
    Podcast Summary

    • Challenging Binary Thinking and Questioning Narratives in Complex ConflictsTake a nuanced perspective on conflicts, understanding the historical context and complexities. Question narratives, recognize suffering on both sides, and critically analyze one's own government's actions.

      The conversation highlights the dangers of binary thinking and the oversimplification of complex issues like war and the Israel-Palestine conflict. It emphasizes the need to question the narratives presented by either side and to seek a deeper understanding of the historical context and complexities involved. The discussion touches upon the importance of recognizing the flawed reasoning behind viewing conflicts as purely good versus evil. It urges listeners to approach these issues with a more nuanced perspective, acknowledging the suffering, displacement, and violence caused by both sides. Furthermore, it emphasizes the need to critically analyze the actions of one's own government and not shy away from discussing uncomfortable truths.

    • The Complex and Ongoing Israeli-Palestinian ConflictUnderstanding the historical context and acknowledging the unequal power dynamics is crucial for engaging in meaningful conversations about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

      The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a complex and long-standing issue that cannot be simplified or ignored. The history of the conflict involves various events, such as the UN partition plan, wars, and occupations, resulting in displacement and oppression of Palestinians. Understanding the context is crucial to have a meaningful conversation about the situation. It is essential to acknowledge the unequal power dynamics, the violation of Palestinians' rights, and the impact it has on their daily lives. When discussing the conflict, it is necessary to go beyond superficial narratives and consider the historical background and ongoing struggles faced by both Israelis and Palestinians.

    • The cycle of violence and its impact on radicalization and recruitment for terrorist organizationsUnderstanding the underlying factors of terrorism is crucial, and the ongoing cycle of revenge between Israel and Hamas hinders progress towards peace. A shift in approach is needed to break the cycle of violence.

      The cycle of violence between Israel and Hamas seems to be fueling further radicalization and recruitment for terrorist organizations. The recent attack by Hamas, though horrific, has served as a powerful propaganda tool for them, attracting more individuals to join their cause. When innocent civilians die in these conflicts, it creates a generation of anger and resentment among the affected populations. While terrorism can never be justified, it is crucial to understand the underlying factors that contribute to its growth. The ongoing cycle of revenge between Israel and Hamas perpetuates this vicious cycle and hinders any progress towards peace. It is a stark reminder of how deeply rooted conflicts can be and the need for a shift in approach to break the cycle of violence.

    • Examining Israeli Strategy in the Israel-Palestine ConflictBenjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli government intentionally supported Hamas to prevent negotiations for a Palestinian state, challenging the belief that there is no partner for peace on the Palestinian side.

      There has been a deliberate strategy by Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli government to prop up Hamas and undermine the more secular Palestinian authority in order to prevent negotiations for a Palestinian state. This strategy was aimed at ensuring that Hamas, recognized as a terrorist organization by the international community, would be in control and therefore not eligible for state recognition. This information, confirmed by direct quotes from Netanyahu himself, sheds light on the dynamics of the Israel-Palestine conflict and challenges the narrative that there is no partner for peace from the Palestinian side. While there have been desires for peace and negotiations from both sides in the past, the current political environment may hinder progress towards a resolution.

    • Gaining new perspectives on conflicts through historical analysis and empathetic understanding.Understanding the history and context of conflicts is crucial for informed opinions, and public dissent can have a significant impact on political decisions, offering hope for positive change.

      Understanding the history and context of conflicts, such as Israel and Palestine, is crucial for forming an informed opinion. Daryl Cooper's deep dive into the subject, presented in his podcast series "Fear and Loathing in the New Jerusalem," provides valuable insights and challenges preconceived notions. Cooper approaches the topic as a historian, not a politician, offering a nuanced perspective that encourages empathy and understanding for both sides. Additionally, the recent protests against Netanyahu's judicial overhaul in Israel highlight the power of public dissent and its impact on political decisions. It reminds us that the will of the people can influence the trajectory of governance, providing an optimistic outlook for change.

    • The Power of Social Media in Countering Government PropagandaSocial media provides hope for challenging government narratives, but caution is necessary as even vague statements can lead to backlash. The ability to share alternative perspectives presents an opportunity for positive change.

      There is a tremendous opportunity for countering government propaganda through the accessibility of information on social media platforms. With the revolution in the way people receive and share ideas, there is no longer a monopoly control on the means of information. This provides hope for humanity in challenging the narratives pushed by governments. However, it is important to be cautious and clear in expressing one's views, as even a vague statement can be misinterpreted and lead to backlash. The recent controversy surrounding Elon Musk's tweets highlights the scrutiny faced by individuals who challenge the establishment. Nonetheless, the resistance to government control and the ability to disseminate alternative perspectives present an opportunity for positive change.

