
    215 Gabrielle Reece on Family, Healthy Living, and Having It All

    enAugust 17, 2015

    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing challenges and striving for greatnessGrowing up with adversity, Gabby Reese learned the importance of realism, resilience, and adapting to change. In her professional volleyball career and personal life, she emphasizes independence, support, and maintaining personal passions.

      Overcoming adversity and thriving in various aspects of life, whether it's in a professional sports career or in a personal relationship, requires realism, resilience, and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances. Gabby Reese, a top women's beach volleyball player, model, actress, writer, and fitness expert, shared her experiences of growing up with adversity and transitioning into professional volleyball, as well as her successful marriage with an alpha male. She emphasized the importance of being independent while also being a supportive partner and maintaining one's own passions and interests. Additionally, Lewis Howe mentioned the upcoming release of his book, "The School of Greatness," which listeners can preorder at greatnessbook.com. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of embracing challenges, staying true to oneself, and striving for greatness in all areas of life.

    • Balancing Athletics and EntrepreneurshipSuccess in athletics and entrepreneurship requires dedication, hard work, and strategic planning. Building a support system and recognizing the value of different opportunities are essential for staying focused on goals and being adaptable.

      Being a successful athlete and entrepreneur involves dedication, hard work, and strategic planning. The speaker, a professional volleyball player and model, emphasized the importance of being well-rounded and calibrating different aspects of one's life. While athletics provided a sense of pride and fulfillment, it was only a part of their income and required significant time and effort. The speaker also recognized the importance of having a support system, such as coaches and teammates, in their athletic and professional pursuits. Additionally, they emphasized the practicality of modeling as a means to pay bills and support their athletic career. Overall, the speaker's experiences highlight the importance of staying focused on goals, being adaptable, and recognizing the value of different opportunities.

    • Embracing OpportunitiesDespite facing challenges, the interviewee seized opportunities and developed new skills, from modeling to television and writing, demonstrating the importance of adaptability and resilience.

      The interviewee, despite facing various challenges growing up and in her athletic career, including financial constraints and being a walk-on athlete, always saw opportunities as valuable and took advantage of them. From modeling to television and writing, she understood the importance of seizing opportunities and developing new skills. Her unconventional upbringing, including living in different countries and moving frequently, may have contributed to her adaptability and resilience. Growing up in the Virgin Islands as a tall teenager didn't necessarily give her more confidence or make her feel like an outsider, but it did shape her perspective and experiences. Overall, her story highlights the importance of staying focused on opportunities and making the most of them, no matter what obstacles may arise.

    • Learning to find inner confidenceDespite facing challenges, one can find inner strength and confidence, allowing for resilience in navigating adversities

      Despite facing challenges and feeling like an outsider due to her height during her teenage years, the speaker learned to find confidence and strength within herself rather than relying on external validation. Her unstable upbringing may have contributed to her introspective nature and focus on her own goals, allowing her to navigate through insecurities and adversities with resilience. This valuable lesson stayed with her throughout her life, enabling her to remain grounded and self-assured even during times of external validation or criticism.

    • Finding joy and passion in a sport matters for long-term successTransitioning from one sport to another without initial love and enjoyment can hinder long-term success, as seen in the speaker's experience with golf.

      Discovering the joy and passion for a sport is crucial for long-term success. The speaker shares her experience of transitioning from professional volleyball to golf, where she found it challenging to fully invest in the new sport due to a lack of initial interest and enjoyment. She reflects on how her success in volleyball came from falling in love with the game, whereas golf placed the end goal first. Despite qualifying for world championships in golf's long drive competitions, she acknowledges that starting late and not being fully committed may have hindered her from reaching the top levels. The importance of passion and enjoyment in a sport was a valuable lesson she learned from this experience.

    • Embracing Discomfort and Meaningful RelationshipsA healthy lifestyle fosters joy, self-discovery, and longevity through physical activity, fitness, communication, and adaptation in relationships.

