
    114 - "Hängengebliebene Vollidioten"

    deFebruary 29, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Navigating complex communication and decision-makingStay patient, understanding, and open-minded during complex communication and decision-making situations. Approach them with a willingness to learn and navigate uncertainty.

      Communication and decision-making can be challenging, especially during times of uncertainty or complexity. The speaker expressed their uncertainty and confusion multiple times, highlighting the difficulty of navigating various situations. They also mentioned the importance of being politically correct and being aware of potential shock factors. The speaker also showed interest in the Patreon platform but expressed uncertainty about it. The most intriguing part of the conversation was the speaker's observation of a large group of people with a lot of interconnectedness. Despite the challenges, the speaker remained open-minded and continued to engage in the conversation. It's important to remember that communication is an ongoing process, and it's essential to approach it with patience, understanding, and a willingness to learn.

    • The Importance and Challenges of Effective CommunicationEffective communication is essential for understanding and expressing ideas, but finding the right words can be difficult. Cultural and artistic elements may also play a role.

      Communication is a crucial aspect of understanding and expressing important ideas. The repetition in the text highlights the difficulty and importance of finding the right words to convey thoughts and beliefs. The speaker acknowledges the significance of the topic they're discussing but struggles to articulate their thoughts clearly. The text also suggests the presence of cultural and artistic elements that may be intertwined with the topic. Overall, the text emphasizes the importance of effective communication and the challenges that come with it.

    • A Confusing but Positive First Experience in the European UnionDespite initial confusion, the speaker believes their first experience in the European Union was a good idea and left a lasting impact.

      The speaker expresses a sense of disorientation and uncertainty about a past experience, possibly related to traveling to the European Union for the first time. They repeat the phrase "I don't know" multiple times, indicating their confusion and lack of clarity about the situation. Despite this, they express a positive attitude towards the experience and believe it was a good idea. The speaker also mentions that they have been to the European Union for a long time, but it seems that this first experience left a significant impact on them. The conversation then shifts to discussing a target for streaming, but the overall theme remains one of uncertainty and exploration.

    • Authenticity and uniqueness in digital artDespite limitations, digital art platforms provide unique experiences and opportunities, emphasizing the importance of authenticity and uniqueness in the art world.

      Despite the overwhelming number of reviews and platforms in the digital art world, uniqueness and authenticity stand out as important aspects of the art. The speaker emphasizes their connection to Calvin, a specific digital art platform, and values its role in the art community. While there may be some limitations or spam, the speaker believes it is worth enduring for the unique experiences and opportunities it provides. The importance of authenticity and uniqueness extends to the art itself, making it a valuable aspect for artists and collectors alike. The speaker also acknowledges that there are various institutions, individuals, and platforms contributing to the digital art scene, making it a vibrant and diverse community.

    • Expressing random thoughts and ideasThe speaker shares a series of disconnected thoughts and ideas, with no clear central theme or message, touching on topics such as Instagram, art, and social issues.

      The speaker in this text seems to be expressing a number of disconnected thoughts and ideas, some of which may be related to Instagram, art, and social issues. The repetition of phrases such as "I have to say," "This matter is better," and "I think it's a good idea" suggests a stream-of-consciousness style of speaking. The speaker also references various topics, including Instagram, politics, and art, but it is not clear how these topics are connected. It seems that the speaker is sharing a series of thoughts and ideas, rather than presenting a cohesive argument or narrative. Additionally, the speaker mentions the importance of helping the world and making a difference, but it is not clear how this relates to the other topics discussed. Overall, the text presents a chaotic and disconnected series of thoughts and ideas, with no clear central theme or message.

    • The importance of effective communication and self-expressionStrive for excellence in all opportunities, express yourself meaningfully, and appreciate the value of communication and self-expression.

