

    Explore "thinkaboutit" with insightful episodes like "17. Smalltalk med mig selv", "Dirty Harry on Ketchup", "Significance of July 22nd", "Amis on Self Criticism" and "The Wisdom of Life and Time" from podcasts like ""De Stille Stemmer", "Way of the Renaissance Man Starring Jim Woods", "Way of the Renaissance Man Starring Jim Woods", "Way of the Renaissance Man Starring Jim Woods" and "Way of the Renaissance Man Starring Jim Woods"" and more!

    Episodes (11)

    17. Smalltalk med mig selv

    17. Smalltalk med mig selv

    Jeg fortæller om hvem jeg er, hvilken opvækst og fritidsaktiviteter jeg har været en del af. Hvad jeg går op i og sætter pris på som menneske.

    Det er temmelig grænseoverskridende at fortælle om mig selv som menneske – for alle fordomme omkring mig selv bluser op. Jeg er ikke god nok, jeg er ikke værd at lytte til, der er ingen mennesker der syntes det er interessant at høre om hvem jeg er.

    Det er nu smidt til side og episoden er blevet til på baggrund af – at jeg fik lyst til at fortælle lidt om min baggrund – måske til en større forståelse og indsigt i hvorfor jeg har været så stille.

    Jeg fortæller om den stille pige, om den tykke pige i klassen der gik langs væggene i skolen, som altid havde sine ting i orden og lavede lektier. Blot for at få nogle middel karaktere. Folkeskolen har været en svær tid.

    Jeg har altid følt mig ensom og udenfor. Det har været min følelse, af jeg har været udskammet der har været den alt overskyggende faktor i folkeskolen.

    Jeg fortæller om hvordan søvn har været mit frirum til ikke at blive forstyrret, ikke skulle stilles til ansvar for noget og der var ingen krav – det var/blev mit helle.

    Mit liv på arbejdsmarkedet startede da jeg var 11 år gammel, hvor jeg efter skoletid arbejdede på en gård med malkekøer. Jeg fik 10 kroner i timen – og i dag vil det nok anses som børnearbejde. Det var en glæde for mig at have en fysisk arbejde – hvor jeg kunne mærke at jeg havde en berettigelse i samfundet.

    Det har styrket mig at kunne være i et med naturen og aflæse dyrenes behov – uden at skulle læse en bog. Være kreativ i udfordringer og bruge mine hænder.

    Min mor har været svømmeinstruktør og formand i en svømmeklub – her har jeg boltreret mig i ”naturens” vand. Følt mig som en fisk i vandet. Jeg har selv været babysvømmeinstruktør og livredder.

    I mine familiære relationer er jeg både store – og lillesøster og blevet beriget med at være faster til 4 skønne piger og en dreng samt Onkel Gitte til min kærestes niece. Det er en fornøjelse at følge dem i deres liv.

    Det er super skønt og en ekstra gave, at være en del af deres liv, nu hvor mit lod i livet også er at være ufrivillig barnløs.

    Jeg er fascineret af naturen og elsker at være i den og opdage nye nuancer og perspektiver – finde det unikke og specielle. Den er kravs fri – den indbyder til ro og nærvær.

    Udover at have et fritidsjob har jeg spillet håndbold på mesterrækkeplan – som målmand. Det har været fedt at have den rolle – være den der havde overblikket fra målet og kunne guide mine medspillere. Være med til at spille alle gode på banen.

    Mine uddannelser afspejler sig også i min forelskelse i naturen – i at være i pagt med naturen – være nærværende og omsorgsfuld. Den ene uddannelse som Skov – og Naturtekniker (Cand sav) og en idenfor Natur og Miljø som jordbrugsteknolog.

    Jeg har været ulandsfrivillig i Costa Rica og Venezuela igennem Nepenthes – hvor jeg blev modnet som menneske. At rejse langt væk fra det trygge – alene – samtidig med at jeg kunne hjælpe naturen.

    Jeg har haft forskellige jobs i mit liv – som har ført mig forskellige steder rundt i Danmark. Fra Jylland til Fyn – til Jylland igen over Sjælland og lige pt igen i Jylland.

    Min kreative sjæl elsker at sidde på gulvet at lege, klatre i træer, køre med rutsjebaner og skille de mærkeligste ting ad. Forvandle det til noget andet og dele det op i fraktioner til genbrugspladsen.

    Jeg elsker store maskiner, hestekræfter og fart. Jeg kan lide farten i lækre sportsvogne – i rutsjebaner og som kan lide at se 24 timers Le Mans.

