
    Podcast Summary

    • Men using makeup and societal normsWe discussed the absurdity of societal expectations around men's use of makeup and the lengths some go to fit in or challenge norms, using examples like Alpha Nail and Michael Jackson's transformation.

      Our conversation touched upon the unexpected and humorous aspects of societal norms, specifically the idea of men using makeup and nail polish. We joked about a friend's website, Alpha Nail, and pondered the absurdity of men's makeup ads. We also discussed Michael Jackson's transformation and the influence of fame on his personal life, bringing up the topic of societal expectations and the power that comes with celebrity status. Ultimately, we explored the idea that people often make judgments based on appearances and the lengths some go to fit in or challenge societal norms.

    • Music and personal experiences unite usPeople's love for music and personal experiences transcends societal norms and unites us, emphasizing the importance of embracing individuality and authenticity

      People's love for music transcends personal biases and prejudices. The speaker expresses admiration for musicians like TLC and Judas Priest, who came out as gay later in their careers, despite societal norms. The speaker also shares his personal experiences with Judo, discussing the intensity of the sport and the importance of grip technique. He reflects on how his experiences with grappling and manipulating bodies have influenced his perspective on encountering people in everyday life. Despite his background in martial arts, he now enjoys the freedom and excitement of MMA. The speaker's stories illustrate the power of music and personal experiences to bring people together, despite differences, and the importance of embracing individuality and authenticity.

    • Subjectivity in Martial Arts ScoringMartial arts scoring can be subjective, leading to frustration for athletes. Judo, in particular, can be challenging due to the intricacies of throws and their recognition in competitions.

      The scoring systems in various martial arts, including Judo and MMA, can be subjective and open to interpretation by referees. This can lead to frustration for athletes who feel they deserve to win but don't due to the discretionary nature of the scoring. The speaker shared personal experiences of feeling this was unfair, particularly in Judo, where a throw could go unrecognized or under-scored. The conversation also touched on the effectiveness of Judo in real-life situations, such as street fights, and the challenges of learning the intricacies of the martial art. The speaker also mentioned their own experiences of using Judo in school and having nicknames for their favorite throws.

    • From Judo to MMA: A Passionate TransitionThe speaker's passion for MMA led him to leave Judo, a sport he had trained in since childhood, for financial and competitive reasons.

      The speaker's experience with judo training in Japan led him to a realization that he no longer enjoyed the sport, despite the financial benefits. He eventually transitioned to MMA due to his passion for the sport and the opportunity to join the Coast Guard as a rescue swimmer. The speaker's mother, a judo champion, played a significant role in his judo training during his childhood. Despite her accomplishments, the speaker did not consider himself a superstar in the judo community due to its small size. The decision to pursue MMA was not driven solely by financial reasons but by his desire to continue competing in a sport he loved.

    • Military Recruiting: Misleading Promises and Ethical DilemmasMilitary recruiting can use manipulative tactics, leading to unrealistic expectations and potential disappointment. Ethical concerns arise when comparing military service to video games for marketing purposes.

      The military recruiting process can be seen as manipulative and misleading, with recruits potentially being promised an exciting, action-packed life that doesn't align with reality. The use of marketing tactics and false advertising can create unrealistic expectations, leading to feelings of disappointment and disillusionment. The idea of soldiers being treated like video game characters, with distorted perceptions of reality, was discussed as a potential solution to make military service more appealing, but also raises ethical concerns. Ultimately, it's crucial for individuals to be fully informed about the realities of military life before making a commitment.

    • The Future of Technology: Promises and Ethical ConcernsAs technology advances, ethical concerns around resource sourcing and sustainable practices arise, particularly in the context of rare minerals needed for immersive virtual worlds and merging technology with biology.

      We are on the brink of significant technological advancements, including the development of immersive virtual worlds and the merging of technology and biology. Ray Kurzweil, a renowned inventor and futurist, predicts this will happen within the next few decades. However, the resources needed for these advancements, such as rare minerals, are often sourced from dangerous and ethically questionable places, like the Congo, where children and adults work under dangerous conditions. This raises ethical concerns and highlights the need for responsible sourcing and sustainable practices. The future holds great promise, but it's important to consider the potential consequences and work towards a more equitable and sustainable technological landscape.