    • The Importance of Educating oneself on Complex IssuesBefore forming opinions on important issues like gun control, it is crucial to have a basic understanding of the subject matter and approach discussions with an open mind and a willingness to learn.

      When it comes to discussing complex issues like gun control, it's important for individuals to have a basic understanding of the subject matter. Many people form opinions based on preconceived notions and ideologies, without actually taking the time to educate themselves on the facts. This often leads to ignorant statements and misguided arguments. Additionally, those advocating for laws against certain things may not fully grasp the consequences of their actions. For example, advocating for gun control in order to prevent mass shootings may seem like a noble goal, but it overlooks the fact that such laws can unfairly penalize law-abiding citizens who simply want to protect themselves. Therefore, it is crucial to approach discussions with an open mind and a willingness to learn before forming opinions on important issues.

    • Challenging the Current System: Corruption, Exploitation, and Profit-driven IncarcerationQuestioning the moral justifiability of imprisoning individuals for non-violent offenses and highlighting the detrimental effects of a profit-driven mindset in the prison system and other industries.

      The current system of laws and government involvement has led to corruption and the exploitation of individuals for profit. The focus should shift from personal opinions on certain behaviors to questioning whether it is morally justifiable to imprison someone for those actions. While property crimes and violent crimes may warrant consequences, there seems to be no moral case for throwing individuals into cages for other offenses. Additionally, the profitability of incarceration has created a dangerous incentive for governments to continue expanding the prison system. This profit-driven mindset can be seen in various industries, from food additives to pharmaceuticals, where companies manipulate information and lobby for regulations to increase profits. The immense power and size of the federal government only exacerbates these issues. Ultimately, the current system undermines the principles of free market capitalism and perpetuates wealth extraction from hardworking individuals.

    • Flaws of the Current Economic System and its Impact on IndividualsThe current economic system is unfair and creates frustration, as the fiat currency system, inflation, and government policies push people to invest without understanding the risks, while the banking system poses a constant threat.

      The current economic system is flawed and unjust, leading to growing frustration and anger towards the establishment. The fiat currency system, where money is not backed by a tangible asset like gold, coupled with constant inflation, makes everything more expensive over time. This creates pressure for people to invest and gamble their money instead of simply saving it, increasing the risk and complexity for average individuals. Government incentives and tax policies further push people to invest, even if they lack knowledge or understanding of the market. The banking system, marked by "too big to fail" mentality, poses a constant threat of collapse, potentially resulting in massive losses for ordinary individuals.

    • The Truth of Fractional Reserve BankingBanks only keep a fraction of deposited money as reserves and can loan out the rest, making the financial system vulnerable to mass withdrawals.

      The financial system, particularly fractional reserve banking, operates in a way that is different from what most people believe. When we open a bank account, we assume that the money in it is ours and the bank is just holding it for us. However, that's not the case. Banks only have to keep a fraction of the deposited money as reserves and can loan out the rest. This means that if everyone suddenly wanted to withdraw all their money at once, the banks wouldn't have enough funds to fulfill the demand. The system relies on the assumption that not everyone will withdraw their money simultaneously, similar to how cell phone towers can become overwhelmed when too many users try to connect. So, although the financial system works well under normal circumstances, it becomes vulnerable when faced with mass withdrawals.

    • The potential connection between psychiatric medications and mass shootings is often overlooked, leading to concerns about labeling and a lack of open dialogue.It is important to have open and honest discussions about the potential risks and benefits of psychiatric medications, including their potential side effects and impact on homicidal thoughts.

      There is a concerning lack of discussion and investigation surrounding the potential link between psychiatric medications and mass shootings. It is important to recognize that almost all of these shooters have been on some form of psychiatric medication. However, bringing up this connection often leads to being labeled as a conspiracy theorist. We must acknowledge that these medications alter the way the mind works and have potential side effects such as depression and thoughts of suicide. It is not a crazy leap to question whether these drugs may also contribute to homicidal thoughts. Furthermore, there is a worrying trend of overmedicating children, with little consideration for their actual needs. The profit-driven nature of the pharmaceutical industry and the unquestioning trust placed in doctors also add to these concerns. It is crucial that we engage in open and honest dialogue about the potential risks and benefits of psychiatric medications.

