
    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the difference between making money and creating wealthTo create wealth, build multiple income streams beyond your primary job, as making money only provides short-term financial security and the school system may limit your financial education to maintain dependence.

      Making money and creating wealth are not the same thing. While making money involves trading time for dollars, creating wealth involves building multiple income streams. The school system may keep people financially uneducated to maintain them as slaves in the system, constantly working to pay taxes and not having enough to achieve financial freedom. To create wealth, it's essential to understand the difference and start building additional income sources. Even if you're in a well-paid profession, you may still not have enough to achieve financial freedom without multiple income streams.

    • Learning from financial mistakes and implementing smart strategiesSmart financial strategies like the 'paid in full tsunami' sale can bring in large influxes of cash, but it's crucial to use that money wisely and prioritize long-term financial sustainability over immediate gratification.

      Creating wealth involves a combination of actively making money through a business and passively growing money through smart financial strategies. When starting out, it's normal to make mistakes, but learning from them is crucial. A powerful financial strategy mentioned in the discussion is the "paid in full tsunami" sale, where clients pay upfront for a discount and a free month. This can bring in a large influx of cash, but it's essential to use that money wisely, such as paying taxes or reinvesting in the business. A business owner who implemented this strategy unexpectedly spent her windfall on a luxury car and a Rolex, leaving herself short on funds for taxes and business growth. This story serves as a reminder to think long-term and prioritize financial sustainability over immediate gratification.

    • Financial literacy vs wealth creationMaking money is important but financial literacy is crucial for building wealth and avoiding financial struggles. Use credit wisely, consider renting assets, and prioritize financial education.

      Having the ability to make money and creating wealth are two different things. While making money is important, financial literacy is crucial to building wealth and avoiding financial struggles, even for those with high incomes. Credit is a valuable tool, but it's essential to use it wisely and avoid unnecessary liabilities. Renting assets that fly or float, such as planes or boats, instead of owning them can help minimize financial responsibilities and maximize freedom. Ultimately, financial education is key to creating lasting wealth and avoiding the financial pitfalls that can plague even the most successful individuals.

    • Focus on growing your business, not competitionInvest in business growth instead of paying off debts or competition, and believe in your own potential to succeed.

      As an entrepreneur, it's important to focus on growing your business and putting your competition out of business, rather than seeing competition as a good or fair aspect of business. Leveraging good credit to purchase assets like a car, and using the money saved from not paying in full to invest back into your business, can help you dominate your industry. Additionally, it's important to note that not all franchises are created equal, and some may lead to unexpected financial losses or lack of support. Therefore, it's crucial to believe in the potential of your own business and invest in its growth, rather than paying off debts like a mortgage in full. Instead, use that money to expand and ensure success.

    • Leveraging homes for rental incomeHomeowners can shorten mortgage repayment period, save on interest, and generate income by leveraging their homes for rental properties

      Paying off a mortgage does not equate to financial freedom. Instead, homeowners should consider leveraging their homes to purchase rental properties and using the rental income to pay off their mortgages faster. This not only creates cash flow but also allows for wealth accumulation through property appreciation. Homeowners in their late forties or fifties with paid-off homes could particularly benefit from this strategy. By taking out equity from their homes and investing in rental properties, they can generate income and shorten their mortgage repayment period, ultimately saving on interest and improving their overall financial situation.

    • Leveraging teams for business growthEntrepreneurs can build and lead teams to delegate tasks, generate revenue, and even turn employees into future business owners, while learning from them and potentially gaining equity.

      Leverage is a powerful tool for growing businesses and creating wealth. Leverage can come in the form of credit or other people. By building and leading teams, entrepreneurs can delegate tasks, generate revenue, and even turn employees into future business owners. In return, entrepreneurs can learn from their teams and potentially gain equity in their businesses. A great example of this is Tony Stefan, who started an online nutrition coaching business with the help of a business coach and grew it to $80,000 a month in just 5-6 months. However, it's important for entrepreneurs to continue growing and finding ways to delegate and leverage others to scale their businesses further.