    • The Congo Rainforest: A Challenging Terrain for European ColonizersThe Congo Rainforest, home to dangerous creatures and challenging terrain, has led to unique adaptations among its inhabitants, including antelopes that swim and eat fish, and savanna animals forced to live in the jungle.

      The Congo rainforest, with its dense, unforgiving environment, proved to be a challenging and often fatal terrain for European colonizers. The jungle was filled with dangerous creatures, from giant tarantulas and swarms of spiders, to nine-year-olds wielding guns. However, it was also a place of incredible adaptation and evolution, where animals had to quickly adapt to survive in the changing environment. For instance, antelopes learned to swim and eat fish, while rhinos and other savanna animals were trapped and forced to live in the jungle. Despite the challenges, there are still discoveries to be made, such as the elusive man-sized chimps, which are believed to be aggressive and capable of killing jaguars. These chimps, along with the other unique creatures and adaptations found in the Congo, highlight the incredible resilience and adaptability of life in the face of adversity.

    • Displays of strength and intelligence in the animal kingdomAnimals in the wild demonstrate incredible power and intelligence, but they are not tame and can be dangerous

      The natural world is full of incredibly strong and intelligent creatures, some of which are far more powerful than humans can imagine. From chimpanzees capable of hunting in packs and pulling thousands of pounds, to baboons training dogs to protect their young, the animal kingdom is filled with awe-inspiring displays of strength and intelligence. However, it's important to remember that these animals are not tame and can be dangerous. For example, killer whales are known to hunt and kill sharks, and polar bears have been observed eating each other due to food scarcity. These behaviors are not new, but they are becoming more common as resources become scarcer and competition for food increases. It's a reminder of the power and complexity of the natural world, and the importance of respecting it.

    • Killer Whales: Complex Beings with Strong Family TiesKiller whales are intelligent, social animals with strong family bonds, but keeping them in captivity raises ethical concerns due to potential harm to trainers and the stress of confined environments.

      Killer whales, despite their intimidating size and power, are complex beings with strong connections to their families. The speaker expresses a belief that they are smarter and more dangerous than sharks, and raises ethical concerns about keeping them in captivity. The speaker shares stories of killer whales in captivity harming and even killing their trainers, and suggests that these animals may be driven to act aggressively due to being taken from their families and kept in confined environments. The speaker expresses fascination with these animals and a desire to learn more about them, but also acknowledges the potential danger they pose. The conversation also touches on the issue of deception in entertainment, with the speaker expressing frustration over the use of the name "Shamu" for multiple killer whales and the making of fake Bruce Lee movies after his death.

    • Manipulation in Entertainment IndustriesEntertainment industries can create illusions for audiences, particularly young fans, while prioritizing what audiences want to see over historical accuracy. Standing up for oneself is important but can have negative consequences.

      Entertainment industries, including music and film, often manipulate their audiences, particularly young fans, by creating illusions that may not align with reality. For instance, Britney Spears' performances were heavily scripted and lip-synced, but young fans were unaware and simply enjoyed seeing her dance. This is similar to the production of Bruce Lee movies, where the creators prioritized what audiences wanted to see, rather than historical accuracy. Another topic discussed was a personal experience involving a fight in school and the consequences that followed. The speaker emphasized that it's important to stand up for oneself but also acknowledged the potential negative outcomes. Overall, the conversation touched upon the complexities of entertainment and personal experiences, as well as the power dynamics that can come into play.

    • Women's MMA Enthusiast Shares Her JourneyA passionate woman shares her commitment to women's MMA, overcoming opposition and training regularly with experienced coaches.

      The speaker shares a passion for martial arts, specifically MMA, and has experience in various disciplines such as Judo and striking. This passion led her to start training in MMA about a year ago. The speaker also expresses her enthusiasm for women's MMA and finds the energy and excitement of female fights to be akin to a concert. Despite facing opposition from those who don't support women's MMA, she remains committed to the sport and trains regularly with experienced coaches. The speaker's story also includes an anecdote about standing up for herself in a physical altercation with a group of people, which further highlights her determination and resilience.

    • Women's MMA: Intense Crowds and Dominant FiguresWomen's MMA showcases intense crowds and dominant figures like Cyborg and Rousey, with impressive strength, cardio, and unique styles. The smaller talent pool is recognized for its potential to make significant contributions to the sport.

