

    Explore "theproducemoms" with insightful episodes like "Nurturing the focus of fruits and vegetables on family tables and setting the same agenda in the halls of Congress—Lori Taylor, The Produce Mom's story.", "Lori Taylor - The Produce Challenge" and "166 Produce Is The Gateway To Health, Vitality And Center Store Sales Success, Lori Taylor With The Produce Moms" from podcasts like ""More Than A Mile", "Beauty Wisdom Podcast" and "BRAND SECRETS AND STRATEGIES The Retail Solved Blueprint"" and more!

    Episodes (3)

    Nurturing the focus of fruits and vegetables on family tables and setting the same agenda in the halls of Congress—Lori Taylor, The Produce Mom's story.

    Nurturing the focus of fruits and vegetables on family tables and setting the same agenda in the halls of Congress—Lori Taylor, The Produce Mom's story.
    Lori Taylor, founder of The Produce Moms, joins Nick to talk about the origin story of her company, the importance of ethically serving and advocating for their audience, and working to get produce on the plates of kids (and adults) everywhere. Nick Carter (Host - Market Wagon) (00:00):
    Welcome to More Than A Mile. Today I am joined by Lori Taylor. She's an Indianapolis native who turned her solo blogging gig into a nationwide platform that earned her a seat at the table with the U.S.D.A. to make sure school lunches are healthier. I hope you enjoy it.

    Nick Carter (Host - Market Wagon) (00:17):
    Welcome to More Than A Mile, a local food podcast from Market Wagon, focused on connecting you to local food through farmer stories from across America. I'm Nick Carter, your host, a farmer and CEO and co-founder of Market Wagon. We are your online farmers market with a mission to enable food producers to thrive in their local and regional markets. Food is so much more than just nutrients and calories. It's actually the fabric that holds us together. And I look forward to crafting a generational quilt of farmer stories and experiences, the victories and challenges of individuals, families, and teams doing their part to help democratize food in America. Thanks for joining me for this episode of More Than A Mile, and thank you for buying local food. It's one critical step in making an investment in food for future generations.

    Nick Carter (Host - Market Wagon) (01:07):
    Well, I'm excited to have my guest today, Lori Taylor. Lori is the host of another podcast, The Produce Moms, and a lot more behind that than just the podcast, but I was able to be a guest on Lori's podcast almost exactly a year ago today, I think. And here we are. I get to put Lori in the hot seat and ask her the questions about her story. Lori say hi.

    Lori Taylor (The Produce Moms) (01:31):
    Hello Nick. Thanks for having me. And for all of you that are with us today, here you go. You've got two people who love a microphone in one episode. So saddle up it's gonna be a great conversation.

    Nick Carter (Host - Market Wagon) (01:43):
    Oh man, that's a great intro. We're gonna be talking over each other the whole time. Perfect. So how long have you hosted your podcast? You--this is what episode? This is less than 10 for us. So I I think you...

    Lori Taylor (The Produce Moms) (01:58):
    Yeah. We started in 2018. And so we just, you know, in terms of milestone episodes, we are you know, we recently published episode 200 and you know, we're, we're staying committed to at least our, our primary show publishes every Wednesday. And what we have learned is you know, folks are kind of leaning on us for what we call miniseries. So for instance, you know, I'm not sure Nick, when this is gonna publish, but you know, we're in the month of March right now, and we are celebrating the International Women's Month. And right now we are doing a Friday series with Nature Right Farms to spotlight women in agriculture. So yeah, I love anytime you see a Produce Moms podcast pop up on a Monday or a Friday, that means we have a really cool, special edition. So but yeah, our primary show run publishes weekly every Wednesday.

    Nick Carter (Host - Market Wagon) (02:54):
    Cool. So The Produce Moms--tell us, but let's start with the title. Tell us what The Produce Moms is all about, what's that mean?

    Lori Taylor (The Produce Moms) (03:03):
    Okay. Well, it means that if someone were just to ask me, like, why did you choose The Produce Moms? Okay. So I'll, I'll tell you the real, the real definition of my business. You know, that elevator pitch, after I tell you what's in my heart about my business. So for me, you know, I truly believe that if anyone can change the world, moms can change the world. And as it relates to the consumption behaviors for the healthiest food in the world, which is fresh produce--fresh fruits and vegetables, it is a struggle that unifies all, all moms, you know, like kids are just, it is extremely difficult to get our children excited about fruits and vegetables. And frankly, it's extremely difficult for us as moms with all of the pressure that's coming our way with running our household, working outside the home, being a good mom, it's extremely difficult to you know, be deliberate about what you're putting into your own body, you know?

