
    Podcast Summary

    • Military pilots detected unusual radar contacts in restricted areas from late 2013 to early 2014.Unidentified objects with erratic flight patterns were detected by military pilots using advanced radar systems in restricted areas, defying typical aircraft behavior.

      Between late 2013 and early 2014, military pilots, including Ryan Graves with an engineering background and experience flying F-18s for the Navy, began noticing unusual radar contacts in their upgraded radar systems. These contacts appeared in restricted military operating areas, but not in restricted airspace. The objects were detected over water and displayed erratic flight patterns, moving in ways that defied typical aircraft behavior. The upgraded radar system, which was more advanced and digital, allowed for the detection of more and smaller objects, but their presence was unexpected. The objects were not over land and did not follow a predictable flight path. The military did not restrict access to these areas, but objects entering controlled airspace required permission. The radar data provided information on the objects' location, velocity, and direction, but not their shape or size. These objects displayed unconventional flight characteristics, leading to ongoing curiosity and investigation.

    • Unusual radar detections defy explanationRadar detected objects exhibited unpredictable behaviors, posed a safety risk, and remained unexplained in nature

      The objects detected on military radar were not easily explainable and exhibited unusual behaviors such as stationary positions, meandering flight paths, and racetrack patterns, sometimes at high altitudes and airspeeds. These objects were not visible to the naked eye but could be detected through radar and infrared imaging. Initially, they were dismissed as errors or non-physical objects, but as more detections occurred and they were observed visually through FLIR systems, they became a safety concern due to the potential hazard they posed to aircraft. The objects were not following predictable flight patterns and could be moving at speeds ranging from stationary to supersonic. Their true nature and origin remain unexplained.

    • Unusual aerial phenomena and efficient flight pathsPilots reported observing unexplained dark objects inside spheres, moving in racetrack patterns and remaining stationary, potentially utilizing efficient flight paths for their own purposes.

      The efficient flight path of aircraft plays a crucial role in minimizing energy consumption and maintaining position. Witnessing unusual aerial phenomena, described as black or dark gray cubes inside clear, translucent spheres, was a common occurrence for pilots. These objects, reportedly floating and flying around the sky, defied simple explanations. While some may dismiss these accounts as UFOs or UAPs, their descriptions share similarities. The objects moved in racetrack patterns and remained stationary for extended periods, suggesting they may have been using the efficient flight path for their own purposes. Pilots reported seeing these objects every day, and one even described having a close encounter. Despite the expense and limited opportunities to study these phenomena, further investigation is warranted to understand their nature and potential implications.

    • F-18 jet radar system not suitable for analyzing unknown objectsPilots cannot solely rely on radar data to identify unidentified objects and need proper scientific tools for analysis, as radar systems are designed for targeting, not scientific inquiry. Unidentified objects, some larger than expected and flying in formations, pose a safety hazard and have caused near-midair collisions.

      The F-18 jet's radar system is not a scientific tool for analyzing unknown objects, but rather a tool for prosecuting targets. Therefore, when pilots encounter unidentified objects exhibiting unusual behaviors, they cannot rely solely on their radar data to make conclusions. Instead, they need proper scientific tools to conduct a thorough analysis. Additionally, these objects, which some pilots have reported to be larger than expected and flying in formations, remain a safety hazard and have caused near-midair collisions. The pilots' reports of these encounters were initially met with skepticism and jokes within the community, but as the potential danger became more apparent, safety reports were filed, and a notice to airmen was issued.

    • Encounters with Unidentified Objects by PilotsPilots reported unidentified objects with no discernible propulsion, heat signature, or wings, leaving them feeling uneasy and frustrated. New radar systems revealed an unknown aerial landscape, potentially involving extraterrestrial phenomena, requiring pilots to adapt and report truthfully.

      Between 2014-ish and the present, pilots have reported encountering unidentified objects in their operating areas, which were not explained by known drones or jets. These objects did not exhibit any visible method of propulsion, heat signature, or wings. They appeared to be flying without emitting heat or producing a discernible emission. Pilots were left feeling a sense of unease and frustration, as these objects were not a priority due to other operational concerns. The discovery of these objects through new radar systems led to a sense of disorientation, as pilots had to adapt to the new reality of an unknown aerial landscape. The potential implications of these encounters, which could involve extraterrestrial or otherworldly phenomena, were a source of intrigue and concern for the pilots. Ultimately, the pilots felt a responsibility to report these encounters truthfully, as they were on the front lines of observing the unknown.

