
    Podcast Summary

    • Online criticism and its impact on individualsOnline comments can lead to distorted perceptions and unnecessary stress, especially for public figures. Focus on real-life feedback and interactions for more accurate and meaningful insights.

      Engaging with online comments, especially on social media platforms, can lead to distorted perceptions and unnecessary stress for individuals, particularly public figures. The speaker in this conversation shares his experience with negative comments following a podcast appearance and emphasizes the importance of not letting online criticism affect his perception of himself or his relationships. He also acknowledges the potential for biased samples and the fact that people who are most active in leaving comments are often those who complain the most. Ultimately, he encourages focusing on real-life feedback and interactions, as they provide more accurate and meaningful insights.

    • Security lapses at public events can have serious consequencesAdequate security measures, including metal detectors and trained personnel, are necessary to ensure performers and attendees safety. Be mindful of online threats and the potential for them to be carried out in real life.

      Security at public events, especially those with high-profile figures, needs to be taken more seriously. The incident at the Hollywood Bowl, where a man was able to breach security and confront Dave Chappelle on stage, highlights the potential danger of ignoring potential threats. This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of having adequate security measures in place, including metal detectors and trained personnel, to ensure the safety of performers and attendees. Additionally, the ease with which someone can make threats online and the potential for those threats to be carried out in real life underscores the need for a more thoughtful and considerate approach to online discourse. We should be more mindful of the impact of our words and actions, both online and offline, and strive to create a culture of respect and understanding.

    • Online interactions can disrupt human connectionAnonymity of online communication can lead to negative behaviors, requiring self-control and empathy for positive change.

      Social media interactions can lead to a disruption of human connection and even potential harm. The anonymity of online communication can lead to heated arguments and even violent threats, making it essential for individuals to police their own actions and words in the digital space. The volume of online interactions makes it impossible to manage at scale, but focusing on self-control and limiting negative behaviors can lead to positive change. The discussion also touched upon the importance of empathy and human connection, which can be lost in the digital realm. The comparison was drawn to quitting a habit. Just as it's challenging to quit cold turkey, managing negative online behaviors requires a gradual approach, finding spots where you can limit the negative actions and eventually phase them out.

    • Addiction and Withdrawal RisksAlcohol and certain medications can lead to dangerous addictions and severe withdrawal symptoms, including the risk of death. Self-discipline and respect for safety protocols are crucial.

      Both alcohol and certain medications, like benzodiazepines, can be dangerously addictive and have severe withdrawal symptoms, including the risk of death. The speaker shares his personal experience with alcohol addiction and how he was motivated to reduce his consumption due to the visible effects on his appearance. He also mentions the importance of following rules and respecting the efforts made to ensure safety during the pandemic, even if it meant giving up personal desires. The speaker expresses gratitude for Dave Chappelle creating a space for them to work during the pandemic, despite the risks involved. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of self-discipline and respect for safety protocols.

    • Exploring the internal battles of accomplished individualsDiscovering the personal struggles behind success can lead to deeper understanding and empathy

      The internal fight and resilience of people, especially athletes, is a fascinating and universal topic. During a summer in Yellow Springs, Ohio, a boxing journalist unexpectedly found himself unable to cover the sport due to the pandemic. Instead, he discovered a comedy show that attracted accomplished individuals from various industries. Realizing the importance of understanding the personal battles that drive people to succeed, he created a show to explore this theme with individuals from the combat sports world, including boxing. An infamous interview he conducted with Deontay Wilder, where he tried to delve deeper into the athlete's feelings, led to death threats and a misunderstanding of his intentions. However, this experience reinforced the power of a single moment to shape someone's perception and the importance of understanding the complexities of people's motivations and struggles.

    • The Importance of Expressing Opinions and Being Mindful of ImpactBe authentic, appreciate freedom of expression, but be mindful of impact. Distinguish between opinions and harmful actions, and recognize the power of mass communication through social media. Value open dialogue and constructive criticism, and take responsibility for own thoughts and actions.

      During these unprecedented times, it's crucial to appreciate the freedom to express opinions and be authentic, as well as to be mindful of the impact of negative comments. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being objective and introspective, and making a distinction between harmful actions and opinions. He acknowledges the power of mass communication through social media and the potential harm of internalizing negative feedback. The speaker also defends the importance of open dialogue, and the distinction between constructive criticism and violent or harmful speech. Ultimately, he encourages individuals to take responsibility for their own thoughts and actions, and to value the freedom to express themselves while respecting others' rights to do the same.

