

    Explore "ujjayi" with insightful episodes like "EP11【呼吸系列03】Ujjyayi能量呼吸法:喉腔式呼吸", "Snack 7: Ujjayi Breathing for Fertility", "4_Iniciando el Pranayama", "#10 - O ośmiu stopniach jogi i vinyasie- Beata Darowska" and "Ocean Breath Meditation" from podcasts like ""Myra Podcast Space", "The Whole Pineapple", "Crónicas de Naina", "Anatomia Jogi" and "Calm The Bleep Down Meditation & Mindfulness"" and more!

    Episodes (7)


    喉式呼吸法 , 英文稱為Ujjayi Breathing 或Victorious Breathing(勝利呼吸法),是瑜伽調息法 (pranayama) 之一。梵文為Ujjayi Pranayama。字面解釋可以分為兩部份 : "Jaya" 意味著征服或遏制;而Ujjayi是指肺部完全擴張時挺胸的姿態,看似"自信勝利"的模樣。普通話音譯為烏佳依喉呼吸。 梵文發音可以分為三個部份,分別為U(烏)-JJA(佳)- YI(依),懂普通話的朋友可以音譯試讀。 進行喉式呼吸法時,呼氣時會發出沙沙聲,有如大海拍岸的聲音,所以亦有人稱之為"海洋呼吸法"(Ocean Breathing)。喉式呼吸法在串流瑜伽中很常見,很多瑜伽串流都以喉式呼吸法帶動,所以在瑜伽課堂時總會聽到同學們的呼吸聲。 喉式呼吸法的好處 喉式呼吸法可以使肺部充氣、去除積痰、增強忍耐力 、舒緩壓力,及調節整體神經系統等。其他好處包括以下, 在呼吸練習中,使身心平靜; 呼吸練習能使身體產生熱能,促進循環; 調節整體神經系統,舒緩壓力; 睡前練習能幫助入睡,改善失眠,配合攤屍式 (Shavasana)效果更顯著; 平穩的呼吸能減低心跳,對高血壓患者有幫助 喉式呼吸法的練習注意事項 練習喉式呼吸法的瑜伽姿勢主要著重舒適度,可以是坐立姿勢(如蓮花坐、盤坐)亦可以躺著(如攤屍式 Shavasana)。有椎間盤突出或脊椎不適 (例如vertebral spondylitis) ,可試以金剛坐 (vajrasana) 練習,練習前建議先向醫生查詢。 練習時臉部肌肉、表情放鬆,不要過度收緊喉嚨,整個呼吸過程的收縮應該是輕鬆自然的。

    Snack 7: Ujjayi Breathing for Fertility

    Snack 7: Ujjayi Breathing for Fertility

    Take a moment to notice how you’re breathing. Is your breath short and shallow? Or long and deep? Our breathing runs on autopilot, but there are ways to control, deepen, and improve it.

    Breath is the foundation of a yoga practice. In this short snack episode, Lynn Jensen (@yogaforfertilityLynnJensen) leads us through an ujjayi breathing exercise, which is great for calming down your central nervous system. Get ready to relax and expand your capacity. 

    4_Iniciando el Pranayama

    4_Iniciando el Pranayama
    La semana pasada retomé la práctica de Pranayama porque la tenía un poquito olvidada. Los Yoga Sutras ponen al Pranayama después de la práctica de ásana. Yo pensaba que cuando los Sutras hablaban de dominar ásana se referían a llegar a la pose final, pero no, no es así y aquí te lo cuento.

    #10 - O ośmiu stopniach jogi i vinyasie- Beata Darowska

    #10 - O ośmiu stopniach jogi i vinyasie- Beata Darowska
    Kiedy zaczynałam praktykę Ashtanga Jogi w głowie jak mantra słyszałam „ekam, dve, trini…” nie wiedząc, czym te słowa właściwie są. Gdy moja nauczycielka zaczęła przybliżać temat vinyas, zrozumiałam głębszy sens liczenia ruchów w praktyce Ashtangi.

    Zapraszam Was do wysłuchania naszej rozmowy z Beatą Darowską na temat istoty leczenia vinyas i analizy ośmiu stopni jogi, w przełożeniu na praktykę Ashtangi. Prawdziwa gratka dla ashtangowców i nie tylko! W naszej rozmowie znajdziecie mnóstwo uniwersalnych, jogicznych przemyśleń.

    Yogic Nasal Breathing: The Ayurvedic Way to Supreme Mind-Body Health (#6)

    Yogic Nasal Breathing: The Ayurvedic Way to Supreme Mind-Body Health (#6)

    “Man should no more breathe through his mouth as he would attempt to take food in through his nose”. Yogi Ramacharaka.  

    In contrast to the disastrous western habit of shallow, mouth breathing, the Ancient Ayurvedic Rishis (sages) outlined in detail the remarkable benefits of breathing as nature intended – like the great yogi’s.   

    Learn the how and why of proper breathing and how it can be used in exercise (even in high level exercise) to transform your enjoyment of exercise and create alpha zone or flow states. Also get the benefits of pranayama, mind-body integration, lymphatic flow, production of nitric oxide, efficient waste removal, heightened Prana or life force in both mind and body, optimized function of your internal organs, spine health and higher, more refined levels of awareness and spiritual integration.

    More resources at markbunn.com.au


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