    • Leveraging resources for multiple income streams and investmentsFocus on growing your business to create additional revenue streams and investments, leading to improved lifestyle and wealth

      Building a successful business involves growing beyond being a one-person operation and leveraging resources to create multiple income streams. Rachel, who once made $9 a month as a gut health expert, now makes $200,000 a month with a team, and she no longer trades her time for dollars. Similarly, Tony, an online registered dietitian, grew his business by coaching other dietitians and creating a mastermind, leading to additional income streams. By investing wisely in real estate, cryptocurrency, and other assets, they were able to not only improve their lifestyles but also build wealth. The key is to focus on growing your business and then leveraging your resources to create additional revenue streams and investments.

    • Diversifying income streams for financial securityInvest in various income sources like funds, real estate, crypto, or businesses for financial security and stability. Learn through resources to expand knowledge and make informed decisions.

      Having multiple income streams is crucial for financial security and stability. This can be achieved through various means such as investing in funds or syndicates, real estate, cryptocurrency, or starting additional businesses. Financial literacy is essential to make informed decisions and expand wealth creation opportunities. Learning about these topics through resources like seminars, YouTube, or books can provide valuable knowledge to deploy. The pandemic highlighted the importance of having diverse income sources, as relying on a single income stream can leave one vulnerable during uncertain times. By investing time and money in education and diversification, individuals can mitigate risks and increase their overall financial well-being.

    • Creating Multiple Income Streams for Passive Income and WealthFocus on creating passive income streams for better work-life balance and long-term wealth, taking personal responsibility and a willingness to change.

      Building multiple income streams can lead to passive income and wealth creation, allowing for more freedom and peace of mind to enjoy life. It's important to remember that success is not an average state, but something that requires personal responsibility and a willingness to change. As the speaker mentioned, the moment you decide to make a change is when everything can shift. Previously, the speaker was focused on active income through trading time for dollars, but now emphasizes the importance of creating passive income streams for a better work-life balance.

    Recent Episodes from Bedros Keuilian Podcast Show

    091. You’re built different!

    091. You’re built different!

    In this episode of the Bedros Keuilian Show, I explain why being built differently is a strength. And how embracing your unique qualities can help you achieve $100k a month in revenue. You don't need to be a genius to achieve high levels of success. The one who understands that success requires extreme dedication and commitment will create the change they want to see in the world.

    BEDROS KEUILIAN LIVE 2024 | September 13-14, 2024 in Scottsdale, AZ https://live.bedroskeuilian.com/bk-live-2024 REGISTER FOR THE LEGACY TRIBE Get the Life, Money, Meaning & Impact You Deserve https://bedroskeuilian.com/legacytribe JOIN MY FREE 6-WEEK CHALLENGE: Transform into a Purpose-Driven Man https://bedroskeuilian.com/challenge TruLean Supplements | https://www.trulean.com/pages/bedros Get 50% Off Trulean Subscribe & Save Bundle Use Code: BEDROS Few Will Hunt Apparel | https://fewwillhunt.com/ Get 20% Off Your Entire Order Use Code: BEDROS OPEN A FIT BODY LOCATION A High-Profit, Scalable Gym Franchise Opportunity Driven By Impact https://sales.fbbcfranchise.com/get-started?utm_source=bedros BECOME A MODERN DAY KNIGHT: Join the MDK Project https://www.themdkproject.com/ PODCAST EPISODES: https://bedroskeuilian.com/podcast/ STAY CONNECTED: Website | https://bedroskeuilian.com/ Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/bedroskeuilian/ LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/bedroskeuilian Twitter | https://twitter.com/bedroskeuilian

    090. Brutally Honest Advice on What it Actually takes to Succeed

    090. Brutally Honest Advice on What it Actually takes to Succeed

    I'll tell you from personal experience that making $100k/mo is life-changing. I used to believe that you needed to be a Movie Star to make that kind of dough. But I'm no Movie Star, and chances aren't, either. Once I figured out how to make $100k/mo, it helped me take care of my parents and repay them for all the sacrifices they made for me. I'd love to see you do the same (if not more). In this episode of the Bedros Keuilian Show, I share how to get to $100k/mo (step-by-step). And what mindset and levels of commitment you need to achieve the success you deserve.

