
    200 - Osteoporosis: how to protect your bones during menopause and beyond

    enApril 18, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Careers in Women's Health: Unexpected Turns and Passions DiscoveredBoth Dr. Newson and Dr. DeSappri have had diverse careers in women's health, starting with traditional paths but taking unexpected turns based on personal interests and patient experiences. They emphasize the importance of staying curious and adaptable, making a positive impact on women's health throughout their lives.

      Key takeaway from this podcast episode is that both Dr. Louise Newson and her guest, Dr. Kristi DeSappri, have had diverse careers in women's health, which started with traditional paths but took unexpected turns based on personal interests and patient experiences. Dr. Newson shares her passion for running a menopause clinic and founding the Menopause Charity and the Menopause Support App, while Dr. DeSappri discusses her journey from wanting to be an OBGYN to focusing on internal medicine and a fellowship in multidisciplinary women's healthcare, leading to a specialization in bone health. They both emphasize the importance of staying curious and adaptable in their careers and making a positive impact on women's health throughout their lives.

    • Understanding Osteoporosis and Women's Bone HealthOsteoporosis is under-diagnosed, with only 25% of women getting bone density tests after 65, despite its importance for preventing fractures. Hormones, nutrition, and exercise all play roles in maintaining bone health.

      Osteoporosis and bone health are crucial aspects of women's health, particularly during midlife, that are often overlooked. Osteoporosis is an under-diagnosed condition, with less than 25% of women in the US getting bone density tests after the age of 65, despite recommendations for universal screening. This disease, which involves low bone mass and can lead to fractures, is often considered a hidden issue because many people don't realize the severity of bone fractures, especially in older adults. Our bones are not just static structures but are metabolically active, with cells constantly building and breaking down bone. Hormones like estrogen and parathyroid play significant roles in bone health. Preventing osteoporosis and its fractures is essential, as hip fractures, for instance, can have serious consequences for older adults. It's crucial to recognize the importance of bone health and take steps to maintain bone density through proper nutrition, exercise, and regular screenings.

    • Understanding Osteoporosis: A Common Condition Affecting MillionsOsteoporosis is a condition that affects millions, particularly women over 50, leading to bone loss and increased fracture risk. Clinical risk factors include being female, reaching menopause, and having a family history of fractures. The FRAC score assesses these risks.

      Our bones are constantly remodeling, but this process slows down as we age, increasing the risk for osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a common condition, particularly in women over the age of 50, with around one in two women and one in five men being affected. The condition results in loss of skeletal mass and increased risk for fractures. It's important to note that more women have hip fractures than breast, uterine, and ovarian cancer combined. Clinical risk factors for osteoporosis include being female, reaching menopause, and having a family history of fractures, among others. The FRAC score is a tool used to assess clinical risk factors, including age, height, weight, and medication use. Overall, osteoporosis is a significant condition that warrants attention, and it's essential to be aware of the risks and available resources for prevention and treatment.

    • Assessing bone health regularly is essentialRegular bone health assessments, particularly around age 45-55, using DEXA scans can help identify osteoporosis or osteopenia, prevent fractures, and address risk factors early.

      Regular bone health assessments, particularly around the age of 45 to 55, are crucial for both men and women. While cholesterol levels are commonly measured, a DEXA scan is the gold standard for assessing bone density and identifying potential issues like osteoporosis or osteopenia. These conditions may not always be indicated by other risk factors, making early detection vital. Prevention is key, as treating fractures after they occur is far more costly and complex than making lifestyle adjustments when healthy. It's essential to consider individual risk factors, such as family history, nutrient intake, exercise habits, and calcium intake during critical bone growth years. The interplay of these factors can significantly impact bone health. Regular assessments and addressing potential risk factors early can help maintain bone health and reduce the risk of fractures.

    • Factors influencing women's bone healthUnderstanding genetics, ethnicity, hormonal changes, and lifestyle factors can help women maintain bone health. Regular screening and lifestyle modifications are key to prevention.