    • People seek authentic experiences and perspectives from alternative platformsBe aware of echo chambers and misinformation, encourage critical thinking and fact-checking, and consider multiple perspectives and sources when evaluating information.

      The absence of credible and factual information from traditional news sources has led people to seek out alternative platforms where they can hear authentic experiences and perspectives. Joe Rogan, for instance, gained a large following during a time of criticism and cancellation due to his honest and uncensored approach. However, it's crucial to be aware of the potential dangers of echo chambers and misinformation, and to encourage critical thinking and fact-checking. Experts should not be blindly trusted, and it's essential to consider multiple perspectives and sources when evaluating information.

    • Evaluating Information and Making Informed DecisionsCritically evaluate information from credible sources, question authority, investigate multiple perspectives, and consider potential biases and agendas to make informed decisions.

      In the age of information overload and lack of trust in institutions, it's essential to critically evaluate information and make informed decisions based on credible sources. The ongoing nature of scientific studies and the complexity of various issues make it crucial to question authority, investigate multiple perspectives, and consider potential biases and agendas. However, with limited time and resources, it can be overwhelming to navigate the vast amount of information available. Therefore, it's essential to prioritize credible sources and engage in ongoing learning to make informed decisions and avoid falling victim to manipulation or control by those seeking to exploit uncertainty or crises for their benefit.

    • Expansion of government power during crises can impact individual freedomsGovernment power expansion during crises can lead to loss of personal autonomy and privacy, potentially with long-term consequences.

      The expansion of government power, even for seemingly justifiable reasons, can have long-lasting and far-reaching consequences that infringe upon individual freedoms. The use of crisis situations to implement policies unrelated to the crisis is a pattern of human behavior that governments can follow, potentially leading to a gradual loss of personal autonomy. The potential for misuse of power, especially in the hands of authoritarian figures, is a real concern. The idea that the government can protect us from threats comes with a cost to our privacy and ability to make decisions for ourselves. The example given was the implementation of intrusive surveillance measures under the guise of preventing terrorism. While it may seem extreme, it's essential to consider the potential consequences of giving up more power to the government, even in the name of safety.

    • The Importance of Listening and Learning from Each OtherRecognize everyone has internal struggles and strive to listen and learn from each other to stay informed and engage in meaningful conversations.

      We live in a time where there is an overwhelming amount of information, but we have limited time and capacity to process it all. People, including experts, don't always have definitive answers, and it's essential to acknowledge the unknown. The speaker shared his experience of interviewing people for a show and learning that everyone has unique struggles, despite appearances. He also reflected on John Stewart's experience as a trusted news source who felt he lost the information war against disinformation. The speaker emphasized the importance of staying informed and engaging in meaningful conversations to better understand different perspectives. Ultimately, it's crucial to recognize that everyone has internal struggles and that we should strive to listen and learn from each other.

    • The Rise of Independent News PlatformsYouTube helped give voice to unique perspectives, transforming journalism with authentic and engaging content, and the importance of ethics and personal experience in journalism.

      The traditional nightly news is facing a decline in trust and relevance due to the rise of independent news platforms. The speaker, who started his career on YouTube, shares his experience of being overlooked by mainstream media and the exhaustion of fighting against the status quo. He praises the impact of independent journalists and their ability to connect with audiences through authentic and engaging content. The speaker also highlights the importance of ethics and personal experience in journalism and the transformative power of platforms like YouTube in giving voice to unique perspectives. The shift towards independent news sources is changing the way people consume information, offering more authentic and engaging alternatives to traditional news outlets.

    • Marijuana Use in Sports: Personal Experience and ControversySome athletes believe marijuana enhances performance while others argue it impairs focus and reaction time, leaving the decision to use it a personal choice

      The use of marijuana in sports, particularly in combat sports like boxing, is a complex issue with valid arguments for and against its use. Mike Tyson shares his personal experience of using marijuana to help manage pain and enhance performance during his training days. The NFL has recently changed its policy to allow players to face fines instead of suspensions for positive marijuana tests. Some athletes, including NBA players and MMA fighters, believe that marijuana enhances their performance by improving focus, movement, and balance. However, others argue that being high can impair reaction time and focus, making it a risk for athletes in high-pressure situations. Ultimately, the decision to use marijuana in sports should be a personal one, considering individual differences in response to the substance.

    • Training in Focused State, Free from DistractionsValuing training in a focused state, free from distractions, can enhance performance and improve overall well-being. David Goggins encouraged training without music to avoid relying on crutches.

