

    Explore "uncursodemilagros" with insightful episodes like "#3 Mexico City - Movie Night Commentary with David Hoffmeister", "#1 Mexico City: Opening Session - Recordar a Dios (Remember God)- One Day Retreat", "¿Qué es un Curso de Milagros?", "El Poder Contra La Fuerza de David R. Hawkins (Capítulo 2)" and "Hilarión: "El mundo pasa a su siguiente fase"" from podcasts like ""A Course in Miracles (ACIM) Podcast", "A Course in Miracles (ACIM) Podcast", "Aquí y Ahora. Prácticas de meditación", "Aldea Global con Kike Posada" and "Aldea Global con Kike Posada"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    #3 Mexico City - Movie Night Commentary with David Hoffmeister

    #3 Mexico City - Movie Night Commentary with David Hoffmeister
    #3 Mexico City - Movie Night Commentary with David Hoffmeister

    David shares a profound commentary for the movie Hypnotic, starring Ben Affleck, for the closing session in Mexico City. Marina Colombo gives the Spanish translation to the entire group.

    From David's commentary: Wayne Dyer's book, "When You Believe It, Then You'll See It," emphasizes the power of the mind and the fear of miscreation. People often believe they have a powerful mind, and the teachings of the new age teach that people can create their own reality. Jesus teaches that people fear their thoughts and the power of their minds, as they fear miscreation and the potential for disaster. The ego created the world and body to convince the sleeping mind that brains can think, but Jesus argues that believing in thoughts is like holding a matchstick lit to the sun.

    If you want to know more about David Hoffmeister and Living Miracles events, here is more information: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.

    Join our online community: https://programs.the-christ.net/products/communities/tribe-of-christ

    Recorded on the Evening of November 25, 2023, in Mexico City, Mexico.

    #1 Mexico City: Opening Session - Recordar a Dios (Remember God)- One Day Retreat

    #1 Mexico City: Opening Session - Recordar a Dios (Remember God)- One Day Retreat
    #1 Mexico City: Opening Session - Recordar a Dios (Remember God)- One-Day Retreat

    David and the Living Miracles team share an opening session in Mexico City. Marina Colombo and Ana Paola offer the Spanish translations of David's English spoken words.

    This day's theme is remembering God, which requires us to forget this world and come with open arms to our God. Jesus calls us to remember God before time, as He was before Abraham, and we are. The Course in Miracles teaches us that atonement is a complete escape from the past, and the ego does not understand this. To remember God, we must forget all thoughts of time and be practical. Jesus knows we need steps to accept this, such as vanishing memories, letting go of everything we've learned, and even letting go of the future. The ego has invented linear time, splitting time into past and future compartments, part of being human. The belief in the past and future is a trick to keep us from remembering God.

    If you want to know more about David Hoffmeister and Living Miracles events, here is more information: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.

    Join our online community: https://programs.the-christ.net/products/communities/tribe-of-christ

    Recorded on the Morning of November 25, 2023, in Mexico City, Mexico.

    ¿Qué es un Curso de Milagros?

    ¿Qué es un Curso de Milagros?
    Un Curso de Milagros presenta un sistema de pensamiento sobre la verdad y la ilusión. Establece que todo lo que involucra tiempo, espacio y percepción es ilusorio. Y que nuestro sistema de pensamientos o creencias debe ser corregido para despertar del "sueño" y regresar a la eternidad de la creación.
    Nos enfocamos a hacer una meditación en relación con el amor universal como lo único "real" que existe.

    El Poder Contra La Fuerza de David R. Hawkins (Capítulo 2)

    El Poder Contra La Fuerza de David R. Hawkins (Capítulo 2)
    Avances cruciales en el conocimiento.

    Audiolibro "El Poder Contra La Fuerza de David R. Hawkins

    Playlist capítulo por capítulo: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCbFpQl4lbxp_zs8rpE99r5eIFMQRopTb

    Lectura en la voz de Kike Posada

    Pretendemos subirlo todo!

    Ayúdanos con tu donación en Paypal https://paypal.me/tvaldeaglobal

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    #ElPoderContraLaFuerza #DavidHawkins #NivelesdeConsciencia #teoríadelcaos #psiquiatría #dinámicanolineal #AI #InteligenciaArticficial #escaladelasemociones

    Conviértete en un seguidor de este podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/aldea-global-con-kike-posada--3143046/support.

    Hilarión: "El mundo pasa a su siguiente fase"

    Hilarión: "El mundo pasa a su siguiente fase"
    Canalización de Marlene Swetlishoff
    Narración: Kike Posada
    Nos enfrentamos a una nueva manera de vivir y los Maestros Espirituales son esenciales en este preciso momento. Ellos han estado presentes en distintas etapas de la historia, han estado presentes durante guerras, epidemias hambrunas, plagas y siempre nos dan nos han dado aliento y una visión salvadora.

