
    195. Sex Talk & That Night in Miami: Sex Therapy with Vanessa Marin

    enApril 04, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Addressing common problems in industries with innovative solutions3rdlove offers comfortable bras with half cup sizes and virtual fitting room, while Pampers ensures baby's skin stays dry with Swaddlers diapers and gentle wipes. Effective communication and understanding are crucial in relationships, as discussed with sex therapist Vanessa Marin.

      Both 3rdlove and Pampers offer solutions to common problems in their respective industries. 3rdlove addresses the issue of finding a comfortable and properly fitting bra through their half cup sizes and virtual fitting room. Pampers solves the problem of keeping babies' skin dry and healthy with their Swaddlers diapers and gentle wipes. During the podcast, the hosts also discussed the importance of communication and understanding in relationships, and brought in a sex therapist, Vanessa Marin, to help listeners improve their own sexual relationships by overcoming shame and learning effective communication skills.

    • Communicate Effectively for a Fulfilling Sex LifeExpressing yourself during sex conversations can deepen your connection, prevent blocked communication, and lead to new insights and understanding. Define your own desires and expectations to build a stronger, more satisfying relationship.

      Effective communication is essential for a fulfilling and healthy sex life. It's important to express yourself, even if it feels uncomfortable or uncertain, as it can prevent blocked communication and deepen your connection with your partner. The conversations you have around sex can make a significant difference, and setting a foundation for these conversations by asking fundamental questions can lead to new insights and understanding. Many people struggle to define what sex means to them, highlighting the importance of examining our own desires and expectations. By having open and honest conversations, we can create a safe space to explore our sexuality and build a stronger, more satisfying relationship.

    • Expanding the Definition of SexEncourage a broader definition of sex beyond the end goal, foster open communication, and create a safe space for both partners to explore and connect emotionally.

      Sex is more than just an end goal or orgasm. It's about connection, emotion, and experiencing pleasure throughout the day. Both partners should be present and in tune with each other's needs. Many women struggle with receiving and being present during the experience due to societal pressure to focus solely on the end goal. Encouraging a broader definition of sex and fostering open communication can help deepen the connection between partners and make the experience more fulfilling. It's important to remember that everyone's experience with sex is unique, and it's okay to have different desires and needs. The ultimate goal should be to create a safe and comfortable space for both partners to explore and enjoy their bodies and emotions together.

    • Starting a conversation about sex with positivityApproach sex talks with positivity, share past pleasurable experiences, and let the conversation flow naturally.

      Having open and comfortable conversations about sex in a relationship is crucial for maintaining a healthy and fulfilling intimate life. Instead of approaching the topic with a sense of obligation or frustration, it's essential to start by sharing positive experiences and expressing desires. By reframing the conversation around pleasure and joy, both partners can feel called into their best selves rather than shamed or defensive. Remember, sex is an essential aspect of intimacy and should be approached with care and respect, just like we do with our children. So, start by sharing a fond memory of a past sexual experience with your partner, and let the conversation flow naturally from there.

    • Shifting conversations to uncomfortable topics and protecting vulnerabilityEffective communication involves being open and honest, but also being mindful of one's own behaviors and motivations to foster deeper connections in relationships.

      Effective communication is key in maintaining a healthy relationship. During a discussion about Pampers products, the speakers unintentionally shifted the conversation to their past sexual experiences, which they found uncomfortable and resulted in them adopting different speaking styles. They realized that this behavior was a way for them to protect themselves and avoid vulnerability. The speakers suggested extending the conversation duration to allow for deeper connection and understanding. Additionally, the conversation touched on the importance of expressing one's desires and needs in a relationship, rather than focusing on societal expectations or comparing oneself to others. The speakers acknowledged that many people may feel pressure to have more sex, but emphasized the importance of introspection and self-awareness in determining personal wants and needs. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of open and honest communication in addressing relationship issues and fostering deeper connections. It also underscored the need to be mindful of one's own behaviors and motivations in interactions with one's partner.

    • Having open and authentic conversations about sex in a relationshipConversations focusing on partners' desires and dreams can increase satisfaction and desire, reset sensitive topics, create flirtation, and deepen connection.

      Having open and authentic conversations about sex in a relationship can lead to increased satisfaction and desire for both partners. These conversations should focus on what each person genuinely wants and dreams for their sex life together, rather than perceived criticisms or failures. Starting such conversations can help reset other potentially sensitive topics, create a sense of flirtation and desire, and even bring back fond memories. It's important to remember that not all relationships begin with a hot and heavy stage, and that great chemistry can be created and actively worked on through smaller things that each partner enjoys. Overall, having these conversations can lead to a deeper connection and understanding between partners.