      The speaker values the importance of training in a focused state, free from distractions, and often in challenging environments. He shares how David Goggins encouraged him to train without music, as it can become a crutch. The speaker also reflects on his boxing background and how his training for real-life fights involved leaving clubs drunk and tired, suggesting that being in an altered state might be beneficial in those situations. He also discusses his experiences with other martial arts, but ultimately couldn't afford to commit to them consistently. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of being fully present and committed during training, regardless of the specific activity or environment.

    • Boxing: A Strategic Chess Match of Elite StrikingBoxing showcases a strategic and technical battle between two specialists, with a focus on hand-to-hand combat and mental discipline.

      Boxing, with its finite set of skills and focus on mental discipline, offers a unique and captivating chess match between two specialists. The limited resources and high-level execution make it a fascinating display of strategy and technique. While other martial arts have their merits, the singular focus on hand-to-hand combat in boxing allows for the best expression of elite striking abilities. The discussion highlights the admiration for the mental and physical prowess of top boxers, such as Shakur Stevenson, who demonstrate superior technique and strategy in the ring.

    • Mastering multiple individual sports: Skill, dedication, and adaptabilityExceptional athletes can excel in multiple individual sports, but it requires unique skills, dedication, and adaptability for each sport. The mental aspect is crucial, and dismissing the intelligence of fighters is an insult.

      Becoming an elite-level athlete in multiple individual sports like boxing and mixed martial arts requires exceptional skill, dedication, and adaptability. While some natural athletes may possess the physical abilities to excel in both, the unique demands of each sport make it challenging for one person to master them simultaneously. The mental aspect of fighting, including strategic decision-making and quick reaction times, is also crucial. Dismissing the intelligence of fighters is an insult and a lack of objectivity. Crossover success stories, such as Merko Crocop, demonstrate that specializing in one sport and transitioning early in life is a possibility. However, it takes time and dedication to adapt to the new sport's specific demands.

    • Understanding the Differences Between Boxing and MMABoxing and MMA have distinct techniques and training, requiring separate skills. Boxers lack wrestling abilities, while MMA fighters need a solid wrestling foundation.

      While boxing and mixed martial arts (MMA) share some similarities, they are fundamentally different combat sports. Boxers like Julio Cesar Chavez, known for their relentless assaults, may not fare well in MMA due to the lack of wrestling skills and inability to stop takedowns. Conversely, a boxer's power might be overpowering for an average wrestler. Thus, it's crucial for MMA fighters to have a solid wrestling foundation and training. The idea of a crossover fight between a boxing legend like Mike Tyson and an MMA fighter is intriguing but unlikely to yield a fair contest due to the vast differences in techniques and training. Ultimately, these are distinct combat sports, and respecting their unique aspects is essential.

    • Tyson Fury's Hybrid Fight Intention with Francis NgannouTyson Fury plans a hybrid fight with Francis Ngannou despite boxing commission objections, expressing confidence in his abilities but expressing concerns over clinching rules.

      Tyson Fury expressed his intention to have a hybrid fight with smaller gloves against Francis Ngannou, despite objections from boxing commissions. Fury believes he can still win against Ngannou, who has impressive knockout power, but is concerned about the rules of the hybrid fight, specifically regarding clinching. Fans, including the speaker, are excited about the potential spectacle of the fight, regardless of its competitiveness. Fury's confidence in his abilities and desire to prove himself against a new opponent remain strong, even in retirement. The speaker also mentions his admiration for Fury's boxing skills and the potential for full-blown destruction in a hybrid rules situation. However, without clear guidelines on the hybrid rules, the outcome remains uncertain.

    • Blurry Line Between Legal and Illegal Techniques in Combat SportsFighters like Tyson Fury and Francis Ngannou bring unique styles to MMA and boxing, women's boxing is on the rise, and both sports continue to draw large audiences and generate significant revenue.

      The line between legal and illegal techniques in combat sports like MMA and boxing can be blurry, and fighters like Tyson Fury and Francis Ngannou bring unique styles and backgrounds to the table that can make for exciting matches. The recent rise of women's boxing and the increasing competitiveness of the sport have led to high-profile fights and sold-out events, making it important for fans to stay engaged and not miss out on the action. The coincidental scheduling of major boxing and UFC fights on the same weekends is a topic of discussion, but both sports continue to draw large audiences and generate significant revenue.

