
    162. GKBarry's Thoughts on Danny Aarons & Tennessee Relationship & Why She's Single!

    enJanuary 09, 2024
    What are the risks associated with using credit cards for rewards?
    How can social interactions influence spending habits?
    Why is it essential to respect individual living preferences?
    What role do personal quirks play in social discomfort?
    How can understanding differences improve social experiences?

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the Deception of Credit CardsCredit cards can provide rewards, but the money spent is still real and needs to be repaid. Delayed payments can lead to large balances and financial stress. Social influences can also impact spending habits.

      Our relationship with money, especially when it comes to credit cards, can be deceiving. While it may seem convenient to use credit cards for rewards points or even free holidays, it's essential to remember that the money spent is still real and will need to be paid back. The delay in payment can lead to unexpected large balances and financial stress. Additionally, the way we socialize and interact with others, such as Chip from the podcast, can also impact our spending habits and financial wellbeing. It's crucial to be aware of these influences and make conscious decisions to maintain a healthy relationship with money.

    • Discussing Sexual Encounters and Comfort LevelsPodcast hosts discussed their reservations about having sex with a porn star and societal pressures during a New Year's Eve gathering, highlighting the complexities and vulnerabilities of human relationships and sexuality.

      During a New Year's Eve gathering, the hosts discussed various shows and movies filmed at a house they visited, including "Slag Wars" and a possible encounter with a porn star named Danny D. The conversation led to a discussion about sexual experiences and comfort levels, with one host expressing her reservations about having sex with a porn star due to her perceived inadequacy. The conversation also touched on the challenges of being single during the winter months and the pressures of societal expectations. Despite the explicit nature of the conversation, the hosts acknowledged the popularity of their podcast and the engagement from their audience, some of whom may find the content provocative or humorous. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the complexities and vulnerabilities of human relationships and sexuality.

    • Exploring Relationships and Social Media with Emily BroganEmily Brogan discussed her experiences with dating and societal acceptance of relationships at different ages. The conversation also touched on the impact of popular figures like Molly May and Zoella on social media, personal anxieties, and cosmetic enhancements.

      The podcast featured a lesbian guest named Emily Brogan from Australia who is active on TikTok. The hosts discussed the possibility of setting her up with one of them. Emily expressed her thoughts on exploring relationships during her current era and the societal acceptance of dating at different ages. The conversation then shifted to discussing other popular figures, including Molly May and Zoella, and their impact on social media. The hosts also discussed their own experiences and anxieties related to performing live and their personal habits before shows. Additionally, they touched on the topic of cosmetic enhancements, specifically nose jobs, and the societal pressures surrounding them. Overall, the conversation was lighthearted and covered various topics related to relationships, social media, and personal growth.

    • Discussing Noses, Breathing, and Personal ExperiencesA big nose can suit a face, but mouth breathing and using mouth tape can be uncomfortable solutions. Everyone has unique features and experiences, so it's important to be respectful of each other's perspectives.

      During a conversation about physical features, the topic of noses and mouth breathing came up. The speaker shared her opinion that a big nose can suit a face, but mouth breathing and the use of mouth tape as a solution were discussed. The speaker tried using mouth tape to alleviate mouth breathing but found it challenging and uncomfortable. The conversation also touched on the topic of private flights and environmental concerns. Despite the various topics discussed, the conversation remained connected as they all revolved around physical features and personal experiences. It's important to remember that everyone has unique features and experiences, and it's essential to be understanding and respectful of each other's perspectives.

    • Perception of Reality and ContextOur beliefs and assumptions can be influenced by context and information we're exposed to. Consider multiple perspectives before jumping to conclusions.

      The context of a situation can greatly impact our perception of reality. In the discussed conversation, the individuals were initially convinced that a TikTok video showcasing a possible UFO sighting was genuine due to the excitement and shared interest in the topic of aliens. However, upon further investigation and considering the context of the video creator's past actions, they came to the conclusion that it was a hoax. This demonstrates how our beliefs and assumptions can be influenced by the context and information we are exposed to, and the importance of considering multiple perspectives before jumping to conclusions. Additionally, the conversation highlights the power of social media in spreading information and generating buzz, even if it turns out to be false.

