
    tipping point

    Explore "tipping point" with insightful episodes like "DK103 - Kipppunktkaskade außer Kontrolle oder ein Dominoeffekt des positiven Wandels?", "EP025 | 【人才】海碩總校長的瘋子行動,如何創造更多的價值被別人看到?ft.李海碩", "Truth about Gaza and the 'WHO' Agenda - PDF", "Truth about Gaza and the 'WHO' Agenda - Audio" and "VRS510 - Getting Your Short-Term Rental Business on the Right Track" from podcasts like ""Das Klima", "高手私房話", "Center Point Assembly", "Center Point Assembly" and "Vacation Rental Success"" and more!

    Episodes (25)

    DK103 - Kipppunktkaskade außer Kontrolle oder ein Dominoeffekt des positiven Wandels?

    DK103 - Kipppunktkaskade außer Kontrolle oder ein Dominoeffekt des positiven Wandels?
    "Das Klima”, der Podcast zur Wissenschaft hinter der Krise. Wir lasen den [sechsten Bericht](https://www.ipcc.ch) des Weltklimarats und erklären den aktuellen Stand der Klimaforschung. In Folge 103 geht es um Kipppunkte. Ein aktueller Report hat untersucht, wo auf der Erde im Klimasystem Kipppunkte existieren und welche davon schon erreicht sein könnten. Es gibt aber auch positive Kipppunkte, die aber nicht von selbst passieren. Sondern nur, wenn wir auch was tun. Und wir sollten was tun, denn es dauert nicht mehr lange, bis sehr viel sehr stark kippen könnte. Wer den Podcast unterstützen will, kann das gerne tun: https://steadyhq.com/de/dasklima/ und https://www.paypal.me/florianfreistetter.

    EP025 | 【人才】海碩總校長的瘋子行動,如何創造更多的價值被別人看到?ft.李海碩

    EP025 | 【人才】海碩總校長的瘋子行動,如何創造更多的價值被別人看到?ft.李海碩
    這集的內容我們邀請到 葳格國際學校 李海碩 總校長 與我們分享他多年從事國際級教育產業中擔任不同職務職位的私房話外,目前仍繼續攻讀密涅瓦(Minerva)大學決策分析碩士班,致力於為數位、創新等領域繼續深耕。 從 李海碩 總校長 的私房話裡知道,從前的城鄉教育、目前全新的數位創新教育,變化之巨大,但李海碩 總校長總是不停的繼續廣泛學習、精益求精,為什麼呢? 1. 在職場與學校中,如何聰明地擔任綠葉角色:如何成為董事會與學校之間實現溝通與政策行動折衷協調? 2. 大腦多軌進行,如何在職場上成為老闆左右手,左手拿倚天劍右手拿屠龍刀,加強自身的優勢,成為雙刀流? 3. 成為ETS獨一無二的五分之一?如何以好奇心驅動感知訴諸瘋狂行動成為不可取代的優秀幕僚? 從 李海碩 總校長 的私房話裡,人生探索的路上,遇到的每個風景每種困難,都會成為後續滋養自己成長的養分,以專心致志的態度去經營自己,但也不要讓自己的人生留在條一條路上。用他人眼中是瘋子行動的形式,去創造更多的價值被別人看到,成為自己的貴人,不留疑慮的全力以赴,才能成為別人的貴人,而自然而然別人才會成為你的貴人! 📌歡迎訂閱我們,敬請期待不同的高手來過招,一起成為更好的人!📌 ✏️成為商戰CXO 尊榮終身會員,即刻預約:https://www.surveycake.com/s/wW8AO

    Truth about Gaza and the 'WHO' Agenda - PDF

    Truth about Gaza and the 'WHO' Agenda - PDF
    Sunday, October 22, 2023 – Fall is in full swing, and we are thankful for all those who choose to stay with us up here in “God’s country,” even when the leaves fall. Amen? Today, we are watching a special “Tipping Point” video by Jimmy Evans and Michelle Bachman, former Minnesota Congresswoman, discussing the truth about what’s happening with Hamas in Gaza. I know it’s not traditional to present videos like this and not preach on Sunday morning, but we are not in conventional times. We need to deliver critical information in times such as this. At the end of this message, we are also presenting a great website to give us all a simple yet powerful way to contact our Senators and Congress, both State and National, on all issues we face. Our government leaders are charged to represent us, the people who have elected them. But how do they know what we want them to do? Sending letters, phone calls, and emails are the principal ways we communicate. This “Act for America” website makes all these communication methods simple and easy for us. Please open the attachment and go to www.actforamerica.org and register yourself to become an advocate and take action to make your Christian voice known. This is our responsibility and our charge. Get involved and be blessed as you do. Be encouraged; our redemption draws nigh, but we work until Jesus comes.

