpaste
    • They should see a dentist 1-2x per year

    Elimination: 26:09

    • Typical age to start potty training - start noticing them hiding to poop or anticipate when they will go, they know and tell you when they’ve peed/pooped, they can pull pants up/down
    • Typically voiding at least 6x per day, stooling 1-2x per day
    • If baby is constipated: first increase water intake, increase fiber (fruit and veggies), then consider prune juice or pear juice 2oz 1-2x per day.  If not enough, talk to your doctor about miralax.
    • Can start potty training by putting toddler on potty after eating and upon waking
    • If toddler is resistant to potty training, can start with sitting while clothed and entertain them with a book or toy, then sitting with pants and diaper off
    • Read books about using the potty
    • Can keep the potty in your bathroom and try going at the same time - they love to mimic adults at this age
    • Start boys sitting on the toilet; they can stand later.  Standing too early can lead to constipation.  
    • Potty signal: songs

    Safety: 33:13

    • Childproof the house - outlet covers, stairway gates, barriers around space heaters, cleaning products locked away, electrical cords out of reach, gates around pools, small and sharp objects out of reach
    • Don’t take medicines in front of children - they will learn that you’re supposed to open those bottles and put things in your mouth out of them
    • Set water temp to 120’F 
    • Avoid secondhand smoke
    • Rear facing car seat until age 2, make sure everyone in the car is using a seat belt
    • Don’t leave heavy objects or hot liquids on tablecloths or coffee table 
    • Save poison control number in your phone 
    • Remove guns from the home or keep them locked and unloaded in a safe
    • Make a fire escape plan with the family, check smoke detectors often 

    Skin care: 37:38

    • Bathe as often as they get dirty (daily)
    • Can use lotion; many have started outgrowing eczema by now
    • Use sunblock if spending more than 30 mins outside, apply 30 mins before you go outside, and use SPF 30 or higher.  Also use a hat, sun protection clothing (long sleeve swim shirts)
    • Insect repellant that is safe for babies 

    18mo Checkup: 39:05

    • Expect them to be clingy and sad if you leave them on the table
    • Full head-to-toe exam
    • Routine vaccines at this visit; should be all caught up now until age 4!
    • Next checkups at age 2, 2.5, and 3 years

    Resources discussed in this episode:


    Dr. Carole Keim MD: linktree | tiktok | instagram

    108 - Feeding and Teeth

    108 - Feeding and Teeth

    Some newborns will eat eight to twelve times a day. In this episode, Dr. Carole Keim MD talks about breastfeeding, formula feeding, pacifiers/nipple confusion, and teething/oral hygiene (also thrush). For the first couple of months, your baby should be eating at least once every 4 hours for development. Pumping can be done right after your baby is born and sometimes even before. Are you looking at formula options? She goes over different types and how to choose what’s best for your little one.

    Dr. Carole Keim MD goes over the benefits of breastfeeding for both mom and baby. Eventually, your baby will start to show interest in food, so it is essential to know how to introduce solid foods and approach the risk of allergic reactions. Your baby may start teething at around six months; she talks about signs to recognize, ways to help your baby during this time, and oral hygiene practices.

    The next few episodes will be a deep dive into certain topics that I get asked about a lot; these are also laid out just like this in my book, The Baby Manual, available on Amazon/Kindle

    • feeding, teething - 5/4
    • pee/poop, gas/colic - 5/18
    • skin - 6/1
    • sleep - 6/15
    • illness/red flags - 6/29
    • vaccines 0-6mo - 7/13

    How often to feed: (0:54)

    • Newborns eat 8-12x per day, need frequent feeds because their stomach is so small
      • Birth - stomach size of a cherry (5-10ml, or 1-1.5 tsp) - colostrum
      • Day 2 - walnut (20-30 ml, or 0.75-1 oz) 
      • 1 week - golf ball (45-60ml, or 1.5-2oz)
      • 1 month - (80-150ml, or 2.5-5 oz)
    • The stomach stretches like a balloon
    • Overfeeding -> spit ups
      • The lower esophageal sphincter develops by 6-12mos of age
    • 8-12 feeds aren’t exactly every 2-3 hours
      • Cluster feeding 2-6 am because prolactin is highest
      • This typically lasts about 2 weeks, then they learn the night/day difference
      • If they sleep 4 hours you MUST wake them
      • Newborn - 2 weeks: may eat more than 12x per day
      • 2weeks - 2 mos: typically eat every 2-3h
      • 2-6 mos: can sometimes go more than 4h between feeds if they are gaining weight and your doctor ok’s it

