
    Podcast Summary

    • Streamlining Hiring and Personal Finances with Specialized PlatformsUtilizing platforms like Indeed for hiring and Rocket Money for personal finances can save time, money, and increase efficiency.

      When it comes to hiring or managing your personal finances, utilizing specialized platforms like Indeed and Rocket Money can significantly streamline the process and save time and money. Indeed, with over 350 million monthly visitors and a powerful matching engine, is a go-to solution for employers looking to hire efficiently and effectively. Rocket Money, on the other hand, helps individuals identify and cancel unwanted subscriptions, monitor spending, and lower bills, saving an average of $720 per year. During this milestone 200th episode of Mindscape, host Sean Carroll reflected on the intersection of physics and philosophy, specifically in the context of cosmology and the philosophy of the multiverse. He emphasized the importance of careful consideration and logical thinking in addressing fundamental questions in physics, even when data is limited. The philosophy of the multiverse, in particular, raises questions about its scientific validity and the role of philosophy in understanding complex physical concepts.

    • Exploring the Intersection of Physics and Philosophy in the MultiverseThe multiverse raises important questions about reality and our place in it, requiring an interdisciplinary approach of physics and philosophy for understanding, and the priority of this approach at institutions like Johns Hopkins.

      The philosophy of the multiverse, which lies at the intersection of physics and philosophy, raises important questions about the nature of reality and our place in it. These questions include how we reason about probabilities and expectations when dealing with a multiverse theory in cosmology. The speaker emphasizes that this intersection of physics and philosophy is crucial for understanding the multiverse concept and how it shapes our scientific inquiry. He also mentions that this interdisciplinary approach is a priority at Johns Hopkins and other institutions. Additionally, the speaker addresses the practical matter of maintaining the podcast schedule with his new responsibilities. He plans to switch to releasing one Ask Me Anything episode per month instead of every other month, making for a total of four episodes per month instead of five. This change aims to save time and maintain the podcast's quality. Overall, the philosophy of the multiverse represents a valuable area of exploration where physics and philosophy can enrich each other's lives and contribute to a deeper understanding of the universe.

    • Philosophical questions from the concept of a multiverseThe multiverse concept raises profound identity, reasoning, and prediction dilemmas due to the existence of multiple copies of ourselves and universes in an infinitely large universe.

      The concept of a multiverse in physics raises profound philosophical questions, regardless of the specific scientific theories involved. These questions include identity, reasoning, and prediction in the context of multiple copies of ourselves and universes. The idea of an infinitely large universe, where every possible arrangement of particles could occur, brings up existential dilemmas. Historically, some physicists, like Einstein, favored a finite universe to avoid these issues. However, the speaker emphasizes that these problems are not limited to complex theories like inflation, string theory, or quantum mechanics, but rather arise from the concept of an infinite universe itself.

    • A prediction of certain theories, not a theory itselfThe cosmological multiverse is a prediction of theories like inflation, not a standalone hypothesis, and it aims to explain the universe's fundamental nature

      The idea of a cosmological multiverse, which suggests different regions of the universe having distinct physical laws and properties, is a prediction of certain theories and not a theory itself. This concept emerged as a consequence of attempts to explain observational data, such as the smoothness and homogeneity of the universe, and the absence of magnetic monopoles. Theories like inflation, which propose a period of rapid expansion in the early universe, have led to this prediction. However, it's essential to evaluate the theories that lead to the cosmological multiverse hypothesis rather than the hypothesis itself. The theories, such as inflation, were developed to address specific data and issues, like the graceful exit problem. These theories posit the existence of a scalar field, which may be related to other ideas in physics, and as it rolls down its potential and turns into matter and energy, quantum fluctuations occur. These fluctuations are crucial as they are believed to explain the perturbations in density that led to the formation of stars and galaxies. The cosmological multiverse hypothesis is not a theory invented for fun, but a prediction of various theories that aim to understand the universe's fundamental nature.

    • Quantum fluctuations during inflation lead to eternal inflation and a multiverseQuantum fluctuations during inflation can result in the creation of new universes through eternal inflation, leading to a multiverse with different physical laws.

