

    Explore "thecross" with insightful episodes like "This is the Wrath of God | What Jesus Experienced on the Cross", "The Mystery Of The Cross.", "Greater Glory - Discerning The Lord's Body", "Sermons 09/23/22- St Padre Pio" and "The Relief We Want | Pastor Ben Feldott | Cape Cod Church" from podcasts like ""COAH Podcast", "Ephphatha with Dr.Stephen Lazi.", "High Tower Ministries Podcast with Bill & Cara Nordeen", "Sermons For Everyday Living" and "Cape Cod Church Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (26)

    This is the Wrath of God | What Jesus Experienced on the Cross

    This is the Wrath of God | What Jesus Experienced on the Cross
    This is the Wrath of God | What Jesus Experienced on the Cross
    Revelation 16 | Romans 1:18
    Wednesday Evening
    Youth Group Date Recorded: 02/28/2024

    In this sermon, recorded live during a Wednesday evening youth group service, Pastor Zach teaches on the wrath of God. COAH (City on a Hill) is the youth ministry of Grace Baptist Church in Coatesville, IN. Pastored by Zachary Sperback, the City on a Hill youth group aims to be an example to others. This podcast includes Wednesday night sermons, Sunday night bible study messages, and other content by Pastor Zach and guest speakers. gracebaptistcoatesville.org/coahyouth

    Greater Glory - Discerning The Lord's Body

    Greater Glory - Discerning The Lord's Body
    Thank you for Joining us for “Greater Glory” we have a powerful show in store for you! Plan to spend some time with us tonight as we minister the true victory and power that The Lord Jesus Christ paid for us to walk in, in this Life! When Jesus laid down His life for you and for me, it was for a far greater purpose than to just save us from death hell and the grave. He paid a high price for us to live in the fullness of Zoe Life here on earth and in the world to come. Pre-pare to take Holy Communion with us at the end of the show.
    Grab your Bible, Take some Notes, and Get ready to be Blessed as we dive into The Word together!

    Share this broadcast with your friends and get ready to experience the unlimited power of God!

    Get connected with us and watch “Greater Glory” on the High Tower Ministries, Int. Facebook Page! Sundays at 9 AM & 7 PM and Wednesdays at 7 PM for inspiring messages that will raise your faith and grow you in the Word! Don’t miss a message, Follow Us on Facebook:



    Bookings/ Churches / Conferences: Bookings@HighTowerMinistry.org 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hightowerministries_usa/

    Unlocking Glory and the Unlocking Glory Study Guide are available on our website (signed copy with free shipping within the US). Also available on Amazon and Barnes and Nobles.



    The Relief We Want | Pastor Ben Feldott | Cape Cod Church

    The Relief We Want | Pastor Ben Feldott | Cape Cod Church

    As we continue our series in Colossians, “What We Want,” Pastor Ben Feldott discusses a lasting kind of relief, the kind our souls long for.


    Relief—where does it come from, and how can we have it?


    Before we can answer, we likely need to understand our burdens better. The next passage in Colossians 2 does both of these things. It offers insight into our exhausting struggle and then, reveals a solution that offers relief—that is surprisingly refreshing!


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    Crucified With Christ - Paul M. Williams

    Crucified With Christ - Paul M. Williams

    Romans 6:1-14

    What soldier is armed with an ornamental sword, to take to the field of battle?  Outwardly, it appears shiny behold, but when drawn from its sheath the soldier finds the blade is blunt!  So many Christians, arm themselves with the great positional statements of Holy Scripture, and yet when asked to see the evidence of such truths in the life of their experience, they are unable to furnish the proof.

    This sermon is a challenge calling for the rubber of our theology to meet the road of our experience! 

    Season 2, Episode 3: A Contemplation of the Cross (Because Empty Really Is Full)

    Season 2, Episode 3: A Contemplation of the Cross (Because Empty Really Is Full)

    As you go through life, you are constantly getting messages that more, bigger and faster are better. Perhaps even signs of God’s love and approval. Jesus shows us another way. In this episode, Susan leads you in a practice centered on the self-emptying way of Jesus. As you contemplate the cross of Christ and meditate on the words of Philippians 2: 5-11 during this season of Lent, you’ll encounter the transforming glory of Jesus. What if the way to freedom isn’t more? What if it’s less? 

