
    183. How to bounce back stronger after emotional defeat

    enFebruary 21, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Embrace Defeats with ResilienceFocus on removing excessive fear and allowing ourselves to explore life freely after defeats, believing in our resilience to bounce back faster

      It's important to face defeats with resilience instead of fearing the worst-case scenario. Defeats can come in various forms, such as losing a job, not getting what we want, or experiencing heartbreak. It's natural to feel defeated and fear the potential consequences, but it's essential to remember that we are more capable than we think. Fear can limit our actions and prevent us from living our lives to the fullest. Instead, we should focus on removing excessive fear and allowing ourselves to explore life more freely. If we do get defeated, we have the tools to bounce back faster than we might think. The key is to believe in our resilience and not let fear hold us back.

    • Learning from defeat leads to growth and happinessConsuming certain natural substances like amygdala in apple and apricot seeds can release hydrogen cyanide, interfering with cellular energy production and potentially causing harm

      Resilience and learning from defeat can lead to growth and happiness. The realization of one's ability to bounce back can help reduce fear of future setbacks. Meanwhile, in the realm of science, the key takeaway is the potential danger of consuming certain natural substances, such as amygdala found in apple seeds and apricot seeds. When ingested, amygdala interacts with enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract, converting it into hydrogen cyanide, which interferes with the mitochondria in cells and prevents them from producing ATP, the energy source for cellular functions. Cyanide is a fast-acting toxin, especially when inhaled, and can prevent cells from generating the energy they need to function properly.

    • Cyanide disrupts the electron transport chain, halting ATP productionCyanide binds to a cox enzyme, disrupting the electron transport chain and limiting ATP production, leading to muscle spasms, lactic acid buildup, coma, or death. An antidote, amyl nitrate, can restore normal ATP production by unblocking the cyanide-cox enzyme bond.

      The electron transport chain in our cells, responsible for producing ATP through the interaction of electrons and proteins, can be disrupted by cyanide. This disruption occurs when cyanide binds to a cox enzyme, halting the electron flow and limiting ATP production. The body then relies on anaerobic energy production, which produces less ATP and leads to muscle spasms and a buildup of lactic acid. Extreme cyanide poisoning can lead to coma or death due to heart failure. However, there is an antidote, amyl nitrate, which can unblock the cyanide-cox enzyme bond and restore normal ATP production. It's important to remember that the dose makes the poison, and while a large dose can be deadly, a small dose may cause only minor symptoms. The antidote must also be used in moderation to avoid affecting the red blood cells' oxygen-carrying function.

    • Finding Power in LossLoss can provide unexpected power and perspective, enabling us to take risks and try new things. Embrace the shift in perspective and seize opportunities.

      Hitting rock bottom or experiencing significant loss can provide unexpected power and perspective. When we've lost everything, we're in a unique position where the stakes are lower and we have more freedom to take risks and try new things. This newfound power can lead us to do seemingly crazy things, like moving to a new city or pursuing a passion we once thought was impossible. Additionally, experiencing loss can give us a fresh perspective on life and help us see things from a different angle. It's important to recognize and make the most of these moments, as they don't come around often. So, when you're feeling defeated, remember that you're in a powerful position to take risks and change things up. Embrace the perspective shift and see what opportunities present themselves.

    • Finding perspective through tough timesEmbrace defeat as a learning experience, reassess values, and let go of relationships that don't align with them for personal growth and stronger comeback

      Going through tough times can provide valuable perspective and help us reassess what truly matters in life. The speaker shares how her greatest heartbreak and the passing of her grandparents during the same year gave her a newfound appreciation for strong, enduring love and helped her let go of a relationship that didn't align with her values. When faced with defeat, it's essential to look at the situation from different angles, learn from it, and consider whether the lost opportunity is worth pursuing in the long run. Embracing defeat as a learning experience can lead to personal growth and the acquisition of new skills, ultimately setting us up for a stronger comeback.

    • Learning from DefeatEmbrace defeat, acknowledge mistakes, take ownership, self-reflect, learn, and be vulnerable to new experiences.