      The universe undergoes fluctuations in density and temperature, which are attributed to quantum fluctuations during the inflationary period. These quantum fluctuations can sometimes result in the inflaton field, a new scalar field, bouncing up the potential hill instead of rolling down, leading to the creation of more space through eternal inflation. This process repeats, creating a multiverse with different physical laws in different regions. Additionally, the discovery that the cosmological constant, the energy of empty space, is not zero, but rather a positive number, was a revolutionary development in physics. This discovery, combined with the challenges of understanding a positive cosmological constant in string theory, continues to be a topic of ongoing research.

    • Two Concepts of a Multiverse: Cosmological and Many-WorldsThe cosmological multiverse, derived from string theory, proposes an infinite number of universes with unique physical laws to explain the cosmological constant. The many-worlds interpretation, rooted in quantum mechanics, suggests an infinite number of universes based on every possible measurement outcome.

      In the realm of theoretical physics, there exist two distinct concepts of a "multiverse": the cosmological multiverse from string theory and the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. The former posits an infinite number of universes with different physical laws, primarily driven by the need to explain the observed small but non-zero cosmological constant. The latter, rooted in quantum mechanics, suggests an infinite number of universes resulting from every possible outcome of a measurement. The cosmological multiverse is driven by the compactification of extra dimensions and the anthropic principle, while many-worlds interpretation introduces the concept of wave function collapse and the idea of separate, independent worlds. Both theories attempt to explain unique aspects of physical phenomena, but they originate from different areas of physics and offer distinct interpretations of reality.

    • Many Worlds Theory vs Cosmological MultiverseThe Many Worlds Theory proposes parallel universes from quantum measurements, while the Cosmological Multiverse refers to physically separate regions in space. Some theories suggest the universe will eventually reach maximum entropy and remain in that state.

      The many worlds theory in quantum mechanics and the cosmological multiverse are two different concepts in physics. The many worlds theory suggests the existence of parallel universes that come into being when measurements are made in quantum systems, while the cosmological multiverse refers to regions in space that are physically separate from each other. Another concept discussed is the idea of eternally fluctuating cosmologies, which suggest that under certain conditions, the universe will evolve towards an empty state called de Sitter space. This theory, proven with the cosmic no hair theorem, suggests that the universe will eventually approach a state of maximum entropy and remain in that state forever. These theories offer unique perspectives on the nature of the universe and challenge our understanding of reality.

    • The De Sitter universe as a thermal systemThe De Sitter universe, an infinite, flat, and empty space solution to Einstein's equations, may experience random fluctuations, potentially leading to complex structures. However, smaller fluctuations are more likely to occur, raising philosophical questions about the nature of observers and our existence in the universe.

      The De Sitter universe, which is a solution to Einstein's equations of general relativity representing an infinite, flat, and empty space, is thought to be in a thermal state, similar to a box of gas at a fixed temperature. This means that the universe will experience random fluctuations, leading to the creation of particles and potentially even complex structures like stars, planets, and even entire universes. However, the probability of these fluctuations occurring is higher for smaller fluctuations and lower for larger ones. This concept is known as the Boltzmann brain problem, which raises philosophical questions about the nature of observers in the universe and the likelihood of our existence. It's important to note that this idea is not yet definitively proven, and there are ongoing debates about the interplay between quantum mechanics and gravity in the context of the De Sitter universe.

    • Interpreting quantum states as thermal doesn't imply observers or dynamical activityQuantum states interpreted as thermal don't necessitate observers or dynamic activity, they're based on observable phenomena.

      The interpretation of certain quantum states as thermal does not imply dynamical activity or the existence of observers like Boltzmann brains. These interpretations are based on what would be observed, not on the underlying dynamics. The multiverse concepts, including the cosmological multiverse, many worlds of quantum mechanics, and eternal fluctuating cosmology, are consequences of other scientific ideas and not put forward for their own sake. Despite debates about their scientific status, they represent a standard part of scientific discussions in physics.

    • Multiverse theories shaping scientific understandingThough not directly observable, multiverse theories are crucial in explaining scientific phenomena and shaping scientific inquiry, despite their challenges and difficulty to prove or disprove.

      The multiverse theories, though not directly observable, play a significant role in explaining scientific phenomena within our observable universe. These theories, including the cosmological multiverse, many worlds of quantum mechanics, and fluctuating cosmology scenarios, may not be testable through simple experiments but are essential in shaping scientific inquiry. The theories' validity affects how scientists approach explaining various phenomena, such as the value of the cosmological constant or the nature of quantum mechanics. Therefore, these multiverse theories are considered science, even if they present challenges and remain difficult to prove or disprove.

