
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Life Impact of Art Forms through Unique ConversationsThe Joe Rogan Experience podcast brings together diverse individuals to share stories about influential art forms, such as hip hop and animated shows, and the impact these experiences had on their lives and fans.

      The Joe Rogan Experience podcast brings together unique individuals with diverse backgrounds and shared interests, creating meaningful connections and reminiscing about the impact of influential art forms, such as hip hop and animated shows, on their lives. For instance, Willie D and Mike Judge shared stories about their experiences in the music industry and the return of Beavis and Butthead. The podcast also highlighted the significance of being part of an art form's emergence, such as hip hop, and the impact of these experiences on fans. The conversation also touched on the shared memories of iconic songs and the importance of staying updated with new developments in music and pop culture. Overall, the podcast serves as a platform for meaningful conversations and the sharing of personal stories and experiences.

    • 1990s Music Censorship: A Bipartisan IssueDuring the 1990s, music censorship was a contentious issue, with Tipper Gore leading the charge against explicit content. The Geto Boys faced censorship and distribution issues, but responded with the album 'Can't Be Stopped', created during a challenging time in their career.

      During the early 1990s, censorship of music wasn't just an issue for the right wing. Tipper Gore, wife of then-Vice President Al Gore, led a crusade against explicit content in music through Parents Music Resource Center. The Geto Boys were among those targeted, with their music being banned in certain cities and their label, Geffen Records, refusing to distribute it. The group responded with the album "Can't Be Stopped," featuring the iconic cover art of Bushwick Bill in a hospital gurney. The album's creation was spontaneous, as Bushwick Bill was shot during its production. Despite the challenges, the Geto Boys continued to push boundaries with their music.

    • Overcoming Adversity: The Geto Boys' Inspiring Story of Art and ResilienceThrough adversity, the Geto Boys continued to create, adapt, and collaborate, showcasing the importance of resilience and determination in the face of challenges.

      Even in the face of adversity, the drive to create and produce art can be so strong that it pushes individuals to the edge. This was evident in the story of how the Geto Boys' album cover was produced, with Bill surviving a shooting and the team continuing to work on the album, including taking the iconic cover photo in the hospital. The group's evolution also showcased how artistic direction and the desire to adapt to new sounds can lead to success, even if it means letting go of original members. Despite regrets about not being able to interview Bill on a podcast, the impact of his music and the legacy of the Geto Boys continues to resonate. Additionally, the story highlighted the importance of collaboration and teamwork, as well as the ability to adapt and pivot in the face of unexpected challenges. The group's history also demonstrated how personal experiences and conflicts can shape artistic direction and lead to growth. Overall, the tale of the Geto Boys' album cover production and evolution underscores the resilience and determination that is necessary in the creative world.

    • Unexpected Opportunities and TrustTrust, collaboration, and determination can lead to great opportunities, even if they come unexpectedly and the path is not initially planned.

      Sometimes, opportunities come to us in unexpected ways, and it takes conviction and belief from both parties to make them work. In the story shared, Jay approached Jay-Z (then known as Jay) with the idea of joining the ghetto boys group when Johnny C was having doubts. Initially hesitant, Jay-Z agreed temporarily, seeing it as an investment in his dream of becoming a rapper. With the addition of DJ Action (later known as Scarface) and Bill, the group came together, and Bill eventually became a rapper and a member. The experience showed that trust, collaboration, and determination can lead to great things, even if the path was not initially planned.

    • Overcoming Adversity in the Entertainment Industry: A Rapper's JourneyDedication and perseverance are crucial for success, as rapper Bill learned from his experiences. Despite challenges, prioritizing passion and vision helped him overcome obstacles and find success.

      Dedication and perseverance are key to achieving success in any field, especially in the entertainment industry. The story shared highlights the experiences of a rapper named Bill and how he had to work through challenges to make it in the business. Despite initial setbacks and obstacles, Bill's commitment to his craft helped him overcome adversity and eventually find success. Additionally, the anecdote serves as a reminder that relationships and external distractions can sometimes hinder personal growth and goals, and it's essential to prioritize one's passion and vision. The speaker's background in boxing may have influenced his belief in the importance of discipline and determination.

