
    Podcast Summary

    • From poverty to Gurkha soldier: The power of determinationDetermination and hard work can help overcome poverty and achieve great goals, even when facing significant challenges.

      Determination and perseverance, no matter the circumstances, can lead to great achievements. The speaker, a former Gurkha soldier, shared his incredible journey from poverty in Nepal to joining the British Army. He grew up dreaming of becoming a Gurkha and, despite coming from a humble background where even basic necessities were scarce, he made it happen through hard work and dedication. He ran away from boarding school to train and hide his efforts from his family and teachers. His story highlights the importance of setting goals and working tirelessly to achieve them, even when faced with significant challenges. The speaker's success is a testament to the power of determination and the belief that there are no excuses for not making things happen.

    • Overcoming challenges to join the Gurkha regimentThrough determination, hard work, and a positive attitude, an individual can overcome obstacles and achieve their goals, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges.

      Determination and a relentless work ethic can help an individual achieve their goals, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles. The speaker in this conversation recounted his experience of wanting to join the Gurkha regiment, despite the strict rules and regulations of his school. He shared how he woke up at 1 am every day, ran 20 kilometers with 75 pounds on his back, and engaged in labor work throughout the day, only to run back another 20 kilometers and cycle 64 kilometers in the evening. He also shared how he prepared for the selection process by learning English humor to better connect with the instructors. This intense training regime, combined with his unwavering commitment, ultimately led him to join the Gurkha regiment in 2003. The speaker's story is a powerful reminder that with hard work, dedication, and a positive attitude, it's possible to overcome challenges and achieve one's dreams.

    • The Power of Self-Discipline and MotivationSelf-discipline and self-motivation are essential for personal growth and success. They help individuals push past challenges, build strength, and reach their goals, even when no one else is there to motivate them.

      Self-discipline and self-motivation played a crucial role in the speaker's journey to achieving great success. He developed these qualities at a young age and credits them with helping him to push past challenges and reach his goals, even when no one else was looking or motivating him. He looked up to role models like Muhammad Ali and Bruce Lee for inspiration, and found that activities like running and swimming helped him to build the physical and mental strength needed for his later accomplishments. Even when faced with new challenges, like climbing mountains or joining the Special Forces, he relied on his own inner drive to keep going. Overall, the speaker's story illustrates the power of self-discipline and self-motivation in helping individuals to overcome obstacles and reach their full potential.

    • From UK Special Forces to Climbing the Death Zone PeaksDetermination and a clear purpose can help you accomplish seemingly impossible feats, even without prior experience or resources.

      No matter where you come from or what your background is, you can accomplish seemingly impossible feats with determination and a clear purpose. This was demonstrated by the speaker, who served in the UK Special Forces for 16 years and had only a few years left to retire with a full pension. However, he gave it all up to climb the 14 highest mountains in the world, known as the "death zone peaks," within seven months to raise awareness for Nepalese climbers and show that nothing is impossible. Despite facing skepticism and opposition from family and colleagues, he persisted in his goal, even without prior experience in filmmaking or media. His story serves as a reminder that having a strong motivation and belief in oneself can lead to remarkable achievements.

    • Pursuing a dream despite challenges and financial strugglesStay committed to your goal, adapt and learn new skills, and never give up on your dreams even in the face of financial difficulties or high risks.

      Determination and perseverance are key when pursuing a dream, even in the face of significant challenges and financial struggles. The speaker shared his experience of trying to fund his attempt to climb 14 peaks, which involved reaching out to various individuals and companies, writing letters, and eventually turning to GoFunding. Despite the difficulties and setbacks, he remained committed to his goal and eventually secured enough funding to begin his journey. The high risks involved in his chosen mountains added to the challenge, but his unwavering belief in himself and his ability to adapt and learn new skills helped him overcome obstacles.

    • Discussing Annapurna's Danger and Sherpa's AdaptationsEvery third person reaching Annapurna's summit loses their life. Sherpas, despite growing up in Nepal's flatlands, excel at high altitudes due to genetic adaptations.