    • Expressing Appreciation and Contemplating the UniverseExplore the intersection of science and philosophy through gift-giving and introspection, considering Blue Nile's pearls and gemstones as thoughtful presents and pondering our identity within the universe's vastness.

      Whether it's for a loved one or for philosophical exploration, there are meaningful ways to express appreciation and contemplate the universe. For the former, consider Blue Nile's pearls and gemstones as thoughtful gifts. For the latter, delve into the philosophical questions surrounding our place in the multiverse. These questions, while complex, arise from legitimate concerns about our existence and the nature of reality. Scientifically, we grapple with which theory is correct, while philosophically, we ponder our identity within the universe's vastness. The interplay between physics and philosophy can lead to fascinating insights and a deeper understanding of our place in the cosmos.

    • Exploring the multiverse: philosophers and physicistsPhilosophers and physicists bring unique strengths to the multiverse debate. Philosophers excel in reasoning and identifying inconsistencies, while physicists develop theories. Bayesian inference can help update probabilities, but addressing the problem of old evidence and observer preference is complex.

      Understanding the role of philosophers and physicists in exploring the concept of the multiverse requires recognizing their complementary strengths and weaknesses. While philosophers excel in reasoning and identifying inconsistencies, they may not be as effective in proposing new theories. Physicists, on the other hand, are skilled at developing theories but might overlook the philosophical implications of their work. The discussion also touched upon the application of Bayesian inference to the multiverse concept. Bayes' rule provides a framework for updating the probability of various theories based on new data. However, a challenge arises when considering the data of our own existence. Determining the likelihood of our existence in a given cosmological scenario is complex, as it raises questions about the specific features of observers and their distribution across universes. This issue is known as the problem of old evidence, which questions whether our existence should be factored into the initial priors or considered new data. Moreover, the comparison of universes with different distributions of observers like us raises questions about whether we should give preference to universes where we are more likely to exist. These complexities underscore the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration between philosophers and physicists to address the multiverse concept effectively.

    • The Principle of Typicality and the Reference Class Problem in Multiverse TheoriesThe Principle of Typicality assumes we reason as typical observers in a multiverse scenario, but defining a typical observer and determining probabilities in different cosmological scenarios presents challenges, collectively known as the Reference Class Problem.

      The principle of typicality or mediocrity, which suggests we should reason as typical observers in a multiverse scenario, is a widely accepted idea among modern cosmologists. However, this principle raises important questions, such as what defines a typical observer and how to determine probabilities in different cosmological scenarios. These issues, collectively known as the reference class problem, challenge the assumption that we are typical observers and call for a more well-defined and robust approach to reasoning in the context of multiverse theories.

    • Updating Prior Probabilities in Cosmology with Bayesian ReasoningTwo common methods for updating prior probabilities in cosmology using Bayesian reasoning are the World First and Observer First approaches. The World First approach assumes typicality within each world, while the Observer First approach assumes typicality across all observers. The choice between these approaches depends on philosophical assumptions.

      When evaluating two cosmological scenarios using Bayesian reasoning, there are two popular approaches for updating prior probabilities based on the number of observers in each scenario. The World First approach assigns prior probabilities to each world and then assumes typicality within that world. This means that if there are fewer observers in a given world, the probability of being that observer is higher, but the total probability of being in that world remains the same. On the other hand, the Observer First approach assumes typicality within the set of all observers across all possible worlds. This means that scenarios with more observers are favored, as they are more likely to produce an observer like us. Both approaches have been argued for by philosophers and cosmologists, and the choice between them depends on one's philosophical leanings and assumptions about the nature of observers and universes. Ultimately, both approaches aim to use Bayesian reasoning to update prior probabilities based on new data and the number of observers in each scenario.

    • The Sleeping Beauty problem illustrates complexities of probability assignments for uncertain past eventsSleeping Beauty problem highlights the complexities of assigning probabilities when dealing with uncertain past events, and the importance of considering available information

      Learning from the Sleeping Beauty problem, a thought experiment in philosophy, is that assigning probabilities becomes more complex when considering uncertain past events. The problem presents a test subject, Sleeping Beauty, who is put to sleep and woken up multiple times, with the experimenter revealing different information each time. The question is what credence Sleeping Beauty should assign to the coin coming up heads when asked upon waking. Elga argues that Sleeping Beauty should assign equal credences to the coin coming up heads or tails, regardless of the day she wakes up, because knowing the day doesn't provide any additional information about the coin's outcome. However, David Lewis disagrees, asserting that before falling asleep, Sleeping Beauty would assign a 5050 credence to the coin coming up heads or tails, regardless of the day she wakes up. The debate highlights the complexities of probability assignments, especially when dealing with uncertain past events. The Sleeping Beauty problem serves as a reminder of the importance of considering the information available when making probability assessments.

