
    30.17 - MU Podcast - Giants of the Solomon Islands

    enNovember 03, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • UFO sightings in the Solomon Islands and their connection to military interventionThe Solomon Islands, known for strange phenomena, have seen numerous UFO sightings, some coinciding with military deployments, leaving many questioning potential connections

      The Solomon Islands, an archipelago in the Pacific Ocean, have long been associated with strange and unexplained phenomena, from reports of giants and humanoid creatures to UFO sightings. One such account comes from the book "Solomon Islands Mysteries: Accounts of Giants and UFOs in the Solomon Islands" by Marius Boireon. The book, published in 2003 or 2004, detailed numerous UFO sightings, some of which reportedly occurred around the same time Australian forces were deployed to the region. The timing of the military intervention and the release of Boireon's article raised suspicions of a connection. Despite attempts to obtain a physical copy of the book, it proved to be rare and expensive. However, a digital copy was found on Apple Books, and the show will delve into the contents of the book and the follow-up investigations conducted by Dean Harrison and the Yowie Hunters. The Solomon Islands continue to intrigue with their mysterious and unexplained occurrences.

    • Personal experiences and investigations are essential in understanding paranormal phenomenaInvestigating paranormal phenomena through personal experiences and on-site investigations can lead to valuable insights and uncover intriguing discoveries, despite skepticism from some.

      Personal experiences and on-site investigations are crucial in understanding paranormal phenomena. Nick Redfern's investigation into chupacabra sightings in Puerto Rico serves as an example. While skeptics may dismiss such reports as mass hysteria, Redfern's firsthand interactions with eyewitnesses provided him with valuable insights. Similarly, Marius Boray's journey to the Solomon Islands was inspired by a mysterious message from his late mother. Both cases illustrate how personal experiences and investigations can lead individuals to uncover intriguing paranormal phenomena. Furthermore, the discussion also hinted at the possibility of cults opening portals for otherworldly beings, offering a more mundane explanation for some paranormal encounters.

    • A man's journey to the Solomon Islands leads to deep connections and acceptance of local beliefsThrough open-mindedness and adaptability, forming genuine connections with people from diverse cultures can lead to new experiences and understanding of local beliefs and customs.

      An adventurous man named Marius, without a plan or specific destination, ends up in the Solomon Islands where he quickly forms deep connections with the locals. He makes friends with a taxi driver named John, and later, Miriam, who becomes his first Solomon Island wife. Marius becomes a celebrity on the island due to the scarcity of motorized vehicles, specifically his Yamaha 250 dirt bike. He befriends a local named Joseph, who acts as a gateway to other tribal connections and regions. During one of their fishing trips, Joseph warns Marius about the dragon snake, a local legend that is feared by the people. Skeptical at first, Marius eventually witnesses the dragon snake, a luminous white object, flying through the sky. Despite initially viewing it as a silly tale, Marius comes to respect and accept the local beliefs and customs. Overall, Marius's story highlights the power of open-mindedness, adaptability, and the importance of forming genuine connections with people from different cultures.

    • Unexplained object sightings linked to historical eventsLocals' stories of a dragon snake object in the sky connected to sunken warships during WW2, revealing historical significance and spiritual disturbance.

      The frequent sightings of an unexplained object in the sky, which the locals referred to as a "dragon snake," were found to be connected to a significant historical event. Over a period of several months, the witness reported seeing the object submerging in the same spot in the ocean where two major warships had sunk during World War 2. The locals, who had their own stories of encounters with the object, confirmed that it was not friendly. Further investigation led the witness to a nearby mountain, where the tribal chiefs revealed that the dragon snake resided in a lake beneath a waterfall in the mountain. This discovery lent credence to the idea that there was some tribal knowledge of the object's origins. The historical significance of the site, coupled with the locals' belief in the spiritual disturbance caused by the sinking of the ships, added to the intrigue surrounding the mysterious object.

    • Encounters with dragon snakes or UFOs in Solomon IslandsLocal fishermen reported encounters with mysterious entities described as dragon snakes or UFOs, causing sunburn-like injuries and damage to boats.

      In the Solomon Islands, local fishermen reported encounters with UFOs or dragon snakes, as they're described in local folklore. One such incident involved a fisherman who was attacked while fishing at night. He claimed that a dragon snake, attracted by the light from his torch, attacked his boat and burned him with a beam of light. The fisherman's injuries were consistent with extreme sunburn, and the boat's paint was curled, indicating heat damage. This incident was similar to reports of the Chupers in Brazil, where people reported being attacked by flying red lights or cubes and suffering from sunburn-like injuries or even perishing days later. The Solomon Islanders viewed these phenomena as dangerous spirits or demons, while Western cultures interpreted them as alien craft. Despite the differences in interpretation, both cultures recognized the potential danger posed by these mysterious entities.

