
    Podcast Summary

    • Recognizing Positive Signs in a PartnerUnderstand green flags: emotional intelligence, good communication, and compatibility. Clear communication is crucial for healthy relationships, as seen in neuron action potentials.

      It's essential to recognize the positive signs, or "green flags," in a potential partner beyond avoiding negative traits, or "red flags." Green flags indicate a person's potential to be a good long-term partner and can include qualities like emotional intelligence, good communication, and compatibility. However, not all expected green flags are necessarily deal-breakers, and some may be neutral traits. Understanding the concept of action potentials in neurons, which are responsible for cell-to-cell communication, can provide insight into the importance of clear and effective communication in relationships. By recognizing both red and green flags, individuals can make more informed decisions when forming meaningful connections.

    • An electrical signal travels down a nerve axonAn action potential is a rapid, electrical wave that travels down a nerve axon, enabling communication between different parts of the body by depolarizing and repolarizing the membrane through the movement of sodium and potassium ions.

      An action potential is an electrical signal that travels down a nerve axon, enabling communication between different parts of the body. This process is initiated when sodium channels in the membrane open, allowing positively charged sodium ions to flow in, making the inside of the membrane positively charged. This depolarization is followed by the opening of potassium channels, allowing positively charged potassium ions to flow out, restoring the membrane to its negative resting state. This wave of polarization and depolarization moving down the axon is akin to a Mexican wave or ripple, allowing for efficient and rapid transmission of signals. During hyperpolarization, the cell becomes even more negatively charged, becoming inactive and refractory for a short period before returning to its resting state and being ready for another action potential. Understanding this process is crucial for comprehending various aspects of neurochemistry and brain function.

    • The role of myelin in nerve impulsesMyelin, a protective sheath around axons, facilitates efficient nerve impulse transmission and prevents diseases like MS from disrupting communication between brain cells. In relationships, focus on partners who prioritize their own happiness and self-care to ensure a healthy bond.

      Myelin, a fatty substance produced by certain glial cells, plays a crucial role in the efficient transmission of nerve impulses in the brain. The myelin sheath wraps around axons in sections, acting like a fatty ribbon that speeds up the impulse and increases the chances of it reaching the next cell. A lack of myelin, or demyelination, can lead to diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis, causing communication breakdowns between brain cells and resulting in various motor, speech, or hearing deficits. In personal relationships, a green flag is someone who doesn't rely on you for their happiness and continues to work on their own self-care and hobbies. Conversely, a red flag is someone who claims you are their source of happiness, as this puts undue pressure on the relationship.

    • Prioritize independence and personal growth in relationshipsFocus on sharing happiness, respect each other's time, give space for personal growth, and communicate openly to build a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

      A healthy and fulfilling relationship requires both partners to prioritize each other's independence and personal growth. They should not rely on each other for happiness and should respect each other's time and personal space. Communication and openness to feedback are also essential components of a successful partnership. Firstly, it's important to remember that no one can make another person happy. Instead, focus on sharing happiness and allowing each other to experience it independently. In a long-term relationship, be wary of partners who seem to rely on you for their happiness or make you feel guilty for not being available all the time. Secondly, respect each other's time. Avoid presuming plans or making assumptions about each other's schedules. Instead, communicate openly about upcoming plans and make sure to ask for each other's availability. Thirdly, give each other space. It's essential to have time for personal pursuits and friendships outside of the relationship. A healthy partner will not take this as a personal attack but will instead encourage and support your individual growth. Lastly, be open to feedback and communication. While it can be difficult to receive criticism, a partner who is willing to discuss issues and work towards solutions is a valuable asset in any relationship. Conversely, a partner who becomes defensive or dismissive when faced with feedback may not be the best match for you.

    • Green flags in a partner's behavior towards your achievementsA healthy partner accepts feedback, celebrates your wins, and supports discussions about past relationships, allowing you to grow and succeed independently.

      A healthy and supportive partner exhibits certain green flags in their behavior towards you and your achievements. These include accepting feedback constructively without defensiveness, being genuinely excited for your wins and personal growth, and being comfortable with discussions about your past and ex-partners when relevant. A partner who celebrates your successes, rather than dismissing them or expressing jealousy, is a sign of a strong and healthy relationship. Additionally, it's important to be aware of the difference between a partner who occasionally mentions their ex or past relationships in a healthy and normal way, and one who is overly fixated on them or draws constant comparisons. Remember, a green flag is someone who supports you in all aspects of your life, including your past, and allows you to grow and succeed independently.