    • Concerns and Contradictions in Patient Care and Healthcare PrioritiesIt is essential to be aware of the potential profit-oriented mindset of some doctors and the trend of prioritizing medication over holistic treatment. Critically evaluate healthcare narratives and prioritize critical thinking in decision-making.

      There are doctors who prioritize profit over patient care and may overprescribe medication. While it's important to acknowledge the incredible work done by many doctors and nurses, there are also instances where patients receive little attention and are quickly handed prescriptions without thorough examination. This highlights a concerning trend of prioritizing medication over holistic treatment. Furthermore, the firing of nurses who chose not to get vaccinated, despite having natural immunity or prior experience working with COVID patients, exemplifies a lack of nuance and loyalty in the medical community. The propaganda machine surrounding healthcare can quickly discard healthcare workers it once praised, emphasizing the importance of critical thinking and questioning the dominant narratives.

    • Bridging the Gap: Understanding Perspectives on Military and the Israeli-Palestinian ConflictGenerational differences in understanding complex issues are influenced by exposure to new media and historical context. Seek a broader understanding beyond simplified narratives for a more informed perspective.

      There is a generational gap in understanding and perspectives on various issues, including the military and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The younger generation is more aware of the complexities and nuances of these topics, while the older generation often holds onto simplified narratives. This divide is fueled by the availability of new media and the exposure to different sources of information. Additionally, the origins of the Israeli state and the concept of Zionism stem from a history of violent persecutions against Jewish people, known as pogroms. Understanding this historical context helps shed light on the desire for a Jewish homeland. Overall, it is important to approach complex issues with an open mind and seek a broader understanding beyond simplified narratives.

    • The Conflict over Palestine: Historical PerspectiveThe early Zionists sought a Jewish homeland in Palestine, causing conflicting claims with the Arabs. The rights of people living in the region should be respected, irrespective of an official government.

      The early Zionists primarily focused on establishing a Jewish homeland in Palestine based on their holy book rather than considering the presence of Arabs in the region. Their main concern was escaping the oppression they experienced in Europe. Initially, they viewed the Ottoman Empire favorably, as it allowed them to practice their religion and live peacefully. However, the dynamics changed after World War I, when the British Empire made promises to both the Arabs and the Zionist cause in exchange for their support. This resulted in conflicting claims over the land, which eventually came under British control until 1947. Despite arguments denying the existence of Palestine as a sovereign state, it is important to recognize that the rights of the people living in the region should not be overlooked. According to the principles of the American Declaration of Independence, everyone has natural rights, regardless of the presence of an official government.

    • Historical Context and Ongoing Conflicts in the Arab World and PalestineThe aftermath of World War I, the rise of the Soviet Union, and the Holocaust influenced the situation in the Arab world and Palestine, leading to ongoing conflicts in the region.

      The aftermath of World War I and the events that followed played a major role in shaping the situation in the Arab world and Palestine today. The King Crane Commission, formed to assess the future of these countries, discovered that the Arab population overwhelmingly favored the USA, which contradicts the notion that they hate America for its freedom. However, despite this insight, Woodrow Wilson did not take the commission's advice into consideration. Additionally, the rise of the Soviet Union and the relative acceptance of Jewish people during the roaring twenties deterred many from responding to the Zionist call to abandon their homes and migrate to Palestine. However, the subsequent rise of the Nazis and the Holocaust proved the Zionists' warning accurate, leading to a significant influx of settlers in Palestine after World War II. This historical context lays the foundation for the ongoing conflicts in the region.

    • Evolution and Awareness of PropagandaThe conversation emphasizes the changing cultural sensitivities and the need for more sophisticated techniques in modern propaganda, highlighting the importance of critical thinking and media literacy.

      Propaganda has evolved significantly over time. The conversation between Dave Smith and Joe Rogan highlights the use of propaganda in different contexts. They discuss how cartoons from the past were used to convey messages to adults, such as the portrayal of a wolf dressed as a Jew, which is now seen as highly inappropriate. They also touch on the propaganda surrounding taxes during wartime. This conversation sheds light on the changing cultural sensitivities and the need for more sophisticated techniques in modern propaganda. It serves as a reminder that our society has become more aware and critical of manipulative tactics, emphasizing the importance of critical thinking and media literacy.

    • The Evolution of Entertainment: From Terrifying to HilariousOver time, advancements in technology and storytelling have transformed movies and narratives, offering high-definition action and relatable narration, showcasing the changing times while reminding us of the devastating impact of world wars.

