
    18. Remembering The Sacred Feminine with Sarah Jenks

    enSeptember 12, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Reclaiming the Sacred Feminine and Connecting with the DivineLearn from a priestess how to bring more divinity, ritual, and ceremony into everyday life to live more aligned, flowy, and graceful lives.

      The sacred feminine was intentionally erased from society, and it's time for us to reclaim it. Emily Fletcher, the host of the podcast, believes that everyone deserves bliss and is on a mission to uncover potent healing modalities to help us achieve it. In this episode, she interviews Sarah Jenks, a priestess and mother, who has spent over a decade guiding women to remember their brilliance and unique mission in life. Sarah shares how we can bring more divinity, ritual, and ceremony into our everyday lives, families, and homes. If you're curious about what a priestess is, Sarah explains that a priestess stands at the threshold between the divine and earthly planes, connecting the seen and unseen worlds. By learning from Sarah and practicing rituals and ceremonies, we can start to bridge the gap between the spiritual and physical realms and live more aligned, flowy, and graceful lives. Don't miss Sarah's free masterclass on how to do a ceremony called "What's Next for Me" at zeebameditation.com/whythis.

    • Remembering our inherent divinityUnderstand your divinity, heal personal wounds, walk in integrity, and help others remember their truth.

      Becoming a priestess is not just about wearing robes and looking the part, but rather it's about healing personal wounds, walking in integrity, and bringing the divine into everyday life. The divine, as described, is a connection to the soul. Many people have suppressed their desires and dreams, prioritizing the needs of others or societal expectations, but it's essential to remember that we are all divine beings and deserve to be the stars of our own lives. This journey requires confidence, not from ego, but from a deep understanding of our inherent divinity. The role of a priestess is to help others remember this truth and bring the sacred back into everyday life.

    • Understanding the divine through signs and synchronicitiesAs children, we all had the ability to understand the divine language, but as we grow older, we forget. However, many are remembering this ability and raising children who will never forget.

      Our soul is on a mission to evolve and improve the planet, and we are all connected to a greater power that wants us to grow. This power communicates with us through signs and synchronicities, which we can learn to recognize and interpret. As children, we all had the ability to understand this "unseen language," but as we grow older, we forget. However, many people are now remembering this ability and raising children who will never forget. A powerful example of this is a story about a young girl who asked to be alone with her new baby brother so she could learn about God, demonstrating a deep understanding of the divine. This is the great remembrance, and it's a beautiful and exciting time to be alive and connected to the divine.

    • From bullying to goddess archetypes: Sarah Jenks' transformative journeyOur past experiences, even painful ones, can lead us to discover new paths and personal growth.

      Our past experiences, no matter how challenging, can shape us into the individuals we become. Sarah Jenks, a priestess and founder of Ziva Meditation, shared her journey of remembering and forgetting, and how her childhood fascination with Egypt and pyramids led her to her current path. However, during her adolescence, she faced bullying which deeply impacted her identity as a "fat girl." It wasn't until she met her first therapist and discovered the concept of goddess archetypes that she began her personal development journey. Despite setbacks, such as not making the cut in college acapella, Sarah persevered and found joy in planning parties, leading her to form lifelong friendships with influential people. Through it all, Sarah's story highlights the importance of remembering our past while continuing to grow and seek joy in the present. If you're interested in exploring these powerful modalities further, join Sarah at zivameditation.com/whythis for free bonus content and mini masterclasses.

    • The power of self-exploration and discovery for personal happinessSelf-exploration and discovery of one's authentic self is crucial for overcoming unhappiness and finding true joy. Prioritizing personal growth and self-care can lead to transformative experiences and a more authentic and fulfilling life.

      Personal happiness and fulfillment often come from discovering and connecting with one's authentic self, which may be different from societal conditioning or expectations. The speaker's journey from event planning to advertising, to personal development, and eventually to spiritual ceremonies, highlights the importance of self-exploration and self-discovery in overcoming unhappiness and finding true joy. Additionally, the speaker's experience of encountering a profound shift in consciousness during a ceremony underscores the transformative power of connecting with one's soul and inner wisdom. Overall, the story illustrates the importance of prioritizing personal growth and self-care in order to live a more authentic and fulfilling life.

