
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the World of Matcha: Its Unique Properties and Health BenefitsMatcha, a unique green tea, is sourced, prepared properly, and provides increased health benefits due to the entire leaf consumption, including chlorophyll, antioxidants, and L-theanine for relaxed alertness.

      Matcha, a powdered green tea, is known for its vibrant green color, rich flavor, and numerous health benefits. Dr. Weil, a highly respected figure in the health industry, emphasizes the importance of properly sourcing and preparing matcha to preserve its brilliant color and taste. Unlike other teas, matcha is unique because the entire leaf is consumed, providing increased amounts of chlorophyll, antioxidants, and L-theanine. L-theanine, a relaxant compound, moderates the stimulating effects of caffeine, resulting in a state of relaxed alertness. Matcha has been a cherished part of Japanese culture for centuries, with its origins rooted in Zen meditation and samurai traditions. While there are various grades of matcha, Dr. Weil's company, Machikari, aims to make high-quality, affordable matcha accessible to people in the United States. The traditional preparation of matcha involves whisking it in hot or cold water, ensuring a delightful and invigorating experience.

    • Eating a Rainbow: The Power of Phytonutrients and Pigments in a Balanced DietConsume a diverse range of fruits and veggies for phytonutrients, consider sustainable food choices, and respect individual dietary needs. Explore integrative medicine for holistic health.

      A balanced and healthy diet plays a crucial role in our overall wellbeing. This includes consuming a variety of fruits and vegetables across the color spectrum, which are rich in protective phytonutrients and pigments. These pigments are part of the plants' defensive system and offer numerous health benefits. Additionally, considering sustainability when it comes to food choices, especially with regard to fish, is essential. Individual dietary preferences and restrictions should be taken into account, and there is value in exploring different approaches to health and wellness, such as integrative medicine, which focuses on the body's ability to heal itself and treats the whole person.

    • The Power of Healing: Natural Repair Mechanisms and the Role of the MindUnderstanding the body's natural healing abilities, addressing potential obstacles, and recognizing the power of the mind can lead to effective and holistic healthcare approaches.

      Our bodies have an incredible ability to heal themselves. From the smallest cellular level to the entire organism, when damage occurs, repair mechanisms are activated. However, sometimes external factors can obstruct this natural healing process. A good doctor, therefore, should aim to facilitate healing by addressing potential obstacles, such as providing missing nutrients, removing foreign bodies, or easing mental stress. John Sarno's work on back pain highlights the significant role of the mind in healing. Many cases of back pain are not caused by physical injuries but rather by muscle spasms triggered by stress and anxiety. These muscle spasms can localize pain in the area of injury, leading to unnecessary interventions. Sarno's approach emphasizes reassurance and understanding the underlying psychological causes, often resulting in pain relief without invasive treatments. The placebo effect further illustrates the power of the mind in healing. Believing in the efficacy of a treatment can trigger real physiological responses, leading to symptom improvement. Conversely, a negative mindset can hinder the healing process. In summary, recognizing the body's inherent healing abilities, addressing potential obstacles, and understanding the role of the mind in healing can lead to more effective and holistic approaches to healthcare.

    • Embrace the power of placebo effectBeliefs and expectations impact health, doctors can boost confidence, integrative medicine can enhance patient outcomes, choose supportive healthcare providers

      The placebo effect, rather than being a problem to be ruled out, should be embraced as a powerful tool for healing. The mind-body connection is complex, and our beliefs and expectations play a significant role in our health. Doctors have the power to boost patients' confidence in their body's ability to heal, and the wrong words from a medical professional can hinder the healing process. Integrative medicine, which trains doctors in various specialties to understand and utilize the placebo effect and other mind-body techniques, can help improve patient outcomes. It's essential to choose healthcare providers who believe in and support their patients' ability to heal.

    • Combining traditional and modern medicine for overall healthAdopt an anti-inflammatory diet, use natural inflammation reducers, approach alternative therapies critically, let the body detoxify naturally, set a quit date for unhealthy habits, and work with a healthcare provider for antidepressant alternatives.

      A holistic approach to health, incorporating both traditional and modern medicine, can be effective. This includes dietary changes to anti-inflammatory diets and the use of natural products that reduce inflammation. It's important to approach alternative therapies with a critical mindset, discarding practices without scientific basis such as crystal healing and colonic irrigation. The body has natural methods of detoxification and the liver has an incredible capacity to detoxify harmful substances. Setting a quit date for habits like smoking or substance abuse can increase the likelihood of success, with each attempt contributing to a reservoir of motivation. For those on antidepressants, a holistic approach may involve working with a healthcare provider to explore other treatment options and gradually reducing medication under medical supervision.