    • Philosophical questions from the Sleeping Beauty problemThe Sleeping Beauty problem challenges us to consider the impact of perspective and assumptions on probability and reality

      The Sleeping Beauty problem, which seems like a simple thought experiment about a person waking up multiple times, actually leads to deep philosophical questions about probability and perspective. The problem can be approached from two main angles: the world first approach and the observer first approach. The world first approach assigns probabilities to different scenarios before considering the observer's perspective. However, this can lead to unwarranted conclusions, such as the doomsday argument that predicts humanity's imminent demise. On the other hand, the observer first approach assumes the observer is typical within all possible scenarios. This leads to the presumptuous philosopher problem, where the observer seems to have too much leverage over the future. Both approaches have their issues, and the problem highlights the need for careful consideration and understanding of the underlying assumptions. Ultimately, the Sleeping Beauty problem is a reminder that our perspective and assumptions shape our understanding of probability and reality.

    • Two Approaches to Reasoning About the Universe: 'World First' and 'Observer First'The way we approach reasoning about the universe can impact our conclusions. 'World First' assumes we're typical observers, while 'Observer First' gives more weight to scenarios with more observers. Both approaches have their strengths and weaknesses.

      The way we approach reasoning about the universe and our place in it can significantly impact our conclusions. The "world first" approach assumes that we are typical observers in the universe and uses this assumption to make predictions about the likelihood of certain scenarios. For example, the Doomsday Argument suggests that because we are more likely to be typical humans in a universe with a limited number of humans, it is more likely that humanity will not last long. However, this approach can be criticized for granting us an unfair amount of leverage over the universe by assuming that typical observers are similar to us. The "observer first" approach, on the other hand, gives more weight to scenarios with more observers, as we are assuming that we are typical within the set of all observers across all possible scenarios. This approach can lead to different predictions and conclusions. For instance, the Fermi Paradox, which questions the apparent lack of extraterrestrial life, can be explained using the observer first approach by assuming that there are many more observers in the universe than on Earth. It's important to note that these approaches are not mutually exclusive, and both can provide valuable insights when used appropriately. The key is to be aware of the assumptions we make and the potential biases they introduce into our reasoning. Ultimately, the goal is to use logic and reason to gain a better understanding of the universe and our place in it.

    • The presumptuous philosopher problem in anthropic reasoningThe observer-first approach in anthropic reasoning can lead to the presumptuous philosopher problem, where we assume we're in the big universe due to the overwhelming number of observers, but it's challenging to make predictions without assuming typicality. The zero-prior distribution is a proposed solution, but it may lead to complications.

      The observer-first approach in anthropic reasoning, which helps eliminate the doomsday argument or the Jovian argument, can lead to the presumptuous philosopher problem. This problem arises when, with overwhelming probability, we conclude that we're in the big universe just because there are more observers in it, even though we started by assuming we're a typical observer. However, if we don't assume typicality, it becomes challenging to make predictions using anthropic reasoning. One proposed solution is the zero-prior distribution, which suggests that a theory comes not just with a list of observers but with the distribution over those observers, telling us the probability that we are one of them. This approach avoids the presumptuous philosopher problem but may lead to other complications. Ultimately, the challenge is to find a formalism that allows us to make predictions using anthropic reasoning without assuming typicality or making overly presumptuous conclusions.

    • Proposing a solution to the Boltzmann brain problem with the zero graphic distributionHartle and Srinicki suggest a controversial approach to acknowledge the existence of Boltzmann brains while maintaining observer status, but the validity of their solution remains debated.

      Hartle and Srinicki propose a solution to the Boltzmann brain problem in cosmology by introducing the concept of a zero graphic distribution. This solution allows them to acknowledge the existence of a vast number of Boltzmann brains in the universe, while asserting their own ordinary observer status. However, this approach is controversial as it may be seen as using data to define the theory, which is considered cheating in some circles. The definition of what constitutes a Boltzmann brain is also a subject of debate, with various factors such as the requirement of consciousness or complexity being considered. Ultimately, the validity of the zero graphic distribution as a solution to the Boltzmann brain problem remains an open question in cosmology.

