
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring personal limits and inner growthRunning 100 miles taught the speaker about accomplishment, inner beauty and intelligence matter, and the importance of focusing on inner growth.

      Pushing physical limits and seeking inner growth are two important aspects of personal development. The speaker shared his experience of running a 100-mile race and how it made him feel accomplished. He also discussed the recent change in Miss America pageant, where they no longer judge contestants based on physical appearance. The speaker expressed his indifference towards the change but acknowledged the importance of inner beauty and intelligence. Furthermore, he mentioned his upcoming book "Living with Monks" where he spent 15 days living with monks to focus on his inner growth. This shows that the speaker values both physical and mental well-being and encourages others to explore their own limits and prioritize their inner development.

    • The Challenges of Inner Reflection at a MonasteryDespite initial struggles, the speaker learned the importance of introspection and being present in the moment during his stay at a monastery.

      Disconnecting from the outside world and focusing on inner thoughts and reflection can be a challenging experience for some. The speaker, who led a busy life with a family and work, found it particularly difficult during his 15-day stay at a monastery in upstate New York. Upon arrival, he was expected to meditate and reflect for long hours without any distractions. However, he struggled to stay focused and kept getting bombarded with thoughts about his personal life and responsibilities. Despite his initial discomfort, he realized the importance of introspection and being present in the moment. The monastery's unique way of generating income by breeding German shepherds also added to the isolation, making it nearly impossible for him to escape. Overall, the experience taught him the value of stillness and self-reflection, even if it was uncomfortable at first.

    • Monks and Their Extraordinary Bond with DogsMonks, known for celibacy, poverty, obedience, and stability, have an extraordinary bond with dogs through their disciplined training methods using energy, eye contact, and love.

      The monks living in the monastery, who have dedicated their lives to celibacy, poverty, obedience, and stability since their young adulthood, have an extraordinary connection with dogs. They have mastered dog training through discipline, energy, and eye contact, making them world-renowned experts. The monks' deep bond with dogs is so strong that they can control even the most unruly ones. Through their teachings, they showed the speaker various lessons, similar to the Karate Kid, by having him shadow different monks and their dog training responsibilities. Despite not being a dog person himself, the speaker gained a newfound appreciation for the monks' unique bond and their ability to train dogs with love and discipline.

    • Monks and their focused German ShepherdsStaying focused on goals is crucial. Intelligent and adaptable dogs, like German Shepherds, demonstrate the importance of unwavering commitment to a task. Monks turned dog training into a business, combining their spiritual background with entrepreneurial skills.

      Staying focused on your goals is crucial, just like the German Shepherds in the monastery that were trained to remain undistracted. These dogs, known for their intelligence, demonstrated the importance of unwavering commitment to a task. The monks, who were unexpected entrepreneurs, fell in love with their pets and turned dog training into a business out of necessity. Despite their spiritual background, they ran the operation efficiently and saved any excess revenue for the monastery. The dogs, bred for protection work, were obedient and highly intelligent, sensing their handler's emotions and reacting accordingly. This experience served as a reminder that focus, intelligence, and adaptability are essential in achieving goals, whether in training dogs or running a business.

    • Two weeks in a monastery for personal growthDisconnecting from modern conveniences and distractions can lead to personal growth and a newfound appreciation for simplicity. Long-term commitment to self-care and mindfulness can be inspiring.

      Immersing oneself in an unfamiliar environment, even if it means disconnecting from modern conveniences and distractions, can lead to personal growth and a newfound appreciation for simplicity. The speaker, a father of four with a business, sought refuge in a monastery for two weeks to detach and recharge. Initially, he was skeptical of the monks' lifestyle, but as he stayed longer, he began to understand their decision to disconnect from the outside world and focus on inner peace. Despite the challenges of limited information and isolation, the speaker felt proud of himself for sticking it out and learned valuable lessons about prioritizing self-care and mindfulness. The monks' long-term commitment to their way of life seemed romantic and inspiring to the speaker, who saw their dedication as a bold and admirable choice.

    • The impact of reducing external distractions and decisionsReducing decisions and external stimuli can lead to increased clarity, focus, and productivity. Going to a monastery or using sensory deprivation tanks can help eliminate distractions and allow the brain to think more effectively.

