
    271 | Claudia de Rham on Modifying General Relativity

    enApril 01, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Streamline hiring and personal finance with specialized platformsSpecialized platforms like Indeed for hiring and Rocket Money for personal finance can save time, effort, and money by offering advanced matching and financial management tools.

      When it comes to hiring or managing personal finances, using specialized platforms like Indeed and Rocket Money can save time, effort, and money. Indeed, with its large user base and advanced matching engine, can help employers find high-quality candidates efficiently. Rocket Money, on the other hand, can help individuals identify and cancel unwanted subscriptions, monitor spending, and lower bills. In the case of hiring, the best way to search isn't to search at all but to use Indeed. For personal finance, Rocket Money can help stop the waste of money on unwanted subscriptions. Similarly, when it comes to buying an engagement ring, Blue Nile offers the convenience of designing a custom ring online and having it delivered to your door with a discount using the promo code "audio." In the world of ideas, equations like Einstein's can reveal deeper insights and implications beyond what their creators initially intended. These platforms and ideas demonstrate the power of leveraging technology and innovative thinking to simplify complex processes and unlock new possibilities.

    • Puzzles in General Relativity: Cosmological Constant and Accelerating UniverseTheoretical physicists explore ways to modify or expand upon general relativity, such as giving gravitons a tiny mass, but it's challenging within quantum field theory. Research continues to improve our understanding of gravity and the universe.

      While general relativity, Einstein's theory of gravity, has been incredibly successful in explaining many phenomena on large scales, there are still puzzles that remain unsolved, such as the cosmological constant and the accelerating universe. Theoretical physicists continue to explore ways to modify or expand upon general relativity, including the idea of giving gravitons, the particles that mediate gravity, a tiny mass. However, doing so in a coherent way within the framework of quantum field theory is extremely challenging due to the many constraints and rules that must be followed. Despite these challenges, researchers like Claudia Duran are pushing forward with these ideas to potentially improve our understanding of gravity and the universe as a whole. In essence, while general relativity is a powerful and successful theory, there is still much to be learned and discovered about the fundamental nature of gravity.

    • Gravity as an intrinsic property of space-timeGravity is not just an external force, but an intrinsic property of space-time that affects all matter and energy equally, including ourselves. We can't feel it directly, but we can observe its effects through curvature in space-time.

      According to Einstein's theory of general relativity, gravity is not just an external force acting on masses, but rather an intrinsic property of space-time itself. It's an embedding that affects all matter and energy, including ourselves, in the same way. We can't feel gravity as we can with other forces because every single particle in our body experiences it in the same way. However, we can observe its effects through curvature in space-time, which requires comparing observations at different points. So, while we can't feel gravity directly, we can experience its consequences, such as the aging process and the curvature of space around massive objects.

    • Gravity as a manifestation of spacetime curvatureGravity is not a distinct force but a consequence of spacetime curvature caused by mass or energy. Gravitational waves, ripples in spacetime, provide evidence for this perspective.

      According to the discussion, both gravity and curvature are relative concepts that require comparison between different points. Gravity is not a distinct entity but a manifestation of the curvature of spacetime caused by the presence of mass or energy. This curvature can be observed through gravitational waves, which are ripples in spacetime caused by the acceleration of massive objects. These waves propagate through spacetime just like electromagnetic waves propagate through the electromagnetic field. Therefore, gravity can be thought of as a quantum force, similar to other fundamental forces of nature. The observation of gravitational waves provides strong evidence for this perspective. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the interconnectedness of different concepts in physics and the importance of a relative perspective in understanding the natural world.

    • Electromagnetic vs. Gravitational Forces: Differences and SimilaritiesThe electromagnetic force behaves as a dipole, while gravity exhibits quadruple properties. Both forces can be explained through quantum field theory and the concept of rotational spacetime, with gravitons and photons serving as their respective mediators.

      The fundamental forces of nature, specifically the electromagnetic and gravitational forces, have some similarities and differences at their core. While the electromagnetic force behaves as a dipole, the gravitational force exhibits quadruple properties. This distinction impacts their behavior and effects, with gravitons being the fundamental particles responsible for mediating gravity, similar to how photons do for electromagnetism. Despite the complexities, both forces can be understood through quantum field theory and the concept of rotational spacetime. The detection of gravitational waves, which are a classical phenomenon but have a quantum nature, provides evidence for the existence of gravitons, even though detecting a single one remains a theoretical and experimental challenge.

