
    146 | Emily Riehl on Topology, Categories, and the Future of Mathematics

    enMay 10, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the underlying structure and shape of mathematical objectsTopology is a branch of mathematics that explores the properties of mathematical spaces that remain constant during smooth deformations, leading to algebraic structures and category theory, while Indeed is a powerful hiring platform that helps employers find quality candidates efficiently and effectively.

      Topology is a branch of mathematics that deals with the study of the properties of mathematical spaces that remain constant despite smooth deformations. These properties can be characterized using numbers, transformations, and other mathematical structures. Emily Riel, a typologist at Johns Hopkins, explains that topology leads us from the study of holes and paths in mathematical spaces to algebraic structures like homotopy groups, rings, groupoids, and eventually to category theory, which offers a unique perspective on mathematics as a whole. Essentially, topology is about understanding the underlying structure and shape of mathematical objects, even as they change form. For hiring, Indeed is a powerful platform that helps employers find quality candidates quickly and efficiently, with over 350 million monthly visitors and a matching engine that delivers high-quality matches. By using Indeed for scheduling, screening, and messaging, employers can connect with candidates faster and more effectively. And with a $75 sponsored job credit for Mindscape listeners, it's an even more attractive option for those looking to hire. So whether you're looking to hire exceptional talent or explore the depths of mathematical thought, remember that the underlying structures and properties remain constant, even as things change form. For hiring, that means finding the right person for the job, and for mathematics, it means discovering new insights and connections.

    • Mathematics as a Pursuit of Knowledge and UnderstandingMathematicians view mathematical concepts as real entities, driven by curiosity, and mathematics is a universal language of structures and functions

      Mathematics, like physics, contributes significantly to the intellectual discourse and enriches our understanding of the world. Mathematicians, including theoretical physicists, are driven by curiosity and the pursuit of knowledge, not just practical applications. Most mathematicians hold a Platonist view, considering mathematical concepts as real entities. Structuralism, a philosophy of mathematics related to category theory, posits that mathematical objects are defined by their roles and functions within mathematics. For instance, natural numbers are universal discrete dynamical systems, allowing the definition and recursion of sequences.

    • Understanding abstract spaces through topologyTopology is the branch of mathematics that deals with abstract concepts of spaces, their properties, and the relationships between points, using concepts of proximity and distance.

      Mathematics, particularly in the field of topology, deals with abstract concepts of spaces, both physical and imaginary. Topology is the study of these spaces, and it involves understanding the properties of proximity and distance between points. A topological space can be anything from the points on a plane to the surface of a doughnut. The difference between a set and a topological space lies in how we understand and measure distances between points. For mathematicians, a space can be one-dimensional like a line, two-dimensional like a circle or sphere, or even higher dimensions. There are various types of topological spaces, such as metric spaces with a defined distance function, and more abstract spaces like the Mobius band, which is a non-orientable space that confuses the concept of inside and outside. In essence, mathematics allows us to explore and understand these abstract spaces through recursive definitions and functions.

    • Understanding the Klein bottle and configuration spaces in topologyThe Klein bottle is a higher-dimensional surface with ambiguous inside and outside, while configuration spaces are topological spaces that describe all possible configurations of systems, often involving complex interactions.

      The Klein bottle is a higher-dimensional surface, specifically a one-dimensional version of a torus (doughnut shape). It's created by twisting and gluing the ends of a tube in a counterclockwise and clockwise manner while reversing the orientation on one end. This construction cannot be done in three-dimensional space, but in a fourth dimension, it could be embedded. A Klein bottle has ambiguous inside and outside, making it a fascinating concept for topologists who focus on the structure and properties of spaces rather than their individual bumps and wiggles. Configuration spaces, inspired by real physical situations, are essential topological spaces where the space of all possible configurations of something can be complex and high-dimensional. For example, imagine a factory with a one-dimensional track where two robots, one red and one blue, can move. The space of configurations for one robot is one-dimensional, but for two robots, it becomes more complex, describing their positions and interactions. Topology, with its loosey-goosey approach, offers valuable insights into these intricate situations.

    • Two robots' configuration space in a plane vs. a circular trackTopologists study the features of spaces that don't change under small deformations. Disconnected spaces, like a square with a diagonal removed, are different from connected spaces, like a torus, which allows robots to visit all configurations without any orientation.