      Annapurna was discussed as a dangerous and impressive mountain with a high fatality rate. The exact number of summits and deaths was debated, but it was noted that every three people who reach the summit, one person dies. Nims Purja shared his personal experiences of setting fixed lines on the mountain and being out of shape for the task due to his focus on writing emails. His exceptional cardio abilities were attributed to his training since childhood. The Sherpas, who grow up in the hot and flat region of Nepal, were highlighted for their incredible adaptations to the harsh altitude, which has reportedly affected their DNA. The discussion also touched upon the crowded recreational climbing scene on Mount Everest and the importance of proper credit for photographs used online.

    • The Crowd on Mount Everest Doesn't Mean an Easy SummitDespite the large number of climbers, Everest remains a challenging and potentially deadly experience due to unusual weather conditions, rigorous training, and potential health risks like HACE.

      The image of a large crowd on Mount Everest does not indicate an easy feat, despite the high number of people attempting to summit. The unusual weather conditions and rigorous training required to reach the summit make it a challenging experience, regardless of the number of people present. Additionally, the negative criticism towards the large number of people on Everest has existed for years due to the accumulation of human waste and bodies left on the mountain. However, efforts are being made to clean up the mountain through projects like the Big Mountain cleanup. The danger of high altitude cerebral edema (HACE) is a serious concern for climbers, and the only cure is to descend as quickly as possible. The misconception that Everest is an easy feat due to the large number of people attempting to summit is a common one, but the reality is that it remains a challenging and potentially deadly experience.

    • The importance of prioritizing human life and teamworkNims Purja's journey shows that putting human life and teamwork first can lead to missed opportunities and challenges, but ultimately saves lives. Be prepared, acclimatized, and have adequate resources for high-altitude climbing.

      Nims Purja's story on his journey to climb multiple mountains, including Annapurna and Dhaulagiri, highlights the importance of prioritizing human life and teamwork over personal goals. Despite being determined to climb and summit, he put his skills and resources to save a fellow climber, resulting in missed opportunities and challenges. The incident also emphasizes the importance of being prepared, acclimatized, and having adequate resources for high-altitude climbing. The story also sheds light on the risks involved in mountain climbing and the importance of community support and help in critical situations.

    • The Power of Perseverance on Mount EverestDespite adversity and danger, determination and resilience can help individuals overcome challenges and achieve their goals. Everest climbers face various obstacles year-round, and the speaker's experience demonstrates the importance of staying focused and pushing forward.

      Determination and resilience can help individuals overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges, even in the face of adversity and danger. The speaker's experience on Mount Everest, where he had to deal with altitude sickness, the death of fellow climbers, and the struggle for survival, demonstrates this idea. He also shared how he managed the project, including fundraising, social media, and team management, all while climbing and filming the expedition. Despite the hardships, he remained focused on his goal and produced the biggest mountain film ever in history. The experience taught him that nothing is impossible, and he encourages everyone to keep pushing forward, no matter what obstacles come their way. Additionally, the speaker mentioned that people climb Everest in different seasons, and some even attempt to climb during bad weather, making it a year-round challenge. Overall, the speaker's story highlights the power of perseverance and the importance of staying focused on one's goals, even in the most challenging circumstances.

    • Authenticity and Perseverance in Documenting RealityFilming reality authentically, even with challenges, leads to inspiring and successful documentaries. Sacrifices made by all involved contribute to the success.

      Determination and authenticity are key elements in creating a successful and inspiring documentary. The speaker, who filmed and climbed 14 mountains for his project, emphasized the importance of documenting reality authentically, even if it meant filming himself and his team despite the challenges. He also highlighted the sacrifices made by everyone involved to achieve their goal, resulting in a successful Netflix documentary that motivated many people. The speaker's perseverance and authenticity resonated with audiences, making the documentary a huge success. Netflix could even consider creating an accompanying series with the hundreds of hours of unused footage to delve deeper into each climb.