    Donaciones a nuestro trabajo http://Paypal.me/tvaldeaglobal
    Redes Sociales https://linktr.ee/tvaldeaglobal
    Grupo en WhatsApp de Aldea Global TV https://chat.whatsapp.com/Hl21PDCg8Ud...

    #Hilarion #MaestrosAscendidos #Mistico #7Rayos #Meditacion #Sanacion #KikePosada #AldeaGlobalTV #LaConscienciaSuprema #MarleneSwetlishoff #TheHilarionConnection #therainbowscribe

    Conviértete en un seguidor de este podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/aldea-global-con-kike-posada--3143046/support.

    El Poder Contra La Fuerza de David R. Hawkins (Capítulo 1)

    El Poder Contra La Fuerza de David R. Hawkins (Capítulo 1)
    Avances cruciales en el conocimiento

    Lectura en la voz de Kike Posada

    Pretendemos subirlo todo!
    Ayúdanos con tu donación en Paypal https://paypal.me/tvaldeaglobal

    Redes Sociales https://linktr.ee/tvaldeaglobal
    #ElPoderContraLaFuerza #DavidHawkins #NivelesdeConsciencia #teoríadelcaos #psiquiatría #dinámicanolineal #AI #InteligenciaArticficial #escaladelasemociones

    Conviértete en un seguidor de este podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/aldea-global-con-kike-posada--3143046/support.

    April 28th - ACIM Talk & Live Music at "La Casa de Milagros" Co-Living Center with David Hoffmeister & Svava

    April 28th - ACIM Talk & Live Music at "La Casa de Milagros" Co-Living Center with David Hoffmeister & Svava
    ACIM Talk & Live Music at "La Casa de Milagros" Co-Living Center with David Hoffmeister & Svava. Translation to Spanish.

    Enjoy a Wednesday morning at the Co-living center in Chapala, Mexico. Svava Love and David Hoffmeister extend their inspiration with live music and the teachings from A Course In Miracles.

    David teaches that the opposite of being a victim of the world is the workbook lesson 253 that says, "My Self is ruler of the universe."

    1. It is impossible that anything should come to me unbidden by myself. ²Even in this world, it is I who rule my destiny. ³What happens is what I desire. ⁴What does not occur is what I do not want to happen. ⁵This must I accept. ⁶For thus am I led past this world to my creations, children of my will, in Heaven where my holy Self abides with them and Him Who has created me.
    2. You are the Self Whom You created Son, creating like Yourself and One with You. ²My Self, which rules the universe, is but Your Will in perfect union with my own, which can but offer glad assent to Yours, that it may be extended to Itself. (https://acim.org/acim/en/s/668#2:1-2 | W-253.2:1-2)

    Svava sings 4 of her songs.

    This event was recorded on the morning of April 28, 2021.

    If you are interested in Living Miracles Co-living in Mexico, you can find more information here: https://acim.mobi/.

    You can join our upcoming events here: https://livingmiracles.org/events.

    Tv-Episode 1 "Mexican Dynasties" Commentary by David Hoffmeister with Spanish Translation

    Tv-Episode 1 "Mexican Dynasties" Commentary by David Hoffmeister with Spanish Translation
    Tv-Episode 1 "Mexican Dynasties" Commentary by David Hoffmeister with Spanish Translation.

    This podcast is the first in a series of 10 episodes where David Hoffmeister makes commentary to the Mexican Dynasties Tv-series that you can find on Amazon Prime Video.

    The “Mexican Dynasty” Tv-series is about successful families as the world would judge them. Financial struggles and survival of the body is not an issue. But their emotions are very high every day, and they want to love each other and want to forgive. This is what families are meant to be: with such laughter and joy! When they start getting into issues and grievances, I will use these moments to trace it back into the mind. To realize that we are responsible for choosing the miracles and for praying and releasing the grievances. We’ll do this as a healing exercise, and it’s helpful to use these as parables as we teach. That’s why Jesus always taught in parables. He knew that the teachings were so deep that they were way beyond their readiness for most people. His teachings came from eternity, and everyone was addicted to time. These episodes will be our way to bring time and eternity closer together, and when you bring the light and darkness together, the darkness will disappear. The darkness is just beliefs and ignorance, but when you bring that ignorance together with wisdom, then ignorance disappears. And Jesus says we must bring darkness to the light. ~David Hoffmeister

