
    $100M Business Strategies w/ Alex Hormozi

    enOctober 10, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Entrepreneurs like Alex Hermosi focus on providing value to build a strong followingAlex Hermosi's success comes from understanding what to sell and who to sell it to, as shown in his books '100 Million Dollar Offers' and '100 Million Dollar Leads', and his focus on engaged leads to increase conversions.

      Successful entrepreneurs, like Alex Hermosi, focus on providing value through their content and experiences to build a strong following. Hermosi's new book, "Hundred Million Dollar Leads," is a testament to this, as he was able to generate an unprecedented response with 500,000 sign-ups and nearly 200,000 live attendees for its launch. The key to his success lies in understanding the fundamental questions every entrepreneur faces: what do I sell and who do I sell it to. Hermosi's first book, "100 Million Dollar Offers," addressed the first question, and his latest book, "100 Million Dollar Leads," tackles the second. A lead, as Hermosi defines it, is a person you can contact who has shown interest in what you sell. By focusing on engaged leads, entrepreneurs can increase their chances of converting prospects into customers.

    • Four ways to let people know about stuffMaximize advertising efforts by understanding four methods: one-to-one to friends, one-to-one to strangers, one-to-many to friends, and one-to-many to strangers. Focus on creating a desirable product to convert leads into engaged customers.

      Effective advertising goes beyond just making your product known to making people want to buy it. The author of this discussion outlines four ways to let people know about stuff: one-to-one to friends (warm reach out), one-to-one to strangers (cold reach out), one-to-many to friends (posting content), and one-to-many to strangers (paid ads). He refers to the first three as "lead getters," as they allow you to leverage others to spread the word. The most effective lead getter is customers, who are incentivized to refer others if they have had a positive experience with your exceptional product. By understanding these four methods and focusing on creating a desirable product, you can maximize your advertising efforts and convert unengaged leads into engaged customers.

    • Effective marketing combines human efforts and automationUse a mix of human resources and automated strategies for successful marketing. Focus on long-term strategy and each action's impact on the next.

      Successful marketing involves a combination of human efforts and automated strategies. Agencies and employees can handle tasks like content creation, outreach, and advertising on your behalf, while leads are generated through various methods like paid ads, customer referrals, and affiliate marketing. The key is to use all available resources effectively and to ensure that your marketing efforts are well-advertised and undeniably effective. The speaker emphasized the importance of this approach by using only the marketing methods discussed in his book to promote it, resulting in a successful launch with over 500,000 people reached. It's important to remember that marketing is not a linear transaction, but rather a complex process with multiple moves that need to be made in advance. Instead of focusing on just one client or task, think about the long-term strategy and how each action can set up the next one.

    • Stacking marketing funnels for business successImplement a multi-faceted approach to business growth by stacking marketing funnels, including affiliate, content, and paid ad funnels.

      Building a successful business involves a multi-faceted approach, not just relying on one method. Mylett emphasizes the power of "one more" and the importance of stacking marketing funnels, which include affiliate, content, and paid ad funnels. However, many entrepreneurs have an incomplete understanding of how business works, especially if they're struggling financially. Therefore, it's essential to start with a core method, such as cold calls or content creation, but all methods work better together. For instance, a realtor with a longer sales cycle can still use warm outreach, content marketing, and paid ads to build their business. The key is to understand that each method plays a role in building trust and establishing legitimacy with potential clients. So, instead of relying on just one method, consider implementing a multi-faceted approach to grow your business effectively.

    • Effective Lead Generation Strategies for RealtorsRealtors can generate leads through cold reach outs, content marketing, paid ads, and customer referrals. Building relationships with industry professionals and hiring agencies or employees can also help manage lead generation efforts. Creating a strong company culture is essential for attracting and retaining top talent.