    • How Discipline and Real-Life Experiences Fuel Personal Growth and SuccessReal-life experiences and discipline, like boxing, can inspire individuals to change their lifestyles, learn valuable lessons from strong role models, and provide a better future for their children. Determination to break the cycle of insufficient living and create a better life fuels personal growth and success.

      Having real-life experiences and discipline, such as boxing, can greatly impact and motivate an individual's personal growth and success. The speaker, who had a rough upbringing and struggled financially, found motivation to change his lifestyle and provide a better future for his future children. He learned valuable lessons from observing strong father figures and drawing inspiration from figures like Stevie Wonder. The importance of love and providing a sufficient life for children was a driving force for him to work hard and improve himself. Ultimately, the determination to break the cycle of insufficient living and create a better future for oneself and one's family is a powerful motivator for personal growth and success.

    • From challenges to growthThrough learning from past mistakes and setting positive examples, we can transform adversity into growth and leave a positive impact.

      Despite the challenges and mistakes in our lives, we have the power to learn, grow, and leave a positive impact. The speaker shares how watching "Good Times" shaped him into the person he became and how his past experiences, though difficult, helped refine him rather than define him. He emphasizes the importance of not repeating the same mistakes and setting examples for young men. The speaker's own experiences, from running for office to encounters with dangerous situations, demonstrate the value of foresight and personal responsibility. Ultimately, the speaker's message is one of resilience and the ability to transform adversity into growth.

    • Learning from Others' ExperiencesObserving others' hardships and mistakes can provide valuable lessons. Young offenders often lack opportunities, and avoiding dangerous situations and making thoughtful decisions are crucial skills. Regret not learning conflict resolution earlier.

      Experiencing other people's hardships and learning from their mistakes can be more valuable than learning from our own. The speaker shares a personal story about encountering a dangerous situation and how he learned from the deaths of several cab drivers in his neighborhood. He emphasizes that the criminals involved were young and had limited opportunities due to their criminal records. The speaker also reflects on the importance of avoiding dangerous situations and making thoughtful decisions to avoid potential harm. He believes that the ability to anticipate consequences and plan ahead is a valuable skill that he developed in his late 20s. Ultimately, the speaker values the wisdom gained from observing others and learning from their experiences. He encourages conflict resolution as a necessary skill and regrets not having learned it earlier.

    • Effective conflict resolution in personal and professional lifeConflict resolution is crucial, stand up for yourself, find a mutually beneficial solution, and be aware of potential exploitation

      Conflict resolution is a crucial skill that should be taught in schools. The speaker shared personal experiences of handling conflicts, particularly in the entertainment industry, where money disputes with promoters were common. He emphasized the importance of standing up for oneself and getting what is rightfully owed. However, he also acknowledged that there are different ways to approach such situations and that trying to convince the other party to pay up could be a more effective solution. The speaker's experiences serve as a reminder that adversity can be a testament to one's character and a valuable lesson for others. Furthermore, he acknowledged the existence of malicious individuals who may try to exploit vulnerabilities and discourage progress. Overall, the importance of effective conflict resolution cannot be overstated, and it is essential to approach such situations with a clear mind and a willingness to find a mutually beneficial solution.

    • Dealing with internet trollsInstead of engaging with negative individuals online, focus on ignoring them and conserving valuable time and energy.

      The internet can be a breeding ground for negativity and harmful behavior from individuals who lack the ability to channel their anger into positive outlets. These individuals often seek to disrupt and harm others, particularly in public comment sections. The speaker, in response, chooses to confront and destroy these trolls with disrespect and harsh words, intending to make them feel worse than they already do. The speaker believes that giving these individuals attention only fuels their negativity, and instead chooses to ignore them by blocking them. The speaker also acknowledges that their approach may not change people, but it can make them feel bad, and the speaker is indifferent to that. Ultimately, the speaker sees their time as a valuable resource and refuses to waste it on negativity, instead focusing on what is most important to them.

    • Dealing with Internet Trolls: Insights from Willie DRecognize troll behavior, refuse engagement, control narrative, and don't let trolls affect you.

      Engaging with internet trolls can be a time-consuming and draining experience. Willie D shares his approach to dealing with trolls, which involves recognizing their bully behavior and refusing to engage on their terms. He also emphasizes the importance of having the power to control the narrative on one's own platform. Willie D's past experiences as a bully and his transformation through martial arts have given him insight into the psyche of bullies and how to effectively deal with them. Overall, his advice is to not let trolls get under your skin and to remember that you have the power to drown them out.