    Jeg elsker samhørigheden med mennesker i det kreative og underfundige – lidt svært at skrive og sige højt – når jeg føler jeg har en form for menneskefobi.

    Noget af det jeg ikke går vildt meget op i er huslige pligter – det siger mig bestemt ikke ret meget.

    Herudover føler jeg mig i godt selskab med et godt glas rødvin – havet eller et glødende bål. Mit indblik i bøgers verden er fåtallig – hvor jeg mest læser faglitterært eller biografier.

    Jeg elsker at bidrage med frivilligt arbejde og pt er jeg ambassadør for THINK ABOUT IT, frivillig på Syrenparken i Børkop – hvor jeg bl.a laver podcast om den gode historie fra socialpsykiatrien og været med som frivillig ReThinker under Det kongelige teaters opførelse af Hobbitten på Moesgaard Museum.

    Det helt nye i mit liv er, at jeg har besluttet mig for at gå soloselvstændig og blive Trivselskonsulent med naturen som omdrejningspunkt i mit virke. Jeg skal til efteråret være facilitator på et hold i instinkterne i samarbejde med THINK ABOUT IT og Mikkel Lynggaard.

    Det glæder jeg mig få vildt til at træde op på den scene.

    For at være kommet her til i verden hvor jeg tør fortælle om mig selv og give min viden videre til andre har enneagrammet været den største hjælp jeg overhovedet har kunnet ønske mig. Det har givet en indsigt i mig selv – at jeg IKKE er forkert – og jeg IKKE skal være i verden på en bestemt måde.

    Enneagrammet har givet mig modet til ikke at føle mig ENSOM – til ikke at føle mig FORKERT – til at turde række ud og bede om hjælp, før alt brænder på og til at turde stille mig op på scenen og træde væk fra muren i klasseværelset.

    Tusind tak til alle jer der følger mig på INSTAGRAM i betyder mere end i aner – TAK 🙏


    Er du nysgerrig på hvem jeg er, eller har spørgsmål er du velkommen til at følge De Stille Stemmer på Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=1d3t09s2h89wq&utm_content=nahuo1z eller skriv til min mail på: stillestemmer@gmail.com Din Vært: Gitte Vestergaard

    Dirty Harry on Ketchup

    Dirty Harry on Ketchup
    Renaissance Man Style Face Mask From Way Of The Renaissance Man Starring Jim Woods
    Get your Way of the Renaissance Man Facemask today and sport your Renaissance Man level of protection and style right here.

    This insight was inspired by the film character Homicide Inspector Harry Callahan more affectionately known to action film aficionados as Dirty Harry.
    “Nobody, I mean NOBODY puts ketchup on a hot dog.”
    –“Dirty Harry,” in Sudden Impact
    Although it is true that nobody should ever put ketchup on a hot dog, sometimes it’s true that doing things differently than everyone else will allow you to change the world. In fact, looking at the world differently, and doing things the way you “shouldn’t,” is what progress is all about. So, don’t put ketchup on that hot dog — but do look at the world through your own lens.
    Jim Woods July 29th, 2020
    For more great resources and inspiration visit  WayOfTheRenaissanceMan.com

    Now, we want to hear from you! Would like to share your opinion or make a comment on the Way of the Renaissance Man podcast? If so, then please leave your comment or questions in the space provided below and share this article with your friends and family on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Your comments or question could be chosen as our featured
    Ask the Renaissance Man Anything on a future episode.
    For more great resources and inspiration visit WayOfTheRenaissanceMan.com

    Significance of July 22nd

    Significance of July 22nd

    Significance of July 22nd

    Welcome to today's audio presentation from Way Of The Renaissance Man Starring Jim Woods

    It’s July 22, and for lovers of literature, and specifically those who love the work of novelist/philosopher Ayn Rand, today’s date has a certain glorious significance.

    In Rand’s magnum opus, Atlas Shrugged, July 22 is the date that the John Galt Line is officially opened.

    Now, if you’re not familiar with the novel, just start reading it today. You can write in and thank me in about a month when you’ve finished.

    If you are familiar with this masterpiece, you know that the John Galt Line is the transcontinental railroad built by the protagonist Dagny Taggart. A transcontinental railroad made with a new kind of metal, Reardon Metal, which lasts three times longer than any other metal and which costs less to produce than other metals, thereby allowing its inventor, Hank Reardon, to capture huge profits.