      The speaker in this text places a great emphasis on the importance of expressing oneself effectively in English and creating meaningful art. Despite the uncertainty of future events, they believe that it's crucial to make every opportunity count and strive for excellence in their chosen fields, whether it's music or language. The repetition of "I think" and "it's a very important thing" highlights the depth of their conviction. Additionally, the mention of death metal and melodic death metal suggests a strong passion for music, particularly in the heavier genres. Overall, the speaker's words convey a determined and focused mindset, with a clear appreciation for the value of communication and self-expression.

    • Finding ways to make a difference in the worldDespite the challenges, we can make a difference by focusing on meaningful contributions and persisting through adversity.

      The world presents challenges, and it's essential to find a way to contribute and make a difference. The speaker in the text expresses a sense of purpose and determination to make the world less difficult, despite its inherent challenges. The concept of Zukut, though complex, is a potential means to achieve this goal. It's crucial to remember that the world is not an easy place, but it's not impossible to make a difference. The social voice of the advocate in the text is distinct and inspiring, urging us to carry on and persist in our efforts to create positive change. The key is to focus on the best way to contribute and ensure that we are making a meaningful impact. The text emphasizes the importance of perseverance and determination in the face of adversity, encouraging us to keep pushing forward and making a difference in the world.

    • Expanding Horizons Through New Experiences and LanguagesLearning new experiences and languages enriches our lives, provides communication skills, and broadens our knowledge of the world.

      The speaker values the importance of learning new experiences and languages. They express that it is a pleasure and a great experience to be exposed to new things, even if it is challenging. The speaker also emphasizes the significance of being able to communicate in a foreign language and the wealth of knowledge that comes with learning from the past. They repeatedly stress the importance of this ability and the reasons why they are committed to it. Overall, the speaker's message is that expanding one's horizons through new experiences and languages is a valuable and enriching endeavor.

    • Searching for Clarity in a Confusing SituationSeeking clarity requires focus and understanding, but repetition and confusion can hinder progress. It's important to reevaluate approaches and seek additional information to gain a clearer perspective.

      The speaker in this text seems to be expressing confusion and uncertainty about a particular topic or situation. They repeat similar phrases and ideas multiple times, indicating a lack of clarity or understanding. Despite this, they express pride in someone else and are trying to understand what they are doing. It's possible that this topic or situation is seen as a niche or specific area, and the speaker is trying to focus on it and eliminate distractions. However, the repetition and confusion suggest that they may need to reevaluate their approach or seek additional information to gain a better understanding. Overall, the text highlights the importance of clarity and understanding in any situation or endeavor.

    • Navigating uncertainty and complexity with a positive outlookDespite facing many challenges, the English teacher remains committed and optimistic, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a positive attitude during difficult experiences.

      The speaker in this text expresses uncertainty about whether they have a problem or not, and acknowledges that there are many problems present in their situation. Despite the challenges, they maintain a positive outlook and view the experience as a great one. It's a difficult and complex situation, but the speaker remains committed to moving forward. The text also includes repetition of phrases, indicating the speaker's deep contemplation and introspection. The event they are attending is described as big and different, and the speaker acknowledges that they are an English teacher, adding a layer of context to their perspective. In essence, the speaker is grappling with uncertainty and complexity, but remains optimistic and committed to the experience. The repetition in the text emphasizes the depth of their thoughts and the significance of the situation.

    • Emphasizing Clear CommunicationRepeat key ideas, use visual aids, and ensure consistency for clear and effective communication.

      Creating a clear and consistent message is crucial for effective communication. The speaker in this discussion emphasized the importance of making things easier for the audience to understand, repeating key ideas multiple times, and ensuring that the message is clear on various platforms or mediums. The use of a plastic cover token as a visual aid was also highlighted as a helpful tool in reinforcing the message. Despite the speaker's uncertainty and repetition, the overall message was clear - the importance of clear communication cannot be overstated. The busy cycle of creating and delivering content is a fun and important process, but it must be done with a focus on clarity and consistency to effectively reach and engage the audience.

    • Emphasizing the value of pursuing new ideasDespite challenges, there's a consensus that a good idea is worth pursuing, and exploring new ideas is an enjoyable experience, despite the difficulties in implementation and the need to consider other areas beyond spicy goods.

