
    true gospel

    Explore " true gospel" with insightful episodes like "Episode 32 - Pfizer Vaccine Truth, He Gets Us Campaign, The True Gospel", "Jesus our Good Shepherd (John 10:1-15) - PDF", "Jesus our Good Shepherd (John 10:1-15) - Audio", "Jesus our Good Shepherd (John 10:1-15) - PDF" and "Jesus our Good Shepherd (John 10:1-15) - Audio" from podcasts like ""The American Christian Podcast", "JOY Christian Community Church", "JOY Christian Community Church", "JOY Christian Community Church" and "JOY Christian Community Church"" and more!

    Episodes (17)

    Episode 32 - Pfizer Vaccine Truth, He Gets Us Campaign, The True Gospel

    Episode 32 - Pfizer Vaccine Truth, He Gets Us Campaign, The True Gospel

    It is so good to be back with you in the traditional podcast format. It has been a while and there is so much to talk about. Today's episode is jam packed so let's dive right in.


    If you've been paying attention or have been at least half awake over the last 2 years, you have heard a ton of information on COVID-19, vaccines & mandates. It stopped being about the virus so long ago and has become a politicized weapon. All during the pandemic, COVID was used to scare and intimidate people. People were not allowed to worship together. Businesses were closed. Business went under. People were fired from their jobs because they wouldn't get vaccinated.


    Even good Christian people got caught up in it. I heard Christians saying it was our duty to get vaccinated. That's the way we show the love of Christ is to get vaccinated. In doing this we show the world that we care about them.


    The message was portrayed as it was some noble and Christ-like action to take the unproven COVID vaccine. The whole basis for all of this was because the so called experts told everyone that the vaccine was first of all, safe.....and that it would prevent further transmission of the virus. Again, it is why thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, lost their jobs.  Those who refused to take it in many instances were fired. I mean, we can't let people who haven't taken the vaccine around others.


    Well guess what? It turns out that the vaccine preventing transmission was a total lie.


    During a hearing on Wednesday on the European Union’s COVID-19 response, Pfizer’s president of international developed markets, Janine Small, admitted that its vaccine had never been tested before its release to the general public on its ability to prevent the transmission of COVID.


    “Regarding the question around did we know about stopping immunization before it entered the market…No.,” This was in response to the questions of  if the Pfizer’ COVID vaccine was ever tested to stop the transmission of the virus before it entered the market.


    She continued, “We have to really move at the speed of science to really understand what is taking place in the market.”  


    Video clip.......


    In other words, we just threw the vaccine out there and lied to everyone that it stopped transmission.


    This to me is jaw-dropping testimony. She is admitting to the fraudulent narrative that government tyrants and medical despots concocted lies about the vaccine and used it to enforce vaccine mandates.  This was even the entire purpose of wanting to mandate vaccine passports.


    Didn't they say “You don’t get vaccinated just for yourself, but also for others. You do it for all of society?"  Did anyone other than me hear that?


    Even Joe Biden in July 2021 said,  “You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.”  BTW, he got COVID after being fully vaccinated and receiving like what 10 boosters?


    In May 2021, Fauci told CBS News that vaccinated people were a “dead end” for the virus. People these were total lies. The sad part is that anyone who challenged the narrative or claimed otherwise were labeled as conspiracy theorists or COVID deniers or even anti-vaxxers. These people should be locked up in a dark hole somewhere and the key be destroyed so they never see the light of day again for the lies they perpetrated on the world. Think of the livelihoods that were destroyed, small businesses destroyed, careers ended. What about the physical issues many have after taking the vaccine?


    Why should this matter for followers of Christ? Because of the issue of discernment. So many people who claim to know Christ believed every single lie that was told. Talk about a lack of discernment. And this is plaguing the church at-large today.....a lack of spiritual discernment. There are some people who cannot distinguish a lie from the truth.


    The scripture has much to say about discernment. Mature Christians do not believe lies. That is not to say that Christians can't be lied to and be fooled, the Enemy is clever and crafty, but there should be a level of discernment among God's people. The Holy Spirit ought to be convicting and speaking to you in your spirit and helping you discern truth from lies.  You should be able to know the difference between light and darkness.