    • Scheduling sports events on Sunday nights for higher viewershipBroadcasters prioritize Sunday nights for major events due to fan preferences and commitments, and streaming services add convenience for viewers

      Sports broadcasters prioritize scheduling major events on Sunday nights instead of Saturday nights due to audience behavior and preferences. Fans are going to be more likely to stay home and watch a fight on a Sunday night, as opposed to a Saturday night when they may have other plans or commitments. Additionally, broadcasters try to avoid scheduling major events back-to-back with popular competitors to maximize viewership and revenue. The convenience of streaming services, like ESPN Plus, also plays a role, as viewers can watch the event at their own pace without the hassle of recording and fast-forwarding through a DVR.

    • Leveraging platform for boxing successYouTube star Jake Paul used his platform to promote fights, gain visibility for other fighters, and establish a high-profile boxing career despite criticism from purists, showcasing business acumen and hustle.

      Jake Paul's hustle and business acumen have played a significant role in his success in boxing. He has used his platform as a YouTube star to promote fights and gain visibility for other fighters, leading to high-profile matches and sold-out arenas. His impressive knockout record has further fueled his rise in the sport, despite criticism from some boxing purists. If Paul were just a boxer and not a well-known personality, his skills in the ring would still be notable. His technique, footwork, and power are reminiscent of a seasoned boxer, not a novice. Overall, Paul's ability to leverage his unique situation and capitalize on opportunities has propelled him to the forefront of the boxing world.

    • Building a boxing career with less experienced opponentsEarly boxing careers often involve facing less experienced opponents to gain valuable experience, not a reflection of ability or potential.

      The early career of a boxer, especially one with a large following like Jake Paul, involves facing less experienced opponents to gain valuable experience. This is not a reflection of their abilities or potential, but rather a necessary step in their development. Comparing a boxer with a small fight record to established champions like Canelo Alvarez is not fair, as Canelo's impressive trajectory includes consistently challenging himself with high-level opponents. While some may criticize the opponents Jake Paul has been facing, it's important to remember that he's still building his skills and experience in the ring. Additionally, Canelo's own career is a testament to the importance of taking on challenging opponents, regardless of their record or reputation.

    • Discussions for Joshua to step aside for Usyk vs FuryJoshua held out for a bigger fight despite potential offer to step aside, focusing on training and finding a new trainer.

      While there were reports of offers being made for Anthony Joshua to step aside and allow Oleksandr Usyk to fight Tyson Fury instead, the truth of the matter is unclear. What is known is that Joshua was in discussions for a potential deal, but he ultimately denied any agreement had been reached. Regardless, Joshua's decision not to accept the offer and instead focus on training and finding a new trainer was seen as a smart move, given the uncertainty and inconsistency of the boxing world. With few notable opponents available, Joshua's decision to hold out for the biggest possible fight and potential payday made sense, even if it meant missing out on an immediate rematch with Usyk. Ultimately, the legacy and pride associated with being a boxer likely played a role in Joshua's decision.

    • Boxing's fragmented titles create confusionA clearer path to undisputed champions with three titles max is desirable, but the politics and financial incentives make it a challenge.

      The fragmented nature of boxing's governing bodies and the proliferation of multiple titles in each weight class can create confusion and hinder the pursuit of undisputed champions. The idea of having one undisputed champion per weight class, with only three titles maximum, is a more desirable solution. This would make the path to becoming a division's undisputed king clearer and more achievable. The historical significance of certain titles, such as the Ring Magazine belt, adds to the allure of the undisputed moniker. However, the financial incentives of sanctioning bodies and the unpredictability of boxing's politics make the realization of this ideal a challenge.

    • Jake Paul's Unique Approach to BoxingJake Paul's revenue-driven approach to boxing, drawing massive audiences, and ability to sell out arenas make him a valuable asset to the sport, despite controversy surrounding his label as a traditional boxer.

      Jake Paul's approach to boxing as a revenue-driven spectacle creator is unique and should be recognized as a separate category from traditional boxing. He has the ability to draw massive audiences and sell out arenas, making him a valuable asset to the sport. However, trying to compare him to a career boxer or label him as a traditional boxer would lead to controversy. The concept of prize fighting, which Jake Paul embodies, has a rich history in boxing and should be respected for its ability to generate excitement and revenue. While some may argue against a Jake Paul vs. Mike Tyson fight due to potential backlash, the financial incentive could be too great to ignore. Ultimately, Jake Paul's impact on boxing is undeniable and should be acknowledged for its contributions to the sport.