    Join the rooted community at susancarson.net. Find Susan's book there. You can also work with Susan as your personal spiritual coach or invite her to speak or teach at your next event, blog or podcast.

    What is the Cup of God's Wrath And Who Ultimately Drank It? #214

    What is the Cup of God's Wrath And Who Ultimately Drank It? #214

    Right before His crucifixion, Jesus was praying with great drops of blood and seemingly shook to His very core by the 'cup' He was about to drink. We learn in Jeremiah that this cup is the cup of the wrath of God. What does this mean exactly, and how is it the best news in history that Jesus drank this cup, when it is actually you and I that were supposed to drink the cup?

    When God Says Go up to Jerusalem - Paul M. Williams

    When God Says Go up to Jerusalem - Paul M. Williams

    Acts 21:1-15

    From the very inception of Paul’s call to faith, there on that dusty Damascene road; this former persecutor of those who followed the Way was himself shown by the Lord “...how great things he must suffer for my name’s sake” (Acts 9:16).  The legacy of this man’s life was nothing short of faithfulness unto the Lord.  He was sold out to Christ with a one-track mind to finish the course appointed him.

    During his third missionary journey, Paul received a number of prophetic warnings from multiple sources, all confirming the same thing that bonds and afflictions awaited him upon his return to Jerusalem.  Many pleaded with Paul not to go up to Jerusalem so as to spare him from the danger that awaited him there.  Paul’s response was decisive and final…he’d purposed to go up to Jerusalem and to there finish the course appointed Him by the Lord!  May the Lord grant us such faithful unswerving conviction to ever do what is right by our God no matter what the cost!

    What was Jesus' Last Word on the Cross Before He Died, and HOW Does That One Word Proclaim the Best News Ever? #90

    What was Jesus' Last Word on the Cross Before He Died, and HOW Does That One Word Proclaim the Best News Ever? #90

    Happy Lord's Day, dear friends! If you don't have a streaming church home - or if you do, and you want more, I guess, then please allow me to invite you to join our church - Valley Baptist Church in Salinas - for a livestreamed time of worship, Word and prayer tomorrow. Our church is going through the book of Proverbs, and the message is on Quarantine wisdom - because there is a surprising amount of applicable wisdom in Proverbs for those of us who are quarantined or close to it. Our website is: https://www.facebook.com/VBCsalinas/ Come join us!

    Today's Bible passages include Exodus 40 - the Glory of the Lord fills the Tabernacle - what an awesome passage for the Lord's Day. We are also reading Proverbs 16, John 19, and Philippians 3 - a particularly rich day of feasting on the Word in the New Testament passages. Because I am recording this on Saturday night/early Sunday, it will be a shorter than normal podcast, because I want to maintain focus on celebrating the Lord's Day today with the church I am pastoring. Our focus today is the crucifixion of Jesus in John 19, and in this passage we hear the last Word of Jesus, which He said right before He died. I vividly remember a sermon that our pastor preached on this word when I was in college eons ago, and I vividly remember the word to this day - 'Tetelestai," Which simply means, "It is finished." We are going to focus this episode on that one BEAUTIFUL Word of Jesus, because it loudly proclaims the Good News in and of itself.
    I very rarely discuss grammar here on the podcast, but this Word of Jesus deserves more scrutiny than normal. For one, it is in the perfect tense, which has some important implications according to one of my Greek grammar textbooks:

    The perfect tense in Greek corresponds to the perfect tense in English, and describes an action which is viewed as having been completed in the past, once and for all, not needing to be repeated. Jesus’ last cry from the cross, TETELESTAI (“It is finished!”) is a good example of the perfect tense used in this sense, namely “It [the atonement] has been accomplished, completely, once and for all time.”

    Larry Pierce, Tense Voice Mood (Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software, n.d.).

    In further discussing this amazing word, let's start with one old school Baptist - Herschel Hobbs, and then close out with an older school Baptist - Charles Spurgeon.

    With a clear voice Jesus uttered one last word from the cross: tetelestai (John 19:30). The papyri throw great light on this word. If a promissory note were paid, the one holding the note wrote “telelestai” across it. A deed to property was not in effect until it was dated and signed. When this was done, the clerk wrote “tetelestai” across it.
    Another example of its use was when a father sent his son on a mission. The son was not to return until he had performed the last act of the mission. When he did return from a successful mission, he used tetelestai to report it.