    • Understanding quantum gravity in extreme conditionsThe lack of a complete theory of quantum gravity at high energy scales or very high curvature poses significant challenges, including the potential production of black holes and the inability to shield gravity from collisions.

      While we have a good understanding of quantum gravity in everyday life and at low energy scales, where we can quantize gravity perturbatively, the situation becomes much more complex and uncertain when dealing with high energy scales or very high curvature. This is because the quantum nature of gravity is not well understood in these extreme conditions. If we were to collide particles at energies far beyond what is currently possible at the Large Hadron Collider, we might expect to produce black holes and face significant challenges in predicting the outcome due to the lack of a complete theory of quantum gravity. Additionally, the equivalence principle means that gravity cannot be shielded from play in any collision, even if we're not directly colliding gravitons. This is important because it highlights the limitations of our current understanding and the need for continued research in this area. The spin of particles is also relevant to this discussion, as it determines whether they emit dipole or quadrupole radiation. An electron, for example, emits dipole radiation, while a graviton is a spin-2 particle that would emit quadrupole radiation. Understanding these fundamental concepts is crucial for advancing our knowledge of quantum gravity and potentially discovering new insights into the nature of the universe.

    • The role of a particle's spin in its interactionsThe square of a particle's spin determines the energy increase during interactions with other particles, with higher spins leading to faster energy growth. Exploring the connections between GR, QFT, and involved symmetries and energy scales is crucial for progress in understanding and potentially challenging our current understanding of gravity.

      The spin of a particle plays a crucial role in the behavior of its interactions with other particles. For instance, the exchange of photons between electrons results in an energy increase proportional to the square of the spin (spin 1), while the exchange of gravitons between particles exhibits a faster energy growth due to its higher spin (spin 2). This difference in spin becomes increasingly important as energy levels approach the Planck scale, where the behavior of particles with even higher spins becomes too complex to fully comprehend. To make progress in understanding and potentially challenging our current understanding of gravity, physicists need to deeply explore the connections between general relativity, quantum field theory, and the symmetries and energy scales involved.

    • Discovering the unique properties of spin in particlesMaybelline's Instant Age Rewind Eraser Foundation offers medium coverage, natural finish, SPF protection, and easy application. In physics, we've mainly found spin 1/2 and spin 1 particles, but Higgs boson and graviton have spin 0 and 2, respectively, crucial for understanding fundamental interactions.

      Maybelline's new Instant Age Rewind Eraser Foundation offers medium coverage with a natural finish, protects and nourishes the skin with SPF 20 and provitaminb5, and its blurring sponge tip applicator ensures easy application, leading to a flawless, radiant complexion. In the realm of physics, another significant takeaway is that we have primarily encountered spin 1/2 particles, such as electrons and quarks, and spin 1 particles, like photons and gluons, in the universe. The Higgs boson and graviton are the only known exceptions with spin 0 and spin 2, respectively. The spin of the graviton, a massless spin 2 particle, is integral to Einstein's theory of general relativity. This theory, which describes how space and time evolve, is the only consistent explanation for these fundamental particles and their interactions. Understanding this foundation of physics and its implications is crucial for pushing the boundaries of knowledge.

    • Our understanding of the physical world depends on our perspective and energy scalesPhysicists adapt their descriptions of nature based on our interests and relevant energy scales, acknowledging the need for new layers of physics as we explore higher and lower scales.

      Our understanding of the physical world depends on the perspective and the energy scales we focus on. While general relativity is an effective theory for describing the behavior of large objects and energy scales, it is not the ultimate theory of everything. Physicists acknowledge that new layers of physics will emerge as we explore higher and lower energy scales. We adapt our descriptions of nature based on our interests and the relevant energy scales. For instance, we can treat general relativity as a quantum field theory for understanding the solar system or the galaxy, but we need a more fundamental theory for understanding phenomena close to black hole singularities, particle collisions at Planck scales, or the early universe. The notions of high energy and small distances, and low energy and long distances, are interconnected, and physicists often switch between them without realizing it. In essence, our descriptions of the physical world are adaptive, and we continue to learn and refine them as we explore new frontiers.

    • Understanding Gravity: Large Scales and BeyondWhile we have a solid grasp of gravity's behavior on large scales, its behavior in the almost flat regime and beyond our observable universe remains unmeasured and unexplored, adding complexity with the universe's accelerating expansion.