    • Military encounters with unexplained aerial phenomenaMilitary personnel have observed unexplained aerial phenomena during training and deployments, including objects resembling discs with energy emanating from their poles, but official acknowledgement and investigation are lacking.

      During military deployments, personnel encounter unexplained aerial phenomena, which were observed during training cycles and operational theater. For instance, during a work-up cycle in Jacksonville, Florida, infrared footage captured an object rotating in the sky, resembling a disc with energy emanating from its poles. The size of the object could be estimated based on the velocity vector in the footage. However, definitive evidence of its rotation or existence is not available, as it is only captured through video footage. Military personnel have encountered similar phenomena before deployments and during deployments, but official acknowledgement and investigation are lacking.

    • Unidentified aerial phenomenon observed during military training exerciseDuring military training, jet crew saw unexplained aerial activity in a wedge formation with one object behaving erratically, leaving experts puzzled

      During a military training exercise off the coast of Florida, the crew of a jet observed unusual aerial activity on their situational awareness page. They saw a formation of objects flying in a wedge shape, with one object, referred to as the "gimbal object," following behind and below. The formation turned sharply, causing the objects to scatter and lose formation. The gimbal object then made a sudden reversal and resumed following the formation, appearing to make a U-turn in the air. The crew described the objects as moving in a way that didn't conform to known aircraft behavior, and they couldn't identify what they were. When modeled, the flight path of the gimbal object followed an unexpected equation, further adding to the mystery. This observation remains unexplained and has fueled speculation and debate.

    • Military pilots encounter UAP with complex maneuvers and unexplained behaviorUnexplained UAP encounters by military pilots involve intricate maneuvers and cannot be replicated by current drone technology, raising questions about their capabilities and intentions.

      The encounter of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) by military pilots involves complex maneuvers and unexplained behavior that cannot be replicated by current drone technology. This incident, which occurred near an aircraft carrier, raised questions about the capabilities and intentions of these objects, especially since they were detected in protected airspace with no concern for fuel efficiency. The pilots' debriefing process led to the leak of FLIR footage, but the accompanying radar data remained classified due to national security concerns. The gimbal object, which was different from previous UAP sightings, remained a mystery, and efforts are being made to analyze and declassify the data using engineering and scientific methods.

    • Encounter with an Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon leaves Intelligence Personnel and Aviators BaffledAn encounter with a UAP left intelligence personnel and aviators puzzled, with no clear protocol for how to handle such situations, highlighting the need for clearer guidelines and open dialogue.

      During an encounter with an unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP), a group of intelligence personnel and aviators were left puzzled and intrigued by what they witnessed. The object, which had a unique shape, was not easily discernible from the IR energy signature they observed. The reaction in the room was one of awe and uncertainty, with no immediate conclusions drawn. Some members of the intelligence community were aware of the encounter, but there was no clear protocol in place for how to handle such situations. The Admiral was consulted, but his reaction was nonchalant, leading some to believe he had encountered similar phenomena before. Despite the lack of a definitive response, the encounter left a lasting impression on those involved, and further discussions and investigations ensued. Overall, the encounter highlighted the need for clearer guidelines and a more open dialogue about how to approach and understand UAPs.

    • Unidentified Objects: Shapes and SightingsReports of unidentified objects with various shapes like cubes, gimbals, and tic-tacs have been observed by military personnel and civilians. The military and intelligence community are collecting data using both classified sensors and commercial technology, but addressing observation bias and expanding searches are necessary.

      There have been reports of unidentified objects, described as having various shapes like cubes, gimbals, and tic-tacs, observed by military personnel and civilians across different regions, particularly on the East and West Coasts. These observations date back decades, but the topic gained significant attention in 2017 when the New York Times published a story about it, making it a serious subject for discussion. The military and intelligence community have been collecting data on these objects using both classified government sensors and commercial technology. Despite the advancements, there is still a need to address observation bias and potentially expand the search for these objects in various locations. The conversation around these unidentified objects continues to evolve, with many people paying closer attention due to increased media coverage and disclosures from authorities. From an aviation safety perspective, these objects pose a potential risk, and ongoing investigations aim to identify their nature and origin.