    • Thermodynamically Sensible vs. Randomly Fluctuated ObserversThe past hypothesis, which assumes a smooth and low entropy past, is not directly implied by current observations and depends on its validity for reliable inferences about the universe's past.

      The concept of a thermodynamically sensible observer refers to entities, like humans, who did not randomly fluctuate into existence but instead originated from low entropy conditions in the early universe. This past hypothesis, which assumes a smooth and low entropy past, is not directly implied by current observations, as there are many more high entropy pasts that could have led to our current state via random fluctuations. Therefore, the reliability of our inferences about the past of the universe depends on the validity of the past hypothesis. In contrast, a randomly fluctuated observer is a hypothetical entity that exists in a universe with eternal thermal fluctuations, where both the past and future had higher entropy. The number of such observers is much larger than the number of thermodynamically sensible observers if we live in a randomly fluctuating universe.

    • The problem of Boltzmann brains in eternal and randomly fluctuating universesEven in eternal and randomly fluctuating universes, the existence of Boltzmann brains cannot be definitively ruled out, making it likely that we are part of a larger thermal equilibrium ensemble. The interpretation of our current observations in such a universe requires a nuanced approach.

      In the context of eternal and randomly fluctuating universes, such as those proposed by Hartle and Shredniki, the problem of Boltzmann brains cannot be definitively ruled out. Even if we assume that we are not a random fluctuation, there are still observers that could exist with identical observations to ours, making it overwhelmingly likely that we are part of a larger thermal equilibrium ensemble. This means that the cosmic microwave background, which we observe today, could be a random fluctuation and not a remnant of the early universe. The problem, therefore, is not the existence of Boltzmann brains, but rather the interpretation of our current observations in the context of a universe dominated by random fluctuations. While some may argue that we should exclude observers who did not come from a universally low entropy condition, there is no principled reason to do so, as the universe may be dominated by such random fluctuations. The idea that we are not a random fluctuation is based on our desire for a certain conclusion to be true, rather than any data or reasonable probability distribution. Instead, a more nuanced approach might be to consider the typicality of certain observations in the context of a randomly fluctuating universe. Ultimately, the question of whether we are a random fluctuation or not remains an open one, and requires further thought and exploration in the fields of cosmology, philosophy, and science.

    • Considering ourselves typical within our observations and conditioning on all known information except for locationFully non indexical conditioning, proposed by Radford Neal, helps avoid presumptuousness and Boltzmann brain problems by focusing on our specific set of observations and acknowledging limitations.

      According to the concept of fully non indexical conditioning proposed by Radford Neal, an observer should consider themselves typical within the specific set of observations they possess, and condition on all known information about themselves, except for their location in the universe. This approach, while having limitations such as the inability to make anthropical predictions or reason about the existence of future human beings or aliens, offers benefits like avoiding presumptuousness problems and the Boltzmann brain problem. By acknowledging the limitations and focusing on the benefits, this perspective provides a unique approach to understanding the universe and our place in it.

    • The probability of a specific observer's existence matters, not the total number of observersTo predict the existence of observers like us, focus on cosmological scenarios where most observers are not Boltzmann brains, and the probability of an observer's existence is proportional to the number of observers in the universe, favoring larger universes.

      The probability of a specific observer like us existing in the universe is extremely low, even if the overall probability of life existing somewhere in the universe is high. Therefore, the number of observers in a universe doesn't matter for its own sake, but rather the probability of a particular observer, like us, coming into existence does. To avoid the problem of Boltzmann brains, which are random fluctuations that could potentially contain observers, we need to modify the prior probability by a cognitive factor that assumes our reasoning is reliable. This means we should focus on cosmological scenarios where most observers like us are not Boltzmann brains. The anthropic principle, which makes predictions about things like the cosmological constant, still applies as long as we don't make the mistake of assuming we already know its value. Instead, we should imagine asking ourselves what we would predict in different cosmological scenarios, and the probability of an observer like us existing will be proportional to the number of observers in the universe, giving a bonus to larger universes. This attitude favors universes that predict the existence of observers like us and is not a mistake.

    • Anthropic Principle and Typical Street CosmologistsThe anthropic principle, when applied with the assumption that observers are typical only within their own kind, can lead to the same predictions as those made by typical street cosmologists, offering a tentative way of thinking about the anthropic principle in cosmology.