    Lori Taylor (The Produce Moms) (04:02):
    And I think that the, the rise of social media has exasperated that like mom guilt, you know, you see all these you see all these like Instagram perfect mommies. And you're like, oh my God, I am, I, I am a loser. I am fat. And my house is a pit, you know? And so that is, and so I think that all of that combined, like when I think about what The Produce Moms is all about our business, our community is simply a place for you to come. All people, you don't have to be a mom. You know, I mean, there, if you want to eat more fruits and vegetables, you are definitely in the right place when you visit TheProduceMoms.com. But you know--all of that pressure that I feel as a mom has driven me to stay steadfast with my commitment to making my business a welcoming place where all feel like they can belong.

    Lori Taylor (The Produce Moms) (05:01):
    And so now that, you know, I guess kind of my motivation , you know, what is The Produce Moms? Well, we're a media platform or a lifestyle brand. But we're so much more than that, you know, and I hope that as we carry on in this conversation, folks can kind of see that come to life. But our mission is to get more fruits and vegetables on every table. And I founded this business in 2012 as an employee of Indianapolis Fruit Company. I pitched it as the marketing director and then in 2015 I had the opportunity to take it off on my own. And I took that entrepreneurial leap at that time because I knew we could great things with The Produce Moms. And that is, you know--and that is exactly what we've done. We've built the number one resource on the entire internet that's fully focused on fruits and vegetables. Yeah, thank you. It feels amazing, you know, when I think about it, but I also have a tremendous amount of responsibility now, too, you know?

    Nick Carter (Host - Market Wagon) (06:03):
    Oh yeah. Everybody's looking to you.
    Lori Taylor (The Produce Moms) (06:04):
    Yeah. And I have to make sure that I stay true. I mentioned, you know, that I worked at Indianapolis Fruit Company. That's how I learned, you know, that's how I gained the knowledge to be a industry thought leader, to be a person who can share these facts with folks about fresh produce, the food supply chain, agriculture--it's because I worked in the supply chain myself for a whole decade. And for 10 years, I sold fruits and vegetables to grocery stores really throughout the central corridor of the United States. An 18 state region, over 300 groceries, all sizes formats. You know, I just learned so much when I was selling it and now, and one of the biggest things I learned Nick, was people don't understand fruits and vegetables, you know, I mean, even within the trade, as someone who was selling fruits and vegetables, I didn't know these brands that I was selling. I didn't have any...

    Nick Carter (Host - Market Wagon) (06:58):
    As the seller they were just another line item on a wholesale price list for you?

    Lori Taylor (The Produce Moms) (07:02):
    It was just a name on a box you know. And when you consider the timeline for when I was at the sales desk, you know that 2005 to 2012, essentially--that was the, it was hit or miss with whether people even had a digital presence, you know? And they certainly..

    Nick Carter (Host - Market Wagon) (07:25):
    Web 1.0, right?

    Lori Taylor (The Produce Moms) (07:27):
    Pretty much. I mean, we were really revolutionary in 2012, launching a WordPress blog.

    Lori Taylor (The Produce Moms) (07:33):
    You know? So that is--but it is it's been a tremendous honor to usher in this kind of access to the, in consumer for all of the growers and supply chain stakeholders that we proudly represent. You know, it's, it's been a true honor to represent moms as we kind of push on the supply chain, like, 'Hey, get more transparent, tell us facts about farming, you know, help us answer these difficult questions.' Like we don't understand why you use pesticides and we want you to tell us why. And then, you know, I mean, those are all things that we've been able to be a real catalyst to increase education and understanding of fruits and vegetables.

    Nick Carter (Host - Market Wagon) (08:16):
    That's really cool. I wanna talk more about that. I wanna talk about the mission that you have and how you're accomplishing it today. But first I want to go a little bit deeper into your origin story. I appreciate you sharing all of that, but so 2015, you've got a solid gig. You're head of marketing. You're at a decently large company. You've been successful and you've been there over a decade and then you leave and you go start, a what? Edutainment company, what does that look like? How does that risk, that jump out on your own, walk us through that mindset so many years ago.