      Women's bone health is influenced by various factors including genetics, ethnicity, hormonal changes, and lifestyle factors. Women who undergo premature menopause due to conditions like hereditary breast and ovarian cancers or idiopathic osteoporosis are at a higher risk for bone density loss. Hormones, particularly estrogen and testosterone, play a crucial role in maintaining bone health. The loss of estrogen during menopause disrupts the balance between bone formation and bone breakdown, leading to bone loss. DEXA scans, a simple, low-radiation test, can provide valuable information about bone health. Preventative strategies include awareness, regular screening, and lifestyle modifications. Ethnicity and genetics can impact bone density, and individualized approaches may be necessary for effective treatment.

    • Significant bone density loss during menopause, particularly in trabecular compartmentsWomen may lose up to 20% in trabecular bone and 5-7% in cortical bone during menopause. HRT can help restore hormonal imbalance, stimulate bone building, and reduce fracture risk.

      During menopause, women experience significant bone density loss in the trabecular compartments, leading to an imbalance in bone mineral density losses in the spine. This loss can amount to up to 20% in trabecular bone and 5-7% in cortical bone. Women with a family history of osteoporosis or those experiencing perimenopause for longer durations may experience even greater bone density loss. Estrogen replacement therapy (HRT) can help restore the hormonal imbalance and potentially stimulate bone building, as shown in animal studies and bone biopsies. Despite this, many women with osteoporosis are not prescribed HRT, and guidelines often caution against it due to unfounded concerns about heart attacks, breast cancer, and other side effects. However, studies have shown that HRT reduces the risk of hip, vertebral, and non-vertebral fractures in women around the age of 60. HRT offers additional benefits for heart, brain health, and symptom relief, making it a preferred choice for managing osteoporosis over bisphosphonates, which have finite treatment durations and side effects.

    • Hormone therapy reduces risk of fractures for women in their 50s and beyondHormone therapy can prevent bone resorption and reduce fracture risk, particularly for vertebral, non-vertebral, and hip fractures. However, decisions should be based on individual risks and benefits, considering hormones make bones more flexible and bisphosphonates can make bones denser but brittle.

      Hormone therapy for women during their 50s and beyond can still offer a significant reduction in the risk of fractures, particularly for vertebral, non-vertebral, and hip fractures. This benefit extends beyond menopause and into older age. However, the decision to use hormone therapy or other treatments like bisphosphonates should be based on individual risks and benefits. Both hormones and bisphosphonates work by preventing bone resorption and filling in active resorption cavities, but they have different effects on bone structure. Hormones make bones more flexible and less likely to fracture, while bisphosphonates can make bones denser but more brittle. It's essential for patients to be informed and empowered to make the best choice for their unique situation. Additionally, healthcare providers should move beyond a one-size-fits-all approach and consider the risks and benefits throughout a woman's lifespan.

    • Estrogen therapy benefits for bone health in older womenOlder women can prevent bone loss and alleviate menopause symptoms with estrogen therapy. Transdermal estrogen is a safe option, and even low doses can help protect bones and reduce joint pain. Personalized treatment plans allow for effective and safe use.

      While there are limitations and risks associated with the use of estrogen therapy (HRT) for bone health, particularly in the long-term, it still offers benefits, especially when started in older women and used in appropriate doses. Estrogen plays a crucial role in maintaining bone health, muscle strength, and joint health. Transdermal estrogen, which has no risk of blood clots, is a safe and effective option for older women to prevent bone loss and alleviate symptoms of menopause. Studies suggest that even low doses of estrogen can help protect bones and reduce joint pain. The availability of various estrogen and progestogen doses and delivery methods allows for personalized treatment plans. For instance, low-dose patches can offset bone loss in women with low bone density. It's important to note that standard doses of estrogen closer to the time of menopause are more effective for bone health. However, individual intolerances and concerns must be considered when prescribing HRT.