    • Conserving energy for crucial battles, like in boxingPrepare well and save energy for important moments to outperform opponents in conflicts or competitions

      In conflict or competition, it's important to conserve energy and resources for the most crucial battles. This is similar to the strategy in boxing, where a fighter saves energy for the big fight and avoids unnecessary conflicts or injuries. The liability is greater for professionals, and their actions can have far-reaching consequences. For instance, teaching bullies how to fight can help eliminate their bullying behavior. In the upcoming Mike Tyson and Roy Jones Jr. fight, the outcome will depend on which fighter is more prepared. Their different fighting styles and sizes, as well as the decision to have two-minute rounds, add to the intrigue of the match. Ultimately, it's essential to be well-prepared and conserve energy for the most important moments.

    • Intense Exhibition: Tyson vs. JonesTwo boxing legends, Tyson and Jones, prepare for an unofficial fight, training rigorously to put on a show, creating high anticipation for this intense encounter.

      The upcoming exhibition fight between Mike Tyson and Roy Jones Jr. is expected to be a genuine and intense encounter between two boxing legends, despite the lack of official judges or a declared winner. Both fighters have been training rigorously and appear determined to put on a show. Previous encounters with Tyson have shown his intense and focused mindset, even after his retirement. The anticipation for this event is high, and many are excited to witness the outcome, regardless of who officially wins. The fighters' dedication and determination to perform at their best make this more than just an exhibition.

    • Legendary Boxers Express Interest in Returning to the RingMike Tyson and Evander Holyfield, both boxing legends, have expressed a desire to compete in potential legendary matches, despite concerns about injuries and liability. The idea of a 'legends tour' in boxing is being considered, but the freedom of these athletes to make their own choices remains a priority.

      There is ongoing excitement and anticipation for potential legendary boxing matches, with Mike Tyson and Evander Holyfield being prominent names in the conversation. These fighters, both with impressive histories and accolades, have expressed a desire to compete despite the risks involved. The idea of a "legends tour" in boxing, similar to Ice Cube's Big3 basketball league, has been suggested, but concerns about potential injuries and liability remain. Regardless, many believe that these athletes should have the freedom to make their own choices and compete, even if it comes with risks. The passion and dedication of these legends to their sport, as expressed by Mike Tyson, underscores the significance of their potential return to the ring.

    • Two Legendary Heavyweight Boxers: Tyson's Unpredictability vs Mayweather's MasteryMike Tyson, 'Kid Dynamite', brought unpredictability and explosiveness to boxing, while Floyd Mayweather, a master strategist and showman, showcased defensive skills and went toe-to-toe with opponents, leaving lasting impressions on fans with their unique styles and contributions to the sport.

      Mike Tyson and Floyd Mayweather are considered two of the most exciting heavyweight boxers in history. Tyson, known as "Kid Dynamite," was a destructive force in the ring during his prime, leaving fans on the edge of their seats with every fight. Mayweather, on the other hand, was a master strategist and showman, known for his defensive skills and ability to go toe-to-toe with opponents. Tyson's fights were characterized by their unpredictability and explosiveness, while Mayweather's were marked by his caution and mastery of the sport. Despite their different styles, both boxers left lasting impressions on fans and continue to be celebrated for their contributions to the sport. Additionally, Mayweather's extravagant lifestyle and penchant for trolling opponents have added to his legend.

    • Floyd Mayweather's Expensive Lifestyle and Potential Pacquiao-McGregor FightMayweather's lavish lifestyle costs hundreds of thousands monthly, while Pacquiao-McGregor fight may happen for financial gain despite Pacquiao's boxing edge and McGregor's limited experience.

      Floyd Mayweather's extravagant lifestyle comes with a hefty price tag, including expensive cars and luxury watches, amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars each month. Additionally, his need to display his wealth is a part of his PR strategy. The boxing world is abuzz with the potential match between Manny Pacquiao and Conor McGregor, despite Pacquiao's previous defeat against Mayweather and McGregor's limited boxing experience. This fight may happen due to the financial gain for both parties, but Pacquiao is expected to dominate the match given his superior boxing skills. The unpredictability of combat sports means that any outcome is possible, even against the greatest fighters.

