

    Explore "wedwisdomradio" with insightful episodes like "Authentic Leadership Radio - Beginnings and Endings", "Authentic Leadership - Time for Bravery", "Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Creating Space for Authenticity", "Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Authentic Gratitude" and "Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Authenticity in High Stakes Situations" from podcasts like ""Authentic Life Radio", "Authentic Life Radio", "Authentic Life Radio", "Authentic Life Radio" and "Authentic Life Radio"" and more!

    Episodes (19)

    Authentic Leadership Radio - Beginnings and Endings

    Authentic Leadership Radio - Beginnings and Endings
    Happy 2017! 

    Today as the winds gusted up to 45 mph here in St. Louis, the temps shifted, the clouds lifted and sun and springlike weather showed up this afternoon.  Brought on by winds of change.

    Do you feel it?  The palpable shifting of our society, our energy, our truth-telling, our growing compassion and caring for one another?

    Maybe it takes huge change to allow us to deepen into our truth.  To feel ready to speak up.  Speak out.

    And, I'll be moving my show over to Spreaker as the host as well as SoundCloud for available listening.  We'll also be searchable on iTunes if you like to subscribe there. 

    And the new name?  No great shock there.  Authentic Leadership is what I do.  Who I am.  And the names of my new businesses, Authentic Leadership Consulting and Authentic Leadership Academy. 

    Listen in for a brief farewell, then the full message that was pre-recorded for you last week whle at the beach in Manly, Australis is ready for you and following.

    All the best in this new year...a year of new beginnings and MUCH movement, growth and expansion.  It's been a long time since all our planetary beings have supported us by turning direct! 

    As Elizabeth Gilbert says, "Onward!"



    Authentic Leadership - Time for Bravery

    Authentic Leadership - Time for Bravery
    It is never too late for Bravery says Margaret Wheatley. 

    To stand, To speak up, To not let the overwhelm take hold.

    I've been laying low, cancelling events, filling my days with lots of introspection AND lots of diversions and distractions.  There's something being called forward within me, within the collective, and I've been pretending not to hear it.  It's about depression.  It's about feeling everything.  It's about slowing down to actually DEAL with it all.

    This year is an exceptional one as well.  It's had it's ups and downs, (RIGHT?) and also I've been blessed with the time and resources to lay low, riding the waves, reading the tea leaves, and watching lots of Netflix.

    That time is coming to an end, in a fantastic and glorious way, as I prepare for my trip on the shortest day here in North America to the longest day in South America.  Flying on the Solstice, my 60th birthday.

    So, what is in store?  A lot and maybe not so much.  I'm being open to the fullness of this gift of a time away from my home, the winter temps and my push to find clarity on that is coming in 2017.  And, my next steps in crossing that threshold.

    And - honoring this time of pulling back, sleeping in once or twice this week, going to bed early, eating popcorn for dinner and listening to the sounds of silence.  Preparing for putting on my mantle, pulling on my boots and walking forward...into The Great Adventure of the Unknown. 2017.

    This will be my last live broadcast of the year, but I will be uploading some thoughts and musings from my delicious time on Manly Beach north of Sydney.  Stay tuned on FB or find me on SoundCloud to catch the recordings.

    See you on the other side!

    Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Creating Space for Authenticity

    Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Creating Space for Authenticity
    Space.  A block of time?  A bit of quiet?  An open shelf or drawer, an empty plate.  How do you fill it?

    It's been said, "Nature abhors a vacuum"...and many of us do too.  Notice how uncomfortable it is when the conversation dies down or the movie score goes silent?

    Even the space between my upper and lower teeth is, too often, closed up, clenched, not allowed to be open, slack.  And, now I have a hairline crack in one of my teeth to show that my unconscious, while I'm sleeping, is constricted, not relaxed, holding onto pent-up energy. 

    How can we open to allow ourselves to grow, expand and step into new realms of Love, Joy, Good, Magic, Prosperity?  Into our next phase of Be-Coming? 

    I believe one step is to Create Space. 

    Just like we clean our homes before inviting friends over, or do spring cleaning (an ancient practice to welcome in the new being birthed at that time of year) we prepare for the new that is coming in, by relaxing, letting go, clearing space (yes, like in Feng Shui) and releasing old patterns to energetically, emotionally, physically and mentally, roll out the red carpet.