    Truth about Gaza and the 'WHO' Agenda - Audio

    Truth about Gaza and the 'WHO' Agenda - Audio
    Sunday, October 22, 2023 – Fall is in full swing, and we are thankful for all those who choose to stay with us up here in “God’s country,” even when the leaves fall. Amen? Today, we are watching a special “Tipping Point” video by Jimmy Evans and Michelle Bachman, former Minnesota Congresswoman, discussing the truth about what’s happening with Hamas in Gaza. I know it’s not traditional to present videos like this and not preach on Sunday morning, but we are not in conventional times. We need to deliver critical information in times such as this. At the end of this message, we are also presenting a great website to give us all a simple yet powerful way to contact our Senators and Congress, both State and National, on all issues we face. Our government leaders are charged to represent us, the people who have elected them. But how do they know what we want them to do? Sending letters, phone calls, and emails are the principal ways we communicate. This “Act for America” website makes all these communication methods simple and easy for us. Please open the attachment and go to www.actforamerica.org and register yourself to become an advocate and take action to make your Christian voice known. This is our responsibility and our charge. Get involved and be blessed as you do. Be encouraged; our redemption draws nigh, but we work until Jesus comes.

    VRS510 - Getting Your Short-Term Rental Business on the Right Track

    VRS510 - Getting Your Short-Term Rental Business on the Right Track

    Welcome to ‘The Tipping Point’ where we bring you bite-sized education in the business of short-term rental, Airbnb co-hosting, and property management.

    This episode features a free download to help you and your rental business.
    Download it here >> Business Plan Template

    Need 1-on-1 help?
    Get on the waitlist for the next intake for VRF B-School Consultation

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    Get access to the best education for your short-term rental business!
    Enroll in The Vacation Rental Formula Business School today and start seeing results tomorrow.
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    Don't Miss Out >> Get Your All-Access Pass

    Listening to this podcast on the move? Get to the show notes here:

    Worth Repeating: Code Red: not for Earth, for Humanity?

    Worth Repeating: Code Red: not for Earth, for Humanity?
    Join us as we revisit our conversation with Johan Rockström, renowned earth scientist and Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. A year ago, he shed light on the gravity of our situation, stating that "for the first time in human history, we face a planetary emergency." Astonishingly, this remains an urgent reality even today. Recently, an article titled "Safe and just Earth system boundaries" was published in Nature on May 31, providing further insights. For the first time, scientists have meticulously evaluated and quantified not only the boundaries within which humanity can safely operate, but also those that ensure fairness and justice for all. In an era where scientists often present their findings in a measured and objective manner, Rockström's assertion that "Human pressures on earth have reached dangerously high levels" carries immense weight and demands our attention. Tune in to our podcast episode and listen to the thought-provoking perspectives of Johan Rockström, as we delve deeper into the critical issues surrounding the survival of our species. Are you listening? If so, what do you think? And, more importantly, what are you going to do? This podcast was first published on June 23, 2022.

    Unwhitewash The Bad Batch - Tipping Point with CloneHub!

    Unwhitewash The Bad Batch - Tipping Point with CloneHub!

    Welcome back to another Unwhitewash The Bad Batch review with CloneHub! This week, we tackle the penultimate release, "Tipping Point," and discuss the many ways the series is barreling towards the end of the season, and we try to imagine how it could end. Call us Ms. Cleo, because we defintiely read The Bad Batch's future!

