
    #126 “Meat me Halfway”, Reducetarianism with Brian Kateman

    enNovember 10, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Companies Prioritizing Customer Needs vs Documentary's Exploratory ApproachBurrows Furniture and Mint Mobile prioritize customers with easy assembly, new color options, durable materials, fast free shipping and price cuts respectively, while 'Meet Me Halfway' documentary offers a nuanced perspective on complex issues like meat consumption.

      Burrows Furniture prioritizes customer needs with easy assembly, new color options, durable materials, and fast free shipping. Mint Mobile, on the other hand, is cutting prices to compete despite being allowed to raise them due to inflation. In the world of food and health, the documentary "Meet Me Halfway" stands out for its exploratory approach to complex issues, such as meat consumption. Dr. Rupi, the podcast host, appreciated the film's nuanced perspective and lack of clear ideology. Meanwhile, he shared his newfound love for dogs after getting a puppy last year. The key takeaway is that companies like Burrows and Mint Mobile prioritize their customers, while media like "Meet Me Halfway" offer thought-provoking explorations of complex issues.

    • The impact of having a companion animalHaving a companion animal can broaden your horizons, open your eyes to new perspectives, and lead to a greater understanding and compassion for all creatures.

      Having a companion animal, like a dog, can significantly change one's perspective on life and even lead to a greater understanding and compassion for all creatures. The speaker shares his personal experience of falling in love with his cavapoo, Nutmeg, and how it has opened his eyes to the realities of animal production and the importance of being a steward for their lives. He also mentions how growing up, he didn't have many opportunities to interact with plant-based diets or vegetarians, but getting a dog helped him broaden his horizons and consider the pros and cons of meat consumption. Overall, the experience of living with a companion animal has brought him a great deal of joy and a newfound appreciation for the complexities and similarities between humans and animals.

    • Childhood experiences shaped speaker's connection to environment and animalsThrough personal growth and education, individuals can make more conscious food choices that align with their values, without being strictly vegan, and prioritize plant-based foods for health, environment, and animal welfare.

      Growing up in a natural environment played a significant role in shaping the speaker's relationship with the environment and animals. However, it wasn't until college and reading "The Ethics of What We Eat" that they made the connection between their food choices and their values. The speaker is not strictly vegan but strives to eat as many plant-based foods as possible while acknowledging that not everyone can or wants to be vegan. They encourage moving away from the all-or-nothing mindset and focus on eating foods that are kind to the body, the planet, and animals. The speaker's conversation with their parents in the documentary was authentic and non-judgmental, and they highlight the importance of understanding the impact of factory farming on the environment and animal welfare, which many people, particularly in America, are unaware of.

    • Finding common ground and using relatable motivators for changeEffective communication and understanding are crucial for introducing new ideas, especially when persuading those with different perspectives. Use relatable motivators and find common ground to encourage change.

      Effective communication and understanding are key to making positive changes, especially when it comes to persuading those with different perspectives. The documentary "What the Health" showcases the challenges of introducing people to new ideas, such as reducing meat consumption for health and environmental reasons. The speaker's parents, for instance, were not initially receptive, but through simple and approachable methods, they were able to try new foods and begin to understand the benefits. This experience highlights the importance of finding common ground and using relatable motivators to encourage change. Additionally, the film emphasizes the value of engaging with diverse viewpoints and not shunning those who disagree, as this can lead to valuable learning experiences and progress towards a common goal.

    • The challenge of persuading people to adopt a vegan lifestyleWell-intentioned vegan messages can fall on deaf ears without audience tailoring. Medical professionals play a role in promoting healthy diets, and education is key.

      Persuading people to adopt a vegan lifestyle is a complex issue with no easy solutions. While the vegan message has merits in terms of animal welfare and environmental sustainability, it can be alienating to many people due to the emotional attachment they have to certain foods and traditions. The documentary "What the Health" explores this challenge, showing that even well-intentioned messages can fall on deaf ears if they're not tailored to the audience. The film also highlights the role of medical professionals in promoting healthy diets and the need for more education in this area. The production of the documentary itself was a long and challenging process, taking five years from start to finish. Despite the difficulties, it's important to keep encouraging people to make choices that align with their values, and to continue the conversation about the importance of healthy, sustainable diets.