    • Menopause and Bone HealthMenopause increases risk of osteoporosis due to hormonal changes. DEXA scan and discussion with a clinician are recommended for individual risk assessment. Consider hormone therapy for bone health benefits if no contraindications.

      Menopause is a critical time for women's bone health. Hormonal changes during this stage can impact bone density, increasing the risk of osteoporosis. Awareness of individual risk and bone mineral density is crucial. Obtaining a DEXA scan and discussing the results with a women's health clinician is recommended. Additionally, starting hormone therapy earlier in the menopause transition may not only improve symptoms but also enhance bone health benefits. It's essential to consider hormone therapy as an option for bone health management if there are no contraindications. Remember, bone health is just one aspect of women's overall wellbeing during menopause, which also includes cardiovascular, cognitive, and joint health. Women should advocate for themselves, educate themselves, and seek professional advice to maintain their independence and overall wellbeing.

    • Educate yourself and ask questions for informed bone health decisions during perimenopause and menopauseSeeking knowledge and advice from healthcare providers is crucial during perimenopause and menopause for making informed decisions about bone health. Don't hesitate to advocate for yourself and seek a second opinion if needed.

      Seeking knowledge and advice from healthcare providers during perimenopause and menopause is crucial for making informed decisions about bone health. It's important to educate yourself and ask questions to ensure you receive accurate information. If you don't feel comfortable with the information provided by one healthcare professional, don't hesitate to seek a second opinion. Chris Newson emphasized the significance of this advice, and the importance of advocating for yourself in your healthcare journey. He also highlighted the importance of education for both women and men regarding bone health during these stages of life. For more information and resources, visit balance-menopause.com or download the free Balance app from the App Store or Google Play.

    Recent Episodes from The Dr Louise Newson Podcast

    262 - Acne: from teen years to menopause and beyond

    262 - Acne: from teen years to menopause and beyond

    This week on the podcast with Dr Louise, Consultant Dermatologist Dr Sajjad Rajpar returns to talk about acne and its effect on women during the perimenopause and menopause, including on their self-confidence and mental health.

    Dr Saj explains the causes of acne and the different treatments available, including an encouraging new treatment that could make a big difference to acne sufferers in the long term.

    Finally, Dr Saj shares his three tips for anyone who might have acne:

    1. Keep skincare simple and targeted. Pick one of three active ingredients – retinoids, benzoyl peroxide or azelaic acid – and give it three to six months to work. Only supplement it with a very simple supporting skincare regime.
    2. Assess the impact of the acne – if it is leaving persistent blemishes, pigmentation or scars, then escalate the treatment. If the first line treatment hasn’t worked, give it three months and see a medical professional to try to get it under control because prevention of scars is so much easier than trying to reverse and cure them.
    3. Be mindful about all the different risk factors and triggers, and do not underestimate the impact of diet and stress. Where we can treat acne holistically, we should.

    You can follow Dr Saj on Instagram @dr.rajpar_dermatologist

    There is a chapter dedicated to skin and hair in menopause in Dr Louise’s bestselling book, The Definitive Guide to the Perimenopause and Menopause, which includes expert contributions by Dr Saj. Order your copy by clicking here.

    Click here to find out more about Newson Health

    261 - Chronic pain and menopause: what’s the link?

    261 - Chronic pain and menopause: what’s the link?

    About 28 million people in the UK are thought to be living with chronic pain – that’s 43% of the population, according to the 2011 Census.

    But what is chronic pain, and how can it overlap with the perimenopause and menopause?

    In this week’s episode Dr Louise is joined by Dr Deepak Ravindran, a consultant in pain medicine and author of The Pain-Free Mindset: 7 Steps to Taking Control and Overcoming Chronic Pain.

    Dr Deepak unpicks the science behind chronic, or persist, pain and the two discuss the relationship between hormones, inflammation and pain.