    • The importance of determination and perseverance in boxingStay committed to goals, be prepared for opportunities, draw inspiration from legends, and maintain fitness and readiness in boxing

      Determination and perseverance are key elements in achieving success, even in challenging fields like boxing. The speaker shared stories of watching iconic fights between boxers like Rockman and Lennox Lewis, highlighting the difficulty in securing rematches due to the unpredictability of the sport. He also emphasized the importance of maintaining fitness and readiness, as well as drawing inspiration from legends like George Foreman, who defied expectations and made impressive comebacks in his career. The speaker's anecdotes illustrate the importance of staying committed to one's goals and being prepared for opportunities, even if they arise unexpectedly.

    • The power of perseverance and indomitable human spiritGeorge Foreman's inspiring journey from a feared boxer to a beloved TV personality and businessman shows that no matter our past or appearance, determination and a strong will can help us overcome adversity and achieve our goals.

      People should never be underestimated based on their past experiences or appearances. The story of George Foreman, who went from being a feared heavyweight champion to a beloved television personality and businessman, serves as a powerful reminder of the indomitable human spirit and the importance of perseverance. Despite facing seemingly insurmountable odds, Foreman proved that with determination and a strong will, anything is possible. His inspiring journey not only entertained audiences but also gave hope to those who thought they couldn't achieve their goals. The tale of George Foreman's transformative life highlights the vast potential within each individual and the power of overcoming adversity.

    • Fear as a Motivator: Embracing the Natural Part of Being HumanFear is normal and can motivate us to grow, learn, and improve. Losing can be a powerful motivator and an opportunity to face fears and become stronger.

      It's normal to experience fear, self-doubt, and weakness, even for successful and influential people. Fear is not a sign of weakness, but rather a natural part of being human. Embracing fear and pushing through it can lead to growth and learning new things. The consequences of not facing our fears can sometimes be more motivating than the fear itself. The speaker's experience growing up, where losing a fight meant having to face the same person again, illustrates this idea. The fear of losing and the desire to not be forgotten or judged by others drove him to face his fears and fight harder. Losing, although a terrible feeling, can be a powerful motivator and an opportunity to learn and improve.

    • Embracing Failure and DiscomfortFailure and discomfort are essential for growth and progress. They may be uncomfortable, but they motivate us to work harder and push through challenges to ultimately reach our goals.

      Failure and discomfort are essential parts of the process towards achieving goals. They may feel terrible at the moment, but they serve as powerful motivators that drive us to work harder and keep going. The speaker shares his personal experience of losing a sparring match in jiu-jitsu and how it motivated him to train harder and get back in the ring. He emphasizes that everyone will face setbacks and failures, but it's crucial to have faith in the process and understand that these experiences are inevitable and necessary for growth. The speaker also uses the analogy of eating dessert every day, suggesting that too much comfort can be detrimental, and discomfort is necessary for progress. Therefore, embracing failure and discomfort can help us push through challenges and ultimately reach our goals.

    • Overcoming Challenges through Motivation and DeterminationVisualize and prepare for goals, stay focused despite resistance, and don't let negativity hinder personal growth.

      Having a strong motivation and a determined mindset can help individuals overcome challenges and improve themselves. The speaker shares an experience of training for a boxing match with a three-time world champion, Reggie Johnson. He recounts how he used every training session to visualize and prepare for their next encounter, even when Reggie wasn't present. The speaker also shares how he manipulated the situation to get Reggie back into the ring for another bout, despite initial resistance. The story highlights the importance of staying focused on one's goals, staying motivated, and being prepared for any opportunity. It also illustrates the importance of not letting envy or negative emotions distract from personal growth. The speaker's determination and mental fortitude ultimately led him to success in the ring and in life.

    • Overcoming Adversity: Determination, Resilience, and PositivityIgnore negativity, stay focused on passions and purpose, and reject toxic labels for self-growth and perseverance.

      Determination, resilience, and focusing on positivity are key to overcoming obstacles and achieving goals. The speaker shares his personal experiences of navigating through adversity and staying true to himself despite external perceptions. He emphasizes the importance of ignoring negative distractions and staying focused on what truly matters - his passion and purpose. The speaker also challenges the notion of toxic masculinity, encouraging the rejection of labels and focusing on individual actions. Overall, his message is one of perseverance, self-awareness, and staying true to one's values.