      The women's MMA scene is thriving and producing impressive, historic fights. The speaker expresses awe over the intensity and passion of the crowds, comparing it to that of a football game. Cyborg and Rousey are highlighted as dominant figures in the sport, each with unique strengths and styles. The speaker emphasizes the physicality and aggression of women's MMA, with fighters like Cyborg demonstrating incredible strength and cardio. Despite the smaller talent pool compared to men's MMA, there's a growing recognition of the potential for women to make significant contributions to the sport. Ultimately, the speaker is excited about the future of women's MMA and the continued emergence of talented fighters.

    • The importance of natural progression for women fightersFocusing on a few women fighters for high-profile matches can generate excitement, but the lack of depth in women's divisions is concerning. Natural progression through fighting top contenders and gaining experience is crucial for meaningful and exciting matches.

      While focusing on a select few women fighters for high-profile matches can generate excitement, the lack of depth in the women's divisions, as shown by Ronda Rousey's rapid rise to stardom with only four fights, is concerning. The importance of natural progression through fighting top contenders and gaining experience before major fights was emphasized. The discussion also highlighted the need for more recognition and understanding of women's divisions, as well as the challenges women face in making weight and the significant weight gaps between divisions. Ultimately, the goal is to give women fighters the opportunity to improve and grow in their careers, leading to more meaningful and exciting matches for fans.

    • Rousey's jujitsu background shaped her MMA successRousey's jujitsu skills, honed from a young age, gave her an edge in MMA with quick submissions and effective transitions

      Rhonda Rousey's experience in jujitsu and grappling, particularly her need to quickly execute submissions due to referee interference, contributed significantly to her technical prowess and success in mixed martial arts. She started learning arm bars at a young age and honed her skills in passing the guard and playing guard work. This experience allowed her to quickly transition between techniques and take advantage of her opponents, especially in the clinch. Despite facing challenges such as referees not giving her enough time for groundwork, she adapted and became known for her quick submissions and effective transitions.

    • Maximizing flexibility in martial artsFlexibility is vital for success in martial arts. Prioritize training to adapt to various positions and be prepared for opponents with superior flexibility.

      Flexibility is crucial in martial arts, especially when it comes to grappling. The ability to contort your body into various positions can give you an edge in a fight, but it's essential to use that flexibility to its maximum potential. Having limited flexibility can leave you vulnerable, and even the most skilled martial artists can be taken down by an opponent with superior flexibility. It's important to prepare for all possible scenarios, including facing an opponent with a wrestling background who could potentially put you on your back. Flexibility training should be a priority, and it's never too late to start. Additionally, being well-rounded in multiple martial arts styles can help you adapt to different situations and make you a more formidable opponent.

    • Unique skills of effective MMA fightersEffective MMA fighters like Nate Diaz and Shinya Aoki possess unique skills, adaptability, and determination to succeed.

      Effective MMA fighters like Nate Diaz and Shinya Aoki possess unique skills that make them formidable opponents. Nate's ability to attack from any position and submit opponents quickly, while Aoki's unbeatable guard and diverse skill set make him nearly impossible to defeat. Additionally, the decision to adapt to new environments, like Aoki's choice to compete without his signature tights in the UFC, showcases their determination and adaptability. To succeed in MMA, fighters must train rigorously and focus on improving all aspects of their game, even when faced with challenges like limited practice time and strict rules.

    • Unexpected intimacy in fightsIn fights between women, there's a chance they might end up kissing instead of continuing to fight, which could be a sign of respect and camaraderie.

      In a hypothetical fight between two women, there's a possibility they might end up making out instead of continuing to fight. The speaker believes this could be a finishing move or a sign of respect and camaraderie between the fighters. Additionally, there's a discussion about the social stigma of being a lesbian compared to being a gay man, and how it's less taboo for women to show affection for each other. The speaker also shares some stories about boxing and fighters, comparing Larry Holmes to Mike Tyson and Bernard Hopkins, and reflecting on how the evolution of sports has led to better athletes over time. Overall, the conversation touches on the themes of fighting, respect, and the normalization of same-sex attraction.

    • People have used various methods to enhance their appearance throughout historyFrom ancient times to today, people have utilized various methods to enhance their features and create illusions, including high heels, makeup, and even surgical procedures.