    • Effective communication crucial for addressing UAP reportsOpen communication and timely responses are vital to encourage reporting of UAP in aviation, ensuring safety and uncovering potential evidence.

      Open communication and feedback are crucial in addressing the increasing reports of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) in the aviation industry. The recent implementation of reporting mechanisms by the government and military is a step in the right direction, but it's essential to ensure that pilots and aircrew receive timely and meaningful responses. Failure to do so may result in a decrease in reporting, leading to a lack of understanding and potential safety risks. The ongoing curiosity and reporting of these phenomena suggest that there is a significant amount of undisclosed evidence, and further investigation and collaboration between experts and the military are necessary to uncover the true nature of these UAP. Additionally, the possibility of these phenomena occurring more frequently in oceanic areas may be due to limited visibility and detection technologies in water compared to the air.

    • Understanding potential technological capabilitiesStay informed about technological advancements and approach unknown capabilities with a scientific mindset to ensure safety and counter potential threats.

      Understanding potential technological capabilities, whether they come from an adversary or an unknown origin, is crucial for ensuring safety and countering potential threats. This can range from aircraft flying without communication to objects moving at high speeds through different mediums like air and water. The challenge lies in reacting appropriately, as observation and data collection can be just as dangerous as hostile intent. The concept of a craft operating seamlessly in both air and water is intriguing but presents significant scientific questions regarding propulsion and material interactions. It's essential to approach such topics with a scientific mindset and open-mindedness, avoiding jumping to conclusions and instead focusing on gathering and analyzing credible information.

    • UAP and the Reactor with Element 115The UAP discussed in the documentary, with their seemingly impossible flight capabilities, have renewed interest in the topic. Bob Lazar's claims of a reactor using Element 115 for propulsion, bending space and time, gained credibility with its discovery in the 2000s, but the validity of his story remains uncertain.

      The Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) or "flying saucers" discussed in the documentary have been a topic of controversy for decades. Bob Lazar, a key figure in the discussion, claimed that these objects use a reactor with Element 115 for propulsion, creating a gravity field that allows them to bend space and time. This element was proven to exist in the 2000s, adding credibility to Lazar's claims. However, the validity of Lazar's story remains uncertain due to the lack of concrete evidence and the long-standing nature of the tale. Despite this, the recent detection of UAP with seemingly impossible flight capabilities has renewed interest in the topic. As technology advances, there is hope that data and science will be used to move the conversation forward and potentially uncover the truth behind these mysterious phenomena.

    • Discovering potential non-human intelligence with machine learningClear communication and transparency are crucial when discussing discoveries of potential non-human intelligence with decision-makers, even in classified settings.

      The advancement of machine learning and artificial intelligence has led to the discovery of potential non-human intelligence on Earth, and this technology can help us better understand these phenomena by revealing patterns that human brains may not be able to identify. However, the lack of open discussion about these discoveries can lead to stressful situations, such as being called to testify before Congress in uniform without warning. During this experience, the importance of clear communication and transparency was emphasized, as decision-makers showed genuine interest in understanding these discoveries but had to navigate the classified information involved.

    • Discussions about UAPs were not classified but are now less common due to the UAP Task Force and classification.High-level individuals within the Department of Defense are investigating UAPs, which exhibit extraordinary speeds and seem to anticipate military plans, suggesting they're not rare occurrences.

      Despite public belief, the information about UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) was not classified at the time it was discussed. However, due to the establishment of the UAP Task Force and its classification, such discussions are now less common. The speaker has had conversations with high-level individuals about these phenomena, and efforts are being made within the Department of Defense to investigate and understand them. The mysterious nature of these objects was emphasized, with some exhibiting extraordinary speeds and seemingly being able to anticipate military plans. The speaker also shared a personal account of a pilot encountering an object that exhibited such behavior. These incidents suggest that UAPs are not rare occurrences.

    • Unidentified objects detected on military jetsMilitary jets have encountered unseen objects using radar, but have been unable to visually identify them, leaving some to question our understanding of the physical world.

      There are unidentified objects that have been detected using advanced radar systems on military jets, but have proven difficult to visually identify. These objects have been encountered at close ranges, yet have remained invisible to the pilots. The earliest known sightings of these objects were around late 2013 and early 2014. The pilots use various tools and sensors to assess other aircraft during merges, but have been unable to see these unidentified objects despite their close proximity. It is unclear if these objects are not physically present or if they employ some sort of cloaking mechanism or visual deception. The encounter has led some to question our assumptions about our place in the universe and the limitations of our current understanding of the physical world.