    Dr Louise and Dr Deepak have co-authored a new article which offers 10 top tips for primary care practitioners on improving care for women with fatigue and/or pain. You can access the article here.

    Follow Dr Deepak on YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn and X.

    Click here to find out more about Newson Health

    260 - Get comfortable with the uncomfortable: mental health and the menopause

    260 - Get comfortable with the uncomfortable: mental health and the menopause

    Content advisory: this podcast contains themes of suicide and mental health.

    This week on the podcast, Dr Louise is joined by Andrea Newton, a postmenopausal woman whose own experience of mental health during the menopause lead her to train as a tutor with the National Centre for Suicide Prevention Training. Over the last six years, Andrea has trained thousands of people in suicide intervention skills and she is now training to become a menopause coach.

    Andrea explains how her work in the corporate world has allowed her to share the importance of educating line managers, HR managers, and everyone about the menopause. She is also the author of the book, Could it be Your Hormones Love? (And Other Questions Not to Ask a Menopausal Woman).

    Andrea shares her tips on widening the conversation about menopause:

    1. Women need to educate themselves more about how the menopause affects all aspects of their health and be better at advocating for themselves.
    2. Let’s take the conversation to the wider audience and stop the awful, narrow, stereotypical view of menopause. Instead, educate people so we can avoid tribunals, retain talent and have more menopause-friendly businesses.
    3. Get comfortable with the uncomfortable and have conversations about things like menopause, mental health, suicide risk. We need to stop waiting for people to reach out, and we need to get better at reaching in and being proactive.

    You can follow Andrea on LinkedIn, Instagram @in.her.right.mind and Facebook @InHerRightMind  

    Click here to find out more about Newson Health

    Contact the Samaritans for 24-hour, confidential support by calling 116 123 or email jo@samaritans.org.


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    259 - All about Dr Louise’s theatre tour Hormones and Menopause: The Great Debate

    259 - All about Dr Louise’s theatre tour Hormones and Menopause: The Great Debate

    This week on the podcast Dr Louise meets comedian Anne Gildea, who will be joining Louise on her 34-date theatre tour this autumn, Hormones and Menopause: The Great Debate.

    Anne, a founding member of Irish musical-comedy trio The Nualas talks to Louise about her diagnosis of breast cancer, aged 45, and her ensuing menopausal symptoms, which she was unprepared for. She explains how her research inspired her to create her own show, How to Get the Menopause and Enjoy It.

    Louise and Anne discuss why they’ve come together to create a new show that will take you on a journey through the history of women’s health and lead you to see menopause and hormones in a whole different light.

    Finally, the pair share some of the reasons they think people should come to the show:

    1. It'll be a wonderful night out - a real sharing experience where you can also have a laugh.
    2. There’ll be lots to learn with new content and a sharing of knowledge.
    3. You’ll be able to ask questions and gets answers. Some shows will also have doctors available in the interval but Louise will answer questions on the stage as well.

    You can follow Anne on Instagram @annegildea  

    To buy tickets to the show click here

    Click here to find out more about Newson Health


    258 - I’m 27 and perimenopausal: how testosterone helped my symptoms

    258 - I’m 27 and perimenopausal: how testosterone helped my symptoms

    This week on the podcast, Dr Louise is joined by Elin Sullivan, a young woman who suffered a myriad of symptoms for years before getting the right treatment.

    Elin first experienced recurring urinary tract infections at 19 years old, and twice required hospitalisation. She also suffered from sweats, sleep disruption and fatigue, shaking and lichen sclerosus. After a chance encounter with Louise, she tried local HRT, which was transformative, and now takes testosterone to balance her low levels.

