
    Podcast Summary

    • New Discoveries in Measuring and Reversing AgingScientists are finding new ways to measure aging and potentially reverse it using methods like the Horvath clock and treatments like metformin, DHEA, and human growth hormone. The belief that antioxidants harm DNA should be reconsidered, and the potential exists to slow or even reverse aging by a decade or more.

      Scientists are discovering new ways to measure and potentially reverse the aging process. The Horvath clock, which measures aging based on chemical modifications in DNA, suggests that aging may not be irreversible. The first study to show this was conducted using metformin, DHEA, and human growth hormone. While more research is needed, the potential exists for turning back the clock by a decade or more. It's important to note that the old theory that antioxidants hurt the DNA should be reconsidered, as antioxidants have failed to extend the lifespan of any organism with very few exceptions. Instead, it's believed that the DNA is getting modified and the cell can't read it the way it used to, which is why we age. This discovery is exciting because it opens up new possibilities for preventing and reversing aging.

    • Discovering the True Role of Resveratrol: Stimulating Sirtuins for Anti-AgingResveratrol interacts with sirtuins to boost NAD production, taken effectively with fat or protein. Combine with other supplements like metformin and NMN, but consider timing and recovery.

      Resveratrol, originally thought to be an antioxidant, actually works by stimulating the body's defenses against aging and disease through its interaction with enzymes called sirtuins. These enzymes, or defenders of the body, help the body produce and store NAD, which is necessary for the sirtuins to function effectively. The most effective way to take resveratrol is with a source of fat or high protein, such as yogurt or a glass of whole milk. The study of other anti-aging supplements, like metformin and NMN, suggests that a combination of these substances may be effective, but more research is needed to determine the best combination and dosage. It's also important to consider the potential impact on physical performance and to allow the body to recover through pulsing and shocking the system. The use of anti-aging supplements should not be a daily regimen, but rather a strategic approach to support the body's natural defenses against aging.

    • Metformin's Impact on Mitochondria and ExerciseMetformin interferes with mitochondria production, signaling the body to create more, but exercising while taking it may reduce benefits. More research needed, consistent healthy habits crucial.

      Metformin, a diabetes medication derived from the French lilac plant, works by interfering with the mitochondria in cells, which are responsible for producing chemical energy. This interference signals to the body that it needs to produce more mitochondria, similar to what happens during exercise. However, taking metformin while exercising may prevent the full benefits of exercise on mitochondrial production. The exact mechanism is not yet clear, and more research is needed. It's also important to note that maintaining a healthy lifestyle through regular exercise and a balanced diet is crucial for overall health, despite the challenges that come with it. Some people, even those who are knowledgeable in health and wellness, struggle with implementing healthy habits consistently.

    • Exploring Laird Hamilton's Balanced Lifestyle and the Privilege of NatureFind balance in daily routines, appreciate nature, and embrace new experiences to promote health and well-being, while being mindful of potential negative impacts of extremes and unnatural aspects of modern life.

      There are various elements in Laird Hamilton's daily routine, such as turmeric, coconut milk, and organic coffee, which can contribute to overall health and well-being. However, it's essential to find the right balance and avoid overdoing certain things, like extreme heat exposure or excessive alcohol consumption, which can have negative effects. Additionally, experiencing new and adventurous activities, like safaris or hiking among wildlife, can provide a unique perspective on life and remind us of the privilege of being alive. Ultimately, it's essential to appreciate the beauty and complexity of nature while acknowledging the unnatural aspects of modern life. The speaker shares his admiration for Laird Hamilton's vitality and energy despite his age and discusses his own experiences with extreme temperatures, alcohol consumption, and wildlife encounters. He reflects on the importance of finding balance and understanding the privilege of being alive in the context of nature. The conversation touches on the topic of natural vs. unnatural and highlights the importance of embracing both aspects while being mindful of their potential impacts on our health and well-being.

    • The Precarious Reality of Adapting to ModernizationThe loss of traditional land and way of life due to modernization and preservation of wildlife can leave communities in precarious situations, requiring compassionate and sustainable solutions, as exemplified by the Batwa tribe in Africa, who face numerous challenges despite tourism and access to modern medicine.