    Lori Taylor (The Produce Moms) (08:54):
    So it's really one of my favorite stories to recount because I can't believe I had the guts to do it and I can't believe I had my family support, but 2012, I mentioned previously that's when the blog went live, you know, and we monetized it as a brand property of Indianapolis Fruit Company. We were able to get brand sponsorships, you know, ad incentives. There were a lot of different ways since we were directly tied to a procurement house, there were a lot of different ways that we were able to monetize this you know, B to C marketing that we had launched. So, you know, three years we built it together and Indy Fruit, my former employer, they supported me at the highest level. I mean, non-family member at a family-owned business. Like they empowered me to bring my idea to life. And then they supported the growth of it and we grew it to where it was self-sustaining, but it certainly wasn't like this big cash cow for the company.

    Lori Taylor (The Produce Moms) (09:48):
    And when you consider the supply chain of fresh food the wholesale distribution stage of the supply chain, you're talking about the middleman. Okay. I mean, like really does marketing even make sense, you know, . And so it really, it wasn't part of their core value or mission to have this whole brand that was dedicated to nothing more than marketing at the time. In 2015, when they said, 'Hey, Lori, bring your laptop and meet us at lunch. at downtown Indianapolis offsite,' I mean, I knew something was up when that happened. I was like, okay, I'm getting fired. And my husband assured me, he's like, no way you have way too many solid relationships with their vendors for where they're gonna fire you. I was like, yeah, well, something's up? And he, we agreed when I went off to work that day, something was up.

    Nick Carter (Host - Market Wagon) (10:39):
    Side note, and for listeners, if your boss asks you to start your Monday morning at an offsite meeting

    Lori Taylor (The Produce Moms) (10:45):
    Yeah, well, it was a Friday at that, so it was a Friday Nick. So even more like, oh, eyes wide, open something's coming. And...

    Lori Taylor (The Produce Moms) (10:54):
    Oh geez. And so I go to this I go to Mesh On Mass in downtown Indianapolis and have this meeting with the, you know, executive vice president and the CFO of the company and myself and my laptop. And they tell me, after an awkward, you know, small talk of how are your kids let's order some salads, yada, yada then they say Indianapolis Fruit Company is done with The Produce Mom. And at the time it was singular, The Produce Mom. And I, it was just, I couldn't help it. The tears just came down. Like, I didn't know what to think about that because it was at this point, three years into this--2015, it was my only job at the company. And so my first response was, well, where does that leave me? Because that is my only job responsibility. And they said, well, we're not looking to get rid of you, but we're not going to carry forward with The Produce Mom.

    Lori Taylor (The Produce Moms) (11:52):
    And I was very confused. Well, they slid a legal document across the table for me to read. And it had very clearly mapped out two pathways. Pathway A was we sunset The Produce Mom, you know, the blog and the digital platform. And I basically go back to my job as a sales representative. Then option B was I could buy it, you know, and take it and do whatever I want with it. I could buy back my idea and all of my work for hire--all of the IP that we had built. And, you know, so it's 2022--you know what I chose .

    Nick Carter (Host - Market Wagon) (12:33):
    Wow. Red pill, blue pill, right?

    Lori Taylor (The Produce Moms) (12:34):
    Yeah, pretty much. And when I looked at that and I, I was like shocked, obviously...

    Nick Carter (Host - Market Wagon) (12:42):
    Did you decide that right there over salads or did you take those two documents home and tell your husband what was up?

    Lori Taylor (The Produce Moms) (12:49):
    Okay. So a little bit of both. I shoved the paper because at this point I'm mad and I'm crying, you know, and I'm like, oh my God, don't let these men see you cry. You're stronger than this. Well, at this point I took the paper and I literally just shoved it back across the table. I said, 'Well, I'm buying it.' And my exact words were, I would be a caged animal going back to the sales desk and sitting in a cubicle. And they just looked at me and they were like, okay. And then they had another document that had the price and I could not believe the price. I mean, we're talking six figures. More than the home that my family and I lived in. And so at that point, I said, well, I'm gonna need to talk to Chip, who is my husband . And so I gathered my things and I left. I was like, I don't want the salad, you know...

    Nick Carter (Host - Market Wagon) (13:42):
    I was getting ready to ask, how was the salad?

