
    14: David Miliband: The Age of Impunity

    enApril 17, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Former politicians Rory Stewart and David Miliband now work in humanitarian sector, with Miliband leading IRCTwo former British politicians, Rory Stewart and David Miliband, have transitioned from politics to the humanitarian sector, with Miliband leading the International Rescue Committee (IRC), a $1.4 billion organization helping people affected by conflict and disaster to survive and recover.

      Rory Stewart and David Miliband, two former British politicians, are now working together in the humanitarian sector, with Miliband leading the International Rescue Committee (IRC). The IRC, founded by Albert Einstein in the 1930s, is now a $1.4 billion organization that focuses on helping people whose lives have been shattered by conflict and disaster to survive, recover, and regain control. Miliband spent 20 years in politics trying to make it work, but now he's dealing with the greatest political failures as the CEO of the IRC. They currently have over 8,000 employees working in various conflict zones, including Afghanistan, and have restarted over 60% of their services there. The IRC is needed more than ever, as humanitarian needs have more than tripled in the last 10 years. They currently have 54 ongoing civil wars around the world, and the IRC is working to clean up some of the mess. Miliband's new role is about dealing with the failures of politics, as he previously spent 20 years trying to make politics work.

    • IRC's Focus on Individual and Systemic Needs in Crisis ZonesThe International Rescue Committee (IRC) addresses both individual needs and systemic issues in crisis zones, providing education, healthcare, and economic support to help individuals and communities rebuild their lives, while also working to address the root causes of crises.

      The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is a global humanitarian organization that helps individuals and communities affected by conflict and disaster, with a focus on both the individual level and systemic issues. The speaker, who has a personal connection to refugee experiences through his parents, emphasizes the importance of addressing both the ground-level needs and the big-picture systemic problems. The IRC operates in over 280 field sites around the world and helped over 31 million people last year. The speaker's background in politics and his family history as refugees influenced his decision to work for the IRC. His mother, a Holocaust survivor, mirrors the experiences of many refugees today, having shown great strength to survive and rebuild her life after the war. The IRC aims to provide education, healthcare, and economic support to help individuals and communities rebuild their lives, while also addressing the root causes of crises.

    • Hart's upbringing shaped his political ambition and successDespite facing war and fascism, Hart's parents created a stable environment that encouraged open dialogue and self-expression, instilling values that influenced his political perspective and success

      The unique experiences and values instilled in Hart and his brother Ed during their upbringing played a significant role in their ambition and success as prominent politicians. Despite enduring the horrors of war and fascism, their parents created a stable environment that encouraged open dialogue and self-expression. Hart's father, who had lost 43 family members to the Nazis, held strong leftist beliefs and taught his children to challenge opinions and express their views. Meanwhile, their mother, a survivor of the war, was less inclined to discuss her experiences but equally vocal in sharing her opinions. These contrasting backgrounds and the lessons they learned shaped their political perspectives, with Hart and Ed growing up to be more moderate than their father but still influenced by his independent and critical thinking.

    • Rise of Impunity and CrisesThe rise of impunity, fueled by the digital economy, globalization of risks, and localization of resilience, is contributing to political, economic, human rights, and environmental crises and the retreat of democracy.

      The world is experiencing a significant increase in impunity, or the exercise of power without accountability, leading to various crises in political, economic, human rights, and environmental spheres. This trend is contributing to the retreat of democracy and the rise of authoritarianism in some parts of the world. The digital economy and the globalization of risks, coupled with the localization of resilience, are key factors fueling this development. Fascism, with its extreme form of power abuse, serves as a concerning example of this phenomenon. The speaker's argument is that understanding the inequalities of power that enable impunity is essential for addressing the multiple crises the world is facing.

    • Technology's role in managing climate risk at a global scaleEffective use of technology to manage climate risk requires global coordination to avoid a downward escalator of inaction, and addressing the needs of the middle class and potential impacts of free movement of labor can help mitigate the rise of populism and polarization.

      Technology can both enable impunity and state control, as well as manage risk, particularly in the context of climate change. However, to effectively use technology to manage risk at a global scale, it's crucial to think beyond the local level and prioritize global coordination. The absence of such coordination, as seen in the example of nationally determined contributions to fighting the climate crisis, can lead to a downward escalator of inaction. Additionally, the rise of populism and polarization in politics, as seen in the UK's Brexit decision, can undermine even the strongest institutions and leave countries vulnerable to the abuse of power. Those in positions of power, including past governments, must take responsibility for not foreseeing these circumstances and not adequately addressing the needs of the middle class and the potential impacts of free movement of labor.

    • Political relationships: Surprises and ResponsibilitiesPoliticians have complex relationships with figures they support, marked by both positives and negatives. Transparency is crucial, and donations to political parties can lead to unexpected opportunities.