      A healthy lifestyle, including physical activity and fitness, is important for joy, self-discovery, and longevity. The speaker, Amy, shares her personal experience of competing in sports and how it shaped her perspective on the value of pushing oneself and embracing discomfort. She also emphasizes the importance of communication and adaptation in long-term relationships, using her own experience with her partner Laird as an example. Despite challenges, they have learned to navigate their differences and support each other's goals. Overall, the conversation highlights the value of staying active, being true to oneself, and investing in meaningful relationships.

    • Imperfect relationships can be fulfillingRecognize and appreciate unique traits, communicate effectively, and let each other be authentic selves in fulfilling relationships

      Imperfect relationships, even those between two strong individuals, can be fulfilling and balanced. The speaker in this conversation discusses her experience with an alpha male partner, highlighting the importance of mutual respect and understanding each other's unique ways of giving. She emphasizes the need to recognize and appreciate the traits that initially attracted you to your partner, even if they come with challenges. The speaker also mentions the importance of communication and not trying to change your partner into someone they're not. Instead, focus on the give and take in the relationship and avoid trying to keep score or antagonize each other. Ultimately, the key is to let each other be their authentic selves while also being tender and attentive to each other's emotional needs.

    • Understanding and clear communication in relationshipsEffective communication and respect are crucial for building trust and maintaining a loving relationship. Women value openness and transparency, while men prioritize honesty. Self-identity and personal happiness outside of the relationship are also important for women.

      Effective communication and understanding are key in maintaining a healthy and loving relationship. Women often feel unsure in relationships due to a lack of clear communication from their partners, leading to misunderstandings and distance. Men, on the other hand, value honesty and transparency. Respect, trust, and open communication are essential for both parties to feel loved and cherished. Additionally, it's important for women to maintain their sense of self and identity outside of their relationships, as happiness should not solely depend on their partners. Regular communication about needs, feelings, and expectations can help build a strong foundation for a long-lasting and fulfilling relationship.

    • Women prioritizing relationships and personal growthWomen, especially in alpha male relationships, should focus on their personal projects and present moments to avoid feeling neglected and overlooked. Embrace unique roles and passions.

      Women, especially those in relationships with alpha males, need to prioritize their relationships and personal growth to avoid feeling neglected and overlooked. Gabby shares her personal experience of balancing her identity, family, and businesses, emphasizing the importance of focusing on the present moment and finding passion in personal projects. Her accidental creation of the Hayex curriculum on Kauai is a testament to her community-focused approach and her ability to turn challenges into opportunities for growth and impact. Ultimately, Gabby encourages women to embrace their unique roles and passions, even in the face of societal expectations and gender dynamics.

    • The importance of community and teamwork in fitnessFinding a fitness community and teamwork fosters diversity, accountability, and helps individuals reach their fitness goals.

      Community and teamwork play a significant role in fitness and wellbeing. The speaker, an only child and fitness instructor, emphasizes the importance of teamwork and accountability in her fitness program, High X. She explains how being on a team, whether it's a team of two or a larger group, creates diversity and reflects who we are. The program also fosters accountability and helps individuals reach their fitness goals. The speaker also touches on the importance of finding a fitness modality that works for each individual, and for her, High X offers a safe and challenging way to get fit. The program has been rolling out for some time now, and the speaker has been training master trainers to teach it in different cities and regions. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of finding a fitness community and the role it plays in helping individuals reach their goals and improve their wellbeing.

    • Embracing self-care and personal growth, but not forgetting connection and explorationFocus on health and wellbeing, value relationships, appreciate unique perspectives, and embrace personal growth and the evolving nature of life.

      Self-care and personal growth are essential foundations for living a fulfilling life, but it's important not to overlook the value of connecting with others and embracing different aspects of ourselves. The speaker emphasizes the importance of focusing on the basics, such as health and wellbeing, while also acknowledging the importance of exploring topics like relationships, aging, and personal appearance. She shares her experience of feeling misunderstood in her younger years and encourages the audience to appreciate the unique perspectives and needs of those around them. The speaker also reflects on the lessons she's learned from her sports career, emphasizing the importance of self-belief, perseverance, and dealing with fear and anxiety. Ultimately, she encourages the audience to let go of the need to be taken too seriously and to embrace the ever-evolving nature of life.