    Follow us:

    Twitter: @SithtyMinutes @AAA_Photog @BimboKatan @Clonehub7567

    Instagram: @PaulaBear92 @RBW3000 @General_Leia_The_Pup 

     Tumblr: CloneHub

    Show Notes:

    Literally this Wookiepedia Article

    Unwhitewash The Bad Batch

    Jimmy Evans - Countdown to Rosh Hashanah - PDF

    Jimmy Evans - Countdown to Rosh Hashanah - PDF
    Sunday, September 18, 2022 - We are doing something different today. On Saturday, we hosted a live stream event called "Tipping Point Prophecy Conference" from Dallas, TX. It was a great conference, and only a few showed up to watch. I discovered on Sunday morning that they had already posted the speakers on my email. So I made a change in my plans for Sunday service. Rather than preach the message I had prepared that continues in the study of Revelation 20, we watched the opening message of the conference given by Jimmy Evans. He titled his message "Countdown to Rosh Hashanah." It is an excellent message, so I pray you take the time to watch it. Listen, no one is setting a date when the rapture of the Church will happen; however, we are seeing the signs in scripture that it is very near, and it behooves us to be diligent and wise to take this message seriously. As a believer, this is exciting to live in this unprecedented time in human history. As an unbeliever, it is the most critical time to consider our lives and understand the times ahead and what they will be like if there is a continued rejection of the offer of salvation that Jesus gives. I pray that we all will accept Jesus Christ today while we have the opportunity to choose so that we will not have to endure the times of the coming tribulation and the age of the Antichrist. The world is being set up for that even as we speak... Please heed the message and be blessed...

    Jimmy Evans - Countdown to Rosh Hashanah - Audio

    Jimmy Evans - Countdown to Rosh Hashanah - Audio
    Sunday, September 18, 2022 - We are doing something different today. On Saturday, we hosted a live stream event called "Tipping Point Prophecy Conference" from Dallas, TX. It was a great conference, and only a few showed up to watch. I discovered on Sunday morning that they had already posted the speakers on my email. So I made a change in my plans for Sunday service. Rather than preach the message I had prepared that continues in the study of Revelation 20, we watched the opening message of the conference given by Jimmy Evans. He titled his message "Countdown to Rosh Hashanah." It is an excellent message, so I pray you take the time to watch it. Listen, no one is setting a date when the rapture of the Church will happen; however, we are seeing the signs in scripture that it is very near, and it behooves us to be diligent and wise to take this message seriously. As a believer, this is exciting to live in this unprecedented time in human history. As an unbeliever, it is the most critical time to consider our lives and understand the times ahead and what they will be like if there is a continued rejection of the offer of salvation that Jesus gives. I pray that we all will accept Jesus Christ today while we have the opportunity to choose so that we will not have to endure the times of the coming tribulation and the age of the Antichrist. The world is being set up for that even as we speak... Please heed the message and be blessed...

    The Crypto wonder, WonderFi with Kevin O'leary and Ben Samaroo

    The Crypto wonder, WonderFi with Kevin O'leary and Ben Samaroo

    It has been doom and gloom for the crypto world in the past few weeks. However, I am still pretty optimistic about the future of crypto, because we are like Kevin O'Leary said in this episode, we are in the first inning of the crypto world, and they will be so much more real-world use cases comes up in the future!

    In this episode, Kevin O'Leary, nicknamed "Mr. Wonderful", is a Canadian businessman, entrepreneur, author, politician, and television presenter  and Ben Samaroo, Co-Founder, and CEO at WonderFi joined me to talk about the future of crypto!

    Kevin and I talked about the current and future real-world use cases for crypto, how is Canada regulating the crypto, and why being compliant as a service in the crypto industry is important! He even shared some of his favorite coins such as USDC, Bitcoin, and some others.

    Also, Ben explained to me what is WonderFi, (Wonder.fi ), how it was used, how it could revolutionize the industry, and how it is different than all the other services and tech out there!

    Visit Notepd.com to read more idea lists, or sign up and create your own idea list!

    My new book Skip The Line is out! Make sure you get a copy wherever you get your new book!

    Join You Should Run For President 2.0 Facebook Group, and we discuss why should run for president.

    I write about all my podcasts! Check out the full post and learn what I learned at jamesaltucher.com/podcast.