    Listen to Hebrews 5

    12 For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat. 13 For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe. 14 But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.


    The sign of mature believers is that they have been exercised to discern good from evil. A person who cannot discern good from evil, a person who claims to know Christ but is duped by everything they hear is either an extreme baby Christian or they are lost and do not know Christ at all.  Lies are of the enemy. Confusion is of the enemy. Truth is of God and comes from God and a believer should be able to discern the two.


    Discernment is an acknowledgement that we don’t live in a perfect world, but a broken one. God’s creation is shot through with both beauty and death, so it is a gift from the Creator that He teaches His image-bearers to judge the difference.


    Jesus, often caricatured as being a nice guy who only smiles and never tells anyone they are doing wrong, nevertheless warned of coming judgment that would separate “the sheep from the goats” (Matthew 25). He spared no words in echoing the prophets, warning his disciples about “wolves,” teachers whose words seem to be spiritual but lead to death (Matthew 7:15-20).


    How will you know the sheep from the goats or the false teachers from the true teachers or those who are wolves in sheep's clothing if you cannot discern? How are you going to tell? Ephesians 5 tells us to have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them or rebuke them. You want to know why so many Christians are embracing ungodly teachings and ungodly worldviews? you want to know why so many supposed Christians are listening to the world and the lies of false teachers and the enemy.....it's because they lack discernment.  


    Before we get into segment two, We are so lucky to have you as a faithful listener to The American Christian Podcast. Thank you for your support and continued participation. It is a goal to provide valuable, informative, and encouraging truths that you can apply to your daily life as well as advance the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Would you consider donating monthly to this podcast ministry? Even a one-time donation would be greatly  appreciated. You can donate by visiting facebook.com/theamericanchristianpodcast

    and click on the donorbox link.  


    If you cannot contribute financially,  you can still help by praying for this ministry and for many souls to be saved as a result of ministry efforts. Thanks in advance for all you do and for listening to podcast!


    Segment 2


    Discernment, or lack thereof, is a huge issue among believers today.  As I was driving down the road the other day I noticed a billboard that read, "Jesus was fed up with politics too." It was a message from an organization called "He Gets Us."  Of course I was curious, so I went to their website to see what kind of message they were preaching. I mean, if they are a Christian organization, then I want to know if they are preaching the true Jesus or one they have concocted in their minds.


    So here is what their website says, "He Gets Us is a campaign designed to create cultural change in the way people think about Jesus and his relevance in our lives. It all started with a diverse group of people passionate about the authentic Jesus of the Bible. He Gets Us is an initiative of Servant Foundation, a designated 501c3 organization with a 100/100 Charity Navigator rating. We’re not “Left” or “Right”. We’re not affiliated with any church or denomination. We simply want everyone to understand and relate to the authentic Jesus as he’s depicted in the Bible — the Jesus of radical forgiveness, compassion, and love. This is about getting to know the real Jesus. How Jesus experienced the same problems and emotions that we’ve all been through. It’s about providing a safe place to ask questions, including the tough ones. And realizing that Jesus is as relevant today as he was 2,000 years ago. This is about sharing Jesus’ radical love and acceptance – of everyone. Though you may see Christians as hypocritical or judgmental, that’s not what Jesus was about. Instead, Jesus offered radical compassion, stood up for the marginalized, and understood the human condition and all its frailties because he experienced them too. We want to reveal the actual human experiences that Jesus had in his life and share them with you. His teachings and how he lived just might help you with your job, family, or relationship challenges, as well as issues like rejection, anxiety, depression and more.


    Simply put, this is a $100 million ad campaign to tell people about Jesus. After taking a close look, this Jesus they are depicting is not the Jesus of the Bible. This is a Jesus they have conjured up in their own imaginations. Again, the word discernment comes to mind. This is an ad campaign to portray Jesus as this woke, social justice warrior who came to rescue the marginalized, bring equality to the masses, and fight against the political machine. That is NOT THE JESUS OF THE BIBLE!!  