      Effective lead generation is crucial for realtors to grow their business. There are several ways to generate leads, including cold reach outs, content marketing, paid ads, and customer referrals. Cold reach outs involve contacting potential clients directly, often through phone calls or door-to-door visits. Content marketing includes creating and sharing content about houses for sale, while paid ads involve using platforms like social media to target potential buyers or sellers. Customer referrals come from satisfied clients who recommend your services to their network. A good realtor should also build relationships with industry professionals and affiliates for additional leads. From an agency or team perspective, hiring agencies or utilizing employees can help manage lead generation efforts. For business owners, creating a strong company culture is essential for attracting and retaining top talent, and HR providers like Insparity can help. Overall, the core four lead generation methods - cold reach outs, content marketing, paid ads, and customer referrals - are the most effective ways for one human to tell another about their business offerings.

    • Personalize your Warm Outreach with ACA frameworkFocus on Warm Outreach by reaching out to existing contacts, personalize messages with ACA framework: Acknowledge, Compliment, Ask, to build connections and qualify leads.

      Entrepreneurs looking for more leads should focus on Warm Outreach as their first step. Instead of relying solely on social media, this method involves reaching out to existing contacts through email and social media platforms. Personalize your message by acknowledging something specific about their life before transitioning the conversation to your product or service. Use the ACA framework to engage in a conversation: Acknowledge their response, Compliment them, and Ask a question. This approach builds a connection and sets up a qualification call to ensure mutual interest before moving forward with a sales conversation.

    • Understanding the customer's problemEffectively addressing customer needs by clarifying, labeling, overviews of past experiences, and securing a commitment during sales calls.

      During a sales call, it's crucial to understand the customer's problem before presenting a solution. Clarifying the problem and labeling it helps to ensure that you're addressing their specific needs. Overviewing their past experiences, or the pain cycle, can help identify what has worked and what hasn't, and can make your proposed solution more effective. Remember, whatever pain point you discuss during this stage will become more important to the customer. Ending the call with a minor commitment from the customer can increase the chances of moving forward when you reconnect. This framework, which includes clarifying, labeling, overviews, and commitment, is a valuable tool for any sales professional.

    • Focus on desirable outcome before addressing concernsEmpathize with customers, sell benefits, and address obstacles: external circumstances, other people, and personal fears to close sales effectively

      Effective sales conversations involve selling the desirable outcome (the vacation) before addressing concerns (the obstacles). The speaker emphasizes the importance of focusing on the benefits and emotions that come with the product or service, rather than the logistics or details. He also highlights the need to identify and address three main obstacles: external circumstances, other people, and the customer's own fears and doubts. The sales process should be structured to empower the customer to make an informed decision and provide a positive experience throughout the entire journey, from initial interest to closing the sale and beyond. By setting and meeting expectations, sales professionals can build trust and increase the likelihood of a successful outcome.

    • Staying in touch post-saleDaily updates keep buyers engaged, valued, and informed. Focus on end goal, address objections promptly.

      Effective post-sale communication is crucial for building trust, reducing backouts, and generating more business. Instead of just closing a sale and moving on, send daily progress updates to keep the conversation going. This creates multiple reinforcement cycles and keeps the buyer engaged, making them feel valued and informed. Additionally, avoid selling the process or steps and instead focus on the end goal or "beach" to create a better customer experience. Lastly, be prepared for potential objections or questions, and address them promptly to keep the deal from falling through.

    • Understanding the importance of closing in sales trainingEffectively guide potential customers through decision-making by asking questions, clarifying objections, handling obstacles, and reflecting on professional goals. Utilize NetSuite by Oracle for comprehensive business management solutions.

      Effective sales training involves understanding the importance of both the opening and closing stages of a sales interaction. While some may prioritize rapport building or script memorization from the beginning, the speaker emphasizes the significance of knowing the closing process. By asking questions and clarifying objections, salespeople can guide potential customers through the decision-making process. Additionally, handling obstacles before the ask can prevent wasting time on unproductive calls. The speaker also encourages reflection on dangerous distractions, such as using phones while driving, to maintain focus on professional goals. Lastly, the speaker promotes NetSuite by Oracle as a valuable business solution for managing financials, inventory, HR, and more, with customized options and excellent deals available.