      The configuration space of two robots moving independently in a two-dimensional plane can be described as a square with a diagonal segment removed, resulting in two triangular components. This space is disconnected, meaning the robots cannot swap their positions with respect to each other once placed on the track. However, if the robots move on a circular track instead, their configuration space is described as the product of two circles, corresponding to the points on the surface of a torus. By making a diagonal cut on the torus, a connected surface is obtained, allowing the robots to visit all configurations without any left or right orientation. Topologists are interested in the features of a space that don't change under small deformations. The difference between a disconnected space (like the original example) and a connected space (like the second example) excites topologists. This concept applies to various shapes, such as oval tracks, square tracks, or hexagonal tracks, all being equivalent from a topological perspective. The coffee cup and a doughnut are famous examples of this concept, as they are both considered the same from a topological standpoint, being Tauruses. When hiring people, Indeed can help make the process easier by providing tools like Indeed Instant Match and skills tests to streamline the hiring process.

    • Understanding Shape Sameness through TopologyTopologists study shape sameness using homeomorphism and homotopy equivalence. Homeomorphism ensures one-to-one correspondence, while homotopy equivalence allows for continuous deformation. Surprising findings include a solid torus and coffee cup being homeomorphic, and a pair of pants and thong being homotopy equivalent.

      Topologists, a branch of mathematicians, study the concept of sameness among different shapes or spaces. They use two notions of sameness: homeomorphism and homotopy equivalence. Homeomorphism refers to a one-to-one correspondence between the points and spaces, while homotopy equivalence allows for continuous deformation of one space into another. For instance, a solid torus and a solid coffee cup can be considered homeomorphic due to their one-to-one correspondence, but all n-dimensional Euclidean spaces are homotopy equivalent to a single point. Surprisingly, a pair of pants and a thong are considered the same from a topologist's perspective due to homotopy equivalence. These concepts show that the idea of sameness can vary depending on the level of focus and the mathematical tools used.

    • Using algebraic structures to distinguish topological spacesThe fundamental group, which counts the number of unique ways an ant can traverse a space and return, is used to mathematically prove the differences between topological spaces like a sphere and a doughnut.

      While it may be intuitive that different topological spaces, such as the surface of a sphere and a doughnut, appear visually distinct, proving their differences mathematically can be challenging. The strategy to distinguish these spaces involves the use of algebraic structures, specifically homology or homotopy groups, to assign numerical invariants. These invariants remain constant if the spaces are continuously deformable into each other. By calculating the fundamental group, which counts the number of essentially different ways an ant can walk around a space and return to its starting point, it was shown that the surface of a sphere and a doughnut are indeed different topological spaces.

    • Topological differences between a doughnut and a sphereThe surface of a doughnut (torus) and a sphere have distinct topological structures, which can be described using algebraic integers representing ant's loops.

      The surface of a doughnut (torus) and a sphere have fundamentally different topological structures. The ant's trajectories on a torus are not continuously deformable into each other, unlike on a sphere. This difference can be described using algebraic structures, specifically integers representing the number of times the ant goes around the short and long loops. This discovery reveals the hidden complexity of seemingly simple geometric shapes. It's a reminder that even if you're not a 'geometer' at heart, you might still encounter algebraic structures in geometry and topology. This intersection of algebra and geometry is a testament to the interconnectedness and complexity of mathematical concepts.

    • Ant's journey on a torus as a group conceptGroups are mathematical structures consisting of a set and a composition operation, allowing the combination of loops with inverses, extensively used in physics and advanced mathematics for describing symmetries and configurations.

      Algebraic structures, like the paths an ant takes on the surface of a torus, can be thought of as groups. A group is a set of loops, along with a composition operation that allows you to combine those loops. This concept is important in mathematics, particularly in the study of symmetries and topology. The ant's journey from one point to another and back can be undone, and every element in a group has an inverse. Groups are used extensively in physics to describe symmetries and the different configurations of objects. For example, the integers with addition and matrices with addition are both groups. Understanding groups requires grasping the concept of loops, composition, and inverses, as well as the axioms that govern them. This abstract concept is essential in advanced mathematics, particularly in topology and symmetry studies.

    • Understanding the Complexity of Mathematical StructuresWhile some mathematical structures, like the integers, have simple generative rules, others, like the Klein 4-group and Platonic solids, do not. Group theory can be used to understand the differences between these structures.