    BEDROS KEUILIAN LIVE 2024 | September 13-14, 2024 in Scottsdale, AZ https://live.bedroskeuilian.com/bk-live-2024 REGISTER FOR THE LEGACY TRIBE Get the Life, Money, Meaning & Impact You Deserve https://bedroskeuilian.com/legacytribe JOIN MY FREE 6-WEEK CHALLENGE: Transform into a Purpose-Driven Man https://bedroskeuilian.com/challenge TruLean Supplements | https://www.trulean.com/pages/bedros Get 50% Off Trulean Subscribe & Save Bundle Use Code: BEDROS Few Will Hunt Apparel | https://fewwillhunt.com/ Get 20% Off Your Entire Order Use Code: BEDROS OPEN A FIT BODY LOCATION A High-Profit, Scalable Gym Franchise Opportunity Driven By Impact https://sales.fbbcfranchise.com/get-started?utm_source=bedros BECOME A MODERN DAY KNIGHT: Join the MDK Project https://www.themdkproject.com/ PODCAST EPISODES: https://bedroskeuilian.com/podcast/ STAY CONNECTED: Website | https://bedroskeuilian.com/ Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/bedroskeuilian/ LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/bedroskeuilian Twitter | https://twitter.com/bedroskeuilian

    089. The TRUTH about personal development

    089. The TRUTH about personal development

    I am one of the biggest advocates for personal development. But many people got it twisted on how personal development actually works. In this episode of the Bedros Keuilian Show, I share the TRUTH about personal development. And the real reason why it acts like a crutch for most who start becoming their 2.0 Self. BEDROS KEUILIAN LIVE 2024 | September 13-14, 2024 in Scottsdale, AZ https://live.bedroskeuilian.com/bk-live-2024 REGISTER FOR THE LEGACY TRIBE Get the Life, Money, Meaning & Impact You Deserve https://bedroskeuilian.com/legacytribe JOIN MY FREE 6-WEEK CHALLENGE: Transform into a Purpose-Driven Man https://bedroskeuilian.com/challenge TruLean Supplements | https://www.trulean.com/pages/bedros Get 50% Off Trulean Subscribe & Save Bundle Use Code: BEDROS Few Will Hunt Apparel | https://fewwillhunt.com/ Get 20% Off Your Entire Order Use Code: BEDROS OPEN A FIT BODY LOCATION A High-Profit, Scalable Gym Franchise Opportunity Driven By Impact https://sales.fbbcfranchise.com/get-started?utm_source=bedros BECOME A MODERN DAY KNIGHT: Join the MDK Project https://www.themdkproject.com/ PODCAST EPISODES: https://bedroskeuilian.com/podcast/ STAY CONNECTED: Website | https://bedroskeuilian.com/ Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/bedroskeuilian/ LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/bedroskeuilian Twitter | https://twitter.com/bedroskeuilian

    088. Is Capitalism really the way to Financial Freedom?

    088. Is Capitalism really the way to Financial Freedom?

    My family came to the United States from the Soviet Union to escape communism and embrace the freedoms offered by Capitalism. In this episode of the Bedros Keuilian Show, I share why you should choose Capitalism over Socialism. And how Capitalism creates innovation, economic growth, and personal freedom. BEDROS KEUILIAN LIVE 2024 | September 13-14, 2024 in Scottsdale, AZ https://live.bedroskeuilian.com/bk-live-2024 REGISTER FOR THE LEGACY TRIBE Get the Life, Money, Meaning & Impact You Deserve https://bedroskeuilian.com/legacytribe JOIN MY FREE 6-WEEK CHALLENGE: Transform into a Purpose-Driven Man https://bedroskeuilian.com/challenge TruLean Supplements | https://www.trulean.com/pages/bedros Get 50% Off Trulean Subscribe & Save Bundle Use Code: BEDROS Few Will Hunt Apparel | https://fewwillhunt.com/ Get 20% Off Your Entire Order Use Code: BEDROS OPEN A FIT BODY LOCATION A High-Profit, Scalable Gym Franchise Opportunity Driven By Impact https://sales.fbbcfranchise.com/get-started?utm_source=bedros BECOME A MODERN DAY KNIGHT: Join the MDK Project https://www.themdkproject.com/ PODCAST EPISODES: https://bedroskeuilian.com/podcast/ STAY CONNECTED: Website | https://bedroskeuilian.com/ Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/bedroskeuilian/ LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/bedroskeuilian Twitter | https://twitter.com/bedroskeuilian