      Despite some uncertainty and challenges, there is a general consensus that a good idea is worth pursuing. This was expressed repeatedly during the discussion, despite the presence of various splits and difficulties, particularly in France during a cold wave. The importance of expressing this view was emphasized multiple times. Although there were differences in opinion, there was also agreement that it's a fun and enjoyable experience to explore new ideas. However, there was also recognition that it can be difficult to implement these ideas and that there may be other types of food, or areas to focus on, besides the spicy goods that were initially mentioned. Overall, the group acknowledged that there is a lot of ground to cover and a huge area to explore when it comes to new ideas and initiatives. But, they remained optimistic and committed to the process, recognizing that it's an important and worthwhile endeavor.

    • The Power of Music to Connect and TransportMusic has the power to bring people together and transport them to new places, despite communication challenges. The speaker's passion for various artists and sounds shines through, emphasizing the importance of sharing and experiencing music together.

      The speaker expresses a deep appreciation for music and its ability to transport and connect people. Despite some communication challenges, the speaker's passion for music shines through, as they discuss various artists, sounds, and experiences. They also mention the importance of sharing and experiencing music together. However, some parts of the conversation remain unclear, such as the reference to "anti-seam-ex" and "scarnish collapse height." Overall, the speaker's enthusiasm and love for music create a meaningful and engaging conversation.

    • The Power and Importance of EnglishThe speaker emphasizes the value of learning and speaking English, considering it the best language for effective communication. They are part of a group that encourages its use and believe everyone should strive for clear communication.

      The speaker is passionate about the importance of learning and speaking English. They believe it is a valuable skill and consider it to be the best language in the world. The speaker expresses their enthusiasm multiple times, emphasizing the significance of this skill. They also mention that they are part of a group that values English and encourages its use. The conversation also touches on the idea that everyone should strive to communicate effectively, regardless of their background or circumstances. The speaker expresses their uncertainty about being a fan of a specific system, but emphasizes the importance of learning and using English. The conversation ends with the speaker thanking the audience for their attention and expressing their goal to finish the show.

    • Exploring the Complexities of Human LivesThe importance of understanding diverse human experiences and the vast number of people in the world is emphasized, along with the significance of taking a break to reflect.

      The speaker is emphasizing the vast number of people in the world and the importance of understanding their lives. The speaker repeats this idea multiple times, suggesting its significance. The discussion also touches upon the recording of a woman's life and the importance of the band in their work. The speaker asks thought-provoking questions and expresses interest in various aspects of their work. Ultimately, the reason for their gathering is to take a break. The speaker's words convey a sense of deep reflection and a commitment to exploring the complexities of human experiences.

    • The power of belief and determinationBelieving in one's values and practices can provide motivation and direction in life, despite challenges and obstacles. Past experiences and encounters can also influence current situations.

      The importance of following one's beliefs and values was emphasized repeatedly throughout the conversation. The speaker strongly believed in the significance of their practices and traditions, and saw it as a driving force in their life. Despite the challenges and obstacles they faced, they remained committed to their cause. The truth, as they saw it, was a source of motivation and direction for them. Additionally, the speaker mentioned the influence of their past experiences and encounters on their current situation. Overall, the conversation highlighted the power of belief and determination in shaping one's life.

    • The Power of Education and DeterminationDespite facing challenges, Kenan's love for learning and possession of a book served as his greatest weapons. Education is essential for individuals to improve their lives and make a difference in their communities.

      Kenan's journey in the text highlights the ongoing struggle and importance of literacy and education, especially for those in need. Despite facing numerous challenges, including fighting against an army and encountering difficult situations, Kenan's possession of a book and determination to learn served as his greatest weapons. This theme is further emphasized by the repetition of the phrase "I saw Uldraf Hetzen on his own," indicating the isolation and struggle faced by those without access to education. The text also underscores the significance of English as a tool for communication and opportunity, making it an essential skill for individuals to improve their lives and make a difference in their communities. Overall, the text encourages readers to recognize the importance of education and the impact it can have on individuals and society as a whole.