    • Exploring complexities and different perspectives in documentary makingFlexibility, open-mindedness, and a willingness to adapt are crucial for creating impactful documentaries. Honest and truthful representation may require pivoting and asking different questions to gain a more nuanced understanding.

      Making a meaningful and impactful documentary requires flexibility, open-mindedness, and a willingness to explore complexities and different perspectives. The filmmaker in this discussion initially had a simple goal to encourage people to eat less meat but soon realized that an honest and truthful representation required showing the complexities and various opinions. This growth allowed them to pivot and ask different questions, leading to a more informed and less biased documentary. The journey of creating the film was not easy, and the filmmaker faced challenges, including disapproval from some parts of the vegan community for not strictly adhering to their beliefs. Despite these challenges, the film evolved over time as the filmmaker continued to learn and adapt, resulting in a more nuanced and authentic piece.

    • From purity to progress in the vegan communityThe vegan community should focus on inclusivity, understanding, and encouraging incremental changes towards a more plant-based diet, rather than insisting on strict adherence to the vegan label.

      While there are vocal vegans who advocate for strict adherence to a vegan lifestyle, the majority of the community is welcoming, understanding, and focused on making a positive impact. However, the loud voices of the purists can overshadow the pragmatic approaches of those who prioritize incremental changes. The speaker, who identifies as plant-based but not vegan, has encountered some misunderstanding and shaming from those who mistake his diet for veganism. He believes that the vegan movement could benefit from a shift in focus from purity to progress, and that efforts should be directed towards encouraging those who consume large amounts of animal products to make incremental reductions. The speaker also acknowledges the importance of recognizing the significant impact even small changes can have. In summary, the takeaway is that the vegan community should strive for inclusivity and understanding, and that progress towards a more plant-based diet, regardless of label, is a valuable contribution.

    • Perspective and balance in dietary choicesFocusing on personal dietary choices too much can harm mental health. Instead, consider the impact on others and the planet, aim for balance and moderation, and remember everyone's on their own journey.

      Focusing too much on personal dietary choices and feeling shame or guilt about them can be detrimental to mental health. Instead, it's important to keep perspective and remember that individual food choices are just one piece of a larger puzzle. We should also consider the impact of our actions on others and the planet. The author encourages balance and moderation, rather than an all-or-nothing approach. Additionally, it's essential to remember that everyone is on their own journey and that trying and doing one's best is more important than getting caught up in small moments of perceived failure. The author also emphasizes the importance of focusing on larger actions, such as voting for better politicians or donating to charities, that can have a more significant impact on the world.

    • An Alternative to Factory FarmingWhite Oak Pasture showcases a kinder approach to farming, benefiting animals, the planet, and potentially offering better taste and health benefits, but it can be expensive.

      The experience at White Oak Pasture, as described by the speaker, offers an alternative to factory farming by promoting kinder treatment of animals and sustainable farming practices. This approach, represented by Will's farm, not only benefits the animals but also the planet and potentially offers better taste and health benefits. However, the downside is that it can be expensive. The speaker grapples with the ethical question of whether it's acceptable to consume meat from kinder farms when it still involves the death of an animal. Ultimately, the speaker is left with a personal dilemma about whether to serve a typical turkey for Thanksgiving or order one from White Oak Pasture. The speaker expresses gratitude for Will's kindness, generosity, and the inspiring farming practices he witnessed.

    • Exploring Pinterest for Fashion, Home Design, and BusinessPinterest offers inspiration and practical solutions for personal and professional use, saving time, reducing consumption, and enhancing spaces and projects.