    Lori Taylor (The Produce Moms) (13:44):
    You know, I need to go back and give Mesh On Mass another another shot, because I have not been back to that restaurant since this day in 2015. But yeah, I gathered my things. I was pretty upset as you can imagine. And really just felt like I was at this crossroads that my family could not--like, we, I felt like we really didn't have an option, you know, like I knew where my heart was at, but we were a young family. We had two children under the age of like four years old. I was making $43,000 a year at my marketing job. Like I certainly didn't have money for a six figure acquisition. And and I did not know how we were gonna do it, but I, I knew that that's what I wanted to do.

    Lori Taylor (The Produce Moms) (14:32):
    And I also knew from the documentation that I had to let them know--it was April and I had to let them know by the end of May if I was planning to buy. And so I went home and we just kinda tried to figure out how can we do this? I mean, we knew considering that we were, you know, we had recently bought a home that was, you know, kind of a stretch for us. And this price point was more than our home, you know, and we had a mortgage on that home. I was like, I don't, no one's gonna loan us money. You know, we knew that. And so I cashed out my 401k and then I borrowed money from my family. And that's how we were, that was how we were able to do it. And then I will tell a quick story too, about how we negotiated the price.

    Lori Taylor (The Produce Moms) (15:21):
    And when I realized my husband and I are a true united front I had to go to all these, you know, smoke and mirrors meetings, where they were justifying the six figure price and going through all the documentation, trying to help me understand what it means to buy an IP portfolio, because you've got to think in 2015, we did not even have a national audience. The unique monthly, or the unique annual visitors to our website were less--like we get that number now about every 14 days on The Produce Moms. Like, you know, it is it, I wasn't buying the super robust digital, anything, you know, we had a regional audience. Less than a hundred thousand annual visitors to our website. Yeah. I did have one brand partner who told me that they gave me a verbal commit that they would stick with me, but I went to these meetings and I was--I got to the point where I was very intimidated because it was like me sitting across the table from people who were my coworkers for a decade, you know?

    Lori Taylor (The Produce Moms) (16:24):
    And I was like, I can't do this. I need another warm body next to me. And so I asked my husband can you come with me to this next meeting? It's really horrible. Like I had already cleared out my cubicle because they said it was for office morale. Like it didn't really make sense for me to be in the office. Like just, you know, so I'd come into the workplace just for acquisition meetings. And my husband was in the very first one that he came to me with for like maybe five minutes and he took the binder and he like slammed it, shut, shoved it across the table. And he says, what if we pay you cash in 90 days? What's the price then? And I'm sitting here thinking, 'Oh my God, we have no cash.' Like what are you talking about?

    Lori Taylor (The Produce Moms) (17:03):
    And so , but it did get them to slash the price in half. I mean, it was still a six figure acquisition. It was still more expensive than our home, but it wasn't as much of a risk, you know? And so that was when we cashed out my 401k, we borrowed the cash from family. And off we went, but it was, I mean, my God, I opened our business checking account with a $4,999 check from USA Pears. It was a 12 month scope of work. I mean, five grand does not pay the bills for 12 months.

    Nick Carter (Host - Market Wagon) (17:38):
    You brought the advertisers, the brands with you, and stood this up on your own. Well, congratulations, Lori, because you are the only person I know who has ever paid your employer severance.

    Lori Taylor (The Produce Moms) (17:52):
    I know. And I'm looking for...

    Nick Carter (Host - Market Wagon) (17:53):
    Person I've ever known to pay someone...

    Lori Taylor (The Produce Moms) (17:54):
    I'm looking for the other

    Nick Carter (Host - Market Wagon) (17:56):
    ...to fire you.

    Lori Taylor (The Produce Moms) (17:56):
    I know I'm looking for the other entrepreneur out there who also, you know, had to buy back their idea , you know, to start their business. It's not like we, you know, this is like to start my ownership journey. I had to buy my idea.

    Nick Carter (Host - Market Wagon) (18:12):
    To buy back your own idea. Well, it's always easy to be the Monday morning quarterback, but it seems like you're glad that you did so today....

    Lori Taylor (The Produce Moms) (18:20):
    Super glad I did. Yeah.