    • Belief in oneself: The key to successBelieve in yourself, practice personal accountability, learn from challenges, shift perspective, practice gratitude, create a supportive environment, take care of physical health, and maintain a positive mindset to increase self-belief and achieve goals.

      Belief in oneself is crucial for success, whether it's in sports, business, or personal relationships. However, it can be challenging to maintain that belief, especially during difficult times. The speaker shares her experience of feeling the pressure to win and fit in as a female athlete, and how age and becoming a mother have helped her understand that everyone has different paths and timings. She emphasizes the importance of personal accountability and learning from challenges, and suggests strategies like shifting perspective, practicing gratitude, and creating a supportive environment to increase belief in oneself. The speaker also highlights the importance of taking care of physical health, as it can greatly impact mental and emotional well-being. Overall, her message is that with effort, determination, and a positive mindset, anyone can increase their belief in themselves and achieve their goals.

    • Embrace personal growth through self-awareness and supportive relationshipsRecognize weaknesses, surround yourself with like-minded people, stay honest, and persist through setbacks to achieve authentic growth.

      Creating a successful information structure around you involves understanding and addressing your weaknesses through small steps, recognizing that growth and change are not always easy, and surrounding yourself with supportive people whose beliefs align with yours. It's essential to be honest with yourself about your motivations and creating a safe space for self-growth. Remember, setbacks are normal, and tomorrow is always a new opportunity to start over. Ultimately, believe in your unique voice and mission, and strive to be authentic in all that you do.

    • Celebrating Imperfections and Personal GrowthEmbrace imperfections, focus on growth, celebrate others' success, discover unique strengths, read for insights, reflect and create a personal growth manual.

      Embracing our imperfections and focusing on personal growth can lead to happiness and a more fulfilling life. It's important to celebrate others' victories and not be threatened by their success. We all have unique strengths and should use them to move forward. The speaker's ability to read people quickly has been a valuable asset in her life, and she encourages self-reflection to discover one's own strengths and create a personal growth manual. The speaker recommends the books "Finding Happiness," "Natural Born Heroes," and "Atlas Shrugged" for their insights on personal growth, gratitude, and self-reliance.

    • Emphasizing honesty and personal growthHonesty, letting others go first, and saying yes to opportunities promote personal growth and cherishing what we have.

      Truth and personal control are important, but not everything around us is within our grasp. Laird and Gabby emphasized the value of honesty, even when it's difficult, and reminded us not to take things personally. They also encouraged letting others go first and saying yes to opportunities, which can lead to growth. Gabby expressed her gratitude for her family's health and encouraged self-care to fully appreciate it. Overall, their conversation highlighted the importance of truth, personal growth, and cherishing what we have. To learn more about Gabby Reese, follow her on Twitter @GabbyReese or visit her website GabbyReese.com.

    • Balancing personal and professional life for greatnessCommit to being true to oneself, encourage noble traits for men, practice self-reflection, and courageously express authentic self for positive impact

      Greatness lies in being true to oneself and having one's external life reflect one's inner essence. Gabby, a committed and inspiring woman, embodies this idea by balancing her personal and professional life. She encourages advocacy for men and young boys to help them regain and celebrate noble traits, such as honesty, directness, helpfulness, and protectiveness. The conversation also highlighted the importance of self-reflection and centering practices, like breathing exercises, to connect with one's truth. Ultimately, the pursuit of greatness is about courageously expressing one's authentic self and making a positive impact on the world.

    • Stay updated on Lewis Howes' upcoming book and podcastSign up for Lewis Howes' email list to learn about his new book and listen to his free, inspiring podcast three times a week

      Lewis Howes, the host of The School of Greatness podcast, is encouraging listeners to pre-order his upcoming book, The School of Greatness. The book is expected to be released in stores in a few months and is described as meaty, inspirational, action-packed, and value-added. Howes is excited for listeners to dive into the content and has asked them to sign up at greatnessbook.com to stay updated. He also invites new listeners to subscribe to the podcast, which is released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The podcast can be found on iTunes or LewisHouse.com slash two, one, five. Howes emphasizes the importance of taking action and doing something great, and the podcast is free to access. Overall, the message is to stay informed about the upcoming book and continue to seek inspiration and growth through the podcast.