    Having a traumatic childhood can easily set you up for mediocrity IF YOU LET IT. That's why in this episode of the Bedros Keuilian Show, I share how to fix your life, get your shit together, and build confidence that is unshakeable. REGISTER FOR THE LEGACY TRIBE Get the Life, Money, Meaning & Impact You Deserve https://bedroskeuilian.com/legacytribe SUBSCRIBE TO DOMINATION DOWNLOAD A Weekly Newsletter to Help You Dominate in Business & Life https://bedroskeuilian.com/ JOIN MY FREE 6-WEEK CHALLENGE: Transform into a Purpose-Driven Man https://bedroskeuilian.com/challenge TruLean Supplements | https://www.trulean.com/pages/bedros Get 50% Off Trulean Subscribe & Save Bundle Use Code: BEDROS Few Will Hunt Apparel | https://fewwillhunt.com/ Get 20% Off Your Entire Order Use Code: BEDROS BECOME A MODERN DAY KNIGHT: Join the MDK Project https://www.themdkproject.com/ PODCAST EPISODES: https://bedroskeuilian.com/podcast/ STAY CONNECTED: Website | https://bedroskeuilian.com/ Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/bedroskeuilian/ LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/bedroskeuilian Twitter | https://twitter.com/bedroskeuilian

    086. 10 Big Mistakes that Almost put me out of Business

    086. 10 Big Mistakes that Almost put me out of Business

    This is one of the most important business podcasts I've done so far. To be a successful entrepreneur, you must understand that things happen FOR you, not TO you.Because when you're in this game long enough, you will make mistakes that'll set you back.But those minor setbacks always propel you forward into your next level of growth.In this episode of the Bedros Keuilian Show, I share my BIGGEST business mistakes from the past two decades.And how you can avoid them with ease.

    REGISTER FOR THE LEGACY TRIBE Get the Life, Money, Meaning & Impact You Deserve https://bedroskeuilian.com/legacytribe SUBSCRIBE TO DOMINATION DOWNLOAD A Weekly Newsletter to Help You Dominate in Business & Life https://bedroskeuilian.com/ JOIN MY FREE 6-WEEK CHALLENGE: Transform into a Purpose-Driven Man https://bedroskeuilian.com/challenge TruLean Supplements | https://www.trulean.com/pages/bedros Get 50% Off Trulean Subscribe & Save Bundle Use Code: BEDROS Few Will Hunt Apparel | https://fewwillhunt.com/ Get 20% Off Your Entire Order Use Code: BEDROS BECOME A MODERN DAY KNIGHT: Join the MDK Project https://www.themdkproject.com/ STAY CONNECTED: Website | https://bedroskeuilian.com/ Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/bedroskeuilian/ LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/bedroskeuilian Twitter | https://twitter.com/bedroskeuilian