      Pinterest is a versatile platform that offers a wealth of inspiration and ideas for both personal and professional use. The speaker shares how they use Pinterest for fashion inspiration to create new looks from existing clothes, for home design to enhance their kitchen space, and for business purposes such as designing user flows for an app and reviewing cookbook cover ideas. Pinterest's diverse content and versatile use cases make it a valuable resource for motivation and inspiration, helping users to save time, reduce consumption, and improve their spaces and projects. The platform's ability to connect users with a wide range of ideas and perspectives also makes it a great tool for learning and discovery. Overall, Pinterest is more than just a time-wasting platform; it's a source of inspiration and practical solutions that can help users make the most of their resources and achieve their goals.

    • Exploring Ethical and Sustainable Farming PracticesThe documentary showcases the benefits of ethical and sustainable farming, using White Oak Pasture as an example, and encourages viewers to make informed food choices.

      The documentary highlights the importance of ethical and sustainable farming practices, using the example of Will Harris and his White Oak Pasture farm. Harris's approach to farming goes against the industrialized, factory farming methods that dominate the industry, instead allowing animals to live in more natural conditions and treating them with dignity. While there are ethical considerations to be made regarding the eventual slaughter of animals, the documentary emphasizes the significance of considering the worst-case scenario – the widespread use of factory farming – and the potential benefits of alternative farming methods. White Oak Pasture serves as a model for more humane and environmentally-friendly farming practices, and the documentary encourages viewers to make informed decisions about their food choices by presenting various perspectives and allowing them to draw their own conclusions.

    • Focusing on common ground for healthier food systemsEncourage healthy food choices by incentivizing and subsidizing them, making it easier for individuals to make better food decisions, and recognize the global impact of food systems beyond the US.

      While there may be complex and contentious issues surrounding food systems and health, it's essential to focus on common ground and make small improvements before delving into more debated topics. Many people agree on the basics, such as the importance of eating whole foods, fruits, and vegetables, yet face challenges in implementing these habits. The solutions may be simple, but the science and implementation are complex. To create a healthier food environment, we should incentivize and subsidize healthy foods, making it easier for individuals to make better choices. It's also important to recognize that these issues are not limited to the US and that factory farming is a concern in other countries as well. Ultimately, we should aim to create a salutogenic environment where individuals have access to a variety of healthy options.

    • Promoting healthier food choices: Systemic solutions neededMaking healthy food accessible, affordable, and addressing taste, convenience, and affordability concerns are crucial for promoting healthier food choices. Education and support are also essential to help individuals make the transition to healthier eating habits.

      Addressing the issue of factory farming and promoting healthier food choices requires systemic solutions, such as making affordable fruits and vegetables accessible, and considering the role of taste, convenience, and affordability in food decisions. However, changing people's food habits and taste preferences can be a challenging process, as it takes time for taste buds to adjust and for individuals to overcome their food addictions. Additionally, there is a concern that the trend towards plant-based eating may not be accessible to everyone, especially impressionable young people who may not have the resources or knowledge to maintain a balanced and nutritious diet. Instead, they may rely on less healthy options like pasta or processed vegan alternatives. It's essential to find ways to make healthier food choices more accessible and affordable for everyone, and to provide education and support to help individuals make the transition to healthier eating habits.

    • Encouraging various solutions towards sustainable and ethical food choicesSupporting different approaches to plant-based diets, ending factory farming, and increasing access to healthy, plant-based options in schools and cafeterias are key steps towards a more sustainable and ethical food system.

      The transition towards more sustainable and ethical food choices involves trade-offs and different approaches for different people. Some may choose to adopt a fully plant-based diet for optimal health, environmental impact, and animal welfare, while others may opt for reduced consumption of processed meats and gradual shifts towards plant-based alternatives. The goal should be to encourage and support various solutions, recognizing that no single answer exists. The focus should be on ending factory farming and increasing access to healthy, plant-based options in schools and cafeterias, while also acknowledging the realities of the complex food system. Ultimately, it's important to be honest about the trade-offs and continue pushing for progress while also allowing for different paths towards a more sustainable and ethical food system. Brian's work, as discussed in the interview, reflects this approach and encourages open dialogue and collaboration towards positive change.

