
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Scientific Advancements and Historical MysteriesThe Need to Know podcast delves into fascinating topics like the James Webb Telescope and the historical mystery of World War II's Foo Fighters, offering listeners insightful discussions on scientific advancements and unsolved historical mysteries.

      Podcast advertising from Lipson Ads offers businesses the opportunity to reach a large and engaged audience through host endorsements on top podcasts or through reproduced ads across thousands of shows. Meanwhile, in the episode of Need to Know, hosts Ross Coulthart and Bryce Zabel discussed various fascinating topics, including the upcoming James Webb Telescope and the historical mystery of World War II's Foo Fighters. The James Webb Telescope, set to launch soon, represents a remarkable achievement in human engineering and promises to reveal new insights about the universe. The Foo Fighters, strange aerial phenomena reported by Allied pilots during World War II, remain an intriguing unsolved mystery and may mark the beginning of the modern flying saucer era. The Need to Know podcast provides listeners with thought-provoking discussions on a range of topics, from scientific advancements to historical mysteries.

    • Historical reports of unexplained aerial phenomenaUnexplained aerial phenomena, like the Foo Fighters and ghost rockets, have been reported for decades and share similarities with modern UAP, challenging the belief that they are a recent phenomenon or hoaxes

      Unexplained aerial phenomena, referred to as Foo Fighters during World War II and ghost rockets in 1946, have been reported for decades. These objects, described as wingless, tailless, with no visible exhaust or propulsion system, were reported by both American and German pilots towards the end of the war. The mysterious objects continued to be sighted in Scandinavia the following year, causing public panic. Despite extensive investigations, no earthly explanation was found. The Swedish government even suggested the possibility of otherworldly technology. The descriptions of these historical phenomena bear similarities to modern reports of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP). These historical accounts challenge the notion that UAP are a recent phenomenon and cannot be dismissed as mere hoaxes or misidentifications.

    • Historical unexplained aerial phenomena dismissed as common objectsThroughout history, unexplained aerial phenomena have been dismissed as common objects or technologies, but further investigation is needed to understand their true nature

      Throughout history, there have been unexplained aerial phenomena reported, and authorities have often tried to explain them away using common terms or technologies of the time. For instance, in 1946, Swedish intelligence and the US Air Force dismissed reports of mysterious flying objects as misidentified rockets, despite the objects' behavior not matching that of rockets. Similarly, in modern times, reports of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) are often labeled as drones, but the behavior of these objects often does not align with that of typical drones. It's important to recognize that these labels may not fully capture the nature of these phenomena, and further investigation is needed to understand what they truly represent. The evidence from historical reports and modern sightings suggests that there is something unusual going on, and it warrants more attention and open discussion.

    • The Summer of 1947: A Significant Milestone in UFO HistoryIn 1947, reports of oblong, metallic UFOs emerged in Australia and the US, marking the beginning of global media coverage and lasting over 75 years. Early sightings included fast-moving, egg-shaped objects, with some reaching speeds over 1000 mph.

      The summer of 1947 marks a significant milestone in the history of UFO sightings, often referred to as "flying saucers" at the time. This period, which saw the first major American sighting and subsequent global media coverage, has lasted longer than a human lifetime, and we're still trying to unravel the mysteries surrounding these phenomena. An intriguing discovery was made in Australia during February 1947, where multiple reports of oblong, egg-shaped objects emerged. Farmers and factory workers in different locations reported seeing these metallic objects flying overhead, with some estimating their speed to be over 1000 miles per hour. These sightings, though isolated, marked the beginning of an uptick in reports around the world, leading up to the widely recognized June 24th Kenneth Arnold sighting in the United States. The story of these early UFO sightings continues to captivate us, and the mystery remains unsolved.

    • UFO sightings predate the famous 1947 incidentReports of unusual, fast-moving objects described as saucers or eggs shaped date back to before the widely publicized 1947 sighting, challenging the common belief that the phenomenon started then.