    • Mastering Framing for Effective CommunicationFraming involves setting the context and meaning of a message to effectively sell ideas and build a strong reputation. Elon Musk and Steve Jobs were masters of framing, and entrepreneurs and salespeople can learn this skill to create irresistible offers, generate leads, and create a loyal following.

      Effective communication and framing are crucial elements in successful selling and entrepreneurship. Framing involves setting the context and meaning of a message before, during, and after its delivery. Great communicators like Elon Musk and Steve Jobs were masters of framing, allowing them to effectively sell their ideas and build a strong reputation. By understanding and mastering framing, entrepreneurs and salespeople can create irresistible offers, lead generation campaigns, and successful launches. Framing is a teaching skill that involves translating complex ideas into relatable and valuable concepts. It's about setting the stage, delivering the message, and then surprising and delighting the audience with unexpected value. Effective framing can help build a strong reputation, generate leads, and create a loyal following.

    • Understanding context and the benefits of a product or serviceRealize your power to create value and take control of your own life, framing it effectively in the sales process and beyond.

      Creating value and framing it effectively is crucial in the sales process. The speaker emphasized the importance of understanding the context and benefits of a product or service, rather than just giving it away for free. He also shared a profound philosophical comment that no one else is coming to save us in our personal or professional lives, and that we have the power to change and improve ourselves. The speaker's experience of realizing he was giving his mother the power to control his behavior through blame was a powerful example of this concept. Overall, the key takeaway is that we have the power to create value, frame it effectively, and take control of our own lives.

    • Taking action despite doubtsFocus on actions, not feelings, to achieve personal growth and success. Keep taking action, even when progress is slow, and utilize resources to expand your reach.

      Personal growth and success often require taking action despite feelings of self-doubt or uncertainty. The speaker emphasizes that it doesn't matter if one believes they are to blame for their circumstances or not, but it is their responsibility to take action to improve their situation. He also highlights the importance of focusing on actions rather than feelings, as feelings are fleeting and irrelevant when it comes to achieving goals. The speaker uses the analogy of weightlifting to illustrate this point, emphasizing that the work required to achieve success is often the same for everyone, regardless of background or personal circumstances. He encourages individuals to keep taking action, even when progress seems slow or uncertain, and to utilize resources like affiliate programs to expand their reach and grow their business. Overall, the speaker's message is one of perseverance and self-reliance, encouraging individuals to take control of their lives and pursue their goals despite challenges and setbacks.

    • Taking Action to Reduce FearFocusing on specific plans and actions, gaining knowledge, setting priorities, and dedicating time to productive tasks can help reduce fear and increase success.

      Taking action, even if it involves doing "ugly" or uncomfortable tasks, can help reduce fear and increase the chances of success. This can be achieved by creating a specific plan and focusing on the input and output of your actions. Sadness stems from a lack of knowledge and options, which can be remedied through gaining knowledge and setting priorities. Anxiety, on the other hand, comes from having too many options and a lack of clear priorities, which can be alleviated by making decisions and taking action. By dedicating the first six hours of your day to the activities that move your business forward, you can establish a habit of taking action and reducing fear.

    • Making offerings known to the right audienceEffectively hire and grow a business by reaching out, creating content, and advertising to expand your reach. If not getting enough leads, likely not advertising enough, consider leveraging teams for help.

      Effective hiring and growing a business require making your offerings known to the right audience. The speaker, who has used Indeed for several years to find qualified candidates for his businesses, emphasizes the importance of time efficiency and the value of having a platform that connects him with interested and qualified individuals. He also shares that in the early days of his entrepreneurship, his responsibility was to let people know about his business, and that the process of making something known is the same whether you're recruiting employees, customers, affiliates, or an agency. The speaker encourages taking action through reach outs, content creation, and paid advertising to expand your reach and grow your business. He also shares that if you're not getting the desired number of leads, you likely aren't advertising enough, and suggests leveraging teams to help with advertising efforts.