    • Learning from Relationship ExperiencesRejections and betrayals are natural in relationships, everyone experiences them, and it's essential to respect the process, learn from past experiences, and improve communication skills to get better at relationships.

      Relationships come with ups and downs, and it's important to respect the process and learn from the experiences. The speaker emphasizes that rejection and betrayal are natural parts of romantic relationships, and everyone experiences them at some point. He also mentions that men who associate women with rejection are more likely to become misogynistic or hate women. It's crucial to understand that no relationship is guaranteed, and everyone has emotional capacity to accept the consequences of being in a relationship. The speaker encourages taking the L's, or learning from the past experiences, and getting better at relationships over time. Additionally, he touches upon the importance of speaking one's mind and going against societal norms.

    • Embracing Authenticity and Personal ExpressionStay true to your beliefs and values, showcase unique perspectives through platforms like podcasting, and pursue passions during times of change.

      Personal expression and authenticity are valuable, regardless of how others may perceive it. The speaker emphasizes the importance of staying true to one's beliefs and values, even if it makes some uncomfortable. He also highlights the power of platforms like podcasting in allowing individuals to showcase their unique perspectives and experiences without interference. The speaker believes that the speaker's honesty and full perspective are what make their content valuable to audiences. Additionally, the speaker expresses optimism for the future and encourages individuals to pursue their passions and projects, especially during times of change and uncertainty.

    • The importance of staying true to oneself in content creationCreators should focus on topics that resonate with their audience and reflect their unique perspective to build a strong presence and reach a larger audience, rather than following trends or pleasing external forces.

      The power to create and control one's content is crucial for success in media. The speaker in this discussion, Willy D, shared his experience of being a radio host in the late 90s, where he had a significant market share but faced challenges when his ideas didn't align with the station's focus. He eventually left and found success by producing his own show, focusing on topics that resonated with his audience and reflecting his unique perspective. Willy D emphasized the importance of staying true to oneself and addressing topics that matter to the audience, rather than following trends or pleasing external forces. The conversation also touched upon the importance of autonomy in content creation and the potential of new platforms like podcasting and YouTube for creators to build a strong presence and reach a larger audience.

    • Authentic Communication Resonates with AudiencesEmbrace your unique voice and communicate genuinely to build trust and stronger connections with audiences. Authenticity feels more real and relatable than produced or scripted content.

      Authenticity resonates with audiences. People connect with genuine, unfiltered communication. The use of producers and scripted monologues, common in traditional media like late night talk shows, can come across as artificial and outdated. In contrast, direct, raw expression, such as that found in social media, feels more real and relatable. Authenticity builds trust and fosters a stronger connection between content creators and their audiences. It's essential to remember that people can sense when something is not genuine, and they may question the motives behind it. Embrace your unique voice and let your audience get to know the real you.

    • A revolutionary moment in human history for individuals to reach vast audiencesIndividuals can reach massive audiences through digital platforms, bypassing traditional gatekeepers, but face risks of censorship and de-platforming.

      We are living in a revolutionary moment in human history where individuals have the power to reach vast audiences through digital platforms like podcasts and social media, changing the way people think about various subjects. This instantaneous connection to millions is unprecedented and has the potential to bypass traditional gatekeepers, such as networks and algorithms. However, this power comes with risks, including censorship and de-platforming by those who control these digital spaces. It's crucial to recognize and appreciate this unique moment in time while also being aware of the potential challenges that come with it.

    • Social Media's Power to Shape Society: A Double-Edged SwordSocial media platforms can influence society and politics, but also have the power to censor content and control information flow. Controversies like Twitter's handling of the Hunter Biden laptop story highlight the risks, including potential manipulation and erosion of trust in democratic processes.

      Social media platforms like Twitter have evolved from simple tools for sharing personal updates to powerful forces shaping the social and political landscape. While they can be used to share information, break news, and even topple regimes, they also have the ability to censor content and control the flow of information. The controversy surrounding Twitter's handling of the New York Post's story about Hunter Biden's laptop during the 2020 US election highlighted the potential dangers of this power, including the risk of shaping society based on the beliefs of a few individuals or organizations. It's important to be aware of these risks and to advocate for transparency and accountability in the way social media platforms manage content. Additionally, the speaker raises concerns about the erosion of trust in democratic processes due to false claims of election rigging and voter fraud.