    • Expanding our Perspective on Intelligent LifeConsidering the possibility of intelligent life beyond Earth challenges assumptions in science, economics, sociology, and more. The universe's vastness and complexity may hold new discoveries and implications for humanity's future.

      Our perspective can be expanded to consider that we may not be the only intelligent beings in the universe. This realization can lead us to question other assumptions we hold, not just about UAPs, but in various scientific, economic, and sociological fields. The speaker also ponders the possibility of native Earth intelligent beings and the implications of technological innovation on humanity's future. Additionally, the conversation touches on the idea that humanity might be creating a new life form through technology, which could be unhindered by human intervention and instincts. Overall, the conversation encourages us to challenge our assumptions and consider the vastness and complexity of the universe.

    • The merging of biology and technology raises questions about human evolution and our desire for constant improvementTechnology's rapid advancement and potential god-like powers could challenge humanity and the universe, questioning origins, societal adaptation, and the existence of alien life.

      The rapid advancement of technology and the merging of the biological and technological worlds could be a result of an accelerated evolution or manipulation by an intelligent force. This raises questions about the origins of human evolution and our insatiable desire for constant improvement. Our culture and society may struggle to keep up with the technological progression, but it's possible that we could eventually gain god-like powers and control over the physical universe. The lack of alien life in the universe could be due to their ability to eliminate greed and sexual reproduction, allowing them to avoid expanding and consuming resources at an unsustainable rate. Ultimately, the future of technology and its impact on humanity and the universe is an intriguing mystery that continues to unfold.

    • Merging with AI: The Future of Human EvolutionThe future of human evolution may involve merging with AI, creating advanced beings or artificial life forms, and transcending space and time with potential advancements like instantaneous travel and elimination of physical boundaries.

      The future of human evolution may involve merging with artificial intelligence, leaving behind emotional and biological needs to create exponentially powerful technology. This process could lead to the creation of advanced beings or artificial life forms that interact with us on a peer level. The end goal is the ability to transcend space and time, with potential advancements like instantaneous travel and the elimination of physical boundaries. Some believe this could involve the creation of beings that resemble us but are not human, such as drones or disembodied intelligences. The development of technology like Elon Musk's Neuralink is a step in this direction, and the potential for instantaneous travel through element 115 is an intriguing possibility. Ultimately, the future may involve leaving behind our human limitations and becoming something new and extraordinary.

    • Transcending Instincts for a Cooperative SocietyTo create a more cooperative society, we may need to eliminate biological urges and strive for mastery over the material world, potentially leading to the elimination of war but also the loss of cherished human experiences.

      Human beings have instincts rooted in survival and reproduction, which can lead to destructive behaviors like war and resource hoarding. To transcend these limitations and create a more cooperative society, we may need to eliminate biological urges and strive for mastery over the material world. This could potentially lead to the elimination of war, but we would also lose cherished aspects of human experience like music, comedy, and romance. Ultimately, the goal would be to become a more advanced, emotionless species capable of logical, rational thinking and universal cooperation. This is a radical concept that raises many questions about what it means to be human and what we value most in life.

    • The Future of Experiences: From Physical to Technologically EnhancedAs technology advances, we may shift from physical experiences to technologically enhanced ones for convenience, safety, and superior benefits. This could involve virtual or augmented reality, advanced AI, and a merging of human and artificial intelligence.

      As technology advances, we may transition from valuing physical experiences to seeking technologically enhanced ones that offer superior benefits. This could include virtual or augmented reality experiences that replicate the feeling of being in nature or even surpass human capabilities. The motivation behind this shift may be driven by the desire for convenience, safety, and access to experiences that were once difficult or even dangerous to obtain. As we embrace technology, it's possible that our interactions with it will become increasingly symbiotic, just as we have with phones and other modern conveniences. Some even speculate that advanced artificial intelligence could eventually surpass human intelligence, raising ethical questions about its potential impact on humanity. Ultimately, the future may involve a merging of human and artificial intelligence, with the hope that we can maintain ethical considerations as we integrate technology into our lives. The ongoing debate about the role of technology in our lives and its potential implications is a complex one, but it's clear that we're in a period of rapid change that will require us to adapt and consider the consequences of our actions.