    Nick Carter (Host - Market Wagon) (18:21):
    You were, today The Produce Moms is plural. So that it ties into your mission, right? This is not just about you as the mom, but about the moms that you serve. And, do I have this right? You were one of the first 10 in Indiana to become a B corporation.

    Lori Taylor (The Produce Moms) (18:40):
    Yeah. B Corp certified. We just...

    Nick Carter (Host - Market Wagon) (18:42):
    B Corp Certified. What's a B Corp? Tell our listeners just a little bit about what that means.

    Lori Taylor (The Produce Moms) (18:44):
    It's a global certification. It's rooted in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and it's a rigorous third party certification that essentially validates this business as a force for good, you know, they, they have, they have processes in place that are rooted in empowering their workforce, empowering their community, protecting the environment and frankly, Nick, the values of B Corp were taught to me by the industry of agriculture. You know, every farmer that we're blessed to work with and for every supply chain stakeholder that we support at The Produce Moms, these are values that they brought to life and taught to me. And the more that I learned and as I studied other brands that I really admired--brands like Patagonia or Tillamook, or even in outside of agriculture you know, brands like Eileen Fisher has a great story about how she has changed the fashion industry to being more sustainable.

    Lori Taylor (The Produce Moms) (19:50):
    Those are all brands that I was like, that really moved my soul. And then I realized, wow, they all have B Corp certification. What does that even mean? And then I started look into it and I was like, wow, this is exactly what I'm looking for. Because far too often, people misunderstand The Produce Moms as like, oh, this is a blog. This is an influencer. And really we do a lot more than that. And so this certification was an opportunity for me to formalize everything that we do, identify our stakeholders, validate our claims. You know what I mean? It's like super easy for me as the founder of this company to be like, oh, we're so mission driven. And you know, we're doing great things for the world. Well, when you have one of the most rigorous third party certifications come in and actually validate it then it's, it's no longer just your passion that is saying that, you know, it is actually validated and I'm not only proud to be one of the first businesses in our home state to have this, but we actually, of all the folks, all of the businesses that are B Corp certified, we have the highest impact model score.

    Lori Taylor (The Produce Moms) (20:57):
    So we rank high in B Corp overall, and most definitely in the state of Indiana. We're the, we're the number one in impact. So, yeah.

    Nick Carter (Host - Market Wagon) (21:07):
    Congratulations. That's really exciting.

    Lori Taylor (The Produce Moms) (21:09):
    Yeah. Thank you. It's you know, March is National B Corp Month. So we look forward to having some more robust announcements about that, but there are some amazing brands that are part of this movement, you know, there's for anyone who's outdoorsy. I know I already mentioned Patagonia, but Burton, the snowboard company is. Profession Folks. You've got like Toms and Bombas and Eileen Fisher, like I said. In the ag industry, there's quite a bit in dairy that are part of this. Danone, which is a huge company of, of food brands. All of their brands at Danone are B Corp certified. So for a while, Earthbound Farm, prior to Danone selling Earthbound Farm, Earthbound Farm was B Corp certified, but their new owners did not carry forward with that certification. So it's hard. I mean, you gotta maintain it. You know, and it took us, it's a ton of work. I mean, I did the application process and the certification process in January of 2021. And we certified in March of 2022.

    Nick Carter (Host - Market Wagon) (22:15):
    Wow. Yeah. That's a long process.

    Lori Taylor (The Produce Moms) (22:18):
    It's a long process.

    Nick Carter (Host - Market Wagon) (22:20):
    Wow. So you're making an impact. You're not not just a blog, not just an influencer, but you're using your blog and your podcast and your influence to make an impact in the world, getting fresh fruits and vegetables into the hands of children. Right? Moms can impact people. Now from our perspective, you know, I talk to farmers all the time and we're talking with smaller farmers who are selling on Market Wagon. You were talking, it sounds like with produce suppliers who are at a much larger scale than a lot of the ones that I have the opportunity to deal with. And I talk a lot about relationship, relationship, relationship. They have to have a relationship with their customers. But I'm--it sounds like, you know, the values that you talk about from food producers that you work with, relationships are still key, even in your business as well, right?

    Lori Taylor (The Produce Moms) (23:15):
    Oh, 100%. Yeah. We, I mean, we have we have to be very particular about who we work with and the brands that we're gonna support, you know, they have to align with our values and you are right. I mean, we definitely work with the brands that you're gonna find at mass grocery retail. Yeah. And, you know, Nick, you have exposed how difficult it is for brands to get on shelf at grocery retail. So out of all the farms that we represent and support at The Produce Moms, I think the smallest one is 10,000 acres. So we're talking definitely big scale, you know.