      The way we perceive and interpret entertainment has drastically changed over time. What was once meant to terrify us can now be unintentionally hilarious. The advancement of technology and the evolution of storytelling have completely transformed the way movies and narratives are presented. We can now watch high-definition action movies that would have blown the minds of someone from the 1930s. Additionally, the way narration is presented has also changed, with a more natural and relatable style becoming the norm. It's fascinating to see how different voices and storytelling techniques have emerged and how they reflect the changing times. However, amidst the entertainment, it's crucial to remember the devastating impact of world wars and the importance of avoiding entangling alliances and unnecessary conflicts.

    • Escalating Conflict in Israel and the Potential for a Wider WarTo find a solution and prevent further escalation, it is crucial to grant freedom to occupied territories, minimize civilian casualties, and address the concerns of Hamas through a fair deal and recognition of the 1967 borders.

      There is a real threat of the current conflict in Israel spreading into a wider war. With Hezbollah in Lebanon and Iran's strained relationship with Israel, the potential for escalation is concerning. The response from Israel and the US government, vowing to back Israel, increases the risk of the situation getting out of control. To find an actual solution, it is essential to consider granting freedom to the occupied territories and minimizing civilian casualties. While violence can be a response to attacks, it should be conducted with the least harm possible. The notion that radical Islam is solely to blame for the conflict is flawed, as Israel has had peace agreements with Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan. The key is to offer a fair deal that addresses the concerns of Hamas and to recognize the 1967 borders as a potential resolution.

    • Israeli Settlements: Violations of International Law and Displacement of PalestiniansThe construction of Israeli settlements on Palestinian land continues to disrupt peace efforts, perpetuate illegal occupation, and disregard human rights. Serious attention is needed to address this ongoing issue.

      The Israeli settlements in the Palestinian territories have been a major point of contention and a violation of international law. These settlements have been built on Palestinian land, often resulting in the displacement and mistreatment of Palestinian families. Although the Israeli government claims to be working towards a peace process and the eventual creation of a Palestinian state, their continued construction of settlements indicates otherwise. The settlers are supported and allowed to continue their actions by the government, ultimately creating an atmosphere of illegal occupation. In 2005, the Israeli government forcefully removed some settlers, but they still maintain control over the territories, restricting the freedom and resources of the Palestinians. The situation calls for a serious solution and greater attention to human rights violations.

    • Importance of Education and Critical Thinking in Understanding Global ConflictsEducating ourselves, questioning official narratives, and rejecting violence against innocent individuals are crucial for understanding global conflicts and promoting justice and empathy.

      There is a need for education and critical thinking when it comes to global conflicts and the narratives surrounding them. The discussion between Dave Smith and Joe Rogan highlights the importance of understanding multiple perspectives and questioning official narratives. It is crucial to educate ourselves and not rely solely on mainstream media or social media platforms for information. This conversation also emphasizes the dangers of oversimplifying complex issues and the harmful consequences of generalizing entire groups of people based on the actions of a few. Ultimately, it is essential to reject the notion that violence against innocent individuals is ever justified, regardless of the reasons presented. We must strive for justice, fairness, and empathy in all situations.

    • Lack of Evidence Regarding Alleged Hospital Tunnel and the Tomb of the First Emperor of ChinaWithout solid evidence, it is difficult to support or debunk claims about the alleged tunnel under the hospital, while the discovery of the tomb raises intriguing questions about ancient marvels and their mysteries.

      There is a lack of concrete evidence regarding the alleged use of a tunnel underneath a hospital by Hamas. While videos released by the IDF show rifles and a tunnel opening, it is unclear what exactly was being used there. Former Israeli prime minister Barak even admitted that the tunnel was built by Israel in the past. This raises questions about the veracity of claims that Hamas is using the tunnel as a central command station. Without solid evidence, it is difficult to support or debunk these allegations. Additionally, the discovery of the tomb of the first emperor of China highlights the incredible efforts that were made thousands of years ago to create intricate structures and statues. It is intriguing to ponder the mysteries that still surround these ancient marvels, such as the potential existence of rivers of mercury.

    • Ancient Chinese Civilization's Expertise in Mercury Extraction and UseThe ancient Chinese civilization had advanced knowledge of extracting and utilizing mercury for various purposes, including gold mining and protection of treasures, showcasing their commitment to their emperor.