      While some may romanticize the idea of returning to a "natural" way of life, the harsh realities of survival in such environments can be devastating and even life-threatening. As seen in the example of the Batwa tribe in Africa, the loss of their traditional land and way of life has left them in a precarious situation. Modernization and the preservation of wildlife have forced them to adapt, and while tourism offers some hope, they continue to face numerous challenges. Additionally, access to modern medicine is crucial, as seen with the frequent health issues faced by Justin Ren while working to support the tribe. Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of understanding the complexities of different communities and the need for compassionate and sustainable solutions. (Word count: 132)

    • Encounters with Dangerous Animals: Respecting Nature's PowerRespecting animal encounters: acknowledging their power, avoiding harm, and understanding their habitats. Humans must learn from their interactions, recognizing limitations and embracing personalized healthcare.

      The raw power and unpredictability of nature, as well as the importance of respecting all animals. The speakers recounted encounters with dangerous animals like gorillas, lions, hyenas, and crocodiles, highlighting their immense strength and ability to turn a peaceful moment into a life-threatening situation. They also shared stories of humans interacting with these animals in harmful ways, such as chasing injured animals for sport or intruding on their habitats. Furthermore, the discussion touched upon the aging and eventual death of elephants, and the idea that if they had the ability to solve aging, they could potentially live longer lives. However, the speakers also acknowledged the limitations of current medical technology and the importance of personalized healthcare. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of respecting and understanding the natural world and the creatures that inhabit it.

    • Surviving Extreme Environments with Les Stroud: From Africa to Hot Air BalloonsExploring the world through survival challenges broadens our horizons and deepens our understanding of diverse cultures and species, but always prioritize safety.

      Survival expert Les Stroud, also known as Survivor Man, goes to extreme lengths to simulate survival situations in various challenging environments, such as Africa and hot air balloon rides. He films his experiences for educational purposes, but pushes himself to the limit with limited resources and facing real dangers, like lions and malaria. His dedication to survival and exploration inspires many, and his shows offer a unique perspective on various cultures and species, including humans. Additionally, traveling to different places, like Africa and the Middle East, provides opportunities to learn about the origins of humanity and various religions, as well as the richness and diversity of cultures and species that exist in our world. The experiences and insights gained from such journeys can broaden our horizons and deepen our understanding of the world and ourselves. It's important to note that while Les Stroud's survival techniques and experiences can be fascinating and educational, they also involve significant risks and should not be attempted without proper preparation, training, and support.

    • Exploring the Power of Community and Religion vs. ScienceReligious symbols and community can captivate people deeply, while scientific explanations may not receive the same attention. Accepting the scientific explanation of human evolution can be challenging, and religion shapes societal norms like gender separation and kidnapping for marriage.

      The power of community and the significance of religious symbols can captivate people for hours, as seen in the circling of the Kaaba in Mecca, while the origins of humanity through science, such as fossils, may not receive the same level of attention or focus. The speaker expresses his fascination with the combination of science and religion, but also acknowledges the challenges in accepting the scientific explanation of human evolution. The discussion also touches upon the role of religion in shaping societal norms, such as the separation of genders in certain religious sites and the practice of kidnapping for marriage in some communities. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of education and understanding different perspectives.

    • Exploring the Complexity of Historical DisparitiesHistorical disparities are rooted in complex and nuanced traditions and beliefs. Challenging assumptions through exploration, travel, and questioning the status quo can broaden perspectives and inspire understanding.