      The UFO phenomenon in the United States didn't start with the widely publicized Kenneth Arnold sighting on June 24, 1947, as commonly believed. Instead, there were numerous reports leading up to it, including descriptions of egg-shaped and saucer-like objects with unusual speeds and movements. One of the most intriguing accounts came from Arnold himself on June 23, 1947, when he reported seeing nine crescent-shaped objects traveling at incredible speeds in formation. However, the media quickly labeled these objects as "flying saucers," and the term stuck. The confusion over the term and the media hype surrounding it led many to dismiss some of the earlier reports as hoaxes or war nerves. But the sightings continued, with General Nathan Twining, head of the US Air Force Materiel Command, concluding in September 1947 that "the phenomenon reported is something real and not visionary or fictitious." This conclusion was based on the reports of numerous individuals, including military personnel, and the consistent descriptions of the objects' unusual speeds and movements. The UFO phenomenon was a real and perplexing phenomenon long before it became a media sensation.

    • Summer of 1947: Pivotal Time for UFO SightingsThe summer of 1947 saw numerous UFO sightings by reliable witnesses, including military personnel and US government employees. The US Air Force concluded that some UFOs may have been controlled, but kept this information secret from the public.

      The summer of 1947 was a pivotal time in American history for UFO sightings, with numerous reports of unusual objects with intelligent control being made by reliable witnesses, including United Airlines pilots and employees of the US government. The highest levels of the US Air Force, including General Nathan Twining, concluded that some of these objects may have been controlled manually, automatically, or remotely. This conclusion was significant because it came during a time when the public was highly trusting of the military, but the military was keeping important information about UFOs secret. The Twining memo, which outlined this conclusion, was not made public until 1975. Additionally, 1947 was a significant year for US security history as it marked the creation of the US Air Force and the Central Intelligence Agency. The public was reassured that all UFO sightings were explainable, but in reality, the military was conducting its own investigations behind closed doors.

    • The Year 1947: UFOs, CIA, Air Force, and Roswell IncidentIn 1947, the CIA, Air Force, and NSA were established, while UFOs gained public attention through the Roswell incident, which remains a controversial topic in ufology

      The year 1947 marked significant events in U.S. history, including the creation of the CIA, Air Force, and NSA, as well as a mysterious incident involving a reported UFO crash near Roswell, New Mexico. President Harry S. Truman, who was in office at the time, was intrigued by UFOs and demanded regular briefings, despite publicly downplaying their significance. The Roswell incident, which occurred during the July 4th weekend, involved the discovery of strange debris on a ranch, which was later taken to the Roswell Army Air Field. The military's initial response, which included a press release stating they had recovered a flying disc, fueled widespread speculation and conspiracy theories. While the authenticity of the Roswell incident remains a topic of debate, it is clear that it played a role in shaping the public's fascination with UFOs and continues to be a popular myth in ufology.

    • The Roswell Incident: A UFO Myth or Cover-Up?The Roswell incident, involving an unexplained event in 1947, set the precedent for UFO sightings to be dismissed and those who believed in them to be stigmatized, with the US Air Force's denial and inconsistent explanations fueling skepticism and mistrust

      The Roswell incident is considered the original myth or cover-up in the UFO community. The event is believed to have involved something otherworldly, but the initial response and subsequent denial and ridicule from authorities led to the belief that it was a hoax. The incident set the precedent for future UFO sightings to be dismissed, and those who continued to believe and speak out about them were stigmatized. The exact events of Roswell remain unclear, with various theories suggesting everything from a weather balloon to a crashed alien spacecraft. However, the denial and ridicule used to quash the story have left many questioning the truth behind the incident. The US Air Force has given multiple explanations over the years, but their inconsistencies have led to skepticism and mistrust. Ultimately, the Roswell incident remains a significant moment in the history of UFOs and their public perception.

    • The Roswell Incident: A Mystery Surrounded by Missing Records and Witness TestimoniesThe Roswell incident remains a mystery due to missing records and lack of transparency, with witnesses and researchers providing intriguing evidence

      The Roswell incident, despite numerous explanations from the US Air Force, continues to be shrouded in mystery due to a lack of transparency and missing records during the crucial period. Witness testimonies, such as that of Walter Haut, a public relations officer involved in the incident, add to the intrigue. Researchers like Don Schmidt and Stanton Friedman have compiled extensive evidence, though no single definitive account exists. The passion and belief of those involved, including the speaker's father, underscore the significance of the case and the importance of continuing the investigation.

    • The Roswell incident: A reconsiderationNew evidence suggests the Roswell incident, long dismissed as a myth, might involve real crashed UFOs. Nuclear research in New Mexico and government secrecy add credibility.