    Let's see what shows up by doing our end-of-the-year clearing and releasing.Â

    Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Authentic Gratitude

    Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Authentic Gratitude
    Thank you.

    Thank you for being here.  For reading this. For listening in.  Showing up. For your friendship, kindness, connection, referral, support, sharing. 

    For Being You.

    And I truly mean it.  Between Thank You and I'm Sorry - How can we express ourselves more clearly?  More authentically, more real, more true.

    We are in a world where we wear our busyness, our social media connections, our use of technology, like a badge of honor.  I'm taking the day off.  To play, bake, prepare for family feasts and just to be still.  Loving Self, my daughters, whoever shows up today and tomorrow at my home or at my parents.  No matter who they voted for.  No matter their differing views.

    This week is full of events.  Yet for me it is simple, it's about being in Gratitude.  Join in, take a few minutes to be still, drink tea, or wine, or eggnog or cider.  Really taste it.  Let the pleasure radiate from within for this moment.

    And, from the bottom of my heart (and my BEing) sending you Grateful Blessings for an Abundant and Pleasure-filled holiday!



    Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Authenticity in High Stakes Situations

    Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Authenticity in High Stakes Situations
    Yikes!  My stomach is in knots.  I'm wanting to take a nap.  Or, find myself distracted from the task at hand. (it's at these times that I tend to clean or do laundry, or sort the junk drawer...)

    In a matter of a few hours, I get to have an important phone call that could result in speaking at a conference AND a video shoot of a speech in front of a live audience, to promote a women's conference.

    Am I prepared?  How much is too much prep?  Not counting creating this podcast. 

    I KNOW this stuff.  This is my purpose to share my message on Authenticity and it's importance in leading for change.  We can't create change without changing ourselves...see there I go.  I am ready to teach this. 

    Or, should I change the story?  The punch line?  The exercise I'm going to faciltate to create an experiential learning?

    Back and forth.  Heeding my Inner Wise Woman.  Listening to my Inner Child's fears.  My mind's critical commentary and my heart's excitement and expansion.  It's a lot!  Who wins?

    Over and over, I hear professional women share that they feel they need to:  Wear a mask, hide, pretend to feel confident, play a role to fulfill other's expections, have to be 2 or 3 different people depending on what they are doing and who they are with.  Isn't that exhausting?  Where do we get to BE ourselves?

    Who knocks you off center (and out of your Authenticity)?  Is it more at work?  At home?  With family and friends?  Is it a big opportunity?  And how do you handle the stress of these situations?  Do you have any practices or prayers that center you?

    Let's dive in, Sisters.  This is work we all need to do.Â

    Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Authentic Inquiry: To Heal, Learn, Grow

    Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Authentic Inquiry: To Heal, Learn, Grow
    I'm sad. 

    I'm not ready to be a brilliant example of empowerment today.  I need to grieve.  Heal.

    Then Heal. Learn.  Grow. 

    Then Act.  Be The Change.

    First comes a place of Being Still.  Asking and listening.  Allowing and listening.  Letting what comes up, show up.  Listening more.  Asking more. 

    No matter who you voted for, to see the popular vote be at 47.5, and 47.7 with 98.8 reported, it means there are a lot of people -- HALF the US-  is unhappy.  And not just a little unhappy. Devastated.  Confused.  Wondering what will happen.  And no matter who won this would be the case.

    We are divided, literally, and polarized on so many views.  How do we come together?

    Appreciative Inquiry.  Asking.  Not telling.  Learning.  Listening.  Loving.

    Let's see where this goes and take an inner journey to Be in Inquiry.  Authenticity begins here.  Love does too.

    Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ The Spirit of Leadership

    Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ The Spirit of Leadership
    Isn't it time to lead holistically? 

    Just like medicine, we are beginning to see how just addressing the symptoms doesn't work.  There are underlying reasons why we get sick, and teams are dysfunctional or organizations get off-track. 

    Leading Self, a team or a business is best done when all parts are integrated.  All voices heard.  All ideas considered.  And when all are heading in the same direction.