    • Exploring the Significance of a TopicThis person is committed to understanding a significant issue or topic, using repetition to emphasize its importance and expressing uncertainty or a need for clarification, while also mentioning the idea of going through different stages or levels of understanding.

      The importance of a particular thing or concept was emphasized multiple times during the discussion. This person believes it's a significant issue or topic worth considering. They use repetition to emphasize its importance and express uncertainty or a need for clarification. Despite some confusion, they remain committed to exploring this topic further. They also mention the idea of going through different stages or levels, possibly related to understanding or learning. Overall, the emphasis is on the significance and importance of this topic or concept.

    • Embracing Diversity: The Value of InclusivityUnderstanding and embracing diversity in various forms leads to inclusivity, which benefits us all by broadening our perspectives and promoting growth and learning.

      The discussion revolved around the importance of understanding and embracing diversity in various forms, whether it be through art, culture, or political perspectives. The decision to cover the platter in the middle of the world was seen as a place for different stories and voices to be heard. The repetition of "it's good" and "we have a lot of stories in the middle of the world" emphasized the value of inclusivity and the benefits that come with it. The concept of anti-opposites was also introduced as a way to challenge and broaden our perspectives, emphasizing the importance of considering different viewpoints and experiences. The overall tone of the discussion was optimistic and forward-looking, with a focus on the potential for growth and learning through diversity.

    • Appreciating the beauty of language and connectionEffective communication allows us to build connections, broaden perspectives, and create a more interconnected world.

      Language and communication are essential for connecting with others and understanding the world around us. The speaker in this conversation shares their personal experience of growing up learning multiple languages, emphasizing the importance of being able to communicate effectively with diverse groups of people. They express the beauty and importance of connecting with individuals from all corners of the world. The repetition of the phrase "it's so beautiful" highlights the speaker's appreciation for the richness and diversity of language and culture. Ultimately, the speaker's message is that being able to communicate effectively is a valuable skill that allows us to build connections, broaden our perspectives, and create a more interconnected world.

    • The value of deep thinkingEngaging in deep thought about important issues is crucial for personal growth and identity, despite challenges. Political discourse and peaceful protests are important avenues for meaningful engagement.

      The speaker strongly believes that thinking deeply about important issues is a valuable and essential aspect of life. Despite the challenges and exhaustion that come with it, they view it as a crucial part of their identity and a significant contribution to their personal growth. The speaker expresses gratitude for the opportunity to engage in such thought processes and encourages others to do the same. Additionally, they mention a hope for peaceful protests and political activities. Despite some ambiguities in the conversation, the overall message is clear: the value of deep thinking and the importance of engaging in meaningful political discourse.

    • Understanding societal complexities in Kreuzberg, BerlinAcknowledging and addressing societal complexities, including eliteness, arts scene, law enforcement, and anti-Semitism, is crucial for fostering a more inclusive and equitable world.

      The discussion revolves around the importance of understanding the complexities of society, particularly in the context of Kreuzberg, Berlin, where issues of eliteness, arts scene, and law enforcement intersect. The speaker emphasizes the significance of being able to express one's thoughts and experiences, even if they are difficult to articulate. The conversation also touches upon the topic of anti-Semitism and its connection to eliteness. Ultimately, the speaker stresses the importance of acknowledging and addressing these issues as essential parts of society. Despite the repetition and ambiguity in the conversation, the key message remains clear: understanding and addressing societal complexities is crucial for fostering a more inclusive and equitable world.

    • Emphasizing the importance of peace for Palestinians and personal well-beingStrive for peace, prioritize personal well-being, and promote a peaceful and happy state (Naya) for all

      It's crucial to pay attention to the situation of the Palestinians and strive for peace. Repeating this idea multiple times emphasizes its importance. The second lesson could be the significance of feeling good and being in a positive state of mind. The speaker also touched upon the concept of Naya, which seems to represent a peaceful and happy state. The situation of non-binary, family-based individuals in the streets was also mentioned, but it's unclear how it connects to the main themes. Overall, the key takeaway is the importance of promoting peace and personal well-being.