    • Could Mike Tyson have achieved more with modern training?At 55, Mike Tyson's intense training shows his extraordinary athleticism, but every fight takes a toll and moving weight classes can be challenging.

      Mike Tyson's impressive performance at an older age raises the question of what legendary athletes from the past could have achieved with today's technology and training methods. Despite Evander Holyfield's victory, watching Tyson get beaten down left a lasting impression. Tyson's ability to train intensely with modern techniques, even at 55, highlights his extraordinary athleticism. However, it's important to remember that every fight takes a toll, and moving up weight classes and then back down can be particularly challenging. The idea of Canelo Alvarez fighting Roy Jones Jr. is intriguing but raises questions about the physical demands of such a fight for both fighters. Ultimately, the discussion underscores the enduring appeal of watching iconic athletes push their limits.

    • The toll of drastically changing weight for combat sportsAthlete's health and focus on mastering their craft should be prioritized over constantly changing weight and training methods for various combat sports.

      The physical and mental demands of drastically changing one's weight for the sake of competing in multiple combat sports can be detrimental to an athlete's performance and overall well-being. Terence Crawford, an elite boxer and wrestler, is an exceptional example of an athlete who doesn't let the need to switch stances or adapt to different combat sports hinder his competitive spirit and skills. His ability to switch hit and wrestle effectively sets him apart from others in the industry. Additionally, Crawford's killer instinct and determination to win, regardless of the sport or situation, make him a formidable opponent. It's important for athletes to prioritize their health and focus on mastering their craft rather than constantly changing their weight and training methods to adapt to various combat sports.

    • Embracing New Experiences and TraditionsDiscovering new activities can bring joy and fulfillment, even if unconventional. Embrace traditions, find community, and appreciate the value of self-sufficiency and discipline.

      Discovering new activities, like pickleball, can bring joy and fulfillment to one's life, even if it seems unconventional or outside of one's comfort zone. The speaker shares his personal experience of being introduced to pickleball and how it reminded him of his love for tennis, while also being easier on his body. He also reflects on the importance of community and the value of traditions, drawing parallels between his grandfather's love for bowling and his own connection to pickleball. The conversation also touches on the idea of preparation and self-sufficiency, as well as the importance of discipline and focus in various activities, from archery to hunting. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of staying open-minded and embracing new experiences, while also appreciating the value of traditions and community.

    • The value of self-sufficiency and personal autonomySelf-sufficiency and personal autonomy are essential for survival and peace of mind. Trust your abilities and instincts, and strive to be self-reliant and overcome adversity.

      Self-sufficiency and personal autonomy are crucial for survival and peace of mind. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having enough food and resources to last through uncertain times, as well as the value of trusting one's own abilities and instincts rather than relying on others. He shares his personal experiences of growing up without a father and observing people in positions of power behaving poorly, leading him to seek out individuals of exemplary character. The speaker's obsession with fighting and becoming an "outlier" in terms of discipline and ability stems from his desire to find and emulate such individuals. Ultimately, the speaker values self-reliance and the ability to overcome adversity, as opposed to relying on external sources or societal norms.

    • Adversity and its impact on livesAdversity shapes lives, highlighting the importance of community, connection, resilience, and self-reliance.

      Adversity and hardship can shape people's lives in profound ways. A homeless, non-binary individual's actions at a Black Star concert disrupted the moment for many, but it also highlighted the importance of community and connection. The speaker reflects on his own experiences with adversity and how they set him on a trajectory for success. The conversation also touches on the dangers of drugs and the fragility of modern society, emphasizing the importance of resilience and self-reliance. Ultimately, the discussion underscores the idea that everyone faces challenges and that how we respond to them defines our paths in life.

    • The importance of acceptance and focusing on strengthsBe aware of weaknesses, but focus on strengths for personal growth and societal resilience. Recognize the value of pleasure and discipline, and communicate effectively to build trust and understanding.

      Being aware of potential vulnerabilities and preparing for various scenarios is crucial for personal growth and societal resilience. The speaker shares his past experience of constantly finding weaknesses in people and situations, which led him to realize the importance of acceptance and focusing on strengths. He also discusses the importance of recognizing the value of pleasure and discipline, and the need for introspective thinking and effective communication in building trust and understanding in relationships. The potential consequences of a massive solar flare eruption serves as a reminder of the importance of being prepared for unexpected events in both personal and societal contexts.