    An example is, you want to be a public speaker.  You have a great story to tell, wisdom to share, and it's part of the bigger plan for your life.  Yet...it terrifies you to be on stage.  The thought of hearing your voice amplified.  The fear of looking incompetent, silly, or stupid can keep you from doing what you know you need to and want to.

    This is an example of letting all of your mind, heart, body and soul may not be in alignment. 

    Leadership is the same.  We bring our full selves to this role each day: leading intellectually, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

    The Spirit of Leadership brings all of this together in a way that honors all of our parts/selves just as it honors the diverse team or community we lead. 

    This is a deep and wide theme for our November podcasts ...let's get started in it today and see where we go!

    Curious to learn about your Authentic Leadership quotient?  Connect with me to learn where you can up your game to expand your Influence, Impact and Income!

    Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Authentic Collaboration

    Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Authentic Collaboration
    We women can be our own worst enemies. 

    What is it about women competing with each other?  (even when we know better?)

    Do you ever feel diminished by another's success?  Or feel a contraction when you see someone else doing the same thing (or a bit similar even or especially superior) to your business or program offering?

    For so long, we have been pitted against each other, for beauty, yes, but even for brains, for roles in organizations or plays, for being the best ______________.  (you fill in the blank, is it Mother?  CFO?  Community Organizer?  Philanthropist?  Athlete?  Scholar?)

    This is probably why concepts of CrossFit where you only compete with yourself while receiving support in a community is so popular.  It's becoming very common to see collaborations between different consultants and coaches and trainers as they can offer a blend of their work to appeal to a wider audience (or the same audience on a deeper level). 

    We all get more when we combine our talents and gifts with another to create synergy.  And celebrate each other's talents and gifts.

    Yet, with all the work and knowledge I have on collaborating versus competition, why do I still feel that cringe or punch in the gut when someone else is doing what I do, offering a workshop or program that sounds like mine or publishing the book I've got in my head?

    It's all good.  There's a way to calm yourself (and mySelf) down and laught at it all.

    It's the topic for today.  Tune in and give it a listen.  If it speaks to you, I'd love to hear your feedback.  If someone comes to mind that might like to hear it, please share.

    Thanks for doing what you do.  There really is only one of you...own that and trust it.

    Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Authentic Messaging: Dropping the Shield

    Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Authentic Messaging: Dropping the Shield
    Drop my Shield?

    It's taken all my life to build it and perfect it and refine it to fit me perfectly.

    Protection, as an unconscious behavior, is unfortunately, a necessary one at times. 

    We women don't feel safe.  Most of the time.  When we do, our truest, most Authentic Self comes out to play.

    You know, those weekend mornings after a great night of sleep (and maybe more!) creates the space for us to "let down our hair?"  Free from masks, protective barriers, constriction of busy schedules and a prerequisite role to fulfill?

    I love those mornings...dancing, singing to myself, making and enjoying a leisurely breakfast and cup of tea/coffee...piddling around, cleaning up, digging in the garden.  And, the most amazing stuff comes through then. 

    What if we create our most brilliant messaging, our most unique offering to the world, our most inspirational writing from this place?

    This morning, while at an event for fellow entrepreneurs and experts, the messages were true, hit home, were delivered with heart and I got to "see" the person in a new light.  The stuff between our ears, the inner dialogue dominated by a loud Inner Critic, drowns out our Authentic Self.  We hear more often the voice telling us to "Be careful,"  "Don't say that! They'll think you're weird", or "don't know your stuff, or _________" (fill in the blank for yourself.)  

    What if, our most real, Authentic Self got a chance to speak?  Can we even Hear Her?

    Let's play in the space where our Authentic Self speaks today.  Yes, I know, it's not the weekend, but we can pretend, right?Â

    Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Authenticity = No Hiding!

    Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Authenticity = No Hiding!
    I've been hiding.  Even with being online, recording a podcast, and doing live interviews with exceptional women leaders.

    And, it used to serve me but not so much anymore.

    You see, Hiding is not only being a wallflower (or a lurker) or making safe statements so your voice gets lost in the "noise," it's not takingany risks. It's not showing up.  Not being Real, Not telling the truth...my truth.

    Why do we strive so hard to fit in?  To not "rock the boat" or to be afraid to speak what's really going on?