      Our understanding of gravity, particularly on very large and very small scales, is incomplete. We have a good grasp of its behavior on large, observable scales through Einstein's theory of general relativity. However, we have yet to directly measure or observe its behavior in the extremely low curvature, almost flat, regime. Additionally, the universe's finite size and expansion mean that there are distances beyond our observable universe that remain unreachable and unexplored. The accelerating expansion of the universe, observed through the redshift of supernovae, adds another layer of complexity to our understanding of gravity. Despite these uncertainties, the premises of our current knowledge don't equate to being wrong, but rather represent the current state of our exploration and discovery in the realm of gravity.

    • The mystery of dark energy and the accelerated expansion of the universeThe quantum vacuum might hold the answer to the mystery of dark energy, but we don't fully understand its implications yet.

      The expansion of the universe is not only happening but also accelerating, and this acceleration is believed to be caused by a mysterious substance called dark energy. Dark energy is described as a fluid with negative pressure that acts in conjunction with gravity, not against it. Although we have an effective description of dark energy, we don't fully understand its origin. The quantum nature of our world, specifically the constant creation and disappearance of virtual particles in the vacuum, might provide a clue. These quantum fluctuations could lead to a cosmological constant, a term introduced by Einstein that could explain the accelerated expansion of the universe. However, the contribution of known particles to this cosmological constant is much larger than what we observe, suggesting that there might be other unknown forms of energy making up the difference. In essence, the quantum vacuum might hold the answer to the mystery of dark energy and the accelerated expansion of the universe, but we have yet to fully understand its implications.

    • The cosmological constant problem: Incompatibility between quantum field theory and general relativityThe cosmological constant problem refers to the incompatibility between quantum field theory's precise predictions for subatomic particles and general relativity's prediction of an accelerating universe expansion, which presents a significant challenge to our current understanding of the universe.

      The current understanding of physics, which includes both quantum field theory and general relativity, presents a significant paradox. While quantum field theory has been remarkably precise in explaining the behavior of subatomic particles, general relativity, which describes the large-scale structure of the universe including gravity, predicts an accelerating expansion of the universe that is incompatible with the vacuum energy contributions from quantum field theory. This discrepancy, known as the cosmological constant problem or the dark energy problem, is a major unsolved issue in physics and represents a significant challenge to our current understanding of the universe. One proposed solution is that gravity itself may have a finite range in both space and time, reducing the impact of vacuum energy on the expansion of the universe over long periods. However, this is still a topic of ongoing research and debate in the scientific community.

    • Exploring the possibility of a massive gravitonResearchers are investigating the idea that the massless graviton, a fundamental particle responsible for gravity, could have mass, potentially weakening its effects while still considering it a quantum particle.

      While gravity is generally understood as the propagation of a spin-2 particle, there is ongoing research into the possibility that this particle, known as the graviton, could have a mass. This idea is not completely far-fetched, as other fundamental particles that carry forces, such as the W and Z bosons, do have mass. The Higgs mechanism, which gives mass to these particles, is related to the fact that it weakens certain forces. By giving the graviton a mass, researchers could potentially weaken gravity while still thinking of it as a particle at the quantum level. However, this is a complex issue that has been explored for nearly a century, and it is not a simple matter of just assigning mass to the graviton. Researchers must carefully consider the implications and constraints of such a change.

    • Gravitational waves could have more than two polarizations if gravitons have massThe theory of general relativity suggests only two polarizations for gravitational waves, but if gravitons have mass, more complex waves with additional polarizations could propagate along the wave direction, leading to new ways of communication and a deeper understanding of gravity.

      The theory of general relativity, which describes the behavior of gravity as a wave-like phenomenon, predicts the existence of only two polarizations for gravitational waves. However, if the hypothetical particle that mediates gravity, called the graviton, has a mass, then additional polarizations could exist. These polarizations could propagate not only perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation, but also along it, making gravitational waves more complex than previously thought. This possibility, though it may be challenging to observe due to the symmetry reasons and potential negative energy implications, could lead to new ways of communication between objects in the universe and fundamentally change our understanding of gravity.

    • Ghosts in Physics: Negative Energy InstabilitiesGhosts, with negative energy, were first identified in the 1930s but their impact on a fully nonlinear, quantum gravity theory was not understood until the 1970s. Despite challenges, progress has been made in understanding their behavior and containment.