    085. Why Chasing Happiness is Recipe for DISASTER (Do this instead)

    085. Why Chasing Happiness is Recipe for DISASTER (Do this instead)

    I've seen countless people fall into the "Be Happy" Trap. This is happening because many "Positive Thinking" Fanyboys tell people they must be happy 24/7/365 to have a fulfilling life. But the people who always try to be happy are often the unhappiest people I've met. In this episode of the Bedros Keuilian Show, I share why chasing happiness can be a recipe for disaster. And what to do to live a fulfilled, purpose-driven, and resilient life. REGISTER FOR THE LEGACY TRIBE Get the Life, Money, Meaning & Impact You Deserve https://bedroskeuilian.com/legacytribe SUBSCRIBE TO DOMINATION DOWNLOAD A Weekly Newsletter to Help You Dominate in Business & Life https://bedroskeuilian.com/ JOIN MY FREE 6-WEEK CHALLENGE: Transform into a Purpose-Driven Man https://bedroskeuilian.com/challenge TruLean Supplements | https://www.trulean.com/pages/bedros Get 50% Off Trulean Subscribe & Save Bundle Use Code: BEDROS Few Will Hunt Apparel | https://fewwillhunt.com/ Get 20% Off Your Entire Order Use Code: BEDROS BECOME A MODERN DAY KNIGHT: Join the MDK Project https://www.themdkproject.com/ STAY CONNECTED: Website | https://bedroskeuilian.com/ Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/bedroskeuilian/ LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/bedroskeuilian Twitter | https://twitter.com/bedroskeuilian

    084. The Lessons that took me from Unemployable to a Multi Millionaire

    084. The Lessons that took me from Unemployable to a Multi Millionaire

    In this episode of the Bedros Keuilian Show, I share how to achieve financial independence and live a fulfilling life. And what you can do to turn your passions into profits that feed the family. The purpose of today's episode is to show you what true freedom can look like for your family. I've been fortunate enough to go from rags to riches, and I want to show you how to do it for yourself.

    REGISTER FOR THE LEGACY TRIBE Get the Life, Money, Meaning & Impact You Deserve https://bedroskeuilian.com/legacytribe JOIN MY FREE 6-WEEK CHALLENGE: Transform into a Purpose-Driven Man https://bedroskeuilian.com/challenge TruLean Supplements | https://www.trulean.com/pages/bedros Get 50% Off Trulean Subscribe & Save Bundle Use Code: BEDROS Few Will Hunt Apparel | https://fewwillhunt.com/ Get 20% Off Your Entire Order Use Code: BEDROS BECOME A MODERN DAY KNIGHT: Join the MDK Project https://www.themdkproject.com/ STAY CONNECTED: Website | https://bedroskeuilian.com/ Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/bedroskeuilian/ LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/bedroskeuilian Twitter | https://twitter.com/bedroskeuilian

    083. 5 Things that are Killing Your Dreams and How to Change them

    083. 5 Things that are Killing Your Dreams and How to Change them

    Many of us have dreams. Yet how come so many of us can dream, but only so few can live them out?In this episode of the Bedros Keuilian Show, I share how to overcome the "Dream Killers" in your life.And why you need to treat life not as a rehearsal but as a single opportunity to be seized.

    REGISTER FOR THE LEGACY TRIBE Get the Life, Money, Meaning & Impact You Deserve https://bedroskeuilian.com/legacytribe JOIN MY FREE 6-WEEK CHALLENGE: Transform into a Purpose-Driven Man https://bedroskeuilian.com/challenge TruLean Supplements | https://www.trulean.com/pages/bedros Get 50% Off Trulean Subscribe & Save Bundle Use Code: BEDROS Few Will Hunt Apparel | https://fewwillhunt.com/ Get 20% Off Your Entire Order Use Code: BEDROS BECOME A MODERN DAY KNIGHT: Join the MDK Project https://www.themdkproject.com/ STAY CONNECTED: Website | https://bedroskeuilian.com/ Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/bedroskeuilian/ LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/bedroskeuilian Twitter | https://twitter.com/bedroskeuilian

    082. 5 Traits of Highly Successful People

    082. 5 Traits of Highly Successful People

    In this episode of The Bedros Keuilian Show, I dive into the five things you must master to crush it in life and business. Learn how to leverage these key aspects to power through obstacles and achieve your goals.Whether you're building a business, shaping your career, or enhancing personal relationships, these insights are your game plan to win big in all areas of your life.