    Jesus' biggest battles didn't come from the political realm, it came from the religious realm. The pharisees and saducees were the most religious groups of Christ's day and who He had the biggest problem with. It was because of their hypocrisy and self-righteousness. Jesus didn't come to ease racial tension or make everyone equal. In fact His words were that He came to seek and to save that which was lost.


    Jesus wasn't this woke social justice warrior who wanted us to accept and love everyone no matter what they believe, say or do. In fact, social justice is not biblical justice at all.


    The most grievous act of injustice ever known to mankind was Jesus who was arrested and delivered to the Jews. He endured an unfair trial. He was mocked, beaten, made to wear a crown of thorns, made to carry His own cross, nailed to said cross, and scorned until He hung His head and died. Certainly, on the third day, He rose to victory, fully vindicated. But it wasn’t because of the actions of men, but by the power of God.


    If social justice were Jesus’ charge, He should have neglected the cross altogether to instead focus on delivering the Jews from the Romans. The Jews were expecting Jesus to come as their earthly King and free them from oppression. But instead of leading a resistance and establishing His kingdom on earth, Jesus walked around performing miracles and preaching about a Kingdom in another realm.




    Believers are to seek first the Kingdom of God and HIS righteousness (Matthew 6:33). Yet, those fighting for social justice often find themselves seeking first the cares of men and their own self-righteousness. They fight for what THEY believe is right.


    Why did Jesus, whom they say came to serve the marginalized in society, share a lesson on how to love others using a parable of a marginalized race of people. (Luke 10:25-37). (Fun Fact: The “Good Samaritan” was a Samaritan, and the Samaritans were a discriminated against race amongst the Jews (John 4:9; 8:48)).


    Moreover, they’d have to explain why the parable of the “Good Samaritan” wasn’t a tale of the Samaritan bringing his “neighbor’s” attackers to justice!


    If Jesus were all about social justice, why did He, when He knew John the Baptist had been unfairly arrested, not go visit John in prison or attempt to rescue John from his unjust execution, but instead kept traveling and preaching the Gospel (Matthew 11:1-6)!


    They’d need to explain a lot about Jesus, because these and other instances suggest Jesus’ actions weren’t driven by social justice but His Father’s business. Did that business include love and compassion? Indeed! But that does not obligate us to take up every cause that man says is right. But it does require us to tell the world the truth, call men to repentance and declare that the Kingdom of God is at hand.


    When Jesus came the first time, He did not come to make right all injustices.  He came to live a sinless life and die as a substitute, not make everyone equal.  As long as we live in this fallen world, there will always be injustices.  But I will promise you this, the 2nd time he comes, he will make right all wrongs.  It is not our job as believers to make right what is wrong. Mainly because our idea of justice is flawed. We are flawed.  How can a sinful people ultimately make perfect, Godly judgments. We can't!  We cannot do that because we are not the judge.  The perfect judge will one day set all things right and His judgment will be perfect.  


    Knowing the true Jesus of the Bible and one that has been fabricated by man takes discernment.  Being able to discern the "He Gets Us" ad campaign takes walking with Jesus.


    This brings us to the true gospel. Jesus came to call men to repentance, not social justice. Does he accept everyone as they are? Yes, with the full intention to change them into who they ought to be. Jesus never accepts sinful people with the intent to leave them in that condition. And here's a hot take, if you have no desire to leave your sinful condition, you cannot be saved in the first place.  Yes, you heard it correctly. If you have no desire to repent, change and come out of your sinful condition, you cannot be saved.


    Jesus Himself said in Luke 13 that unless you repent, you shall all likewise perish.


    Jesus says, "I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance


    Jesus told His disciples to proclaim repentance and forgiveness of sins


    Have you been saved? Have you seen you have a need to be saved? Have you  believed on the person and work of Jesus Christ? Have you accepted Him as the ONLY way to get to God? Not by good works, not by church attendance, not by giving money or doing good things, but by turning from your sins and placing faith in Christ? If not you can.


    The scripture says with the heart man believes unto righteousness, but with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.  Have you confessed your sins and believed in your heart that Christ died as a substitute for you and that He was raised again the third day? You can do that today right where you are in your spirit.


