
    Podcast Summary

    • Relatability and Shrek's HeightThe hosts of '2 hot takes' share relatable stories and engage with their audience, discovering unexpected facts like Shrek's height being taller than assumed.

      The hosts of "2 hot takes" discussed the relatability of certain stories and shared an amusing anecdote about Shrek's height. Morgan expressed her excitement about sharing down-to-earth stories that resonate with the audience. They also mentioned their experiences with fan interactions and listener write-ins, acknowledging the community they've built. During the conversation, they discovered that Shrek is taller than most people assume, with his height being between 7 and 8 feet. They joked about how Shrek would fare in the NFL combine and even discussed the inaccuracy of self-reported heights. Morgan shared a personal story about measuring her partner's height when they first started dating. Overall, the episode showcased the hosts' engaging and lighthearted banter, as well as their connection with their audience.

    • The importance of honesty and trust in relationshipsHonesty and trust are crucial in relationships. Keeping secrets can lead to betrayal and harm the bond between partners.

      Honesty and trust are essential in any relationship. The man in the story made a questionable decision by sleeping with his wife's best friend during their breakup, even though he didn't believe the resulting child was his. He kept this secret from his wife, hoping to start anew without any baggage. However, when the truth came out during the friend's divorce, the man had to deal with the fallout. His wife felt betrayed, and the man was criticized for his actions. The incident highlights the importance of respecting relationships and avoiding actions that could harm the trust between partners. It also underscores the significance of open communication and transparency in maintaining a healthy and strong bond.

    • Honesty and communication in relationshipsHonesty and open communication are vital for building and maintaining strong, healthy relationships. Hiding past infidelities or sexual encounters can lead to feelings of betrayal and mistrust.

      Honesty and communication are crucial in maintaining trust and understanding in relationships. The discussion revolves around instances where individuals chose not to disclose past infidelities or sexual encounters to their partners, leading to feelings of betrayal and mistrust. The participants in the conversation express their confusion and concern over the motivations behind these decisions, questioning whether they stem from insecurity or a desire for validation. They also ponder the implications of physical versus emotional connections in sexual encounters and how they can impact relationships. Ultimately, the consensus seems to be that honesty and open communication are essential for building and maintaining strong, healthy relationships.

    • Clear communication and respect essential in relationshipsEffective communication and respect for boundaries can prevent misunderstandings and conflicts, strengthening relationships.

      Communication and respect are crucial in maintaining relationships, especially during difficult times. In the first discussion, the speaker expressed regret over not asking an important question regarding paternity and felt frustrated by the lack of information available. The lack of clear communication and the potential involvement of multiple parties made the situation more complex. In the second discussion, the OP felt disrespected by her future sister-in-law's actions and words, particularly when the sister-in-law attempted to gain sympathy and manipulate the situation. Both situations highlight the importance of clear communication, respect for boundaries, and consideration for others' feelings. In the first scenario, the speaker wished they had asked the question about paternity earlier, while in the second scenario, the OP felt violated by the sister-in-law's actions and words. Effective communication and respect can help prevent misunderstandings and conflicts, making relationships stronger.

    • Navigating Complex Relationships During GriefRecognize and address deeper emotions, communicate effectively, and show understanding to maintain healthy relationships during times of loss.

      While it's understandable for someone to feel hurt and frustrated after experiencing a significant loss, it's important to consider the intentions of those trying to help and not lash out at innocent people. In this case, the sister-in-law's decision to move her wedding to accommodate the grieving family member shows genuine care and consideration. However, the family member's negative reactions and assumptions may stem from deeper feelings of jealousy or resentment, possibly due to a close bond between the brother and the sister-in-law. It's crucial to recognize these emotions and address them in a healthy and respectful manner, rather than projecting them onto others. Overall, communication and understanding are key in navigating complex relationships and supporting each other through difficult times.

    • Friend's well-intended actions felt disrespectful during grieving processBe mindful of others' needs and feelings during loss, respect their wishes for privacy and space, and recognize that everyone processes grief differently.