      The Roswell incident, which is often dismissed as a myth, might not be as implausible as once thought. With increasing reports from reliable sources in the intelligence community, defense industry, and private aerospace, there's a growing consensus that something was recovered in the late 1940s or early 1950s, possibly multiple craft. This theory is bolstered by the fact that New Mexico during that time was a hotbed of nuclear research, and the US government had a proven track record of keeping secrets, even on a massive scale. The possibility of crash wreckage adds credibility to the Roswell story, and the recent admission by the US government that unidentified aerial phenomena are real should make us reconsider the past. The denial and ridicule used to dismiss the Roswell incident might have worked in the past, but with new information coming to light, it's time to give it some serious thought and ask questions about what else we might be missing from our history.

    • The UFO Phenomenon: Roswell vs. Trinity IncidentDespite ongoing debate about the Trinity incident having less evidence than Roswell, UFO crashes and recovered materials continue to intrigue and challenge our understanding of unexplained phenomena. Potential investigations could lead to powerful journalism and new discoveries as we mark the 75th anniversary of the 1947 UFO wave.

      The UFO phenomenon, with notable cases like Roswell and the Trinity incident, continues to intrigue and challenge our understanding of unexplained phenomena. While there is evidence supporting both stories, some skeptics argue that there is less evidence for the Trinity crash than for Roswell. Regardless, the possibility of UFO crashes and recovered materials raises intriguing questions about the nature of these phenomena. As we mark the 75th anniversary of the 1947 UFO wave, there is renewed interest in these cases, and potential investigations could lead to powerful journalism and new discoveries. If you have any information or thoughts on this topic, please reach out to us at contact@needtoknow.today or visit our website at needtoknow.today. We're always eager to hear from our listeners and viewers. Stay curious, and remember, we can handle the truth.

    Recent Episodes from Need To Know with Coulthart and Zabel

    Zero Doubt

    Zero Doubt
    In this episode, Ross Coulthart reports from an undisclosed location in the U.S., sharing insights from the SCU conference in Huntsville, which concentrated on scientific approaches to UAPs. He reflects on a recent interview with Colonel Karl Nell, discussing Nell’s remarks about long-standing interactions between non-human intelligence (NHI) and humanity. Meanwhile, Bryce Zabel in Los Angeles connects the 80th anniversary of D-Day to contemporary secrecy around UAPs, emphasizing the impact of such secrecy on public trust and innovation. They explore the skepticism about governmental transparency on UAPs and consider how the political landscape might influence the push for disclosure, especially with the upcoming elections. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Swagger and Secrets

    Swagger and Secrets
    In this episode, hosts Bryce Zabel and Ross Coulthart delve into the complexities of UAP investigations, spotlighting the AARO's dubious reporting and the Pentagon's evasion in acknowledging UAP incidents. They explore the recent Eglin Air Force Base encounter and the broader implications of drone sightings that challenge national security. The hosts critique the media's failure to engage deeply with these issues, emphasizing the need for greater transparency and investigative rigor in covering UAP and drone encounters. Featuring pilot testimonies and expert analysis, this episode uncovers the ongoing secrecy and the quest for truth in the increasingly convoluted field of ufology. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    UAP Burnout

    UAP Burnout
    It's an issue that's touched many in the UAP community, and worthy of a long discussion: fatigue from covering UAP, interacting with the community, fending off the flamers and trying to stay grounded. Bryce shares the tale of his ten-year hiatus while Ross commends Curt Jaimungal's recent decision to 'step away' for a while. But there's also hope, says Ross, citing three members of Congress and their attempts to interview an Air Force pilot over his 2023 sighting - and the video he captured. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    More UFO Lies & Coverup

    More UFO Lies & Coverup
    Ross and Bryce take turns teeing off on the Defense Department's report that was supposed to chronicle the US government's history of dealing with the UFO/UAP issue. Among their conclusions about the reports "conclusions:" It's more Pentagon obfuscation to deter public attention; a kneejerk polemic against former AARO head Sean Kirkpatrick's critics; not a hint of historical review; and from a couple of lawmakers who talked to Ross: Congress is NOT letting this issue go. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Adios, Voldemort

    Adios, Voldemort
    "Voldemort," in this podcast, is Bryce's new name for Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, the now-former head of AARO, the Defense Department's "All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office." Bryce and Ross rip Kirkpatrick's exit statements, including his assertion that a soon to be released Pentagon report will say it's found no evidence of aliens, only allegations circulated repeatedly by UFO claim advocates. The other big event in the episode: "Need to Know," the song! Bryce explains the history of the song he co-composed - and we play it! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Is This the Year?