    • Communicating Effectively About Intimate TopicsComplimenting your partner's appearance and setting a foundation for open communication can lead to more open conversations about sex. Use specificity and grace when trying new things, and consider using a personal finance app like Rocket Money to manage subscriptions and save money.

      Effective communication in relationships, especially regarding intimate topics like sex, requires effort, vulnerability, and specificity. Vanessa shared her experience of how her relationship improved after reading a book that encouraged her to compliment her partner on their appearance more often. This simple act led to more open conversations about sex, which they started having after their intimate moments, a practice they call the "postgame." Vanessa also emphasized the importance of setting a foundation for open communication outside of the bedroom. Additionally, she mentioned the need for grace and understanding when trying new things, as not everything will work perfectly. In another context, the discussion touched upon the importance of managing subscriptions and unwanted expenses. Rocket Money, a personal finance app, was introduced as a solution to help users find and cancel unwanted subscriptions, monitor spending, and lower bills to save money. The conversation also touched upon the difficulties of discussing sex for couples who haven't had the conversation before. The suggestion was to start with simple, specific comments about past experiences to keep the conversation going and build a stronger connection.

    • Communicating during intimate momentsFocus on options and the present moment for effective and enjoyable communication during intimacy, rather than putting pressure with 'what do you want' questions.

      Asking "what do you want" during intimate moments can put undue pressure on both partners. Instead, giving options and focusing on the present moment can make communication more effective and enjoyable. The speaker, a sex therapist, emphasizes the importance of normalizing vulnerability and being present in the moment during intimate conversations and experiences. She also suggests that focusing on what sounds good in the moment, rather than what will guarantee an orgasm, can lead to a more satisfying experience for both partners. By providing options and shifting the focus away from specific outcomes, communication becomes less goal-oriented and more exploratory, leading to a deeper connection between partners.

    • Understanding the Importance of Emotional and Physical Connections in a RelationshipBoth emotional and physical connections are crucial in maintaining intimacy. Prioritize and nurture both to foster a deeper sense of connection in your relationship.

      The connection and intimacy in a relationship don't only happen in the bedroom. The level of emotional connection throughout the day plays a significant role in whether or not partners feel close enough to be intimate. Some people need emotional connection first to feel comfortable being intimate, while others find that physical intimacy leads to emotional connection. It's essential to understand that both emotional and physical connections are equally important and that safety is a crucial factor in maintaining intimacy. The discussion also emphasized the importance of Vuori clothing, which offers comfort and versatility for various activities and situations. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of prioritizing and nurturing emotional and physical connections in a relationship to foster a deeper sense of intimacy.

    • Emotional intimacy is vital for sexual relationshipsMen may struggle to be vulnerable, making sex a significant way to connect. Consistent sexual decline could indicate issues in emotional connection.

      Emotional intimacy is a crucial aspect of sexual relationships. It cannot be quantified, but it's essential for both partners to feel close and safe. Sex without emotional intimacy may not be considered sex at all. Men, in particular, may find it difficult to be vulnerable and emotional outside of the bedroom, making sex a significant way for them to connect. Therefore, if one partner frequently feels the need to decline sexual advances, it might indicate an issue in other areas of the relationship that requires attention. It's essential to remember that everyone is allowed to say no to sex, but if it becomes a consistent pattern, it could be a sign that other forms of communication and emotional connection need improvement.

    • Recognize and honor desires and boundariesHonoring desires and boundaries leads to greater overall fulfillment and satisfaction in life. Support creators by following, reviewing, and sharing episodes.

      Our bodies and sexual desires are powerful expressions of ourselves, and denying them in other areas of life can lead to a build-up of frustration and a strong reaction when we finally have the opportunity to assert ourselves. This can manifest as a refusal to give in to someone else's demands, even in the context of a romantic relationship. It's important to recognize and honor our desires and boundaries, as this can lead to greater overall fulfillment and satisfaction in life. Additionally, following or subscribing to a podcast, leaving a review, and sharing episodes with friends are crucial ways to support the creators and ensure the continued production of content that resonates with us.

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    We Can Do Hard Things
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    We Can Do Hard Things
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    Grief: How to Move Through Losing a Friend with Sloane Crosley
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    Christin & Jo 

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    Admin note:

    We also share at the beginning of this conversation that we will be releasing BI-WEEKLY episodes until this hectic season of upheaval calms down. We'll see you back here 2/24!



    Christin & Jo