    • Rediscovering the Sacred Feminine in Mythology and IconographyExploring ancient art and mythology can help us reconnect with the divine feminine energy and restore balance in gender roles, empowering women to reclaim their place in society.

      The lack of representation of the sacred feminine in mythology and iconography has kept women disconnected from their inner power and voice. Sarah's personal journey involved hearing messages from the goddess to fulfill her sacred mission, which led her to discover her identity as a priestess despite societal expectations. The sacred feminine can be understood as the divine feminine energy, often represented in art and mythology as voluptuous, elderly, and crone figures. To rediscover this iconography, one can look to ancient art and mythology, particularly from the neolithic period, where female deities were commonly depicted with voluptuous bodies. This reconnection to the sacred feminine is essential for both women and men to restore the balance of gender roles and empower women to reclaim their rightful place in society.

    • The sacred feminine in ancient civilizationsAncient societies valued the feminine, personified as goddesses, for fertility, creativity, and the divine. Women held significant roles as priestesses, queens, and leaders, fostering egalitarian societies. However, the emergence of patriarchy erased the sacred feminine and replaced it with a hierarchical society.

      Throughout history, the divine was often personified as a woman, and the feminine was highly revered in many ancient civilizations. From the Eleusinian mysteries to the oracles of Delphi, and even in the earliest places of worship, the goddess was central to community life. The sacred feminine represented fertility, creativity, and the portal for the divine into human form. Women were held in high regard and played significant roles as priestesses, queens, and leaders. The intertwining of church and state, with the priestesses at the center, fostered egalitarian societies marked by peace and collaboration. However, as egalitarianism threatened those in power, the oppressive patriarchy emerged, erasing the sacred feminine and replacing it with a hierarchical, patriarchal society. Today, as we continue to rediscover and reinterpret ancient texts, we gain a deeper understanding of the importance of the feminine in history and the potential for more egalitarian societies.

    • Historical societal structures shaping women's rolesHistorical societal structures have perpetuated beliefs that women should prioritize motherhood and wifehood over careers, evident in religious iconography and personal experiences.

      Historical societal structures, such as the burning times in Europe, have influenced the role of women in marriage and their perceived value in society. The conditioning from these past traumas has led to the perpetuation of the belief that women should primarily focus on being mothers and wives. This is evident in the iconography of religious institutions, which predominantly portray women as mothers. The speaker's personal experience of feeling pressured to prioritize her role as a mother over her career despite being the primary breadwinner highlights the lingering effects of this conditioning. Understanding this historical context can help us recognize and challenge these mythical, generalized ideas that continue to shape our relationships and societal structures.

    • The suppression of the sacred feminine in biblical figures' storiesHistorically, women's roles as priestesses and divine conduits were suppressed, altering the narratives of figures like Mary Magdalene and Mary. Understanding their true roles can help women reclaim their power and balance their inner and outer lives.

      The suppression of the sacred feminine throughout history has been used as a tool of control and conditioning. This suppression is evident in the way the roles of biblical figures like Mary Magdalene and Mary, the mother of Jesus, have been distorted and misrepresented. In reality, both women were priestesses trained in the temples of Isis and Dandara. Mary Magdalene anointed Jesus with her sacred oils, making him the "anointed one," or Jesus Christ. During this time, patriarchal Jewish rabbis were oppressing women, separating them from worship and labeling them as evil. Jesus and Mary Magdalene, as the masculine and feminine aspects of the divine, challenged this narrative, teaching that men and women are the conduits of the divine and that everyone can access and experience the divine directly, without the need for intermediaries. This perspective, rooted in the understanding of the true roles and power of these biblical figures, can help women reclaim their power and balance their inner and outer lives.

    • Recognizing and Overcoming Societal ConditioningTo make significant life changes, recognize societal conditioning, connect with your soul, define your unique role, and share your divine self to merge human and divine worlds.