      Throughout history, there have been traditions and beliefs that perpetuate disparities and inequalities, such as the gender divide at the Western Wall in Jerusalem. This disparity can be traced back to ancient texts and traditions, which some may argue are outdated and rooted in sexism. However, it's important to remember that history is complex and nuanced, and there are often deeper issues at play. For instance, the discovery of fossils and ancient artifacts can provide valuable insights into the origins of human civilization and challenge our assumptions about the past. Furthermore, travel and exploration can broaden our perspectives and help us understand different cultures and communities, as well as inspire a sense of responsibility to support and learn from them. The importance of looking beyond the surface and questioning the status quo is a valuable lesson that can be applied to various aspects of our lives. Additionally, recent discoveries of ancient artifacts in Africa and the Americas are pushing back the dates of human civilization and challenging our understanding of history. Ultimately, it's essential to approach historical and cultural issues with an open mind and a willingness to learn and engage in meaningful dialogue.

    • Exploring the Connection between Human Evolution and Natural TendenciesThe speaker discusses the importance of tools in human evolution, dislikes keeping animals in cages, ponders the possibility of extending human lifespan, and shares stories of centenarians, highlighting our natural inclination to improve and evolve.

      Our relationship with nature and the use of tools, including genetics and fire, have been integral parts of human evolution. The speaker expresses a strong dislike for keeping animals in cages, drawing parallels between the natural tendency of primates to use tools and our own scientific advancements. The speaker also shares intrigue about the potential for extending human lifespan beyond what evolution has provided, questioning why we can't continue to evolve and improve our lives. Anecdotes of centenarians and debates about their validity are brought up as examples of the lengths people will go to live longer. Overall, the conversation touches on the themes of evolution, natural tendencies, and the human desire to improve and extend life.

    • Exploring Longevity, Rebellion, and the Human SpiritEmbrace life, challenge societal norms, and strive for personal growth, as seen in the inspiring stories of a centenarian and a rebellious father.

      The desire to extend life and defy aging is a common theme across generations, as seen in the discussion about a woman who lived to be 117 and the speaker's father's longevity and fitness. The woman's advice to live life to the fullest and make the world a better place resonates with the speaker's own rebellious spirit. The anecdote also touches on the idea of challenging societal norms and expectations, as seen in the woman's rebellious actions in wearing a bikini and traveling to remote places alone. Additionally, the conversation touches on the potential for alternative sources of nutrition, such as human flesh, in the context of sustainability and climate change. Overall, the discussion highlights the enduring human fascination with longevity, rebellion, and the pursuit of knowledge.

    • Engineering Solutions for Health and LongevityEmbracing health and longevity can address global challenges and transform individuals' lives, while valuing older generations' knowledge and expertise.

      Extending human health and lifespan is crucial for addressing various global challenges, such as climate change and food supply concerns. The speaker emphasizes that we have the ability to engineer solutions to most problems, except for a catastrophic event like a meteorite impact. He also shares a personal story of an 80-year-old man who transformed his life by focusing on his health and becoming more active, which led to increased happiness and productivity. The speaker also touches upon the importance of utilizing the knowledge and wisdom of older generations, like evaluating clinical trials for ethics, and the wastefulness of allowing people with valuable knowledge to die prematurely. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of prioritizing health and longevity to tackle present and future challenges.

    • Embracing the Importance of Goals, Discipline, and Health in MidlifeMidlife is a time to focus on goals, discipline, and health to maintain happiness, purpose, and satisfaction. Overcome societal biases against aging and embrace the value of experience.

      Setting and working towards goals, being disciplined, and staying healthy are essential components of happiness and fulfillment for many people. As we age, we understand the importance of these aspects of life more deeply. A 50-year-old is not old, but rather just getting started, and staying active and healthy is crucial for maintaining a sense of purpose and satisfaction. The future may bring advancements that make aging less noticeable, allowing people with more life experience to continue contributing to society. It's important to overcome societal biases against the elderly and embrace their value.

    • Challenging Age Limitations in HealthcareAccess to preventative healthcare and treatments should not be limited by age. Personal experiences highlight resistance to treatments at different stages of life, emphasizing the need to advocate for individual health needs and adopt healthy habits.