    • Our past experiences and environments shape our reactions to conflictRecognizing and addressing past experiences and biases is crucial for personal growth and better conflict resolution

      Our past experiences and environments significantly shape our behavior and attitudes, particularly when it comes to our reactions to conflict. The speaker recounted how he used to have a short fuse and a strong desire to prove himself right, which he attributes to a combination of his upbringing and exposure to violence. He also mentioned how certain environments, such as social media or football, can reinforce and amplify these tendencies. However, the speaker learned to recognize and address these weaknesses through discipline and focus, such as through martial arts training or pursuing a new passion like stand-up comedy. Ultimately, understanding and addressing our past experiences and biases is crucial for personal growth and better handling of conflicts.

    • Adversity's impact on personal growth and motivationAdversity shapes our perspectives and motivations, leading us to pursue goals for acceptance and self-worth, but ultimately, we must recognize our intrinsic value and define our self-worth independently.

      Adversity can shape our perspectives and motivations in profound ways. The speaker's experiences in combat sports and lack of a father figure led him to develop a strong work ethic and determination to succeed, but also instilled a deep desire for acceptance and approval from others. This desire drove him to pursue a career in comedy, where he could connect with audiences and be liked. However, he ultimately recognized that his self-worth should not be defined by others' opinions and that his experiences, both positive and negative, have made him who he is today. Ultimately, the speaker's journey illustrates the power of adversity to fuel personal growth and resilience.

    • The power of total dedication to a passionDedicating oneself fully to a passion can lead to great success and a sense of identity and accomplishment, even if it means sacrificing other areas of life.

      Complete focus and dedication to a single passion can lead to great success, even if the path is unconventional or unhealthy in other areas of life. The speaker's intense focus on martial arts from a young age helped her become a champion and feel a sense of worth and belonging. However, she missed out on typical high school experiences and didn't party due to the demands of training. Later, she applied the same level of dedication to comedy, despite the lack of guarantees and initial struggles. The speaker's experience shows that finding something you're good at and fully committing to it can help you overcome feelings of being a "loser" and provide a sense of identity and accomplishment.

    • The Cost of Physical Pursuits on Mental HealthPursuing physical excellence can negatively impact mental health, leading some to seek alternative paths like comedy for mental stimulation and fulfillment.

      The pursuit of physical excellence, such as in martial arts or boxing, can come with a cost to one's mental health. The speaker shares his experience of observing the deterioration of others in the sport and realizing the potential long-term consequences for his own thinking ability and communication skills. This realization led him to reconsider his path and ultimately choose comedy as an alternative, where he could continue to experience the thrill of competition and accomplishment while also engaging his mind. The challenge of comedy required him to think critically and creatively, making it a fulfilling and rewarding experience in a different way.

    • Learning from lossesUse losses as fuel for improvement, don't let emotions define us, and keep pushing forward to develop.

      Success and losing are two sides of the same coin, but it's not about being a constant winner or never losing. Instead, it's about learning from losses, evolving, and not giving up. The speaker shares his personal experience of fighting, where he went from being a loser to a winner, and how he learned to use losses as fuel for improvement. He emphasizes that everyone experiences losses, and it's essential to regroup, learn, and get back in the game. The emotions involved in losing can be intense, but they shouldn't define us. Instead, we should use them as motivation to keep pushing forward and continuing to develop.

    • Overcoming setbacks through martial arts and comedyDespite setbacks and limiting beliefs, keep pushing forward and find new ways to rebuild and grow. Don't define yourself by failures or successes alone, and keep striving for something bigger.

      It's easy to get stuck in a cycle of self-defeat and limiting beliefs, but it's important to keep pushing forward and finding new ways to rebuild and grow. The speaker shares his personal experience of feeling like a failure and being stuck in a rut, but ultimately finding a way to get back on his feet through martial arts and comedy. He emphasizes the importance of not defining oneself by failures and successes alone, and the need to keep striving for something bigger than anxiety or defeatist mentality, especially as an adult with responsibilities. The speaker also shares his experience of finding a way back to the sport of MMA through broadcasting, despite setbacks like knee surgery. Overall, the message is one of perseverance and the importance of keeping a growth mindset, even when faced with challenges and setbacks.

    • Rivalry on the Beach: Ishmael vs. GracieHistoric beach fight between Ishmael and Gracie showcased intense Jiu Jitsu rivalries and demonstrated the martial art's power and effectiveness.