    • Key Factors for a Healthy RelationshipEffective communication and trust, absence of retroactive jealousy, stable personality, independence and self-responsibility, emotional intelligence and maturity, and compatibility in values, goals, and lifestyles are essential for a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

      When looking for a healthy and fulfilling relationship, it's important to consider several key factors. First, communication and trust are essential. Second, the absence of retroactive jealousy is a good sign. Third, having healthy, long-term relationships with others indicates a stable personality. Fourth, being independent and responsible for one's thoughts is crucial for maintaining a strong sense of self. Fifth, emotional intelligence and maturity are important for handling conflicts and expressing emotions healthily. Lastly, compatibility in values, goals, and lifestyles is essential for a successful and lasting partnership. By keeping these factors in mind, one can increase the chances of finding a fulfilling and loving relationship.

    • Building a strong relationship through independence, respect, and active engagementPrioritize independence, respect boundaries, and actively engage in the relationship for a healthy and fulfilling connection. Pay attention to the balance of questions and information sharing during early dates to gauge interest and commitment.

      Building a healthy and fulfilling relationship requires a partner who prioritizes independence, respects your boundaries, and actively engages in the relationship through questioning, listening, and remembering important details about you. Independence is crucial for making decisions together and avoiding external influence. Respecting boundaries ensures that both partners feel validated and heard. Active engagement shows that your partner is interested in you and values the relationship. During the early stages of dating, pay attention to the balance of questions asked and information shared. If your partner cannot give you undivided attention during the first few dates, it may indicate a lack of interest or commitment. These qualities are essential for building a strong foundation of trust, respect, and mutual understanding in a relationship.

    • Requesting undivided attention during important conversationsDuring important interactions, requesting someone's undivided attention shows respect and commitment, while occasional distractions are acceptable in long-term relationships. A partner who values companionship, humor, intellectual debates, and mutual support beyond just romance and sexual intimacy is desirable.

      A person's ability to give you their undivided attention during interactions is a crucial sign of their commitment and respect towards you. During a first date, if someone cannot put away their phone and engage fully in the conversation, it may be a red flag. However, in long-term relationships, occasional distractions are understandable. To ensure meaningful communication, request their undivided attention when sharing important stories or experiences. Additionally, a partner who values companionship, humor, intellectual debates, and mutual support beyond just romance and sexual intimacy is a desirable trait for a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

    • Understanding relationship dynamics through comfort and respectFeeling comfortable and respecting each other are key indicators of a healthy relationship. Intimidation and second-guessing may signal underlying issues, while open communication and inclusive attitudes towards others are positive signs.

      The comfort and respect you feel in a relationship with someone can reveal a lot about the nature of that connection. If you find yourself constantly second-guessing your words or feeling intimidated around someone, it may indicate an underlying issue. Conversely, if you feel comfortable enough to speak freely, disagree, and debate, that's a positive sign. Additionally, observing how someone treats others, particularly those who are different from them, can provide valuable insights into their character. A respectful and inclusive attitude towards all people is a strong indicator of a healthy and compassionate personality.

    • Respecting boundaries and individual growthA good partner respects each other's boundaries, supports individual interests, and encourages growth without forcing participation.

      While a good partner should respect and support each other's interests and hobbies, they don't have to share them or join in every activity. Forcing a partner to do something they're uncomfortable with is not a sign of a healthy relationship. Additionally, accepting every aspect of a partner without encouraging growth and improvement is also unhealthy. A good partner should respect each other's boundaries and give each other space to grow. They should put in effort where it matters, such as getting to know each other's families, but not force their partner to do things that make them uncomfortable. Ultimately, a healthy relationship is about mutual respect, support, and growth.

    • Recognizing and addressing toxic behaviorsWhile accepting our partners, we should not tolerate toxicity or insecurity. Instead, aim for growth and change in ourselves and relationships. Anxiety or 'butterflies' in long-term relationships may indicate discomfort or unease.

      While it's important to be accepting of our partners, it's equally important to recognize and address toxic or unhealthy behaviors. Acceptance should not mean tolerating toxicity or insecurity. Instead, we should strive for growth and change in ourselves and our relationships. Additionally, the presence of "butterflies" or anxiety in long-term relationships can be a red flag, indicating discomfort or unease. A healthy relationship should bring calmness and open communication, where partners feel safe to be vulnerable and honest with each other.