      Throughout history, people have found creative ways to enhance their appearance to attract attention and business. During Roman times, high heels were a sign of being a prostitute. Nowadays, things like lipstick, bras, and even ass implants have been used to enhance features and create illusions. The discussion also touched on the topic of Ronda Rousey's arm bar techniques in MMA fighting and the importance of proper technique in executing a move effectively. Additionally, there was a brief mention of the popularity of certain TV characters and the influence they have on society. Overall, the conversation highlighted the human desire to improve ourselves and the lengths people have gone to throughout history to achieve that goal.

    • The acceptance and desirability of fake enhancements varyWhile some fake enhancements like breasts are socially acceptable, others like lips or skin color aren't, and the idea of drastically altering one's genetic makeup raises concerns.

      While people can easily identify and accept fake enhancements in some areas, like breasts, when it comes to other features like lips or skin color, the social acceptance and desirability are not the same. The speaker expresses that fake lips, for instance, are not in fashion and can look weird when only one part of the face is altered significantly. The idea of drastically changing one's genetic makeup through technology is also discussed, with the speaker expressing concerns about the radical distortion of one's original frame. The speaker also touches on the topic of anime and its popularity among men, suggesting a significant percentage of men might prefer animated content for sexual gratification. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexities and nuances surrounding body image, societal norms, and the role of technology in shaping our identities.

    • Cultural humiliation and extreme pornography correlationAfter war defeats, some cultures may turn to extreme pornography as a way to cope or assert control, particularly in cases with prevalent violent and degrading sexual content towards women, such as in Japan and Germany's anime and manga.

      There seems to be a correlation between cultural humiliation and the consumption of extreme pornography in certain populations. The speaker references Japan and Germany as examples, suggesting that after experiencing significant defeats in war, these cultures may have turned to pornography as a way to assert control or cope with their feelings of shame. The speaker also touches on the topic of anime and manga, noting the prevalence of violent and degrading sexual content towards women. It's important to note that these are just the speaker's observations and hypotheses, and they do not necessarily reflect the truth for all individuals within these cultures. The topic is sensitive and can be disturbing, and it's essential to approach it with care and respect for cultural nuances and complexities.

    • Windows computers remain popular due to market share and affordabilityWindows computers are widely used and budget-friendly, while Apple offers superior design and security at a higher cost.

      Despite personal preferences for specific operating systems or devices, the market share and affordability of Windows computers make them a popular choice for many individuals and businesses. The speaker's perception of the dominance of Apple products was skewed due to his personal experiences and interactions, but in reality, Internet Explorer remains the most widely used browser, particularly among Windows users. The cost difference between Apple and Windows computers is significant, making the latter a more budget-friendly option for those who prioritize affordability over design and performance. However, for those who value superior design and security, Apple's offerings may be worth the investment. The speaker's experiences with technology and his fascination with the night sky provided a thought-provoking contrast, highlighting the humbling yet awe-inspiring power of nature and the importance of balancing technological advancements with a connection to the natural world.

    • Experiencing the Awe-Inspiring Beauty of the StarsTake a break from technology and urban life to appreciate the stars' grandeur. Consider joining a collective hourly city lights shutdown to reduce light pollution and enhance stargazing. Personal comfort and living environment are essential for connecting with nature.

      The natural world, specifically the stars, holds a profound and awe-inspiring beauty that can be easily overlooked in our urbanized lives. The speaker shares his personal experience of being moved by the sight of the stars at a telescope observatory, emphasizing the importance of disconnecting from technology and urban distractions to appreciate the universe's grandeur. He suggests the idea of a collective hourly shutdown of city lights to reduce light pollution and enhance the stargazing experience. The speaker also reflects on the advantages of living at high altitudes for better stargazing and the importance of finding personal comfort and needs in one's living environment. Despite differences in preferences, the shared appreciation for the natural world and the desire to connect with it remains a common thread in their conversation.

    • Movie script inaccuracies and the importance of representationSpeaker shares frustration with inaccuracies in movie scripts, values convenience of streaming services, and discusses the impact of representation on viewing experiences

      The speaker expressed frustration with inaccuracies in movie scripts, specifically regarding the weight of a gold car. He also shared his appreciation for the convenience of streaming services and attending movies in theaters for the social experience. The speaker also discussed his experience of watching a movie in an almost entirely black neighborhood and feeling uncomfortable with the lack of representation on screen. He concluded by sharing his disappointment with a particular movie, feeling misled by its marketing and storyline. Overall, the conversation touched on the importance of accuracy in storytelling, the value of different viewing experiences, and the impact of representation in media.