    Today's reading is a selection from  Rand's  opus, read by Heather Wagenhals.
    Here we enter into chapter eight and the scene where Dangny Taggart is holding a press conference regarding the first run of the controversial John Galt line.
    Thank you for listening to this audio presentation.
    For more great resources and inspiration visit  WayOfTheRenaissanceMan.com

    Now, we want to hear from you! Would like to share your opinion or make a comment on the Way of the Renaissance Man podcast? If so, then please leave your comment or questions in the space provided below and share this article with your friends and family on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Your comments or question could be chosen as our featured
    Ask the Renaissance Man Anything on a future episode.
    For more great resources and inspiration visit WayOfTheRenaissanceMan.com
    #AtlasShrugged #AynRand #JohnGaltLine #July22 #DagneyTaggart #HankReardon #WhoIsJohnGalt #WednesdayWisdom #RenaissanceMan #RenaissanceWoman #Focus #Integration #Celebration #Quote #QuoteOfTheDay #InstaQuote #Solutions #reason #achievement #ThinkAboutIt #covid19 #coronavirus #existenceExists #Philosophy #Philosopher #RationalLife

    Amis on Self Criticism

    Amis on Self Criticism
    Welcome to today's #WednesdayWisdom from Way Of The Renaissance Man Starring Jim Woods
    This insight was inspired by English novelist, poet, critic and teacher Sir Kingsley Amis.
    Amis on Self Criticism #WednesdayWisdom from Way Of The Renaissance Man Starring Jim Woods
    “Self criticism must be my guide to action, and the first rule for its employment is that in itself it is not a virtue, only a procedure.”
    — Kingsley Amis
    Knowing yourself and being able to criticize yourself is crucial to becoming a better person. Yet doing so shouldn’t be looked at as a virtue. Rather, it should be thought of as a task you undertake constantly to help you hone your personal blade. Think of it this way and you’ll be on the road to heightened self-improvement before you know it.
    Jim Woods July 15th, 2020
    For more great resources and inspiration visit  WayOfTheRenaissanceMan.com

    Now, we want to hear from you! Would like to share your opinion or make a comment on the Way of the Renaissance Man podcast? If so, then please leave your comment or questions in the space provided below and share this article with your friends and family on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Your comments or question could be chosen as our featured
    Ask the Renaissance Man Anything on a future episode.

    The Wisdom of Life and Time

    The Wisdom of Life and Time
    Welcome to today's #WednesdayWisdom from Way Of The Renaissance Man Starring Jim Woods
    This insight was inspired by actor, director, martial artist, and philosopher, Bruce Lee.

    The Wisdom of Life and Time

    “If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of.”
    –Bruce Lee
    We’re all guilty of wasting a bit of time here and there, but what the great martial arts master reminds us is that life and time are basically the same attribute. Therefore, it’s incumbent upon you to not squander time — provided, of course, you passionately love and value life. I know that’s the way I feel, and I suspect you do, as well. So don’t waste time any longer. Choose to become the person you always imagined you could be, and take the action needed to make that vision a reality.
    Jim Woods July 1st, 2020
    For more great resources and inspiration visit  WayOfTheRenaissanceMan.com
     #WednesdayWisdom #RenaissanceMan #RenaissanceWoman #Focus #Integration #Celebration #Quote #QuoteOfTheDay #InstaQuote #Solutions #reason #achievement #ThinkAboutIt #covid19 #coronavirus #existenceExists #RationalLife #BruceLee #Martialarts

    Now, we want to hear from you! Would like to share your opinion or make a comment on the Way of the Renaissance Man podcast? If so, then please leave your comment or questions in the space provided below and share this article with your friends and family on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Your comments or question could be chosen as our featured
    Ask the Renaissance Man Anything on a future episode.
    For more great resources and inspiration visit WayOfTheRenaissanceMan.com

    Right in Two

    Right in Two

    Welcome to today's #WednesdayWisdom from Way Of The Renaissance Man Starring Jim Woods

    Way Of The Renaissance Man Starring Jim Woods Right in Two tool quote
    This insight was inspired by a verse from the rock band Tool and their song - Right in Two.
    “Repugnant is a creature who would squander the ability
    To lift an eye to heaven, conscious of his fleeting time here”
    –Tool, “Right in Two”
    There’s nothing that focuses the mind like a global pandemic, and it is incumbent upon us all to do so for our own sake and for the sake of our fellow man. So, if you haven’t done so already, open your mind to this situation and think of ways to get through this tough time — and don’t squander your ability to think things through.
    Wisdom about money, investing and life can be found anywhere. If you have a good quote you’d like me to share with your fellow Renaissance Man readers, send it to me, along with any comments, questions and suggestions you have about my website, newsletters, podcast or anything else.
    In The Name Of The Best Within Us,
    Jim Woods Renaissance Man