    What to feed them: (4:00)

    • Breastmilk or formula ONLY for 4-6 mos
      • Contains all the protein, fat, carbs, vitamins, minerals, and water your baby needs
    • At 4-6 mos can start to introduce foods: will come back to this in a bit

    Breastfeeding: (4:29)

    • AAP recommends exclusive breastfeeding x 6 mos, then BFing + food/water until age 1 year or later
    • Ok to breastfeed as long as you want
    • Eat a wide variety of foods
    • Vitamins:
    • A prenatal vitamin that contains iron and folic acid
    • Omega-3 fatty acids (200-300mg per day)
    • Calcium (1000mg per day)
    • Vitamin D (5,000-6,400 IU per day)
    • Ok to drink alcohol because of first-pass metabolism: an 8oz drink of 10% alcohol becomes 0.04% BAC (and 0.04% breast milk concentration - 250x less concentrated).  0.08% consumed by baby makes their BAC 0.0001% (undetectable; less than BAC after a child drinks orange juice or eats an over-ripe strawberry)
      • When inside, your BAC = baby’s BAC
    • Each time baby eats, they are placing an order for the next feed
      • First 3-5 days colostrum; need to nurse for 15-20 min per side per feed to stimulate milk production

    Benefits of Breastfeeding: (9:53)

    • Emotional: releases oxytocin, a bonding hormone, and endorphins 
    • Health: decreases postpartum bleeding, decreased risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer, decreased risk of rheumatoid arthritis, decreased risk of postpartum depression, can help you lose baby weight because burns an additional 500 cal per day
    • Baby benefits: decreased risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes as adults, less chance of infection due to IgA, decreased risk of SIDS, less likely to develop atopic and autoimmune diseases 
    • Extra benefits nobody really talks about: poop won’t smell bad and is water-soluble, you always have it on hand, the composition changes as your baby grows, it’s free

    Tricky things about breastfeeding: (12:40)

    • Takes babies up to 2 weeks to get a hang of it
    • Can be painful for the first 2 weeks
      • Aggressively moisturize your nipples
    • Tongue-tie: only class 4 needs repair. Lip and cheek ties do NOT need to be repaired.

    Pumping: (14:37)

    • Can start as soon as the baby is born; pumping while pregnant can induce labor
    • Choosing a pump: manual vs. electric, how much suction, how portable, single or double
    • Getting the best return: 
      • Early morning (prolactin peak)
      • One side while baby latches on the other side, or within 15 mins of baby finishing
      • If at work, look at photos/videos of baby
      • Stay hydrated
      • Can try herbal teas, lactation cookies, dietary supplements; these are not proven to be effective and are unlikely to be harmful 
      • outside the US: domperidone 
    • Pumped milk lasts 6 mos in the freezer, 6 days in the fridge, 6 hours at room temp

    Giving bottles to a breastfed baby: (17:11)

    • Allows partner and other family members to bond with baby 
    • Can allow mom a little more sleep at night
    • Always pump while your baby gets a bottle to keep supply up
    • Brush baby’s cheek and let them latch on; don’t put the nipple into baby’s mouth
    • Start with it horizontally, angle up after 1-2 seconds
    • Use a preemie flow nipple

    Choosing a formula: (19:07)

    • All brands are fairly equal in the US; choose based on the type of formula and look at the ingredients!
    • Regular (cow’s milk-based) - best mimics breast milk
    • Goat milk formula is ok; goat milk is NOT (nor is any animal milk other than human)
    • Preemie formula - has extra iron, calcium, and calories because the last month is when babies store Fe/Ca/fat
    • Soy-based - for vegan families or babies with galactosemia; NOT for milk protein allergy because tend to cross-react
    • Sensitive formulas - more simple sugars, corn syrup-based - I hate these but they do have their place; more info in the next episode (gas/reflux/colic/spit-ups)
    • Anti-reflux formula - has added rice starch
    • Hydrolyzed formulas (partially digested, amino acid-based) - protein, fat, and/or carbohydrates are broken down and easier to digest; for babies with milk protein allergy 