      Well-intended actions can still feel disrespectful and intrusive during someone's grieving process. In this case, a friend's attempts to be helpful and supportive after the loss of a pregnancy were perceived as annoying and disrespectful by the individual who was grieving. The friend's behavior, while likely sincere, was seen as inconsiderate and insensitive due to the explicit request for space and privacy. Moreover, it's important to remember that everyone processes grief differently, and what may be helpful for one person may not be for another. In this situation, the friend's extroverted personality and desire to be helpful may have clashed with the individual's need for solitude and quiet reflection. Additionally, it's crucial to recognize that past experiences and personal feelings can color our perceptions of others' actions. In this case, the individual's dislike for the friend may have influenced their interpretation of the friend's behavior. Ultimately, it's essential to be mindful of others' needs and feelings during times of loss and to respect their wishes for privacy and space. By doing so, we can support each other in meaningful and respectful ways.

    • Impact of societal expectations on women of colorSocietal stereotypes and expectations can lead to misunderstanding and judgment of women of color, affecting their mental and physical health during pregnancy and childbirth. It's essential to challenge these biases and support women throughout their lives.

      Societal expectations and stereotypes can significantly impact how individuals perceive and judge others, particularly women of color. The discussion highlights the experience of a woman, Ella, who is perceived differently due to her race and demeanor. Ella's bubbly personality contrasts with stereotypes associated with black women, leading to jealousy and misunderstanding from others. Furthermore, the conversation touches upon the alarming health disparities faced by women of color during pregnancy and childbirth, with many not being believed or taken seriously. This is a complex issue with deep-rooted societal causes, and it's crucial to recognize and challenge these stereotypes and biases. The discussion also emphasizes the importance of believing and supporting women, especially during sensitive and vulnerable moments in their lives.

    • Feeling uncomfortable during a sleepoverCommunicate openly and respectfully with friends about boundaries and expectations to avoid uncomfortable situations.

      Being in a situation where you feel uncomfortable or violated, especially when it involves close friends, can be a challenging experience. The speaker in this text found herself in such a situation during a sleepover when she discovered her friends were being intimate next to her, despite her previous assumptions and boundaries. She felt uncomfortable and unsure of how to handle the situation, leading her to use various tactics to cope, such as pretending to wake up from a bad dream and stealing the blanket. The experience left her feeling distorted and upset, and she ultimately decided to leave the situation as soon as possible. It's important to communicate openly and respectfully with friends about boundaries and expectations, especially when it comes to shared living spaces and intimate activities.

    • Exploring Intimacy in Shared Spaces: Love Island and BeyondReality TV shows like Love Island challenge societal norms around intimacy in shared living spaces, while personal experiences show the importance of respecting boundaries.

      People's behaviors and experiences with intimacy can vary greatly, even in shared living spaces. The discussion revolved around the reality TV show "Love Island" and its unique sleeping arrangements, where contestants are mic'd and sometimes engage in sexual activities while others are sleeping. The speakers also shared a personal story about a friend who had sex next to another friend while they were all sharing a room on a trip. The conversation also touched upon the idea of queer seasons of The Bachelor or Bachelorette and the notion that queer people might bring more excitement and unconventionality to the show. The speakers also shared their opinions on various aspects of intimacy, such as shower sex and boundaries. Overall, the conversation highlighted the diversity and complexity of people's experiences with intimacy and the importance of respecting boundaries.

    • Disregarding Consent in Sexual EncountersRespect consent and boundaries in all sexual encounters to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all involved.

      Consent is crucial in any sexual encounter. The discussion revolved around an incident where a person (OP) was unknowingly included in a group sexual encounter. The group involved individuals who disregarded OP's lack of consent, which is a serious violation. The conversation also touched upon the concept of voyeurism, where individuals derive pleasure from being watched during intimate moments without their knowledge or consent. The importance of open communication and respect for boundaries was emphasized. The discussion also highlighted the potential dangers and complexities that can arise when these boundaries are crossed. It is essential to remember that any sexual activity must be consensual and respectful to all parties involved.