    • Criticisms against Tyler Perry's filmmaking and actor treatmentPerceptions of Tyler Perry's filmmaking style and actor contracts have been criticized, while some argue Hollywood puts black men in feminine roles as a form of mockery. Perry's success has influenced trends and societal norms.

      Tyler Perry, a successful filmmaker and owner of his own production studio, has been criticized for his approach to filmmaking and treatment of actors. Some perceive him as churning out mediocre content and potentially exploiting his actors through contracts. Additionally, there's a belief that Hollywood often puts black men in feminine roles as a form of clowning or mockery. Perry's success has led to a trend, with many following his lead and dressing or acting in a way that is seen as unconventional for their gender. This conversation also touched on the power of fashion and trends in influencing societal norms and behaviors.

    • Understanding the Origins of Sagging PantsThe origins of societal trends and fashions are often more complex than they seem, requiring historical context and consideration of underlying causes.

      Societal trends and fashions, no matter how absurd they may seem, often have complex origins. The discussion revolved around the phenomenon of sagging pants and the belief that it originated from poor urban neighborhoods or even prisons. However, the truth may be more nuanced, as the speaker discovered, and it's essential to consider the historical context and causes behind these trends. The conversation also touched on the topic of excessive laws and the harsh realities of situations like the Arab Spring, where violence and chaos ensued. Ultimately, it's crucial to remember that behind every trend or event lies a story worth understanding.

    • Neglecting fundamental needs fuels harm against othersAddressing basic needs can prevent harm and violence, rather than focusing on resource extraction

      While some people may be conditioned to harm others for personal gain, the root cause of many global issues lies in the neglect of addressing the fundamental needs of communities and individuals. Instead of focusing on resource extraction, there should be a massive global effort to improve living conditions, educate, and provide opportunities for those in need. This could prevent the cycle of violence and desperation that leads to harm against others. The discussion also touched on conspiracy theories, with the belief that Bigfoot, based on real animals like Gigantopithecus, is a plausible theory due to its historical and cultural significance. However, the fascination with mythical creatures like Bigfoot can wane if they are brought into the mainstream, much like how the excitement over discovering a new animal in the zoo fades compared to the allure of the unknown.

    • Our Relationship with Animals: Ethical Questions and DebatesWhile zoos raise awareness and contribute to conservation efforts, some argue animals deserve freedom to live naturally and hunt. Humans can make a difference by supporting ethical farming practices and respecting animals' rights.

      Humans have come a long way in evolution, but our relationship with animals raises ethical questions. Hippos and other large animals, like rhinos, have unique characteristics that make them fascinating, yet their captivity in zoos raises concerns. While some argue that zoos raise awareness and contribute to conservation efforts, others believe that animals deserve to live freely and hunt as part of their natural instincts. Humans have the power to make a difference by supporting ethical farming practices and respecting animals' rights. Ultimately, it's essential to consider the impact of our actions on the natural world and strive for a more compassionate and sustainable existence.

    • Weight and Carnivals: A Surprising ContrastSpeaker shares her experiences of dealing with weight perceptions and her fascination with the unexpected world of carnivals, including encounters with Steve-o and a documentary.

      The speaker shares her experiences of dealing with weight issues and her fascination with carnivals. She mentions the contrast between her perceived weight and what others guess, and how she enjoys surprising them. She also touches upon the topic of child labor and the strange world of carnivals. Additionally, she brings up her encounter with Steve-o and his unusual background, as well as her fascination with a commercial featuring him and a lion. The conversation then shifts to discussing a documentary or show about carnivals. The speaker's tone is lighthearted and humorous throughout the conversation.

    • An encounter with a man who turned his life aroundThe speaker was captivated by a man's intriguing stories, despite his past reckless behavior and skepticism towards some of his claims.

      The speaker had an unusual encounter with a man who had a history of reckless behavior, particularly with animals, but had since turned his life around. The speaker found the man's stories fascinating, despite the chaos and absurdity that often accompanied them. Another theme that emerged was the speaker's skepticism towards certain events and places mentioned by the man, such as an Armenian award show in Glendale. The conversation also touched on the man's past injuries and his reliance on painkillers. Throughout the conversation, the speaker expressed admiration for the man's loyalty to his friends and his ability to turn things around. Despite the confusion and oddity of the conversation, the speaker found the man's stories captivating and intriguing.