    • Mass Hysteria and MisinformationSkepticism towards sensational claims and fact-checking are crucial to prevent mass hysteria and misinterpretation of events

      People can easily get carried away by rumors and misinformation, leading to mass hysteria and misinterpretation of events. The discussion revolves around two separate incidents - one involving a supposed UFO sighting at Rendlesham Forest and another about a police response to an incident at a shopping mall in Miami. In both cases, initial reports of strange occurrences quickly turned into wild speculation and conspiracy theories. The speakers shared their skepticism towards these theories and suggested that they might be the result of mass hysteria or even organized promotional stunts. The conversation highlights the importance of critical thinking and fact-checking in the face of sensational claims.

    • Inefficient use of police resources for brand tripsExcessive police presence at brand trips can be a waste of resources. It's crucial to build an audience and understand cultural nuances before expanding to new markets.

      The excessive use of police presence and resources for seemingly unnecessary events, such as brand trips and parties, can be an inefficient use of funds. The speakers in the conversation express their experiences with humiliating incidents during brand trips and their desire to expand their audience and opportunities in places like Los Angeles and the Bahamas. However, they acknowledge the importance of building an audience and understanding cultural nuances before venturing into new markets. Additionally, they touch on the topic of psychedelic experiences, mentioning their personal encounters with substances like LSD and truffles, and the impact these experiences have had on their perspectives. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of being mindful of resource allocation, understanding cultural differences, and being open to new experiences.

    • Respecting Individual Differences in Living Spaces and ExperiencesRecognize unique preferences for living spaces and experiences, respect privacy, and acknowledge the potential significance of hidden histories or experiences.

      People have unique preferences when it comes to their living spaces and experiences. Some enjoy large, opulent homes with high ceilings and grand parties, while others prefer cozy, warm environments. The discussion also touched on the idea that certain spaces or objects may hold hidden histories or experiences. Ultimately, it's important to acknowledge and respect individual differences in preferences and comfort levels. Additionally, the idea of invading privacy and using someone else's space without permission was brought up as a potential source of discomfort.

    • From Mullet to 'Big Dick Energy': Danny Arons' TransformationPeople can undergo significant transformations, inspiring some while not fitting others' experiences. Being true to oneself is crucial for personal growth.

      People can undergo significant transformations, both externally and internally. This was evident in the discussion about Danny Arons, who went from being known for his mullet and unkempt appearance to becoming more polished and confident. This change in appearance and attitude, coupled with his unapologetic personality, earned him the nickname "big dick energy." However, it's important to remember that everyone's journey is unique, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach to personal growth. In the case of Danny Arons, his transformation was a source of inspiration for some, but not everyone's experience will be the same. Additionally, the discussion touched on the idea that beds might not be a good idea for pranks, as one speaker had experienced a collapsed sofa. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of being true to oneself and the potential for personal growth and transformation.

    • The Power of the Internet to Connect PeopleThe internet can bring people together through shared interests and unexpected connections, even from a simple meme, and can spark meaningful discussions on various topics.

      The internet can bring people together in unexpected ways, even from a simple meme or shared interest. The discussion revolved around the unlikely relationship between Danny and Tennessee, which started from a meme and has since gained widespread attention and support from the online community. Despite skepticism from some, the speakers believe that their connection is genuine and not just for clout. The conversation also touched on the topic of age and attraction, with the speakers expressing their preferences and the idea that older women, particularly those in the public eye, often undergo cosmetic surgery as they age. Overall, the conversation showcased the power of the internet to connect people, create memes, and spark interesting discussions.

    • Discussing potential dates based on appearances and public personasThe group considered various individuals based on their looks and public image, showcasing their subjective preferences and playful approach to dating.