    • Attending events with large age gaps can be perceived as inappropriate for adults over 30Adults over 30 may feel uncomfortable attending events with large age gaps due to potential disconnects and concerns about intentions.

      Attending events or socializing in environments primarily populated by much younger individuals, especially in settings like frat houses or student bars, can be perceived as creepy or inappropriate for adults over the age of 30. This is due to significant age gaps and potential underage drinking, creating a disconnect and raising concerns about the intentions behind such interactions. This sentiment was echoed by various commenters, and even the speaker herself expressed unease about attending a college bar crawl during an upcoming live show. The age difference can be particularly pronounced at events like Coachella, where attendees often include a large number of younger individuals. Parents, in particular, may face criticism for bringing young children to such events without providing them with proper ear protection.

    • Considering everyone's needs in social plansEffective communication and finding solutions can help ensure everyone feels included in social plans, even when personal rules conflict. Offering alternatives and providing resources can make a big difference.

      It's important to consider the needs of all individuals when making plans with friends, especially when it comes to children. In the discussed situation, the host has a no-children rule due to personal reasons and communicated this clearly to their friend group. However, when this friend, who is a single mother, asked to bring her kids to a gathering, the host declined. This led to a disagreement and the friend's subsequent exclusion from the group. While it's understandable that the host has rules for their own home, it's essential to find solutions that include everyone whenever possible. For instance, the friend could have been offered the opportunity to host or provided with resources to find a babysitter. By working together, the group can ensure that everyone feels included and valued. Additionally, the importance of protecting hearing health was also discussed, with the recommendation of using earplugs to prevent hearing loss and its potential impact on quality of life.

    • Children at Social Events: A Contentious IssueFriends must communicate openly and find compromises when deciding whether or not to allow children at social events, considering the potential impacts on the event and the need for mutual understanding.

      People have differing opinions on whether or not to allow children at social events, and these opinions can be influenced by various factors such as personal experiences, the nature of the event, and the potential liabilities involved. In this discussion, the group was torn between allowing a friend to bring her children to a barbecue and making child-unfriendly plans due to past negative experiences with her kids and damage to furniture. Some felt that it was the parents' responsibility to ensure their children behaved appropriately and did not damage property, while others believed that it was unreasonable to expect everyone to accommodate children at all events. Ultimately, the group decided to address the issue directly with the friend and come to a compromise that worked for everyone involved. However, the conversation highlighted the importance of considering the potential impacts of children on social events and the need for open communication and mutual understanding between friends.

    • Balancing Parenting and Social ActivitiesEmpathy, communication, and practical solutions are crucial for resolving conflicts between parents and their children in public places, while acknowledging the challenges faced by single parents and the importance of a strong support system.

      Parenting can be challenging, especially when it comes to balancing the needs of children with social activities. Some people believe that parents should be responsible for controlling their children's behavior in public places, while others empathize with the difficulties of being a single parent and the financial constraints that come with it. The discussion also touched upon the idea that it's important to have a strong support system and that everyone makes mistakes. However, it's essential to communicate openly and find solutions that work for all parties involved. In the specific case of the couch incident, the overall consensus seemed to be that the person responsible for the damage should make amends, but the situation was complicated by financial considerations and differing opinions on what constitutes a reasonable response. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the importance of empathy, communication, and finding practical solutions to conflicts.

    • Setting and respecting boundaries in relationshipsClear communication and respecting boundaries are essential for maintaining healthy relationships and avoiding misunderstandings. Acknowledge the complexities of human behavior, but focus on open communication and respecting each other's boundaries to build stronger connections.

      Clear communication and respecting boundaries are crucial in maintaining relationships and avoiding misunderstandings. In the first story, the speaker had a rule against kids at a party and was disrespected when Jessica brought her kids without permission, leading to the couch being ruined. In the second story, a woman's husband was cheating on her with her best friend, and she felt betrayed due to the lack of communication and trust. Clear communication and respecting boundaries are essential in various aspects of life, including personal relationships and social situations. The first story illustrates the importance of setting boundaries and sticking to them. The second story emphasizes the significance of open communication and trust in maintaining a healthy and strong relationship. Moreover, the concept of "everyone sucks" may seem like an easy way out, but it is not a productive or healthy mindset. Instead, it is essential to acknowledge the complexities of human behavior and the various factors that contribute to conflicts and misunderstandings. By focusing on clear communication and respecting boundaries, we can build stronger relationships and foster a more positive and understanding community.