      When making significant life changes, it's important to recognize and overcome societal conditioning that may hold us back. This conditioning, rooted in historical traumas, can manifest as fears of disapproval or financial instability. To break free, one must look inward, connect with their soul, and define their unique role in the world. This may involve stepping into unconventional roles, such as becoming a priestess, and creating a business that aligns with this calling. By valuing and sharing our divine selves, we contribute to the merging of the human and divine worlds, ultimately fulfilling our purpose. The ancient Greek civilization's reverence for women's spiritual roles serves as a reminder of the importance of honoring our sacredness.

    • The suppression of women's connection to their divine feminine and sacred artsSocietal conditioning has led many women to question their worth and abilities in practices like tarot, nature connection, and ecstatic frequencies. Creating sacred containers through ceremony and embodied archetypes can help rediscover inner wisdom and heal past wounds.

      Women's connection to their divine feminine and sacred arts was once common and valued in societies, but was taken away and replaced with shame and conditioning. This internalized patriarchy has led many women to question their own worth and abilities, particularly when it comes to practices like tarot, nature connection, and ecstatic frequencies. It's important to recognize that these feelings are not inherent to us, but rather a result of societal conditioning. To rediscover our unique voices and divine purpose, we can create sacred containers through ceremony and embodied archetypes, offering an alternative to plant medicine for those who prefer it. By holding space with love and presence, we can help others reconnect with their own inner wisdom and heal the internalized wounds of the past.

    • Intentional gatherings lead to profound personal transformationsParticipating in small, intentional gatherings, like online ceremonies, can lead to quick and powerful personal transformations, including financial success, improved relationships, and even manifesting long-desired outcomes.

      Participating in small, intentional gatherings, such as online ceremonies, can lead to profound personal transformations and realizations. These containers prioritize the unseen world and allow individuals to communicate in a different way, leading to the discovery of their inner magic and confidence. Women, in particular, often struggle with fear and self-doubt, but through these ceremonies, they can tap into their soul's voice and make significant changes in their lives. Examples include financial success, improved relationships, and even manifesting long-desired outcomes like pregnancy. These transformations can occur quickly and powerfully, making ceremonies an effective tool for personal growth and development.

    • Exploring the spiritual realm for faster healingThe spiritual realm offers transformative healing, tapping into infinite possibility and collective wisdom. Reconnecting with the divine feminine through unconventional practices can help rebalance our planet.

      The spiritual realm offers faster, easier, and cheaper healing than the psychological or physical planes. The transformations that occur in this realm tap into the infinite possibility and collective wisdom. Moreover, the sacred feminine, which was violently erased from our culture, holds essential wisdom and knowledge that needs to be reclaimed urgently to rebalance our planet. This can be achieved through practices that help us remember and connect with the divine feminine. One such practice is allowing the goddess to move through our bodies, even in unexpected places like ancient ruins or caves. While this may seem unconventional, the magic and power that comes from such experiences can be felt and acknowledged, even by those around us.

    • History of suppression of sacred feminineThe suppression of sacred feminine practices has created a fear around ceremony and connection to the divine feminine, which can be traced back to the patriarchal narrative of history.

      Throughout history, the sacred feminine and its practices have been suppressed and replaced with masculine dominance, as seen in the building of churches and temples on top of ancient feminine sites. This suppression has created a fear around the practice of ceremony and connection to the sacred feminine. The speaker's experiences in England and at a Neolithic cave illustrate this pattern of suppression and the continued resistance and reclaiming of the sacred feminine. The speaker argues that this is not a generalized human story, but rather a part of the oppressive patriarchal narrative. The fear and lack of widespread ceremony practice can be traced back to this history of suppression.

    • Historical suppression of spiritual practicesFor centuries, spiritual practices were normal. However, certain historical periods led to their suppression and distortion. Be discerning, explore alternative texts, and acknowledge female spiritual figures.