    What do these meanings say to us? In eternity the Son gave the Father a promissory note that He would pay the price for humanity’s redemption (see Heb. 10:5–7). On Calvary the note was paid-in-full. Tetelestai! The Son reported His completed mission to the Father. Tetelestai! Perhaps when the waiting hosts in heaven heard of the completed work of Jesus heaven rang with it. TETELESTAI! And the Father smiled His approval.

    Herschel H. Hobbs, My Favorite Illustrations (Nashville, TN: Broadman Press, 1990), 218.

    And now, here are some blessed words from friend of the show, Charles Spurgeon:

    IN the original Greek of John’s Gospel, there is only one word for this utterance of our Lord. To translate it into English, we have to use three words; but when it was spoken, it was only one,—an ocean of meaning in a drop of language, a mere drop, for that is all that we can call one word. “It is finished.” Yet it would need all the other words that ever were spoken, or ever can be spoken, to explain this one word. It is altogether immeasurable. It is high; I cannot attain to it. It is deep; I cannot fathom it. “Finished.” I can half imagine the tone in which our Lord uttered this word, with a holy glorying, a sense of relief, the bursting out of a heart that had long been shut up within walls of anguish. “Finished.” It was a Conqueror’s cry; it was uttered with a loud voice. There is nothing of anguish about it, there is no wailing in it. It is the cry of One who has completed a tremendous labour, and is about to die; and ere he utters his death-prayer, “Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit,” he shouts his life’s last hymn in that one word, “Finished.”...

    Dear friends, once more, take comfort from this “It is finished,” for the redemption of Christ’s Church is perfected. There is not another penny to be paid for her full release. There is no mortgage upon Christ’s inheritance. Those whom he bought with blood are for ever clear of all charges, paid for to the utmost. There was a handwriting of ordinances against us; but Christ hath taken it away, he hath nailed it to his cross. “It is finished,” finished for ever. All those overwhelming debts, which would have sunk us to the lowest hell, have been discharged; and they who believe in Christ may appear with boldness even before the throne of God itself. “It is finished.” What comfort there is in this glorious truth!

    And I think that we may say to the Church of God that, when Jesus said, “It is finished,” her ultimate triumph was secured. “Finished!” By that one word he declared that he had broken the head of the old dragon. By his death, Jesus has routed the hosts of darkness, and crushed the rising hopes of hell. We have a stern battle yet to fight; nobody can tell what may await the Church of God in years to come, it would be idle for us to attempt to prophesy; but it looks as if there were to be sterner times and darker days than we have ever yet known; but what of that? Our Lord has defeated the foe; and we have to fight with one who is already vanquished. The old serpent has been crushed, his head is bruised, and we have now to trample on him. We have this sure word of promise to encourage us, “The God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly.” Surely, “It is finished,” sounds like the trumpet of victory; let us have faith to claim that victory through the blood of the Lamb, and let every Christian here, let the whole Church of God, as one mighty army, take comfort from this dying word of the now risen and ever-living Saviour, “It is finished.” His Church may rest perfectly satisfied that his work for her is fully accomplished.

    C. H. Spurgeon, “Christ’s Dying Word for His Church,” in The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 40 (London: Passmore & Alabaster, 1894), 29.


    Is God's law still binding for Christians?

    Is God's law still binding for Christians?
    In this episode we would like to study the question on whether God's law is still applicable to Christians or was it put away with at the cross? We will look from the center of our Christian faith, which is Christ, and go from there. What was Christ's mission? Why did He have to die with us? And how is that connected with the law? Study together with us, as we open God's word and look what treasures we can find there.

    The Cross & The Empty Tomb

    The Cross & The Empty Tomb
    In our pursuit for happiness and a good life, we may seek fame, significance and even tons of money. In this video, Pr Kenneth tells us why we can never find true life in these things. Jesus’ death on the cross and His resurrection from the tomb is evidence that through Him we have already received life and life more abundantly.

    Are you truly living the life you have gained in Christ or are you still stuck in your past regrets, disappointments and despairs?