      Certain theoretical modes in physics, known as "ghosts," have negative energy and can cause instability in the universe. These ghosts were first identified in the 1930s by Firth and Pauli, but their potential impact on a nonlinear, fully gravitational theory was not fully understood until the 1970s. At the linear level, these ghosts could be contained, but as we now know, the universe is not just flat space-time with small ripples. Instead, it has curvature and other polarizations of gravity that have yet to be observed. To fully understand the implications of massive gravity, it was necessary to develop a fully nonlinear theory. However, this was a significant challenge, and many argued it was impossible. Despite these challenges, progress has been made in understanding the behavior of ghosts and how they might be contained in a consistent theory of quantum gravity.

    • Challenging the 'no go' theorems in physicsTwo physicists discovered that gravity in higher dimensions doesn't exhibit problematic behaviors predicted by 'no go' theorems due to their limiting assumptions. They developed a new theory of gravity, allowing for a tiny graviton mass, evading ghosts and instabilities.

      While there were several "no go" theorems in physics that suggested certain phenomena couldn't occur, these theorems relied on assumptions that weren't always valid. Two physicists, working independently, discovered that gravity in higher dimensions didn't exhibit the problematic behaviors predicted by the "no go" theorems. They spent a significant amount of time trying to identify where they went wrong, but ultimately realized that the theorems themselves contained underlying assumptions that limited their scope. The upshot of their work was the development of a new theory of gravity that allows for the graviton to have a tiny mass, which evades the issues related to ghosts and instabilities. While this theory is not perfect, it offers new possibilities for understanding the nature of gravity and its interaction with the rest of the universe. As for how we would distinguish this theory from Einstein's general relativity, it would require observational or experimental evidence, and the difference lies in the way the theories describe the behavior of gravity in various situations.

    • Exploring the possibility of massive gravity and its potential impact on gravitational wavesMassive gravity could alter gravitational wave propagation based on frequency, but current observations don't yet provide strong constraints on the graviton mass. Future observations of lower-frequency gravitational waves and the detection of primordial gravitational waves could potentially provide more insight.

      The theories of gravity, whether it be general relativity or massive gravity, are comprehensive and require numerous consistent observations. While gravitational waves propagate similarly to those in general relativity when emitted from high-frequency sources like black hole mergers, massive gravity could lead to gravitational waves propagating at different speeds based on frequency. Current observations, such as those from LIGO, don't yet provide a strong constraint on the graviton mass, but future observations of lower-frequency gravitational waves could potentially provide more insight. The hope is that the observation of primordial gravitational waves, which could be detected through b mode polarizations in the cosmic microwave background, could help determine whether gravity is massive or not. This testability and potential for constraint are key benefits of considering a graviton with mass. However, it was not explicitly mentioned in the discussion how giving the graviton a mass could explain the small cosmological constant.

    • Exploring alternatives to reconcile cosmological constant and gravityRecent research challenges the belief that the cosmological constant and gravity cannot coexist in a large accelerating universe, opening up new avenues for exploration and potential solutions.

      The study of massive gravity and its relation to the cosmological constant presents significant challenges, but these challenges may also provide opportunities for new discoveries. Previously, it was believed that the cosmological constant and gravity could not be reconciled in a homogeneous and isotropic universe with a large acceleration, as predicted by general relativity. However, recent research suggests that this correspondence may need to change, and exploring different alternatives is the current approach. This shift from a previously accepted answer to an open question is seen as a positive sign, as it allows for more exploration and potential solutions. Additionally, the ongoing research into the nature of gravitons, which are still not fully understood, continues to be a focus in the field. Overall, the study of massive gravity and the cosmological constant is a complex and evolving area of research, with many challenges and opportunities for new discoveries.

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    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/05/20/276-gavin-schmidt-on-measuring-predicting-and-protecting-our-climate/

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    Blog post with questions and transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/05/06/ama-may-2024/

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    Here is the memorial to Dan Dennett at Ars Technica.

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    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/04/29/274-gizem-gumuskaya-on-building-robots-from-human-cells/

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    Gimez Gumuskaya received her Ph.D. from Tufts University and the Harvard Wyss Institute for Biologically-Inspired Engineering. She is currently a postdoctoral researcher at Tufts University. She previously received a dual master's degree in Architecture and Synthetic Biology from MIT.

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    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/04/22/273-stefanos-geroulanos-on-the-invention-of-prehistory/

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    Stefanos Geroulanos received his Ph.D. in humanities from Johns Hopkins. He is currently director of the Remarque Institute and a professor of history at New York University. He is the author and editor of a number of books on European intellectual history. He serves as a Co-Executive Editor of the Journal of the History of Ideas.