    • Mental blocks and bad luck impact Bart Polaszewski's fightsExceptional grappling skills don't guarantee success in MMA. Mental focus and confidence are crucial for finishing fights and avoiding unexpected submissions.

      Bart Polaszewski is a highly talented fighter with exceptional grappling skills, but he has experienced unexpected losses due to mental blocks and bad luck in fights. His inability to finish opponents when he had them dominated led to him getting caught in submissions. The discussion also highlighted Frank Mir's unique fighting style and his ability to finish fights with unexpected submissions, making him a formidable opponent. The mental aspect of MMA and the importance of staying focused and confident during fights was emphasized. Additionally, the challenges of recreating the pressure and intensity of a real fight during training were mentioned.

    • The importance of balance in a fightBalance is crucial for effective fighting, and fighters who lack it may struggle to roll opponents back or absorb damage effectively.

      Balance and composure are crucial in a fight. The speaker described a fight where the opponent lacked balance and was unable to roll his opponent back. However, when the opponent regained balance, he was able to finish the fight. The speaker also defended Frank Mir, arguing that in previous fights against larger opponents, Mir's body may not have allowed him to absorb the damage and fight back effectively. The conversation also touched on the challenges of fighting and the size and strength of opponents. The speakers emphasized the importance of understanding the physical limitations of fighters and the difficulty of fighting against powerful opponents. The conversation ended with various plugs and shoutouts.

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    In this episode we discuss new research that finds that 1 in 35 people getting a Moderna booster suffered heart damage, and ask whether it is only the spike protein, or also the mRNA platform more generally, that is at fault. We discuss the eradication of selective pressure in mRNA “vaccines” that do not include the actual pathogen. We discuss the effects of vaccine mandates on the U.S. military, both in terms of morale, and readiness, and return to an earlier discussion of the cheap trick used in research to reveal vaccine efficacy where there is none. And Bret ends on a parable. Buckle up.




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    Heather’s newsletter, Natural Selections (subscribe to get free weekly essays in your inbox): https://naturalselections.substack.com


    Find more from us on Bret’s website (https://bretweinstein.net) or Heather’s website (http://heatherheying.com).


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    Theme Music: Thank you to Martin Molin of Wintergatan for providing us the rights to use their excellent music.



    Mentioned in this episode:


    1 in 35 myocardial injury, from John Campbell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cd_RTf_ForA&feature=youtu.be


    Buergin et al 2023. Sex‐specific differences in myocardial injury incidence after COVID‐19 mRNA‐1273 Booster Vaccination. European Journal of Heart Failure. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/ejhf.2978


    Paul Offit talks to Gad Saad: https://twitter.com/NickHudsonCT/status/1684797155083538432?s=20


    Thinning the Ranks, by Clayton Fox, in Tablet: https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/thinning-the-ranks


    Cheap Trick, by Neil and Fenton, July 29, 2023: https://wherearethenumbers.substack.com/p/the-very-best-of-cheap-trick

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    #421: Why You Need a Philosophical Survival Kit

    #421: Why You Need a Philosophical Survival Kit

    Admiral James Stockdale was a fighter pilot and POW in Vietnam for seven years. During his imprisonment, he was regularly tortured and beaten, and often held in solitary confinement.

    Despite the emotional, mental, and physical trauma he faced day in and day out, Stockdale survived and came home to become an influential public figure.

    How did he do it?

    As my guest today explains, Stockdale had with him a philosophical survival kit.

    His name is Thomas Gibbons, he’s a retired Army colonel and a current professor at the U.S. Naval War College where he teaches a course founded by James Stockdale called Foundations of Moral Obligation. Today on the show, Tom shares how a little book of Stoic philosophy helped Stockdale endure through seven grueling years of confinement and how his experience as a POW inspired the creation of a course on Western philosophy. Tom then shares why it’s important for military officers and leaders of all kinds to have an understanding of philosophy and walks us through some of the topics they cover in the “Stockdale Course,” including Aristotelian virtue ethics and Kant’s duty ethics.

    Get the full show notes at aom.is/stockdale.