    • Embrace the positivity and love in our communityTreat ourselves and others with kindness, understanding, and compassion in our community, avoiding negativity and toxic behaviors.

      Our community is incredibly valuable and supportive, keeping us feeling young and full of life. We should always be kind to ourselves and our brains, avoiding negative influences and toxic behaviors. Our community is made up of real MVPs, and we should treat ourselves with the same respect and care that we show to others. Don't let anyone, including ourselves, bring us down. Embrace the positivity and love that our community provides, and continue to be kind, understanding, and compassionate towards ourselves and others. Remember, we are all in this journey together, and we can make a difference in each other's lives every day. So, keep being kind, keep being you, and keep being a part of this amazing community.

    Recent Episodes from Do You F*cking Mind?

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    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

    Find more great podcasts like this at www.listnr.com


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    334. How to REALLY stop caring about what people think of you

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    Central Sensitization and chronic pain: the phenomena when there is an enhancement in the function of the neurons and the circuits that are involved in nociceptive pathways causing an echo or remembered pain. It happens because of an increase in membrane excitability and synaptic efficacy. It’s a great example for how neuroplasticity works in a negative way and has been linked to chronic pain.



    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

    Find more great podcasts like this at www.listnr.com

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Do You F*cking Mind?
    enMay 15, 2024

    333. Big Announcement: My new audiobook HOW TO CHASE CHANGE!

    333. Big Announcement: My new audiobook HOW TO CHASE CHANGE!

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    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

    Find more great podcasts like this at www.listnr.com

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    332. How to be Intentional and Not Passive with Your Life and Your Happiness

    332. How to be Intentional and Not Passive with Your Life and Your Happiness

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    HIIT – High Intensity Interval Training, cortisol and over-training syndrome.

    Read about Overtraining Syndrome here https://bit.ly/overtraining-syndrome .



    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

    Find more great podcasts like this at www.listnr.com

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    331. ENCORE: Discipline, Freedom, And Living Your Best Life

    331. ENCORE: Discipline, Freedom, And Living Your Best Life

    Beans I'm taking a much-needed long weekend so I thought it was a perfect time to bring up one of my most listened to episodes. It's a perfect place to start if you're new to the pod and a great reset if you're a long-time bean. I'm diving into discipline, and how reframing how you view it could be the ticket to a more free and enjoyable life.



    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

    Find more great podcasts like this at www.listnr.com

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    330. HEAD NOISE: The Ick List, Blind or Blindsided and Should I Stay or Should I Go?

    330. HEAD NOISE: The Ick List, Blind or Blindsided and Should I Stay or Should I Go?

    First up I’m going through your ICKS – you loved when I did it in episode 322 so thought I’d pick more of your hilarious icks to read out.

    And then I get into Head Noise where I answer your questions – this week it’s all about heartbreak in long term relationships.

    1. How do you handle a relationship when your mind is telling you to run but your heart says otherwise? Me and my boyfriend are in our 20s and have been dating for a few years long distance.  Early on there was some lying and deception and we broke up, but I gave him a second chance as I thought he needed time to adjust from his single life to being coupled. I thought we were in a loving truthful relationship since then. But I have recently found out he has been texting 2 women. I feel it’s disrespectful, and my lack of trust from the previous lying has come back. He also follows Twitter pages with sexually explicit content. I’m a very trusting and open-minded person but I feel this relationship has made me insecure and untrusting particularly because we are long distance.
    2. Blind or Blindsided: Last night my bf of 3 years came home from work and said we needed to talk and that this wasn’t working and he didn’t love me anymore. I didn’t see this coming at all. We recently opened a business together. We regularly have sex, said I love you, planned for the future, and last week got back from a holiday together. He said he hasn’t felt a connection for some time due to my negativity and that he said he wanted kids (I’m 41 and have had ovarian failure. We’ve gone through a round of IVF together). How was he able to completely blindside me without me realising anything was up – he has gone to a new place to live so he’s clearly had time to plan this without my picking up on it.