      The ancient Chinese civilization had a deep understanding of how to extract and refine mercury, a toxic element that occurs naturally in the Earth's crust. They used cinnabar, a mineral, to extract mercury, which they found in high concentrations in certain geographic areas. This mercury was used for various purposes, including gold mining and making reflective surfaces like mirrors. The existence of rivers of mercury, as claimed, may seem unbelievable, but it is possible that the Chinese stored large amounts of mercury in underground tombs as a means of protection. This dedication to safeguarding their treasures from intruders demonstrates their commitment to their emperor. However, the potential risk and damage to priceless artifacts make the decision to explore these tombs a challenging one.

    • Ancient Egypt's Mysterious Technological AdvancementsAncient Egyptians may have possessed advanced knowledge and capabilities that exceed our understanding, challenging the conventional timeline of their civilization and leaving us with unanswered questions.

      Ancient civilizations like Egypt may have achieved a level of technological advancement that surpasses our current understanding. The construction of the pyramids, the precision of their pottery, and the water erosion on the Sphinx all defy conventional explanations. These achievements raise questions about the timeline we have assigned to ancient Egypt and suggest that there may have been a peak of technological advancement that predates our current era. The intricate carvings, symmetrical designs, and advanced tools used by ancient Egyptians indicate a level of sophistication that is difficult to reconcile with the historical narrative. It seems that our ancestors possessed knowledge and capabilities that we are still unable to comprehend fully.

    • Rethinking Ancient Civilizations: Challenging accepted beliefs and uncovering new evidenceAncient civilizations were more complex and advanced than previously believed, challenging traditional understanding and emphasizing the need for open-mindedness in academic and scientific communities.

      Our understanding of ancient civilizations may be flawed. The commonly accepted belief that civilization began with the ancient Sumerians is being challenged by new archaeological findings. Gobekli Tepe, a massive stone structure carbon-dated to 11,600 years ago, proves that complex societies existed long before the Sumerians. This challenges the notion that early humans were just hunter-gatherers. Furthermore, the pyramids of Egypt may have have been built even earlier than previously thought, with evidence suggesting a written history stretching back 30,000 years. These findings highlight the arrogance and resistance to change within the academic and scientific communities, as well as the importance of considering new evidence and questioning established beliefs.

    • The Power Imbalance and Responsibility of the United StatesAcknowledging and utilizing the immense power of the United States responsibly is crucial in avoiding unnecessary conflicts and considering the possibility of ancient civilizations' sophistication can provide new perspectives on human history.

      There is a significant power imbalance in the world, and the powerful should be held to a higher standard. The United States, as the sole superpower, has immense influence and the ability to cause significant harm or even disappear entire countries. It is important to recognize this power and use it responsibly, avoiding unnecessary conflicts with nations that pose no threat. Additionally, our view of human history may be limited, and we should consider the possibility that ancient civilizations were incredibly sophisticated in ways we have yet to discover. The decisions we make and the paths we take can lead to vastly different outcomes, and the process of time can bring about significant changes.

    • The Rapid Evolution of Civilization and the Battle for Freedom and Truth.As technology advances at an unprecedented pace, it is important to protect the principles of a free society and separate fact from fiction amidst the constant battle between forces of good and evil.

      Civilization has rapidly evolved from an agricultural society to the current era of technological innovation, exemplified by the Joe Rogan podcast. This exponential growth in technology is accelerating at a remarkable pace, but it is often difficult for individuals to fully comprehend due to our limited perspective. If we could witness every baby born and every technological advancement happening simultaneously, it would be a mind-blowing display of life and innovation flooding into our dimension. Amidst this progress, there is a constant battle between forces of good and evil, necessary for societal development. The founding fathers aimed to create a free society and resist tyranny, and it is important to protect the principles they established. Contrary to fear-mongering, not all claims about political enemies and dictatorial behavior hold true, and it is crucial to separate fact from fiction.

    • Challenging Simplistic Narratives and Embracing ComplexityUnderstanding the deeper context and complexities of conflicts like the one in Ukraine is essential for finding realistic solutions and preventing further strife.

      Simplistic narratives and black-and-white viewpoints hinder our ability to understand and solve complex issues. Dave Smith highlights the importance of looking beyond surface-level explanations and exploring the deeper context of events like the conflict in Ukraine. He questions the effectiveness of war propaganda and emphasizes the need for critical thinking and a nuanced understanding of the factors involved. Smith also notes the inconsistency in international responses when it comes to acquiring land through war. Instead of relying on oversimplified narratives, he suggests a more comprehensive approach that considers the complexities of each situation. Understanding the root causes and historical context is crucial for finding pragmatic solutions and avoiding further conflict.