    Elin talks about how hard it can be to experience perimenopausal symptoms at a young age and shares her tips for other younger women experiencing issues that they think might be down to their hormones:  

    1. Although it can feel really hard, don't stop advocating for yourself. You may have self-doubt or worry that you’re wrong but keep pushing. My doctor was sick of seeing me, I was there probably every week, but don’t give up.
    2. Rather than just giving your doctor a list of your symptoms, show them when they were happening as well. Have a log of symptoms and anything that might have affected them on that day. This will help your doctor rule out things but also show if your diet, etc, has an influence.
    3. Don't be scared to try medications or suggestions. It might help but if it doesn’t it can potentially help your doctor decide the next step. I never believed local HRT could make such a big difference but am so glad I tried it.

    Click here to find out more about Newson Health.

    257 - Oestrogen, your heart and the menopause

    257 - Oestrogen, your heart and the menopause

    This week on the podcast Dr Louise is joined by Dr Felice Gersh, who is double board-certified in OB-GYN and Integrative Medicine, and specialises in female health, with a focus on managing female hormonal dysfunctions.

    She is the author of the book PCOS SOS: A Gynecologist’s Lifeline to Naturally Restore Your Rhythms, Hormones, and Happiness, and recently published a paper on oestrogen and cardiovascular disease, and a 2021 paper on HRT.

    Here she talks about the family of oestrogens and the important role of hormones on the heart. Finally, she shares three tips on improving heart and whole body health:

    1. Eat a lot of phytoestrogen-containing foods - so every kind of plant in all the different colours, including beans, nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables. They are nature's gift to us.
    2. Sunlight is like happy medicine. Try to get sunlight in the morning, midday and watch the sunset every chance you get. This will help you to sleep better, make more serotonin, and help to set your master clock in your brain, which tends to drift when we lose our oestrogen production.
    3. Move. Your fitness status is more predictive of healthy longevity than your blood pressure. Think of your fitness, strength, flexibility and balance as a critical part of your life so get active in every way you can.

    You can follow Dr Felice on Instagram @felicegershmd.

    Click here for more about Newson Health.

    256 - Spreading the word about menopause care in the US, and beyond

    256 - Spreading the word about menopause care in the US, and beyond

    This week Dr Louise is joined by Aoife O’Sullivan, a family medicine doctor who trained in Dublin before completing a second family medicine residency at the University of Maryland.


    After taking some time out to complete extra training in perimenopausal and menopausal care, including Newson Health’s Confidence in the Menopause course, Dr Aoife is passionate about providing more comprehensive and holistic care to women during midlife.


    Dr Aoife share the ways clinicians, and all people, can educate themselves in order to improve the health of women in the US, and across the world:

    1. Take every opportunity to learn and educate. So join any local healthcare Facebook groups and pass on links to the Confidence in the Menopause website, the balance app, etc. Even if you reach one or two people like that, it will make a difference and they might reach another one or two people.
    2. Share small bites of information because it can be a little overwhelming. So when you're trying to reach somebody, give them small amounts of information at a time.
    3. Harness the power of friends. If everyone informs their friends and they all go to their doctors, obstetricians, gynaecologists and urologists, and ask questions, it will fuel discussion and increase knowledge.

    You can follow Dr Aoife on Instagram @portlandmenopausedoc

    Find out more about the Confidence in the Menopause course and click here for more about Newson Health.



    255 - Mental health issues and hormones: introducing Newson Health’s psychiatrist Dr Louisa James

    255 - Mental health issues and hormones: introducing Newson Health’s psychiatrist Dr Louisa James

    This week on the podcast Dr Louise is joined by a new colleague, Dr Louisa James, a psychiatrist who has recently joined the team at Newson Health.

    Dr Louisa’s personal experience of the menopause prompted her to learn more about the impact of hormones, and incorporate her knowledge in her role as an NHS consultant psychiatrist in a home treatment service. Here she discusses the importance, and power, of asking patients about their hormones during a psychiatric appointment.