      Embracing defeat and learning from mistakes is essential for growth. It's important to acknowledge our role in the situation and take ownership of our actions. True defeat occurs when we fully accept the situation and let go of excuses. This humbling experience can lead to self-reflection and help us learn about ourselves. Courage is necessary to put ourselves out there again and be vulnerable. Defeat doesn't have to hinder us, but rather, it can help us grow by making us more vulnerable and open to new experiences. Remember, the next time you face defeat, instead of playing the victim, take ownership and use it as an opportunity to learn and grow.

    • Embrace defeat and contrast for growthView defeat and contrast as opportunities for growth and learning, rather than reasons to give up or avoid

      Defeat and contrast are essential parts of life. Defeat is an opportunity to build resilience and courage, rather than a reason to give up. Life is full of contrasts, and embracing them is necessary to experience the full range of emotions and growth. By avoiding the lows, we also miss out on the highs, and it's through vulnerability and facing challenges that we can truly live and thrive. So, instead of fearing defeat or contrast, we should view them as opportunities for growth and learning. Embracing the ups and downs of life allows us to fully engage in our experiences and make the most of our time on Earth.

    • Embrace new experiences during times of changeMaximize opportunities for growth during significant change or loss, consider alternative possibilities, and do something new or different to heal and move on effectively.

      During times of significant change or loss, it's essential to embrace new experiences and opportunities instead of falling back into old patterns. This window of opportunity allows you to create a clear separation between your old and new self. Don't limit yourself to thinking that your current life is the only possible path. Expand your mind and consider all the alternative possibilities available to you. Remember, this is the time when you may feel like you have nothing to lose, so maximize the opportunity and do something crazy or different that you've always wanted to try. By doing so, you'll heal faster and move on more effectively.

    • Turning defeat into growthWhen faced with defeat, evaluate our desires, lean on support, and stay open-minded to discover new possibilities.

      Life presents us with endless possibilities, and defeat is an opportunity to explore alternative paths rather than a dead end. Pain is inevitable, but suffering is a choice. When faced with defeat, it's essential to evaluate whether we truly wanted the thing we lost or if it's time to pursue other passions we may have neglected. Leaning on our inner circle during difficult times can help us process our emotions, find gratitude, and even find moments of levity. By staying open-minded and leaning on our support system, we can turn defeat into growth and discover new possibilities for our lives.

    • Assessing the value of revisiting old journalsIf past experiences bring peace, no need to revisit. For unresolved issues, skim old journals for patterns and work on underlying causes.

      If you have fully dealt with past painful experiences and feel at peace with them, there is no need to revisit them through journaling or rewriting old entries. However, if you find yourself still struggling with unresolved issues that are hindering your present, it may be beneficial to skim through old journals to identify patterns or triggers and work on addressing the underlying causes with therapy or self-reflection. Ultimately, the decision to keep or discard old journals depends on whether revisiting them would provide value or cause unnecessary emotional distress.

    • Reflecting on the Past Through JournalingWhile journaling can provide insights and emotional release, be mindful not to dwell excessively on past experiences to maintain a healthy perspective and focus on the present.

      While it can be beneficial to revisit the past through journaling, it's important to be mindful and selective about what we choose to focus on. Constantly dwelling on past experiences can be detrimental and toxic, and instead, we should focus on the present and what we can do to enrich our lives in the now. Journaling can be a helpful tool for processing emotions and understanding ourselves, but it's essential to strike a balance and avoid getting stuck in the past. Ultimately, the choice is ours on what we choose to focus on and how we use journaling to improve our mental health and well-being.

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    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

    Find more great podcasts like this at www.listnr.com


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Central Sensitization and chronic pain: the phenomena when there is an enhancement in the function of the neurons and the circuits that are involved in nociceptive pathways causing an echo or remembered pain. It happens because of an increase in membrane excitability and synaptic efficacy. It’s a great example for how neuroplasticity works in a negative way and has been linked to chronic pain.



    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

    Find more great podcasts like this at www.listnr.com

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Do You F*cking Mind?
    enMay 15, 2024

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    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

    Find more great podcasts like this at www.listnr.com

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    HIIT – High Intensity Interval Training, cortisol and over-training syndrome.