      Age should not limit access to preventative healthcare or treatments. Both the young and the old deserve equal access to medicines and procedures that can improve their quality of life and extend lifespan. The speaker shared personal experiences of encountering resistance from doctors to receive preventative treatments at different stages of life. For instance, at 29, he was advised against taking cholesterol medication, despite having high levels. Conversely, at an older age, his friend was discouraged from getting an ACL surgery repair. It's essential to challenge limited thinking in healthcare and advocate for individual health needs, regardless of age. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the importance of adopting healthy habits like diet and exercise, which can positively impact overall health.

    • Discovering New Ways to Activate Longevity GenesThrough methods like intermittent fasting and supplements like NMN, we can activate longevity genes (sirtuins) to extend lifespan without constant hunger. Monitor health markers with tech like Apple Watch and regular blood tests for optimal health.

      Activating certain genes, specifically sirtuin genes, which extend lifespan, can be achieved through methods other than constant caloric restriction. These genes are activated by being hungry and raising NAD levels, which can be mimicked by supplements like NMN. This new paradigm allows for periods of restricted eating followed by recovery, rather than constant hunger. This discovery opens up possibilities for extending lifespan without having to be hungry all the time. Measuring and monitoring health markers, such as pulse and activity levels, can help individuals optimize their health and ensure their bodies are functioning at their best. Wearable technology, such as the Apple Watch, can provide valuable data on these markers and encourage users to move more throughout the day. Regular blood tests can also offer insights into overall health and wellness. NMN and IV NAD are both supplements used to activate sirtuin genes and extend lifespan. While NMN can be taken orally and mimics the effect of caloric restriction, IV NAD is administered intravenously and has a more intense effect. However, IV NAD can be painful and uncomfortable, while NMN is generally well-tolerated. In summary, the discovery of methods to activate sirtuin genes beyond constant caloric restriction, combined with monitoring health markers and using supplements like NMN, offers a promising approach to extending lifespan and optimizing health.

    • Importance of Relying on Clinical Trials for NAD TreatmentWhile self-experimentation with NAD is popular, relying on facts and clinical trials is crucial for effective treatment. Consult healthcare professionals instead of trying self-experimentation, and be wary of doctors with limited nutrition knowledge.

      While there are various ways to consume NAD, such as intramuscular injections or intravenous infusions, scientific evidence for their effectiveness is still lacking. The speaker, who is a scientist, emphasizes the importance of relying on facts and clinical trials rather than anecdotes. Additionally, the speaker highlights the growing trend of individuals educating themselves about health and wellness through resources like podcasts and the internet, sometimes leading them to try self-experimentation. However, the speaker strongly advises against this and encourages people to consult with healthcare professionals instead. Furthermore, the speaker criticizes some doctors for having limited knowledge about nutrition and the importance of proper supplementation. The speaker concludes by sharing their personal experience with making yogurt at home and getting addicted to it.

    • A Man's Journey: Making Raw Milk Probiotics at HomeDespite regulations and health concerns, some people prefer raw milk and unpasteurized dairy products for their taste and digestibility. Trusting one's senses plays a role in determining freshness, but consuming raw milk carries risks.

      There is a man who makes homemade probiotics using packets, whole milk, and a mason jar, which he places in the oven at 35 degrees Celsius for 24 hours. He has perfected this method despite initial failures and disregards the internet protocol of boiling and sterilizing the jar. The man uses whole milk, which is not easily accessible due to FDA regulations and the controversy surrounding raw milk. He emphasizes the importance of trusting one's senses to determine the freshness of food and shares stories of food raids and seizures involving raw milk. He argues that raw milk and unpasteurized dairy products, like in France, are normal and healthy, and that people have been consuming them since ancient times. Despite the risks, he believes that raw milk is easier to digest and tastes better. This discussion sheds light on the controversy surrounding raw milk and the lengths people go to access it despite regulations. It also highlights the importance of trusting one's senses and the belief that raw dairy products are healthy and natural. However, it's important to note that consuming raw milk carries risks, including foodborne illness.

    • Impact of Traditional Bread and Healthy Fats on Blood SugarTraditional bread made with wild yeast and unengineered wheat may improve blood sugar levels. Healthy fats like butter or olive oil help mitigate negative effects. Potatoes, when prepared using the potato hack, can have a positive impact. Consume a diverse range of fruits and veggies for optimal health.