    Finally, Dr Louisa shares her tips for thinking about your hormones alongside your mental health:

    1.Consider whether this feels different to any previous episodes of depression you may have experienced or if your symptoms are fluctuating. Some women have suicidal thoughts or are depressed at certain times of the month. Track your symptoms and look at the fluctuations.

    1. Your history can affect your menopause. If you’ve had an episode of postnatal depression or PMDD, then you're more likely to experience mental health difficulties in the perimenopause.
    2. How do you feel about your life? Lack of joy rather than a sadness, the emotional lability, is often greater with a hormonal mental health problem whereas irritability, rage and impulsiveness can be greater with mental health problems.

    Dr Louisa James is now offering consultations to existing Newson Health patients. Click here for details.



    254 - Dr Louise’s new paperback book: what’s new and who’s it for?

    254 - Dr Louise’s new paperback book: what’s new and who’s it for?

    This week is a celebration of Dr Louise Newson’s new paperback book, a revised and updated version of the bestselling The Definitive Guide to the Perimenopause & Menopause. Dr Louise is joined by Kat Keogh, who worked on the book with her and is the head of editorial at Newson Health and across the balance website and app.

    Here Kat turns the tables and asks Dr Louise the questions, discovering why the subject of HRT doses warranted more attention in the book, the importance of hearing directly from women experiencing the menopause as well as experts in their fields, plus how Louise felt sharing her personal experiences.

    Finally, Dr Louise shares three reasons she thinks people should buy the book:

    1. The bright yellow cover is uplifting, and when you’re happier you’re healthier.
    2. It’s packed with information so you’ll learn something that will either help you or a loved one.
    3. Increasing awareness of hormones, perimenopause, menopause, plus PMS and PMDD will help women feel less lonely, more included and more listened to.

    Pre-order the paperback book here

    Click here to find out more about Newson Health.


    253 - Coping with the perimenopause when you’re a carer

    253 - Coping with the perimenopause when you’re a carer

    This week on the podcast, Dr Louise is joined by Tova Gillespie, a working single parent to two daughters, one of whom has severe disabilities and complex medical needs. Here she talks about the challenges of being perimenopausal while being a carer and how it’s easy to not recognise or understand your symptoms.


    Louise and Tova discuss how it’s easy for your own needs to end up at the bottom of the to-do list when you’re a carer or have a busy family life, and Tova shares three tips for anyone who may not be looking after themselves:

    1. Learn to ask for and accept help. People want to help, but very often they don't know how to offer it and our usual response can be ‘no, I don't need anything’. Instead, say straight out: ‘Please do my washing up. Or I have five loads of clean laundry that needs sorting. Or can you bring over some food?’ Anything really.
    2. If your health isn't what it should be, go to your GP. When you ring your GP, ask for an appointment to talk about perimenopause and hormones. They’ll know from the get go what it is you're after and if they have anyone in the clinic with an interest in that area, they’ll put you in with that person.
    3. Try to see the good every day. I do gratitude journalling, where I write down a minimum of three positive things that have happened that day, and they're not big. It could be the sun is shining. It could be the taste of that first sip of coffee in the morning. I train myself to look for the positive because it's so easy to get overwhelmed in the bad stuff.

    Learn more about Tova on her YouTube channel. Or follow her on Instagram @parentXP

    Click here to find out more about Newson Health.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Oestrogen and bone health, with Dr Kuki Avery and Dr Laura Flexer

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    How conscious are you of your bone health? Dr Kuki Avery and Dr Laura Flexer join Liz on this episode of The Liz Earle Wellbeing Show to chat more about the connections between oestrogen and bone density.

    Laura and Kuki - both GPs and menopause specialists - share shocking statistics on fractures, and offer helpful advice on what we should be doing now to protect our bone health for later life. 

    They cover how to tell if you’re getting enough calcium with a simple online tool, plus the importance of vitamin D for bone health.

    Trigger warning: the episode also contains discussion of disordered eating and the links to poor bone health as a result.