      While some mathematical structures, like the integers, have a simple and straightforward generative rule, others, like the Klein 4-group of mattress flips, do not. The Klein 4-group is a finite group with four elements representing different ways to flip a mattress. These flips can be described as rotating head to toe or side to side, or a combination of both. Unlike the integers, which have a generator that allows for the creation of all integers through repeated application of the generator, the Klein 4-group does not have a generator. This means that remembering the sequence of flips to apply in order to reach a desired configuration is more complex. Additionally, group theory can be used to prove that there are only five regular Platonic solids, three-dimensional figures that can be created by gluing together regular two-dimensional shapes. These figures include the tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron. The cube and icosahedron are dual structures, meaning that they share similar properties, and there are only three unique Platonic solids in this sense. Understanding the differences between structures like the integers and the Klein 4-group, and the Platonic solids, highlights the richness and complexity of mathematical concepts.

    • Exploring connections between platonic solids and algebraic structuresUnderstanding the deep connections between platonic solids and algebraic structures, such as groups, rings, and fields, can provide new insights and perspectives on seemingly different mathematical concepts. For instance, polynomials form a ring, but not all rings are fields.

      There are deep connections between various mathematical structures, such as the platonic solids and their duality relationships, and algebraic structures like groups, rings, and fields. The speaker explained how the platonic solids, including the cube and octahedron, have duality relationships that are reflected in their symmetry groups. He also introduced rings and fields as algebraic structures, explaining how they are similar to, but distinct from, groups. The speaker highlighted the importance of understanding these connections and analogies, as they can provide new insights and perspectives on seemingly different mathematical concepts. For example, polynomials form a ring, and the ring of polynomials with coefficients in a field (such as the real numbers) is similar to the ring of integers. However, not all rings are fields, as a field has the additional property that every element has an additive and multiplicative inverse.

    • Fields and rings: mathematical structures with unique propertiesFields are a type of ring with additive and multiplicative inverses, while topology and groups relate to fields and rings through topological invariance, and the study of maps between mathematical objects leads to structures like hyper rings.

      Fields and rings are mathematical structures with distinct properties. Fields are a type of ring that includes the operations of multiplicative and additive inverses, except for zero. Topology and groups are related to fields and rings through the concept of topological invariance, where groups such as the fundamental group measure properties like loops and the filling of shapes within a space. While a single group doesn't capture the full data of a topological space, the collection of infinitely many groups describes the full homotopy type. Mathematicians primarily focus on studying maps between different mathematical objects, and the concept of algebra allows for the definition of multiple binary operations on a set, leading to structures like hyper rings.

    • Understanding the topology of a space using homotopy groups and fundamental infinity groupoidClassical approach uses homotopy groups, while modern approach uses fundamental infinity groupoid to describe the full homotopy type of a space, providing a more comprehensive and natural description

      There are different ways to algebraically describe the topology of a space. The classical approach involves understanding the homotopy groups and their composition operations, which describe how spheres of various dimensions can be mapped into the space. A more modern approach introduces the concept of the fundamental infinity groupoid, which remembers the set of all points and all paths between any two points in the space, along with the data of continuous deformations between paths. This approach captures the full homotopy type of the space, providing a more natural and comprehensive description.

    • Understanding a space's structure through homotopies and infinity groupoidsHomotopies are a way to understand a space's full structure by considering paths between paths, forming an infinity groupoid that describes the homotopy type. Not all paths between paths may exist due to homotopic equivalence. Groupoids, with their two levels of data, exist beyond topology and have applications in various fields.

      Homotopies are a way to understand the full structure of a space by considering paths between paths, which can be extended to higher dimensions as paths between paths between paths, and so on, forming an infinity groupoid. This algebraic structure describes the homotopy type of a space and invites exploration into the world of infinite dimensional category theory. It's important to note that not all paths between paths may exist due to the homotopic equivalence of the paths. The visualization of an infinity groupoid is challenging, and one typically relies on examples in lower dimensions and trusts the equations in more complex cases. The difference between a group and a groupoid lies in the fact that in a group, the elements are loops in a space, while in a groupoid, different base points are allowed, leading to two levels of data: the collection of points and the paths between them. Outside of the field of topology and homotopy, groupoids do exist and are used in various areas of mathematics and physics.

    • Infinity groupoid for a richer description of space's topologyThe infinity groupoid goes beyond the fundamental group to capture paths between paths and paths between paths, providing a more comprehensive understanding of a space's topological structure, especially in higher dimensions.

      While the fundamental group of a space describes its one-dimensional structures, such as loops and paths, it falls short of capturing the full complexity of a space in higher dimensions. The infinity groupoid, which includes paths between paths and paths between paths, provides a more comprehensive understanding of a space's topological structure. For example, on the 2-sphere, paths between paths can be fundamentally different, like the international date line and the prime meridian, which cannot be continuously deformed into each other without passing through the core of the Earth. Thus, the infinity groupoid offers a richer description of the space's topology, especially in higher dimensions.