      During their time in government, politicians like Alastair Campbell and Anthony Scaramucci have had complex relationships with political figures they supported. While there are positives to look back on, there are also negatives and responsibilities that can't be ignored, especially as new political parties take power. Scaramucci shared a story about making a large donation to then-Senator Barack Obama and being surprised by the response, leading to more involvement in the Obama administration. Meanwhile, Campbell's role in the Blair government was marked by a significant moment involving a decision about Clause 4. These anecdotes highlight the intricacies of political relationships and the importance of transparency. The Rest is Politics US podcast aims to uncover more of these stories from the inner circles of the Biden and Trump administrations. Additionally, it's important to remember that charities like the International Rescue Committee rely on donations to provide essential services to those affected by crises around the world.

    • Alastair Campbell's unwavering loyalty to Labour's missionCampbell's loyalty to Labour's mission never wavered, but he regrets not embracing new ideas later on

      Alastair Campbell, a key advisor to Tony Blair during his tenure as Prime Minister, demonstrated an extraordinary capacity for hard work, humility, and loyalty to the mission of transforming the country through a Labour government. His principles never wavered, but he understood his role as a servant to the decision maker. Campbell's egalitarian beliefs, which some may label as left-wing, have remained constant throughout his career, and he has consistently sought ways to put them into practice. Despite the successes of the minimum wage and other initiatives, Campbell regrets that the government did not open themselves up to new ideas during the later stages, missing an opportunity for renewal.

    • Missing opportunities during the financial crisisThe financial crisis highlighted the need for proactive policy measures to address economic imbalances and prepare for future challenges, such as the digital revolution.

      During the time of the financial crisis, there was a missed opportunity to anticipate and address the imbalances in the British economy, particularly in relation to regulation and inequality. This, in turn, led to a period of slower growth and economic challenges. Another important point raised was the need for a stronger industrial policy, skills development, and building up local economies to prepare for the digital revolution. While there is a sense that the speaker could bring something valuable to politics, he has been away for ten years and is unsure if the time is right to return. He emphasizes the importance of making a difference while balancing professional choices and family responsibilities. Overall, the conversation highlighted the significance of proactive policy measures and the importance of learning from past mistakes.

    • Adapting to new challenges and evolving to make a differenceFormer Labour Party leader, David Miliband, stressed the importance of facing new challenges, building a positive agenda, being accountable to clients, committing to making a difference, and embracing unconditional cash transfers in international development.

      In order to effectively address current challenges and opponents, it's crucial for individuals and organizations to adapt and evolve. Former Labour Party leader, David Miliband, emphasized the importance of facing new challenges head-on, rather than comparing situations to the past. He also highlighted the significance of building a positive agenda and being accountable to clients rather than donors. Miliband also shared his commitment to making a difference and making professional choices based on where he can have the greatest impact. In the realm of international development, he discussed the shift towards unconditional cash transfers and the challenges of shifting power dynamics, emphasizing the need for radical trust and local decision-making.

    • Why not give cash directly?Assess necessity of external expertise, question 'why not cash?' for effective and efficient use of resources

      Giving cash directly to local communities can empower them to address their own needs more effectively than external organizations determining those needs for them. However, there are exceptions, such as in cases of malnutrition where diagnosis and treatment are required. The development community must objectively assess whether their expertise and jobs are necessary and question the collective effort to address the 340 million people in humanitarian need and 700 million people living in poverty. The first question should always be "why not cash?" before implementing other programs. A marriage of local and global expertise is crucial, but self-questioning and adaptation are necessary to ensure the most effective and efficient use of resources.

    • Impact of politics on access to aid and resourcesDespite significant aid and resources, limited access due to conflict zones and economic capabilities hinders their distribution. Politics plays a role, with some countries providing more support than others, but the field is complex and challenging to navigate.

      While significant data-based answers and humanitarian aid exist, access to them is limited by conflict zones and economic capabilities. For instance, during the Turkey-Syria earthquake, organizations could only respond due to their presence in the conflict zone. The United States, Japan, and Germany are notable for their development and humanitarian support, with the US providing a substantial portion of aid in certain regions. However, politics can take a toll on individuals and their families, making it a challenging field to navigate. Alastair's upcoming book, "But What Can I Do?", emphasizes the importance of encouraging young people to engage in politics and protecting politicians from abuse. Ultimately, the biggest frustration in politics is the impact it has on personal relationships, but the reward is the ability to put values into practice and uphold democracy.

    • Former UK Politician David Miliband Focuses on Self-Improvement and Making a DifferenceDavid Miliband, a former UK politician, prioritizes self-improvement and making a difference in his current role, rather than dwelling on past political losses or focusing on returning to British politics.

      David Miliband, the former Foreign Secretary and ex-Labour Party leader, does not dwell on the past or blame others for his political losses. Instead, he focuses on self-improvement and making a difference in his current role in New York. Miliband emphasized that he is not focused on returning to British politics, prioritizing his family and their needs over his political ambitions. Despite this, his clear vision and ability to analyze complex issues make him an impressive figure in the political world. Miliband also highlighted the importance of self-reflection and moving forward rather than dwelling on past mistakes or outcomes.