    • Real people's achievements inspire usBelieving in ambitious goals and their attainability, despite adversity, can lead to remarkable achievements

      Seeing others accomplish incredible feats can be a powerful source of motivation. While inspirational words from motivational speakers can be exciting, it's the actions and achievements of real people that truly resonate and inspire us to push beyond our perceived limits. Nims Purja's accomplishment of climbing 14 peaks over 8,000 meters in just seven months serves as a prime example of this. Despite facing numerous challenges and skepticism, Nims' determination and belief in his ability to achieve the impossible proved to be a powerful motivator for himself and others. His experience demonstrates that setting ambitious goals and believing in their attainability, even in the face of adversity, can lead to remarkable achievements.

    • Stay calm, focus on essentials, and pay attention to small detailsMindset and preparation are crucial for overcoming challenges. Stay calm, conserve resources, and focus on the essentials. Pay attention to small details and learn from setbacks to inspire others.

      Mindset and preparation are crucial for overcoming challenges, whether it's climbing mountains or facing other obstacles in life. The speaker emphasized the importance of staying calm, conserving resources, and focusing on the essentials. He shared that he never took supplements or alcohol, and only drank water to avoid dehydration. He also mentioned that he paid close attention to small details and learned from Muhammad Ali's quote that "it's not the big rock that wears you out, it's the small pebble in your shoe." After completing his journey of climbing the 14 peaks and filming it for Netflix, he chose Netflix over Disney Plus because he wanted to reach a wider audience and inspire people to overcome their own mountains in life.

    • Unexpected success from lack of transparencyMaintaining authenticity and connecting with audiences deeper can result from lack of specific feedback, even if initially frustrating. Positive mindset and self-deception can be useful tools for survival and motivation.

      Transparency and communication are important, but sometimes, a lack thereof can lead to unexpected success. The speaker in this conversation shares his experience with the production team of a documentary about his climbing accomplishments, who didn't share specific figures or feedback with him. Although initially frustrated, he later realized that their approach allowed him to maintain his authenticity and connect with audiences on a deeper level. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of maintaining a positive mindset, even in difficult situations, and how lying to oneself can sometimes be a useful tool for survival and motivation. The conversation also touches on the power of media perception and the importance of looking beyond stereotypes and assumptions.

    • The Right to Pursue Adventures and GoalsMoney is a tool to enhance experiences, not a barrier. Address environmental issues and approach situations with an open mind. Starting small can lead to significant change.

      Everyone has the right to experience adventures and pursue their goals, whether through building up expertise or saving up resources. Money shouldn't be an excuse, but rather a tool to enhance the experience. However, it's important to recognize and address issues that come with these experiences, such as environmental waste on Mount Everest. It's essential to approach situations with an open mind, understanding that everyone has different perspectives and backgrounds. Additionally, starting small and taking initiative can lead to significant change.

    • Effects of Global Warming on Mountains and Our RoleMountaineers can contribute to mountain conservation through projects like the Big Mountain Cleanup Project, while acknowledging the complexities of dealing with deceased climbers and prioritizing safety and climate change mitigation.

      The effects of global warming are significant and have the potential to cause devastating consequences, such as the collapse of glaciers and the loss of entire valleys. As mountaineers, we have a unique perspective on these issues and can take action to make a difference. For instance, through projects like the Big Mountain Cleanup Project, we can work to clean up mountains and reduce waste. However, the issue of deceased climbers left on mountains is complex. While many bodies have been brought down, some remain and cannot be found due to snow and crevasses. The human body's survival instincts may take over in extreme situations, leading to unexpected behaviors. Despite the challenges, it's essential to remember that most climbers are not on oxygen and that Everest, though popular, is not the only mountain with its unique difficulties. Ultimately, we must prioritize the well-being of ourselves and others and work together to mitigate the impact of climate change and ensure the safety of future generations.

    • First person to summit K2 in winterLove for climbing and challenge led Nims Purja to make history by becoming the first person to summit K2 in winter, despite extreme weather and careful planning required.