    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

    Find more great podcasts like this at www.listnr.com

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    329. What to do when Your Ex Moves on First

    329. What to do when Your Ex Moves on First

    So you’ve been dumped, or maybe you dumped someone. You’re scrolling through social media, or maybe a well meaning friend mentions, that your ex has moved on. Cue the SPIRAL. “How Could They?!”Already?!!!” “Did our time together mean NOTHING?”

    I’m giving you ten steps to keep yourself in check when your ex moves on before you including how to not let it derail you, keep your perspective, and quit the feeling that they “owe” you something.

    First up however, we’re diving into a SCIENCE FACT:
    GHB – the pharmacology of the date rape drug explained.



    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

    Find more great podcasts like this at www.listnr.com

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    328. HEAD NOISE: Exes Lies Part 2, Forever Single and Thriving But Upset with Men, and Daddy Issues,

    328. HEAD NOISE: Exes Lies Part 2, Forever Single and Thriving But Upset with Men, and Daddy Issues,

    In the last Head Noise episode you guys LOVED the lies exes told so I’m bringing I back for an even more cooked part 2!

    And then I get into Head Noise where I answer your questions.

    1. I'm 24, forever single, thriving and upset with men. ‘ve been single my whole life and honestly thrive. But I’m curious about what its’ like in a partnership and am open to a boyfriend but very rarely do I get genuinely excited by a guy. When I do I REALLY do. But every guy I’ve ever like has had another girl in their lives they choose over me. I feel like a second choice or someone’s back up. One guy literally said that I was his second choice once a few year ago lol. Am I doing something wrong? And How can I make it hurt less when I don’t feel chosen?
    2. My dad and I have a good relationship when he’s in a good space, but when he’s in a bad place he can be a real arsehole Recently he and I got in a fight over text, and at the next family hang out I went to say hello to him and he gave me the most awkward side hug and barely talked to me. What do I do – I want a relationship with my dad but his behaviour is really childish and hurtful.



    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

    Find more great podcasts like this at www.listnr.com


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    327. Matthew Hussey on How to Raise Your Standards, Find Your Person and Live Happily (No Matter What)

    327. Matthew Hussey on How to Raise Your Standards, Find Your Person and Live Happily (No Matter What)

    New York Times best-selling author and international life and dating coach megastar Matthew Hussey joins the podcast!

    We're diving deep into his advice on dating, owning who you are, being comfortable with what you want, and his brand new book Love Life: How to Raise Your Standards, Find Your Person and Live Happily (No Matter What). I DARE you to leave this episode not feeling like a changed bean!



    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Guest: Matthew Hussey .
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

    Find more great podcasts like this at www.listnr.com


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    326. HEAD NOISE: The MANY Lies Exes Tell, Growing Apart, I Cheated on my Husband

    326. HEAD NOISE: The MANY Lies Exes Tell, Growing Apart, I Cheated on my Husband

    First I have a life update about something TRULY shocking that happened to me over the weekend, and I go through your stories of things men have lied to you about!

    Then I get into Head Noise where I answer your questions. In today’s episode we’ve got two really opposite topics!

    1. My husband and I are in out mid 20s and have been together since our late 20s. His family are very close with him. I have recently realised that I have always put his needs above mine – his personality has become my personality. I want to do so much more, experience the world and step outside my comfort zone. I want to put off having kids for a while and he doesn’t accept or understand it. I want change and he is so happy and content without change. We’re growing apart and I don’t know what to do.
    2. I’ve cheated on my husband with someone I had a huge connection with. We’ve ended it now as we are both married and decided we didn’t want to leave our partners for each other. Now that it is fully ended I don’t feel like I need to tell my husband as our relationship has really improved. I would just be unburdening my conscience to ruin lives, when I’ve already shut down that cheating relationship and am moving forward with my life. How do I alleviate the feelings of guilt that are clouding my moving forward.



    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

    Find more great podcasts like this at www.listnr.com

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Follow Vicki Reyzelman: https://www.vickireyzelman.com

    ·      Article on practical innovation: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/practical-innovation-vicki-reyzelman/?trackingId=2WwGEp1RSwah%2BZ0xQT1jBg%3D%3D

    ·      Article on building a customer success culture: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/building-customer-success-culture-vicki-reyzelman/?trackingId=2WwGEp1RSwah%2BZ0xQT1jBg%3D%3D


    Follow Ivna Curi on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ivna-curi-mba-67083b2/  


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    Website: https://assertiveway.com


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