    • Challenging One-Sided Narratives through Alternative Media PlatformsMainstream media often presents a distorted view, but alternative media sources like Joe Rogan's show offer more nuanced discussions, helping us gain a better understanding of the world.

      Mainstream media often presents a distorted and one-sided narrative, whether it's from the right or the left. This was evident in the coverage of Ukraine, where the New York Times and other outlets painted it as a bastion of democracy when, in reality, it was known as one of the most corrupt countries in Europe. The lack of alternative media sources prevented people from understanding the full picture. However, there is hope as alternative media platforms, like Joe Rogan's show and others, have gained popularity and provide more thoughtful and nuanced discussions. It is through these platforms that we can challenge the mainstream narrative and gain a better understanding of the world we live in.

    • Shifting Power Dynamics in the Media LandscapeThe rise of social media and alternative voices challenges traditional media's control over the narrative, emphasizing the importance of critical thinking and diverse information sources.

      The media landscape has undergone significant changes in recent years. Previously, there was a clear divide between mainstream media and alternative media. However, with the rise of social media and platforms like podcasts, the power dynamics have shifted. Corporate media now controls the narrative, while alternative voices have gained more visibility and influence. The traditional media format, with its short attention spans and constant interruptions by advertisements, limits in-depth discussions. Additionally, the influence of advertisers, such as pharmaceutical and food companies, shapes the content produced. Overall, this highlights the need for critical thinking and seeking information from a variety of sources to form a well-rounded understanding of important issues.

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    #418 – Israel-Palestine Debate: Finkelstein, Destiny, M. Rabbani & Benny Morris

    #418 – Israel-Palestine Debate: Finkelstein, Destiny, M. Rabbani & Benny Morris
    Norman Finkelstein and Benny Morris are historians. Mouin Rabbani is a Middle East analyst. Steven Bonnell (aka Destiny) is a political livestreamer. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: - ExpressVPN: https://expressvpn.com/lexpod to get 3 months free - Babbel: https://babbel.com/lexpod and use code Lexpod to get 55% off - Policygenius: https://policygenius.com/lex - Eight Sleep: https://eightsleep.com/lex to get special savings Transcript: https://lexfridman.com/israel-palestine-debate-transcript EPISODE LINKS: Mouin's X: https://x.com/MouinRabbani Mouin's Podcast: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLkT5TSHWFSYKY_6vrNn_vZAmfunA_s9g - Benny's Books: https://amzn.to/3Vf7NNU - Norman's X: https://x.com/normfinkelstein Norman's Website: https://www.normanfinkelstein.com/ Norman's Books: https://amzn.to/3IqouxU Knowing Too Much (excerpt): https://jumpshare.com/v/8EUbbP40Do44ITDfJUoR - Destiny's YouTube: https://youtube.com/destiny Destiny's X: https://x.com/TheOmniLiberal Destiny's Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/ Destiny's Website: https://destiny.gg - Norman and Mouin provided additional links to supplement the discussion. See them here: https://sites.google.com/view/israel-palestine-debate/home PODCAST INFO: Podcast website: https://lexfridman.com/podcast Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2lwqZIr Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2nEwCF8 RSS: https://lexfridman.com/feed/podcast/ YouTube Full Episodes: https://youtube.com/lexfridman YouTube Clips: https://youtube.com/lexclips SUPPORT & CONNECT: - Check out the sponsors above, it's the best way to support this podcast - Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lexfridman - Twitter: https://twitter.com/lexfridman - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lexfridman - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lexfridman - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lexfridman - Medium: https://medium.com/@lexfridman OUTLINE: Here's the timestamps for the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. (00:00) - Introduction (12:11) - 1948 (1:10:43) - Partition (2:15:16) - October 7 (3:09:27) - Gaza (3:36:02) - Peace (4:40:47) - Hope for the future

    Episode 51: Train Like You Fight

    Episode 51: Train Like You Fight



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    *The views and opinions of guests do not reflect the opinions of Phil Rabalais, Andrew Bobo, or the Matter of Facts Podcast*

    The MoF boys sit down to discuss Twittergate, Lights Out in North Carolina, more Michigan Gun Control Bills, and a good long discussion about firearm training and drills to keep our self defense skills sharpened and at the ready.

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    Intro and Outro Music by Phil Rabalais
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