    To prepare the formula: (21:38)

    • Ok to mix up to 1 day’s worth (24-30oz) and keep in the fridge 
    • Can get ready-to-feed (liquid) formula; do NOT water it down
    • Powdered formula - follow instructions on the package exactly 
    • Can mix with drinking water if the clean source 
    • Temp should be lukewarm / room temp
    • Reminder: let baby latch onto the bottle, always hold baby and bottle while feeding (don’t prop)
    • Burp halfway through and at the end
    • Any leftover in the bottle must be thrown away 

    Baby cues: (9:05)

    • Hungry - eyes open, looking around; rooting; crying
    • Done - falls asleep, sucks slowly, or turns away
    • Can offer pacifier

    Starting solids: (23:03)

    • 4-6 mos of age in the US; 6 mos elsewhere
    • Signs of readiness: sit with support, loss of extrusion reflex, watching you eat, bringing hands/objects to mouth
    • One food every 3-4 days; watch for signs of allergy
    • Food order doesn’t matter; can have anything other than honey and animal milk
    • Puree method: rice cereal, green veg, orange veg, fruit 
    • BLW: give babies mashed up foods that they can swallow, or pieces too big to fit in their mouth for them to suck on
    • Start water with solids, 1oz per each 1-2oz of food

    Food allergies: (26:46)

    • Signs - blood in stool, rash, vomiting
    • Must discontinue food and wait until after 1st bday with your doctor’s approval
    • Top 8: peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, dairy, wheat, egg, soy
    • Risk factors: family member with asthma, eczema, or allergy (likely to something different), a baby with severe eczema
    • Introducing peanut protein

    Nipple confusion: (18:27)

    • Not a real thing, but flow preference is
    • If you’re going to give bottles ever, start early 
    • Pacifiers don’t cause nipple confusion and can soothe the baby and decrease SIDS risk

    Teething: (29:28)

    • Average 6 mos of age; anytime in the first year
    • Teeth order; 20 total baby teeth (for tooth-fairy planning)
    • Signs: fussiness, drooling, low-grade fever, pink cheeks, chewing on hands/toys, tooth buds, diarrhea
    • How to help: teething toys, frozen washcloth, frozen fruit in a mesh bag, topical medications, Tylenol 

    Oral hygiene: (33:12)

    • Pre-teeth: don’t need anything special
    • As soon as teeth emerge, brush 2x/day with water or fluoride-free toothpaste
    • Start fluoride at 6mos of age if it’s not in your drinking water; the size of a grain of rice
    • Dentist at 1 year of age

    Thrush: (34:41)

    • Yeast infection
    • Thick white coating on the tongue
    • Doesn’t wipe off
    • Nystatin
    • Can spread to breasts - pills for mom 

    The next episode will be gas, colic, spit-ups, and reflux

    Resources discussed in this episode:


    Dr. Carole Keim MD: linktree | tiktok | instagram

    Teeth Yaatra

    Teeth Yaatra
    As the name suggests the process of teething or as I call it Teeth Yatra can be so so though on the kids as well as the parents ki iske baad teerth Yatra pe nikal jaane ka mann karta hai! What are the common symptoms of teething, how can you ease the pain for your little ones and yourself, what to buy what not to buy, how to deal with the Gum that these teeth bring upon everyone 😄. Listen to this very imp episode with RJ Ruchi and find answers to all the teething troubles!

    Episode 62: Homeopathy. Dilution or Delusion.

    Episode 62: Homeopathy. Dilution or Delusion.

    In this episode we find what a dead badger can do for your health. Why Richard Dawkins is looking at various bodies of water. And why homeopathy is not some hippy lead alternative medicine but is, actually, quite dangerous.

    Here's the link to the new Patreon site: 


    New artwork by Raymond Rowell:



    Contact the show at:

    Instagram: idontknowthepodcast

    Email: idontknowpod@outlook.com

    Serial Spirits:  https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-serial-spirits/id1464367011

    The Unbelievers Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-unbelievers-podcast/id1442178268

    Ghost Hunting in New England: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/ghost-hunting-in-new-england/id1461473802

    Intro music: https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music/cinematic

    Music: "The Dread", "A Mission" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

    Get to know us - Q&A

    Get to know us - Q&A

    Hey ladies and welcome to Mumming It, a podcast with with Bell and Jade!
    Join us as we delve into our lives as new mums.
    Listen along as we chat everything involved in mumming it!