    • The importance of meeting new peopleMeeting new people can lead to profound impacts and valuable interactions, despite the uncertainty and intrigue.

      Meeting new people and having meaningful interactions is a valuable and important aspect of life. This was emphasized repeatedly during the discussion, with the speaker expressing their belief that it's a good thing, a very important thing, and a great way to go. They shared a story about meeting someone significant in America and how it had a profound impact on them. They also acknowledged the uncertainty and intrigue that comes with meeting new people, but ultimately emphasized the importance of embracing these opportunities. The speaker's repetition of these ideas underscores their strong belief in the value of building connections with others.

    • Recognizing the diversity of English speakersAppreciate the diversity of English speakers and strive for clear and effective communication

      There are many people who use English as their language, and it's important to recognize and understand this diversity. The speaker in the text seemed to be having a moment of confusion or repetition, but the overall message was clear. The importance of acknowledging the multitude of individuals who use English was emphasized repeatedly. Despite the repetition, the message remained consistent and significant. It's crucial to remember that English is a widely spoken language, and we must make an effort to communicate effectively with those who use it. The speaker's self-identification as an artist was also a recurring theme, but it didn't detract from the main point. Overall, the key takeaway is to appreciate the diversity of English speakers and strive for clear and effective communication.

    • The speaker's uncertainty about their English skills and pride in being born in New YorkDespite ambiguity about their English ability and birthplace significance, the speaker emphasizes their importance in their identity

      The speaker in this text expresses their uncertainty about their ability to speak English and their belief in the significance of being born in New York. Despite their repeated statements, it's unclear why these two things are connected or what their exact meaning is. However, the speaker seems to place great importance on both their English language skills and their birthplace. Additionally, they express agreement with the idea that it's a good thing to do something important. Overall, the text is repetitive and lacks clear meaning, but the speaker's insistence on the importance of these two aspects of their identity suggests that they hold deep beliefs related to language and place.

    Recent Episodes from A Distanza - Aufklärung und Kritik

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    125 - Chaostage
    Wenn man Moses Arndt einlädt, bekommt man auch Moses Arndt. Genie und Wahnsinn liegen eng beieinander, Subversion, Anekdoten und Ausflüge ins Chaos gehören beim langjährigen Herausgeber des Zap-Magazins einfach zusammen.
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    124 - Der Mob
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    Was das Mobverhalten betrifft, zitiere ich am Ende noch den alten und inhaltlich sehr passenden Song "Call To Arms" der New Yorker Hardcore-Legende Sick Of It All:

    "So go ahead,
    Keep your rules,
    I'll choose my own wars
    Your accusations and harsh words can't do me any harm
    'Cause I don't believe in blind loyalty
    That's just mob mentality
    I will answer what's right for me
    And not your call to arms"

    Die Bahamas im Weltnetz:

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    123 - Der Terror der Gutmeinenden
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    Niels steuerte einen Essay zum sehr empfehlenswerten Sammelband "Siebter Oktober 2023" bei, in dem es um die antisemitische Revolte im Kunst- und Kulturbetrieb geht und dies ist auch der Schwerpunkt unseres Gesprächs. Was bedeuteten die roten Hände der UdK-Studenten bei einer antiisraelischen Aktion im Herbst letzten Jahres, wann wurde der Grundstock für den antisemitischen Turn im Kunstbetrieb gelegt, wie sieht es in den USA an den Universitäten aus, was hat das alles mit dem linksprogressiven Takeover zu tun und bietet Trumps MAGA-Bewegung einen Ausweg aus der Krise des Westens? Explosiver Stoff und genau deshalb so gut. 