      The anthropic principle in cosmology, when applied with the assumption that observers are typical only within their own kind, can lead to the same predictions as those made by "typical street cosmologists." This approach, which eliminates presumptuousness towards big universes, is consistent with the third-person position in the Sleeping Beauty problem. It allows for the favoring of universes with more observers, but only up to a certain point, after which the probability of the theory predicting the existence of an observer becomes roughly equal. This approach, which lies between fully nonindexical conditioning and the traditional observer-first approach, may not be the definitive answer, but it offers a tentative way of thinking about the anthropic principle in cosmology. This interface between physics and philosophy raises intriguing questions about the nature of space-time, emergence, causality, consciousness, and complexity, among other things. Ultimately, a careful and honest analysis of our reasoning is essential to arrive at the answers, and both physics and philosophy have valuable contributions to make in this endeavor.

    • Exploring complex questions through interdisciplinary researchInterdisciplinary research allows for the investigation of complex issues that transcend traditional academic boundaries, leading to groundbreaking discoveries and innovations.

      Interdisciplinary research offers a valuable opportunity to explore complex questions that don't fit neatly into traditional academic silos. The speaker expresses excitement about being able to dedicate time to investigating such questions, which lie outside the boundaries of specific disciplines. This perspective underscores the importance of interdisciplinary approaches in advancing knowledge and understanding in today's complex world. By embracing the interconnectedness of various fields, researchers can tackle pressing issues that require a multifaceted approach. The speaker's enthusiasm highlights the potential for groundbreaking discoveries and innovations that arise from the intersections of different disciplines. In essence, interdisciplinary research is a powerful tool for addressing complex challenges and advancing human knowledge.

    Recent Episodes from Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas

    276 | Gavin Schmidt on Measuring, Predicting, and Protecting Our Climate

    276 | Gavin Schmidt on Measuring, Predicting, and Protecting Our Climate

    The Earth's climate keeps changing, largely due to the effects of human activity, and we haven't been doing enough to slow things down. Indeed, over the past year, global temperatures have been higher than ever, and higher than most climate models have predicted. Many of you have probably seen plots like this. Today's guest, Gavin Schmidt, has been a leader in measuring the variations in Earth's climate, modeling its likely future trajectory, and working to get the word out. We talk about the current state of the art, and what to expect for the future.

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    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/05/20/276-gavin-schmidt-on-measuring-predicting-and-protecting-our-climate/

    Gavin Schmidt received his Ph.D. in applied mathematics from University College London. He is currently Director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, and an affiliate of the Center for Climate Systems Research at Columbia University. His research involves both measuring and modeling climate variability. Among his awards are the inaugural Climate Communications Prize of the American Geophysical Union. He is a cofounder of the RealClimate blog.

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    275 | Solo: Quantum Fields, Particles, Forces, and Symmetries

    275 | Solo: Quantum Fields, Particles, Forces, and Symmetries

    Publication week! Say hello to Quanta and Fields, the second volume of the planned three-volume series The Biggest Ideas in the Universe. This volume covers quantum physics generally, but focuses especially on the wonders of quantum field theory. To celebrate, this solo podcast talks about some of the big ideas that make QFT so compelling: how quantized fields produce particles, how gauge symmetries lead to forces of nature, and how those forces can manifest in different phases, including Higgs and confinement.

    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/05/13/275-solo-quantum-fields-particles-forces-and-symmetries/

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    AMA | May 2024

    AMA | May 2024

    Welcome to the May 2024 Ask Me Anything episode of Mindscape! These monthly excursions are funded by Patreon supporters (who are also the ones asking the questions). We take questions asked by Patreons, whittle them down to a more manageable number -- based primarily on whether I have anything interesting to say about them, not whether the questions themselves are good -- and sometimes group them together if they are about a similar topic. Enjoy!

    Blog post with questions and transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/05/06/ama-may-2024/

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    Here is the memorial to Dan Dennett at Ars Technica.

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    274 | Gizem Gumuskaya on Building Robots from Human Cells

    274 | Gizem Gumuskaya on Building Robots from Human Cells

    Modern biology is advancing by leaps and bounds, not only in understanding how organisms work, but in learning how to modify them in interesting ways. One exciting frontier is the study of tiny "robots" created from living molecules and cells, rather than metal and plastic. Gizem Gumuskaya, who works with previous guest Michael Levin, has created anthrobots, a new kind of structure made from living human cells. We talk about how that works, what they can do, and what future developments might bring.