    • Marius' Quest for Alien Drawings on Mount DragonMarius uncovered ancient drawings of possible aliens in a museum book, sparking an expedition to investigate UFO activity on Mount Dragon, despite challenges and local legends of the dragon snake and missing nuns.

      Marius, a man from the Solomon Islands, discovered old tribal drawings of alleged alien beings in a decades-old book at the cultural museum. Frustrated by not being able to find the book's title or any pictures, he decided to embark on an expedition to Mount Dragon to investigate UFO activity. The journey was challenging due to the inhospitable conditions and the disappearance of two Catholic nuns in the same area, which fueled his suspicion that the dragon snake might be involved. Despite the difficulties, Marius and his friend Joseph managed to reach the destination but faced a sleepless night due to heavy monsoon rains. The intriguing discovery of the old drawings and the mysterious disappearance of the nuns added to the allure of the unexplained phenomena in the Solomon Islands.

    • A man's discovery of UFOs and giants in the Solomon IslandsA man's extraordinary journey revealed potential UFO sightings and the existence of giants or Sasquatch, leaving him questioning reality and trust.

      The man's journey led him to a discovery of a possible UFO base in the Solomon Islands, but his excitement was short-lived as he struggled with the reality of sharing his experience with the world, and in the process, he shifted the focus of his story to the existence of giants or Sasquatch on the island. The UFO encounter was described as a surreal experience where they witnessed two UFOs of different sizes and behaviors. The discovery left the man in a state of confusion and disbelief, leading him to question who to trust and share his story with. The existence of giants, according to local legends, added another layer of intrigue to his already extraordinary adventure. The description of the giants or Sasquatch was consistent with reports from various regions, including being over 8 feet tall, having long hair, and an unmistakable odor. The man claimed there were three different species of giants on the island. The UFO encounter and the discovery of giants were two of the many bizarre events in the man's account, making for a fascinating, albeit hard-to-believe, story.

    • Large, hairy beings in Solomon IslandsReports of large, hairy beings exist in Solomon Islands, believed to be unintelligent and focused on food and reproduction. Conflicts with locals and lack of scientific evidence keep their existence debated.

      There are reported sightings of large, hairy beings in the Solomon Islands, with descriptions resembling Bigfoot. These beings, referred to as "10-framed maniacs," are believed to be unintelligent and primarily focused on food and reproduction. The Solomon Islanders have a complex history with these beings, involving conflict and attempts at killing them due to a long-standing feud. Researchers have tried to investigate these reports, but the evidence is largely anecdotal and cultural, rather than scientific. The existence of extensive cave systems connecting the islands is a common belief, but there is no concrete evidence to support this claim. Overall, the stories of these large, hairy beings in the Solomon Islands remain a fascinating and intriguing part of folklore and legend.

    • A local legend of giants in the Solomon IslandsBelief in supernatural beings is prevalent in Solomon Islander culture, as evidenced by the widespread legend of Mango, a woman believed to have been taken by giants.

      Legends, even if they lack factual basis, often have a kernel of truth. Marius shared a personal story from his past, before moving to the Solomon Islands, where he worked for an American fishing fleet in the Solomon Islands. He recounted how the premier of the island once told him about an encounter with giants. The premier and his finance minister were once stuck in their truck due to heavy rain and sought help from locals. When they returned, they saw two giants, over 15 feet tall, who effortlessly moved their truck. The locals believed these giants, known as Mango, had taken a local woman as a wife or sex toy, who was later found pregnant and mentally unstable. This legend, though possibly exaggerated, suggests a belief in supernatural beings among the Solomon Islanders. The story of Mango, a local woman who was believed to have been taken by the giants, was widely known and passed down through generations.

    • Reports of Humanoid Giants from Around the WorldDespite scientific consensus, some believe in the existence of humanoid giants based on cultural folklore and anecdotal evidence, while others dismiss these claims as unproven.

      There are numerous reports and folklore from various cultures around the world, including the Solomon Islands, describing the existence of large, humanoid beings, often referred to as giants or Bigfoot. Many of these accounts describe these beings as having human-like features and behaving aggressively, including reports of cannibalism. Despite scientific consensus that humans and such beings are different species and cannot interbreed, some argue that there are exceptions, such as ligers and donkeys producing hybrids. Some even claim that there are historical records and physical evidence, like giant skeletons, supporting the existence of these beings. However, the authenticity and scientific validity of these claims remain a subject of debate.

    • Beliefs and legends surrounding untouchable gravesites persist despite changes in taboosLocals in the Solomon Islands refrained from excavating an untouchable gravesite due to beliefs in a giant spirit, even though the taboo had changed. Unusual phenomena and legends of flying reptilians add to the island's mystique, while historical preservation is important, as shown by the Japanese war memorial on Mount Austen.