      The group was discussing potential dates based on their appearances and public personas, showcasing their subjective preferences and humor. Morgz, a wealthy YouTuber with a nosey reputation, was a no. Tom Garrett, a tall, good-looking man with a Birmingham accent, was a potential match. Angry Ginge, a comedian known for his aggressive humor, was also considered, despite concerns about his on-screen persona. Saffron Barker, a beautiful influencer dating a rugby player, was out of reach. A Strictly Come Dancing partner of hers, whose name was not mentioned, was also considered and rejected. Louis Rees Zammit, a rugby player with a cool name, was a decent option, but the group member expressed a personal aversion to dating footballers. The discussion showcased the group's lighthearted approach to dating and their individual preferences.

    • Discovering diverse romantic preferencesPeople have unique romantic preferences influenced by factors like appearance, societal norms, and personal experiences. Attraction is complex and not always based on accurate assumptions about a person's character.

      People often have specific preferences when it comes to romantic partners, and these preferences can be influenced by various factors. Tom, for instance, shared his attraction towards women with an "esxy filery fake eyelash" look and a butch lesbian, highlighting his diverse type. He also expressed a belief that attractive men might be more likely to cheat, preferring to date those with less conventional looks. The discussion also touched upon the idea that people's appearances might not always accurately reflect their personalities, with some assuming that good-looking individuals may lack depth or substance. Additionally, the conversation brought up the topic of social circles and the influence of wealth and intelligence on one's social standing. Overall, the conversation revealed the complexity and diversity of human preferences and the influence of societal norms on romantic attraction.

    • Sharing experiences and future aspirations in the entertainment industryOne individual shared a past experience of online harassment, expressed a goal to interview Crystal Hefner, and discussed the differences between produced TV content and YouTube. The group also looked forward to the celebrity Big Brother and considered potential financial concerns.

      The discussion revolved around various topics including experiences with online harassment, aspirations for the future, and the entertainment industry. One individual shared an unfortunate experience of being on a list for unwanted messages. They also expressed their desire to interview Crystal Hefner and potentially embark on a podcast tour in the US. The conversation also touched upon their experiences on television shows and the difference between produced TV content and less produced content on YouTube. The group also mentioned their excitement about the upcoming celebrity version of Big Brother, but were unsure about participating due to potential financial reasons and the uncertainty of its success. Overall, the conversation was filled with a mix of personal experiences, future goals, and entertainment industry insights.

    • Reality TV: Editing and Casting DiscussionsReality TV editing manipulates events, some dislike Love Island: All Stars cast, participants may find it uncomfortable to be single on such shows, and age differences in relationships spark debates.

      Reality TV production involves extensive editing and manipulation, making it difficult for viewers to know what truly transpired behind the scenes. The discussion also touched upon the upcoming Love Island: All Stars, with some expressing disappointment about the cast and desiring the inclusion of certain contestants. Additionally, there was a shared sentiment that the participants would find it uncomfortable to be on the show while single due to the constant pressure to flirt and be in a relationship. Furthermore, there was a brief mention of the age difference between a couple in the darts tournament, sparking a debate on the appropriateness of such relationships in reality TV.

    • Shift from Stanley to Kurt Angle discussionGroup admired Kurt Angle's physique, discussed penis size myths, and evaluated each other's fashion choices

      During the conversation, the topic shifted from discussing Stanley to Kurt Angle, a gold Olympic medalist and former professional wrestler. The group expressed their admiration for his physique and speculated about his personal attributes. They also shared their opinions on the relationship between muscle size and penis size, referencing popular culture and personal experiences. Additionally, they evaluated each other's fashion choices and gave ratings to their fits. Overall, the conversation showcased a mix of humor, admiration, and self-evaluation.

    • Discussing weight gain and lossConsistent physical activity and balanced diet are key to maintaining a healthy weight. Realistic goals, motivation, and self-awareness are also important in weight management.

      Maintaining a healthy weight involves consistent physical activity and a balanced diet. The conversation between the speakers touched upon various topics related to weight gain and loss, with some expressing difficulty in putting on weight, while others shared their experiences of losing weight through walking and running. It was emphasized that progress may be noticeable at the beginning but becomes less significant over time. The speakers also discussed the importance of setting realistic goals and finding motivation, whether it be through hobbies or social support. Additionally, they acknowledged the potential negative effects of excessive drinking and the importance of self-awareness and moderation. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of a holistic approach to weight management, incorporating both physical activity and dietary choices.