    • Antidepressants and their complicationsExplore alternative methods for emotional wellness like physical activity, omega-3 fatty acids, CBD, and breathing techniques to prevent and treat depression and anxiety with minimal side effects

      The use of antidepressants, particularly SSRIs, is not without complications. While they may provide some relief for severe depression in the short term, they can lead to dependency and even worsening symptoms upon discontinuation due to homeostatic responses in the body. Furthermore, there's a growing body of evidence supporting alternative methods for emotional wellness, such as physical activity, omega-3 fatty acids, CBD, and even simple breathing techniques, which can be effective in preventing and treating depression and anxiety with minimal side effects. It's essential to explore these options and consider an integrative approach to mental health care.

    • Psychedelics as Addiction Treatment and Daily EnhancementSome psychedelics, like Iboga, Ibogaine, and psilocybin, show promise in addiction treatment and have reported long-term success rates. Microdosing, or consuming small amounts daily, may help with depression and anxiety.

      Anxiety medication, while sometimes prescribed freely, can be addictive and harder to get off of than opioids. Surprisingly, some psychedelics, such as Iboga, Ibogaine, and psilocybin, have shown promising results in addiction treatment, including cigarette cessation, with long-term success rates. Microdosing, or the practice of consuming small amounts of psychedelics for daily life enhancement, has also gained popularity and reportedly helps people dealing with depression and anxiety. Additionally, personal experiences suggest that psychedelics can lead to the disappearance of allergies and the ability to tan, indicating potential physical benefits. However, it's essential to note that these substances should be used responsibly and in the right hands.

    • Exploring new capabilities with psychedelicsPsychedelics can expand perception, alleviate tension, and help push past limitations, leading to improved awareness and performance in various activities.

      Psychedelic experiences can expand our perception and reveal new capabilities within ourselves, often by alleviating mental and physical tension. These substances can help us push past limitations, whether it's overcoming physical barriers in yoga or dealing with allergies or pain. By removing the mental obstacles, our bodies can function more optimally and effectively. However, it's important to remember that these experiences don't necessarily teach us how to maintain these newfound abilities long-term, but they can serve as powerful motivators and demonstrations of what's possible. Additionally, these substances can help us better understand and connect with our bodies, enhancing our awareness and performance in various activities.

    • The Impact of Perception on Beliefs and Understanding of RealityOur perceptions shape our beliefs and understanding of reality, with some attributing unexplained phenomena to deep connections or consciousness, while others dismiss them as imagination. The brain's distinct language centers influence swearing's effects on pain tolerance and sweating.

      Our experiences and perceptions of reality can greatly impact our beliefs and understanding of the world around us. Some people believe in unexplained phenomena like tanning causing a deep connection to consciousness or the memory of spaces, while others may dismiss these ideas as mere imagination. The brain's language centers, including those responsible for swearing, are distinct from those managing ordinary language, and swearing can increase pain tolerance and sweating. Ultimately, the primary nature of consciousness and its relationship to matter remains a mystery, and it's essential to be open-minded to various perspectives while also recognizing the importance of personal experiences.

    • The Complexity of Swearing: Psychological and Neurological AspectsSwearing engages brain areas linked to emotion and social bonding, with power rooted in taboo status and social norms. It serves functions like pain modulation, social bonding, and signaling.

      Swearing, or the use of taboo words, is a complex phenomenon that involves both psychological and neurological aspects. The brain processes swearing differently than regular language, activating specific areas associated with emotion and social bonding. The power of these words comes from their taboo status and the social norms surrounding their use. The universality of swearing across languages further supports its importance as a form of communication. Swearing can serve various functions, such as modulating pain, forming social bonds, and even acting as a form of social signaling. However, the emotional impact of swearing can vary greatly depending on individual and cultural factors. Overall, the use of swearing is a fascinating area of study that sheds light on the intricacies of human language and behavior.

    • The internet has democratized content creation and expressionIndividuals can reach large audiences without gatekeepers, leading to authentic interactions and community building, access to new perspectives, and exploration of previously taboo topics.

      The internet has democratized content creation and expression, allowing individuals to reach large audiences without the need for traditional media gatekeepers. Swearing and controversial ideas, once taboo on mainstream media, can now be explored in long-form through podcasts and other digital platforms. This freedom has led to a more authentic and unfiltered interaction between creators and audiences, resonating with people and fostering a sense of community. Additionally, the internet has enabled access to information and experiences that were previously unavailable or difficult to obtain, leading to a greater appreciation for alternative perspectives and the natural human desire to alter consciousness. The internet has also allowed for the exploration of topics that have been around for decades but were once considered taboo, such as marijuana use, and has given a platform to those who have been advocating for these topics for years.