    • Explore the documentary 'Meet Me Halfway' for practical ways to reduce meat consumptionWatch 'Meet Me Halfway' on Netflix for inspiring tips on reducing meat intake without sacrificing taste or texture, using oyster mushrooms, hemp seeds, and puy lentils as alternatives.

      The documentary "Meet Me Halfway" is now available to watch and it's a must-see for anyone interested in reducing meat consumption in a practical and pragmatic way. The documentary is currently available on various streaming platforms like Vimeo, Google Play, and possibly Amazon and Apple TV. The speaker highly recommends getting it on Netflix due to its brilliant content. The documentary is not offensive or vegan, but rather poses thought-provoking questions. Some of the speaker's personal tips for reducing meat consumption while still enjoying a meaty texture include using oyster mushrooms, adding hemp seeds to shakes, and using puy lentils instead of mince. These tips not only help reduce meat intake but also increase fiber content and maintain protein levels. Overall, "Meet Me Halfway" is an inspiring and informative documentary that is sure to make a long-lasting impact on the conversation around meat consumption. Be sure to check it out and try the speaker's recommended tips for reducing meat consumption while still enjoying delicious and satisfying meals.

    Recent Episodes from The Doctor's Kitchen Podcast

    BONUS: Habits to Relieve Hayfever, Seasonal Allergies and why we need to avoid taking antihistamines regularly with Dr Rupy Aujla

    BONUS: Habits to Relieve Hayfever, Seasonal Allergies and why we need to avoid taking antihistamines regularly with Dr Rupy Aujla

    With more of us suffering with seasonal allergies, myself included, we need better strategies to prevent the symptoms without relying on medications. The reason why is because there may be potential side effects with antihistamines that people pop every single day for months on end.

    On today's episode I dive into preventive measures to mitigate our use of these products & keep them for when we really need them. I also touch on the potential harms of commonly used, over the counter medications to make you more aware of the issues and how to avoid potential side effects and longer term impacts on your health.

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    *The Doctor's Kitchen App gives you access to all of our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. We’ve had some amazing feedback so far and we have new features being added all the time - check it out with a 14 day free trial too.

    Do check out this week’s “Eat, Listen, Read” newsletter, that you can subscribe to on our website - where I send you a recipe to cook as well as some mindfully curated media to help you have a healthier, happier week.

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    Snacksize 25: PCOS and Anti-inflammatory diets

    Snacksize 25: PCOS and Anti-inflammatory diets

    Today’s snacksize Doctor’s Kitchen podcast is about an anti-inflammatory diet  for PCOS with Dr Nitu Bajekal who is a Senior Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Author and Board-Certified Lifestyle Medicine Physician in the UK with over 35 years of clinical experience in women’s health. 

    Nitu describes the epidemic of PCOS and how more women need to be aware of the symptoms and to be proactive about diagnosis as well as the lifestyle practices that can help symptoms and better manage the condition. Find the full episode on episode #195 Fix your PCOS with Dr Nitu Bajekal. 

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

    You can download The Doctor’s Kitchen app for free to get access to our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. Start your 14-day free trial here.

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    #253 Sensational Spices and Healing Herbs and with Simon Mills

    #253 Sensational Spices and Healing Herbs and with Simon Mills

    I love chatting with Simon Mills, he has a wonderful breadth of knowledge across the huge spectrum of different herbs and spices. And he can talk eloquently and sensitively about them, in a manner respectful of both the traditional beliefs and uses of them, as well as the science that may or may not support their claims.

    Today we talk about the use of spices and what extra benefits they may be adding to our diets beyond simply “antioxidants”.

    We talk about bitters and tonics and why they may work.

    We explore how spices may impact our gut microbiota and potentially influence their health benefits.

    Rosemary and sage on the brain, ginger for colds and how traditional antiseptics worked.

    Simon Mills is a University of Cambridge graduate in medical sciences who has been a herbal practitioner in Exeter UK since 1977. He has been a complementary health pioneer from the inception of the term in 1979, and later in the fields of integrated health, selfcare and social prescription. He is now focusing on education through the public websites herbalreality.com and for professionals working with co-author Prof Kerry Bone at millsandboneacademy.com

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

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    🌐 View full show notes, including guest details, on our website

    *The Doctor's Kitchen App gives you access to all of our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. We’ve had some amazing feedback so far and we have new features being added all the time - check it out with a 14 day free trial too.