    Remember the children's tale of The Emperor's New Clothes?  In it, the Emperor was tricked into believing he was wearing clothes made of an invisible cloth only able to be seen by those who were smart and fit for their position. 

    How often do we see the truth of something or know the answer to a problem or have a great idea to share, yet hold back...fearing speaking up and speaking out? 

    It's time, my lovely listeners.  We are needed to speak up.  Be Seen, Heard, Valued.  But only from our Authentic, Grace-filled Truth.


    Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ October: Opening and Deepening into Authenticity

    Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ October: Opening and Deepening into Authenticity
    Where are you hiding? 


    People-pleasing, telling half-truths to yourself and others.  OR...Overly complying???

    We have been trained and molded into being such "Good Girls." And, isn't it interesting that the girls who are making waves in our community, nation and world, are anything but Good?

    They are not afraid to speak up.  Speak out.  Wear different clothes, or different hairstyles.  They SHOW UP, in a way that can not be denied.  And, sometimes we are in awe.  Or envious.  But we can't ignore them they are creating wakes wherever they go. 

    And, a part of us yearns for a wider reach, or bigger scope of influence.  Yet, are we prepared to move outside of the Comfort Zone?  To create a bigger version of ourselves by sharing a bigger vision, a controversial view, or an unconventional solution to an issue?

    I've been responding to everyone else's requests of me for a long time.  Now that Motherhood, Partnership and Corporate employment are not defining me, who am I?  The more I deepen in, listening and allowing my truth to come forward, the more I am falling deeper into Love, Self-Acceptance and an IMPLICIT Trust of who I am and what my purpose is.  It's like a gut-rehab of an old house...and seeing the beautiful results that are emerging is So. Very. Exciting.

    Let's dive in, deepen in, open up and discover with some practices you can use too, to get more clear on who you are in these ever-increasing times of Volatility, Uncertainty, Chaos and Ambiguity. 

    There's Beauty, Authenticity and Grace on the other side.  All components that feed our Authentic Life and Authentic Leadership.

    Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Savoring Leads to Joy

    Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Savoring Leads to Joy
    Mindfullness is a practice yes, but can we make it a lifestyle? 

    Here's a Radical thought... Slowing down to actually feel what's going on? 

    We tend to gloss over things, skim over reading, scan emails, barely noticing the glow of other beings, the radiance in nature, the taste of our food, the feel of the material on our bodies...even the solidness of the ground beneath us.

    And we wonder why we are always wanting for something more.

    There's this itch to get away on vacation.  Run away to experience something other than our Life.

    My musings this morning brought up another concept.  The beauty of my life RIGHT NOW. 

    Yep, it's amazing, when I sit in meditation or with a cup of tea, or just stare out the window and breathe, how I realize how absolutely perfect my ife is in this moment. 

    If we have all these sensations as Human Be-ings, why don't we enjoy them?  Feel deeply, sense often, bask in the sun or wind on our face, or the water streaming over us in the shower. 

    While having a facial yesterday I was almost in tears at the decadence of the sensations.  Even during an acupuncture session on Monday, where I was to lie still for an hour, brought to mind how glorious it is being the steward of this body.  Even when there's pain.  It's my body's language asking me to pay attention.  Which brings about the steps to healing.  Which brings us full circle to our Essence.  Joy.

    Joy, let's savor it.  And anything else that we're feeling, get ourSelves immersed in it.  It all leads us back to Joy.

    Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Savoring Beauty - in All Its Forms

    Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Savoring Beauty - in All Its Forms
    We love Beauty. 

    We are inundated by media's definition of Beauty. 

    We turn to what's familiar and cultur's idea of Beauty ...versus seeking out the bizarre, different, odd, or strange.

    We are trained early to see beauty, especially in women, as being small, young, sweet, sexy and similar.  Similar?  Yes, to what we know, what we are comfortable with.  What we've grown up seeing or being told is beautiful.  Each culture has its own Beauty standards.  So, finding something (or being someone) other that what we were trained to believe is "beautiful", makes us feel different from our family, friends, society...Think about all the "beautiful people" on the covers of magazines, on Facebook or Instagram feeds, or TV.

    So, how can we feel Beautiful?  Truly in love with our looks as well as our Shining Hearts & Souls?  AND, be Unique.  Standing out in our Brilliance? 