    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    3. The Secrets to Strong Bones with Kevin Ellis (The Bone Coach)

    3. The Secrets to Strong Bones with Kevin Ellis (The Bone Coach)

    Despite popular belief, recovery from osteoporosis IS possible.


    As a health coach and founder of BoneCoach.com, Kevin Ellis has dedicated his career to helping people gain clarity and confidence around osteoporosis and bone health. 


    In today’s episode, Kevin shares what osteoporosis is and how to learn if you have it. You’ll discover that even if you have a diagnosis, there’s still hope to strengthen your bones.


    You’ll also get easy bone health tips so you can be proactive and strengthen your bones BEFORE any problems arise. 


    Most likely, you’ll find that there’s a lot more to strong bones than you might think! 


    Key Topics/Takeaways:


    • Kevin shares his personal osteoporosis recovery story.
    • Bone density vs. bone quality
    • Kevin breaks down the categories of bone medications. 
    • Why so many young people are susceptible to secondary osteoporosis.
    • The connection between gut and bone health. 
    • Top foods to eat for optimal bone health.
    • The three keys to a stronger bone plan.


    Where to Find the Guest:



    Bone-Healthy Recipes Guide (BoneCoach™)

    Memorable Quotes:


    “That functional medicine sort of holistic health arena, the unfortunate part is most of us all come to it because of our own personal struggles or our family members’ struggles. The good thing is we go through it so we can then, therefore, help others.” (6:19, Betty)


    “What a lot of people don't realize is when you are told you have osteoporosis, It does not automatically mean right now you are actively losing bone.” (12:04, Kevin)


    “The first thing you have to do is figure out if you’re still actively losing bone. The next thing you have to figure out is okay, if I’m actively losing bone, what is contributing to that loss?” (19:14, Kevin)


    “Healthy bones are not built by what you’re eating, they’re built by what you’re absorbing.” (20:37, Kevin)


    “If you want to build bone, you need to build muscle.” (30:24, Kevin)


    “The process that you’re going through to improve your health, it’s never perfect. Progress is always going to be possible if you stick with it.”  (37:44, Kevin)


    Connect with Betty Murray:



    Living Well Dallas

    Hormone Reset

    Betty Murray





    167. Osteoporosis: From Fear to Empowerment | Dr. Margie Bissinger, MS, PT, CHC

    167. Osteoporosis: From Fear to Empowerment | Dr. Margie Bissinger, MS, PT, CHC

    Margie Bissinger, MS, PT, CHC is a physical therapist, integrative health coach, and happiness trainer. She has over 25 years of experience helping people with osteoporosis and osteopenia improve their bone health through an integrative comprehensive approach. She is the author of Osteoporosis: An Exercise Guide and the creator of both the Happy Bones, Happy Life, and the Happy Me, Happy Life online programs.  Margie has lectured to Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, hospitals, and women’s groups throughout the country and she has been featured in the New York Times, Menopause Management, OB GYN News and contributed to numerous health and fitness books

    In today’s talk, Margie is interviewed by her husband, Dr. Craig Bissinger, and they discuss the necessary steps to get started on a successful osteoporosis program. 

    This episode is guaranteed to get you moving!



    [04:02] Key Ingredients to Move Past the Fear of Osteoporosis and Move Forward to Better Your Health and Bones

    [06:58] How Your Mindset Affects Your Health

    [09:20] What You can do with Your Body to Improve Your Health

    [20:52] The Benefits of Spirit and Prayer

    [23:52] Support Your Health by Surrounding Yourself with the Right People


    DISCLAIMER – The information presented on this podcast should not be construed as medical advice. It is not intended to replace consultation with your physician or healthcare provider. The ideas shared on this podcast are the expressed opinions of the guests and do not always reflect those of Margie Bissinger and Happy Bones, Happy Life Podcast.

    Hot and bothered

    Hot and bothered
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