      Traditional bread made with wild yeast and unengineered wheat, like the one described in the discussion, may have a healthier impact on blood sugar levels compared to modern, mass-produced bread. The use of healthy fats like butter or olive oil when consuming bread also plays a role in mitigating the potential negative effects. Furthermore, some foods, such as grapes and potatoes, can have unexpected impacts on blood sugar levels. The potato hack, a dietary tool, involves heating and cooling potatoes to increase the amount of resistant starch, which in turn feeds the gut microbiome and has a dampened effect on blood sugar. It's important to note that these findings are not definitive and individual reactions to foods may vary. It's always recommended to consult with healthcare professionals and nutritionists for personalized advice. Additionally, consuming a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables, rich in antioxidants, is essential for overall health.

    • Plant-derived stress response chemicals called xenoherms act as 'heads-up' for our bodies, found in foods like tomatoes, wine, and blueberries.Xenoherms in foods like red wine, such as resveratrol and lycorine, prepare our bodies for adversity and protect against negative dietary effects via specific genetic pathways.

      Certain plant-derived molecules, known as xenohermsis, act as stress response chemicals produced to make plants healthier. These chemicals, found in foods like red tomatoes, red wine, and blueberries, attract us because they trigger our bodies to prepare for adversity. These chemicals may not primarily act as antioxidants but instead provide a "stress heads-up." Red wine, for instance, contains these xenohermic molecules, such as resveratrol and lycorine, which can help protect against the negative effects of a high-fat or western diet. These protective effects are believed to be linked to specific genetic pathways, such as sirtuins and NAD responsive pathways. While the potential benefits of resveratrol are clear, it's important to remember that it's just one component of the complex mixture of healthy molecules found in red wine.

    • Impact of Lifestyle Changes on Health and MedicationsPersonal choices and lifestyle changes can help manage health conditions and even eliminate the need for medications. Regular exercise and prioritizing sleep are crucial for overall wellbeing.

      Personal choices and lifestyle changes can significantly impact health conditions and medications. The speaker's friend made a decision to continue taking statins for high cholesterol while traveling and enjoying rich foods, despite knowing the side effects. However, when he got into Jiu Jitsu, he was able to get in shape and eventually stop taking the medication through daily exercise. The speaker, on the other hand, has struggled to get off statins due to a busy schedule and family obligations. The conversation also touched on the importance of sleep and the potential correlation between limited sleep and Alzheimer's disease. The speaker takes small doses of Ambien for jet lag but has been advised by some doctors to avoid it altogether due to potential negative effects. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of making informed decisions about one's health and being open to lifestyle changes.

    • Improve Sleep and Beat Seasonal Blues with these StrategiesLimit screen time before bed, use blue light glasses, get sunshine, take vitamin D, engage in regular exercise, wear sunscreen, and consider supplements for better sleep and seasonal affective disorder relief.

      Limiting screen time before bed and using blue light blocking glasses can help improve sleep quality, especially during seasons with less sunlight. Additionally, getting outside for sunshine, taking vitamin D, and engaging in regular exercise are effective strategies for mitigating the effects of Seasonal Affective Disorder. Wearing sunscreen and minimizing radiation exposure are important for overall health and aging. Regular exercise, including stretching, running, and lifting, as well as taking supplements, should be incorporated into daily routines.

    • Exploring Natural Supplements and Genetic Editing for Aging and Radiation ProtectionResearch suggests natural supplements like NMN and NR may boost NAD levels and protect against aging and radiation, but their effects on humans are not yet definitively proven. CRISPR, a genetic editing tool, holds promise for precise genome changes, but ethical concerns remain as experiments on humans progress.

      There are natural supplements like NMN and NR, which can help boost NAD levels and potentially protect against aging and radiation. These supplements are commercially available, but it's important to note that their effects on humans are not yet definitively proven. Another exciting development is CRISPR, a genetic editing tool that has the potential to revolutionize medicine by allowing precise changes to the genome. While experiments on human beings are ongoing, ethical concerns remain regarding the potential risks and benefits of such interventions. Overall, the discussion highlights the ongoing research and advancements in the fields of aging and genetics, and the potential for interventions to extend lifespan and improve health.