    Let me pray for you....


    God bless you today! I hope you've enjoyed this episode of the podcast. You can listen to new episodes every Tuesday and Friday wherever you listen to podcasts. If you would be interested in partnering with The American Christian Podcast so we can continue to deliver biblical truth, you can donate by visiting facebook.com/theamericanchristianpodcast and click on the donorbox link.

    You can also email me @ theamericanchristianpodcast@gmail.com


    Until next time remember 1 Peter 5:8......






    Galatians Study Part 7 - Ch.3:26 - Ch.4:7

    Galatians Study Part 7 - Ch.3:26 - Ch.4:7

    0035 - We continue our walk through Galatians by taking a look at the end of Chapter 3 and the very beginning of Chapter 4. As always we are using Tim Keller's book, "Galatians For You" to walk through the book of Galatians verse by verse. In this episode we discuss what it means that those of us in Jesus are "all sons of God." We discuss what sonship means and why it matters in our Christian walk. We discuss what it means to "put on Christ" and what that should look like in our lives. We discuss how believers are heirs to the promise of Abraham and the implications of that. Finally we discuss the difference between the objective truth of believers being in Christ and the subjective, experiential truth of having the Holy Spirit in us. I hope this study will bless you!

    Galatians Study Part 1 - Chapter 1 Verses 1-9 - The Uniqueness of the Gospel

    Galatians Study Part 1 - Chapter 1 Verses 1-9 - The Uniqueness of the Gospel

    0027 - In this episode I begin a journey through the book of Galatians. We will walk through the book of Galatians verse by verse over the course of 13 podcasts. I will be using the book "Galatians for You" by Tim Keller as my main resource for this discussion. Please get a copy of this book for your own edification. In this first episode we see that Paul clearly states that there is only one gospel by which man can be saved. We are saved by grace, through faith, alone. Paul says that if he or an Angel from Heaven were to preach another gospel then they would be accursed. In these first nine verses we examine what the gospel truly is and how people can get it wrong. I hope you will study the Scripture with us as we follow Keller through the book of Galatians verse by verse.

    DMA 009 - From The Inside Out

    DMA 009 - From The Inside Out

    #9 - From The Inside Out

    I again have to thank my friend Jen for this first-hand recording of a recent, never-before-seen message from Dan!  I wish I could have been there!  But this is the second best thing.  Please enjoy, it's rock solid as always! 😊👊

    🔥 The ultimate Dan Mohler archive:

    Please THUMBS UP and SHARE if this helped you! 👍

    🎁  Dan's #1 recommended book on fasting now in stock on Amazon:

    ➡️ Try Audible and Get THREE Free Audiobooks: https://amzn.to/2CHjL9a

    💥 LivingGospel blog: 

    💥 The Atomic Power of Fasting:

    💥 Above All, Love!

    💥 God's Will...It's WAY Bigger Than You Think!

    💥 How To Quit Smoking and Other Addictive Behaviors

    💥 The Goodness of God 🎶

    💥 You Surround Me With a Song 🎶

    💥 O Praise The Name! 🎶

    DMA 006 - It's Not About You, Become Love!

    DMA 006 - It's Not About You, Become Love!

    #6 - It's Not About You, Become Love!

    This is VINTAGE Dan Mohler, even though it's "new".  But you get my drift.  This is such a classic Dan Mohler message, and it's why we love him.  Stop being self-focused.  It will set you free.  Become love! 

    🔥 The ultimate Dan Mohler archive:

    Please THUMBS UP and SHARE if this helped you! 👍

    🎁  Dan's #1 recommended book on fasting now in stock on Amazon:

    ➡️ Try Audible and Get THREE Free Audiobooks: https://amzn.to/2CHjL9a

    💥 LivingGospel blog: 

    💥 The Atomic Power of Fasting:

    💥 Above All, Love!

    💥 God's Will...It's WAY Bigger Than You Think!

    💥 How To Quit Smoking and Other Addictive Behaviors

    💥 The Goodness of God 🎶

    💥 You Surround Me With a Song 🎶

    💥 O Praise The Name! 🎶


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