    • The future of interstellar encounters might involve collective interactions with advanced beingsAdvanced civilizations may work together to thrive, and our constant desire for growth fuels technological innovation, leading to interconnected materialism, innovation, and technology in human civilization

      As societies evolve and advance technologically, they may interact with extraterrestrial beings as a collective entity rather than individually. This assumption is based on the idea that advanced civilizations have learned to work together to thrive. The chaotic nature of our current era, with advanced yet seemingly unrefined technology, might be a normal transitional phase for civilizations. Our constant dissatisfaction and desire for growth fuel technological innovation, leading to new solutions, often technology-based, for complex problems. This interconnectedness of materialism, innovation, and technology is a fundamental aspect of human civilization.

    • Curiosity and Fascination with Advanced TechnologiesPeople are motivated to explore new technologies due to curiosity, access to advanced tools, and the allure of military intelligence.

      People are driven by various motivations to pursue new technologies, even if they don't have a personal passion for them. For instance, some individuals may be drawn to the idea of accessing advanced technology as a regular person, without any prior experience or background in the field. Additionally, classified military intelligence and technologies developed for military use can be fascinating, as they often remain top secret and are implemented without public knowledge. However, the concern is that if these advanced technologies fall into the wrong hands, they could potentially be used against us. The ongoing discussion about Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) serves as an example of this, as both the US and other countries, such as Russia and China, have reported sightings and are reportedly working on understanding and potentially developing similar technologies.

    • Origins of UFO sightings often from Chinese state media, raising questionsDespite potential inaccuracies and intentions, US Congress and Senate cooperate on UAP activities; notable example: 1952 Washington D.C. UFO incident; potential implications of UFO sightings significant, could lead to interspecies communication.

      The origins of reported UFO sightings and information about them often come from state media in China. This raises questions about the accuracy and intentions behind the communication of these phenomena. However, despite this, there have been notable instances of bipartisan cooperation in the US Congress and Senate regarding UAP activities. One such example is the 1952 Washington D.C. UFO incident, where multiple radar systems detected unidentified objects flying over restricted areas, including the White House and Capitol. The potential implications of these sightings, whether they are of extraterrestrial origin or not, could be significant and potentially unifying for humanity. If an advanced civilization were to make contact, they may choose to communicate with world leaders or influential institutions to make their presence known.

    • Growing recognition of unidentified objects in airspace and potential safety risksAuthorities are taking the issue of unidentified objects in airspace seriously due to safety risks for aviation communities, but challenges like classification and lack of pilot training persist. Public reporting channels exist but lack a centralized organization and clear protocols.

      There is a growing recognition and movement towards transparency regarding the presence of unidentified objects in the airspace, with various authorities taking this issue seriously. This is due to the potential safety risks, especially for commercial aviation and general aviation communities. However, there are challenges such as the classification problem and the lack of training for pilots on how to deal with such objects. Despite this, there have been efforts to engage the public and establish channels for reporting such sightings, although the process is not well-defined and lacks a centralized organization. Pilots are encouraged to report any unusual sightings to their air traffic controllers, but there is no clear protocol or acknowledgement of these reports from the relevant authorities. The potential consequences of ignoring these objects could lead to mid-air collisions or other safety issues.

    • Unidentified Aerial Phenomena: Classified Evidence and Public DisclosureDespite public releases, much UAP evidence remains classified. Pilots and aircrews have reported extended encounters, and volunteers investigate within organizations. Hope for eventual declassification for scientific study.

      There have been numerous reports of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) captured on camera and radar, some of which have been publicly released but a significant amount remains classified. These incidents have been observed by pilots and aircrews for extended periods, and some have attempted to record evidence despite breaking rules and protocols. The US classification system poses a challenge to the release of information to the public, but there are efforts being made to change this and allow the scientific community to better understand these phenomena. Some individuals are volunteering their time to help investigate these incidents within organizations like the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. While some compelling evidence has been made public, there is believed to be a wealth of classified information that could provide more insight into the nature of UAP. There is hope that this data will eventually be declassified for scientific study.

    • Growing interest in UAP transparencyThe scientific community is increasingly open to discussing UAPs, driven by government acknowledgments and public interest. Focus should be on potential security risks rather than shape or explanation.