      The drive to push boundaries and take on great challenges, even when they seem impossible, can lead to extraordinary achievements. Nims Purja, a Nepalese mountaineer, made history by becoming the first person to summit K2 in winter, a feat accomplished by no other climber before him. He did this not for the money or fame, but for the love of climbing and the challenge it presented. The expedition was risky, with extreme weather conditions and the need for careful planning and preparation. Despite the challenges, Nims and his team persevered, making history in the process. After achieving this remarkable feat, Nims expressed a desire to continue seeking out new challenges and possibilities, both in climbing and beyond. The pursuit of the impossible, it seems, is a never-ending journey.

    • Unity and teamwork lead to great achievements on Mount EverestUnity and teamwork can help individuals overcome personal challenges and achieve remarkable feats, even in extreme conditions. Representing one's country and inspiring others can be powerful motivators.

      Teamwork and unity can lead to remarkable achievements, even in the most challenging circumstances. The speaker, Nimsdai, shares his experience of climbing Mount Everest with his team, where they reached the summit together, singing their national anthem, despite the extreme conditions and personal sacrifices. This moment of equal accomplishment brought immense satisfaction and happiness to the team members. Despite his initial reluctance to climb Everest due to his dislike for mountains, Nimsdai was motivated by the desire to represent his country and prove his capabilities to others. Now, he guides climbers through Elite Expert, continuing to inspire and lead others towards their goals. This story highlights the power of perseverance, unity, and the human spirit to overcome adversity and achieve greatness.

    • The Princess of Qatar's Quest to Conquer Mount EverestPreparation, acclimatization, and competent guides are essential for a safe and successful climb of Mount Everest. Gradual acclimatization and proper planning can help the body adapt to altitude.

      The Princess of Qatar, known for her exceptional climbing skills, is preparing to summit Mount Everest. Her experience and strength as a climber have left a lasting impression on those she's climbed with. Each year, around 800 people successfully summit Everest, but the number of deaths remains low due to the high level of safety and competent guides. Despite the challenges, the speaker, an experienced mountaineer, has successfully led 26 expeditions to 8,000-meter peaks without any fatalities. He emphasizes that anyone can climb, but proper preparation and acclimatization are crucial. The process involves gradually increasing altitude, starting with smaller peaks and gradually working up to Everest. The body adapts differently to altitude, and acclimatization can take anywhere from a few days to several months. Proper planning, innovation, technology, and science all play a role in ensuring a successful and safe climb.

    • The Challenging Journey to Climb Mount EverestClimbing Mount Everest is a lengthy process with multiple stages for acclimatization. It takes an average of two months, but the experience provides a new perspective and deeper appreciation for life.

      Climbing Mount Everest is a challenging and lengthy process that requires proper acclimatization. Climbers go through multiple camps, each with varying altitudes, to build up their red blood cells and prepare for the next stage. Tough climbers may struggle more and need extra time. The entire process from arriving in Nepal to summiting Everest takes an average of two months. However, some people, even billionaires, make time for this adventure as a life goal and a great healer from the distractions and problems of everyday life. The experience of climbing, with its simplicity and focus on the task at hand, can provide a new perspective and a deeper appreciation for life. The adventure of climbing Mount Everest, despite its difficulties, can be a powerful way to find joy and meaning.

    • Follow your passion for personal growth and successPursuing your passion, despite uncertainty, can lead to unexpected opportunities and growth

      Following your passion is not an extra burden, but an enjoyable experience that leads to personal growth and potential financial success. Finding your passion may be a challenge, but taking the risk to leave a job or career that doesn't fulfill you is essential for living a meaningful life. The fear of failure or the desire for safety should not hold you back. As Luke Skywalker once said, "It's not the ships, it's the people in them." Your commitment to pursuing your passion, even in the face of uncertainty, can lead to unexpected opportunities and growth. Remember, the worst-case scenario might not be as dire as you think, and the rewards can be worth the risk.