    • Cautious Reactions to Gene Editing Advancements Due to Risks and Ethical ConcernsGene editing progresses in reversing aging and restoring vision, but ethical concerns and unknown risks lead to muted reactions. Ongoing clinical trials use viruses to correct genetic diseases in the eye, offering hope for rejuvenation technology.

      While scientists have made progress in reversing the aging of animal cells and restoring vision, there are still unknown risks and ethical concerns surrounding gene editing in embryos. The scientific community and the public have had a muted reaction to recent gene editing developments, possibly due to the 24-hour news cycle and the fact that many of these advancements are taking place overseas. However, there are ongoing clinical trials using viruses to correct genetic diseases in the eye, and there is hope that similar technology could be used to reprogram the body to be young. It's important to note that these are different applications of the same technology, and the availability and accessibility of these treatments will depend on individual circumstances and medical advancements.

    • Discovering the way to rejuvenate cells in miceScientists found a method to restore vision in mice using a virus and a drug, potentially reversing aging and injuries. This could lead to treatments for diseases and injuries, and the future may bring remarkable advancements in medicine.

      Scientists have discovered a way to rejuvenate cells in mice, using a virus and a drug, to restore vision and potentially even reverse aging or injuries. This could lead to a future where people could be fully rejuvenated with a virus and antibiotics, and even engineer their children to have this ability. The technology is still in its early stages, but it holds great promise for treating diseases like glaucoma and macular degeneration, as well as injuries such as optic nerve damage and spinal injuries. The potential applications are vast, and the future could bring about remarkable advancements in medicine, including the ability to regenerate vision and enable people to walk again. While it's uncertain when this technology will be widely available to the general public, ongoing research and studies in mice are showing promising results, with the first clinical trials potentially starting within a year.

    • Discovering the Rejuvenating Power of Exosomes in Old MiceExosomes from young mice's blood can rejuvenate old mice, reversing aging effects at a cellular level. Potential applications include treatments for vision loss, injuries, and aging.

      Scientists have discovered that old mice, when injected with the blood of young mice, can exhibit rejuvenated behavior and even regain some lost vision. This is due to the presence of exosomes, which are small compartments filled with proteins, RNA, and other beneficial molecules, found in the blood. These exosomes are believed to reverse the effects of aging at a cellular level. The potential applications of this discovery are vast, including possible treatments for age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, and even skin aging. Researchers are also exploring the use of exosomes for injuries and stem cell procedures. While more research is needed, the early results are promising and could lead to significant advancements in the fields of regenerative medicine and anti-aging treatments.

    • FDA Intervenes on Young Blood Rejuvenation, Senolytics Gain TractionWhile young blood rejuvenation is exciting, unproven and risky, senolytics show promise in eliminating aging cells, but require more research. Always prioritize safety and credible evidence in anti-aging interventions.

      The use of young blood for rejuvenation purposes, as practiced by a company in Northern California, has been met with regulatory intervention from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The practice, while generating excitement due to mouse studies, remains unproven and potentially risky. An alternative approach gaining traction in the field of anti-aging research is the use of senolytics, drugs that eliminate senescent cells, which are believed to contribute to aging. Animal studies suggest that eliminating these cells can delay aging or even rejuvenate old organisms. However, the use of senolytics is still in its infancy and requires further research. It's important to note that any form of anti-aging intervention comes with risks and uncertainties. The FDA's role is to protect consumers from potentially harmful treatments. As such, it's crucial to approach any anti-aging intervention with caution and to rely on credible scientific evidence. Overall, the quest for anti-aging interventions continues to be a fascinating area of research. However, it's essential to remain skeptical and to prioritize safety and efficacy above all else.

    • Discovering the Role of 'Zombie' Cells in Aging and New TreatmentsAs we age, 'zombie' cells called senescent cells produce inflammation, causing aging and tissue damage. New treatments like senolytics aim to eliminate these cells, potentially reversing the aging process, with clinical trials ongoing.