    • Four ways to generate leadsConsistently reach out to known and unknown contacts, post content, and run ads to generate leads. Be authentic and take action in personal and professional pursuits.

      Generating leads is a crucial aspect of growth for individuals and businesses, and there are only four ways to do it: reaching out to people you know, reaching out to people you don't know, posting content, and running ads. The speaker emphasized the importance of consistently doing these activities, as they are the only ways for one person to let others know about their offerings. Additionally, the speaker shared a personal story about the importance of acceptance in relationships, mentioning his wife Leila and how they have made it work by allowing each other to be themselves without compromising too much. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of taking action and being authentic in both personal and professional pursuits.

    • A relationship built on shared values and acceptanceShared values, acceptance, and mutual growth are key to a successful relationship. Exceptional skills and abilities can make a professional partnership successful.

      A successful relationship is built on shared values, goals, and acceptance of each other's individuality. The speaker shares how his partner has never tried to change him, and instead, they have complemented each other's lives through their alignment on their mission and values. The partner has even become an asset, contributing to the speaker's financial and personal growth. Their lack of a traditional romantic beginning has not hindered their relationship, as they continue to grow together through the shared challenges they face. The speaker's partner's exceptional skills and abilities have made their professional partnership successful, allowing them to work together seamlessly and achieve remarkable results. Overall, their relationship is a testament to the power of shared values, acceptance, and mutual growth.

    • Finding happiness in the journey, not just the destinationTrue happiness comes from personal growth and development through pursuing goals, rather than solely focusing on external achievements or outcomes.

      True happiness and joy in life come from being in pursuit of goals and finding meaning in the work we do, rather than focusing solely on external achievements or outcomes. The speaker shares that their greatest moments of happiness have come from being in the midst of complex projects and challenges, and that they find joy in the process of personal growth and development. They also emphasize the importance of divorcing outcome from winning, and focusing instead on the effort and hard work put into achieving goals. By finding joy in the journey rather than just the destination, we can unlock greater productivity, fulfillment, and a sense of control over our own happiness.

    • A conversation about self-understanding and growthReflect on experiences, embrace continuous learning, and share generously to enhance self-awareness and personal growth.

      Understanding oneself and recognizing personal growth are essential components of living a joyful and fulfilling life. During a conversation, the speaker expressed how a younger individual helped him understand himself better than he ever had before. This interaction allowed the speaker to reflect on his own experiences and the depth of his multi-dimensional personality. The speaker also emphasized the importance of continuous growth and learning, even if it means barely scratching the surface. As a gesture of goodwill, the speaker offered his podcast, which contains the audio versions of his books for free, to help those who may be struggling financially. Overall, this conversation underscored the importance of self-awareness, growth, and generosity.

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    Design Crowd: Design Crowd: https://www.designcrowd.com/apparel

    Free Clothing Brand Course: www.freeclothingcourse.com

    In this episode of Apparel Success, I'll share with you some powerful psychological tricks and tips for marketing your clothing brand to increase your sales and grow your customer base. Drawing on my extensive knowledge of psychology, I'll reveal the hidden factors that influence consumer behavior and show you how to use these insights to create compelling marketing strategies that resonate with your audience on a deep level. Throughout the video, I'll share with you a range of techniques that you can use to boost your sales, including the use of scarcity marketing and the importance of social proof. You'll learn how to create messaging and branding that speaks to your audience's deepest desires and motivations, and how to use psychological triggers to create a sense of urgency and drive conversions. By the end of this video, you'll have a wealth of knowledge and insights that you can apply to your own marketing efforts, and you'll be equipped with the tools you need to take your clothing brand to the next level. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or just starting out, this video is packed with practical tips and strategies that will help you connect with your audience, build trust, and drive sales.