      Reducing external distractions and decisions can lead to increased clarity and productivity. The speaker shares his experience of meeting a man who had given up worldly possessions to become a monk, which left a profound impact on him. He noticed how the monk seemed calm and in control, despite the chaos of life. The speaker also mentions his own experience of going to a monastery to write a book and how the absence of decisions and external stimuli allowed him to think more clearly and make better decisions. This concept is further reinforced by the idea of decision fatigue and the benefits of sensory deprivation tanks, which eliminate external input and allow the brain to use its resources more effectively.

    • Realizing the importance of using time wiselyBeing intentional with time and energy leads to a more fulfilling and meaningful life, prioritize alone time, clear mind, focus on values, adjust personal relationships, set boundaries, and reconnect with instincts.

      Becoming aware of our relationship with time and prioritizing our actions accordingly can lead to significant shifts in our perspectives and lives. The speaker shares how his experience of climbing a mountain made him realize the importance of using his time wisely and focusing on what he truly loves and values. He emphasizes the need to carve out alone time to reconnect with our instincts and clear our minds, which can lead to greater clarity and purpose. The speaker also shares how this newfound awareness led him to make adjustments in his personal relationships, such as prioritizing time with loved ones, and setting boundaries around distractions like his phone. Overall, the takeaway is that being intentional with our time and energy can lead to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

    • The importance of self-care and personal timeDedicate time daily for self-care, don't resent others for enjoying life, prepare well, persevere, and check off bucket list experiences for a positive attitude and fulfillment.

      Prioritizing self-care and personal time is crucial for maintaining balance in life. The speaker shares how he dedicates three hours a day for himself, emphasizing the importance of not resenting others for taking away the things he loves to do. He also shares his experience of attempting to climb Mount Washington, which taught him the value of preparation, perseverance, and checking experiences off one's bucket list. By taking care of himself and making time for important experiences, the speaker is able to approach life with a positive attitude and a sense of fulfillment.

    • Setting aside time for adventures and eliminating distractionsPrioritize experiences, eliminate distractions, and focus on family, wellness, finances, and causes to live a balanced and fulfilling life.

      Prioritizing experiences and eliminating distractions are key to living a balanced and fulfilling life. The speaker emphasizes the importance of setting aside time every two months for adventures and creating meaningful memories, while also being mindful of how time is spent on a daily basis. He eliminated activities that didn't contribute to his family, wellness, finances, or causes, such as watching excessive amounts of football. While it's important to enjoy recreational activities, they should not come at the expense of time spent on things that truly matter. The speaker's "Kevin rule" encourages living with urgency and making the most of the time we have.

    • Managing tasks and reducing stress with two notebooksUsing two notebooks for tasks and priorities, living in the moment, and embracing new opportunities can boost productivity and reduce stress.

      Having a structured system for managing time and tasks can greatly improve productivity and reduce stress. The speaker shares his personal method of using two notebooks - one for recording all tasks and responsibilities, and the other for prioritizing and completing the most important tasks each day. He also emphasizes the importance of living in the moment and using past experiences as motivation. The speaker's enthusiasm for living with urgency and productivity was reinforced during a visit to a monastery, and it continues to drive him even as he approaches middle age. He encourages others to use their past experiences and the passage of time as motivators, rather than sources of anxiety. The speaker's story of unexpectedly finding a place to live by connecting with a stranger at a bachelor party illustrates the importance of being open to new opportunities and taking risks.

    • Valuing personal growth and experiencesDespite initial desperation, cherish personal growth and experiences over quick solutions, as they're invaluable assets for future success.

      Youth and the journey of personal growth are valuable assets that should not be given away lightly. In the speaker's experience, a young musician was offered a deal that would have given someone else a 10% share of his earnings for life. The speaker was desperate for money and considered the offer, but ultimately decided against it after seeking advice from a wise mentor. The mentor reminded the speaker that youth and the experiences that come with it are invaluable, and the speaker should focus on making it work on his own. The speaker went on to secure funding for his business and ultimately sold it to a public company. This experience served as a reminder to cherish the process of personal growth and not give away a significant portion of one's future earnings for a quick solution. The music industry, and business in general, can sometimes exploit young talent with unfavorable contracts. It's important to remember that in the beginning, you may be desperate, but what you have is what they don't have.

    • Exploitation in the Entertainment Industry: A Continuing Struggle for Fair CompensationArtists and creators must stay informed, negotiate contracts with leverage, and advocate for fair compensation and ownership of their work to avoid exploitation in the ever-evolving entertainment industry.