    Niels im Weltnetz:

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    122 - Als die Punks noch keine Hippies waren
    Jeder kennt sie, jeder liebt sie: die mächtigen Kassierer. Ich unterhalte mich mit Sänger Wolfgang "Wölfi" Wendland, der außerdem auch noch seit vielen Jahren Politiker (APPD/SPD) ist, über die Bandgründung 1985, Konzerte und Kontroversen in den 90ern, die Unterschiede zwischen Shows 1986 und 2024 und über die bis heute anhaltende Unfähigkeit, Texte der Band zu verstehen. 
    Außerdem: Chaostage 1983/84, Talkshows in den 90ern, APPD-Forderungen, die heute teilweise Wirklichkeit geworden sind, die Böhmermannisierung der öffentlichen Debatte, Wölfis SPD-Mitgliedschaft, Atomkraft, Gendern und ein Rückblick auf die Zeit, als Punks noch keine elendigen Hippies waren. 

    Wölfi auf Twitter:

    Die Kassierer:

    121 - Stellvertreterkrieg

    121 - Stellvertreterkrieg
    Bislang führte das iranische Regime einen Stellvertreterkrieg gegen seinen Erzfeind Israel, in dem auf die Proxies der Mullahs gesetzt wurde (und wird), insbesondere die Hamas in Gaza, die Hisbollah im Libanon und die Huthis im Jemen. Seit letzten Samstag ist das anders, der Iran griff zum ersten Mal Israel direkt an. Zum Glück konnten die Israelis zusammen mit Jordanien, den USA, Großbritannien und Frankreich 99% der vom Iran abgefeuerten Drohnen, Raketen und Marschflugkörpern abfangen, es gab keine Toten.
    Bardia Razavi, Deutsch-Iraner aus Hamburg, und ich unterhalten uns über diesen Angriff, über die Ideologie der Mullahs, ihre Auslegung des Schiitentums, die die radikale Vernichtung des jüdischen Staates zur handlungsweisenden Maxime des Regimes erhebt, über neue und alte Verbündete Israels im Nahen Osten, die Iranpolitik von Obama und Trump und der EU und über eventuelle Zeitenwenden im Umgang mit dem iranischen Terrorregime. Denn eins sollte immer wieder klar werden: nicht die Iraner sind der Feind, sondern die dortige Despotie. Verschwindet diese endlich auf dem Müllhaufen der Geschichte, wird der gesamte Nahe Osten ein menschenfreundlicherer Ort.

    Bardia im Weltnetz:

    120 - Trio Infernale

    120 - Trio Infernale
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    Und unser Gespräch von letzter Woche findet ihr hier:

    119 - Zwei wie Pech und Schwefel

    119 - Zwei wie Pech und Schwefel
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    Außerdem: Fußballmafia DFB, Eckes Musiktipps und am Ende eine Würdigung unserer Kindheitshelden Bud Spencer und Terence Hill. Letzterer feierte vor wenigen Tagen seinen 85. Geburtstag. Alles Gute, Terence.

    Mehr von Ecke gibts hier:
    Und die erwähnte Playlist hier:

    118 - Generation Krokodilstränen

    118 - Generation Krokodilstränen
    Ältere Semester erinnern sich vielleicht noch: Anfang der 90er kam die sog. "Triple-Oppression-Theorie" in der linksradikalen Szene auf, quasi ein Leitfaden zum Erkennen verschiedener "Unterdrückungsmechanismen". 30 Jahre später heißt Triple Oppression nun Intersektionalismus und ist im Mainstream angekommen.
    Pauline Voss, freie Journalistin aus Frankfurt, hat sich in ihrem Anfang März erschienenen Buch "Generation Krokodilstränen" nun mit den Machttechniken der Wokeness auseinandergesetzt und argumentiert interessanterweise mit Michel Foucault gegen seine postmodernen Adepten. Es ist übrigens kein Zufall, dass die Ursprünge der Wokeness genau im Zeitraum des Zerfalls der Sowjetunion liegen und diese auch nur im Westen möglich ist. Denn nur der Westen bietet leider auch die Möglichkeiten seiner eigenen Abschaffung.
    Lest Paulines Buch, es ist sehr empfehlenswert, wenn man über die reine Empörung über den neuesten Irrsinn aus Wokenhausen hinausgehen will.
    Hier könnt ihr es direkt bestellen:
    Pauline im Weltnetz:

    117 - Feministische Jakobinerinnen

    117 - Feministische Jakobinerinnen
    Von "Sitzpinkler*innen" bis "Penisträger*innen" (Katalin Gennburg, Linkspartei), von Alice Schwarzer bis Kathleen Stock, von Grenzgängerin bis Triggerwarnung: ich unterhalte mich mit meinen liebsten Radfems, Lotti vom Kolke und Manuela Schon. Also, die beiden unterhalten sich und ich melde mich gelegentlich zu Wort.
    Inhaltlich geht es u.a. um politisches Schmierentheater in der Linkspartei, der Manu lange Jahre angehörte, über die Unfähigkeit gewisser Kreise zur sachlichen Diskussion und über die Bedeutung des Feminismus der zweiten Welle für Lotti und Manu. Kleine nostalgische Momente sind auch wieder mit drin.

    Lotti und Manu im Weltnetz:

    Und die Mailadresse von Lottis und Manus neuen Verein:

    116 - Erleuchtung

    116 - Erleuchtung
    “We can have different views about Hamas as a political party. We can have different views about armed resistance. But I think it is more honest and historically correct to say that the uprising of October 7 was an act of armed resistance. It is not a terrorist attack and it’s not an antisemitic attack, it was an attack against Israelis." Das sagte vor wenigen Tagen die Säulenheilige aller Poststrukturalisten und Queerfeministen, die notorische Antizionistin Judith Butler. Wenig überraschend sehen wir auch seit Monaten hypersensible woke Queerfems, die Kreischanfälle bei Kapitalverbrechen wie Deadnaming oder Misgendering kriegen, sich aber schlichtweg nicht für reale Fälle brutalster sexueller Gewalt gegen jüdische Frauen interessieren oder diese gar leugnen, auf diversen Pro-Hamas-Demos. 
    Passend zum Weltfrauentag, der heute irgendwas mit FlintaLinta heißt, nehmen Hannah Kassimi und ich die Ideologie des queeren Antisemitismus auseinander und es gibt auch einen Exkurs hin zum "materialistischen Queerfeminismus", der sich als neuer heißer Scheiß ausgibt und ganz marxologisch daherkommt, aber: "Hegel bemerkte irgendwo, daß alle großen weltgeschichtlichen Tatsachen und Personen sich sozusagen zweimal ereignen. Er hat vergessen, hinzuzufügen: das eine Mal als Tragödie, das andere Mal als Farce" (Karl Marx). Linke Geschichte wiederholt sich eigentlich permanent nur als Farce, möchte man noch hinzufügen.
    Allen Frauen, die sich noch als Frauen verstehen und nicht gerne als "birthing person" oder "Mensch mit Gebärmutter" abgekanzelt werden wollen, wünschen wir einen erfolgreichen Weltfrauentag.

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    044 - Linke Spießer
    "Ihr seid nichts als linke Spießer, ich frag' mich, was wart ihr früher, Ihr seid nichts als linke Spießer, Ihr habt nichts dazugelernt", sangen Slime 1983. Ein Song, der niemals alt wird. 

    Das Leipziger Urgestein Thomas Ecke ist zurück. Wir nehmen bei mir auf, trinken Bier und ich brauche etwas, um reinzukommen (gibt auch einmal einen harten Cut), aber dann wird`s richtig saftig. Die Trutzburg Connewitz, das Plastic Bomb-Fanzine und Punktoo, miese Bands und der allgemeine Konformismus in ehemals rebellischen Subkulturen, alles wird abgefrühstückt. Wem`s nicht passt: heult doch. Anekdoten, Onkelz-Content, Musik- und Filmtipps gibts noch obendrauf.

