
    227: Grow Your Own Free Food

    enMay 27, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Homegrown Food, Slimming WorldGrowing your own food is a simple, enjoyable, and potentially sin-free experience. It's easy for beginners with the right resources and care. Homegrown cherries offer unmatched freshness and taste.

      Growing your own food can be a simple, enjoyable, and potentially sin-free experience. During this podcast episode, the hosts discussed their surprise discovery that many Slimming World members enjoy growing their own produce. They welcomed a guest, Hilary Saad, who has had an allotment for over 6 years and shared her love for growing cherries. Hilary explained that there is a difference between eating cherries and cooking cherries, and that the freshness and taste of homegrown fruit are unmatched. The hosts were intrigued by Hilary's ease in growing her own food and asked if it was easy for beginners. Hilary confirmed that it is, emphasizing the importance of getting some compost, putting seeds in it, remembering to water them, and letting them have some sunshine. The hosts were inspired by this conversation and plan to explore more about growing your own food in future episodes.

    • Easy gardening for beginnersStart with simple herbs like basil, Thai basil, parsley, and coriander using common household items as seed trays, and don't stress about pests like slugs.

      Gardening can be simple and requires minimal effort or resources. You don't need fancy tools or equipment to get started. In fact, common household items like yogurt pots or mincemeat tins can be used as seed trays. Even children can join in and contribute to the gardening process. Basil is an easy herb to grow, but consider trying Thai basil for an authentic touch when cooking Thai dishes. For those with limited space, herbs are ideal for growing in pots or on windowsills. If you're new to gardening, herbs like basil, Thai basil, parsley, and coriander are great options to start with. And don't worry about pests like slugs; they're a natural part of the ecosystem and can be moved to allow your plants to grow. Overall, gardening can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience, even for beginners with limited time or resources.

    • Appreciating the Source of Our FoodExplore the journey of your food from farm to table, appreciate the process and consider growing your own produce at home with tips like starting early, planning, and using gardening gloves.

      When it comes to cooking with coriander, all parts of the plant – seeds, leaves, and roots – can be used, each with their unique flavors. However, our conversation touched upon something deeper. The speaker shared their personal journey of understanding the connection between food and its source, admitting they had grown up not fully appreciating the process behind getting produce to the supermarket. They also revealed a fear of getting their hands dirty and dealing with elements like mud, which had been a barrier to gardening. To help overcome this, they suggested the use of gardening gloves. Moving on to growing herbs and vegetables at home, the speakers discussed the benefits of starting early and planning out which seeds to plant during different seasons. For instance, potatoes should be planted now, while most seedlings might be planted out in June. The conversation also touched upon the importance of patience, as growing produce takes time. Overall, the conversation provided valuable insights into the various aspects of cooking with coriander, as well as the personal experiences and tips related to gardening and growing your own produce.

    • Homegrown FoodGrowing your own vegetables, fruits, and even potatoes can lead to delicious harvests, unexpected joys, and a sense of accomplishment. It's easier than you think and can be done in pots or containers.

      Growing your own food, particularly vegetables and fruits, can be a rewarding and delicious experience. Potatoes are an easy and versatile option that can be grown from a regular potato with some cutting and planting. Asparagus and broad beans, once properly prepared, can yield delicious and abundant harvests. Growing your own food can also lead to unexpected discoveries and joys, such as the excitement of picking ripe produce straight from the garden. Contrary to popular belief, fruits are not harder to grow than vegetables, and both can thrive in pots and containers. The benefits of growing your own food extend beyond the kitchen, offering a sense of accomplishment and connection to nature.

    • Growing Your Own VeggiesGrowing your own vegetables in pots or a patch offers numerous health, mental, and savings benefits. Various veggies and herbs can thrive in different conditions, even without a garden.

      Growing your own vegetables in a vegetable patch or even in pots on a patio or a windowsill can provide an abundance of fresh produce and savings, as well as numerous health and mental benefits. Helen shared her experience of growing various vegetables and herbs in large tubs on her patio. Sally emphasized that there's not a place where you can't grow, even without a garden. Claire mentioned growing garlic, carrots, potatoes, and runner beans in pots on a patio. Liz highlighted the success of beetroots, specifically the Boltardy variety, which can be used in various ways and provides body magic through exercise. Yvonne added that gardening is good for the soul and body, and the app and website offer features to turn gardening into a workout. G shared their love for their allotment as a source of mindfulness, body magic, and savings, particularly with butternut squash. Overall, growing your own vegetables is a rewarding and cost-effective way to improve your health, mental well-being, and wallet.

    • Homegrown FoodGrowing a few items at home can be rewarding, cost-effective, and easy. Start with simpler plants, build confidence, and appreciate the joy and satisfaction of homegrown produce.

      Growing your own food, even if it's just a few items, can be rewarding and cost-effective. The speaker shares her experiences of growing various produce at home, including onions, shallots, Thai basil, and pak choi. She mentions that some plants, like courgettes, are relatively easy to grow and can yield a good harvest. The speaker also encourages starting with simpler plants and gradually moving on to more complex ones to build confidence. Additionally, she emphasizes that many plants are not as fussy as one might think and can thrive even with minimal care. Lastly, she shares her personal journey of learning to appreciate and eat more fruit, encouraging others to try new things and not be deterred by perceived inconveniences like stones in fruits. Overall, the discussion highlights the joy and satisfaction of growing your own food and the potential savings and benefits it can bring.

    • Growing Season ExcitementSpeakers share their plans to buy seeds and seedlings for a bountiful harvest, expressing excitement and competitive spirit while discussing various options like strawberries, beets, tomatoes, and herbs. They also mention the importance of keeping seedlings alive.

      The discussion highlights the excitement and readiness of the speakers to start growing their own food, particularly during the current season. They share their plans to visit garden centers or supermarkets to buy seeds and seedlings, emphasizing the potential for a bountiful harvest. The speakers express their competitive spirit and eagerness to choose the right seeds, and they discuss various options such as strawberries, beets, broad beans, tomatoes, onions, herbs, and peppers. They also mention the importance of keeping the seedlings alive once they are brought home. The conversation also touches upon the potential for discovering new gardening knowledge along the way. Overall, the speakers are inspired and passionate about growing their own food, and they encourage listeners to join them in this endeavor.

    • Home gardening for beginnersDiscovering thriving plants at a garden center and using larger pots, nutrient-rich compost, and careful plant selection sets the stage for home gardening success.

      Starting a home garden can be an exciting and rewarding experience, even for beginners. The speaker discovered thriving tomato, pepper, and herb plants at a garden center and decided to purchase them, along with some failed seedlings from previous attempts. These were then transferred into larger pots and given nutrient-rich compost, including a mysterious "Jack's magic" product containing seaweed. The speaker also learned that if roots are growing through the bottom of the starter pots, it's time to move the plants up to larger containers. The garden included a variety of herbs, such as oregano, parsley, and sweet basil, as well as chili and snack peppers. The speaker also purchased a pre-flowering cucumber plant and a tiny pot of strawberries for a collaborative growing project. The experience was filled with both excitement and trepidation, but the speaker was determined to document the process and wishing everyone luck on their own gardening journeys. The discovery of thriving plants at the garden center provided a great starting point for the speaker's home garden, and the use of larger pots, nutrient-rich compost, and careful plant selection set the stage for success.

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    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.

    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. Always check with your consultant or a health professional when following a weight loss plan.