    REGISTER FOR THE LEGACY TRIBE Get the Life, Money, Meaning & Impact You Deserve https://bedroskeuilian.com/legacytribe JOIN MY FREE 6-WEEK CHALLENGE: Transform into a Purpose-Driven Man https://bedroskeuilian.com/challenge TruLean Supplements | https://www.trulean.com/pages/bedros Get 50% Off Trulean Subscribe & Save Bundle Use Code: BEDROS Few Will Hunt Apparel | https://fewwillhunt.com/ Get 20% Off Your Entire Order Use Code: BEDROS BECOME A MODERN DAY KNIGHT: Join the MDK Project https://www.themdkproject.com/ PODCAST EPISODES: https://bedroskeuilian.com/podcast/ STAY CONNECTED: Website | https://bedroskeuilian.com/ Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/bedroskeuilian/ LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/bedroskeuilian Twitter | https://twitter.com/bedroskeuilian

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    How To Invest Using Your Self Directed IRA w/ JP DahDah

    In this episode of the AZREIA Show, host Marcus Maloney and co-host Michael Del Prete sit down with JP DahDah from Vantage Self-Directed IRAs to discuss the ins and outs of self-directed IRAs. With so much misinformation out there, it's important to get the facts straight when it comes to investing outside of the stock market. JP shares his expertise and sheds light on the benefits and opportunities that self-directed accounts offer. If you're looking to take control of your retirement savings and explore alternative investment options, this episode is a must-listen. Tune in now and join the conversation!

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    [00:35:51] Types of assets you can buy with self-directed IRAs.

    [00:40:02] Fees and account structure.

    [00:42:45] IRA LLC and checkbook control.

    [00:46:07] Using IRA money for deals.



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    A Blue Ocean Opportunity: How to Cash In on an Investment Revolution with Kyle Kuderewski [The Opportunity Ep.134]

    A Blue Ocean Opportunity: How to Cash In on an Investment Revolution with Kyle Kuderewski [The Opportunity Ep.134]

    The early bird catches the worm. 

    This is particularly true when it comes to investing. Early adopters often reap the biggest rewards.

    But if spotting a good investment before the business really takes off was that easy, everyone would do it. 

    You need to find a business with a first-mover advantage. One that operates in a blue ocean. A business that has already established proof of concept in the short time they've been operational.

    A business like WebStreet. 

    In this week’s episode, we are joined by Kyle Kuderewski, the Operations Manager at WebStreet.

    Kyle joins us to discuss Webstreet’s exciting new investment opportunity - the chance to invest directly into WebStreet itself and become an early adopter of a business at the forefront of an investing revolution. 

    Kyle breaks down the need-to-know terms of the investment, the benefits that investors can expect to receive, and how this opportunity differs from WebStreet’s normal investment rounds. According to Kyle,

    “The big difference between this and investing in a normal round is it's a growth play versus an income play.
    With the normal rounds, you receive income through quarterly cash distributions. With this new investment, you actually own an equity stake in Web Street as a company and benefit from the growth of the business.
    If you think about it,  you're owning a piece of all those other businesses we’re investing in”

    Kyle goes on to explain how WebStreet plans to spend the growth capital raised (growing their audience and adding all the bells and whistles to their platform). He also announces the introduction of WebStreet’s WeFunder campaign, an investment opportunity that allows non-accredited investors to get in on the action.

    If you want to be an early adopter instead of a bystander, listen to this episode to learn how you can take advantage of this rare investment opportunity!

    Topics Discussed in This Episode:

    • An update on WebStreet’s progress since separating from Empire Flippers (03:34)
    • The exciting new investment opportunities available through WebStreet (07:39)
    • How WebStreet plans to use the growth capital raised (10:38)
    • The investment terms for WebStreet’s direct investment round (11:36)
    • A closer look at how WebStreet’s funds are operated (17:54)
    • What a liquidity event would look like for one of the investment funds (25:43)
    • WebStreet's WeFunder campaign- a non-accredited investor crowdfunding option (30:42)
    • The types of people who are investing in WebStreet and its funds (33:07)
    • The ripple effects that fractional investments may have on the industry (38:43)
    • Trends Kyle has spotted in different monetizations throughout the industry (44:45)


    Sit back, grab a coffee, and learn how you can own a piece of the upcoming investing revolution!