    • Marijuana's impact on driving differs from alcohol'sRegular marijuana users may perform better than first-timers or non-drivers, but research progress is slow due to legal restrictions.

      The effects of marijuana on driving performance are not the same as those of alcohol. Regular marijuana users who are accustomed to the altered state have better performance than first-time users or those who have only smoked but never driven under the influence. The difficulty in conducting marijuana research is evident from the speaker's experience, who had to go through numerous approvals and even deal with confiscated pot for his experiments. Despite groundbreaking research like Rick Strassman's, the progress in legalizing and studying marijuana has been slow due to its federal scheduling. However, there is hope as decriminalization discussions gain traction. The speaker's involvement with Maui Wellness Group showcases the medical benefits of marijuana, which are worth exploring further.

    • Complexities and risks of marijuana useProper regulation, labeling, and education are crucial to mitigate risks and complications of marijuana use, including unpredictable effects of edibles and legal restrictions in certain areas

      Despite the legalization of marijuana in some places, there can still be complicated and potentially dangerous situations for those who use it. For instance, in Hawaii, people from certain islands cannot take the product they buy on Maui back to their home islands due to federal waters. Moreover, the effects of edibles can be profound and unpredictable, as one doctor shared his experience of consuming a small amount that led to a 12-hour delirium. These incidents highlight the importance of proper regulation, labeling, and education regarding the use of marijuana and its products.

    • The unfair stigmatization of cannabisCannabis, a versatile plant with potential industrial and medicinal uses, has been unfairly stigmatized due to historical biases and propaganda. Legalization and normalization efforts are steps towards recognizing its value.

      The cannabis plant, which shares its name with canvas and has been used for thousands of years for various purposes including fiber, food, and medicine, has been unfairly stigmatized and overlooked due to historical biases and propaganda. Despite its potential benefits, including industrial uses and medicinal properties, the hemp industry has been led to countries like China and Canada, while the United States has ignored it. The perception of cannabis has been shaped by fear and misinformation, associating it with negative stereotypes and dangerous drugs like alcohol, tobacco, and opioids. However, the truth is that cannabis, which has co-evolved with humans, is a useful plant that deserves better treatment and recognition for its many applications. The ongoing efforts to legalize and normalize cannabis use are steps in the right direction towards acknowledging its value and potential.

    • Opioids vs Integrative Medicine for Chronic Pain ManagementIntegrative medicine, including acupuncture, yoga, mind-body techniques, and diet, offers a more effective and sustainable approach to chronic pain management compared to opioids.

      The use of opioids for chronic pain management is not a sustainable solution, and integrative medicine, which includes modalities like acupuncture, yoga, mind-body medicine, and diet, is a more effective approach. The opioid crisis presents an opportunity to shift focus towards individualized, holistic treatments. A notable example is the case of a friend who got hooked on pills after having his nose fixed. The social toxicity of illegal and impure opioids, as well as their addictive nature, make them a riskier choice compared to substances like alcohol and tobacco. While the phenomenon of mind-body medicine, such as hypnosis, can be intriguing, it's essential to approach it with caution and skepticism. Personal experiences with firewalking, where people walk on hot coals, have varied, with some reporting no burns while others experiencing significant injuries. Overall, the key takeaway is that a multifaceted, integrative approach to pain management is crucial for long-term health and well-being.

    • The power of the mind in experiencing physical sensationsPersonal beliefs and focus can impact how we perceive and endure physical sensations, but more research is needed to understand the science behind it.

      The mind plays a significant role in how we experience physical sensations, such as heat or pain. The speaker shares his personal experience of walking on hot coals during a Tony Robbins event, where he believes his mental state allowed him to avoid feeling the intense heat. He also mentions anecdotal evidence of people getting injured while trying to take selfies during the firewalk, suggesting that being mentally present and focused can make a difference. However, the scientific evidence on this phenomenon is lacking, and further research is needed to understand the mechanisms behind it.

    • Considering the value of anecdotal evidenceAnecdotes can inspire hypotheses and should be considered alongside scientific research, especially in areas with limited understanding.