    Do check out this week’s “Eat, Listen, Read” newsletter, that you can subscribe to on our website - where I send you a recipe to cook as well as some mindfully curated media to help you have a healthier, happier week.

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    Snacksize 24: South Asian Menopause Experiences

    Snacksize 24: South Asian Menopause Experiences

    Today’s snacksize Doctor’s Kitchen podcast is about how a woman of south asian origin bravely dealt and shared her experiences of menopause.

    Chef Romy Gill MBE, is a dear friend, and not only shares her culinary wisdom,  her energy and passion for food on episode #220, but also her voice for women of colour and the stigma that still surrounds the menopause.

    We talk about her lived experience of the menopause, how changing her training from mostly running based to include strength training completely shifted her weight.

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

    You can download The Doctor’s Kitchen app for free to get access to our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. Start your 14-day free trial here.

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    #252 Why you need to eat these 4 foods every day

    #252 Why you need to eat these 4 foods every day

    If I had to name 4 foods to get in your meals most days to support your gut, heart, brain and reduce your risk of disease…what would they be?

    To me, they are my daily BBGS - Beans, berries, greens and seeds.

    Todays podcast is a deep dive into the observational and interventional studies looking at these powerful additions to our diet. 

    You’ll get to know the doses, and how to consume them everyday and hopefully this is a nudge in the right direction for you and your family members to look after your health.

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

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    🌐 View full show notes, including guest details, on our website

    *The Doctor's Kitchen App gives you access to all of our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. We’ve had some amazing feedback so far and we have new features being added all the time - check it out with a 14 day free trial too.

    Do check out this week’s “Eat, Listen, Read” newsletter, that you can subscribe to on our website - where I send you a recipe to cook as well as some mindfully curated media to help you have a healthier, happier week.

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    We would love to get your feedback on the subject matter of these episodes - please do let me know on our social media pages (Instagram, Facebook & Twitter) what you think, and give us a 5* rating on your podcast player if you enjoyed today’s episode

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    Snacksize 23: Dealing with ADHD

    Snacksize 23: Dealing with ADHD

    Today’s snacksize Doctor’s Kitchen podcast is about how neurodiversity can affect people in different ways.

    Dr Miguel Toribio-Mateas is the Neurodiversity Lead of the Primary Care & Community Neurology Society and he supports youth mental health programmes at the London-based Body & Soul charity.

    In the full episode, we do a deep dive into the science of food and neurodiversity (spanning a spectrum of disorders), the interaction with drugs and we also talk about Miguel’s personal experience in more depth.

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

    You can download The Doctor’s Kitchen app for free to get access to our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. Start your 14-day free trial here.

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    #251 Problem Periods with Dr Anita Mitra

    #251 Problem Periods with Dr Anita Mitra

    Dr Anita Mitra is back on the podcast today. She’s an NHS doctor working in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, with experience in both clinical medicine and research. She completed her PhD on the vaginal microbiome in cervical precancer and the reproductive complications of treatment for cervical precancer.

    She’s author of the fantastic book, “Gynae Geek”, and her new book “Dealing with Problem Periods” in which she details what normal and abnormal looks like and the various conditions that cause problems.

    On todays discussion we talk about what exactly normal means for periods and how to personalise this to your own cycle. What her current day job entails in her gynaecology cancer speciality, as well as the reason why problem periods can arise and the investigations she recommends. We also have a frank discussion about why it’s important to monitor periods and how to track them.

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

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    🌐 View full show notes, including guest details, on our website

    *The Doctor's Kitchen App gives you access to all of our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. We’ve had some amazing feedback so far and we have new features being added all the time - check it out with a 14 day free trial too.

    Do check out this week’s “Eat, Listen, Read” newsletter, that you can subscribe to on our website - where I send you a recipe to cook as well as some mindfully curated media to help you have a healthier, happier week.