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    In this episode you will learn

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    • The importance of resilience and learning from failures in entrepreneurship.
    • Strategies for building and leading successful teams.
    • Insights into living a life of service instead of scarcity and competition.
    • The significance of staying humble and continuously striving for excellence.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1624

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    In celebration of our first year anniversary with Stitcher, we’re re-releasing one of our favorite episodes from the past year with Esther Perel.

    Esther Perel is a psychotherapist and a New York Times bestselling author, recognized as one of today’s most insightful and original voices on modern relationships. Fluent in nine languages, she hones a therapy practice in New York City and serves as an organizational consultant for Fortune 500 companies around the world. Her best-selling books Mating in Captivity and The State of Affairs have been translated into nearly 30 languages. Esther is also an executive producer and host of the popular podcast Where Should We Begin? and How’s Work? Her latest project is Where Should We Begin − A Game of Stories with Esther Perel. 

    In this episode, I talk to renowned psychotherapist and author Esther Perel about love and relationships. We tackle the true essence of the words “eros” and “freedom”. Esther offers her perspective on marriage and affairs, getting to the root cause of why people cheat. We also touch on the topics of soulmates, masculinity, how to keep passion alive during a global pandemic, and Esther’s practice as a cross-cultural therapist.


    Website: www.estherperel.com

    Instagram: @estherperelofficial



    02:02 Adapting to the COVID-19 pandemic

    04:33 Social connection during the pandemic 

    10:04 “The erotic is the antidote to death”

    17:02 True freedom in relationships

    22:05 Soulmates don’t exist 

    26:38 Why people in happy marriages cheat

    29:46 Can an affair be good for a marriage?

    34:54 Where Should We Begin?

    39:00 Redefining marriage, fidelity, and sexuality

    46:25 Esther’s cross-cultural approach to therapy

    49:31 Esther’s interest in cultural transitions, identity, and relationships

    54:56 The masculine obsession with power 

    01:00:08 The Great Adaptation

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    E737 Ask Nick with Patti Stanger- My Husband Hates Me

    E737 Ask Nick with Patti Stanger- My Husband Hates Me

    Welcome back to another episode of The Viall Files: Ask Nick Edition! Today Patti Stanger joins us to talk about her history of matchmaking and her new show with Nick! Then we get to her callers… 

    Our first caller has been having issues with her husband since having their first child. She feels disconnected and unloved, while her husband sees nothing wrong. Our second caller is worried that the guy she’s seeing might be gay. After no physical touch or initiation on his part, she has a gut feeling. Our final caller is wondering whether she should give her on-and-off situationship a shot? Timing has always been off in the past, but now she’s freshly single and questioning the what/if.

    “You got to pat yourself on the back, that you’re very strong.”

    Start your 7 Day Free Trial of Viall Files + here: https://viallfiles.supportingcast.fm/ 

    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@theviallfiles.com to be a part of our Monday episodes. 

    To Order Nick’s Book Go To: https://www.viallfiles.com 

    If you would like to get some texting advice, send an email to asknick@theviallfiles.com with “Texting Office Hours” in the subject line! 

    To advertise on the show, contact sales@advertisecast.com or visit https://www.advertisecast.com/TheViallFiles 


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    Episode Socials:

    A Hidden Brain Commencement Address

    A Hidden Brain Commencement Address

    Commencement ceremonies allow us to take stock of what we've accomplished and where we're headed. This is one of the key opportunities that students and families have lost, as social distancing precautions lead schools to cancel in-person graduations. In this "commencement address," recorded at the request of the public radio program 1A, Shankar Vedantam offers thoughts on what it means to mark such a milestone at this moment, and how graduates can use the disruption caused by the pandemic to think about their lives in new ways.