      The historical stigma surrounding spiritual practices and ceremonies, including those rooted in Christianity, is a relatively recent development. For centuries, these practices were considered normal and not in conflict with belief in God or organized religion. However, during certain historical periods, there was a power grab that led to the suppression and distortion of certain spiritual teachings. This does not reflect negatively on the divine or religious figures like Jesus or Mary Magdalene. Instead, it highlights the human tendency to use religion as a tool for power and control. It's essential to be discerning about what we consider truth and to explore alternative spiritual texts and teachings, such as the gnostic gospels, to gain a more balanced understanding of spirituality. Additionally, it's important to acknowledge and include the role of female deities and spiritual figures in religious education, particularly for children, to provide a more complete and inclusive spiritual education.

    • Incorporating diverse ideologies into family traditionsEstablish daily rituals, explore unique heritage, adapt cultural celebrations, join community groups, and take on sacred education at home to enrich children's understanding and honor the feminine in family life.

      Incorporating various ideologies into family traditions can enrich children's understanding of diverse stories and the roles of the feminine and masculine in them. Start by establishing a daily ritual, such as a "sacred start," to connect with your inner self and introduce sacred tools. Explore your family's unique heritage and adapt traditional celebrations from different cultures, incorporating the sacred feminine. For those seeking a community, consider joining a group like "Holy Woman" to learn and participate in ceremonies together. Remember, taking on the responsibility of sacred education at home is a powerful way to rebalance and honor the feminine in family life.

    • Trusting the divine leads to transformative experiencesFollowing intuition and connecting with the divine can lead to magical and meaningful experiences, even if it seems impractical or unattainable at first. Trusting sacred objects and building community can deepen spiritual practices.

      Following your intuition and connecting with the divine can lead to transformative experiences, even if it seems impractical or unattainable at first. The speaker shares her personal story of how she trusted her inner guidance and ultimately manifested her dream of owning a retreat center, despite the doubts and challenges from practical-minded people in her life. She also emphasizes the importance of sacred objects and community in deepening spiritual practices. The story serves as a reminder that trusting the divine and staying true to one's calling can lead to magical and meaningful experiences.

    • Trusting the divine and following its guidanceBelieving in the power of the divine and taking courageous steps to follow its guidance can lead to miraculous manifestations in our lives.

      Trusting the divine and following its guidance can lead to incredible miracles and manifestations in our lives. It may require bravery and a willingness to lean on the unseen language, but the rewards are worth it. Surrounding ourselves with supportive communities and learning to distinguish between 3D and unseen advice can also be crucial in manifesting our dreams. Sarah Jenks, a leader in this area, emphasizes the importance of reconnecting with the divine feminine and offers resources and retreats for those interested in deepening their practice. Remember, believing that bliss is our birthright and coming together to meditate, pray, and eradicate stress can create a powerful collective impact.

    • Monthly Bliss Activation EventConnect with like-minded individuals and prioritize personal well-being at a free monthly event for inner happiness

      Every month, people from all around the world come together for a free event called a Bliss Activation hosted by Ziva Meditation. During this event, participants meditate, answer questions, receive hot seat coaching, and focus on their personal bliss and the collective bliss. If you're interested in joining this community and activating your inner happiness, visit zivameditation.com/activate. This event is a gift to you, offering an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and prioritize your own well-being. By attending, you'll be joining thousands of others in the pursuit of personal and collective bliss.

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    46. Creating Effortless Success By Healing Your Inner Child with Garrain Jones