    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/04/29/274-gizem-gumuskaya-on-building-robots-from-human-cells/

    Support Mindscape on Patreon.

    Gimez Gumuskaya received her Ph.D. from Tufts University and the Harvard Wyss Institute for Biologically-Inspired Engineering. She is currently a postdoctoral researcher at Tufts University. She previously received a dual master's degree in Architecture and Synthetic Biology from MIT.

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    273 | Stefanos Geroulanos on the Invention of Prehistory

    273 | Stefanos Geroulanos on the Invention of Prehistory

    Humanity itself might be the hardest thing for scientists to study fairly and accurately. Not only do we come to the subject with certain inevitable preconceptions, but it's hard to resist the temptation to find scientific justifications for the stories we'd like to tell about ourselves. In his new book, The Invention of Prehistory, Stefanos Geroulanos looks at the ways that we have used -- and continue to use -- supposedly-scientific tales of prehistoric humanity to bolster whatever cultural, social, and political purposes we have at the moment.

    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/04/22/273-stefanos-geroulanos-on-the-invention-of-prehistory/

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    Stefanos Geroulanos received his Ph.D. in humanities from Johns Hopkins. He is currently director of the Remarque Institute and a professor of history at New York University. He is the author and editor of a number of books on European intellectual history. He serves as a Co-Executive Editor of the Journal of the History of Ideas.

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    272 | Leslie Valiant on Learning and Educability in Computers and People

    272 | Leslie Valiant on Learning and Educability in Computers and People

    Science is enabled by the fact that the natural world exhibits predictability and regularity, at least to some extent. Scientists collect data about what happens in the world, then try to suggest "laws" that capture many phenomena in simple rules. A small irony is that, while we are looking for nice compact rules, there aren't really nice compact rules about how to go about doing that. Today's guest, Leslie Valiant, has been a pioneer in understanding how computers can and do learn things about the world. And in his new book, The Importance of Being Educable, he pinpoints this ability to learn new things as the crucial feature that distinguishes us as human beings. We talk about where that capability came from and what its role is as artificial intelligence becomes ever more prevalent.

    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/04/15/272-leslie-valiant-on-learning-and-educability-in-computers-and-people/

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    Leslie Valiant received his Ph.D. in computer science from Warwick University. He is currently the T. Jefferson Coolidge Professor of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics at Harvard University. He has been awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship, the Knuth Prize, and the Turing Award, and he is a member of the National Academy of Sciences as well as a Fellow of the Royal Society and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He is the pioneer of "Probably Approximately Correct" learning, which he wrote about in a book of the same name.

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    AMA | April 2024

    AMA | April 2024

    Welcome to the April 2024 Ask Me Anything episode of Mindscape! These monthly excursions are funded by Patreon supporters (who are also the ones asking the questions). We take questions asked by Patreons, whittle them down to a more manageable number -- based primarily on whether I have anything interesting to say about them, not whether the questions themselves are good -- and sometimes group them together if they are about a similar topic. Enjoy!

    Blog post with questions and transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/04/08/ama-april-2024/

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    271 | Claudia de Rham on Modifying General Relativity

    271 | Claudia de Rham on Modifying General Relativity

    Einstein's theory of general relativity has been our best understanding of gravity for over a century, withstanding a variety of experimental challenges of ever-increasing precision. But we have to be open to the possibility that general relativity -- even at the classical level, aside from any questions of quantum gravity -- isn't the right theory of gravity. Such speculation is motivated by cosmology, where we have a good model of the universe but one with a number of loose ends. Claudia de Rham has been a leader in exploring how gravity could be modified in cosmologically interesting ways, and we discuss the current state of the art as well as future prospects.

    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/04/01/271-claudia-de-rham-on-modifying-general-relativity/

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    Claudia de Rham received her Ph.D. in physics from the University of Cambridge. She is currently a professor of physics and deputy department head at Imperial College, London. She is a Simons Foundation Investigator, winner of the Blavatnik Award, and a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Her new book is The Beauty of Falling: A Life in Pursuit of Gravity.