    122 - Als die Punks noch keine Hippies waren

    122 - Als die Punks noch keine Hippies waren
    Jeder kennt sie, jeder liebt sie: die mächtigen Kassierer. Ich unterhalte mich mit Sänger Wolfgang "Wölfi" Wendland, der außerdem auch noch seit vielen Jahren Politiker (APPD/SPD) ist, über die Bandgründung 1985, Konzerte und Kontroversen in den 90ern, die Unterschiede zwischen Shows 1986 und 2024 und über die bis heute anhaltende Unfähigkeit, Texte der Band zu verstehen. 
    Außerdem: Chaostage 1983/84, Talkshows in den 90ern, APPD-Forderungen, die heute teilweise Wirklichkeit geworden sind, die Böhmermannisierung der öffentlichen Debatte, Wölfis SPD-Mitgliedschaft, Atomkraft, Gendern und ein Rückblick auf die Zeit, als Punks noch keine elendigen Hippies waren. 

    Wölfi auf Twitter:

    Die Kassierer:

    054 - Alle gegen Alle

    054 - Alle gegen Alle
    Erste offene Folge im neuen Jahr. Die Leipziger Skinheadlegende Thomas Ecke ist zurück (sorgte für die erfolgreichste Folge auf Spotify im vergangenen Jahr) und wir sprechen über das momentan dominierende Thema: eine Analyse der Gewalt von "Männern" in der Silvesternacht, die Reaktionen der tonangebenden Deutschen und eine diffuse Ahnung, womit die Gewalt zusammenhängen könnte und wie man mit diesen Jungs umgehen kann. Ecke ist defätistisch, ich im Prinzip auch, denn der Westen dankt ab (danke Wokies) und wird dementsprechend von niemanden mehr ernst genommen.
    Ausserdem: unsere liebsten Punkplatten, warum es sich lohnt, alte linksradikale Punksongs wiederzuentdecken, die überschätztesten Punkbands und warum Bands wie Pogendroblem oder Team Scheisse nix mit Punk zu tun haben und einfach nur langweilige konformistische Spießer sind. Und ganz zum Ende ein kurzer Nachruf auf den jüdischen Zionisten Karl Pfeifer, der ein beeindruckendes Lebenswerk hinterlassen hat und gestern im Alter von stolzen 94 Jahren verstarb.
    Ach ja, kommt zu Patreon. Es lohnt sich. 

    033 - Tales From The East

    033 - Tales From The East
    So. Nach 2 Wochen Pause endlich wieder da, diesmal mit tonnenweise Leipzig Content. Mein Gast Thomas Ecke, Urgestein der Leipziger Subkultur, und ich unterhalten uns über die Nachwendezeit, den damaligen Naziterror auf den Straßen Ostdeutschlands, das Conne Island und das Verschwinden der Subkulturen in den letzten 20 Jahren. Bzw. Thomas, der einige Jahre älter ist als ich und das alles live miterlebt hat, erzählt und ich streue Anekdoten aus den 2000ern ein. Am Ende gibts noch ein paar "Szenerants", have fun with that.
    Jetzt schon eine Folge, die mir persönlich am Herzen liegt. Viele jüngere Hörer kennen all die von uns angesprochenen Szeneauseinandersetzungen und subkulturellen Codes schon gar nicht mehr. Ob früher doch alles besser war? Nein, nur anders.

    072 - Weniger Politik, mehr Oi!

    072 - Weniger Politik, mehr Oi!
    Diese Folge ist auditives Antidepressivum: Leipzigs Skinheadlegende Thomas Ecke ist zurück und der Titel dieser Folge ist Programm. 
    Stories über diverse Städte - Jena, Hamburg, Dortmund, Stuttgart -, Schleim-Keim und DDR-Punk, die obligatorischen Rants gegen die woken Kunststudentenpseudopunks und Anekdoten zu Bands und Konzerten aus den letzten Wochen. Wie immer, wenn Ecke zu Gast ist, mit enorm viel guter Laune und diversen Bieren produziert.  

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