    To enjoy ALL of David’s commentary together with the episode of “Mexican Dynasty”, you'll have to come to co-living! Feel free to apply to one of our co-living centers by visiting one of these websites below:
    Chapala, Mexico: https://acim.mobi/
    Mallorca, Spain: https://spiri.ai/us/read/co-living-in-mallorca-spain
    Kamas, Utah, USA: https://acimcentre.org/

    Amazon Prime Video Link:

    La Casa Gathering with David, Svava, and Ana (English with Spanish translation)

    La Casa Gathering with David, Svava, and Ana (English with Spanish translation)
    Svava Love and David share a calming of the heart, a life of devotion, and the context and examples of the mystic and mystical pathway. Svava shares 3 inspired songs she received from Spirit: A Beautiful Day, I Found You, & My Savior.
    Ana Paola translates the spoken words to Spanish, as the co-living community at La Casa de Milagros in Chapala, Mexico listen in and participate!

    Desenvolvendo a Confiança 🥰 Developing Trust through A Course in Miracles ✨ David Hoffmeister & Frances Xu

    Desenvolvendo a Confiança 🥰 Developing Trust through A Course in Miracles ✨ David Hoffmeister & Frances Xu
    "Desenvolvendo a confiança: Saindo dos Padrões Normais de Pensamento" - este evento de mais de 3 horas ao vivo com tradução para o português foi transmitido em 29 de agosto de 2020. É um convite para aprofundar os ensinamentos de Um Curso em Milagres e descobrir os padrões de pensamento e crença que estão bloqueando a experiência da Presença do Amor.

    Esta sessão online da ACIM com muitas perguntas e respostas foi apresentada por Paulinha Oliveira com ensinamentos de David Hoffmeister e Frances Xu, e música de Svava Love e nosso amigo português Tasso. Foi uma bela colaboração entre vários alunos de Um Curso em Milagres, "Freqüência do Amor", e a comunidade Milagres Vivos. Tradução ao vivo em português por Juliana e Samantha.

    O evento também está disponível no YouTube: https://youtu.be/Bq5558Hfraw

    Se você se sente inspirado a fazer uma doação para esta transmissão gratuita ao vivo, você pode fazê-lo aqui:

    Para mais eventos futuros com David Hoffmeister e Living Miracles, visite:


    "Developing Trust: Stepping out of Normal Patterns of Thought"—this 3+ hour live event with Portuguese translation was broadcasted on August 29, 2020. It is an invitation to go deeper into the teachings of A Course in Miracles and to discover the patterns of thought and belief that are blocking the experience of Love's Presence.

    This ACIM online session with lots of Q&A was hosted by Paulinha Oliveira with teachings from David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu, and music by Svava Love and our Portuguese friend Tasso. It was a beautiful collaboration between several students of A Course in Miracles, "Frequency of Love", and the Living Miracles community. Live Portuguese translation by Juliana and Samantha.

    The event is available on YouTube as well: https://youtu.be/Bq5558Hfraw

    If you feel inspired to make a donation for this free live-broadcast, you can do so here:

    For more upcoming events with David Hoffmeister and Living Miracles, visit:

    Weekly Online Movie Gathering - The Movie "The Fountain" Commentary by David Hoffmeister

    Weekly Online Movie Gathering - The Movie "The Fountain"  Commentary by David Hoffmeister
    THE FOUNTAIN - Weekly online movie gathering with commentary by David Hoffmeister

    "Fear to look within" and "Lack of Attentiveness" was the main topics most people were ready to let go of in this week's poll and David doesn't miss a chance to go inward in this awesome deep and beautiful movie "The Fountain"

    Tommy or Thomas as the main character in the Fountain is called represent the ego's thought system and Izzy, his dying wife, represents the Holy Spirits' thought system and they are in a holy relationship which has, is and will be going on for a thousand years. While the belief that love can be found in form persists, the desperate search produces frustration and disappointment with each seeming failed attempt. Once the fear of eternal love passes, the only choice that remains with regard to the book of time is to “finish it.” Ascension is the awakening from the dream of form to the bliss and light of eternal life.

    The movie gathering was recorded on Wednesday Evening, August 26, 2020, at Casa Quantico, Ajijic, Mexico.

    Join the Living Miracles community for weekly online movie gatherings with commentary! Each movie is presented by a Living Miracles community member who will offer inspiring movie setups, commentary, and space for you to share your movie experience. Join us online! Come for a single movie gathering or sign up for a monthly membership.

    All our movie gatherings are focused on the non–dual teachings of A Course in Miracles and its practical application in our everyday lives.