    In our first episode we give you a short introduction into our lives with a brief Q & A so you join into our journey from the beginning. 

    Follow us @mummingit.podast on instagram for the latest updates on new releases and our personal accounts @Isabella_von_wagenhoff and @jade.z.mcfadden

    Episode 3 Emily Davies on All Things Baby Teeth & Dummies

    Episode 3 Emily Davies on All Things Baby Teeth & Dummies

    This week we have special guest Emily Davies is an Oral Health Therapist & Dental Hygienist. We discuss how to look after baby teeth, when you should visit the dentist & the ideal time to get rid of your babies dummies.

    We also discusses some great tips and tricks to getting rid of a dummy too which is also a very popular topic! We hope this is an informative episode for you and your family.

    Emily Davies

    Instagram : Emily Davies (@emilyoht) • Instagram photos and videos

    Follow CMC Gold for updates and questions for our episodes!

    Facebook : CMC Gold | Facebook

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/cmc.gold

    Follow Good As Gold the podcast!

    Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Good-As-Gold-Podcast-101677558737158

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/goodasgoldpodcast

    094 - When Babies Bite The Boob That Feeds Them

    094 - When Babies Bite The Boob That Feeds Them


    “Honey, what’s wrong?” 

    “Our little guy just bit me!  This is awful!  What should I do?” 

    “Oh no.  Honey, I was just listening to the Badass Breastfeeding Podcast the other day and they were talking about biting.  I didn’t think it was something we would need to worry about already!” 

    “Honey, I need to listen to that episode!  I don’t want to stop breastfeeding our little guy!  I need help!” 

    This week on the Badass Breastfeeding Podcast, Dianne and Abby are talking about biting, when babies bite, and what to do about it.  Have you experienced a biting breastfeeding babe?  Or are you scared of your breastfeeding baby now that they have teeth?  This is the podcast for you. 

    Thanks for all the reviews on iTunes! They really help us out. Please keep them coming!! Stay tuned because we will have another comment giveaway soon!!

    Dianne can be seen at DianneCassidyConsulting.com and Abby can be seen at thebadassbreastfeeder.com  

    Music: "Levels of Greatness" from "We Used to Paint Stars in then Sky (2012)" courtesy of Scott Holmes at freemusicarchive.org/music/Scott Holmes

    Kinderling Helpline: Toilet Training Twins, Teething Troubles, Travelling Toddler Tantrums

    Kinderling Helpline: Toilet Training Twins,  Teething Troubles, Travelling Toddler Tantrums

    Mothercraft Nurse returns for the very first Helpline for the year. If January has you feeling a little frazzled, you aren't alone. Listen in as we tackle a newly formed fussy eating habit, a five year old who doesn't like sharing attention with their sibling, teething myths debunked and much more.Chris Minogue

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    The Best Way To Protect Your Child's Teeth As They Grow

    The Best Way To Protect Your Child's Teeth As They Grow

    When should you start brushing your child's baby teeth? Should you be doing the brushing? Or teaching them how to do it? Dr Philippa Sawyer, a paediatric dentist , tells us the best approach to protecting your child's teeth. If in doubt, Dr Sawyer recommends you consult with a paediatric dentist to set your child on the right path to good oral health.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Breastfeeding Six Months and More

    Breastfeeding Six Months and More
    After the first few weeks of adjustment, many mothers come to feel like they (and their baby) have gotten the hang of breastfeeding. From latching through feeding, all seems well. But breastfeeding is a journey, not a destination. Developmental changes at about six months of age can present some new challenges for mothers who aim to go the distance and breastfeeding for a year, two years, or more. Maybe you have offered solids, with no luck. Maybe he has moments when he’s distracted and turns away—without letting go of your nipple. (Ouch!) Maybe you’re concerned about continuing to breastfeeding a baby who has teeth and may (and friends or family might say “will”) bite. And, sometimes, maybe he seems to go on a nursing strike. Tune in for a podcast with practical tips on how to solve these issues, answers the listeners’ questions, and new info about the latest studies on breastfeeding in older babies.

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