    • Discovering a spouse's infidelity and the emotional burden of family rolesUnexpected betrayal in relationships can bring immense emotional pressure, especially for women who are expected to bear emotional labor and mental load in families.

      Betrayal in relationships can come unexpectedly, and the roles and expectations within families, especially for women, can add to the emotional burden. The woman in this situation discovered her best friend and husband had been having an affair for four months. Despite the hurt, she remained a loving wife and mother, but felt immense pressure to be both a grieving daughter and a devoted parent. The discussion also highlighted the societal expectation for women to shoulder emotional labor and mental load in relationships, and the lack of accountability for men's infidelity. The woman acknowledged that there might not have been clear warning signs, and that closure is an illusion in such situations. Ultimately, she had to confront her husband and make a decision about her future, while also cutting ties with her betraying friend. The conversation underscored the complexities of relationships, family dynamics, and societal roles, and the importance of acknowledging and challenging these expectations.

    • The importance of a strong support system during tough timesHaving a strong support system can help one overcome betrayal, deceit, and financial dependence in relationships, prioritizing family and friendships.

      Family and close friendships are invaluable and worth fighting for. The woman in this situation discovered that her husband had been having an affair and was pressuring her to quit her job, leaving her financially dependent on him. This realization came during a stressful time when she was dealing with her father's hospice care. With the support of her loved ones, she was able to gather the strength to leave her husband and cut ties with her former best friend, who had been unsupportive during the ordeal. The woman's experience highlights the importance of having a strong support system during difficult times and the damaging effects of betrayal and deceit in relationships. It also emphasizes the importance of standing up for oneself and prioritizing the well-being of one's family and friends.

    • Family support during a difficult divorceCommunication and family support are crucial during challenging times. Unexpected conflicts can arise, but leaning on loved ones can lead to positive outcomes.

      Family dynamics can be complex and unpredictable, especially during challenging times. In this situation, the speaker's mother-in-law and ex-best friend's parents came to her aid when she was going through a difficult divorce. However, the situation escalated when the soon-to-be ex-husband, Tyler, confronted his ex-wife's best friend, Jess. The confrontation resulted in Tyler being physically separated from the situation, and he reacted destructively by damaging the house. The speaker emphasized the importance of communication and support from family members during trying times. Additionally, she shared that she had taken steps to ensure her financial security during the divorce process. Despite the challenges, the speaker expressed her hope for positive outcomes, such as potential new relationships for those involved. Overall, this experience underscores the importance of leaning on family and friends during difficult times and the potential for unexpected twists and turns in interpersonal relationships.

    • Navigating Divorce and Infidelity with ResilienceA woman prioritizes her emotional well-being and children's interests after her husband's infidelity, seeks professional help, plans to be honest with kids, distances herself from manipulative behavior, and considers full custody. She finds comfort in a friend's support but understands a relationship isn't an option.

      Despite the chaos and hurt caused by her husband's infidelity, the woman is determined to prioritize her emotional well-being and the best interests of her children. She has sought professional help to process her emotions and plans to be open and honest with her kids about the situation. Additionally, she has distanced herself from her husband's manipulative behavior and is considering seeking full custody of her children. The woman also finds comfort in the support of a friend, who has confessed his long-standing feelings for her but understands that a relationship is not an option for her at the moment. Overall, the woman is navigating the complexities of divorce and infidelity with resilience and a focus on healing and growth.

    • The power of community and support during tough timesCommunity and support can provide strength and encouragement during difficult situations, helping individuals make important decisions and move forward.