    • Understanding mathematical relationships through the study of objects and mapsCategory theory provides a unifying framework for various mathematical theories by focusing on the relationships between different mathematical objects and their maps, rather than their intrinsic properties.

      Category theory is a branch of mathematics that allows us to understand mathematical objects and their relationships through the study of objects and the maps between them, in any mathematical context. This idea, expressed in the Yoneda Lemma, can be applied to various mathematical objects such as spaces, rings, and groups. By considering other objects and the maps between them, we can fully characterize an unknown object. This concept is not only used in topology but is also independent of the mathematical context. Category theory provides a unifying framework for various mathematical theories and can help in understanding complex systems by focusing on the relationships between different objects rather than their intrinsic properties. The usefulness of category theory lies in its ability to provide a high-level perspective on various mathematical structures and their relationships.

    • Understanding similarities between mathematical concepts through CategoriesCategories reveal deep connections between seemingly distinct mathematical concepts by viewing them as part of a larger, interconnected whole.

      Categories, which are a type of mathematical structure, allow us to understand the essential similarities between seemingly different mathematical concepts. For instance, the category of vector spaces, with objects being vector spaces and linear transformations as arrows, and the category of natural numbers with matrices as arrows, may appear vastly different. However, they are equivalent, meaning we can view natural numbers as stand-ins for vector spaces, and matrices as linear transformations. This equivalence shows that seemingly distinct mathematical concepts can be connected in profound ways. Categories provide a high-level perspective, allowing us to view various mathematical objects and their relationships as part of a larger, interconnected whole.

    • Exploring new mathematical structures and their relationships through category theoryCategory theory reveals complex relationships between mathematical objects, potentially changing the foundation of mathematics and making it more suitable for studying higher dimensional structures.

      Mathematics is constantly evolving, with new complex objects and structures being discovered and studied. Category theory, which deals with the relationships between mathematical objects, is a field that has led to the discovery of infinity categories and higher dimensional morphisms. This shift in perspective on mathematical structures and their relationships may lead to a significant change in the foundation of mathematics, making it more suitable for studying complex up-to-homotopy structures. Additionally, it's important for mathematicians to not only discover new theorems but also to make existing ones more accessible and understandable for future generations. The interview with Emily Riehl highlights her work in this area, as well as her belief that mathematics in the 22nd century will look very different from what we know today.

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    178 | Jody Azzouni on What Is and Isn't Real

    178 | Jody Azzouni on What Is and Isn't Real

    Are numbers real? What does that even mean? You can’t kick a number. But you can talk about numbers in useful ways, and we use numbers to talk about the real world. There’s surely a kind of reality there. On the other hand, Luke Skywalker isn’t a real person, but we talk about him all the time. Maybe we can talk about unreal things in useful ways. Jody Azzouni is one of the leading contemporary advocates of nominalism, the view that abstract objects are not “things,” they are merely labels we use in talking about things. A deeply philosophical issue, but one that has implications for how we think about physics and the laws of nature.

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    Jody Azzouni received his Ph.D. in philosophy from the City University of New York. He is currently a professor of philosophy at Tufts University. In addition to his philosophical work, he is an active writer of fiction and poetry.

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    151 | Jordan Ellenberg on the Mathematics of Political Boundaries

    151 | Jordan Ellenberg on the Mathematics of Political Boundaries

    Any system in which politicians represent geographical districts with boundaries chosen by the politicians themselves is vulnerable to gerrymandering: carving up districts to increase the amount of seats that a given party is expected to win. But even fairly-drawn boundaries can end up quite complex, so how do we know that a given map is unfairly skewed? Math comes to the rescue. We can ask whether the likely outcome of a given map is very unusual within the set of all possible reasonable maps. That’s a hard math problem, however — the set of all possible maps is pretty big — so we have to be clever to solve it. I talk with geometer Jordan Ellenberg about how ideas like random walks and Markov chains help us judge the fairness of political boundaries.

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    Jordan Ellenberg received his Ph.D. in mathematics from Harvard University in 1998. He is currently the John D. MacArthur professor of mathematics at the University of Wisconsin. He competed in the International Mathematical Olympiad three times, winning a gold medal twice. Among his awards are the MAA Euler Book Prize and a Guggenheim Fellowship. He is the author of How Not to Be Wrong and the novel The Grasshopper King. His new book is Shape: The Hidden Geometry of Information, Biology, Strategy, Democracy, and Everything Else.

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