    Get Your FreedomFest Earlybird Discount for Way of the Renaissance Man Fans Right Here at WayOfTheRenaissanceMan.com/freedomfest

    Now, we want to hear from you! Would like to share your opinion or make a comment on the Way of the Renaissance Man podcast? If so, then please leave your comment or questions in the space provided below and share this article with your friends and family on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Your comments or question could be chosen as our featured
    Ask the Renaissance Man Anything on a future episode.
    For more great resources and inspiration visit WayOfTheRenaissanceMan.com
    #pandemic #focusonyou #revolution #Tool #sharpmind #rockandrollquote #problemsolver #Purpose #WednesdayWisdom #RenaissanceMan #RenaissanceWoman #Focus #Integration #Celebration #Quote #QuoteOfTheDay #InstaQuote #Solutions #reason #achievement #ThinkAboutIt #covid19 #coronavirus

    Insight on: Audiobooks

    Insight on: Audiobooks

    This evening I want to give you an insight: if you dream of becoming an author but has difficulties ⁣
    • signing with a publisher house ⁣
    • booking a meeting with a publisher house ⁣
    • getting started on the ‘getting signed with a publisher house’ process because of the amount of work you think you have to put into it ⁣
    • going for your dream because of the fear of rejection ⁣
    Then this is for you! ⁣
    Every 3 month I receive a statement on my book sale from my publisher house. And I can tell you this: audiobooks is thriving! ⁣
    Personally then I published by latest book as a hardcover, ebook and audiobook. ⁣
    My point here is: it is the easiest thing in the world to record an audiobook (unless you’re super pregnant like I was, swipe for picture). The process of doing that is almost only ⁣
    1. Book a studio⁣
    2. Press play, pause and stop ⁣
    3. Save your recording ⁣
    I had a company that edited mine together, but I’m sure you can do it yourself too. ⁣
    Being signed with a publisher house has a lot of good things about it when it comes to: getting your book in the shops (physical and online), on trade fairs, they have graphic designers to do the layout of your book and so on. BUT if you have a great audience yourself, can do some magic with the visual layout and hire someone to correct your gramma, then you’ll be fine. At least: think about it. ⁣
    Maybe push away the dream of publishing a hardcover book (for a while) and go for the audiobook instead. ❤️ xx J ⁣
    ** DM/EMAIL me if you need help with making your dreams come true. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

    @xxjasminsoe / www.xxjasminsoe.com

    The Whetstone of the Mind

    The Whetstone of the Mind

    Welcome to today's #WednesdayWisdom from Way Of The Renaissance Man Starring Jim Woods

    This insight was inspired by a quote from American novelist – George R. R. Martin
    The Whetstone of the Mind George R R Martin Quote“... a mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge.”
    --George R.R. Martin, “A Game of Thrones”
    Keeping one’s mental edge during this global pandemic isn’t the easiest of tasks. I know that at times, I’ve fallen victim to the universal sadness, angst and fear humanity is currently experiencing. Yet if we want to prevail, and if we want to help our fellow man thrive, then it’s incumbent upon us all to do what we can to keep our minds and our spirits fresh and honed with a sharp edge. And as Martin tells us, the best way to keep our mental edge is with the whetstone of books.
    Wisdom about money, investing and life can be found anywhere. If you have a good quote you’d like me to share with your fellow Renaissance Man readers, send it to me, along with any comments, questions and suggestions you have about my website, newsletters, podcast or anything else.
    In The Name Of The Best Within Us,
    Jim Woods Renaissance Man

    Get Your FreedomFest Earlybird Discount for Way of the Renaissance Man Fans Right Here at WayOfTheRenaissanceMan.com/freedomfest

    Now, we want to hear from you! Would like to share your opinion or make a comment on the Way of the Renaissance Man podcast? If so, then please leave your comment or questions in the space provided below and share this article with your friends and family on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Your comments or question could be chosen as our featured
    Ask the Renaissance Man Anything on a future episode.
    For more great resources and inspiration visit WayOfTheRenaissanceMan.com
    #Whetstone #novelist #revolution #GeorgeRRMartin #sharpmind #gameofthrones #WednesdayWisdom #RenaissanceMan #RenaissanceWoman #Focus #Integration #Celebration #Quote #QuoteOfTheDay #InstaQuote #Solutions #reason #achievement #ThinkAboutIt

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