    Authentic Beauty is standing in our Fullness, our Wholeness, in our Powerful Body, while unapologetically sharing our intellectual and intuitive creative selves with the world.  It's knowing, deep down, that we are Enough.  Perfectly imperfect and gorgeous, just by BE-ing Real.  It's caring so much for our inner and outer self that our Radiance glows...we are vibrant, magnetic, attractive and fully Sovereign.  We don't need anyone else or anything else to make us Whole.

    Let's dive in.  This is a big one for many of us Women.  And, an important part of becoming an Authentic Leader, A Woman of Presence, A Woman of Substance.

    How do you feel about your appearance?  Connect with me for two quick tips to Become more magnetic immediately, so you can lead with Authenticity, Grace & Power!


    Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Savoring September...Authentically Slowing Down

    Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Savoring September...Authentically Slowing Down
    To Savor...slowing down to enjoy, appreciate, feel pleasure, receive a deep breath.

    How do you savor? 

    The definitions that resonated with me were:

    1. To taste or smell, especially with pleasure: savored each morsel of the feast.

    2. To appreciate fully; enjoy or relish:

    Savoring feels appropriate for this lovely month as the weather is perfect, the food is plentiful, the days are a bit shorter and we head into the final months of the year.

    Slowing down is not what I used to do in September.  The calendar is full, the days flying by as we head towards the holidays and end of the year.

    Yet, even though I'm not heading back to school, and my daughters are away with less activities requiring my presence, the pressure to move faster and to get a lot done is palpable!

    How about you?

    Are you pushing to get all of your To-Do's, Commitments, Goals and Planning completed in your personal or professional life?  ( I get it, as my year will end even sooner since I'm taking off the final 2 weeks of the year for vacation and play...)

    Let's see what arises as we s l o w down...retreat if you will, take a look around, and savor these days.  I'm guessing it will be worth every effort to rearrange some things off the calendar and take time to recharge!

    Need help with clearing your calendar?  To give yourself permission to Slow Down and Savor??? Connect with me and let's talk.  Have you booked your complimentary session with me yet?

    Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Can I Be Authentic and AMAZING?

    Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Can I Be Authentic and AMAZING?
    Being Authentic doesn't have to look and feel messy, raw and scary, does it? 

    For me, it took years (decades) of learning Who I Really Am through falling into emotional depths and feeling my way to my Truth.

    How about being Authentic and True AND being at our most Radiant, Brilliant and Creative? Our AMAZING Self?

    A challenge I was handed recently while attending Authentic Speakers Academy (sound familiar?) was to "Show Everyone How AMAZING I am." 


    The other challenges I agreed to were not easy, but seemed do-able, for me.  This one?  Not. So. Much.

    Especially as my topic was Authenticity. 

    I'll share this story and let's play with this topic more.  AND, add it to our #ArtOfReceivingChallenge. 

    Are you in????

    Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Authenticity in Asking for What We Want, Then RECEIVING

    Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Authenticity in Asking for What We Want, Then RECEIVING
    It's the buzz now...all the rage.  Authentic This, Authentic That. 

    I get it.  And, maybe because we're tired of the IN-Authenticity of our culture.  Our politics.  Our own life, perhaps?

    When looking at how to announce the new program/offering #AuthenticLeadershipAcademy, I had problems finding the new URL I wanted.  There's even a new coaching program for Authentic Leadership being offered somewhere. 

    The constant course correction to stay in Authenticty is based in Awareness.  Intention. And Asking.  Tuning into our Authentic Desire (see last week's podcast) and then, Authentically Asking for What We Want. 

    And, the more I dive into being Authentic, the more I realize it's a CONSTANT Authenticity Authenticity isn't something we "Do"...It's about diving in and Being Who We Really Are. And, knowing that we aren't here to do it all ourselves, we ask for what we want, need and desire. This is not easy for many of us powerful and independent women.

    Today at a workshop with some amazing NonProfit Leaders and ChangeMakers, we talked about Vision, Voice and Value. And how we are truly tied to what we are here to do.  It shows up in how we lead our lives, our organizations, our families, our communities.  And, it all come from Being Authentic.  Fully in our Power.  And, Fully OPEN to Receive.