    Thank you so much for listening! If you like this episode, please subscribe to “The James Altucher Show” and rate and review wherever you get your podcasts:

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    Thank you so much for listening! If you like this episode, please rate, review, and subscribe to “The James Altucher Show” wherever you get your podcasts: 

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    The Tipping Point

    The Tipping Point

    The  Tipping Point: Supporting Families in Articulation Beyond the Therapy Room

    Do you find yourself repeating the same message over and over to parents about how to support their child’s articulation goals? Do you wish you had 30 minutes to sit down with them and lay it all out—how to support the child in self monitoring and self correcting, how to make it fun and natural, and how to avoid constantly reminding them to speak correctly? Finding time to communicate all I wanted about generalization was a struggle for me, so I recorded this podcast specifically for parents of soon to graduate speech clients.

    *** Show Notes ***
    Science Bob’s website is full of great experiments and clear directions. The science behind each experiment is also explained, which is a good opportunity for clients to summarize why the experiment worked. Some of my favorite experiments are:
    Build a Fizz Inflator
    Fantastic Foamy Fountain
    Blow up a Balloon with Yeast
    Make Slime with Glue and Borax
    Rapid Color Changing Chemistry

    Here’s a site with easy no bake kid recipes:

    My favorite recipes for snacks are located at my website in PDF format

    Sick Planet

    Sick Planet
    The last time the plight of our planet featured on NAKED REFLECTIONS we began with a clip about fires in the Amazon. Since then there have been reports that parts of that rainforest are losing their ability to store carbon. And in South Eastern Australia, huge swathes of land have been burning in the most alarming way. With Ed Kessler to discuss the fate of our sick planet are Tobias Mueller, Freya Jephcott and Luke Kemp... Like this podcast? Please help us by writing a review

    MATTHIAS HORX zu Gast im "TALK MIT TATJANA": Unsere Zukunft wird cool und techy.

    MATTHIAS HORX zu Gast im "TALK MIT TATJANA": Unsere Zukunft wird cool und techy.
    Warum Europas einflussreichster Trendforscher von Smart Home wenig hält? Werden wir aus Algen, Tabak und Eukalyptus Jet Fuel machen oder doch eher Kurzstreckenflüge verbieten? Auf der anderen Seite ist der Zukunftsforscher und Bestsellerautor davon überzeugt, dass man den Teufel andauernd an die Wand malten und damit für ihn Werbung machen soll.

    Liz Wheeler, Host of OANN’s “Tipping Point,” Voices Millennial Concerns about American Politics

    Liz Wheeler, Host of OANN’s “Tipping Point,” Voices Millennial Concerns about American Politics

    In August 2016, Red Alert Politics named Liz Wheeler one of the top 10 “30 under 30” conservative rising stars. Liz is the host of One America News Network’s program “Tipping Point,” where she covers news stories that are the most important to the Millennial Generation, as well as stories that American's cannot receive on mainstream media. Today, we have the privilege to speak with Liz about American politics; more specifically about bridging the ideological gap between the Left and Right political parties, the gun control debate, abortion and the state of Millennials in America.

    OANN’s “Tipping Point” with Liz Wheeler airs Mon-Fri @ 9:00pm ET.


    End Time Series - Jimmy Evans - Time at a Tipping Point - PDF

    End Time Series - Jimmy Evans - Time at a Tipping Point - PDF
    This is the fourth week of listening to Pastor Jimmy Evans talk to us about the End Times. He speaks today about Time at a Tipping Point. God has a calendar and He has established the end from the beginning. This weeks message helps us understand where we are on God's time schedule best we can. Once again, the purpose of these messages is to encourage us and to bring comfort. Look up our redemption draweth nigh...

    End Time Series - Jimmy Evans - Time at a Tipping Point - Audio

    End Time Series - Jimmy Evans - Time at a Tipping Point - Audio
    This is the fourth week of listening to Pastor Jimmy Evans talk to us about the End Times. He speaks today about Time at a Tipping Point. God has a calendar and He has established the end from the beginning. This weeks message helps us understand where we are on God's time schedule best we can. Once again, the purpose of these messages is to encourage us and to bring comfort. Look up our redemption draweth nigh...

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