      Anecdotal evidence, though unpublished, is not necessarily inaccurate or worth dismissing outright. It can serve as a source of hypotheses to test, especially in areas where scientific understanding is lacking or seemingly defies explanation. For instance, the possible connection between hypnosis, the nervous system, and skin pigmentation may sound far-fetched, but it's worth investigating given the potential implications for conditions like vitiligo. The placebo effect, which demonstrates the power of the mind to heal, further underscores the importance of considering anecdotal evidence in conjunction with scientific inquiry.

    • The Power of Belief Shapes RealityBelief, whether positive or negative, can significantly impact our physical and mental health. The power of belief has been proven in various instances, from voodoo curses to the placebo effect, and can lead to either harm or success.

      The power of belief, whether positive or negative, can significantly impact our physical and mental wellbeing. From voodoo curses leading to physical demise, to rapper Lil B's hexes causing sports teams to lose, to the placebo effect tricking our minds into healing, belief has the ability to shape reality. Conversely, the belief in one's own abilities or blessings can lead to remarkable success, as seen in the case of boxing champion Deontay Wilder and his grandmother's influence. Doctors are even afraid of the placebo effect because it shows the power of belief in healing, and new treatments are often most effective when people have faith in them. Belief is a powerful tool, and harnessing its positive potential can lead to incredible outcomes.

    • The power of the mind in influencing physical healthThe placebo effect demonstrates the mind-body connection, as patients experience real health improvements from treatments with no active ingredients, influenced by their beliefs and emotions.

      The power of the mind in influencing physical health is often underestimated in science and medicine. The placebo effect, which is a well-documented phenomenon where patients experience real improvements in their health after receiving a treatment with no active ingredients, is a clear example of this mind-body connection. The placebo effect is associated with specific brain activity, particularly in emotional centers. However, due to the materialistic paradigm dominating science, the non-physical cause of a physical event is often disregarded. Yet, our attitudes and beliefs can significantly impact our health. Techniques like functional MRIs and PET scans have made the placebo effect more tangible for skeptics. The lengthy journey to healing shrines like Lourdes illustrates the power of belief and investment in the healing process. While it may be more convenient to harness this power without traveling long distances, practices like guided imagery and formal meditation therapies can help individuals tap into their mind's potential for healing. Despite the evidence, more research and emphasis on the brain's disability in this area is needed in the scientific community.

    • The power of mind-body integration for optimal healthExplore the mind-body connection for improved overall well-being, inspired by the placebo effect and successful examples. Decentralization of information allows for greater patient involvement, but also requires guidance for healthcare professionals.

      The integration of mind and body for optimal health and well-being is a vastly underutilized and under-taught concept, despite the vast need and potential for improvement in people's lives. The placebo effect, which demonstrates the power of the mind over the body, is often overlooked in modern medicine. With the majority of people unsatisfied with their jobs and overall unhappiness, there is a significant need for coaching and guidance on how to better engage with reality and improve overall well-being. The example of individuals who have successfully integrated mind and body can be a powerful inspiration for others. The decentralization of information through the internet has leveled the playing field in medicine, allowing patients to access valuable information and take a more active role in their health. However, this can also be overwhelming for healthcare professionals. Overall, there is a great opportunity to make a positive impact on people's lives by focusing on the mind-body connection and providing guidance and support for individuals seeking improvement.

    • The importance of general practitioners and preventative careGeneral practitioners promote better health outcomes by guiding patients to specialists, providing early intervention, and focusing on preventative care. However, financial incentives for specialists and time constraints limit their effectiveness.

      The healthcare system could benefit from having more general practitioners and fewer specialists. General practitioners serve as guides to various specialists and promote better medical outcomes due to early intervention and preventative care. However, financial incentives for specialists are currently more attractive, leading to an imbalance in the workforce. Additionally, taking the time to build a relationship with patients during appointments is crucial for effective treatment. Unfortunately, many doctors only have a limited amount of time per patient, leading to quick diagnoses and prescriptions. The ideal length for a medical encounter is around 90 minutes, but this is not always feasible. Furthermore, True Food Kitchen, a successful restaurant concept, demonstrates the importance of serving healthy, delicious food that conforms to good nutritional principles. The speaker personally practices intermittent fasting and has experimented with longer fasts, finding benefits but struggling with reintroduction to regular eating.

    • Intermittent fasting and fasted workouts can reduce anxiety and make morning exercises easierIntermittent fasting and fasted workouts can help reduce anxiety and make exercising in the morning easier for some people. However, everyone's experience is different, and some activities may require food for optimal performance.