      The power of community and support can help individuals navigate through difficult times. The speaker shared her experience of going through a tough situation, feeling supported by an online community, and drawing strength from their words. This support helped her make important decisions and move forward. The speaker also acknowledged the courage and strength of others who had gone through similar experiences. She emphasized the importance of standing up for oneself and prioritizing one's well-being, even if it means making difficult decisions. The speaker's story is a reminder that no one should have to go through tough times alone, and that the support and encouragement of others can make all the difference.

    • The importance of getting a colonoscopyA false negative result doesn't mean you're in the clear. Prioritize your health and get a colonoscopy every 10 years for under $500 to potentially save your life.

      Getting a colonoscopy can save your life, even if initial tests give false negatives. The speaker shared a personal story about her mother's husband who received a false negative result but could have benefited from a colonoscopy. The cost of a colonoscopy, around $500 every 10 years, is a small investment compared to the potential cost of dealing with colon cancer. The speaker encourages everyone to prioritize their health and get a colonoscopy. Additionally, the speaker shared an interesting story about how one can unintentionally become a part of someone's life by observing them from a distance, like a stalker, but with positive intentions. The speaker also mentioned her podcast, "2 Idiot Girls," and encouraged listeners to check it out.

    • Planning a trip with a friend for content creationFriend and I are planning a creative adventure, avoiding December, using equipment like a gimbal, GoPro, and a drone, and staying in touch through text.

      The speaker is planning a trip with a friend, possibly for creating content like vlogs and using equipment such as a gimbal, GoPro, and a drone. They mention that they don't want to go in December and will keep in touch through text. The speaker also casually mentions that they are still single. Overall, the conversation implies the planning of an adventure or creative project with a friend.

    Recent Episodes from Two Hot Takes

    172: Worms in the Brain..

    172: Worms in the Brain..
    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Michaela Okland! This week's episode has us reading stories where someone just doesn't seem to be thinking straight. Whether it's worms in the brain, emotions running high, or psychological games.. worms can come in many shapes and sizes. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on these stories!

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    enJune 27, 2024

    171: Maybe Not So Obvious?

    171: Maybe Not So Obvious?
    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Lauren! This week's  assortment of stories has us wondering who is really in the wrong, because there's a lot of grey area in these ones. There's a story where someone's partner is threatening to breakup over walking in on them in the bathroom to someone who turned down her sister's request to be a maid of honor due to their childhood.. This one is a bumpy ride so hang on and share your takes when you can!

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    Two Hot Takes
    enJune 20, 2024

    170: Someone's Feeling Triggered..

    170: Someone's Feeling Triggered..
    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Michaela Okland! This week's episode has us responding to stories where someone is a bit peeved, upset, or triggered by the situations they're in. Whether it's a stepdaughter who won't stop singing, finding out your friends lied about your boyfriend, or your boyfriend's dad hitting on you.. these are all "triggering". Can't wait to hear your thoughts!!

    Bonus Content on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TwoHotTakes

    Michaela's Instagram :) https://www.instagram.com/michaelaokland/?hl=en

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    Two Hot Takes
    enJune 13, 2024

    169: You're a Red Flag..

    169: You're a Red Flag..
    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Justin! This week's episode has us reviewing red flags! Could a guy sleeping in another girls bed not be a red flag? Are the couple you're being a surrogate for entitled to contribute to the birth plan or is that a giant red flag? Are pranks ever funny or do they always give red flag? We're going to need your input on these ones.. especially, what's worse than a red flag?!

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    Two Hot Takes
    enJune 06, 2024

    168: A Wee Bit Rude..

    168: A Wee Bit Rude..
    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Lauren! This week's episode has us dissecting situations that may or may not be rude. Offensively impolite? Ill-mannered? We'll be the judge of that! From sending a venmo request after a wedding to telling your husband's kids you're not a gold-digger there are some wild ones this week!

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    Two Hot Takes
    enMay 30, 2024

    167: Is it Really a Big Deal..?