      Cultural beliefs and taboos can change over time, but the stories and legends associated with them may still be held in high regard and not be disturbed. For instance, a supposedly untouchable gravesite in the Solomon Islands was no longer considered a taboo, but the locals still refrained from excavating it due to their belief in the presence of a giant spirit. Moreover, there are reported sightings of unusual phenomena on the island, such as flying creatures described as man-like beings with long tails and a red glow on their backs. Some believe these creatures could be flying reptilians, adding to the island's mystique and intrigue. Another significant point is the historical significance of the Japanese war memorial on Mount Austen in the Solomon Islands. Despite being vandalized in the past, it was restored, and a Japanese sculptor even created a bronze statue there. This highlights the importance of preserving historical sites and artifacts, even in the face of conflict and strife.

    • Marius's Unusual Battle of Guadalcanal AccountMarius's story about the Battle of Guadalcanal, including a reptilian statue, requires further investigation and evidence.

      Marius's account of unusual events during the Battle of Guadalcanal, including the alleged early Japanese retreat and the supposed replacement of a reptilian statue at a war memorial, raises intriguing questions but lacks solid evidence. The statue, which Marius describes as a half-human, half-reptilian figure holding a ray gun, has been debunked as a simple fisherman statue. While some elements of Marius's story, such as Japanese folklore about giant humanoids and midgets, may be true, the specific claims about the Battle of Guadalcanan and the statue require further investigation and evidence. It's important to approach such stories with a critical mindset and consider alternative explanations, such as the possibility of stolen statues or artistic inspiration.

    • Small hairy humanoids: ancient pygmies or new species?Reports of small, hairy humanoids in Australia, Flores, and other places may represent undiscovered human species or ancient pygmy populations. Further investigation, including examination of historical accounts and eyewitness testimonies, is needed to confirm these claims.

      There have been numerous reports and sightings of small, hairy humanoid beings in various parts of the world, including Australia and the islands of Flores. Some scientists believe these beings could be the remains of ancient pygmy populations or even undiscovered human species. One researcher has spent years documenting these beings, sharing eyewitness accounts and even photographs. He suggests that these creatures could have possibly moved to the Solomon Islands, based on historical accounts and sightings. Another possibility is that these beings could have been captured during wars and used as mascots or exotic pets. The researcher also mentions the existence of interlocking stone platforms and strange hieroglyphic writing in the jungles of certain locations, which he encourages further investigation into. However, without concrete evidence, these claims remain controversial and require more scientific exploration.

    • Mysterious structures in the Solomon Islands with unknown originsLocal legends describe unique dome-shaped structures attributed to the Ramo people, with possible connections to ancient Christianity or Judaism, and unexplained discoveries of strange fruit trees and huts in the jungle.

      There are mysterious structures and sites in the Solomon Islands, which have been the subject of various legends and theories for centuries. Some believe these sites could be ancient Christian or even Jewish, despite having no clear connection. The structures, attributed to the Ramo people, have been described as having hieroglyphics and being built in a unique dome shape. Local legends tell of great warriors and even cannibals. One man, Marius, claimed that Israeli investigators had explored these sites in the 1990s, but left without revealing their findings. Marius also shared a story of a local teenager who, in the late 1990s, stumbled upon a strange fruit tree and a dome-shaped hut in the jungle, which was unlike anything the islanders had seen before. The exact nature and significance of these sites remain a mystery.

    • Islands with mythical beings and dangerous wildlifeEncounters with large, mythical beings and dangerous wildlife on unfamiliar islands can be both threatening and protective, highlighting the importance of respecting the unknown.

      The islands in question are home to various myths and legends, some of which involve encounters with large, hairy beings, possibly giants or Bigfoot-like entities. These stories often include elements of fear and danger, with the beings exhibiting both threatening and protective behaviors. Additionally, the islands are known for their unique wildlife, particularly dangerous crocodiles, which can pose a significant threat to humans. The old hermit story illustrates the potential for encounters between humans and these large beings, as well as the potential for cooperation and healing in such situations. However, the stories also underscore the importance of respecting the unknown and the potential dangers that come with exploration and interaction with unfamiliar territories and beings.

    • The Power of Compassion and Unlikely AlliancesActs of kindness towards perceived enemies can lead to unexpected alliances and positive outcomes.

      Helping those in need, even if they are perceived as enemies, can lead to unexpected and rewarding outcomes. In the story, an old man helps a giant, risking his own life, and is later welcomed and protected by the giant's tribe. This act of compassion leads to a defense pact between the old man's tribe and the giants. The story also highlights the importance of communication and understanding in building relationships, as the old man and the giants communicate despite language barriers. The tale also carries a moral message about the power of kindness and compassion, and the potential for unlikely alliances.