    Nick Carter (Host - Market Wagon) (23:50):
    But you mentioned at the beginning of our conversation, you were talking about transparency. People want to know about how they're raising even on 10,000 acres or on a hundred thousand acres, right. The customer at the grocery store wants to understand how the food was raised. How do you help food producers do that at that scale?

    Lori Taylor (The Produce Moms) (24:06): Yeah. Well, thanks for the question. It is, this is one of my greatest passions. You know, people have to know, I also have a burning curiosity to know more. And as my audience at The Produce Moms grows, I have a responsibility to make sure that I always, you know, have clarity on how things are grown and the types of--from how they're treating the human capital to the environment and everything, you know, the outputs, all of that. It's all very important. It's all part of it. So we, there's a lot of ways that we demonstrate that to folks. So I've probably personally been to over 200 farm visits in the last, you know, four years throughout north, central, and south America. So obviously there's...

    Nick Carter (Host - Market Wagon) (24:54):
    That sounds like fun.

    Lori Taylor (The Produce Moms) (24:55):
    Yeah. Like boots on the ground documentation. For sure. My most amazing experience was in Costa Rica with Del Monte. I went out there to support them with their 2019 sustainability initiative where they were actually formalizing their sustainability report and presenting it to the end-consumer for the first time ever. Prior to 2019, their sustainability report was something that was, you know, available as a PDF download for their shareholders. And it was never really promoted to the general population and their end-consumer. So that was probably the most tremendous experience I ever had. It also really opened my eyes up about the importance of better pricing models in the United States. You know, I mean, I, when I sat at the sales desk at, I can't tell you how many times we would sell bananas at 29 cents a pound on promo. And then I get out there to Costa Rica.

    Lori Taylor (The Produce Moms) (25:49):
    I'm like, oh my God, there is no reason anyone should ever be selling a banana in the United States for 29 cents a pound, you know? And so I started to see that trip changed my, that widened my lens even more where I started to see agriculture as as the industry that can have--we can break the cycles. If we do it right. I mean, so much of our food is grown, whether you're talking about rural America or, you know, the equator, you know, these tropical regions like Costa Rica. So much of our food is grown in very poor areas and it is, it is an opportunity for us, you know, I've learned through different industry involvements, whether it's the trip to Costa Rica, or I sit on the board representing the United States for Global Women Fresh, which is a, non-for-profit about female empowerment in ag. And I'm also on the board for the Equitable Food Initiative, which is about farm worker empowerment throughout the entire ag ecosystem. So these experiences combined helped me realize some critical facts. You know, if we wanna talk about something as important as, you know, female independence and, financial literacy throughout the world. Well, in most places in the world--where females are oppressed, the only job that they can actually get to earn that financial independence is within the agriculture industry.

    Lori Taylor (The Produce Moms) (27:20):
    And when I learned and things like that, you know, I I'm like we have to tell this to people. People have to understand the purpose of ag at a local, national, and even a global scale because we are, you know, and another thing that I'm really passionate about is, you know, like in the in the name of transparency I just found out frankly, through my B Corp journey meeting some other B Corp founders, I found out my eyes were opened wide about the chocolate industry. I did not know that the chocolate that I was buying in my home for years, people have been pushing on these big companies and it's every single one of them--every single company that's on, you know, for the most part, there's a few outliers that, you know, have tried to combat this, but they cannot guarantee that their supply chains are free of child slave labor.

    Lori Taylor (The Produce Moms) (28:16):
    And if you start Googling that and doing your own research, you will find the facts, but they've also, you know, these industries have done a pretty good job of, of concealing that, so I find the producers that are trying to make change yeah. In these, you know, I mean, that's a massive industry, massive global industry. And when you look at what's happening in Western Africa with boys, the same age as my children and the way that chocolate is available at scale, it's changed my point of view. And I'm like, okay, now at the, I know this, I have a responsibility with my platform to share it. And that's exactly what we did. I brought the founder of the company that taught me that I brought it on the show and we talked about it on the podcast. So I think that, I think that 95% of what we do in agriculture is best in class, but I'm never going to be someone who turns my head at the 5% where, you know, we gotta improve.