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    Snacksize 22: A day in the life of a Brain Surgeon

    Snacksize 22: A day in the life of a Brain Surgeon

    Today’s snacksize Doctor’s Kitchen podcast is about the day to day life of a neurosurgeon. I think it’s quite easy to forget about just how traumatic it can be for frontline doctors to deal with the daily reality of death and how to maintain a sane, let alone positive, outlook.

    I sat down with medical Dr Sheri Dewan on episode #204 to talk about her strategies for coping and I wonder if this inspires you to think about how you might take onboard some of these ideas in your week?

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

    You can download The Doctor’s Kitchen app for free to get access to our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. Start your 14-day free trial here.

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    #250 Health Statistics Everyone Should Know

    #250 Health Statistics Everyone Should Know

    Today I’m talking about statistics to do with food and health that everyone should know.

    How much it costs us every year, where it sits on the list of the biggest contributors to ill health and death globally, what the impact of good food actually is and how bad people are currently eating according to current guidelines.

    I don’t think many people appreciate these numbers. I get a lot of glossed looks whenever I talk about the impact of poor food on health outcomes, particularly with certain medical professionals. It’s often seen as an inevitability and the nonchalant nature in which we address the foundations of ill health is seen within these statistics. We all need to do better.

    There is huge potential for improved health if we simply encourage and empower people to eat well everyday and that will have a knock on effect on productivity, wealth, happiness, relationships and so on. I don’t present this idea as a panacea, but just a huge tool in our aspiration for improving wellbeing.

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

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    🌐 View full show notes, including guest details, on our website

    *The Doctor's Kitchen App gives you access to all of our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. We’ve had some amazing feedback so far and we have new features being added all the time - check it out with a 14 day free trial too.

    Do check out this week’s “Eat, Listen, Read” newsletter, that you can subscribe to on our website - where I send you a recipe to cook as well as some mindfully curated media to help you have a healthier, happier week.

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    We would love to get your feedback on the subject matter of these episodes - please do let me know on our social media pages (Instagram, Facebook & Twitter) what you think, and give us a 5* rating on your podcast player if you enjoyed today’s episode

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Snacksize 21: The “Mediterr-Asian” diet

    Snacksize 21: The “Mediterr-Asian” diet

    Today’s snacksize Doctor’s Kitchen podcast is about the beauty of Brassica vegetables and the MediterrAsian diet. I sat down with medical Dr William Li on episode #235 to talk about food as medicine from coffee, to alcohol to herbs and spices. In this segment we talk about the MediterrAsian diet and what that means to William Li.

    Can simply changing your diet affect your metabolism to prevent weight gain and prevent type 2 diabetes? We talk about this and more on the full episode that you can listen to or watch on YouTube.

    Can we add these to each pod caption with the links as we've done previously?

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

    You can download The Doctor’s Kitchen app for free to get access to our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. Start your 14-day free trial here.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Join the Food Matters newsletter: https://www.foodmatters.com/signup/podcast
    Follow us on Instagram: @foodmatters

    Camila Alves McConaughey | Supporting Well-Being & Building Community From the Founder of Women of Today

    Camila Alves McConaughey | Supporting Well-Being & Building Community From the Founder of Women of Today

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    Key Takeaways From This Episode

    • What is Women of Today’s mission?
    • The impact of a “better for you” mindset in nutrition
    • How to encourage children to make better food choices 
    • Parenting tips for finding a happy medium
    • The power of communication when educating kids


    Disclaimer: All information and views shared on the Live Greatly podcast are purely the opinions of the authors, and are not intended to provide medical advice or treatment recommendations. The contents of this podcast are intended for informational and educational purposes only. Always seek the guidance of your physician or other qualified health professional when you have any questions regarding your specific health, changes to diet and exercise, or any medical conditions and before starting any new herbal, plant based products or supplements and before starting any new beauty products such as hair products, skin care products etc.  Side effects and contraindications may occur. 