      There's a growing movement towards transparency regarding Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) or Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) in the scientific community, driven in part by recent government acknowledgments and public interest. The speaker, who has been open about his own experiences and research in this area, has received support and passion from people, particularly the younger generation. However, there's still a divide between those who are open to exploring the unknown and those who dismiss it as a joke or a threat to national security. The hope is that more information will be released, and the focus should be on the potential security risks posed by unidentified objects near naval assets rather than their shape or explanation.

    • Exploring the Mystery of Unknown EntitiesBelief in unknown entities exists based on unexplainable data, nuanced discussions about reality and consciousness offer hope for future discoveries, but secrecy and controversy surrounding reported phenomena can cloud the truth.

      Our understanding of the universe and the existence of non-human intelligence, whether it's from another planet, dimension, or beyond our current comprehension, remains a mystery. The speaker expresses their belief in the existence of unknown entities based on unexplainable data and nuanced discussions about the nature of reality and consciousness. The openness of such discussions in society today gives hope for future discoveries, but the classification of information and misinformation can cloud the truth. The Roswell incident and Bob Lazar's stories are examples of reported UFO phenomena that have been shrouded in secrecy and controversy. Ultimately, the speaker acknowledges that we have only scratched the surface of understanding the unknowns in our universe.

    • Fear of UFOs and Technologically Superior BeingsThe fear of acknowledging UFOs and advanced beings can cause panic and misinformation, but today's access to information makes it easier to handle such revelations. Discussions suggest UFOs might interact with water, implying advanced capabilities and potential implications for physics.

      The fear of admitting the existence of technologically superior beings and potential UFOs can lead to withholding information, causing widespread panic and misinformation. The ease of access to information in today's society makes it more adaptable to handle such revelations compared to the past. A fascinating discussion also touched upon the possibility of UFOs interacting with water, suggesting they might have advanced capabilities to transition seamlessly between different mediums. This raises questions about their propulsion systems and the potential implications for our understanding of physics.

    • Exploring the Future of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena ResearchAs interest and technology advance, new institutions are expected to emerge to study UAP, ultimately leading to a better understanding of their nature and origins and potential implications for humanity.

      The study of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) is an ongoing conversation with new resources, energy, and people getting involved. While there have been discussions about collecting data through various methods such as observing gravitational effects or bending light, no definitive answers have been reached. The international waters where many UAP sightings occur make it challenging to test equipment without risk of public discovery. However, with the growing interest and advancements in technology, institutions, both governmental and commercial, are expected to emerge in the coming years to help integrate this information into society. Ultimately, the goal is to better understand the nature and origins of UAP and their potential implications for humanity. The conversation around UAP is far from over, and the next few years are expected to bring new insights and open conversations about the short-term future of this field.

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    John writes “January of 2017 I moved to Pikeville, Eastern Kentucky. The apartment complex I moved into was an old abandoned coal mine holler that had been converted which had an old coal road that went up a mountain and then swing around it with acre’s of woods.

    Well, whenever Id sit in the picnic area to have a cigarette id notice around 10+ at night this howling out in the nearby hills which now i can say sounded almost identical to the Ohio Sounds. I’d hear one howl and then maybe 30 seconds later there’d be another one from another hill that was maybe a mile or so away, and then I’d hear another, and another, and you could listen to these call and responses for hours without end. Well by April I was trying to get back into shape and I love to hike so I decided I’d get up around 6 am and hike up that coal road and back. As I’m hiking up and it got darker and darker up that road I noticed this strange bird whistling at me. It was strange because of how loud it was, and I mean the pitch was just so loud and I thought to myself, “that’s a big damn bird!” And I whistled back. Wes, my grandpa was a Green Beret in Vietnam who partly helped raise me, and I’ve been in the woods of Illinois and Wisconsin my whole life and never encountered much that was weird, although my Grandpa did and told me stories here and there, but I wasn’t afraid of much. Well, I’m hiking up and not only is that whistling getting closer, and I mean close to where it was like ten feet from me in the treeline of woods. I turned on the flash light on my phone and couldn’t see anything it was so dense. But then I noticed this “bird” was keeping pace with me.