      Intermittent fasting and fasted workouts can help reduce anxiety and make exercising in the morning easier, despite initial challenges. The speaker found that once his body adjusted, he was able to have vigorous workouts without food. However, everyone's experience is different, and some activities, like weightlifting, may require food for optimal performance. The speaker also shared his personal experience with using marijuana, particularly in a sensory deprivation tank, which he found to be a powerful and intense experience. He noted that the availability of high-potency edibles can be problematic for some users, leading to unnecessary high doses and potential tolerance issues. The speaker also practices meditation daily to help focus and clear his mind.

    • Making All Aspects of Life a Meditative ExperienceEmbrace mindfulness in daily activities for a more productive and fulfilling life, and consider alternative methods like iboga for potential benefits, but ensure proper research and understanding.

      Meditation, whether it's through sitting practices or engaging in daily activities, is about carrying that mindful state throughout the day. The goal is to make all aspects of life, from cooking to work, a meditative experience. It's important for those who teach and promote healthy and productive lifestyles to practice what they preach. The speaker also expressed interest in exploring alternative methods, like the use of iboga, for their potential benefits, but emphasized the importance of proper research and understanding. The efficacy of such practices, as shown by low relapse rates, is a compelling reason for further investigation. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of mindfulness, self-improvement, and the pursuit of knowledge.

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    06:15 We are responsible for our health choices.

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    Personalised Health Optimisation Consulting with Lisa Tamati

    Lisa offers solution focused coaching sessions to help you find the right answers to your challenges.


    Topics Lisa can help with: 

    Lisa is a Genetics Practitioner, Health Optimisation Coach, High Performance and Mindset Coach.

    She is a qualified Ph360 Epigenetics coach and a clinician with The DNA Company and has done years of research into brain rehabilitation, neurodegenerative diseases and biohacking.

    She has extensive knowledge on such therapies as hyperbaric oxygen,  intravenous vitamin C, sports performance, functional genomics, Thyroid, Hormones, Cancer and much more. She can assist with all functional medicine testing.

    Testing Options

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    • DUTCH Hormone testing

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    • Microbiome Testing

    • Cell Blueprint Testing

    • Epigenetics Testing

    • DNA testing

    • Basic Blood Test analysis

    • Heavy Metals 

    • Nutristat

    • Omega 3 to 6 status

    and more 

    Lisa and her functional medicine colleagues in the practice can help you navigate the confusing world of health and medicine .

    She can also advise on the latest research and where to get help if mainstream medicine hasn't got the answers you are searching for whatever the  challenge you are facing from cancer to gut issues, from depression and anxiety, weight loss issues, from head injuries to burn out to hormone optimisation to the latest in longevity science. Book your consultation with Lisa 


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    This is an unprecedented collection. The stuff Lisa wanted for her family but couldn't get in NZ that’s what it’s in her range. Lisa is constantly researching and interviewing the top scientists and researchers in the world to get you the best cutting edge supplements to optimize your life.


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    with over 600 videos, millions of views, a number of full length documentaries, and much more. You don't want to miss out on all the great content on our Lisa's youtube channel.



    Order Lisa's Books

    Lisa has published 5 books: Running Hot, Running to Extremes, Relentless, What your oncologist isn't telling you and her latest "Thriving on the Edge" 

    Check them all out at 



    Perfect Amino Supplement by Dr David Minkoff

    Introducing PerfectAmino

    • PerfectAmino is an amino acid supplement that is 99% utilized by the body to make protein.

    • PerfectAmino is 3-6x the protein of other sources with almost no calories.

    • 100% vegan and non-GMO.

    • The coated PerfectAmino tablets are a slightly different shape and have a natural, non-GMO, certified organic vegan coating on them so they will glide down your throat easily.

    • Fully absorbed within 20-30 minutes!

    • No other form of protein comes close to PerfectAminos

    Listen to the episode with Dr Minkoff here: 


    Use code "tamati" at checkout to get a 10% discount on any of their devices.


    Red Light Therapy:

    Lisa is a huge fan of Red Light Therapy and runs a Hyperbaric and Red Light Therapy clinic. If you are wanting to get the best products try

    Flexbeam: A wearable Red Light Device



    Or Try Vielights’ advanced Photobiomodulation Devices

    Vielight brain photobiomodulation devices combine electrical engineering and neuroscience.

    To find out more about photobiomodulation, current studies underway and already completed and for the devices mentioned in this video go to

    www.vielight.com and use code “tamati” to get 10% off



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    Have any questions? You can contact my team through email (support@lisatamati.com) or find me on FacebookTwitterInstagram and YouTube.

    For more episode updates, visit my website. You may also tune in on Apple Podcasts.


     To pushing the limits,

    Lisa and team