    • David Miliband's Impact on British Politics and Humanitarian EffortsDavid Miliband, a skilled politician and humanitarian, made significant impacts in British politics and abroad, but was not selected as Labor Party leader due to circumstance and the voting system. His ability to adapt and learn sets him apart, and his dedication to humanitarian work continues to make a difference.

      David Miliband is a clear-visioned and skilled politician who has made significant impacts in British politics and humanitarian efforts. Despite his strong leadership qualities, he was not selected as the Labor Party leader due to a sense of fatigue towards the New Labor era and the quirks of the voting system. Miliband's ability to listen, learn, and adapt, as shown during his time as foreign secretary in Afghanistan, sets him apart from many other politicians. His dedication to humanitarian work through Rescue has further solidified his commitment to making a difference in the world. Regrettably, Miliband's absence from British politics is a significant loss, and the question of what could have been if he had become prime minister remains a topic of speculation.

    • David Miliband's Uncommon Approach to LeadershipDavid Miliband's uncommon approach to leadership involved listening and learning during his first 100 days in office before making decisions, leaving a lasting impression on those around him.

      David Miliband, a former Secretary of State for Environment Food and Rural Affairs in the UK, was well-liked and respected for his approach to leadership. Unlike many politicians, he made a conscious effort to listen and learn during his first 100 days in office before making decisions. This approach was uncommon and left a lasting impression on those around him. While his popularity is not in question, it remains to be seen if he can surpass the influence of Brian Cox in future endeavors. The speaker expressed admiration for Miliband during their conversation in New York and wished him well in his future endeavors.

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    Indra Adnan has been writing, consulting and network-building on the themes of future politics, soft power, conflict transformation, the role of the arts, and integral consciousness. She is Founder and Co-initiator of The Alternative UK political platform, which publishes The Daily Alternative, convenes new system actors and builds “cosmolocal community agency networks.” Indra is concurrently a psychosocial therapist, journalist and author. Through her work on international relations and soft power she has consulted to the World Economic Forum, Indian and Danish governments, NATO, the Scottish Executive and the Institute of Contemporary Arts amongst others. She is Co-Lead in the social enterprise network Bounce Beyond working to cohere the next global economies. Indra’s new book from Perspectiva Press is titled The Politics of Waking Up: Power & Possibility In The Fractal Age.

    For more information on Indra Adnan and Terry Patten, check out the following resources:

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    We will be exploring this episode in greater depth during our next State of Emergence live Q&A (date and time to be announced soon). If you haven’t already joined us, we invite you to become a Friend of State of Emergence and join these monthly Q&A sessions with me and other listeners, as well as help the podcast become financially sustainable. A vibrant, intelligent, and caring community is already gathering around State of Emergence and we’d love for you to be part of it. Sign up at stateofemergence.org.

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    Anthony Hayes – Grace Under Fire

    Anthony Hayes – Grace Under Fire

    Bio for Anthony Hayes 

    Anthony Hayes is President and Founder of The Hayes Initiative (THI) and has spent more than 18 years in communications, crisis and issue management, and political and legislative campaigns. 

    Episode highlight

    Listen in on how Anthony Hayes developed a niche in extreme crisis management by applying his own personal discretion to sensitive national and international crises. 


    Email: Anthony@hayesinitiative.com 

    Website: https://hayesinitiative.com

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anthonyjhayesnyc/


    “It was certainly a place of extreme torment because what was coming through from the pope was hellfire and brimstone and especially words like abomination if you are gay aren’t really the best things to… wrestle with.”

    “A lot of New Yorkers don’t understand that the rest of the world doesn’t live the way we live and have all the privileges and things we have.”


    Childhood Incidents

    Anthony grew up in Enid, Oklahoma at a time when he couldn’t talk about having a crush on his male classmate. He claims that he became skilled at storytelling in order to distract the people in his life from his truth.

    Despite being funny and popular in school, Anthony turned to alcohol and cigarettes to numb his pain at age 13 and went to rehab at 16. He drank again between the ages of 18 and 30, but has been sober ever since. 

    Influential Groups 

    Anthony learned a strong work ethic from his parents, who were also part of the Church of Christ, where “being gay” was not allowed. Anthony developed insight, vulnerability, and camaraderie at Alcoholics Anonymous.

    Moving to New York City in his 20s helped him become an active part of advocacy groups like GMHC, an AIDS-service organization of which he is proud to be a part. 

    Temperament and Personality Influences

    Looking back on his life, Anthony describes himself as optimistic. As an adult, he focuses on being aware of the present moment and living with wisdom. 

    Cultural Epiphanies

    Being a New Yorker, Anthony understands that the city can be a bubble of lived experience and political opinion, making residents oblivious to differences outside of it. 

    Advice to an Employer 

    Anthony enjoys working with clients who respect his expertise and are willing to be vulnerable and transparent about the gaps that he needs to fill. 

    More Great Insights! 

    Reach out to Anthony on LinkedIn or through his website to connect! 

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