      The entertainment industry, particularly the music industry, can be exploitative towards artists, especially those who are young and inexperienced. Record companies often demand a large percentage of profits and control over artists, leaving them with little financial gain. The situation is even more complex with the advent of streaming services, which require new contracts but don't always provide fair compensation to artists. The Music Modernization Act is an attempt to address these issues, but it's a reminder of the ongoing struggle for artists to receive fair compensation for their work. Another interesting point is the shift towards audio content, such as audiobooks and podcasts, which have changed the way people consume media and may eventually surpass traditional formats. Ultimately, the key takeaway is that artists and creators need to be aware of these trends and negotiate contracts with leverage, or risk being taken advantage of. It's essential to stay informed and advocate for fair compensation and ownership of one's work.

    • Embracing Challenges for Personal GrowthSetting ambitious goals, embracing discomfort, and striving for continuous improvement can lead to significant personal growth and a new perspective on what is possible.

      Pushing beyond perceived limits can lead to significant personal growth and a new perspective on what is possible. The speaker shared his experience of completing a 100-mile run, which required intense training, dedication, and a strong sense of urgency. This experience not only changed his life but also made him realize that he had been underestimating his capabilities in other areas. He encouraged listeners to evaluate their own lives and consider whether they were under-indexing in certain areas, and to challenge themselves to reach new heights. The speaker also emphasized that discomfort and challenges are essential for growth and that routine can sometimes hinder progress. Overall, his story highlights the importance of setting ambitious goals, embracing discomfort, and striving for continuous improvement.

    • Overcoming unexpected setbacks in endurance racesEnduring physical challenges can lead to profound learning experiences and significant changes in life, despite unexpected setbacks and unfulfilling finishes. Adaptation, resilience, and intentional choices for health and well-being are crucial.

      Enduring physical challenges, such as long-distance running, can lead to unexpected setbacks and profound learning experiences. The speaker shared his experience of completing a 100-mile race, which resulted in severe blisters and an unfulfilling finish. He also discussed the impact of his diet on his recovery, leading him to adopt a fruitarian lifestyle. Despite the challenges, he expressed that the experience was worth it and brought about significant changes in his life. The speaker's story highlights the importance of resilience, adaptation, and the power of making intentional choices for one's health and well-being.

    • Monks' Happiness: A Commitment to a Simple LifestyleMonks find deep happiness through a commitment to a simple, ascetic lifestyle, which requires daily decisions and adjustments, and is seen as a higher purpose.

      The monks in the monastery found deep happiness and fulfillment in their simple, ascetic lifestyle, which they saw as their calling. They weren't born into it, but made the decision to commit to it in their twenties and thirties, leaving behind various jobs and secular lives. Despite being a small community of eight men, studies suggest that a majority of people would not consider themselves as happy as they are. Happiness is not a static state, but rather a constant management issue that requires daily decisions and adjustments. The monks' happiness is not a number, but a mindset and a commitment to their way of life. While some may argue that they are sacrificing certain aspects of life, they believe they are living in accordance with a higher purpose.

    • Identifying and eliminating sources of unhappinessSurround yourself with positive and inspirational people for personal growth and happiness.

      Identifying and eliminating sources of unhappiness in our lives is crucial for personal growth and happiness. This can be achieved by recognizing the things that bring us down and subtracting them from our lives. However, happiness is not easily measurable or benchmarked like other aspects of life, making it essential to surround ourselves with positive and inspirational people who fuel our motivation and success. These relationships provide energy and inspiration, pushing us forward and helping us grow, both personally and financially. Ultimately, the energy we receive from positive relationships is invaluable, and it's essential to recognize and prioritize them in our lives.

    • Embrace challenges for personal growthOvercoming challenges brings long-term rewards like appreciation for time, respect for existence, and fulfillment

      Personal growth and happiness come from facing challenges and learning valuable lessons. Life is not about constant comfort and ease, but rather about seeking out difficult tasks and accomplishments. The struggle and discomfort we experience during these challenges are temporary, but the rewards we gain from overcoming them are long-lasting. These rewards can include newfound appreciation for time, respect for one's own existence, and a sense of fulfillment. It's important to remember that we are human beings, who have evolved to seek out stimulation and accomplishment. By embracing this aspect of ourselves, we can live more satisfying and meaningful lives.

    • Embrace discomfort for personal growthPush past limitations for sense of accomplishment and progress, both physically and mentally. Mental stimulation is crucial for overall well-being, and encountering new challenges can lead to significant growth.