    167: Is it Really a Big Deal..?
    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-hosts Lauren and Justin! This week's episode is all about determining if certain scenarios are a big deal or not. Putting family in a middle row at your wedding, using your shirt as your sauce tray, and getting waxed by your parents.. we really question it all. Can't wait to hear your thoughts and checkout YouTube for some polls!

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    Two Hot Takes
    enMay 23, 2024

    166: Trying to Have a Good Time.. Ft. Zane and Heath Unfiltered

    166: Trying to Have a Good Time.. Ft. Zane and Heath Unfiltered
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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guests Zane Hijazi and Heath Hussar from Zane and Heath: Unfiltered! This episodes stories have people that seem to just want to have a good time.. but things are not going according to plan. Cue the YTA and NTA debates! We're going to need your help on these ones :)

    Checkout Zane and Heath!

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    Two Hot Takes
    enMay 19, 2024

    165: Wanna Be a Fly on the Wall.. Ft. LyssieLooLoo

    165: Wanna Be a Fly on the Wall.. Ft. LyssieLooLoo
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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host ConcreteCrotchKiss aka LyssieLooLoo aka Alyssa Collins and Juni!! When you hear about people having drama do you ever wish you could be a fly on the wall to witness it all for yourself?! Well that's what these stories made me wish.. From someone's boyfriend cashing out his 401k to your cousin marrying an ex-fiance.. this is a wild ride.

    Checkout Alyssa's content!!

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    164: Cheating the System.. Ft. Charlotte Dobre

    164: Cheating the System.. Ft. Charlotte Dobre
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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Charlotte Dobre!! CHEATING, AFFAIRS, OH MY. This episode is all about cheating the system or straying from the norms you may have agreed to. Whether that's being a good partner, or just answering your phone if a family member calls 30 times.. There are some tough ones this week that we could use your takes on too!

    Checkout Charlotte's content:

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    Two Hot Takes. 5042 Wilshire BLVD. #470. Los Angeles, CA 90036
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    Full length Video episodes available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TwoHotTakes

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    163: Anything but Perfect..

    163: Anything but Perfect..
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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Richa!! I am so excited to introduce a new friend to the THT family! Show Richa some love for being brave enough to come on and address these stories that were anything but perfect.. From your SIL trying to borrow a symbolic family heirloom to finding out you have a brain tumor these OPs were going through it. And we're left with a lot of questions.. the biggest.. DO YOU TELL THEM?!

    Checkout Richa! https://www.instagram.com/richaanand/?hl=en

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    Full length Video episodes available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TwoHotTakes

    : Skims.com/tht

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    Long Term Relationships And Sex

    Long Term Relationships And Sex

    Not gonna lie, Steve and I are nearly four years into our relationship and my sexual drive has shifted from when we first met. Now I know this is a normal thing but I wanted to know why for two reasons. One, my, "it's too late, I'm too tired, I'm about to get my period", and so on reasons were wearing Steve down. Second, I didn't want to be nearly 35 years old and dismissing my sexual energy. 

    I got onto an incredible book by Esther Perel, Mating In Captivity. In my opinion this is a must read for everyone to appreciate the real reasons why it takes a lot of work, creativity and open communication in long term relationships for sex to be part of the relationship.

    In this episode I'm sharing my journey and what I've discovered so far.

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    Women’s Sexual Health + Tackling Taboos with Estrella Jaramillo

    Women’s Sexual Health + Tackling Taboos with Estrella Jaramillo
    I recently met Estrella Jaramillo at a conference for health and technology companies and was immediately taken by her energy and presence. 
    Estrella has been focusing for the last several years on building and creating tools and services to support women to deal with the anxiety and stress related to their bodies, sexuality and gender equity. Because we’ve been focusing on sexual health in March and will shift our focus to how we view, treat and take care of our bodies in April, this is a perfect bridge between both conversations. 
    Please join us for a powerful conversation where Estrella and I discuss women’s sexual health, the pelvic floor, anxiety, body image and tackling taboos on Episode 110 of Ignite Intimacy!