    Weekly, on Wednesday from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm MDT

    *For those of you in Europe, we will be showing the same movie on Thursdays from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm CEST. These will also be interactive sessions. You can register for a weekly session or sign up for our monthly membership below.

    #321 Corregir el objetivo de nuestras relaciones (Podcast)

    #321 Corregir el objetivo de nuestras relaciones (Podcast)
    Nos dice Un Curso de Milagros que toda Relación Especial" es un intento del Ego de alejarnos del verdadero propósito que es alcanzar nuestra Santidad. La vida en pareja es natural y enriquecedora en ser humano, pero el afán de control, dominio y exclusividad en el tiempo y energía del otro/a, va minando lo que en un comienzo era dar desde el corazón, al menos cuando se es fiel a un sentimiento. Si una relación no se ve desde la mirada del Espíritu Santo como un medio parra restituir la función original que es el Perdón, se corre el riesgo de sufrir en niveles que conducen a la desolación y la muerte.

    Es preciso corregir el objetivo de nuestras relaciones.

    Observa este programa en video

    Despierta en La Consciencia Suprema con Kike Posada por Aldea Global TV @laconscienciasuprema @elquijotedelamusica @TVAldeaGlobal

    Instagram @laconsuprema @kikeposada1 @tvaldeaglobal

    Sigue a Aldea Global TV:

    Redes Sociales https://linktr.ee/tvaldeaglobal

    Grupo en WhatsApp de Aldea Global TV https://chat.whatsapp.com/Hl21PDCg8UdD4QdB4u1Jz6

    Donaciones a Aldea Global TV http://Paypal.me/tvaldeaglobal

    Kike Posada es un instructor de meditación y terapeuta holístico. Aterriza conocimientos de Tradiciones Milenarias y Escuelas de Misterio en un lenguaje coloquial para que todo el mundo pueda entender y aplicar en su diario vivir. Su jovialidad y su conexión con altas esferas hará que tú día sea abundante en todos los aspectos. En vivo de lunes a viernes a las 8am hora Miami. Aprende a meditar con las técnicas más avanzadas que Kike te enseña.

    #capitulo #audiolibro #uncursodemilagros #ucdm #kikeposada #texto #completo #enriccorbera #enriquevillanueva #davidhoffmeister #UCEM #espiritualidad #bioneuroemoción #biodescodificación #acourseinmiracles #Dios #ego #espíritusanto #expiación #spanish #español #abundancia #transformacion #inspiracion #helenshucman #Thetford #fundacionparalapazinterior #psicoterapia #transpersonal #leccion #lecciones #manualdelmaestro

    Conviértete en un seguidor de este podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/aldea-global-con-kike-posada--3143046/support.

    "Beyond the Body" Online Weekend Retreat: Closing Session with David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu

    "Beyond the Body" Online Weekend Retreat:  Closing Session with David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu
    Beyond the Body online weekend retreat - Closing Session with David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu

    David and Frances close the Beyond the Body Online Retreat by answer questions from the participants. But first David reads a little piece from A Course in Miracles (Chapter 29 – IX. The Forgiving Dream):

    "You do but dream, and idols are the toys you dream you play with. 5 Who has need of toys but children? 6 They pretend they rule the world, and give their toys the power to move about, and talk and think and feel and speak for them. 7 Yet everything their toys appear to do is in the minds of those who play with them. 8 But they are eager to forget that they made up the dream in which their toys are real, nor recognize their wishes are their own."

    This "Beyond the Body" online weekend retreat session with David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu was recorded on the morning of August 9, 2020, at the Quantico studio in Ajijic, Mexico.

    To learn more about upcoming live Awakening from the Dream online retreats with David Hoffmeister and the Living Miracles community, go to https://livingmiracles.org/events

    "Beyond the Body" Online Weekend Retreat: Movie Session 2/2 "Mr. Nobody" with David Hoffmeister

    "Beyond the Body" Online Weekend Retreat:  Movie Session 2/2 "Mr. Nobody" with David Hoffmeister
    Beyond the Body online weekend retreat - 2nd movie session with David Hoffmeister

    The journey back to the dream we dream in secret and the waking up from that dream is done through forgiveness. David reads this part of ACIM about forgiveness and asks us to have this in mind throughout the session:

    What Is Forgiveness?
    Forgiveness recognizes what you thought your brother did to you has not occurred. It does not pardon sins and make them real. It sees there was no sin. And in that view are all your sins forgiven. What is sin, except a false idea about God’s Son? Forgiveness merely sees its falsity and therefore lets it go. What then is free to take its place is now the Will of God.

    This "Beyond the Body" online weekend retreat session with David Hoffmeister was recorded in the afternoon of August 8, 2020, at the Quantico studio in Ajijic, Mexico.