    Resources Mentioned In This Episode


    About Camila Alves McConaughey

    Camila Alves McConaughey is a dedicated mother, healthy eating advocate, entrepreneur, and founder of Women of Today, a lifestyle site and community powered by women around the globe. She lives in Texas with her husband, Matthew McConaughey, and their three children. Camila was a mushroom skeptic for 37 years, until a bowl of veggie Bolognese in 2020 turned her into a mushroom lover. Keep trying those veggies!

    Connect with Camila


    About Vegamour

    This podcast epsiode is sponsored by Vegamour.  Vegamour is a holistic approach to hair wellness that incorporates clinically tested plant-based ingredients that work in tandem to promote healthy, beautiful hair. They study the power of nature through the lens of science to bring you the ultimate in total hair wellness & beauty for a lifetime of happiness.

    Vegamour simply models nature’s holistic approach to healthy growth & function by combining bioavailable plant-based actives, enzymes, and proteins in a 360, inside/out approach to create the optimal ecosystem for hair wellness.

    Vegamour uses the world’s finest, hand-curated, natural ingredients to ensure quality and efficacy. They cared enough to set up their own sustainable supply chains to bring beautiful, natural ingredients into everything they formulate.

    In return, they take care of the land and the people who help them bring this true love to you and your hair.

    Connect with Vegamour

    To obtain 20% off from Vegamour, visit their website at www.vegamour.com and use promo code GREATLY20.


    Kristel Bauer, the Founder of Live Greatly, is on a mission to help people thrive personally and professionally. She is a corporate wellness expert, Integrative Medicine Fellow, Keynote Speaker & TEDx speaker. 

    Follow her on:

    To Book Kristel as a speaker for your next event, click here.

    Let's Talk Breadcrumbing

    Let's Talk Breadcrumbing

    Hi Everyone, Happy Holidays!

    In today's episode, we talk about the dating term 'breadcrumbing'!

    Attitude of Gratitude (00:00-08:30):

    Our Celeb Talk Includes (08:30-24:30):

    • Mariah Carey teams up with Ariana Grande and Jennifer Hudson for new 'Oh Santa' single
    • Larsa Pippin exposes the Kardashians 

    Our Girl Talk Includes (24:30-01:07:15):

    • What is breadcrumbing?
    • What are the warning signs?
    • How to overcome it?

    We also share our recommendations for the week (01:07:15-01:18:55)

    Interested? Grab a Cup and Join the Talk!!!!!Follow @celebtalkgirltalkpod@natasha_fig @jayrosexoxo on Instagram @celebtgirltalk on Twitter and don't forget to Rate, Review, and Subscribe!Music by WordSmithCover Art by Ria

    Mary D'Alba on Wicca

    Mary D'Alba on Wicca

    This week we talk once again to guest Mary D’Alba, this time on Wicca! It’s not what you think! Mary is a practicing Witch…again, not what you think…and shares some really good information about the Wicca religion! Check it out! To listen to our Episodes on the go, please visit [...]

    The post Episode #72: Mary D’Alba on Wicca appeared first on The Psychic Wives.

    Better Ways to Respond Instead of React When Your Partner Says Something That’s Hard to Hear: Episode 185

    Better Ways to Respond Instead of React When Your Partner Says Something That’s Hard to Hear: Episode 185

    When your partner says something that’s harder to hear, do you find yourself unconsciously reacting or consciously responding? You see, a solid partnership is where both people are safe to open up about things, even if it’s hard to hear sometimes.

    So if you’re committed to being the best partner you can be, then you want to master the difference between reacting and responding. 

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    • The exact difference between reacting and responding
    • The deeper source of why you react to your partner when you don’t love what they’re saying
    • 6 examples of better ways to respond to your partner, so the conversation stay constructive rather than destructive


    Relationship Resources:

    1. Schedule a Couple’s Session with us HERE. You will finally overcome that recurring challenge in your relationship, so you can experience more joy and less frustration.
    2. Read our newest book, The Argument Hangover


    About Us:

    We’re The Freemans, your go-to couple for authentic and actionable relationship advice. Send us your relationship questions for the show with a DM on Instagram. As you listen to the episode, tag us on an IG story and let us know what you loved.