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    270 | Solo: The Coming Transition in How Humanity Lives

    270 | Solo: The Coming Transition in How Humanity Lives

    Technology is changing the world, in good and bad ways. Artificial intelligence, internet connectivity, biological engineering, and climate change are dramatically altering the parameters of human life. What can we say about how this will extend into the future? Will the pace of change level off, or smoothly continue, or hit a singularity in a finite time? In this informal solo episode, I think through what I believe will be some of the major forces shaping how human life will change over the decades to come, exploring the very real possibility that we will experience a dramatic phase transition into a new kind of equilibrium.

    Blog post with transcript and links to additional resources: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/03/25/270-solo-the-coming-transition-in-how-humanity-lives/

    Support Mindscape on Patreon.

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    269 | Sahar Heydari Fard on Complexity, Justice, and Social Dynamics

    269 | Sahar Heydari Fard on Complexity, Justice, and Social Dynamics

    When it comes to social change, two questions immediately present themselves: What kind of change do we want to see happen? And, how do we bring it about? These questions are distinct but related; there's not much point in spending all of our time wanting change that won't possibly happen, or working for change that wouldn't actually be good. Addressing such issues lies at the intersection of philosophy, political science, and social dynamics. Sahar Heydari Fard looks at all of these issues through the lens of complex systems theory, to better understand how the world works and how it might be improved.

    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/03/18/269-sahar-heydari-fard-on-complexity-justice-and-social-dynamics/

    Support Mindscape on Patreon.

    Sahar Heydari Fard received a Masters in applied economics and a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Cincinnati. She is currently an assistant professor in philosophy at the Ohio State University. Her research lies at the intersection of social and behavioral sciences, social and political philosophy, and ethics, using tools from complex systems theory.

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    Related Episodes

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    43 | Matthew Luczy on the Pleasures of Wine
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    AMA | November 2021

    AMA | November 2021

    Welcome to the November 2021 Ask Me Anything episode of Mindscape! These monthly excursions are funded by Patreon supporters (who are also the ones asking the questions). I take the large number of questions asked by Patreons, whittle them down to a more manageable size — based primarily on whether I have anything interesting to say about them, not whether the questions themselves are good — and sometimes group them together if they are about a similar topic. Enjoy!

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    18 | Clifford Johnson on What's So Great About Superstring Theory

    18 | Clifford Johnson on What's So Great About Superstring Theory
    String theory is a speculative and highly technical proposal for uniting the known forces of nature, including gravity, under a single quantum-mechanical framework. This doesn't seem like a recipe for creating a lightning rod of controversy, but somehow string theory has become just that. To get to the bottom of why anyone (indeed, a substantial majority of experts in the field) would think that replacing particles with little loops of string was a promising way forward for theoretical physics, I spoke with expert string theorist Clifford Johnson. We talk about the road string theory has taken from a tentative proposal dealing with the strong interactions, through a number of revolutions, to the point it's at today. Also, where all those extra dimensions might have gone. At the end we touch on Clifford's latest project, a graphic novel that he wrote and illustrated about how science is done. Clifford Johnson is a Professor of Physics at the University of Southern California. He received his Ph.D. in mathematics and physics from the University of Southampton. His research area is theoretical physics, focusing on string theory and quantum field theory. He was awarded the Maxwell Medal from the Institute of Physics. Johnson is the author of the technical monograph D-Branes, as well as the graphic novel The Dialogues. Home page Wikipedia page Publications A talk on The Dialogues Asymptotia blog Twitter See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    26 | Ge Wang on Artful Design, Computers, and Music

    26 | Ge Wang on Artful Design, Computers, and Music
    Everywhere around us are things that serve functions. We live in houses, sit on chairs, drive in cars. But these things don't only serve functions, they also come in particular forms, which may be emotionally or aesthetically pleasing as well as functional. The study of how form and function come together in things is what we call "Design." Today's guest, Ge Wang, is a computer scientist and electronic musician with a new book called Artful Design: Technology in Search of the Sublime. It's incredibly creative in both substance and style, featuring a unique photo-comic layout and many thoughtful ideas about the nature of design, both practical and idealistic. Ge Wang received his Ph.D. in computer science from Princeton University, and is currently Associate Professor at the Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics at Stanford University. He is the author of the ChucK programming language for musical applications, and co-founder of the mobile-app developer Smule. He has given a well-known TED talk where he demonstrates Ocarina, an app for turning an iPhone into a wind instrument. Stanford Web page Artful Design home page (and Amazon page) TED talk on the DIY Orchestra of the Future Stanford Laptop Orchestra Smule Wikipedia page Twitter     See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.