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    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/04/15/272-leslie-valiant-on-learning-and-educability-in-computers-and-people/

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    Leslie Valiant received his Ph.D. in computer science from Warwick University. He is currently the T. Jefferson Coolidge Professor of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics at Harvard University. He has been awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship, the Knuth Prize, and the Turing Award, and he is a member of the National Academy of Sciences as well as a Fellow of the Royal Society and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He is the pioneer of "Probably Approximately Correct" learning, which he wrote about in a book of the same name.

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    AMA | April 2024

    AMA | April 2024

    Welcome to the April 2024 Ask Me Anything episode of Mindscape! These monthly excursions are funded by Patreon supporters (who are also the ones asking the questions). We take questions asked by Patreons, whittle them down to a more manageable number -- based primarily on whether I have anything interesting to say about them, not whether the questions themselves are good -- and sometimes group them together if they are about a similar topic. Enjoy!

    Blog post with questions and transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/04/08/ama-april-2024/

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    271 | Claudia de Rham on Modifying General Relativity

    271 | Claudia de Rham on Modifying General Relativity

    Einstein's theory of general relativity has been our best understanding of gravity for over a century, withstanding a variety of experimental challenges of ever-increasing precision. But we have to be open to the possibility that general relativity -- even at the classical level, aside from any questions of quantum gravity -- isn't the right theory of gravity. Such speculation is motivated by cosmology, where we have a good model of the universe but one with a number of loose ends. Claudia de Rham has been a leader in exploring how gravity could be modified in cosmologically interesting ways, and we discuss the current state of the art as well as future prospects.

    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/04/01/271-claudia-de-rham-on-modifying-general-relativity/

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    Claudia de Rham received her Ph.D. in physics from the University of Cambridge. She is currently a professor of physics and deputy department head at Imperial College, London. She is a Simons Foundation Investigator, winner of the Blavatnik Award, and a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Her new book is The Beauty of Falling: A Life in Pursuit of Gravity.

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    270 | Solo: The Coming Transition in How Humanity Lives

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    Blog post with transcript and links to additional resources: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/03/25/270-solo-the-coming-transition-in-how-humanity-lives/

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    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/03/18/269-sahar-heydari-fard-on-complexity-justice-and-social-dynamics/

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    Sahar Heydari Fard received a Masters in applied economics and a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Cincinnati. She is currently an assistant professor in philosophy at the Ohio State University. Her research lies at the intersection of social and behavioral sciences, social and political philosophy, and ethics, using tools from complex systems theory.

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    It’s well worth checking out the AIP Oral History Project website, which has over 1000 fascinating interviews with physicists from different decades. The transcript of this particular interview can be found there. Thanks to David and the AIP for letting us include this as a bonus podcast episode.

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    Michael Dine received his Ph.D. in physics from Yale University. He is Distinguished Professor of Physics at the Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics, University of California, Santa Cruz. Among his awards are fellowships from the Sloan Foundation, Guggenheim Foundation, American Physical Society, and American Academy of Arts and Sciences, as well as the Sakurai Prize for theoretical particle physics. His new book is This Way to the Universe: A Theoretical Physicist’s Journey to the Edge of Reality.

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    18 | Clifford Johnson on What's So Great About Superstring Theory

    18 | Clifford Johnson on What's So Great About Superstring Theory
    String theory is a speculative and highly technical proposal for uniting the known forces of nature, including gravity, under a single quantum-mechanical framework. This doesn't seem like a recipe for creating a lightning rod of controversy, but somehow string theory has become just that. To get to the bottom of why anyone (indeed, a substantial majority of experts in the field) would think that replacing particles with little loops of string was a promising way forward for theoretical physics, I spoke with expert string theorist Clifford Johnson. We talk about the road string theory has taken from a tentative proposal dealing with the strong interactions, through a number of revolutions, to the point it's at today. Also, where all those extra dimensions might have gone. At the end we touch on Clifford's latest project, a graphic novel that he wrote and illustrated about how science is done. Clifford Johnson is a Professor of Physics at the University of Southern California. He received his Ph.D. in mathematics and physics from the University of Southampton. His research area is theoretical physics, focusing on string theory and quantum field theory. He was awarded the Maxwell Medal from the Institute of Physics. Johnson is the author of the technical monograph D-Branes, as well as the graphic novel The Dialogues. Home page Wikipedia page Publications A talk on The Dialogues Asymptotia blog Twitter See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.