    Read about Overtraining Syndrome here https://bit.ly/overtraining-syndrome .



    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

    Find more great podcasts like this at www.listnr.com

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

    Find more great podcasts like this at www.listnr.com

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    330. HEAD NOISE: The Ick List, Blind or Blindsided and Should I Stay or Should I Go?

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    And then I get into Head Noise where I answer your questions – this week it’s all about heartbreak in long term relationships.

    1. How do you handle a relationship when your mind is telling you to run but your heart says otherwise? Me and my boyfriend are in our 20s and have been dating for a few years long distance.  Early on there was some lying and deception and we broke up, but I gave him a second chance as I thought he needed time to adjust from his single life to being coupled. I thought we were in a loving truthful relationship since then. But I have recently found out he has been texting 2 women. I feel it’s disrespectful, and my lack of trust from the previous lying has come back. He also follows Twitter pages with sexually explicit content. I’m a very trusting and open-minded person but I feel this relationship has made me insecure and untrusting particularly because we are long distance.
    2. Blind or Blindsided: Last night my bf of 3 years came home from work and said we needed to talk and that this wasn’t working and he didn’t love me anymore. I didn’t see this coming at all. We recently opened a business together. We regularly have sex, said I love you, planned for the future, and last week got back from a holiday together. He said he hasn’t felt a connection for some time due to my negativity and that he said he wanted kids (I’m 41 and have had ovarian failure. We’ve gone through a round of IVF together). How was he able to completely blindside me without me realising anything was up – he has gone to a new place to live so he’s clearly had time to plan this without my picking up on it.



    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

    Find more great podcasts like this at www.listnr.com

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

    Find more great podcasts like this at www.listnr.com

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    And then I get into Head Noise where I answer your questions.

    1. I'm 24, forever single, thriving and upset with men. ‘ve been single my whole life and honestly thrive. But I’m curious about what its’ like in a partnership and am open to a boyfriend but very rarely do I get genuinely excited by a guy. When I do I REALLY do. But every guy I’ve ever like has had another girl in their lives they choose over me. I feel like a second choice or someone’s back up. One guy literally said that I was his second choice once a few year ago lol. Am I doing something wrong? And How can I make it hurt less when I don’t feel chosen?
    2. My dad and I have a good relationship when he’s in a good space, but when he’s in a bad place he can be a real arsehole Recently he and I got in a fight over text, and at the next family hang out I went to say hello to him and he gave me the most awkward side hug and barely talked to me. What do I do – I want a relationship with my dad but his behaviour is really childish and hurtful.



    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

    Find more great podcasts like this at www.listnr.com


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Guest: Matthew Hussey .
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

    Find more great podcasts like this at www.listnr.com


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    326. HEAD NOISE: The MANY Lies Exes Tell, Growing Apart, I Cheated on my Husband

    326. HEAD NOISE: The MANY Lies Exes Tell, Growing Apart, I Cheated on my Husband

    First I have a life update about something TRULY shocking that happened to me over the weekend, and I go through your stories of things men have lied to you about!

    Then I get into Head Noise where I answer your questions. In today’s episode we’ve got two really opposite topics!

    1. My husband and I are in out mid 20s and have been together since our late 20s. His family are very close with him. I have recently realised that I have always put his needs above mine – his personality has become my personality. I want to do so much more, experience the world and step outside my comfort zone. I want to put off having kids for a while and he doesn’t accept or understand it. I want change and he is so happy and content without change. We’re growing apart and I don’t know what to do.
    2. I’ve cheated on my husband with someone I had a huge connection with. We’ve ended it now as we are both married and decided we didn’t want to leave our partners for each other. Now that it is fully ended I don’t feel like I need to tell my husband as our relationship has really improved. I would just be unburdening my conscience to ruin lives, when I’ve already shut down that cheating relationship and am moving forward with my life. How do I alleviate the feelings of guilt that are clouding my moving forward.



    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

    Find more great podcasts like this at www.listnr.com

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Intro and background credits:

    Cherry Monday by Kevin MacLeod
    Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3495-cherry-monday
    License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

    Wish Background by Kevin MacLeod
    Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4633-wish-background
    License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

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