    46. Creating Effortless Success By Healing Your Inner Child with Garrain Jones
    Today’s episode features Emily’s dear friend and colleague, Garrain Jones. Garrain and Emily met at a workshop in Austin designed to teach men how to honor the divine feminine by learning about female pleasure. This posed a huge challenge for him because he battled with being unfaithful in all of his relationships in the past and was finally in a committed relationship, so he didn't want to look at someone else's pussy. This workshop became a catalyst for him as he healed his relationship to female anatomy, realizing that he can honor women while being committed to his partner. Garrain is a manifestation coach, speaker and author and his life today is a testament to his success, coaching artists and creatives to manifest their dreams. But together they discuss how his journey has been anything but effortless. Garrain shares bravely about immense challenges he has faced, including losing his father to murder at twelve, dealing drugs, going to prison, and struggling with an addictive relationship with sex. In this episode, Garrain shares the exact tools he used to transform his mindset and life. Emily and Garrain discuss why creating effortless success and healing your inner child are deeply interconnected. They explore how diving into this work can change your world and reality, just as it has for Emily. One of the keys to his success was consistent consumption of mindset shifting content, which helped him to change the lens through which he viewed his life. He read books until they became his identity, including The Power of Positive Thinking which he read 285 times.  Towards the end, you’ll witness a unique, live coaching session where Garrain guides Emily through an exercise called Heaven’s Breath - unearthing intense childhood memories, resulting in a wild, transformational healing through song. Love the episode? Be sure to follow and rate the podcast so more people can unlock the keys and codes to free their souls. === Commit to a daily practice you love with zivaONLINE: https://zivameditation.com/jointoday Take Ziva's FREE Meditation Masterclass: https://zivameditation.com/learn Grab your invite for our Bliss Activations here: https://zivameditation.com/activate And follow us on Instagram If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, click here: YouTube Channel === Garrain Jones is a Transformation Coach & Author of the #1 Best Seller “Change Your Mindset Change Your Life” whose mission is to create a safe space for people to discover the gifts that already live inside of them, so they can use those gifts to produce extraordinary results in their lives. He does retreats, workshops, and 1:1 coaching. https://garrainjones.com/ https://www.instagram.com/garrain.jones

    45. Falling In Love With Meditation with Light Watkins

    45. Falling In Love With Meditation with Light Watkins
    TODAY ONLY: In honor of World Meditation Day, take 21% off our core meditation training zivaONLINE with code SURPRISE: https://zivameditation.com/jointoday  === What if you could turn into a happiness billionaire AND share it with the world? Today’s episode is with Emily’s dear friend and colleague, Light Watkins. As members of the same spiritual family, they’ve known each other for well over 15 years and were brought up in a similar meditation teacher training. Light has written over 4 bestselling books and is a world-renowned meditation teacher. He’s also what he calls a “one-bagger” - living nomadically out of a carry on since 2018. In this episode, they discuss why so many people don’t have a meditation practice they can commit to, how to fall in love with your practice and make the mundane more meditative. They also explore why you don’t need to “clear your mind” in order to meditate and how meditation practices for busy people differ from more monastic techniques. Light also shares this concept of the fake inner voice versus the real inner voice: do you often listen to the voice of stress or the voice of your heart? Towards the end, they explain what it takes to become a meditation teacher in this type of lineage and the dedication that is required to teach these tools. Love the episode? Be sure to follow and rate the podcast so more people can unlock the keys and codes to free their souls. === TODAY ONLY: In honor of World Meditation Day, take 21% off our core meditation training zivaONLINE with code SURPRISE: https://zivameditation.com/jointoday  Take Ziva's FREE Meditation Masterclass: https://zivameditation.com/learn Grab your invite for our Bliss Activations here: https://zivameditation.com/activate And follow us on Instagram If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, click here: YouTube Channel === Light Watkins is a long-time meditation teacher and thought leader who has spoken and consulted at Fortune 500 companies around the world on the topics of wellness, purpose, and enlightened leadership. He is the author of three best-sellers: The Inner Gym, Bliss More, and Knowing Where to Look, as well as the newly released Travel Light: Spiritual Minimalism to Live a More Fulfilled Life. Light has written a daily dose of inspirational email to his tens of thousands of subscribers. He is the host of The Light Watkins Show, which is a podcast that features the backstory of luminaries who’ve created platforms for social good. And in his online community, The Happiness Insiders, Light has created masterclasses and challenges to help spiritual practitioners around the globe embody the principles of “inner” work. Light is a “one-bagger” who has been living nomadically since 2018. https://www.instagram.com/lightwatkins/

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    I love hearing your episode takeaways! Screenshot this episode, and tag @lynda.stretton on Instagram. And if you take part in the Nourish Your Soul Challenge, please tag me so I can be inspired by what you do.

    If you love this episode, please leave a rating and review so we can reach and support more women worldwide. If you do, make sure you send an email to podcast@lyndastretton.com so I can send you your FREE Embrace Your Feminine Essence guide.


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