      Our bodies contain cells, known as senescent cells, which can become "zombie" cells as we age. These cells forget their original identity and start producing inflammation, leading to aging and tissue damage. New treatments, such as senolytics, aim to eliminate these cells, potentially rejuvenating the tissue and reversing the aging process. These developments are part of exciting medical innovations, including CRISPR and reprogramming, which have the potential to revolutionize healthcare. However, the practical application of these treatments is still a work in progress, with some companies, like Unity and Sennelitic Therapeutics, already in clinical trials. It remains to be seen whether we will be the generation to fully benefit from these advancements or not. Regardless, there are steps we can take now to improve our lifestyles and use available molecules to increase our chances of living beyond what is naturally possible.

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    Episode 112 | Beating the Odds with Chris Mirabile

    All entrepreneurs are visionaries, but our latest podcast guest has a vision more lofty than most. Chris Mirabile aims to add one billion years of healthy life to humanity–a goal that may be within reach, given that Chris himself is aging 31% slower than the average person his age.

    Chris is the CEO and Founder of NOVOS Labs, the first human longevity company to simultaneously address all 12 biological causes of aging through its innovative, patent-pending over-the-counter supplements. 

    As a serial entrepreneur, brain tumor survivor, and the youngest winner of NYU Stern’s business plan competition, Chris has a track record of beating the odds. He’s co-founded multiple lucrative startups, all while pursuing a lifelong passion for wellness, with an emphasis on avoiding disease, extending his healthy lifespan, and maximizing his well-being. 

    Getting Scientific Support

    Although Chris’s background is in business, he wanted to ensure his ideas at NOVOS Labs were fully backed by the scientific community. So he decided to become a “citizen scientist”–running self-experiments, reading scientific articles, and networking with top scientists in the field. In the early years of NOVOS, Chris attended biotech events to get himself in the room with leading academics.

    It’s an approach that’s paid off. NOVOS has significant support in the scientific community, with some of the top minds in the field endorsing their products. To date, their anti-aging supplements have been backed by more than 400 scientific and independent research studies.

    Natural Ways to Improve Your Health

    NOVOS Lab’s anti-aging supplements target 12 biological hallmarks of aging to improve health and extend the lifespan. But even without taking supplements, Chris says there are plenty of natural ways to slow the aging process.

    The first strategy is through nutrition. Meal timing, otherwise known as intermittent fasting, involves restricting your food intake to certain hours of the day (typically 16 hours of fasting with an eight-hour window for eating). Eating natural foods such as fish and whole eggs, is another way to slow aging. 

    As for exercise, Chris recommends 25 minutes of low to moderate cardio each day, paired with strength training two to three days per week. Another important factor for our health is sleep: if you live in the city, try blackout curtains or an eye mask to keep light out of your bedroom. Make sure the temperature of the room is cool and use ear plugs to block noise if necessary. 

    Meeting Market Demand

    It’s clear from the success of NOVOS that Chris had identified a strong market need. Their supplements sold out in the first week, and for the first year, their biggest problem was keeping up with demand. All of NOVOS’s early growth was organic and word-of-mouth.

    In July 2021, the company sales metrics were still performing extremely well, so they decided to raise their first round of venture capital. With the help of $5 million in funding, they hired their first employee that fall and have grown steadily ever since.

    Enjoy this episode with CEO and Founder Chris Mirabile…


    “The question is, is what you’re about to do actually good for you in the long-term as well? And the answer is not always. A lot of the health advice, and even medical advice at times, is focused on short-term goals.”

    “I want to have a positive impact on the world. I want to do good for people in any way that I can.”

    “The way I define longevity is increasing your healthspan and your lifespan–both how long you live without chronic disease and how long you live before passing away.”

    “What we’re thinking about is the 100-year-old who’s on the dancefloor at their great-great-grandkid’s wedding and living it up, and has more energy than the 50-year-olds and 40-year-olds. That’s longevity. That’s what we want, and that’s achievable.” 