    Nick Carter (Host - Market Wagon) (29:10):
    With your, with your platform, with the audience that you have, you have a great responsibility. And it sounds like you're taking that very seriously. Thank you. Thanks for helping to expose that kind of stuff.

    Lori Taylor (The Produce Moms) (29:20):
    Yeah. Thank you, Nick. Yeah. Thanks. It's an honor, you know.

    Nick Carter (Host - Market Wagon) (29:25):
    So shift gears back to our home state, spring's coming up. So what as, as weather starts to warm up, what are you looking forward to the most of local seasonal, can only get it off of the soil here in Indiana, or the Midwest. What are you looking forward to the most of our local seasonal produce?

    Lori Taylor (The Produce Moms) (29:44):
    Oh, my, that is a tough question. Okay. So I love and I know that it won't necessarily be a springtime crop, but out of all of the, all of the time I spent at the sales desk, I got the most excited about two items in particular: Indiana tomatoes and Indiana cantaloupes. Like I know we're talking more. Oh yeah. I'm convinced. I have told everyone we work with, and this really, this really upsets the people in California when I'm like, the Wabash River Valley has the best tasting cantaloupes in the world. So those are my two: like Indiana field grown tomatoes, because I think even like, as we see the, the surge of indoor vertical farming and greenhouse growing, especially for vine vegetables and, and leafy greens you know, tomatoes are one of those items where a really good field grown tomato is becoming a rare find at grocery retail and...

    Nick Carter (Host - Market Wagon) (30:43):
    Distinctly different flavor than indoor grown or, or truck ripened. Yeah.

    Lori Taylor (The Produce Moms) (30:47):
    Totally. Totally. So those are my two absolute favorite things. Now, when we talk about specifically the springtime items, you know, things that I love to get in my Market Wagon delivery, frankly include like, you know, the really unique, like I love, I love all the radishes. I love like the patty pan squashes. I love the, you know, the, the fancy kales, like I, those are, I love those things. And I'm a huge believer and anyone who's had, you know, who's been able to come over and enjoy a meal with me at my home kitchen. I am--my approach to food is very simple. Find the best, most beautiful and most delicious ingredients possible and keep it simple, you know, let those ingredients shine. And so when I have the opportunity to buy something like, you know, a romanesco versus white cauliflower, I'm all in, like, I will pay the extra dollar or whatever to do that. And that is how, you know, and I can't tell you how many people have complimented, you know, meals that I've served here in my home kitchen by saying, that's the best meal I've ever had. And I'm like, and you would be amazed at how simple it is too. Like you just have to seek out fresh quality ingredients and let them shine because they will.

    Nick Carter (Host - Market Wagon) (32:03):
    Great. Well, if people wanna learn more about that, and we've talked over and over and over again about your blog, your podcast on your website and the education that you do and the cause that you do, how can people find The Produce Moms led by Lori Taylor? How can people find you online?

    Lori Taylor (The Produce Moms) (32:18):
    Well, if we aren't easy to find, then I'm not doing my job. So , you should be, we are on every social media platform. And that is why I have gray hair, because you can never keep up with that. But I--so any social platform that you are on, we are there. Our social media handle is The Produce Moms. You know, of course come to our home base. That is TheProduceMoms.com. We do have, you know, you're, you're connecting with us today through podcast. I mean, your favorite podcast platform, we're there as well. Our show is The Produce Moms Podcast. And then, you know, we have, we have email newsletters. If you're local to central Indiana and maybe soon other markets I'm on the morning show, it's called Lifestyle Live. So you can catch me on air and, you know, we'd, we'd love to connect with you in any way. And if you would like to reach out to me directly, TheProduceMoms.com, we have a contact form on our website and that contact form comes directly to my inbox. So don't be shy about reaching out if there's anything that I can do for you or anything, any request that you might have as it relates to what The Produce Moms can do for you.

    Nick Carter (Host - Market Wagon) (33:28):
    That's great. My guest today has been Lori Taylor of The Produce Moms and check her out online, follow her podcast. And thanks so much for joining me today, Lori.

    Lori Taylor (The Produce Moms) (33:38):
    Nick, thank you. Keep up the great work. I'm a huge fan and there's nothing like my Tuesday delivery from Market Wagon. So thanks for all that you do. And thanks for starting this show to spotlight all the amazing growers and artisans that are part of the Market Wagon movement.