    009: How Perfectionism is Affecting Your Mental Health with Claudia Chan

    009: How Perfectionism is Affecting Your Mental Health with Claudia Chan

    If your life looks impressive on the outside, but on the inside, you’re struggling with overwhelm and perfectionism… don’t miss this interview with Claudia Chan! Claudia has built several 6 and 7-figure businesses and impacted over 1 million people, and she helps high-achieving entrepreneurs heal the burnout cycle and create a richer quality of life.

    Discover how to put perfectionism in its place and build the life, career, and future you want on your own terms.

    Let's Connect! 🫱🏻‍🫲🏼👇🏼

    Visit my website!


    Michelle Bosch is the CEO and co-founder of Orbit Investments and has been a full-time real estate investor since 2002.

    She has bought and sold over 4,500 pieces of real estate and built the 3rd largest land investment and auction company in the US, bringing that company successfully into the 8-figure revenues in a matter of 18 months. She also invests in multi-family real estate with over 1,000 units and $70 million in assets under management.

    She is also the Co-Creator of the nationally recognized Land Profit Generator Program, focusing on teaching others how to invest in Land.

    Michelle Co-Hosts together with her teenage daughter, Sophia Bosch the "Becoming Wealthy" Podcast granting women an insider's view on wealth creation and paving the way for a new generation of savvy and financially independent women

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    Zero Down, Limitless Potential: Buying Businesses with Creative Financing with Roland Frasier [The Opportunity Ep.135]

    Zero Down, Limitless Potential: Buying Businesses with Creative Financing with Roland Frasier [The Opportunity Ep.135]

    As a rule of thumb, larger businesses tend to be more established, more stable, and come with better infrastructure than smaller businesses. 

    But they also cost more, creating a barrier to entry for entrepreneurs who are looking to make the most of the benefits of buying large businesses. 

    However, Roland Frasier discovered that the barrier can be overcome with some clever, creative financing. 

    Roland is a serial entrepreneur who is renowned for his unique approach to leveraged buyouts and no-money-down financing. In fact, he has created 226 creative financing strategies that buyers can use to purchase a business with little or no money down. 

    In this episode, Roland joins us to discuss the various levers buyers can pull to reduce the amount of cash they need to put into their acquisitions. 

    He starts off by breaking down the characteristics buyers should look for in a business, and the common mistakes that often trip buyers up. He then outlines a few of his no-money-down strategies, including seller financing, supplier financing, using the business’ credit card reserves, inventory consignment, asset-based lending, management financing, and many more. 

    He also explains the importance of setting up an SPV to protect your personal assets and credit when structuring these deals. Roland also reveals how to spot a good deal and the best way to approach negotiations. According to Roland,

    The biggest thing people do wrong when negotiating is that they think of it as a win or lose. I like to think of it as a collaboration. We, the buyers, are collaborating to get you, the seller, the best price we can get you. Or at least as close to the price you want in a way that also works for me. So we're on the same team.”

    If you want to learn how to gain access to bigger business acquisitions without having to put more money down, then you’ve come to the right place!

    Topics Discussed in This Episode:

    • Roland shares his background and entrepreneurial journey (02:34)
    • How to identify a good business from a bad business (05:51)
    • Remaining involved in a business that you’ve sold (11:43)
    • The common mistakes people make when buying businesses (19:33)
    • How representations and warranties are used in acquisitions ( 22:04)
    • The strategies Roland uses for creative no-money-down deals (27:19)
    • Why business owners shouldn’t be afraid to raise their prices (39:07)
    • How Roland juggles all of the businesses he has acquired (41:32)
    • Buying media business to gain more leads (43:35)
    • Roland’s tips for being an effective negotiator (50:20)


    Sit back, grab a coffee, and learn how to get creative with no-money-down financing!