    Then small pebbles started landing in front of me as I walked down. At first I thought it was just loose rock sliding down, but then it became apparent that something was tossing them right at my feet. At this point I’m about 300 feet up this old road in the pitch dark. So, I gently tossed one back, and then a big one, maybe 1/2 pound rock flung right at my feet. I froze man! Now, I gently yelled out, “is someone out there?” And that bird whistling started up even louder than it had before! Idk what overcame me, but I started belting out the St. Michael prayer in Latin and then the Hail Mary pretty audibly, and not wanting to turn back continued up that road. All of this whistling, keeping pace, and Pebble tossing just amped up as I was coming to a bend in the road that turned with the mountain. Idk what it was, but as I reach it with rosary in hand I got this bad bad feeling like something is really wrong here, and I spoke aloud and said, “idk what ya are, but im just walking here…” And the Pebble tossing got more intense and I could now hear “things” trudging through the wood at paces that I knew werent people. So I turned around and calmly began to go home. I thought that this could be bear or well hell a damn bigfoot. How loud the trudging was, combined with the whistling, and Pebble tossing I wanted to run the hell outta there down back into that holler, but if ya think that there’s an animal ya just don’t do that. And idk why, but something told me do not turn your back to them. So I’m trying to make it down while keeping an eye on what’s behind me, and the moments that I looked down the road towards the apartment complex something just leaped from the side of the mountain onto the road, and then down into a bunch of thicket. And I stopped and yelled, “what the fuck was that!” If it were a man he’d have fallen 400 feet down a vertical fall and broke his neck or something I mean it was steep! And covered in thicket and thorn bushes. And how loose the rocks were I mean if you did get a footing you’d just fall on your ass and slide and tumble down. Whatever this was got it’s footing and slid and trudged down with great volume like stomping through a huge snow drift. So there I am feeling like a fool the sun is begging to make the horizon pink up just a little at this point.

    I kept thinking to myself that this is not how I’m gonna die! By this point I felt with all of the noise that had to be five to eight things in the woods stalking me. Honest to God I knew that I was being followed and scrutinized and that I had pissed something off with my presence! The pebbles were being tossed at an alarming rate, there were by now eight or so “big birds” whistling at me from about ten or so feet in the woods, branches were snapping, and it was like multiple freight trains just trudging through those woods! This is a steep hill I mean it is steep I cannot imagine men being able to do this without falling down the only flat surface was the road. When I got about 100 feet down before the apartment idk what overcame me but something told me to just book it for the farm lamp and I ran like hell until I got to it spun around. I stood there watching and couldn’t see anything! They had stayed up there, but were still just making all sorts of noise.

    Idk what I started, but after that I felt like I was being watched whenever I was outside in that holler. If I went outside my apartment by my car to smoke pebbles would start getting tossed right at my feet in the parking lot from a mountain side, or a big bird would start whistling at me. And we had huge street lights shinning onto our parking lot. And as this is happening I’d take out a big old flashlight and shine into the woods. I did get eye shine a couple of times, but couldn’t make out faces of what they were which just creeped me out to no end. I went up the mountains couple of times in the day and found what appeared to be tree breaks, a couple of structures, sticks in the road. Now idk, these sticks were just laid ever so carefully in the road. What creeped me out was that they’d appear when I was coming back down. On one hike, idk I got dizzy on the way home. Now I do have epilepsy, but this was different. I’m hiking down the road and suddenly I got dizzy, the sound in my ears was like tv static, and I wanted to take my shirt off because I felt so hot, but I laid down in the dirt ditch for a few minutes and just felt drained of everything I just thought of my mother and picked myself up and forced myself down that road. When I got home I just collapsed in bed and slept for a good six hours. Now I think looking back that that was side effects of infrasound.

    But then one night my roommate and I went out to one of the picnic areas to smoke and talk and as we’re making it back toward my building idk Wes the ground shook to the point I felt like I’d lost my footing like a giant was stomping in front of us BOOM BOOM BOOM and let out this scream I’ve never heard before or since it was like a woman mixed with a bear, a lion, and a witch all in one terrifying scream idk, but I JUMPED like three feet up and just ran up a picnic table and I could not look at it! We were stuck in that parking lot until the sun came up! Everytime we even made an attempt towards my building it would scream and we couldn’t find it, couldn’t see it! We had the sensation that it was behind this old 100+ year old white oak tree, but we made five attempts to go home and it was not having it. But when the sun began to rise we made our sixth attempt and then heard something just trudge up that mountain side in time that no man or woman could! I’m talking a 100 foot vertical hike that this thing scaled in seconds and just kept going until we saw trees moving at about 500 feet up. We never went that far out at night again and that was a lighted parking lot/picnic area in the middle of an apartment complex. After that I’d smoked at night at the door dealt with the whistling and Pebble tossing give it the finger and go inside. I moved to Louisville in June and never went back! I’m not afraid of the woods or anything, but I definitely will never go in them again without a 30-30 or something bigger!