    • Private video shared on Instagram, caused anxiety and fearBe cautious on social media, private content can lead to unexpected consequences and potential harm to personal life and career.

      Social media can lead to unexpected and embarrassing situations. The speaker shared an experience where a private video was accidentally shared on her Instagram story, leading to widespread speculation and misinformation. This incident caused significant anxiety and fear for her, as the video was then shared and sold on various platforms. The speaker also discussed the importance of being cautious on social media and the potential consequences of sharing private content. Additionally, she reflected on the importance of living a private life and the potential drawbacks of being in the public eye. The incident made her consider the impact of social media on her personal life and career, and she decided to make a new year's resolution to put her phone away when she drinks to avoid similar situations in the future.

    • Discussing Social Media, Celebrity Crushes, and Podcast GuestsPatience, authenticity, and being true to your audience are key to building a successful platform or project. Interacting with celebrities and potential podcast guests requires consideration and tact, and long-term relationships can be valuable.

      The speakers in this conversation are discussing their experiences with social media, celebrity crushes, and potential podcast guests. They share stories about their interactions with people they admire, and the challenges of deciding who to follow or invite on their podcast. They also touch on topics like investing early, long-term relationships, and the importance of authenticity. Ultimately, they emphasize the value of patience, authenticity, and being true to one's audience when it comes to building a successful platform or project. They also mention the allure of love islanders and their candidness, but acknowledge the potential awkwardness of discussing sensitive topics like breakups on a podcast. The conversation is filled with humor and anecdotes, showcasing the speakers' unique personalities and chemistry.

    • Living Alone: Isolation, Anxiety, and SecurityCreating a comfortable and secure living environment can help alleviate feelings of isolation and anxiety for those living alone. Important considerations include personal space, emergency preparedness, and a sense of security.

      Feeling isolated and alone in a large space can lead to anxiety and fear, especially during unexpected events. The speaker in this conversation expresses her concerns about living alone and being unprepared for emergencies. She also mentions her desire for personal space and decorating her home to make it more inviting. The discussion also touches upon the importance of having a sense of security and community. The speaker's fear of potential dangers and her investment in security systems highlight the importance of feeling safe in one's own home. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of creating a comfortable and secure living environment to alleviate feelings of isolation and anxiety.

    • Understanding and respecting individual differencesBeing aware of and respecting unique quirks and preferences can lead to more enjoyable social experiences, while also finding humor in our differences

      People have unique quirks and preferences that can sometimes lead to discomfort or amusement in social situations. For instance, some people might find it uncomfortable to be around bare feet or unkempt toes, while others might be bothered by close-up mirror selfies or certain types of footwear. These preferences can sometimes lead to humorous or awkward interactions, as demonstrated in the conversation about piggy shoes, Geordie Shore, and cringe selfies. It's important to remember that everyone has their own idiosyncrasies and that understanding and respecting these differences can lead to more enjoyable social experiences. Additionally, the conversation touched on the topic of comfort and the importance of feeling comfortable in one's own skin, whether that means wearing certain types of shoes or clothing, or embracing one's unique features like toenails. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of being aware of and respecting individual differences, while also finding humor in the quirks and idiosyncrasies that make us all unique.

    • Technology and aging: Enhancing mobility with bionic arms and electric carsAdvancements in technology, such as bionic arms and electric cars, are transforming mobility for the elderly and improving daily life. However, the financial risks of luxury car ownership should also be considered.

      Technology and aging are shaping the future of mobility, with advancements in prosthetics and electric cars leading the way. James shared his amusing experiences with bionic arms and parallel parking, expressing his anticipation for future advancements. However, he also expressed his disappointment over the significant depreciation of his Porsche, which serves as a reminder of the financial risks associated with luxury car ownership. Despite this, James remains optimistic about the future of technology and its potential to enhance our daily lives. Parallel parking may continue to be a challenge, but with the help of advanced technology, it might just become a thing of the past.