    • Embracing risks and personal growthPursuing passions and stepping out of comfort zones can lead to incredible experiences and personal growth, even in the face of setbacks. Don't let fear hold you back.

      Taking risks and pursuing your passions, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone, can lead to incredible experiences and personal growth. The speaker shared his story of climbing Mount Everest and the joy he felt when his mother finally understood the significance of his achievement. However, he also experienced the painful loss of his mother just before he could reunite her with his father. Despite this setback, he emphasized the importance of living each moment to the fullest and not letting fear hold you back from growing as a person. The speaker's podcast was an unexpected outcome of his Everest expedition, but it has become a platform for inspiring others to follow their dreams.

    • Exploring the wisdom of extraordinary individuals through podcastsGenuine curiosity, passion, and skillful conversation can lead to unique experiences and valuable insights from remarkable individuals, available through podcasts. Following your passion and persisting through challenges can also lead to personal and professional success.

      Having genuine curiosity and a passion for connecting with extraordinary people can lead to unique experiences and valuable insights. The podcast medium provides an accessible platform for broadcasting the thoughts and ideas of remarkable individuals, making their wisdom available to a wide audience. The art of conversation is a skill worth developing, as it enables us to extract the best content from interviewees and engage in enjoyable, enlightening discussions. Additionally, following your passion and persisting despite challenges can lead to personal and professional success. The story of the speaker's own life, marked by adversity and determination, serves as a testament to this principle. The centrality of a clear mission and the support of dedicated individuals, such as the UK's Special Forces, can also play crucial roles in overcoming obstacles and achieving goals.

    • Overcoming adversity and criticismBelieving in one's ability and staying focused on a larger mission can lead to significant impact, even in the face of adversity and criticism.

      Even in the face of adversity and criticism, staying focused on a larger mission and believing in one's ability to make a difference can lead to significant impact. The speaker, despite facing challenges and negative comments, persisted in his goal to help the Gurkha community gain equal rights and pension in the British military. He used his determination and the power of social media to rally support and exceed the necessary petition signatures. The experience taught him to ignore the negativity and focus on the bigger purpose, which ultimately led to a successful outcome.

    • People's reactions to others' success or failureFocusing on negativity and pulling others down limits personal growth. Celebrating success and surrounding oneself with positivity leads to remarkable accomplishments.

      People's reactions to others' success or failure can reveal a lot about their own mindset. Some individuals focus on negativity and try to pull others down, while others celebrate success and find inspiration in it. This pattern of thinking can be a self-imposed limitation, and those who spend their time and energy criticizing others are essentially stealing from themselves. Instead, focusing on one's own growth and surrounding oneself with positive influences can lead to remarkable accomplishments. The human spirit is limitless, and recognizing the good in others and in oneself can be a powerful motivator.

    • Recognize the value of others' achievementsFocusing on jealousy and envy can hinder personal growth. Instead, learn from others' success and stay focused on your goals.

      Focusing on jealousy and envy towards others' success can hinder personal growth. Instead, recognizing the value of others' achievements and the potential they hold for inspiring our own ideas and aspirations is essential. However, beware of enemies within your circle who may feel threatened by your success and attempt to bring you down. Don't let negativity distract you from your goals. As the famous quote goes, if you're moving towards your destination, don't waste time and energy responding to the barking dogs along the way. Keep pushing forward and remain focused on your journey. I encourage you all to watch the documentary "14 Peaks" on Netflix for a powerful reminder of the importance of perseverance and the power of the human spirit.

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    Become a Member for ad-free listening, video versions and exclusive content: https://benlionelscott.com/subscribe — This episode is spoken by Jocko Willink, Eric Thomas, Nathan Harmon. You can see more of Jocko Willink at instagram.com/jockowillink, Eric Thomas at instagram.com/etthehiphoppreacher, Nathan Harmon at https://www.yourlifespeaks.org. The music is Interstellar by Hans Zimmer. You can see more of Hans Zimmer at instagram.com/hanszimmer.