    Is This the Year?
    Bryce and Ross begin 2024 with a quick look back at the big events of last year: David Grusch's revelations and the gutting of the Schumer Amendment to the Defense bill. Then they look ahead to this year and an upcoming House Oversight Committee hearing, Lue Elizondo's book and Grusch's op-ed piece on the heels of the US government slightly loosening what he's able to reveal. And Ross drops a big hint about what could be a very big story: new data from the James Webb Space Telescope. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    UFO Gatekeepers Strike Back

    UFO Gatekeepers Strike Back
    Disappointment and some disagreements in this episode, as Ross and Bryce review the amended version of Sen. Chuck Schumer's disclosure language in the new Defense bill. Ross blames "lickspittle Congressmen" in the pockets of the aerospace companies for turning Schumer's disclosure proposals into a "flaccid limp lettuce leaf." The two set the table for a future discussion on what both believe would be a very bad idea: "catastrophic disclosure." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    JFK and UFOs?

    JFK and UFOs?
    Approaching the 60th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Bryce and Ross examine the similarities between the efforts to conceal the truth about the President's death and concealing the truth about UFO/UAP. Also: as predicted in the last episode, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick is, indeed, leading AARO. So who will succeed him? And will that person bring a different opinion about whistleblower David Grusch? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Same Old UFO Song

    Same Old UFO Song
    Ross and Bryce catch up on several developments of the past few weeks, including the latest report from AARO. Ross calls out what he labels "completely disingenuous" statements by the agency's head, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, downplaying the UAP reports the agency reviewed in the 2023 US Government fiscal year. Ross calls the report "The Big Yawn." Ross and Bryce disagree on whether private aerospace firms, who've spent millions of their own dollars on crash retrieval, should be forced to turn any physical evidence over to the government. And Bryce reviews the high points of 1948, a banner year that saw dozens of credible UFO/UAP sightings. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    UFO Word Games

    UFO Word Games
    Ross and Bryce are back with tough words for what they call the "word games" being played by the Department of Defense, NASA and others in the US government about the evidence - or lack of evidence - regarding what we know about UAP and the possibility of non-human intelligence. Bryce scorches NASA Director Bill Nelson over his "lack of evidence" comments, and Ross takes an AP reporter to task for apparently not even reading a government report before questioning officials about that very report. And the hosts do a "lighting round" of comments on several other recent UAP developments. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Listen to ‘The Habitat’ on Gimlet: http://www.gimletmedia.com/the-habitat

    And on Apple: https://apple.co/2NJIy08

    Follow Lynn on Twitter: @LynnRLevy

    About Inverse:

    Inverse sparks curiosity about the future. We explore the science of anything, innovations that shape tomorrow and ideas that stretch our minds. Our goal is to motivate the next generation to build a better world.


    ‘I Need My Space’ is an Inverse production hosted by Steve Ward, produced by Sam Riddell, and executive produced by Hannah Margaret Allen and Weston Green. This episode was also produced and hosted by Moiya McTier. Our intro and outro music was created by Andrew Olivares.

    Steve: @stevejohnhenryw

    Moiya: @GoAstroMo

    Andrew: https://soundcloud.com/andrewo

    Other Topics Discussed Include: Gimlet, ‘The Habitat’, Lynn Levy, HI-SEAS, Hawaii, and NASA

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    Pastor Mike Online 09-13-12

    Pastor Mike Online 09-13-12

    LIVE Webcast airs every Tuesday and Thursday at 1pm CST on PastorMikeOnline.com hosted by Mike Hoggard. Topics include: Emerging Church, Scripture Numerics, Symbols, Giants, Symbology, Conspiracy Theories, UFO's, Last Days' Prophecies, Tongues, Sacred Name Movement, Conspiracies, New World Order, King James Bible, religion, prophecy, and more! Send in your questions during the webcast by using the form on the page or email PastorMikeOnline@gmail.com - Visit http://PastorMikeOnline.com