    • Expecting a car to appreciate in value might not be a sound investmentBuying a car with the intention to sell it later for a profit may result in financial loss due to depreciation, while leasing or financing adds extra costs. However, the enjoyment and status of owning a desirable car can outweigh these costs for some.

      Buying a car with the expectation of selling it for a higher price later may not be a wise investment, as most cars depreciate significantly over time. Leasing or financing a car can add extra costs. However, if one enjoys the experience of owning a desirable car, the joy and status it brings might outweigh the financial loss. The speaker also shared an appreciation for the Netflix series "Squid Game," expressing interest in participating if given the opportunity. They also discussed their reactions to certain scenes in the show and the dynamics of the game.

    • Exploring the excitement for 'Squid Games' Season 2Listeners shared their enthusiasm for the TV show and plans to watch it together, with Grace discussing her past TikTok success and new creativity program.

      The discussion revolved around the enjoyment of the TV show "Squid Games" and the anticipation for its second season. The speakers, Grace and the hosts, shared their enthusiasm for the show and their plans to watch it together. Grace also mentioned her past success on TikTok and her recent signing up for a creativity program. Despite her reservations about sharing personal experiences online, she was encouraged to keep posting on the platform. The podcast ended with a reminder for listeners to subscribe to the Fellas Clips channel for shorter clips and to tune in next week. Overall, the conversation was lighthearted and centered around shared interests and entertainment.

    Recent Episodes from The Fellas

    196. How Chip Lost Money On YouTuber Karting Video & Undercover Police At Our Dublin Show...

    196. How Chip Lost Money On YouTuber Karting Video & Undercover Police At Our Dublin Show...


    We're live from the RV in County Kerry, Ireland! This podcast was recorded mid road trip through Ireland. We discuss highs and lows of the trip so far & how we almost got arrested for making certain jokes at our live show... Oh yeah, and now Chip is in his 9th overdraft.

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

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    The Fellas
    enSeptember 03, 2024

    195. "I Swam Without Stopping For 500KM In Deadly Waters..." - Extreme Athlete, Ross Edgley

    195. "I Swam Without Stopping For 500KM In Deadly Waters..." - Extreme Athlete, Ross Edgley

    Ross Edgley is finally here! We've wanted to lock this man down for so long and it's finally happened. He's one of the UK's most fearless & athletic men, completed multiple Guinness World Records including the longest non-stop solo swim & swimming around the UK SOLO.

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

    Join Fellas Loaded: https://fellasloaded.com/explore/

    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

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    The Fellas
    enAugust 27, 2024

    194. Chip Gets ENGAGED & Taking The Ultimate Brain Rot Quiz…

    194. Chip Gets ENGAGED & Taking The Ultimate Brain Rot Quiz…

    Chip returns from his big road trip ENGAGED! Big congratulations to them both Chip & Sabina but more importantly the lads took the viral Brainrot quiz... These lads are cooked chat.

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

    Join Fellas Loaded: https://fellasloaded.com/explore/

    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

    Listen on Spotify: https://shorturl.at/xBCPU

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    The Fellas
    enAugust 20, 2024

    193. Reviewing The WORST Olympics Ever & Why KSI’s Boxing Career Might Be Over…

    193. Reviewing The WORST Olympics Ever & Why KSI’s Boxing Career Might Be Over…


    BUY TICKETS: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-fellas-in-ireland-live-tickets-940501363897?aff=Audio

    WE'RE GOING TO IRELAND! On 22nd August we're going to be doing a LIVE SHOW in Dublin, Ireland at The Bernard Shaw. Tickets are limited so BE QUICK! Apologies for the lack of Chip, he'll be back next week but for now you're stuck with Cal & Prod... We discuss the best & worst of the Olympic games, what sports we'd get rid of & why KSI has sacked off his fight.

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

    Join Fellas Loaded: https://fellasloaded.com/explore/

    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

    Listen on Spotify: https://shorturl.at/xBCPU

    Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://shorturl.at/opIU0

    Join the Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/FellasPodcast

    Follow us on Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/thefellasinsta

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    The Fellas
    enAugust 13, 2024

    192: Mat Armstrong on Buying Rashford’s CRASHED Rolls Royce & Surprising His Dad With a Ferrari!