      The early days of Jiu Jitsu were marked by intense rivalries between different schools and fighters. These factions would often engage in unsanctioned fights, or "dojo wars," both on and off the mat. One legendary example of this occurred when Valid Ishmael, a representative of a hard-style Jiu Jitsu school, faced off against Helio Gracie, a pioneer of a more technical style, on the beach in Rio de Janeiro. Helio Gracie, who had previously lost to Carlson Gracie, was brought in for a rematch. Despite being outnumbered and facing a formidable opponent, Ishmael managed to choke Gracie unconscious using a clock choke. This historic moment was a turning point in Jiu Jitsu history and demonstrated the power and effectiveness of the martial art. The beach fight between Ishmael and Gracie was a testament to the intense rivalries and fierce competition that existed between different Jiu Jitsu schools during that time.

    • The Gracie family's role in popularizing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in MMAThe Gracie family, led by Helio Gracie, showcased the effectiveness of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in early UFC events, contributing to its widespread adoption in MMA through their focus on ground fighting and submission holds.

      The Gracie family, specifically Helio Gracie and his students, played a significant role in popularizing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu through early UFC events. They used these opportunities to demonstrate the effectiveness of their martial art, leading to its widespread adoption in MMA. Helio Gracie's smooth Portuguese accent and early videos showcasing Gracie Jiu-Jitsu techniques contributed to its growing popularity. Despite facing opponents with various fighting styles, the Gracie family's focus on ground fighting and submission holds proved successful. Their success paved the way for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu to become a dominant force in modern MMA.

    • The Challenges of Being a ComedianBecoming a successful comedian requires perseverance, learning from setbacks, and finding your unique voice and audience.

      Comedy, especially performing on stage, can be a challenging and painful experience for comedians. Bombing on stage, or receiving negative feedback, can lead to feelings of depression and self-loathing. However, it's important to remember that everyone experiences losses and setbacks, and these moments can be used as opportunities to learn and grow. There is no easy path to becoming a successful comedian, as everyone's style is unique and there are no formal training programs or "comedy dojos." Instead, comedians must persevere through the tough times, keep writing and performing, and eventually find their voice and audience. The first time on stage in front of an unfamiliar audience can be nerve-wracking and may not go well, but each experience is a step towards improvement. Ultimately, the goal is to see the path forward and keep going, with the hope of eventually achieving success in the industry.

    • Joe Rogan's biggest opponent was himselfThroughout his life, Joe Rogan faced his toughest battles internally, constantly working to overcome self-doubts and weaknesses, leading to personal growth.

      Throughout Joe Rogan's life, he faced his biggest opponent not in external forces, but within himself. He shared stories of his dedication to martial arts and comedy, but eventually had to quit due to his commitment to these passions. Later, he worked as a private investigator's assistant, which led him to meet a friend who owned a comedy club. Despite various challenges and adversities, Rogan emphasized that his internal struggle was the most significant. He consistently battles his own weaknesses and self-doubts each day, making him a formidable opponent and driving his personal growth.

    • Embracing challenges for personal growthPush yourself daily to beat weaknesses, life isn't easy, embrace challenges, step out of comfort zone, and continue learning to grow mentally and emotionally.

      Overcoming inner weaknesses and challenges is essential for personal growth and mental health. This was a recurring theme in the conversation between the interviewee and Joe Rogan. The interviewee shared how he pushes himself daily to beat his weaknesses, whether it's through intense workouts or tackling new projects. He emphasized that life should not be easy and that embracing challenges helps make the rest of life easier. The interviewee also highlighted the importance of staying outside of one's comfort zone and continuing to learn and grow. He shared how his podcast, "Luminaries," was born from a desire to explore the passion and inner battles of successful people, which required him to step out of his boxing comfort zone and engage with individuals from various backgrounds. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of staying mentally and emotionally strong by continually challenging oneself and conquering inner weaknesses.

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    Freeway Rick Ross is a former eighties drug kingpin who is now an author, motivational speaker, and community advocate. www.freewayrickyross.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2162 - Tim Dillon

    #2162 - Tim Dillon
    Tim Dillon is a stand-up comic, actor, and host of "The Tim Dillon Show" podcast. His latest comedy special, "Tim Dillon: A Real Hero," is available on Netflix. Look for his book "Death by Boomers: How the Worst Generation Destroyed the Planet, but First a Child" in 2024. www.timdilloncomedy.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    JRE MMA Show #158 with Tank Abbott

    JRE MMA Show #158 with Tank Abbott
    Joe sits down with David “Tank” Abbott, a retired professional mixed martial artist, former pro wrestler, and pioneer in the world of combat sports. www.ufc.com/athlete/tank-abbott Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2161 - Tony Hinchcliffe

    #2161 - Tony Hinchcliffe
    Tony Hinchcliffe is a stand-up comedian, writer, and actor. He's also the co-host, along with Brian Redban, of the podcast and live YouTube show "Kill Tony." https://tonyhinchcliffe.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Bio for Linda Crockett 

    Linda Crockett is a workplace psychological harassment specialist, trauma therapist and the Founder and CEO of Alberta Bullying Research Resources and Recovery Centre. Her passion for this cause arose after 22 years of social work, when she found herself in a difficult workplace situation, hitting rock bottom, as she describes it. 