    To learn more about upcoming live Awakening from the Dream online retreats with David Hoffmeister and the Living Miracles community, go to https://livingmiracles.org/events

    "Beyond the Body" Online Weekend Retreat: Movie Session 1/2 "Mr. Nobody" with David Hoffmeister

    "Beyond the Body" Online Weekend Retreat:  Movie Session 1/2 "Mr. Nobody" with David Hoffmeister
    Beyond the Body online weekend retreat - extended movie session with David Hoffmeister

    David Hoffmeister's Saturday morning session starts us up on a journey right back to the hidden dream we dream in secret. He is using two retreat sessions on that journey and the movie Mr. Nobody. This is the first session that covers the first 1:30 hour of the movie and in this session, David manages to set us up with a context so awesome that we can understand how close to reality this movie really is even though everything is taking place in the mind of a nine years old boy presented with an impossible choice between his two parents. Let yourself be drawn into this masterpiece of a commentary for Mr. Nobody and listen to the next session as well and you will not be the same human being anymore.

    This "Beyond the Body" online weekend retreat session with David Hoffmeister was recorded on the morning of August 8, 2020, at the Quantico studio in Ajijic, Mexico.

    To learn more about upcoming live Awakening from the Dream online retreats with David Hoffmeister and the Living Miracles community, go to https://livingmiracles.org/events

    Weekly Online Movie Gathering - The Movie "2:22" with Commentary by David Hoffmeister

    Weekly Online Movie Gathering - The Movie "2:22" with Commentary by David Hoffmeister
    Living Miracles Weekly Online Movie Gathering with commentary by David Hoffmeister

    Fear of Loss, Doubt I’ll be Taken Care of, and Past/Future Thoughts were the topics behind the pick of the movie "2:22" that got chosen for this week's online movie gathering.

    The movie "2:22" is a powerful forgiveness movie that helps loosen the mind from fixed ideas about linear time and to awaken to the present moment. Some of the questions posed by this movie include: Are you brave enough to let go of everything you thought to be true and look for a different perspective that will lead you to the truth? Are you ready to surrender to the unknown?

    Holy encounters are the Spirit’s substitute for the desires of this world. They provide a contrast experience that allows the mind to reach higher and higher to what it really wants. The Spirit wants to take us all into that divine dance and will use relationships to help bring about the mirroring that is needed to clear the unconscious and to reach that state of pure connectedness and harmony.

    The movie gathering was recorded Wednesday, August 5, 2020, in Casa Quantico, Ajijic, Mexico

    Join the Living Miracles community for weekly online movie gatherings with commentary! Each movie is presented by a Living Miracles community member who will offer inspiring movie setups, commentary, and space for you to share your movie experience. Join us online! Come for a single movie gathering or sign up for a monthly membership.

    All our movie gatherings are focused on the non–dual teachings of A Course in Miracles and its practical application in our everyday lives.

    Weekly, on Wednesday from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm MDT

    *For those of you in Europe, we will be showing the same movie on Thursdays from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm CEST. These will also be interactive sessions. You can register for a weekly session or sign up for our monthly membership below.

    Weekly Online Movie Gathering - The Movie "Adjustment Bureau" with Commentary by David Hoffmeister

    Weekly Online Movie Gathering - The Movie "Adjustment Bureau" with Commentary by David Hoffmeister
    Living Miracles Weekly Online Movie Gathering with commentary by David Hoffmeister

    Feeling responsible, Hiding private thoughts and Avoidance were the topics behind the pick of the movie "Adjustment Bureau" that got chosen for this week's online movie gathering.

    Holy encounters are the Spirit’s substitute for the desires of this world. They provide a contrast experience that allows the mind to reach higher and higher to what it really wants. David Norris keeps running into his mighty companion, Elise. This fills the void that he tried to fill with the race for senator. It helps undo the belief that in order to fulfill his function he must sacrifice what his heart really wants.

    The movie gathering was recorded Wednesday, July 29, 2020, in Casa Quantico, Ajijic, Mexico

    Join the Living Miracles community for weekly online movie gatherings with commentary! Each movie is presented by a Living Miracles community member who will offer inspiring movie setups, commentary, and space for you to share your movie experience. Join us online! Come for a single movie gathering or sign up for a monthly membership.

    All our movie gatherings are focused on the non–dual teachings of A Course in Miracles and its practical application in our everyday lives.

    Weekly, on Wednesday from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm MDT

    *For those of you in Europe, we will be showing the same movie on Thursdays from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm CEST. These will also be interactive sessions. You can register for a weekly session or sign up for our monthly membership below.