    “How can we take modern living environments and optimize lifestyles as much as possible, so that we can replicate–or even go further, in some cases–than those living in Blue Zones?”

    “I want to spread this knowledge to as many people as possible, because you really can slow down or speed up your pace of aging, and everyone should at least have that knowledge to then decide for themselves if they’re going to take the care to slow down their aging.”

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    NOVOS Labs Website: https://novoslabs.com

    Chris’s Website and Blog: https://slowmyage.com 

    Connect with Chris on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chrismirabile

    Menopodcast Season 1 Episode 3

    Menopodcast Season 1 Episode 3


    • We discuss an article called “Menopausal Women are the New Black” and that we’re being called the Perennials, which leads to chatting about Julia’s Mom, and fashion trends that work for women of many ages - like the crossover of shopping at the same stores: Old Navy, Hollister, H&M etc.
    • We get into a segment called Bible Study - where we read a chapter of the Wisdom of Menopause by Christiane Northrup and discuss it. So we started with Chapter 7 “Balance your hormone and prevent middle aged spread” Look, it’s harder to lose weight when you’re in menopause. There you have it. But you gotta start where you are. We talk about when Julia was a kid, she was an athlete - plus when she was in college she rowed crew - show a pic! Dr. Northrup talks about how what worked before may not work now. Gotta change it up! We discuss what workouts work for us. And what our overall diets look like. And we commiserate about how easy it is for Men to lose weight. We also calculate our BMIs. And we tell the world how much we weigh! Dr. Northrup cautions for patience. Plus SUPPLEMENTS. (“I didn’t ask for the Anal Probe.”) We discuss our body image issues.
    • “How Hot Was Your Flash?” Our friend told us a story about a group of women who when they all got together, even in Winter, they would all strip down to their tank tops! Julia paid attention to her patch and it helped.

    UPDATE - We discuss how we don't get paid if you buy the book, but we have since become Amazon affiliates. So now if you do buy the book, we will be paid a small commission. 

    Nutrition & Anti-Aging with Christy Abrams

    Nutrition & Anti-Aging with Christy Abrams

    Welcome to this weeks podcast where we are diving into our best anti-aging nutrition tips! We talk about the best diet, ingredients, nutrients, skin care routines, and more to protect our skin from aging. This weeks guest is Christy Abrams with Designs for Health, one of my favorite supplement companies. Were going to dive into why we work with only professional or pharmaceutical grade supplements over many over the counter brands in the podcast. 

    Christy is a functional nutritionist with a passion for helping people get to the root cause of their health issues.  She was in private practice for almost 10 years before making a career shift by becoming a Functional Medicine Consultant for Designs for Health in 2020. At 55, anti-aging has moved closer to the top of her list just under cellular health and hormone balance! 


    Supplement Store:





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    Tara Torres

    Bobbi Brown

    Bobbi Brown

    Dr. Lipman talks with long-time friend, Bobbi Brown. Dr. Lipman was introduced to Bobbi as a patient years ago and he now describes her as "normal and unpretentious" which is made clear during this fun podcast talking about Bobbi's big changes and her endless desire to learn and grow in business and her personal life. Bobbi has embarked on new adventures including podcasting, health coaching, hotelier, and a new wellness brand. She went from looking at beauty on the outside to incorporating her personal health work into looking at beauty from the inside (out). Listen in as they talk about how attitude in aging makes all the difference. 


    #99 Symptoms Of Hormone Imbalances, Periods, & Birth Control Effects with FNP Erin Gagne

    #99 Symptoms Of Hormone Imbalances, Periods, & Birth Control Effects with FNP Erin Gagne

    Erin dives into specific things we can look for in our bodies that indicate hormone imbalances, as well as what we shouldn't be seeing with our menstrual cycle, and what birth control is actually doing to us. Don't worry- she gives us specifics on how we can implement today!

    Erin Gagne https://www.instagram.com/erininjects/

    Nutrition Consulting with me www.elizagfitnessandhealth.com

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