    Episode highlight

    As a Scottish-Canadian, Linda Crockett didn’t know where she belonged. Listen in on how she grew to help people assert their place in a world that she didn’t always find welcoming. 


    Email: lrmcrockett@gmail.com

    Twitter: @bullyingalberta

    Facebook: @workerssafety

    LinkedIn: Linda Crockett

    Website: www.abrc.ca 


    “Workplace bullying is primarily psychological abuse.”

    “Being human is about accepting that I am not perfect.”

    “Your greatest tool is self-insight, is self-monitoring, is being aware.” 


    Childhood incidents:

    Linda’s parents had moved to Canada from Scotland when she was very young. Her mother’s depression and alcoholism impacted Linda deeply. She was inspired to do more and better with her life. From her father, Linda learnt lessons of hard work and integrity. 

    Groups you were born into and belonged to: 

    Being a Scottish-Canadian, she was teased by both groups for traits she picked up from either. She also grew up in a Protestant family who reprimanded her for speaking to, aspiring to be like or having crushes on Catholics. 

    Al-Anon was a solace for Linda. It inspired her to begin a spiritual journey, seek her own truths and develop her core values. 

    Linda has been most influenced by her profession of social work which has influenced her thoughts and personality. 

    Temperament and personality influences

    Linda has always been a sensitive person. She has now learnt to accept that and draw personal boundaries in an otherwise harsh world. 

    A time I became aware that my way of doing things was cultural and specific to my cultural experience

    As a social worker, Linda approached her work with all her heart, and found that others didn’t always resonate with her investment in her work. 

    Advice to an employer to work with me

    Linda says that to work with her, she needs to be reassured that all the policies and procedures of the workplace are aligned with the current Occupational Health and Safety Act which will protect the staff from any harm. She would also like to see separate training opportunities for staff and leadership. 

    More great insights from our guest! 

    Linda’s organization celebrates Workplace Bullying Awareness Week every year in October. If you are someone who is or has been a victim, bystander or perpetrator of workplace bullying, she has resources and can help! 

    Support the show

    #398 How To Find Happiness, Tune Into Your Intuition & Make Friends With Your Thoughts with Light Watkins

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    Could you live out of a single backpack? Not for a few weeks or months, but as a lifestyle choice? Well, five years ago, today’s guest gave up his luxury apartment, its contents, his cars and all his possessions – apart from those that fit into his trusty backpack.


    Light Watkins has been practising daily meditation for 20 years and teaching it for 15. He’s a mindfulness expert and the bestselling author of four books. His latest book, Travel Light: Spiritual Minimalism to Live a More Fulfilled Life might sound like a guide to decluttering – and in some ways it is. But Light is not necessarily talking about us getting rid of our possessions, he’s trying to help us clear away our inner clutter - the mental baggage that weighs us down, so that we can better see the path to fulfilment and happiness.


    Light believes that we should be following our hearts more, and our heads less. This involves knowing our values, tuning in to our curiosity and then taking small leaps of faith towards our purpose. He explains why a daily practice of stillness and contemplation is so important and shares practical advice that will help you make friends with your thoughts and turn your mind into your ally. He also explains how meditation works to dissolve stress and feed our intuition.


    It really is a fantastic conversation that takes us to some really deep and meaningful places - we discuss whether time can ever really be wasted. Light talks us through his own minimalist fitness regime – and you’ll find out why he thinks meditation is like a Rubik’s Cube, as well as why he sometimes takes his showers fully clothed!


    Above all, Light’s minimalist philosophy is about breaking free from the ‘achievements bring happiness’ approach to life and discovering that happiness really does come from within.  I hope you enjoy listening.

    Support the podcast and enjoy Ad-Free episodes. Try FREE for 7 days on Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/feelbetterlivemore. For other podcast platforms go to https://fblm.supercast.com.

    Thanks to our sponsors:





    Show notes https://drchatterjee.com/398

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