    • Political Landscape Fuels Racial Tension and DivisionThe long-term appointment of Supreme Court justices, polarized Congress, and social media algorithms worsen racial tension. To promote harmony, consider more diverse political voices, limit justice tenure, and prioritize the wellbeing of the people.

      The current political landscape, including the lifelong appointment of Supreme Court justices and the polarized nature of Congress, contributes to racial tension and a lack of progress towards harmony. The duopoly of the two major parties and the influence of social media algorithms, designed to increase engagement through anger and division, further exacerbate these issues. If we aim for more representation of individuals who prioritize the wellbeing of the people, limit the tenure of Supreme Court justices, and encourage a more diverse range of political voices, we may be able to mitigate the growing tension and create a more unified society.

    • Impact of Societal Influences: Addiction and ManipulationSocietal influences like technology addiction and media manipulation have hidden consequences. Powerful figures can manipulate messages and public perception for their gain, making it crucial to stay informed.

      The impact of various societal influences, such as technology addiction and media manipulation, can have far-reaching consequences that may not be immediately apparent. For instance, the documentary "The Social Dilemma" has resonated with many people, revealing their addiction to social media and smartphones. Similarly, the documentary "Hip Hop to Death" exposes how executives conspired to derail positive messages in hip hop music and replace them with violent and controlling themes. These events show how powerful figures can manipulate messages and public perception for their gain, and how difficult it can be to expose the truth. It's essential to stay informed and be aware of the complex webs of deceit and manipulation that exist in our society.

    • The Shift in Music Industry PromotionUnqualified artists gain popularity, while those with substance are overlooked due to industry profitability. Independent artists can connect directly with audiences via the internet, but record executives still hold influence in key areas.

      The music industry has seen a shift in the type of artists being promoted, with many unqualified and mumbling artists gaining popularity, while those with a message and substance being overlooked. This is due in part to the profitability of such artists for the industry. The internet provides an alternative route for independent artists to bypass traditional record executives and connect directly with audiences. However, record executives still hold influence in areas such as streaming, placement, and awards. The future of music may lie in artists connecting directly with their fans and bypassing the traditional music industry structure.

    • Protecting Autonomy and Authenticity in CreativityResist compromising your vision and authenticity for financial offers, build genuine connections with audiences organically, and leverage podcasting's free platform for self-expression and community-building.

      Creators should hold onto their vision and autonomy in their craft, whether it be a podcast or an award show. The allure of financial offers from executives can be tempting, but it's essential to remember that compromise can lead to manipulation and loss of authenticity. Instead, creators should focus on building a genuine connection with their audience and growing their projects organically. Additionally, podcasting offers a unique and free platform for self-expression, and it's a great way for creators to reach a vast audience and build a community. Finally, the importance of staying true to oneself extends to personal relationships as well, and it's crucial to be aware of potential manipulation and false promises. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the value of authenticity, creativity, and community-building in the entertainment industry.

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    Episode 21: From Struggle to Strength: Unearthing Your Inner Resilience

    Episode 21: From Struggle to Strength: Unearthing Your Inner Resilience

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    I also share a personal story of a difficult time in my life that became a pivotal moment of growth and self-discovery. By embracing challenges and recognizing them as stepping stones to becoming better versions of ourselves, we can approach them with gratitude and love.


    Remember, the more we share our struggles and stories, the better we become as humans. So, feel free to share this episode with your friends and loved ones who may benefit from its powerful message.


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    Become a Member for ad-free listening, video versions and exclusive content: https://benlionelscott.com/subscribe — This episode is spoken by Sam Elliot, Eric Thomas, Tony Robbins, William King Hollis. You can see more of Sam Elliot at https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000385, Eric Thomas at instagram.com/etthehiphoppreacher, Tony Robbins at twitter.com/tonyrobbins, William King Hollis at instagram.com/williamkinghollis. The music is The Duel by Secession Studios. You can see more of Secession Studios at thesecession.bandcamp.com.

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