    • A woman's harrowing experience with giants and the strange occurrences surrounding her grandsonA woman was kidnapped by giants and held captive for five years, leading to her grandson's unusual upbringing and strange happenings in their village, sparking conspiracy theories involving the Australian government, George Bush, and John Howard.

      The story involves a woman who was kidnapped by giants and held captive for five years. She was treated poorly and was deeply traumatized. The woman's grandson, a giant named Genny, was later interviewed, and he was described as having red eyes. The village where Genny lived was known for strange occurrences, such as missing pigs and a giant man's apparent ability to eat large animals. The man, Genny, was later abducted by the Australian Federal Police in 1999, leading to conspiracy theories involving the Australian government, George Bush, and John Howard. These theories suggest that Genny was kidnapped due to his involvement in mining and the discovery of oil in the Solomon Islands. The story is filled with unusual elements and raises many questions.

    • Mysterious Military Aircraft Sightings in the Solomon IslandsUnconfirmed reports of triangular-shaped aircraft with wings, fire, and a small cockpit, resembling a stealth bomber, have been made in the Solomon Islands since 2003. Locals also reported seeing helicopters, including Apaches, which Australian forces did not have at the time. The origin and connection of these military figures remain unclear.

      In the Solomon Islands, there have been numerous reports of mysterious military aircraft sightings since 2003. A man named Steven claimed to have seen a triangular-shaped aircraft with wings, fire, and a small cockpit, resembling a stealth bomber. Locals reported seeing helicopters, including Apaches, but Australian forces did not have them at the time. The sightings led to speculation about the identity of these military figures and their connection to foreign forces. The discussion also mentioned the removal of old forum posts regarding these incidents. Plus, listeners were encouraged to sign up for the Plus membership to access extended content and ad-free versions of the show. It's important to note that the veracity of these claims has not been confirmed, and further investigation is required.

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    Season 2 Episode 10 "Operation Mainbrace" with creator David O'Leary, show runner Sean Jablonski and Aidan Gillen

    Project Blue Book closes another epic season with Hynek & Quinn at sea in "Operation Mainbrace". The Cold War threat looms along with 'ghost ships' and a showdown with Mimi and Susie. Plus, what about that cliffhanger? We address it all with creator David O'Leary, show runner Sean Jablonski and Aidan Gillen.

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    Aloha From "Mars"

    Aloha From "Mars"

    Lynn Levy, host of Gimlet’s ‘The Habitat’, joins Steve and guest host Moiya McTier to talk about the true story of six strangers who were picked to live in a Mars simulation, work together, and have their lives taped.

    Questions Include: How does one become a fake astronaut? Will there be psychological therapy in space? Are the HI-SEAS participants safe? What kind of entertainment do you bring on a Mars simulation? What is it like listening to 200 hours of tape? What makes up a good crew of astronauts? What kinds of conflicts arise during a Mars simulation? Why is there a space simulation in Hawaii? Is being an astronaut boring? Why doesn’t NASA study sex or romantic relationships in space?

    Follow ‘I Need My Space’ on Social Media:

    Twitter: @INeedMySpacePod

    Instagram: @INeedMySpacePod

    FB Group:  I Need My Space Pod

    To continue the conversation from this episode, use the hashtag #INeedMySpace.

    Listen to ‘The Habitat’ on Gimlet: http://www.gimletmedia.com/the-habitat

    And on Apple: https://apple.co/2NJIy08

    Follow Lynn on Twitter: @LynnRLevy

    About Inverse:

    Inverse sparks curiosity about the future. We explore the science of anything, innovations that shape tomorrow and ideas that stretch our minds. Our goal is to motivate the next generation to build a better world.


    ‘I Need My Space’ is an Inverse production hosted by Steve Ward, produced by Sam Riddell, and executive produced by Hannah Margaret Allen and Weston Green. This episode was also produced and hosted by Moiya McTier. Our intro and outro music was created by Andrew Olivares.

    Steve: @stevejohnhenryw

    Moiya: @GoAstroMo

    Andrew: https://soundcloud.com/andrewo

    Other Topics Discussed Include: Gimlet, ‘The Habitat’, Lynn Levy, HI-SEAS, Hawaii, and NASA

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    Pastor Mike Online 09-13-12

    Pastor Mike Online 09-13-12

    LIVE Webcast airs every Tuesday and Thursday at 1pm CST on PastorMikeOnline.com hosted by Mike Hoggard. Topics include: Emerging Church, Scripture Numerics, Symbols, Giants, Symbology, Conspiracy Theories, UFO's, Last Days' Prophecies, Tongues, Sacred Name Movement, Conspiracies, New World Order, King James Bible, religion, prophecy, and more! Send in your questions during the webcast by using the form on the page or email PastorMikeOnline@gmail.com - Visit http://PastorMikeOnline.com