    The power just in the lungs of this thing it could have killed us if it had wanted to! I ldk what we did that night; we weren’t messing up in the woods or nothing and I feel like I was being stalked for having gone up there, but over residents went up there, but not at night. I have a deeper respect, appreciation of the mountains and the woods. Since all of this the guns I have and carry with me in the woods are enough to take down a bear, but yeah, like I said I will never go in the woods unarmed again.”


    I will also be speaking to Brian. Brian said “I was stationed at Ft. Lewis in Washington state. We were running a training exercise and we saw what we thought was someone in a ghillie suit. This made no sense since we all had the same equipment and there was not any snipers present. This “guy” was huge he was about 7 foot tall, I am 6’4. I did not know anyone in my unit that big. We decided to track it and find who is was. That is when it stood up. I thought it was 7 foot tall but it was crouched. When it stood up it was closer to 9 feet. Five of us saw it that night.”


    EP: 138 Ghost Trains *members only trailer

    EP: 138 Ghost Trains *members only trailer

    In an exclusive Members-Only episode we dive into the phenomena of ghost trains and ghost ships. In ghostlore, a ghost train is a phantom vehicle in the form of a locomotive or train. This phenomenon differs from other traditional forms of haunting, in that rather than being a fixed location where ghosts are claimed to be present, "the apparition is the entire train". From ghost trains to ghost ships, we also include a well-documented ghost ship where sailors had three well-documented sightings of a phantom ship and even climbed aboard the black vessel. We look deep into the archives and find real-life reports like the one from the Brooklyn Citizen in June of 1889, which tells the tale of several railroad employees who saw a phantom train that forever changed their careers. Become a member and listen to this one. 


    EP: 149 Paranormal Patrols with Veteran with a Sign

    EP: 149 Paranormal Patrols with Veteran with a Sign

    Zach Bell from veteranwithasign joins Blurry Creatures as we cap off a month or more of military accounts and stories from the Blurryverse. A former marine, he did multiple tours in Afghanistan before coming home to work on behalf of the veterans of our armed forces. While never planning on being a voice for the military and veterans community, there were glaring issues in that space he cared deeply about, and it all began by holding up a cardboard sign on the side of the road that read: “Take Motrin, drink water, change your socks.” Now a massive movement for veteran health and well-being, Zach is using humor and handwritten signs to bring awareness to the struggles of those who served us both domestically and overseas. While on deployment, Zach had some encounters in the wilds of Afghanistan with the unexplained. From the stories told by afghani translators and local villagers of giants in the north, to the local account of the Kandahar Giant that predates public knowledge, and even seeing a UFO hovering and tracing his position while on patrol--Zach brings these experiences and reports directly from the front lines. 

    Intro Song: Dream Kid 83

    Guest: Zach Bell - @veteranwithasign



    Socials www.instagram.com/blurrycreatures



    Music Kyle Monroe: www.tinytaperoom.com

    Aaron Green: https://www.instagram.com/aaronkgreen/

    Mastering: Brandon Weaver https://ironwingstudios.com

    Outro Song: TimeCop1983: www.timecop1983.com

    EP: 143 Military Mysteries with Tales from the Grid Square

    EP: 143 Military Mysteries with Tales from the Grid Square

    Blurry Creatures goes military. Instagram legend "Tales From The Grid Square" makes his debut appearance to share some of his favorite accounts of the paranormal from the eyes of soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines. These stories get blurry! Some of the encounters of our men and women in uniform are downright terrifying and range from the appearance of UFOs to cryptids, ghosts, giants, and more. The United States military deploys to some of the most remote and desolate places on Earth and sometimes they run into things they cannot explain. Find out what the military is seeing go bump in the night.

    contact: blurrycreaturespodcast@gmail.com


    Socials instagram.com/blurrycreatures facebook.com/blurrycreatures


    Music Kyle Monroe: tinytaperoom.com

    Aaron Green: https://www.instagram.com/aaronkgreen/

    Mastering: ironwingstudios.com

    Outro Song: TimeCop1983: timecop1983.com