      Making small improvements and challenging ourselves is essential for personal growth and keeping our minds stimulated. The speaker shares his experiences with running and yoga, highlighting the sense of accomplishment and progress that comes from pushing past limitations. He also mentions the importance of mental stimulation and the potential consequences of a lack thereof. The speaker's encounter with David Goggins, who encouraged him to push beyond self-imposed limitations, is a powerful example of this concept in action. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of embracing discomfort and striving for progress in various aspects of life.

    • Embrace new experiences for personal growthEmbrace discomfort and seek new experiences to transform and grow beyond your comfort zone, as shown by David Goggins' journey from an unmotivated man to an Iron Man.

      Pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone can lead to remarkable personal growth and transformation. David Goggins, a former Navy SEAL and ultra-marathon runner, shared his experience of being challenged by Goggins to jump into a frozen lake as part of his training. This experience taught him the importance of consistency, determination, and being open to new experiences. Goggins' story began with him as an unmotivated, out-of-shape man, but he transformed into an intensely motivated Iron Man after hitting rock bottom. His story serves as a reminder that no matter where you start, you have the potential to change and grow. It's important to put yourself in positions where you can learn and seek out new experiences, even if they're uncomfortable or seem radical. Goggins' dedication to pushing himself led him to break multiple records and inspire others to do the same.

    • Encountering Motivated IndividualsMeeting motivated individuals can spark personal growth and form deep friendships through shared experiences.

      Being around highly motivated individuals can significantly influence and disrupt our routines in a positive way. The speaker's encounter with David led him to break free from his comfort zone and embark on a transformative journey. This happened organically, without any formal agenda or objective, but the experience proved to be invaluable. The speaker learned and grew from David's intensity and determination, and the two shared unforgettable experiences, like their 48-hour running challenge and the steam room incident. Ultimately, this unexpected encounter led to a deep friendship and a month of personal growth for the speaker.

    • Embracing Unconventional Challenges for Personal GrowthPushing beyond comfort zones through unconventional challenges can lead to improved physical fitness, boosted confidence, and closed deals.

      Pushing oneself out of comfort zones and embracing unconventional challenges can lead to significant personal growth and development. The speaker shared his experience of undergoing a month-long burpee challenge initiated by a colleague, which not only helped him improve his physical fitness but also boosted his confidence and closed deals at work. Although intense, the experience was worthwhile and left a lasting impact on him. The contrast between this experience and living with a monk was also highlighted, emphasizing the importance of being open to new experiences and learning from them. The speaker expressed his gratitude for the opportunity and encouraged listeners to put themselves in similar situations to unlock their full potential.

    • The rewards of pushing beyond your limitsDavid Goggins inspires readers to challenge themselves and strive for excellence, drawing on his experiences as an ultra-endurance athlete and former Navy SEAL. His books offer insights on mastering the mind and defying the odds.

      Being around greatness and pushing yourself beyond your limits can lead to significant personal growth and a deeper appreciation for the rewards of hard work. David Goggins, an ultra-endurance athlete and former Navy SEAL, embodies this mindset and inspires those around him to challenge themselves and strive for excellence. The feeling of pride and accomplishment that comes from sticking with a challenging experience, whether it's enduring physical pain or leaving a comfort zone, is a powerful motivator and a crucial aspect of personal development. Both of Goggins' books, "Can't Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds" and "Living with a Seal: Three Warriors' Missions to Save the World," are available now in print and audio formats, allowing readers to learn from his experiences and apply his lessons to their own lives.

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    Desire to be supported and encourage by other like-minded women? Join us at Women of IMPACThttp://facebook.com/groups/thewomenofimpact

    Maybe it's the faults of your past. 

    Maybe it's your own belief that you're never good enough.

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    The K.I.S.S. ~ The Voice of Truth!

    REFLECTION: Today, I want you to reflect on these three questions.

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    Not the negative CRAP, the doubts and drama of others, and not the daily sagas of self-centered mindsets. 

    It's all about control, earthly control. What happened to Heavenly control?

    Let God wash away the torment of lies that threaten your greatness He's creating within you.

    Let it go! Let God have it all!

    Give Him your heart.
    Dedicate your life to glorify Him.
    Rejoice with the voice of truth.

    As you go out this week...

    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"

    May God bless you this week in all your steps, in all your endeavors. Seek His guidance. Praise His name. The voice of truth!


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    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"

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    Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Succes, and She Owns It.







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