    192: Mat Armstrong on Buying Rashford’s CRASHED Rolls Royce & Surprising His Dad With a Ferrari!

    FREEZY GOES HOME - OUT NOW: https://fellasloaded.com/video/0e721e23-34f8-466e-883a-9f8ed3b3ee0c

    Mat Armstrong likes fixing cars. A lot. So when Marcus Rashfords crashed Rolls-Royce came up for sale, he didn’t hesitate to get his hands on it. He also gives out some great tips for new drivers and talks about how he crashed his own Lamborghini.

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

    Join Fellas Loaded: https://fellasloaded.com/explore/

    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

    Listen on Spotify: https://shorturl.at/xBCPU

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    The Fellas
    enAugust 06, 2024

    191. Max Fosh Ranks Best YouTube Videos Of All Time & How He Hired KILLER Grizzly Bear…

    191. Max Fosh Ranks Best YouTube Videos Of All Time & How He Hired KILLER Grizzly Bear…

    FREEZY GOES HOME - OUT NOW: https://fellasloaded.com/video/0e721e23-34f8-466e-883a-9f8ed3b3ee0c

    Max Fosh, the UK's most loveable posh guy is back on The Fellas! He's been a busy man since he was last on, creating some of the UK's biggest YouTube videos. From surviving a Grizzly Bear to becoming a member of the royal family.

    MAX FOSH TICKETS: https://www.maxfosh.co/

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

    Join Fellas Loaded: https://fellasloaded.com/explore/

    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

    Listen on Spotify: https://shorturl.at/xBCPU

    Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://shorturl.at/opIU0

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    The Fellas
    enJuly 30, 2024

    190. What Came First... W*nking or S3X?!

    190. What Came First... W*nking or S3X?!

    Back with a solo after an incredibly insightful episode from Ash Dykes... This week we discuss one of life's most burning questions; what came first a w*nk or s*x? Proddy also has another daft moment but I feel we might need to let him cook on this one (it's definitely not him writing this description).

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

    Join Fellas Loaded: https://fellasloaded.com/explore/

    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

    Listen on Spotify: https://shorturl.at/xBCPU

    Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://shorturl.at/opIU0

    Join the Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/FellasPodcast

    Follow us on Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/thefellasinsta

    Follow us on TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@thefellaspod?lang=en







    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    The Fellas
    enJuly 23, 2024

    189. “The World’s Most Fearless Man” Talks Surviving Deadly Animals, Extreme Heat & Severe MALARIA…

    189. “The World’s Most Fearless Man” Talks Surviving Deadly Animals, Extreme Heat & Severe MALARIA…

    Ash Dykes is quite frankly one of the most fearless men in British history... In 2014 Ash became the first documented person to undertake and complete a solo and unsupported trek across Mongolia. In 2016 he was the first documented individual to traverse the entire length of Madagascar. He entered the Guinness World Record book in 2019 for being the first ever person to walk 6400 km/4000 miles along the Yangtze River.

    AND NOW... Him and his team are heading to one of the last truly wild places on earth. Suriname, The Amazon.

    An incredible guest and our first to ever appear on Joe Rogan!

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

    Join Fellas Loaded: https://fellasloaded.com/explore/

    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

    Listen on Spotify: https://shorturl.at/xBCPU

    Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://shorturl.at/opIU0

    Join the Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/FellasPodcast

    Follow us on Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/thefellasinsta

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    The Fellas
    enJuly 16, 2024

    188. Italian Bach & ArthurTV Talk KSI’s BAD Sense Of Humour & CRAZY Fan Girl Experiences!

    188. Italian Bach & ArthurTV Talk KSI’s BAD Sense Of Humour & CRAZY Fan Girl Experiences!

    These guys are a tough tough listen... Arthur & Bach return, this time together! Arthur reveals the secret brainrot group chat that he set up & what it's like dealing with their fan girls.