    About Estrella

    Estrella Jaramillo is the Cofounder of B-wom, a digital health solution for women. She is a passionate women's health advocate who aims to eradicate the anxiety women suffer when it comes to their bodies and their intimate issues. Estrella conducts women's health workshops and awareness sessions at private corporations, as well as for international institutions like the World Bank. 

    Connect with Estrella

    Social: @estrellajrios 
    Pelvic floor, Intimate and sexual health - http://b-wom.com
    Sexual health, Reproductive health: https://www.cyclesandsex.com
    Sexed and emotional health support https://talktabu.com

    56 :: Healing Trauma + Defining Your Sexual Pleasure with Kristina Campbell

    56 :: Healing Trauma + Defining Your Sexual Pleasure with Kristina Campbell
    Kristina Campbell grew up with two opposing forces around sex and sexuality. Her Mother’s family is religiously devout, and her Father’s family worked in the porn industry. 
    After a career in her 20’s as a sex worker, and a deep dive into healing her own sexual trauma to save her marriage, she became an intimacy coach to support other women to empower their pleasure and relationship to sexuality. 
    Join us as we do a deep dive into healing sexual trauma, defining our pleasure, communication in the bedroom and the power of forgiveness with Kristina Campbell.
    About Kristina:
    Kristina Campbell is a sexuality and intimacy coach inspired to help women cultivate their authentic sexuality as a means to healing, wholeness and connection with spirit.  Kristina comes from a breadth of experience and has transformed her life and relationship through the work of deep sexual connection.  Coming from a chaotic childhood that included toxic marriages, verbal abuse, body shaming and sexual trauma, her path with fraught with negative experiences around sexuality, both direct and indirect.  After years of searching for what would fill the void of pain and loss, her path kept coming back to sexual healing.  Over years of therapy, spiritual work, sexual reclamation and marital communication, Kristina has transformed her relationship to herself and to her partner.
    Instagram: @kcstarlite

    Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio

    Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio

    The purpose of this episode is to explore hope and encouragement in difficult times of loss and determine how to best mend our broken hearts. Humans tend to run from suffering but we are designed for impact and connection. Allowing ourselves to have grief and to feel sadness is key when we experience a loss. To regain our energy and transcend a disappointment, we need to do the inner work and process our thoughts to calm our minds. Preparing ourselves for the person we will be on the other side of grief is a healthy part of the grieving process.

    To unpeel integral parts of the process, Positive Psychology podcast host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two grief specialists who wrote books about their journeys through grief. Dr. Gail Gross encourages embracing grief as part of a healthy healing process, and Gary Roe shares the physical, mental, and emotional ways grief may leak out even when we are unaware of it. 

    45 :: Prioritizing HER Pleasure with Kim Sedgwick

    45 :: Prioritizing HER Pleasure with Kim Sedgwick
    Ladies, why are we so afraid to ask for what we want in the bedroom?
    This week on the Ignite Intimacy podcast I'm talking to sex educator Kim Sedgwick, co-founder of Red Tent Sisters, about the female tendency to put others first and not take time to consider and express their own desires and needs. We're talking about opening up the channels of communication in the bedroom, and prioritizing all different kinds of pleasure, not just orgasm. 
    Learn the beauty of letting go of your fears, saying goodbye to those pesky hangups, being fully seen for all of you, and creating true connection and intimacy with the right people (for you!).
    About Kim:


    Growing up Toronto, Canada, in a very sex positive atmosphere, Kim always felt comfortable asking questions and having discussions about sex. After majoring in English and Gender & Women's Studies, Kim and her sister Amy founded Red Tent Sisters to teach women how to manage their fertility naturally through the Justisse Method, and helping them feel sexually empowered.

    Kim aims to change the definition of the passive "nice girl", and teach women about the confidence that comes from knowing your boundaries and creating deep connections because of it. Currently working in Toronto, Kim also works in continuing education and advocacy for sexuality and gender issues.

    Website: www.redtentsisters.com
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RedTentSisters
    IG: www.instagram.com/redtentsisters/


    The Orgasm Gap

    Come As You Are by Emily Nagoski Ph.D.

    She Comes First by Ian Kerner Ph.D.