    Authenticity isn't something we "Do"...It's about diving in and Being Who We Really Are. Then asking.  For what we want.

    Authenticity leads to Asking for What We Want.  And, then Authentically RECEIVING. 

    Join the Authentic Receiving Challenge with us on Facebook! http://bit.ly/ArtofReceiving

    Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Authenticity includes Desire, Whimsey and Joy

    Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Authenticity includes Desire, Whimsey and Joy
    Who are you?  What do you want to create in the world?  How much do you want it?

    Does it truly light your heart and soul on FIRE? 

    This path of Authenticity has taken me deep within - where each time I'm in a business coaching session or a healing session or an energy session, when I am asked "What is your Heart's Desire?"  I panic.

    My first several answers are what my mind wants.  What my body/physical self wants.  What my ego-self says I'm only allowed to want...because that is Do-Able.  Realistic.  Safe.

    Playing it safe isn't the creative, conscious and amazing life I want to live any more.  It's part of the reason why I've been playing so small.  And mostly unfulfilled. 

    So - here I go, diving deep into Desire.  Feeling into the whimsey (not a mind thing) and wonder of what else is possible? What do I really want?  And letting that fire me up.  It's been more fun than I could have imagined.

    Join me!  Find your own Heart's Desire, or book a session with me to tap into it.  Often we can fool ourselves.  But having another hold space and give you permission to really go deep?  That's AMAZING.  Life-changing.  And Oh. So. Needed. 

    Wonder where we would be as a community, nation, world, if more of us were following our Heart's Desire?

    Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Leading with Authenticity

    Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Leading with Authenticity
    Leadership. Yes, this applies to you, no matter what your “title.”

    Whether you like it or not, you are a leader...of your business, your team, your project, your art, your family, in your community, and of your body's choices.

    For a long time, we led with our brains and skills, right?

    Authenticity, the new buzz word, is turning that upside-down.

    So, why is Authenticity important? I thought for decades that just showing how smart I was, how competent I was and how well people liked me was important. But being Real? Showing up in full integrity, speaking my truth, giving HONEST feedback (not the flowery kind that dances around the Truth) and keeping the systems flowing with no hiccups, while following the rules and policies, was what I was expected and paid to do.

    Guess what? That world is no longer. The seamless, perfect, easy, and status-quo rarely works in this environment of change, volatility, ambiguity and uncertainty.

    What does? How do we increase Authenticity without going overboard with emotions or inappropriateness? Where is the line? Is there one?

    Join in, listen to my take and then let's have a conversation. This is shifting ground under our feet, yet there is one thing I know for certain - There is NO Going Back!

    Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Balance, Self-Care during Chaos

    Wednesday Wisdom Radio ~ Balance, Self-Care during Chaos
    Being in a new place is a great time to look at how we react to change and chaos and store up our inner resources. I'm currently in Washington DC area for a Leadership Circle Profile Training and certification. Wow!

    March, for many of us, is a month marked with the beginnings of Spring flowers showing themselves, Spring breaks for students, "Springing forward" into Daylight Savings Time and the Spring Equinox.

    This also is a time that when we feel very much like balancing of our systems too. As the days get longer, or we prepare to be in our summer clothing, many begin new detox and cleansing programs. Or, start a running or walking regime. Our food intake may be more greens as they grow abundantly now and less of the starchy root veggies and squash that got us through the summer. That's all good.

    And, it's a great time to look within. Now, more than ever, is the time to up our game around Self-Care. Not just physical forms of nourishment and movement, but inner spring cleaning as well! What no longer serves? What old beliefs can be released now to make room for the Newer Updated Version of You? Time spent unplugged, listening to our Inner Wise Woman, opening to what messages and inspired actions are being asked of us.

    This is a new time. A new world. An interconnected global system that appears chaotic and unorganized and, in some ways, falling apart. And we are poised to be the ones who are holding space. We are exactly where we need to be. Stay in touch with your inner re-Sources. Stay connected to your human and nonhuman guides. It's quiet in there and All. Is. Well.

    I'm ready to enter a new chapter of my life this month too, ... marrying the Art & Science of Women's Wisdom with Women's Leadership. Sentient, Sensual and Spriitual Leadership...hmmm, like the sound of that! We need each of us to up our game, ready?

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