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

    Join Fellas Loaded: https://fellasloaded.com/explore/

    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

    Listen on Spotify: https://shorturl.at/xBCPU

    Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://shorturl.at/opIU0

    Join the Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/FellasPodcast

    Follow us on Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/thefellasinsta

    Follow us on TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@thefellaspod?lang=en







    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    The Fellas
    enJuly 09, 2024

    187. The Lost Technology that Built the Pyramids & Why McDonalds Is SECRETLY Healthy...

    187. The Lost Technology that Built the Pyramids & Why McDonalds Is SECRETLY Healthy...

    WATCH OUR FULL SOAP BOX RACE: https://fellasloaded.com/video/9e46bb6c-33d3-4c90-a346-7fb5aa43575a

    The boys dig deep on some Pyramid conspiracy theories this week, addressing history's biggest questions about the Pyramids. Freezy also reveals a new rather controversial opinion (shock) on why McDonalds is actually healthy?!

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

    Join Fellas Loaded: https://fellasloaded.com/explore/

    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

    Listen on Spotify: https://shorturl.at/xBCPU

    Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://shorturl.at/opIU0

    Join the Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/FellasPodcast

    Follow us on Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/thefellasinsta

    Follow us on TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@thefellaspod?lang=en







    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    The Fellas
    enJuly 02, 2024

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    Bubbles in All the Right Places

    Bubbles in All the Right Places
    Today on Blunt Cuts, CJ welcomes to the studio Katrin Schroeder, Creative Director and Social Media Director for Love Life. A beverage that naturally enhances sexual health. The two discuss the need for more intimacy enhancements for women and how the world tries to censor these types of products from being seen and consumed.

    Matriarch Digital Media (matriarchdm.com) produces this and other podcasts that understand, encourage and uplift women.

    650 - Chris Distefano - Your Mom's House with Christina P and Tom Segura

    650 - Chris Distefano - Your Mom's House with Christina P and Tom Segura
    Main Mommies Tom Segura and Christina P are hungover from a night of hardcore drinking! Any nurses looking to get into a relationship with a cool guy? We discuss the need for a perfect smile, pigs from Tunisia, and how models these days are getting grosser. We talk about Burnt Crystals, take a look at a wile video instead of text from a cool guy, and we see what Kevin Samuels is up to.  Then Chris Distefano enters the mommy dome and can't believe how good everyone looks! Check out his YouTube and/or Netflix special for something the day this drops! Chirssy Specials drops some news on a brand new standup special he's releasing, we get an update on Titi Jerry and Chris's dad, and we discuss the best homeless populations. Then, Tim runs Chrissy Hypotheticals and Christina through his four levels of hell. What are your answers? Then, we run Chris through all the heavy segments he's missed! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    BONUS EPISODE: Bats, Pwingies, Feet, Birds, Bees & More!

    BONUS EPISODE: Bats, Pwingies, Feet, Birds, Bees & More!
    It's time for another dive into the MTGM archives for some of the highlights!

    If you’d like to get in touch, you can send an email to hello@MTGMpod.com

    Please review Global's Privacy Policy: https://global.com/legal/privacy-policy/

    MTGM is going on tour in Ireland & The UK! Remember to check the venue websites as well as Ticketmaster!

    For more information about Joanne's gigs, just visit www.joannemcnally.com

    This episode contains explicit language and adult themes that may not be suitable for all listeners.

    Thank you!

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    Tout sexe-plique
    La sexualité touche plusieurs sphères de la vie humaine : société, politique, économie, culture, religion, etc. Sous un angle socioanthropologique, l’émission tentera de déconstruire différents sujets et questions concernant la sexualité. Par l’analyse de débats de société, d’études scientifiques et par la comparaison culturelle de nos comportements avec ceux vécus ailleurs, nous tenterons de démêler ce sujet si complexe. Parce qu’au fond… Tout sexe-plique ! Invité.es, échanges et plaisirs garantis ! Animatrice: Diplômée d’anthropologie, Flore Bibeau s’est longtemps intéressée à l’être humain par ses dimensions sociale et culturelle… plus particulièrement lorsqu’il est question de sa sexualité. Passionnée par l’animation et la vulgarisation, elle souhaite communiquer sa passion et ses connaissances avec ses auditeurs.

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