    Nick Carter (Host - Market Wagon) (33:56):
    Thanks, Lori. Thanks for listening to this episode of More Than A Mile. Be sure to sign up for Market Wagon at MarketWagon.com or after downloading the Market Wagon app for iOS or Android. Follow us @MarketWagon on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook for stories, recipes, special announcements, news, and just digital handshakes from our friendly farming community. If you enjoyed More Than A Mile, please rate the podcast and write a review on iTunes, CastBox, PodChaser or wherever you listen to your favorite podcast. Thank you for continuing to support local food

    Lori Taylor - The Produce Challenge

    Lori Taylor - The Produce Challenge

    In this episode you will learn:

    • The truth behind farming
    • Connecting farms to families
    • How to introduce more fruits and veggies to your diet

    Lori Taylor is the Founder & CEO of The Produce Moms, a lifestyle media brand and community of passionate fresh produce advocates with a mission to inspire everyone, especially children, to eat more fruits and vegetables. For ten years Lori sold fresh produce to over 300 grocery stores throughout the United States. Today, Lori and her team are fully focused on educating consumers about fresh produce, introducing them to produce brands, engaging the produce industry with consumers in inspiring conversations, and promoting public policy to protect and increase the availability of fresh produce at American schools. Her work has been featured on Oprah.com, MarthaStewart.com, Huff Post, Real Simple Magazine, US Kids Magazines, as well as ABC, CBS, FOX, and NBC affiliates throughout the US. Lori is the host of The Produce Moms Podcast, a seasoned Keynote Speaker, a recipient of many produce industry accolades (including Produce Business 40 Under 40, Vance Agribusiness 40 Under 40, and The Packer 25), and is currently writing her first book. Lori resides in Indianapolis, Indiana with her husband Chip, their two sons Joe & Mac, and their Great Dane.

    To find out more go to:


    166 Produce Is The Gateway To Health, Vitality And Center Store Sales Success, Lori Taylor With The Produce Moms

    166 Produce Is The Gateway To Health, Vitality And Center Store Sales Success, Lori Taylor With The Produce Moms

    Produce is where customers begin their journey to healthy living with simple easy to understand ingredients. It’s the gateway to growing sales in every category. Brands should celebrate their connection to the produce department to build trust and sales.

    This episode's FREE downloadable guide

    This short guide levels the playing field between small brands and their more sophisticated competitors. It highlights the advanced strategies the big brands use called Category Management - what retailers want. 


    Produce is where customers begin their journey to healthy living with simple easy to understand ingredients. It’s the gateway to growing sales in every category. Brands should celebrate their connection to the produce department to build trust and sales.

    One of the things that makes natural, natural are the healthy, better for you products that personalize the value that they give to their consumers. It's these products that are driving sales across every category. It's these products that are the gateway to health and vitality and more importantly to center store sales success. This is the quickest path to grow sustainable sales in any category is to begin with produce.

    Welcome. I appreciate you for listening. Today's podcast episode is a special one. Today's podcast episode, we're going to talk a lot about produce and the important role that produce plays within the entire store. And here's why this matters. When customers think about healthy products, the first place that they start is in the produce section. This is because produce has simple, easy to understand ingredients that customers can get their arms around. They can start experimenting with healthy products like organic, et cetera.

    It's the produce section that's a gateway to the rest of the store. Now, one of the challenges that a lot of the retailers pay lip service to this and a lot of mainstream brands overlook this. So what do I mean by that? Customers that understand the benefit of the products that you're putting out there, understand the value of the simple ingredients that are in your product. And if you can start there and understand, for example, what is vitamin C from an orange? How does that relate to your product specifically or any of the other products that are out there? These are the strategies that you need to leverage when you're talking to the consumer that wants to buy your product. More importantly, this is where you need to educate the retailer on the value of the consumer that you drive into the stores. And again, this all begins in the produce section.

    On today's podcast episode, you're going to get a Ph.D. in all things produce from Lori. She's the host of the Produce Moms. It's a podcast that I've been listening to for quite a while. You're going to want to check it out. What she does is she helps educate consumers and retailers and brands about the value of produce and how to develop a solid business strategy to leverage the strength of produce in center store.

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